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Liverpool preparing bid for Defensive Midfielder first January signing ● News Now - transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:15.The team has struggled to keep opponents off the scoresheet, often going with the notion
of scoring more rather than defending well.
That change could come in the form of a player this January.
Specifically, defensive midfielder Romain Saiss of Wolverhampton.
The Moroccan international is a rock in the middle of the pitch for Wolves and is a key
reason that the team sits top of the table in the Championship.
Saiss has also been key in Morocco's successful quest to qualify for the 2018 World Cup.
Morocco kept a clean sheet in each of their final four qualifiers, with Saiss playing
the full 90 minutes in those four matches.
It is obvious that he brings a defensive presence to the pitch and looks to be the perfect player
to add to the Liverpool midfield.
There are two issues with this transfer going through.
The first issue is the interest Liverpool has shown in RB Leipzig midfielder Naby Keita.
The young Guinea man has been a top target since the summer and seems to be on the verge
of a transfer to Liverpool in the coming months.
Saiss and Keita would presumably have similar roles in the squad, so bringing them both
in would be unnecessary.
The other problem is Wolverhampton allowing a player of Saiss' importance to leave less
than halfway through the season.
The club has been in great form this campaign and will hope to keep their core players through
January as they push towards promotion.
Despite those issues, Liverpool will need to sign a defensive minded player in January
Whether it is Saiss from Wolverhampton or Keita from Leipzig, the team needs a tough,
ball winning player in front of the backline to help solidify the leaky defense.
Sofia The First Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 72 - Jodie Day - Duration: 46:19.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Come in
No one's there Sofia I finished the haunted Tea Party check it out who I don't know
I can't wait for the party tonight Sofia. This isn't everything I have lots of spooky surprises planned
I know we're all excited for the Halloween party, but let's not let our imaginations get the better of us
Amber we all know there's no such thing as ghosts your father's right
I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this
Curl up in the attic with a good book type of ghost
Wait a second were you the one knocking on the door and blowing out the lights?
Yes, that was I it's not anymore darling because I'm hosting a ghostly gala tonight
Oh, what a party for all the ghosts in the kingdom, but I have to throw my part come on my gala
Ah, which does not give me much time so I'd better get back to it tomorrow. Please sir gasp
I don't want to let my family down only one of us can have up
That time the coziest most relaxing time hey
What's going on who's there quit it are you kidding?
This is the one day Dax finally lets me go out and do some actual honking come on no way I'm gonna stop now
But my haunted castle party is tonight and everyone is looking forward to it. What do I do?
Mostly, maybe I'll tell my parents about them
So all I have to do is keep him from scaring everyone until the Sun Goes Down and I get to have my party quick
Bloom coupe. I just have to make whatever he's doing see not so scary all right do you?
must be Dax oh
Don't worry mom
This is just one of the spooky surprises. I plan for the party I asked mr.. Sedgwick 20 what a bother?
I'll have you know you spoiled a perfectly good scare. I'm not letting you scare everyone away. We'll see about that
Though one and only hey, I'd like to stay and chat, but I got places to hug people to spook
You don't want to do that
Why did you take a break in to have a snack with one ghost out of the way?
I don't see a floating sandwich in fact. I don't see any sandwiches, so you better get back to work
Everything okay? Huh it's okay dad. It's just a magic time Rach. It's one of my haunted castle surprises
And just spooky isn't it see you later
Princess Sofia
Okay, come on so you can tell me the truth
Okay, there's a ghost in the castle too actually brilliant. I always hope the castle would be haunted Oh
Amber better know so all I have to do is scare Princess amber Julia. I can manage that
Hmm because I'm scary enough. I'm frightening enough, and bye, but yeah, this is our room
Come on. Let's begin so
Uh, what's with all the portraits? Oh?
Those are all of Dax's friends and family what it's the only chance. I'll get to see my dearly departed family and friends
Once every hundred years
You know Dex you should really tell us to fee about all this. Maybe you two could work something out
Ah, there's nothing to work out. She wants her party. I want mine. Maybe Amber's up in her room
Hold on I'll be right back
No the ghost okay follow my lead mask before you use my silk sheets
Really Sofia is this the best you can do oh, I hope your party is scary Horseman's. I don't know, but we better find out
Which way did he go? That's it nobo mr.. Pubb's so scary ghosts
- tax what are you doing?
I'm not going to let you stop my ghostly gala darling and since I haven't been able to scare anyone away
I'm going to summon some creatures who will
James I put so much work into the party and it's all for nothing
You tried your best
Sorry Soph I'm gonna go check on mom and dad
No one will attend my gala now no friends no family nobody
A hundred years well, I feel terrible
I was being so stubborn you both were and now he won't get to see his family. I
Don't know what I would do if I couldn't see my family for that long you would miss them
Quite a lot we should have talked about all this in the first place instead of fighting. I'm sorry
No, you can't that is very kind of you princess Sofia, but how are we going to remove all those bats?
Only because James, and I kept getting in the way you could do with his decks you're green you glow
Go spray me you can be frightening right?
They're all gone. I can't believe it. I really frightened them. I knew you had it in your dad's
Thank you princess Sofia sure Dax well. I better go find my family
Rutherford good to see you old chum Johnny my boy. Ah best you have not aged a bit
Hello everyone
Dexter dear the scale is not a ghost indeed. She's not hmm, so we can have our Halloween party
Never worked a girl people always scream and fuss when they see us ghosts
Not if they don't think they're seeing ghosts
You'll be happy to know that everyone is having a wonderful time and the decorations are fantastic
I've never seen such real looking
How is your party going great, thanks to you how's your gala
You are mine and soon the kingdom of hakalo will be too
The creatures has fallen in the ocean and the MRT is gone
Look at that that's a fancy looking G. Hey, maybe we can check let me get back. It's time to go
1,001 Torre's the ultimate guide to be a classic emerald key of hakalo
Kingdom of hakalo is a hidden island only the Emerald key can unlock the passage to this island kingdom
Where is the princess right here?
I'm princess leilani of hakalo, but everyone calls me Lani without that key my family and I can never get home
It's okay, honey. We found your key. Oh, you don't know how happy that makes me
She's trying to steal my key, just like that awful woman last night. You're the one who's lying. It's my key
I needed to get home you have to give it to me
You I'll send messengers out to sea to look for the king and queen of akahl
Oh, they must be worried sick about their daughter. Who do you think's the real princess? It's so Lani Oh?
Give them a test
We have decided that the best way to determine which of you is the true princess
You mean Mikey and I'm happy to do whatever you require
Thank you your majesty the first challenge will take place in the ballroom. Please follow me
Leilani is waltzing wonderfully I
Like it Lani. What is that dance? It's called the swaying blossom
It's the first dance everyone learns in hakalo unless you're princess not as graceful as Leilani swats
Leilani wins this challenge
Wonderful baileywick, let's move on to the next challenge to the throne room everyone. Oh, how nice of you to give me such a wonderful
Thank you um
Excuse me everyone
I believe I misspoke earlier when I called the snail hideous. I meant to say
Adorable, and I thank you for my apologies
Here let me help Thank You m'lady
Now girls speaking
Hey there little fella, did you get stuck in there looking for a snack don't worry, I'll find you one
Are you okay? Not really no one believes. I'm the real princess do they well
We're just not sure yet if I don't get the emerald key back. Don't know your ways or what I should do
far from home
I'm feeling lost at sea
Look for a loan and make it rise
That's exactly how a princess should act I mix the way you've been acting all day with violet and clover
Which means you are the real princess, so you believe me?
It's from within you and not from the book
So it's clear to me
That you deserve
Let your inner light shine
I'm so glad you believe me now. I just need to convince the rest of your family
Oh, you will this will be your room, but let's get you some pajamas first. I know just the thing
My magically
Rise and shine everyone you to Lonnie
What time is it almost time for the last challenge are you okay? Oh?
Really tired Oh
Barely a princess must be smart as well as nimble
Therefore your next challenge is a race through this maze. Good luck and may the true princess win
on your mark
Lonny didn't sleep well last night. I think we need another challenge
No, we don't the tests had three challenges and Leilani did better on two of them
But I am pleased to return to you your emerald key
Again your majesty one of the messages
Did I win where's Leilani where's the key I'm sorry Leilani made it out of the maze first we had to give her the key
Monni sorry, that's why I couldn't sleep last night excuses excuses oh
It feels awful. No true princess could ever sleep on knit well
I know one thing a true princess would never cheat if Leilani cheated then
You are the real princess hello people I could have told you that yesterday
Can go any faster stop that coach at once?
Yes, and now your key is mine
Okay, y'all got an idea tell every woman creature in the forest to stop that creepy lady
Get away
You'll have to get past me first
And my family speaking of your family. I say we head back to the castle and meet them
It means until we meet again until we meet again
Gone with the wand oh, I think I finally got it worthy
Of enchancia to visit him in his legendary Tower of Dragon hold this afternoon
Do you realize what an honor this is there's more this is?
Beau Cordelia the conjurer mr. Pikula sir, I'm Sophia
I'm a friend of your uncle set Rex any friend of uncle cities is the bestest best friend of mine Wow?
Yeah about that Cordelia
I am only in enchancia for a few days
And I'm determined to make the most of it shopping at spells Fifth Avenue lunch at the old you can conjure buffet
Oh, and I'm having an enchanted better. No Cedric. You're such a dear for doing this
What now I'll be back at sundown to pick up my little angel fit
The invitation says I can bring two guests why don't we just see Calista with us? Oh well I suppose me? Oh?
