What is Replication Server Data Assurance (DA)Option.
Well, the SAP Replication Server replicates data
from your primary database (source) to the replicate database (target).
DA compares the row data and schema
between the primary and the replicate database.
DA reports discrepancies
and helps you to reconcile data inconsistencies.
In short, while SAP Replication Server delivers data in real-time,
DA ensures data consistency.
DA is a scalable, high-volume,
and configurable data comparison product.
With DA, you can run comparison jobs
even during replication
by using a "wait and retry" strategy
that eliminates any down time.
You can compare row data between
any combinations of SAP ASE and SAP IQ
IBM DB2 Universal Database,
Microsoft SQL Server,
and of course, SAP HANA
databases in a heterogeneous comparison environment.
Let's see what's inside a data assurance system.
The DA system has a central Data Assurance server
with zero or more DA agents.
The DA server is a Java server application
and includes Data Assurance System Database (DASD)
and an embedded DA agent.
The connections to the primary
and replicate databases are established using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
All database connectivity is performed over JDBC.
An agent connects to a database,
reads table data and metadata,
performs pre-processing logic,
such as hashing, compressing or sorting
and returns the data to the DA server
for further processing.
The DA server communicates with DA agents
using Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI)
and its own Data Transfer Stream (DTS) protocol.
Now, at a high- level, let's see
how DA typically compares the source target rows
The DA agent selects all the rows
from the source and target databases.
The agent processes each row in the stream,
hashing and sorting as applicable.
Rows may enter the agent unsorted,
but always leave the agent sorted
by their row key.
Processed rows stream
into the compare function in row key order.
DA tells you which rows are,
Consistent, Missing, Orphaned, or Inconsistent.
DA stores the results
in the DA System Database.
You can generate reports
and reconciliation scripts when required.
For more information, see the
Replication Server Data Assurance User's Guide
on the SAP Help Portal.
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