The Truth Is Out Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton As President
the evidence that Russia wanted Hillary as president is now overwhelming
despite the liberal left's continued narrative that President Trump colluded
with Russia offended America reported there is mounting evidence that the now
discredited dossier was used as justification for seeking a secret FISA
warrant to wiretap Donald Trump and his associates anyone involved in the
creation of the dossier or the use of the dossier to seek out a fissile
warrant may be guilty of colluding with foreigners to influence the election
because after all Christopher Steele is a British citizen Democrats say that by
attempting to undermine those who colluded with foreigners to create a
dossier entirely filled with false information Republicans are simply
trying to furnish the Trump administration with political talking
points in July the Washington Post reported that the Russian lawyer who met
with Donald Trump jr. Natalia vessel mitts kaya has previously worked with
fusion GPS on a lawsuit although the firm has said that they has no
involvement in vessel MIT's cares meeting with Donald Trump jr. many are
doubting that claim Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E Grassley
posted a complaint on his website which alleges that fusion GPS violated the
foreign agents Registration Act by not filing proper disclosure when
representing foreign entities the Senate Judiciary Committee is currently
investigation Fusion GPS among other firms for violating the foreign agents
Registration Act if it is found that fusion GPS did indeed act as an agent of
the Russian government when they published the now discredited dossier on
Trump that would mean that Donald Trump and his campaign were victims not
beneficiaries of Russian interference in the election on July 26th Fox News
reported that Senate Democrats used a preliminary maneuver to prevent key
witnesses from testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee bill
Browder the CEO of Hermitage Capital Management a Russian markets focused
hedge fund was set to lay out for the committee how fusion gps was hired to
use a highly damaging smear campaign against his firm
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