It's just a little phase Callisto's going through she's been taking things. I'm sure she'll grow out of it before too long
Come along what if she keeps doing what she's doing?
Let's go in there's lots of stuff to play with here
Hmm I
Was just practicing a new spell that can put a person inside a mirror
All you need is some water from a reflecting pool and a shiny silver bowl. This is mr.. Ban
Would you like to try some found us among them
Blissful, I'll give you the brand cool of my tower
There's so much to see I'm not sure I've seen everything and I live here
I have so much in here is the fall where I keep all my things?
My wonderful Long's my radio things inside of that take awesome special
Mementos I slap yes. See you will see our mate
That was only the tip of the iceberg ladies and sorcerers there's much more to show you
Amazing wizard uncle ceddy, yes well meeting Merlin was a dream come true for me
He even gives powerful one of the greatest wizard in the world you have to give it back right away
Do gooding old wizard
It's not
That didn't seem to stop you from taking it. I couldn't so only he can use it
You're no match for Merlin then
I'll just take this one back to my fortress and figure out how to unlock it. Then I'll be able to use Merlin's
What are we going to do Merlin invited us into his power he trusted us, and this is how you repay him
I'm sorry
I'll go get the old back for you, and everything will be okay, right we'll take care of this together. Yes
There it is Morgana's fortress
Wait who knew get away from that all
You can escape me watch
What this
Is burglar, that's what st.. Thank you - Morgana with pleasure
I know I didn't think something this bad could happen
That's the problem you didn't think at all you just took things
You're right, okay?
I'm sorry. I took your wand if you help us save uncle ceddy
I promise I'll never take anything ever again. What this calls for is a clever plan
Hmm you know Morgana has so many mirrors in her fortress it's like
Place the wand you wish to unlock on the altar of unravelling
Excuse me your evilness
Did I say not to disturb me? Oh you did it's just that I thoughts. Oh, don't see
admirers closet okay open it
You are agreed
Wait I mean well or the one with the glass slipper oh
Well, that's better I suppose you can stay
Put it over there boys once the dome is attached twisted in a counterclockwise direction
Next drop three troll tears on the dome
Wherever someplace where you can reflect on your evil deeds for a while Oh
Nonsense I haven't had this much fun in years
Farewell I shall always remember the name Cedric the sensational
Which is what I'm going to do from now on that's really good to hear Calista. Let's go home uncle ceddy
indeed Calista let's
Bad little traffic
We can play music make freezenberg grades and have squish berries as a midnight snack. They're my favorites
I can't wait then. We don't have to let's have some now
Chris berries or crackles favorite do him food is my favorite
I've always wanted a baby dragon I didn't have to take care of
Dorable he smiled a
Baby dragon oh
Isn't he just the cutest thing ever where did you find it in the woods? He was all alone can I keep him, please?
Right already we get it. He's cute
We'll take the Betty's to the kitchen please I love your button nose the way you chew your toast
I want to dress you up and cover you with bows. I like every the cutest thing
Yes you
From your shiny skills
Chilled your Wiggly
Crackle no loop-de-loops in the castle remember
Use your inside fire oh I can play you a lullaby
It's wasted on him babies can't appreciate good music
Did you see that clover she didn't even notice me. What are you talking about?
You're a grown dragon, but it's my
blankie come on
He's probably cold. Oh, I can get this paper started. What hold it right there um
You're no baby. You can talk admit it Prabhat. I'll split the take with you if you keep quiet
What do you say pal I?
Say no way you phony baby crook yeah
Krispy is not a baby. He's a mean sneaky grownup dragon crook little crispy was make it rid of you
Tiny baby with tiny paws
Somewhat artist she's never done anything like this before it's really not like her
Yeah, because I didn't do it hmm. They must have been crispy
He's trying to make it look like I did it Sofia wait. It wasn't me who ate the pies honest. It was crispy
I know it crispy, but he's just a baby crackle and but we can talk about it later, okay
I'm telling you it was crispy. He's trying to get rid of me by turning Vivian against me
You're my best friend clover
Take over I told you the tool room see piles of gold gems right behind this door
I mean baby. Oh
You gotta run you out of this joint you big phony? Yeah, I don't think so sweetheart has to do that
You'd have to catch me
Include Glover stuff
Why would you do that? I don't even know what to say, I never thought you could do something like this it was
Me so it was crispy
Out crackle now
It's tiny phony you've gotta tell Vivian, okay, I'll be back
What are you doing crack? Oh wait come back crackle crackle?
So free stop drunk open her was they too hard on her. I never meant for her to leave. I've gotta go find her
Sofia will you keep it?
What double tape a human who can understand animals so let you play well, it's still not gonna stop me see
You are really not a baby, and I can't leave you here. I'm gonna get you out
Listen I know I got angry, but I never ever ever wanted you to leave ah
So I know can you use your amulet to some of the princess to help my amulet?
That's it it can make me small enough to fit through the keyhole. I knew what thank you something
Now you are tiny and adorable, I wish to be big
You're flying. What are you doing? My goodness? Go Farkle right flatfoot you are scoring
Crackle that was amazing cute little crispy as a thief
He is he just wanted to get into the castle so he could steal your jewels
I can't believe it it has crush my mandolin oh
Hi, I never should have doubted you crackle I'm so sorry
Can you forgive me? Yeah?
Boy, yes, and we've got a cozy little fireproof. Cell waiting just for you oh
She's such a good dragon. She's the best dragon
Minimus is missing
See riding a flying horse is so hard
And boom goes amber good try amber. You stayed on longer than I did for my first time
No, she didn't ready to try again. Not if it involves falling again
It was nice of you to come over and help with Amber's lesson minimus anything for you Sofia
Need a scratch what do you say we grab some oats and get acquainted are you sure you're talking to me. You're funny
I'm saffron. What's your name? Oh minimus?
My name's minima, so what brings us sometimes echo knows which way I want to go before I do
So what do you see amber ready to go back out there?
All right, I'll give it one more try
Gone what do you mean gone?
They broke free of the carriage the others are gone, too, what's going on all the fine horses only the flying horses are gone
Yes, constable. Did you see which way they went they were heading southeast fast as the wings would take them? It's not like minimus
Hmm, I wish we could go look for the horses, too. Where would we go we could start with sir Gilliam?
He knows everything about flying horses
Maybe he knows where they went no no not the jewelry the Griffins who guard the duel room they can fly us to Royal prep
Wait, are you suggesting Lee ride Griffin's?
So what are you doing here Sofia? I need your help and your mom and dad to cool
Let's Royal prep great. I'll take the big one amber. You can right opal, and I'll ride Jasper Sofia
We don't have to do this the Knights are already searching for the horses. Don't know how to ride a flying horse either
It's that hard
Just hop on and hold on to the scruff like this, okay
Okay, I'll go but just to Royal prep
Finally we can land actually landing is harder than it looks see you down there
Sir Gilliam
Princess Sofia, what are you doing here our horse isn't missing us
Holy dollars wait every horse in the stable is good look
All flying in the same direction yeah like they're following the music amber we don't have time to argue about this
We're gonna lose the horses. He's right. We've got to hurry amber, please
Can't see anything. Oh, where'd they go, I don't know
Where are the horses I
Have to keep looking haven't we looked enough no. I love minimus, and I'm not going to stop until he's all right
Here and this time we can't lose them, okay
Jasper I want to talk to those horses, can you go any faster?
Wendell is wonderful. Thank you
Looks like they're headed to tangu, I think there's someone on top of it
He looks like a wizard and he's playing a lute
Sorry, I was just trying to help. It's okay, but we got a window. These are us
We can't leave Sophie in there alone James you, okay, so
Through here
The best birthday present ever
Someone has horse pretty much all of us I think
Sophia Sophia
Sophia and he has some kind of magical lute that lured you all here. I think I was better off not knowing
Don't worry, I'm going to get you all out of here right now
Hmm, so there's no way these horses are going anywhere and neither are you?
Well, let's give it a try
That'll hold you
Well I have been looking for you everywhere young man he's mice
I know you got me with that rubbish loose friend
Or you get what you get and you don't get upset and you certainly don't go and steal the entire world population of flying horses
And I can assure you there will be serious consequences for my son's behavior
You are grounded young man
And you'll be spending the rest of the day cleaning out the cauldrons
We're never getting him back into the jewel room are we
Nope thanks for coming after me Sophia any even if it's your own brother
Cédric be good come on go faster
So the answer is an
Extremely rare petal of the alabaster rose this ivory beauty only blooms every 100 years
But now that it's blossomed here
All I have to do is get Sofia's amulet by switching it with this faith one
I made there nice laughs plenty just a few okay
let me go in the
Stone Rose told as a giant, which one will you choose?
I want the power of supreme strength then I shall be the mightiest in the land
With sticky fingers
What what surely not the amulet of course not you would need them to take over the kingdom
Give us something else something is important
Now let's hurry, it's only a matter of time before Sophia realizes. She's not wearing the real amulet
Oh, yes, we mustn't let her see that
Not asking what you need, I'm asking what you want more than anything in the world
My machine might help you get rid of yours
What I meant to say Princess Sophia is that I can do ever say, but well I've got to keep them away
Well looking for Sophia means simultaneously come join me won't you?
Yeah, it's cute. We're gonna go find Sophia now. Have a nice bed
Right clover you know if you guys want to yuk it up with cranky bird here. You'll go right ahead me
I'm gonna go see. What's a fee is up to oh?
