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6 Types Of Synchronistic Connections There Is A Reason For Every Person We Meet - Duration: 4:04.6 Types Of Synchronistic Connections There Is A Reason For Every Person We Meet
By consciousreminder
Nothing in this universe happens by chance.
There is always a higher purpose behind every little thing that happens to us and we must
never forget this.
All our experiences take us one step forward to the place we are meant to go to.
When we meet the people who give us the knowledge we need or something occurs that shows us
the light, we are experiencing synchronicity.
6 types of synchronistic connections:
Those who come to remind you Sometimes the answers we�re looking for
are within us and in our hour of need, we�ll meet people who will show us where to look.
They might stay in your life for only a brief moment but they will be unforgettable.
Those who make you grow There will be people who come to us to offer
guidance and mentorship.
They�ll offer you the support you need in order to become the best version of you that
you can be.
They�ll help you understand your true self.
Those who are here to stay We can rest assured that these people will
always be in our lives.
You�ll meet them when you need their assistance and they will come to stay.
Your connection will be unbreakable and you will experience a lot together.
Those who come to awaken you Everyone needs a good, hard dose of reality
from time to time and these are the people who will give you that.
You might not like what they will show you but it is essential to listen to them if you
wish to grow.
Those who hold space for you You won�t actually get to know these people.
You�ll encounter them by chance, maybe a two minute conversation or just an exchange
of smiles, but the moment will stay with you forever.
Those who are meant to leave There are people who don�t intend to be
around forever.
You meet them when you need the wisdom they can teach you and it might cause you a lot
of heartache to part with them but this is what the universe knows
you need.
BREAKING: It is About Trump's Life As Kim Jong-Un's Plot To Set Him Up At Meeting Comes Out! - Duration: 6:00.BREAKING: Trump's Life In Danger As Kim Jong-Un's Plot To Set Him Up At Meeting
Comes Out!
A North Korea defector is now sounding the alarm about the proposed talks between Kim
Jong Un and President Donald Trump.
The 28-year-old defector told UK media this week that Kim Jong Un is more dangerous than
his father or grandfather because he has more vested interest in becoming a nuclear state
and actually using the nuclear power as a threat to force the world to give in to his
The defector, who asked to be identified using the pseudonym John Choi, said he has come
forward now with this warning because he is concerned about what the despot will try to
do to President Trump once he meets with him.
"John Choi" continued by saying the reason Kim Jong Un is more dangerous than the rulers
who came before him is because he's a young man and doesn't have the experience to think
about outcomes to certain scenarios which only comes with experience and maturity.
He will just act without thinking of the consequences and is dead set on finishing the war his grandfather
started by becoming the ruler of the whole peninsula, he added.
This isn't a difficult thing to see considering how bloodthirsty he has displayed himself
to be.
He has shown himself to be reckless and far more dangerous than his predecessors.
He had his uncle killed by feeding him to lions, and also his brother, and multiple
military generals in order to gain and maintain power and he has no issue throwing a tantrum
or two to get what he wants.
Choi made certain to also mention that each nuclear weapon North Korea possesses cost
800 million dollars.
800 million dollars would feed all North Korean citizens for 2 years, but instead, they starve
and suffer under severe civil rights abuses so Kim Jung Un can finish what his grandfather
Here's more on the U.S. North Korean talks via Fox News:
'President Trump deserves "big credit" for kicking off the first talks between Pyongyang
and Seoul in more than two years, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Wednesday.
North Korea agreed Tuesday to send a delegation to next month's Winter Olympics, which are
set to begin next month in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
The rival nations' talks are the first sign of a possible thaw in their relationship.
Rich Edson reports on the biggest issues at play and skepticism surrounding North Korea's
The talks were held for the first time since 2015 and Moon credited Trump for sparking
them, according to Reuters.
"I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks,"
Moon said at a news conference.
"It could be a resulting work of the U.S.-led sanctions and pressure."
Following Moon's comments, his Special Adviser for Foreign Affairs and National Security,
Chung-in Moon told Fox News: "I agree 100 percent.
Were it not for President Trump's pressures, North Korea would not have come to South Korea.
President Trump deserves credit."
He suggested the talks are a prelude to substantive bilateral discussions between the U.S. and
North Korea.
"North Korea is desperate to have talks with the U.S., but there are communication
What was the choice?
You can go to Washington through South Korea," he said.
As to fears that South Korea will stray from the hard line the Trump Administration has
established regarding the nuclear and missile programs of North Korea, the special adviser
said that would not happen.
"South Korea will go in tandem with the United States in dealing with North Korea,"
he said.
He said the South Korean government reacted to President Trump's support of current
negotiation efforts after past criticism of Seoul by Washington.
"We heard what President Trump was saying: 'We support you.'
Even delaying the joint military drills," he said.
"I think it was an amazing development."
Trump has taken a hard line against Kim Jong Un's belligerent regime, promising "fire
and fury" in the face of North Korea's continued testing of illicit ballistic missiles
and nuclear weapons.
The two leaders have openly talked about using nukes, with both Trump and Kim Jong Un claiming
they have buttons on their desks to launch nuclear-tipped missiles.
The U.S. had expressed concerns that North Korea's willingness to talk with Seoul could
drive a wedge in their own relationship with South Korea, but the South Korean president
downplayed that notion, saying the main goal was still a denuclearized peninsula.
"The denuclearization of the Korean peninsula the two Koreas agreed upon jointly [in the
past] is our basic stance that will never be given up," Moon said.
North Korea said it would still not discuss its nuclear weapons program with South Korea
because its arsenal was only aimed at the U.S.
"North Korea's weapons are only aimed at the United States, not our brethren, China
or Russia," said Ri Son Gwon, the head of North Korea's five-member delegation at
the talks with South Korea.
Ri added discussing North Korea's nuclear program will only damage ties with South Korea.
A hat tip from South Korea to Trump could signal another foreign policy win for the
administration that started the year with a ton of momentum after defeating the Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria.
The Trump administration authorized a more intensive air strategy, which left the so-called
"caliphate" decimated.
The terror group lost 98 percent of its territory it once held, U.S. military officials said
in December.
U.S. officials said fewer than 1,000 ISIS fighters remain in Iraq and Syria, down from
a peak of nearly 45,000 two years ago.'
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