Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 24 2017

Hello my name is Diana and I am a Witch. I understand that this might raise some

issues but I'm cool with it because I believe that all women are strong and

powerful. So I would like to talk to you as witch to witch.

When I say that word, I mean, connected, like a woman following her own path.

Connected, like a woman connected to her own sacred creative power. Connected, like

a heart centered entrepreneur, like a spiritual business owner. So I would like

to share with you how I use practical magic in my business by following the

energy and the flow of the moon cycles. Because I believe, that, the spiritual

stuff can bring you actual, tangible results like from new ideas to new

opportunities, increasing your sales, increasing your income and taking your

business to the next level. So I would like to share with you three tips how

you could use the energy of the Moon in your business to get more results. Here

is the first tip, how to harness the dark side of the moon to gain clarity in your

business so your clients can clearly see you and choose to work with you. And this

is where it becomes interesting because one side of the moon is always in the

dark. This is a great metaphor for us because we can be often afraid of the

dark, of our own shadow side. What I like to share in my community is a

simple series of questions presented in a workbook that is helping us to

identify and clear away those negative energies, so we can create a clear

energetic channel within us. Here is what the moon is amplifying for us: at

full moon when the moon is her brightest, one side is totally lit up and

the other side is in the dark. Right? So the light and the dark is fully together.

And when you are shining Your brightest, meaning, you are fully embracing your

gifts and serving your clients, you are following your path... you are shining your

brightest... and if, at the same time, you are willing to

embrace your vulnerabilities, your imperfections, your failures, you're bringing

your light and your dark together. And showing up that way, you really empower

yourself and you empower your clients even more! This action will result in

helping you to get your story straight and present it to your potential clients

as part of a clear energetic sales funnel. Here's the second thing I

want to share with you: How to activate what you want to manifest in your

business by using the corresponding moon cycles. This is what I'd like

teaching to my clients that the moon has got four cycles, four different energies,

four different focuses. And they are in a constant movement, a constant momentum. So

whether we decide to join into that flow, or whether we decide to get stuck, it's

there. The only way to unstuck ourselves is to dare to move, to dare to

join into the flow, to take that action that we have been avoiding to do, to stop

procrastinating! Because I am sure, that we have all experienced that when we

finally shift our focus, shift our energy and move on, that's when we get the

insights! That's when the solution appears right?! I would love to share

with you all the four phases of the moon but for now, I'm going to talk about the

full moon, and full moon is about bringing those things to light that you

have created. It's about manifesting and, because of

that, this phase can be often misunderstood. Because it feels like, you

know, it's all about manifesting and creating so it must be about action and

moving and being busy. But actually, it's the opposite. Full moon is reminding us

to take a pause and reevaluate how far we have come. What I like to teach to

my clients is to take a pause at full moon, regularly take a pause

at each full moon, and have a look at how far they've come,

what they have created and say thanks for it. The next thing we do is

go through a simple checklist that is helping us to identify what's working in

our business and what's not working in our business. What are those things that

we want to keep working and expanding and what are those things that we want to

let go of and create space. This is how we expand. This is how we regularly

check in and know where we are, so we can keep walking towards our vision.

Directly along that path, take away any clutter, and be in the flow, and speed up

our results. The third thing that I would like to share with you is: How to

use your own feminine cycle as a strategy to know when you should be

working, and, to know when you should be resting and be in alignment with your

own feminine flow, with your own feminine rhythm. Because when you stay in that

alignment, you increase your productivity. You can increase and boost your sales!

How about that?! So it's important to be clear about how we want to work, what

work means for us and how is that helping us, you know, how we want our

business to look like for real that is in alignment with our own feminine body,

with our own feminine rhythm. You see, I believe, that, the moon cycles beautifully

mirroring our own feminine cycles. Our feminine mind, body and soul is

deeply connected to the energy of the moon and to the moon

cycles. The moon cycles are affecting us on many level. Affect our fertility.

Affect our energy levels, our sexual energies. In other words, the moon cycles

are affecting our productivity, creativity, mental and emotional energy.

When we choose to honour our energies, our own feminine rhythm, we join into

this effortless flow of creation. We can take our business further and

further without burning out. We can make things happen without trying to

make things happen. So I love to teach in my community to really get in alignment,

in a holistic alignment to get support and honour your body. So this is

what I wanted to share with you for today. If you've got any questions, please

comment below the video and I will come back and answer them. And if you're

interested to join our community, very soon I'm opening up the community again

and welcome new members. So just say in the comments below, I'M IN, and I will get

in touch with you personally, and let you know how you can join us!

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Moon Wisdom For Your Business And Life - Duration: 7:24.


FNAF SISTER LOCATION Song by JT Music - "Join Us For A Bite" [SFM] »TŁUMACZENIE PL« Polish lyrics - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> FNAF SISTER LOCATION Song by JT Music - "Join Us For A Bite" [SFM] »TŁUMACZENIE PL« Polish lyrics - Duration: 3:47.


Big box vs. local - shoppers weighing options for where to spend their money - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Big box vs. local - shoppers weighing options for where to spend their money - Duration: 1:58.


Cocoa Daisy unboxing for December 2017 - Duration: 3:30.

more beautiful in person if you can imagine!

Beautiful artwork, reds, greens a little pink and blues

Seasonal but no blatant holiday stuff

Sorry about all the barking

die cuts

Personal size planner pages

the notepad has a very light dot grid!

For more infomation >> Cocoa Daisy unboxing for December 2017 - Duration: 3:30.


UBC Lace Up For Kids - Duration: 2:38.

Hey everyone my name is Megan, and I just finished my midterm season which means

it's time to celebrate a little bit!

Tonight is an event called Lace Up for Kids, it's hosted every year at UBC I

think this is its 10th anniversary. Basically it's raising money for rare

diseases at the BC Children's Hospital and it's event that a lot of people come

together for and we skate at the Doug Mitchell Arena, which is our main arena

on campus. There's also an improv show and dancing and music and it's just a

very fun time and I'm really excited for it! Before that me and a couple friends

are going to head to dinner!

Are your lacing up for the kids?

Olivia: Hi guys I'm Megan's friend, Olivia and we just had so much fun at Lace Up for Kids

We love that we can come out and support BC Children's Hospital through UBC rec

I just got home from Lace Up for Kids, it was a super fun event and all for a good

cause. And I got to have a really fun night out

with my friends to celebrate kind of the end of final seasons.

Jenna, you're in the background right now

Jenna: hello!

Unfortunately we spent a little bit too much time at dinner and we missed some

of the other fun things that were supposed to be happening at the event,

such as all of the performances and I know there was a silent auction, but nonetheless

we still had a lot of fun is skating around and listening to music

Thank you so much for watching! Bye

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