I would lie times we must part with the things we cherish most
Take it I exist
Okay, if you're sure
Thank You mr. Cedric, but just a quick one brilliant
You have to get a power the way Sophia gets them by doing very very good
I'm giving all these apples to the villagers oh
No you're not gonna score and me and my boy write one what right oh go team go
We win we win
Yeah nice play wormy we are the victims
They're very sweet
About this for nice supersize el orange tree become a fruity
That was really nice of you
What happened, please make me big again
But Sophia, I need you to help me do more nice things mmm
Lots more I don't ever want to stop and just look around
Till you find someone who's feeling down
Look at that girl
Great job mr.. Cedric you really helped that girl out
My highs I have a new power I can freeze whatever
I want nothing can stop me from - I gotta fix this before severe seers
There you are mr. Cedric and this time I will do anything unkind that would get me cursed
I will not I will not I will not mr.
Come quick. There's someone having a lot of the stones
Well I could but I could also use my magic to build the entire
House the time has come to end this chore
It's glowing. Did you give me a bell when what is it? I don't feel any different
Strengths like this I can overcome anyone who tries to stop me from taking King Roland's throne
Come along princess. It's time to
Read I can't understand you, maybe he can tell me what's wrong with it
That's what I get for having fun
Where are you going that does not concern you now go fetch king Roland. I have some important news for him
What happens your door and Bluebird it's a long story mr.. Cedric. I really need your help
Huh, all right I can repair your amulet what the magic only works if you close your eyes right okay?
Your amulet should be as good as new
Mr.. Cedric you've made me so so happy. I've gotta go Thank You
Sofia mr. Cedric fix my amulets
It's something I suppose
Takes the child the wife take the cow heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes
Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 144 - Red Elephant - Duration: 15:36.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Beauty is the Beast I
May be small who I lack in size I make up for in stainless glowing are you trying to distract me, I'm serious
It's glowing look. Oh oh
a princess must be coming
I'm not going to hurt you
Are you hiding from someone no
Well, you don't have to hide from me
It's okay. Come on out horribly aware that I do not look like a princess
but I
Promise you this morning. I just it sounds like you are cursed
I must have been but I have no idea why and no idea how and no idea what to do?
And I I just want to be myself
My own strengths anymore my handmaidens spotted me like this and now everyone's trying to hunt me down
It connects all the princesses who ever wore it so that must be why I'm here the amulet brought me to help you this time
It's my turn to help another we can figure this out usually when someone gets cursed. It's because they did something bad. Ah
So did you do anything bad?
Everyone knows they're just horrible beasts
You know her everyone does I'm the most famous enchantress and Isleworth yes
I curse you why would you do this now turn me back to normal. Sorry can't do that what?
Don't you know anything about how curses work dear? I think he need true friends?
How can I even find him any guesses go to his house? Oh?
Good you should keep her. I have to go to what goblins
Okay, it's the only bad day. I've ever had, but it is horrible
Hey, at least we know what you have to do Oh ever Lydia
I'm sure she's fine, but to ease the Queen's mind
someone please check on the princess
I'm so afraid goblins are beasts well at the moment. So are you?
Are you okay that goblin was afraid of me wasn't he I think so
Because if we are then maybe the curse will break
Sorry it's never that easy then what am I going to do now?
So let's invite him to one but Sofia
I can't go to a party like this just a little one only for the three of us more like a
Picnic really good idea. I'll wait for you here
But ah no one I
Love all things royal big or small
Cups tea towels tiny spoons open it to the public every other Sunday and on some holidays
It's very sweet of you to share all this. Thank you milady so what kingdom are you from?
Me of course not huh well it does look like a lovely little party
Big ones okay now elephant row Oh
Goblin, goblin goblin took the princess, but the handmaiden said she saw hairy big auntie
Oh, I do love a nice teeth me, too
I'm so sorry. Oh don't be happens to me all the time excuse me
You are quite excused
And I bet you have lots more things in common to party
This sure sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship Smee
You see you're just two people you will find more to add or
Much more to it
So here's a secret
Thank you. I
Don't even know your name. It's Morris and you milady oh, it's um
Charlotte I'll be right back I
Think this is going really well. I know meet him now that I'm getting to know him. He's quite charming
Look footprints Bigfoot, that's the princesses - Yura
Where's the princess
What's going on the royal guards captured Morris why it's too late now
The way he looked at me like
He was so
But Morris get cap but don't give up you can make it up to him
I don't see how you're going back to the castle. No we're going back to save yours
Where is my daughter
How do we know you're really
The princess this could be some kind of trick. Maybe it's just another goblin in cahoots with this one
I'm pretty sure I heard it grunt show yourself
You came for me of course that is not our daughter the princess I
Was cursed and turned into a beast
Because and I hope one day he can forgive me because I would truly be honored to be his friend
The honor would be all mine Princess Charlotte
Thank you Morris. Thank You Princess Charlotte. No one has ever stood up for me like that
I very much like you to be my guest at the summer ball, Sophia. Thank you so much. You're welcome
Can you stay for the ball?
Would love you
But I think my amulet is that I got nothing else on my schedule well
Believe it or not this time my amulet summoned me to help another princess Brickley why he?
The mirror of the Mist
Minimus can you do it going down? That's gone you
And I have miss you my princess
Huh that's a long hug. Oh, you must be sky I
Was my good man, but since I last saw her I have become quite accomplished
You are princess
Christa hello this little beauty can get you out of a lot of jams tell it where you want to go and a boom a
Magical arrow guides you there watch
But mine doesn't have a bowstring of course
There's no bowstring princess
Since your non magical and wingless you're gonna need a flying steed for protector assignments like this
And I have humbly volunteered for the job my princess oh
That's some sweet sky to do the thing you want to be a protector state sure why not wow
I mean it's not off to a protector and training gets to offers like this move it
Christa could I talk to you in private for a moment
Okay, sure excuse me guys
You want me to choose between an O?
It's more of a guideline good because I really feel like I should take both you can't do that
Why not because even a princess can't fly two horses that alene great what think of it as a tryout
Whichever one of you does better on this assignment will get the job permanently all right think it's pretty obvious who that's gonna be
But can you see her in the mist guys please okay?
You got to get the mayor of the Miss to give you a single strand from her mane
That's going to be the bowstring for my which way bow but you do what you know is right?
No matter what anyone else says. Oh, yes, that is definitely my princess then there's nothing to worry about
Except number two yes
But sky hasn't had a chance yet listen princess a protector doesn't mess around when they're in a hurry saying well
Maybe I'll do this
Was there something you wanted so
Beautiful Christa said she's skittish guys, so let's be quiet
You got it fear, and if you decide to fly the rest of the way. I'm your guy. That's okay
Quiet remember she's right you stand thither I'll stand yon thither and yon
I got it. I got it
Not yet Christa we found her, but we may have scared her off
Sorry about that agreed and we have to find the Merrigan
Is that her yonder in the sky?
sister cloud methinks tis she
See it is her who shall you ride my princess. I'll go with minimus because he's faster
Perhaps I might be of assistance
We can use your light to fighter chef Cory stay close minimus
Is that the bear named twas a huyclef hawk, are you sure that's not the mayor shall I follow him
or the mist I
Don't know come on Sofia think like a protector. Okay, tick tock you're running
What happened we uh we
We lost the mayor we followed a hawk instead
We didn't follow a hawk Sofia
But this is your job if you want to get your bowstring and be a protector you gotta make a choice
right now
See you back at the stables if you ever happened by that way again
Now you need to get back to work princess, there's no time for that you're running out of daylight
Come my princess. I will help you complete the task
My name is no you may not know
Only those who are true of heart are a worthy of a magical bowstring
So what shall we do what we should have done before
We're going to get minimus back, but what about the witch weibo a couple times?
Again going in circles story of my life
It was wrong of me to choose between you two you both are important to me
I don't blame you for choosing Scott. You didn't Sophia you're my friend
I should never have told you to leave you are right tis I who should go
Minimis is you're brave and loyal friend if you were true to yourself about being true to my heart
Minimus while you were gone the mayor refused to give me a strand of her mane what she thinks you're not true of heart
Well, maybe she'd give you a strand of her mane now. Do you think we can find her the days not over yet?
Huh we said that at the same time
It's me again Sofia
When I saw you earlier you were right, I wasn't sure of heart. I picked a new friend over an old one
Thank you may you use it wisely I
Couldn't find her with four hubs and a map wait the witch Weibo. Why didn't I think of that?
Stream the phone
Clip that looks like someone got her bowstring and look who's back
I couldn't have done it without them both of them, so you followed your heart
No matter what anyone else Skye. I am honoured, but would you not be better served by the noble minimus?
No, one could serve me better in the mystic Isles, Thank You sky, but back sure why not
We make a great team
Yeah, that's really sweet, but can you use that which way bow to take us home?
Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 162 - Rico Media - Duration: 16:45.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Maybe tomorrow I'm done for today
Trust me I know
But he didn't say what the test was or when it's even coming and then
Victor and Karl are so look you cannot worry all your worries away who said that I did just now
We need your help. Thank you. Oh
That reminds me I need to go pick out a tambourine uh from my grandfather's altar. That's still pretty amazing now
If you only have the power to stop worrying, can you be all set?
Mateo I'm decorating my parents altar early tomorrow if you want to meet up
I never got a chance to talk to them last year
And I could really use their advice about this test will surely be enough to forge a new one
We'll see about that
Worthless just like the rest
While we got the jewel you asked for pool with real power, but we've already searched all of avalor shiriki
Huh you haven't searched Tibet moon
Legend also has it that hidden in a secret chamber in the largest pyramid is the jewel of Moon?
Is the jewel I need get it for me, and I will make you my Lagos
Then we will take off
Hope she looks down and favors it to pick with her was always so much fun
Morning Elena Wow your altar looks great. Thanks
Want to see them, but Victor and Carla?
