Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 25 2017

OMG Condom Tricks

For more infomation >> OMG Condom Tricks || How is Possibile it's by Young Girl - Duration: 2:05.


Every kid is born a superhero - Jake Thomson - Continue your journey - Duration: 2:31.

- [Jake] I was walking to my first day of high school,

when a kid turned around and asked me where I was from

and I said really proudly, I'm Aboriginal.

Later on when I got home,

I walked into the kitchen and I asked my mum,

what does it mean when someone calls you an Abo?

She didn't say anything.

She just put her head down

and tears started streaming down her face

while the water was running down the sink.

That day I went from being a happy-go-lucky 11 year old,

to all of a sudden a kid

with a big chip on his shoulder.

It wasn't until I was in year nine

and I was sitting with my grandfather

when he asked me, what's going on?

So I told him.

And he said Son,

you know the only reason

these people are speaking to you like this,

or treating you like this is because all they see

is what is depicted of Aboriginal people in the media.

These kids don't know anything about Aboriginal

or Torres Strait Islanders or what they're really like.

And then he goes why don't you show them

the best person you can be?

Then they can't say anything about you as a person,

about our family,

or about indigenous people.

After that, I went back to school

and I changed my outlook a little bit.

and school did start to become

a much more fun place for me.

Those kids who were picking on me,

started to become my friends.

And knowing how strong and beautiful my culture is

it made me just want to show them

more about indigenous people.

The organisation that I'm a part of now,

is creating change for a positive future here in Australia.

I tell the kids that I've mentored,

You don't understand how lucky we are today.

My mum when she was born,

she came under the Flora and Fauna Act in Australia.

When your grandparents were born,

they weren't even counted as human beings.

It's up to us to keep fighting

the good fight for those people

because the next generation deserves more

than what we had.

And it's not until we're on a level playing field

that I think my job is truly done

as an Aboriginal man.

The first lesson my dad ever taught me

is knowledge is power

and the more that you know,

the more of the world you'll get to see.

So furthering your education

whether that's going to university,

going to Tafe,

doing a VET course

or even entrepreneur training

will give you a strong foundation,

and a positive pathway.

What I love the most about being a mentor

are those moments when you work with the kids

and you see their eyes change.

And they say you know what?

I can go to university.

Or you know what?

I can be a doctor.

The ethos I've always carried with me

is be the change that you want to see in the world

because every single Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander kid is born a superhero,

we simply give them a cape and teach them how to fly.

For more infomation >> Every kid is born a superhero - Jake Thomson - Continue your journey - Duration: 2:31.


Please Help Me to Decree that the Truth about Vaccinations Is Revealed Now - Duration: 5:04.

Please Help Me to Decree that the Truth about Vaccinations Is Revealed Now

by Therese Zumi Sumner

I have to say that some years ago I decided that from now on my blogging would be focused

on information about the Event and the Disclosure process that I �knew� to be the truth,

along with advice to help our Ascension process from reliable channeled information.

I felt that I had posted so much info pertaining to the madness, chaos, deceit, lies and manipulation

and decided then to leave that informing to others.

I had devoted a page on my website to truth about vaccinations and posted many articles

about this on PFC and my blog and felt �enough of that�.

However, just the very thought that a child close to me might be vaccinated shortly due

to peer pressure brings out a deep anger within me that I must do something about.

I have consciously fought this practice of vaccinating ever since the truth was revealed

to me in 1988-89.

I had my own alternative practice from 1987 � 2002 where I spread the information I

knew about to parents of small children.

Some years ago, when 6-700 {65% teenagers} in Sweden contracted the disease �Narcolepsy�

proven to be a �side effect� of the swine-flu vaccine, I was thanked by a neighbor on behalf

of her three sons who had wondered �why were we never vaccinated at all� after a

close friend of theirs got narcolepsy.

All over this planet there are maimed and lamed children after vaccination programs

like the one for polio in places like India.

It makes me so sick to think on this subject.

The vaccination ideas were created according to Cobra in the Nazi concentration camps during


Just one example of evidence I know to be true is that sometime in the 80-90�s Finland

carried out the biggest ever polio vaccine operation ever in any other European country.

Later when a polio epidemic arrived the worse cases of polio were to be found in Finland

in the vaccinated population!!

Do you really think that the multinational pharmaceutical companies want this type of

info to spread?

Did you hear about the doctors in the USA murdered for speaking out?

I just went to the PFC search engine and put in the words �doctors murdered vaccinations�

and found more than a dozen articles posted about these truths by most of the people collaborating

here on PFC.

By the way did you know that many of the war veterans from the so-called Gulf Wars came

home in wheelchairs without having been in action?

That their problems arose from vaccinations prior to their postings?

I just went out now to see what I could find on this and here is one link I found but there

are many more if you�re interested.

Did you know the extremely sad truth that 85-90% of autism is related to vaccinations?

This is all a part of the elite plan of �Eugenics� to weaken the entire human population.

At this point I wondered should I mention Bill Gates deep involvement in eugenics and

his slip of the tongue some years back when explaining how the overpopulation problem

could be balanced by among other things vaccinations!

I decided last night I should mention him as I read through Benjamin Fulford�s weekly

update when he spoke about Gates like this �Microsoft founder Bill �Vaccinate Them�


The amount of human suffering in the wake of this mans �work� is undeniably enormous.

You know I could go on and on and on, but I�ve done enough of that.

If you do not know what vaccines contain then I suggest you go to a site called Vac.

Truth and find out.

So, I did not post this article to convince the already convinced readers.

I posted this to ask you as a Lightworker to join me now in a special decree to Source

to bring out this truth to humanity NOW:

We could decree something like this:

I {your name here} declare and decree and command in the presence of the Council of

Love {name if you wish any or all Guides � Light Beings}

that I wish that the truth about vaccinations be revealed now to the human population on


This is the will of Source {� your name �} and so it is, and so it is, and so it


Please assist me in spreading this appeal to as many as you can.


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