Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 25 2017

The Truth Is Out Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton As President

the evidence that Russia wanted Hillary as president is now overwhelming

despite the liberal left's continued narrative that President Trump colluded

with Russia offended America reported there is mounting evidence that the now

discredited dossier was used as justification for seeking a secret FISA

warrant to wiretap Donald Trump and his associates anyone involved in the

creation of the dossier or the use of the dossier to seek out a fissile

warrant may be guilty of colluding with foreigners to influence the election

because after all Christopher Steele is a British citizen Democrats say that by

attempting to undermine those who colluded with foreigners to create a

dossier entirely filled with false information Republicans are simply

trying to furnish the Trump administration with political talking

points in July the Washington Post reported that the Russian lawyer who met

with Donald Trump jr. Natalia vessel mitts kaya has previously worked with

fusion GPS on a lawsuit although the firm has said that they has no

involvement in vessel MIT's cares meeting with Donald Trump jr. many are

doubting that claim Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E Grassley

posted a complaint on his website which alleges that fusion GPS violated the

foreign agents Registration Act by not filing proper disclosure when

representing foreign entities the Senate Judiciary Committee is currently

investigation Fusion GPS among other firms for violating the foreign agents

Registration Act if it is found that fusion GPS did indeed act as an agent of

the Russian government when they published the now discredited dossier on

Trump that would mean that Donald Trump and his campaign were victims not

beneficiaries of Russian interference in the election on July 26th Fox News

reported that Senate Democrats used a preliminary maneuver to prevent key

witnesses from testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee bill

Browder the CEO of Hermitage Capital Management a Russian markets focused

hedge fund was set to lay out for the committee how fusion gps was hired to

use a highly damaging smear campaign against his firm

For more infomation >> BREAKING: The Truth Is Out Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton As President!!! - Duration: 2:30.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 Gameplay - Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Live - Black Friday Is A Black Holiday? - Duration: 7:29:32.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Battlefront 2 Gameplay - Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Live - Black Friday Is A Black Holiday? - Duration: 7:29:32.


Eddi Ambulance is in Bad Condition due to Intense Fight Between Protesters And Police - Duration: 1:00.

Venezuelan Demonstrators are Fighting to Overthrow the System

Standing Rock Protector's Arm Blown Off By Police Grenade

Her Şey Aşktan - Tek Parça Film (Yerli Film)

Mupparimanam Tamil Full Movie

Historia Jednego Marszu / The Story of One March / (ENG SUB)

The National for Thursday July 13, 2017

HyperNormalisation 2016

Improve Vocabulary ★ Sleep Learning ★ Listen To Spoken English Conversation, Binaural Beats Part 18✔

For more infomation >> Eddi Ambulance is in Bad Condition due to Intense Fight Between Protesters And Police - Duration: 1:00.


USA, is chaos Black Friday: shootout at a mall, severely wounded a 19-year-old - Duration: 3:03.

USA, is chaos Black Friday: shootout at a mall, severely wounded a 19-year-old continua su

Se in Italia abbiamo il problema dello sciopero dei dipendenti di Amazon durante il Black Friday, dall'altra parte dell'Oceano la situazione è ben più grave nel giorno delle spese pazze del Venerdì nero.

A Columbia, in Missouri, un 19enne è stato ferito gravemente nel corso di una sparatoria nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale, mentre la folla era in coda per entrare.

Non è ancora chiaro se la sparatoria sia stata accidentale o intenzionale.

Stando a quanto scrive l'emittente locale KMIZ, sarebbe partito un colpo dopo che il giovane ha provato a mettere l'arma da fuoco nella fondina.

"Poco prima stavamo parlando di come pensavamo che quest'anno fosse una fortuna che non fosse successo nulla durante la settimana del Black Friday, e poi usciamo fuori e questo è quello che abbiamo visto, ha detto a KSHB, Brittany Huhn, un cliente del mall.

È un po' spaventoso ad essere onesti. La polizia non ha effettuato arresti.

Vogliamo sottolineare che nessuno è stato in pericolo, ha detto il sergente Clint Sinclair del Dipartimento di Polizia di Columbia.

And its not all from the USA.

In Alabama , the Riverchase Gallery mall was forced to close ahead of schedule after a fight broke out.

According to, a person has been injured in the incidents.

On social networks, some movie clips caught on the scene where two women are furiously quarreling between clothes and other objects before the agents intervention.

However, the police did not know that they had stopped.

For more infomation >> USA, is chaos Black Friday: shootout at a mall, severely wounded a 19-year-old - Duration: 3:03.


When is the best time to have your images taken? - Duration: 1:37.

Hi this is Lisa, from Sweet Wishes Photography and today I am talking to

about the perfect time to take your photos and this is the Golden Hour.

This happens actually twice a day. So these photos were taken at sunrise and

the golden hour for sunrise is just before the sun comes up or just after

and it just gives the most beautiful lighting and this was a maternity photo

session I did for these clients. This is a time just recently that I was at the

beach with my husband and it was just before sunset. So the hour before sunset

and we were there around 4:30pm and we left around 5:30pm. Just as the sun was

going down and it was just beautiful here. These were all taken at The

Spit at the Gold Coast and it is just such a stunning area here and it's

where I do quite a lot of my photo sessions and it's such a lovely time to

do silhouette photos as well. So I hope you enjoyed this and if you did please

like and comment and share it along... I'll see you soon, thank you

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