Catching them could be my big test your test could be anything isn't that the place with the haunted pyramids, Rhoda
Did you say good? I don't do haunted, but we'll be fine
Walking right into the haunted pyramid yes, it's just you and me Matteo
Yes, I mean, that's good because it's an important that we stand guard out here
Can't tell what this town is coming from oh we have to split up no way we'll have a better chance of finding them
All right
It's wrong with her these masks are scary
Who are you? What are you doing with etc right? Oh? It's my royal scepter. I'm Crown Princess Elena. You made it
wait I
Thought the Moreau viens disappeared years ago. We did a gem that is both powerful and dangerous
Many years ago the shadows of the night broke pay the forces of darkness
Its power was so great that it also sends all of the movies to the spoon
That is why I must frighten off all who enter the pyramid
You are alive. Yeah last time I checked you have the scepter you can do it
You could seal up the jewel all of the scepters powers yet, if you want to reveal that which is hidden say
Illuminates, but I know mullion I can teach you the words take hold of the jewel repeat after me
The incantation isn't finished yet, and you could only see me today. Where are they?
Don't worry about me all the tunnels lead to the same place
Not a chance
The princess
What test an Oracle saw a vision of my future if I don't pass a big test hole that is a
rather large mistake
Yes, but you still don't know for certain. This was the test I could not worry about which was more important
I just did what I thought was best for the kingdom and so should you?
I won't give up
Somebody in the Princesa must be in trouble what if they're hurt
Saving you come on Mateo. Help me push her out. I know which way they went
I know, but this is what's best for the kingdom
Thank You Elena you protected your kingdom more than you know and family again I
Have waited so long I know the feeling
Everyone's gone. How about the goats are they gone? They're gone to the other dos mundos is over phew?
Sorry you missed Emily you
Day to remember coming through oh, let me help you with that your highness - pumpkin ah
Honey the job done
So how's everything coming? I don't want to be late that the other los Muertos celebration
What's the rush my favorite day?
There los muertos means more to me this year since mami and papi
We celebrate
Hey, where's your costume?
It ripped when I was putting it on oh I'll have a seamstress mend it right away is it up in your room? That's alright
Oh, wait a second. Where's the pound or say I gave it to Francisco. Hope you like your altar boy
Calling me it was hard to hear over all the singing
So good hi, but you're a spirit Fox, and I'm just an ordinary person
Well you did spend a bunch of years in that amulet just quite just today cuz this is the one day of
the living
speaking apart oh
Sorry, Princesa when you saw me at the cemetery. I knew you were the only one who could help me help you
And you need my help how you must stop them from selling it so you want me to convince two complete strangers
To not sell their restaurant because their grandmother's ghost told me to sweet to order your family
Mine is not building an altar today
It's just down the street. Tell your driver. We don't have much time
You were saying
Hi there table for two can't see me I mean one
Save yourself what why trust me you don't want
Yeah, um I had a big breakfast, so I'm not very hungry
You see got a min. This is why we're still in the restaurant sometimes. It does taste like paint
The truth is Carmen you're just not a good cook. Yes. I am heard. It was pretty popular I would
But she never gave us her recipes our grandmother had a secret cookbook. They won't have to sell the restaurant is she talking to
The great diner there's only one for all of them. I am talking to your grandmother are
You feeling all right perhaps the princesses tires
Ghosts that's amazing not the word. I was going to use now
If there's any chance you know where the cookbook is by all means lead the way
Wait I remember it's in my old vestment of the restaurant in the basement
It's in that box in the corner well princess it looks like your ghost was wrong well
Maybe I would if I hid her cookbook in another box. She was always a little forgetful no
I wasn't to run around the restaurant pretending. He was the bravest knight in the kingdom
Trying to get the customers to joust with him remember that Julio I remember
I'm starving me too. I will eat that would feed us
they'd be too happy eating to stay angry at each other I
Was talking your grandmother I think so
Down there now I can cook all of our leaders famous recipes and I can't wait to try them
But right now
I'd better pick up the bundles and get back to the cemetery, but if a we double it as a recipes
I just don't think you're a good enough cook however
I do think if we sell the restaurant and just give me a chance. I have given you a chance for five years
You know I have gotten our stomach aches and bills we can't both of you
Thank you, please say so for trying to help all I wanted to do was save my restaurant
Well whenever they argued Vanya and Haley Cobb would cook for them
That's it
Ganya and haley Kuwait
I know how to fix things between Julio and Carmen and
Save the restaurant you do him that you are a good cook
Then he won't have to sell the restaurant ho he burned her cookbook yes, but your abuela is right here
Okay now whispers of Rito into the stock
She wants us to add the Sofia me too, but I am always with you in your memories
She says she's always with you. Go away. What are we doing Huli was so stubborn here? I have an idea
It's not really that spire yeah, but the cookbooks gone she told me how to make it and her Molly and Polly
I missed you you I was wrong. Let's eat. Oh
Single estrada, yes, good evening. Yes. Yes because we have the best chef cooking the best food in town
I'm sorry, but this restaurant is no longer for sale
It and then go tell everyone you know cafe Celica is open
Please Your Majesty come back and visit us soon. I will I made fondue say for your parents altar
Don't worry here. Let me serve you a plate
Where is she's happy she hasn't come yet?
Come in what are you doing here sketching hey guess so
Hmm it's almost as good as mommy's almost
Would come in and play wild wild seas
Remember and and and and you jump on the bed so the mattress rocked with the ship in a stormy sea
This is a great drawing of mami and papi
The prosti was fine
What's going on? I don't want to go to the graveyard why not
Like reading stories and jumping on the bed and because if we keep those memories all up if we hurry
There you go mami papi I know they are
Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 296 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:12.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel
Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho
One more time oh what's going on skully? It's so early. That's what's going on Wow
Peter Pan must hold on cubby these presents aren't just for us
They're also for all our Neverland friends
Everyone's coming here tonight for the tree liner, and then we can open the press opening presence of pirate booty
Finding treats and miss talking like lumps of coal and codfish and boys
Merry winter treasure day
Will be what winter treasure day gonna be like without a tree and presence
Don't worry crew we're not gonna let hook ruin anything
Is everybody ready?
My days exist we walk slowly the path you is quite slippery. Just go go
All right through IceCube Canyon and straight on to never Peak Mountain
Pardon me sir loud sounds can make these big guys
If we talk too loud
Right we tiptoe to the canyon safely and we got three more gold doubloons
I'm so sorry, but I have other plans
now run along
At all, but we need our dream presents without them. It's a pirate island bass pixie dust away
The sea pups suit, thank you news, I'll pass I
Don't understand this if these is supposed to be a merry winter treasure day. Oh
Hi, mateys
It looks like it's gonna be a very different kind of winter treasure day this year our
Friendship is a lot better than having a tree or a present
you're right marina being with friends is what's really important yeah, Captain Hook just like we
Believe these things woman for you and your friends not me
We got our tree and presents back and we got four more gold doubloons
Happy with contrition day with all my babies I
Got iced tea check out my new snowboard
Huh laughs I suppose I didn't get a present because I'm have a yo
Ho happy winter treasure day
American to be with all my babies
The footballs all teed up and ready to kick dizzy
Nice kick off easy, let's huddle up
The bad is right. They do make a great team
That must be why they always you make a lot of sense captain. I'll bet it's powers will turn
Even you bumblers into a real treasure finding team
I'm lost
Captain Hook a ball game. Don't worry. Is he the game isn't over yet
Matey's will you join our team and help us get our football doctor look
They know. We've got to stay ahead of Jake and his puny pirates
Now toss me that's really P is. She Kong's Canton. I'll get it boost me boys
Caught up with us, we like
It's up and down chasm. How did you join a chords?
Come on. Help us throw the acorns on top
Everybody throw with us
Behind us into Coconut Grove with your loud
How can we follow hook without any Kampai coconuts we can each stretch the coconuts as they fall
Everybody arms hook must have dropped it. We got it back and we got three more gold doubloons
Let's grab them and go I don't pick up can't go that way
Let's turn around and oh oh can't go that way either
The jig is up Jake. I won't really think we're ready Jake sure cubby the whole time
we're working together as a team and along the way we practice throwing catching and
Well two can play that game hot warp will serve a swab
What you playing Captain of a plan is already?
Great chick is we did it you may have got past my bumbling team Jake, but you
What can we do you for captain
We work together as a team using all our pirate hate time for it get away
Come on count with us, yeah
Thanks for helping us get our football back matey oh
No, I'll never get jake's magical throwy-kicky thing you
May not know loves me though. I beg of you
Ahoy mateys do you want to join my pirate crew
We're wheeling fun
Just exactly how far have we walked we didn't find a single treasure
But captain we still have to walk all the way back to shipwreck beach where the Jolly Roger is anchored
It would be to ride rather than walk. I must have that marvelous wheeled riding machine
Well don't just sit there Smee make it go go
Hey matey's will you help us get our bicycle back
Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we solve a pirate problem
Fast and think smart if we're gonna catch up to him
That will get us to have a banana grow faster
Come on crew follow me on the shortcut, and we'll catch up to Captain Hook in no time
bike ride saves hooks
Oh, what a lovely day for a bicycle ride business we
Try to get across they'll be slippin and slidin for sure I'm glad I thought of it
JD. Are we gonna get past all those banana peels without slipping. I want to swing on let's go
Wonder everything's so bloomin big
Give us our bike back please say, so love you
Barnacles hooks way ahead of us again. Whoa good. Eye. We can ride in the big seed pod like a sled
50 first
I've slowed down if I were them you said it. They're headed right for deeper speed Daniel
Looks like our bike went overboard big-time. Where is it down there?
Whoa Mike take a handful of pixie dust ready to throw it
Hey, thanks you helping us we got our bicycle back bloom
Shouldn't have done this
Come on count with us 1 2 3
Me mr. Smee
Now I have to go all the way across
Neverland to get back. Oh, I know just how you feel
Nosy noise Island
So it's Jake and those puny pirates making all that noise
Wait remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons mateys
Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest
Mr.. Smee now that I have the twangy surfy thing I can finally get some rest hook
Well I suppose I could play a little
cabin, I thought the noisemaker was keeping you awake, and that's why you oh, it refuses to do as I say ah
Ha come Smee we're off to toss this wretched guitar into belch Mountain dancing
I wonder maybe we can figure out where Captain Hook took the guitar if we listen to the song
Let's all listen carefully for clues
Yeah, they're Mountain belches smoke
a volcano
So hook must have taken the guitar to a volcano
Hey, me there was a quicker way to get there
Let's trick my map hook took volcano path this long winding path belch Mountain
But there's another way this
High the red path through slippery serpent forest is the shortest way to belch Mountain
Sure hope we don't bump into any
flip is a slippery serpent and
Slippery things are good for sliding on. What do you think can we slide along the slippery serpents back?
Yoho way to go crew we owe thanks to your help we reached the volcano before Captain Hook just in time to
There's a guitar I won't be able to throw my guitar into the volcano
But how can we get the guitar back from hook and get back down the path?
I've got good fun is
We got two gold doubloons, let's grab them and go way to go Izzy this oughta slow him down
How that little flying music Jake this lot of power things
I didn't know Hook and Smee could fly
Home sweet hideout let's come on. Let's count our gold doubloons
Tell with us
One two three
Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 306 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:26.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Maya Graham Channel
SUPER GORGEOUS Kareena Kapoor in kenya TO WALK THE RAMP FOR BESTIE Manish Malhotra - Duration: 1:25.SUPER GORGEOUS Kareena Kapoor ARRIVES NAIROBI TO WALK THE RAMP FOR BESTIE Manish Malhotra
Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 66 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:46.Please. Like,Comment, Share and Subcribe to see more. Thankyou!
The princess prodigy
That's excellent and now rankled yoga. Yeah 14
but not
For departure chooses baron van Broca, I've been to every one of his magical music concerts
Good job judges show us your score
Skol from the very
Piccolo, did you see how my magical must ailed me my adoring fans?
Expected me to be the very best
I must replenish my magic
And it was very charming it certainly was piqued Lord. I have found your school bands performance absolutely
Didn't we piccolo, would you perhaps be interested in learning the art of magical?
Musical music, and uh is there any way you could teach all of us
Not quite what I had in mind, but yes, I could teach all of you
Why are you gonna teach us to do that?
No, no that is an advanced spell that only now before we begin. I need to make a few adjustments
Since million is clearly the star
Princess Vivian must have no distractions from her soul I get a solo, but of course oh
This looks really tricky, which is why we must devote the rest of the Oh
Oh you were supposed to please not distract Vivian while she's working on her very important solo
let us try it again from the top, it's
My amulet lets me talk to animals. Oh well to be honest. I'm not much of a talker
I'm more of a singer you think oh, I used to we are done for today
But you lucky children will enjoy lots more practice time with me tomorrow. Oh
You must stop worrying about the other members of your band, they are only holding you back just imagine this
Will just remember you are the star I am the story all right Thank You baron van Roca
Your songbird talent, you know I had to do that taking your musical talent gave my powers our booths
Quickly students everyone inside let us begin practicing right away
We barely made a peep I really need to concentrate of course you do you are the star of this band
That's right. I am I thought we could have something fun to be ending like this oh
Let me try
We're all done with this bin forever
What can't you see this solo is really hard if I'm going to learn it in time for the next band showdown
I don't have time to do silly dance moves with you
He started acting like she was the star of our band like she didn't even need the rest of us
I'm sorry honey that must have hurt. I don't think I want to play in the band with her anymore okay, mom I will
Thanks oh
Good you're all here
I wanted to tell you about a few changes the Baron and I wanted to make to the band
Way in the back over in that corner, so I definitely won't get distracted during my solo
We'll barely have enough room to play over there Vivian. Oh, that's okay. The Baron says everything the uniforms look nicer and
Can't believe the way. They're all acting Vivian. I can't believe how you're acting it. Just isn't fun anymore
Sophia wait, no let us get started
Baron von Roca I have bad news. I'm so sorry
I'm really going to miss playing with Vivian, and I'm going to miss wearing these fabulous uniforms. Oh
Come on Sofia. Let's go
That's strange you didn't cast me magic spell yes rest up. Goodbye
Don't be grow your talent is gone and that means it is now mine
That will give you back the talent, I borrowed, but then why should I I?
Have changed my mind. I shall keep
Do something so awful erase this spell if you play this in front of fun rocker it will give back all the
Musical talent he's ever stolen. I've got to go play it right away
I'll get the bed
Vivian is heartbroken and we have to help her
I don't know Sofia after the way she treated us von Roca was using her the whole time oh
Where are you all going? We'll explain on the way come on
We know what you did to bits amateurs are no match for a musical genius some is my sense
Is go and I'm going to make sure it stays that way forever
Your musical thievery is over Vera. I'm sorry
I wish I could take back all those terrible things
I said we're just glad you got your talent back and just in time for tomorrow's band showdown
Gone with the wand
Here, I think I finally got it worthy
Of enchancia to visit him in his legendary Tower of Dragon hold this afternoon
Do you realize what an honor this is there's more? This is going to be the?
Bow Cordelia the conjurer mr. Pikula stop, I'm Sofia
I'm a friend of your uncle Cedric's any friend of uncle cities is the bestest best friend of mine Wow?
About that Cordelia I am only in enchancia for a few days
And I'm determined to make the most of it shopping it spells Fifth Avenue lunch at the all-you-can-conquer buffet
Oh, and I'm having an enchanted bitter no Cedric
You're such a dear for doing this, but now I'll be back at sundown to pick up my little angel thing
The invitation says I can bring two guests why don't we just take Calista with us? Oh well I suppose McCool? Oh?
It's just a little phase Callisto's going through she's been taking things. I'm sure she'll grow out of it before too long
Come along what if she keeps doing what she's doing?
Let's go in there's lots of stuff to play with here
Hmm I
Was just practicing a new spell that can put a person inside a mirror
All you need is some water from a reflecting pool and a shiny silver bowl. This is mr.. Ban oh?
Would you like to try some fungus among them
I'll give you the
To see I'm not sure I live here I have
My wonderful
There's much more to show you
Wizard uncle ceddy, yes well meeting Merlin was a dream come true for me
he even gets powerful wand of the greatest wizard in the world you have to give it back I
Do good in old wizard
It's not yours that didn't seem to stop you from taking it. I couldn't so only he can use it
You're no match for Merlin
I'll just take this one back to my fortress and figure out how to unlock it. Then I'll be able to use Merlin's
Don't worry uncle ceddy, I'll get you out of this mess
What are we going to do Merlin invited us into his power he trusted us, and this is how you repay him
I'm sorry, I'm
I'll go get the owner back for you, and everything will be okay, right we'll take care of this together. Yes
Verities more ganas portraits
Wait collector don't who knew is away from that central
What's this
Burglar that's more said take you to mo, Ghana with pleasure
I know I didn't think something this bad could happen
That's the problem you didn't think at all you just took things
You're right, okay?
Sorry, I took your wand if you help us save uncle ceddy. I promise I'll never take anything ever again
What this calls for is a clever plan?
Hmm you know Morgana has so many mirrors in her fortress it's like
Place the wand you wish to unlock on the ultra of unravelling
Excuse me your evilness
Did I say not to disturb me? Oh you did it's just that I thought oh, don't see
admirers - I said, okay, open it
Wait I mean well or the one with the glass slipper oh
Well, that's better I suppose you can stay
Put it over there boys once the dome is attached twist it in a counterclockwise direction
Next drop three troll tears on the dome
Wherever someplace where you can reflect on your evil deeds for a while
Oh nonsense I haven't had this much fun in years
Farewell I shall always remember the name Cedric the sensational
Which is what I'm going to do from now on that's really good to hear Calista. Let's go home uncle ceddy
indeed Calista let's
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 481 - Duration: 15:46.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Clover time Oh
Sophia look look that cloud looks like
He wants come inside no I better hop back to my rabbit hole before I have to swim back. Okay. See you tomorrow
You know it
And what second most important?
But why just tonight we always have so much mom a new sleepover and who knows when the rain will stop
You should just move in we can be roommates
That's the you make me
You make me wanna sing
all day long
Oh we better pick that up, so
Chari Culver, I was just gargling yeah, do you think you could go a little quieter? I'll try I
Don't care if it's good, or well. You go back to sleep
Kids we have some exciting news
Bryce twig Lee is coming to paint pictures of our Castle, so
Everyone will see what our rooms look like mm-hmm. When's he coming in two days?
Oh, it's just enough time to completely redecorate my room. I hope we have enough glitter don't forget
Thank you for breakfast Sophie
Wasn't your bed over there? We've got to make it look as nice as possible, so will you help me clean up?
Yeah, sure, but can we do it later I'd rather do something more fun right now. Oh
Good point great, then let's start cleaning up okay
I'm going to paint some flowers, and I'm gonna paint the things I love most in the world sorry about that
Clover now. We're going to have to clean up everything again
But I have a room to finish decorating of course princess amberle my grand theory of the universe
Can wait now let's see
just take a peek through the telescope and
Master Erwin, I think the cover is still on the telescope. Oh yes the
It's just past the tip of the unicorn horn
Boy showed I have to check all these charts well everyone
But if it turns out you've discovered the star you My dear princess get to name it
Your days over here now the Sun moves the bed moves, and now you know clovers secret the great clever
Goodnight princess
With you how's it going not, so well there's an artist coming to paint my room the day after tomorrow
And there's carrots feathers and fur everywhere
Robin runs a tight nest good idea. Thanks guys now you should get some sleep
I'll try I could be the first person in enchancia to find a new star since Griffin major was discovered
Princess amber your gown fitting is in a few minutes
Oh Can it wait sue says I'll just take the charts back to my room so I can redecorate right after I finish my celestial epic
Lover I have something for you rule number two no carats on the bed rule number three no carats anywhere
Wait a minute stuff. Let me see this thing
Rule number four no cannonballs on the bed
Don't do this don't do that what am I supposed to do so free loves parties, and you're invited oh?
Wait talk but not you really get me
Positive if you need a snack, but leave some cashews for Sophia she loves those. It's a surprise
Where is the dance floor party animals it's time to break out my shimmer. I really think there's
You're not so easy to live with yourself
You wake up too early you gargle too loudly, and you make way too many rules
maybe becoming
Thanks, buddy
I supposed to sleep oh
I guess this is better than nothing
King Roland an oh my this is princess Amber's room
It's time for mr. Twig Lee to paint your room
You love the stars don't you princess amber. I - I really do
And I'm gonna capture that love on canvas
It's getting everywhere
Just like my fur was
Sophie yeah, good morning. It's fun to cannonball on - Sophia does cannonballs oh?
I see I'm not the only artist here. Oh my friend made that right back
Clover are you in here?
It was a lot of mess I should have been cleaner and I could have been nicer
Ha ha guess being roommates was harder than we thought huh, but we're such good
Really oh
I suppose I should move back. Well. I guess we do make better friends than roommates
Oh that reminds me. I have something for you
We can do it in the morning
There's my star. I checked all the books and the star isn't charted anywhere, which means I discovered it so Walt oh
Me too princess
Princess butterfly
James what's going on in here. We're setting up for the All Hallows Eve costume ball
Do you know what you are going to be I'm going to be a fairy queen I'm going to be a leopard
I'm going to be the winner just like last year and the year before I
Love winning of you. You'll all have to make the costumes
Yourselves doesn't that sound fun you mean our hand maidens will have to make the costume
Amber are you okay? No. I am NOT. Okay. I've never made a costume myself
Sometimes I don't even dress myself. It's not that hard
Amber everything okay
Where'd you learn then a Swizzle stitch a Swizzle stitch
Mom you taught me how to do a Swizzle stitch before I give one
Sophie oh you you made that I know it's beautiful isn't it it's even better than my dragon
Good luck topping that
cheetah Cedric
Princess amber. What are you doing here? I need your help Cedric
What else would I be doing here with us - not just any costume the best costume for the school ball
Oh right the ball now. I had heard you were supposed to make
Now take these magic crystals
Sprinkle them on right before the ball say the words
I have just come up with the most brilliant plan to get Sophia's amulet and amber is the key oh?
You will yeah, you look so great
Thank you, so do you really I'm supposed to be a leopard, but all my spots fell off not all of them
There's one Oh, No
Sophia hey you guys seen Xander he completes me. I think I saw a dragon's tail over by the band. Thanks
You're gonna win the contest Sophia I just know it don't turn nice
Amber your costume is amazing and you made it all by yourself. I'm so proud of you
Thank you
Him and the winner
Come here let Cedric have a look oh
It's one potion that can undo the spell and remove the costume
What is it? Well it requires two dragon eggs for Griffin feathers and I?
Don't know she really loves that amulet isn't there some other way. Nope not well will she get it back
Oh, I'm afraid not so I have to use it in the pirate. Oh amber
You're a very small princess the smartest the princess in the castle
or at least I
Hope you were
Kicked in enchancia will soon be mine and once I have it in my hands. I'll finally have the power to take oh
Yeah, I have a great idea
Amber why are you still wearing your costume? That's my idea?
I thought it would be fun to dress up for okay amber you won, we get it
You don't need to rub it in sheesh we better go I'll dress up with you on another day, okay?
Why are you still wearing your costume it is an excellent Christian Clio amber oh well
These wings everything all right, yeah, just great
Can you tell me how to go upside down on the bars, it's really hard for me, oh sure
What are you doing?
I do that
You are flying
The wings won't come off
it's like I'm part butterfly and says the only way to undo the spell is with your amulet my
Amulet I know it's a lot
It doesn't matter why I need the amulet you need it more if it's the only way you can get better then it's yours
Really you would do that for me of course you so much for offering, but I can't
He's getting away, maybe not
You go that way, I'll go this way and we'll corner and you'll get words
Remember here you go. Thank you
Miss flora I have a confession, and I can't wait to hear it. I am a butterfly
But I'm sorry I shouldn't be jealous of you Sofia. I should be grateful because
You would do anything for me is there any way that you can fix me of course dear oh?
We can do anything
Discus your discs at all now return to together. Oh great idea then I'll win for sure
camber just kidding
Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 343 - Santa Media - Duration: 16:48.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Santa Media Channel
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 67 - Green Elephant - Duration: 14:46.Please. Like,Comment, Share and Subcribe to see more. Thankyou!
Her Royal Highness, Oh
What's so amazing about them, they're half seal so they can swim and flip and do all sorts of seal stuff in water
But sealians are also half human, so they can walk on land
Silly Rick
Sealians because they live on an island in a stormy triangle this rainy part of the ocean that's really hard to sail to awesome
Yes, indeed now since your father is in Tango's. I haven't gotten dead anything for his birthday yet
I have a hard time getting your father presents too after all he is the king?
But I'm sure he'll love anything you give him Sofia
Do you think I could see all the way to the stormy triangle with your telescope? Oh, let's find out oh?
Well well, what do we have here yes wait amber?
Amber it might not be what it looks like I saw it through my desk oh
He's cute, right I found them earlier and wanted to bring them some food oh
Is that so sure is and just so you know he it can look a lot different than what's really going on
I guess you're right. I won't spy with my telescope anymore unless I see something really interesting
Amber amber. I think you should look too. I think I see a seal Ian what where right there
What's the mean
Some people think the sealians use an eerie song to put people under a spell and lure them out to the stormy triangle
We have to tell bad, but he's in pain do remember oh
Then we have to go after her ourselves
The harbor are we gonna spend the day at the beach sweet
I don't see that vote anywhere. What do we do now we have to keep looking - let's do this way?
Excuse me
That's my boat, so that's not what you're looking for is it wait
Is it no a sealian took our mom on a boat much bigger than that?
Cillian did you see you're an expert on sealians?
Indeed I do I mean
I am well then maybe you could tell us where they might be taking our mom maybe I could if I
Was not me nor you nor you nor me. Oh wait
I already counted myself, so everything you said net article was just guesses hunches big number crunches
That's why I'm here to funk but since they live out here where the weather's so unkind I have never laid eyes up on there
Wanna feel it
You can ride with me professor actually if actually it might be a bit squished on those steeds that I'll take my boat
Oh well, let's see I may need this so not always good to have this probably but you never know
Oh, this will be most handy
Alright, I'm ready
No, I think I see real live sealians
Fascinating creatures
We have to follow them they might lead us to mom yes, please no, thank you or who's it making them look even more fascinating
We thought that Dean was gonna take you away forever
Sealian what are you talking about? I saw it with my telescope
Cleaver at your service milady is it true. Have you recently had a close encounter with the seal Ian
I don't know what you're talking about
Captain Mackintosh has been giving me sailing lessons so I can surprise your father and take him sailing for his birthday
Sailing lessons so but with our sail, torn. I'm afraid we're not going anywhere
Meteor horses can polish the ships too heavy for that
My are jumping on your ship uninvited, but we were hoping you could help us get home. Help you
Okay, so this is the situation we were out surfing this morning
We use the horns to help each other find our way out of the rainstorms in the stormy triangle like hello
We're lost in the storm two to two, and then I'd be like thank you. Oh, yes, so I did it
There you are we found these on that island earlier are these cocohorns. Yes, they are
So it's good young majesty nice mother
We've been looking for you all day
Who are they they helped us get home yes they did I mean we did
And if it's well we don't want people thinking strange things about us perhaps
You should stay with us for a while and tell our story. Thank you my dream has come true
I still need a present for his birthday mm-hmm would it be okay if I took one of your cocohorns? I know she just loved
Coming about
What more could a man want for his birthday. I'm hoping something like this. It's a sealians horn is it now
Fantastic, I don't have anything like it. Let me start with the sealing song this morning boy were we wrong
Nutini on the block
Where are you racing off to Sofia?
For the royal family of tangu a gift for your new palace museum. This was sent to the wrong Kingdom American fine
One little peek you've hurt. Oh
Liam what's so important about this dusty old a mashup? Who are you?
I'm princess Sofia well princess Sofia. This is your lucky day
What kind of fantastic residence a wish you you want? No?
Come back
Thought genies were only supposed to grant wishes to the person who lets them out of the lamp what now Miss
I've never lets a genius
You poured it refers teams, I wish it would rain is sword land accounts, please
Kazeem you have to stop granting wishes and you have to get back in your lamp right now. Why would I stop granting wishes?
Granting wishes makes people happy
Now how am I going to find him madam you betcha madam you betcha, I need your help new look. Tell me you
And Kasim is there he is not, but Genie Patrol is Genie Patrol
They will help you find your missing genie. It is what they do. Okay? Thanks
Jami patrol
And no, I can't find him well you'll have to talk to a patrolman Miss
Kitty and then he grant you three wishes when you let him out no
but he's been granting everyone else's wishes see it's his first time out of the lamp and
well-versed ina
All the genies here really just you what no no no no, no, okay. Yeah, you got me
We're a little understaffed now. If this Kazim is a young genie fresh out of the lamp
He probably hasn't learned the genie rules yet
He right you can grant three wishes that's one two three Rule three when you're done given wishes away
You smell that what it smells like wishes bingo
Just as I suspected
A birthday party what is that mean? It means elevate crop? You know the party doesn't start until this evening
Oh we know, but we thought we'd come early to watch Sophia and Xander's rehearsal and provide a safety net just in case
Oh hop on I'll take you to look for Sofia myself. Oh come on Rollie. Oh
Me too
Only grant wishes to the person who lets you out of the lamp. What are like writing
Everyone's wishes and I like going to bed at night knowing cookies are bite-size
I'll let you off with a warning problem, but I'm not going in my lamp, and I'm not learning any rules. I'm
And you can't stop me
No Sofia only the genie who grants a wish can undo the wish rule 21
Now get back at your lap with your hands up, please caffeine do what he says
Quit kids wish for sergeant fizz to be stuck in that way and it'll grant all your wishes
He's getting away
I can only the genie who grants the wish can undo the wish remember rule 21
Wait, are you still there? Yes, and I won't let you down Sarge
Let's catch that
Are you okay, yes, no, what happened out here
Mean granting wishes all over tango
A lot of wishes Oh Sophia you were supposed to bring the box straight here without
Opening it not to mention tracking down that genie
But I want to fix the mess I caused please give me a key to Majesties. What could you possibly do Princess Sophia?
Come again if I can get Kasim to see how unhappy he's made everyone then maybe he'll undo all his wishes
It's a long shot step right up and make a wish oh
What a beautiful day, I wish we could sit up on that cloud and look what's all that commotion down there
It's all the wishes. I branded see how happy I've made everyone, but are they really happy Kazim, huh?
What do you mean take a closer look grapes you can start by granting my three wishes all right? What's your first?
Wish I wish for you to let sergeant fizz out of your lamp do I have to?
mm-hmm wait search of this
Kazim is ready to follow the genie rules. He's granting my three wishes right now. Is this true yes sergeant
Thank you
Hey, it gets lonely being the only officer in the genie Patrol, but not every wish comes true hmm
But maybe this one can what do you mean? I'll be right back if that's okay both of you, okay?
Now wait just a second. You said it gets lonely being the only patrolman
It won't be the same without you partner Sophia. It's time for a carpet dance
Well we never rehearsed, but the show must fly on
Big Phonics Song | A-Z | Alphabet Videos | Learning Videos For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:24:21.Hi kids!
Guess who's is here
Yes its me bob...
Join me for learning street with bob
"Hello Kids! I am Bob the Train, your DJ & Host. Welcome to our PHONICS SHOW.
"Our participants in this show are the letters of the alphabet. Isn't that cool?
They will sing, dance and teach us sounds that start with the letters.
Now, let's say a big hello and welcome to our wonderful judges"
Are you ready, judges?
Yes Bob!
"Let's give a very warm welcome to the one and only Awesome Letter Mr.A
You know what they say… An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Ah-Ah… apple Ah-Ah… apple
I definitely can't have ants in my pants
Ah-ah… ants Ah-ah…ants
See you later Oh Mr. alligator
Ah-ah… alligator Ah-ah…alligator
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Yes, it's an airplane!
Ah-ah… airplane Ah-ah… airplane
Here's my favourite kind of corn Acorn. Acorn.
Ah-ah… acorn Ah-ah… acorn
Who's that in a cape? Why, hello, Mr. Ape
Ah-ah… ape Ah-ah… ape
The best of the lot that's an astronaut
Ah-ah… astronaut Ah-ah… astronaut
There is nothing as pure and bright, As an angel dressed in white.
Ah-ah… angel Ah-ah… angel
Slick and narrow, Is this sharp little arrow
Ah-ah… arrow Ah-ah… arrow
If you fall and hurt your head Call an ambulance whose light is red
Ah-ah… ambulance Ah-ah… ambulance
Ah-ah-ah-ah He is Mr. A. Amazing Mr. A.
That's how you say. Ah ah ah Awesome Mr.A
Judges, can we have the scores!
Awesome!Astounding! Absolutely perfect! Admirable! Amazing
Thankyou Mr.A, and you Awesome Judges
We will be back soon with the sweet sound of other letters of the alphabet
. Till then Adios !
Hey kids!
Watch the video again and count the number of words
That start with the letter of the alphabet in this episode
Don't forget to put your answers in the comment section below
Thank You!
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Car open MMs & Friends 2018 New Year Gift for Kids Children Toddlers Jingle Bells Song for Kids - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Zombie Run vs Subway Surfers Washington iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:11.-------------------------------------------
Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 240 - Duration: 17:18.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE video! Thank you very much!
Mickey Chrismas Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 304 - BURNS MEDIA - Duration: 20:06.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Doc McStuffins Interesting Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children 14 - Emma Dale - Duration: 18:27.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Very big knot ladies and gentlemen may I present however new kites could dance like a ballerina
Careful Emmy, Oh dog
You did get a turn do you want to hang on to Frida till we get back?
Sure, have fun
Okay, dad
Will magically make myself fly away know if it landed on me, then I'll fly away right go to get free
chili you don't fly away and
Frida who wants to help me get free to fly
Okay, stuffy here you hold on to Frida over your head. No wait
What's the signal thumbs up thumbs down I got to do a dance or my time?
This one's for you Susie the Sunnyside upside down twist
They don't work going anywhere holding on to my leg silly
Just for a second and miss a day like this
Are you okay flickering fireflies
Awful what happened up there you need a checkup
Frida I have a diagnosis
Don't tell me okay. Tell me wait. Don't tell me. Oh just tell me and let's get this over with already
It means I'm going to have to get that knot out
Chuey magic doesn't work remember Oh
Frieda don't worry. That was vertical
The sooner we carrier giant nanak ptosis the sooner you can fly you do want to fly again
Not yet the knot is
Really big hey Frida. Uh care for some dragon entertainment
You don't have any feet
Doc almost up, but that doesn't mean it won't come back. Oh, my what's a fairy to do?
I had the giant not to toss this once really it's really important to take care of them
So you don't get tanked I have to brush Bella's hair a lot
But I still make sure it's always clean and sunshiny
Everybody's here or strings
So Freda, are you ready to fly again? I'm ready now. I'm going to need some help with the launch oh
I probably need rescuing. Let's see this head nose button you can definitely stay
Rosie's a real toy ambulance don't you think she should play that role? Huh yeah, I guess that makes sense
Actually, I don't know hi sir Kirby volunteered to pretend to be hunt Oh
after building
Sir Kirby is just pretending to have an accident. All right. It's a game. Oh boy
Chili man, it's important to become just breathing and breathe out
Good you might hold more time to let the EMTs take over learning stuff really carefully
Maybe we should play somewhere Doc's mom can't see us
Hey guys we were gonna play a game that wasn't so loud remember right you are stuffy, but alas we are not playing
Right let's see what would Rosie do you know?
We have to stay calm so we can think about what we need to do. Oh, yeah, right to stay calm. We breathe in
Sound advice me lemme thanks for lunch mom. I'm gonna go play. See you later. I wish I had her energy
Rosie I need you to drive sir Kirby to the clinic
I'll Drive. This is most confusing what happened well. I went to look for my shield you see and
Accidentally knock down the building my god all twisted about and my back became my front oh
Oh, this is the other way around
Will I ever see my noble feet again of course?
Yeah, maybe somebody else can be the ambulance this time
I don't know just not feeling so hot right now. You need a cuddle
Thanks Lambie
But I don't think Saul can help me
Rosie what happened out there
I couldn't handle the pressure in a real emergency doc when a new paintjob I could be an ice cream truck
Panic-itis doesn't mean you have to give a rescuing
It's just it wasn't a hard operation, but I panicked and couldn't move Holly reminded me
I knew what I had to do from what I hear when it comes to rescuing you know what you gotta do oh?
That sounds like Julie stand back doc. I got this
Coach know my stuff is coming out
Remember Ginny you're stuffing isn't coming out. It's just the dust bunnies from under the couch. Oh
What do you know I love bunnies? Oh? Thanks doc these dust bunnies are so cute
Case of the hiccups
Lily I see with my mail invite every day and this has never happened before
She must be broken
Being a doctor to stuffed animals and toys
Emmie your mom just called to remind you about your piano lesson oh, yeah, I forgot
What's going on going on Mele your microphone is working
But something else in you is broken. You kept repeating when Emmie and I were singing with you
Mom I'm going out to the clinic I have a patient to take care of whew anything I can help with
Nellie has a very unique problem. I can't stop stop stop saying ah
You stubby Millie oh
It's kind of what I sound like when I have the hiccups the what ups the hiccups they sound like this
Hiccups my dad taught us all kinds of ways to try to stop the hiccups
but what our what our what our hiccups my mom says they're
You can make em go
Simple widest chicka chicka chickabee honestly
So you can shake them and lose them whatever you can do until you make them make them make them go away
So what is loud loud loud oh?
No, it didn't work. Didn't work. Didn't work. Then we have to try something else
You melted me with your fiery dragon breath Oh
Chilly take it away, Milly taking it away
There was another time when my dad tickle
I think I broke my funny bone laughing so hard you could break 40 bones suey oh wait
I don't have bones too wide and I won't be ready be ready be ready
Any other suggestions doc well hiccups go away after a while, but that's if you're a kid
Sorry I?
Meant to do that too
stuffy you've done it I have I
Mean yeah, I do the problem must be with Millie CD
Hmm good, or bad good clean as can be I really hope this works
I just want to get back to my music. I think it worked already I
feel better so much better
Thank You doc for taking all the ounces away
You're welcome now isn't it time for your solo doctor by day
- your mom's ready to see the superstartastic sisters
Big number, are we ready did I hear Milly you heard Milly?
Superstartastic sisters are awesome
By the time we finish in the world except for buddy
Okay, let's rebuild them out
fie fie fie ready for hands scooping Riggo
Doc there's something wrong with will shock doc McStuffins
Doctor to stuffed animals and toys at your service
I already tried begging it, please take real good care of it. Don't worry well
I'll take great care of him come on. Let's go on the slide
Dr. Bones when she's done
And this here's my best friend Riggo we make a great building team
Yeah, yeah, that's great, but we don't have handy yakety-yak
We got us a mountain to listen to this guy, would you I'm gonna tell you something, buddy
You're the best pal a truck like me could ever have
You know it let's do a checkup and try to figure out what's wrong um?
Do you need a volunteer to show where we go doc?
I just give a little tap to see if her leg is working right you
Know if that little lamb there
It's like a bonus cut I mean it really hurts when I try to move my scope
This is a tough case, but I'm not gonna give up to like crack it
Mom mom Donny got sand in my eye. It was an accident. Okay, let me see
Wow it feels better already, thanks mom my pleasure
Sand yes, that's it
How about you to take a few more slides down the slide? I think I know how to fix Rico
Oh that is great. Nose. Isn't that great nose? Yeah? What is it doc?
Yo that must have happened at the Avalanche
Buddy is right doc. I was up to my scoop in sand. That's what's making your arm stick
I'm gonna be really careful from now on but listen doc. What about my sandy scoop syndrome, can you fix me?
Absolutely here's what I need you to do
Don't let anyone see us, buddy
Way to go hey you know II
Remember squeakers give it full power now. That's what I call teamwork
Okay Rico, here's the big moment let's see if your scoop moves
Thanks a lot doc and you want to know something else you are the greatest building stuff
Why don't you give him a try?
Good job, thanks Lambie sometimes. I really really really really love my job
Go bingo beginners
Want a carrot doc oh no. There's only one marble left whoever
You can call me Gustave don't you go worrying about a thing doctor that won't hurt nobody
Doping is just what doping Gators do
Will you keep an eye on these Gators for me? You got it doc the dragons got it all under control
Listen up. I'm in charge now
Sorry about that carry on I've got everything under control
Wow would you look at that?
Good, golly. You're totally full of marbles. I have a diagnosis
screwdriver, please Hallie
And now it's time to get you I'm stuffed, thank you go Gustave good as new I
Sure do feel better, and you know what?
Oh hey Donny cuz he needs to start gulping if he's gonna control all of gatoropolis
Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 187 - Amber Morgan - Duration: 18:12.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
The legend of snap
And the great outdoors that is pretty great outdoors
I'm gonna guess that that wasn't supposed to happen
Okay before we hit the road to go back home. We'll just pop inside this shop, but don't worry
There's a window so I can keep an eye on you from inside the store. I don't know maybe
It's time to get Bob's fishing pole
I got a tale for you
Know what swam off with your Bob's fishing pole well hello there mister have we heard ol snapper
Bingo well old snapper is a monster that roams deep beneath these waters
But ever he finds in the lake to his hideout forever
There's an island in the center of this lake snapper Island most likely, that's where you'll find Bob's fishing pole
Thanks, Quincey. You're a huge help. Wait a minute there
You're gonna need a bigger boat
Be more boats at this part of the lake
Rolly Rolly
Hey, whoa why it's bingo and Roley my two favorite puffs and
That's the legend the whole snapper yes sure
He probably took your fishing
Then let me tell you both what I'm about to do
I'm gonna get you at the snappers island so that you better yet. I'll just make you one wait here
Wow sweet logbook don't know the water news in puppy power - that'll cross the lady
Doesn't scatter sad you know really I always feel my bravest when we're doing something again well bingo
That's the power of puppy power okay, Rowley. We're here
Snapper Island now we just need to find Bob's fishing pole
So that was easy I can get us there faster with
Only power to the rescue
Bob's gonna be so happy when he gets his fishing pole back
It's gotta be old snapper he's come back to Bob's fishing pole
You follow the bubble trail what do you say Roli you think you can swim some more
No you breathing down back of my neck
We scoot you puppies you're scary could you're born from the mother look at the lake
Yes, I do look pretty scary with all this gunk that gets all over me when I swim oh
You mean the shiny red stick someone left in my lake as a gift yes, they belong to our owner Bob
He dropped the fishing pole in the water when you took the Bobby thing. Oh, that's terrible
For a turtle come on hop on
Wait a minute my fishing pole at my barber
This is the life they say is 50 feet tall and lives in a big castle on an island in the middle of the lake
What are you singing about those floaters I put in your collars were great next time we're at the beach
Can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back
Well, it's a little more quiet
What am I supposed to be listening to some are singing back to me, and then things got really peaceful
Which I liked the singer Sherman kind of sad?
So we go find out what their shirts and about so we can help them go and that's not so full of dog singing
I'm a robot a
robot song
What did you hear that singing coming from it was hard to tell I guess for me to look around till we figure it out
Well he was a chance in front of an audience, I'm never gonna pass that up
Okay Rowley, where should we look next I don't know
I haven't heard that singer singing for a pretty long time out here looking out bingo and Roley leave us alone
Cupcake on a mission to find whoever it is my brother heard singing
Have you been singing to me, yeah, I was the one singing
Whales right
After I swam and swam, and you looked around for my family, but I
Couldn't find that so we're gonna have to figure out how to get you from here to there
And if we're gonna help, you well get anywhere you should probably swim like a while while we're doing it
What are you two doggies doing going splashy splashy flashy like a whale?
Rolly and bingo you to be the motors, and I'll be the captain
Let's try to make this voyage little less spinny
Wow I
Didn't come in this way
And I don't know how I'm gonna get out this way either because I haven't learned how to jump out of the water
Yeah, that was something my mom was gonna teach me on this trip
Okay, let's make this happen. I know it's a little scary trying something
Get you, oh wow, how didn't you where the big ocean is?
Pink okay you heard that for sure I
Like seeing those two being so heavy yeah watching whales
And here's a picture. I took them two whales jumping out of the water
You know next time I go well watching. I should take you guys with me
There's the sign I've been looking for
Now that is one fine-looking broccoli
Hi there puppies hey little piggy we're waiting for Bob he's buying vegetables
Well, do you want to come see the most awesomest place here?
You mutt is fun, but I don't really wear a puppy house
That's why after we pigs get all muddy well it sure looks like you had fun exploring the farm
You little monsters I can hardly tell which one of you is which I?
Know hiss see these two are a mess, and then you go ah
I guess I should go first. I really can keep pretending to be a pig
Yeah, you might want to leave him in there extra long since he was extra piggy when he went in
I never said I was my name snapped
No Bob must have brought that piglet home by mistake. I found this one sleeping near a tree
Yeah, I'm sure he's as hungary's all of you yummy. Yummy yummy. I get to fill my tummy
We're gonna curl up like we always do and go back to sleep wait where's bingo
I can't go to sleep without my brother a dog who's starting to wonder?
Where his brother the dog is that's so silly how you play pretend I?
Know where are you you and I are going on a mission
Except nothing looks familiar unless this to--they
Thanks for lunch piggies, but it's time for me to go
That was a nice place to visit, but I don't want to live there without bingo. What's she doing out of the Pigpen little piggy?
Goodness you're not a little piggy at all
You're a puppy you must love your brother a lot. I do and now I need to figure out where to find him the
Farm has got to be close by which means my brother is too Rolly
I knew you'd come find me. I just knew it when we were
Let's make sure we're never separated then we have to figure out what that formula vaana's it's right there
Wait I did not make you dry doggies
Well it looks like you two are in the mood for a fetch filled day, but I've got something better than a drippy old stick
Bandit just for you
I've already started over on several versions of this invention because they weren't working right. I hope this is the one that finally works
Somebody needs to bring it back
Somewhere but you can't get it there it goes again now watch it come right back
See you later doggy dance
Too bad about that stick it seemed real nice fur stick I wonder why I didn't come back
Rowley Bob said he needed to start over with a new version of his invention so maybe we should help him by getting rid of
this one for
We're trying to get rid of you
Bob says we're always leaving our toys here, so this is the perfect place to get rid of the stick
That's perfect place to get rid of what they must alone cupcake oh
This is a weird game that stick likes to play keeps wanting to come back to us because that's what Bob made it to do
See you later stick I mean we don't want to see you later stick yeah, you've been grounded
You're good holding early it just keeps wanting to play with us two more
Okay, if that stick is gonna keep coming at us
That's Nick won't be able to find us if we hide in there
What that sick just will boring Eddie boring boring boring in here and then we'll have to run away again
What's that sound
Did you just please stop trying to come back to us
The sticky situation
Not yet, not yet
Me neither, but at least we did what Bob wanted us to do?
Yeah, we want to get rid of something we get him Garden widows
Listen are you two having a doggy?
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