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OC Dad Being Called Hero For Helping Nab Upskirt Suspect - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Despite Record Losses, Musk Optimistic About Outlook For Tesla - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Isocube isolating box : for small & big players! | SAMES KREMLIN - Duration: 0:52.Hi, I am Laurent Magnier, product manager at SAMES KREMLIN. Isocube is your safest
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Loreal Elnett Satin Hairspray: Trying it for the first time - Duration: 6:42.hey everybody welcome back to my channel so this week's haircare review is on the
Loreal Elnett satin hairspray so if you'd like to see it first impressions a
little demo then please keep on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe
to my channel hit that notification bell also bookmark my page I upload a video
every single day of the week and I don't want you guys to miss any so guys I did
pick this up at my local Kroger's for three dollars and 59 cents which is
actually a really good deal because there's hairspray is crazy expensive
especially for the drugstore guys I got three different prices here $14.99 at
Ulta 1406 at Walmart and $15.99 at Walgreens guys sorry it Gino's so guys
that to me it is absolutely crazy crazy crazy crazy okay so guys this does have
a cult following I've never tried it because it is so expensive but when I
saw it on sell for less than 4 bucks I decided to give it a go so guys this is
extra stronghold you're supposed to be able to brush this out it's not going to
leave your hair feeling crunchy or flakey it has an ultra fine mist has
clean feeling and lightweight and it has a satin touch so we're gonna go in and
give it a try still has never been tried so ok so it just has a tab that you kind
of have there we go okay so it's going and give her try remove the security tab
and shake and spray within 12 inches got it
okay let's go ahead and see see how she does
it is really really fine mist it's got kind of a powdery like it smells like
hairspray and it smells like there's powder in it too
but supposedly sorry guys I know it's gonna be all through the film I do think
I'm gonna like this just I mean cuz like the bangs like sometimes when I use my
suave the misters a little strong a spurt out it at yeah but this really
does have like a really really fine mist um stronghold I mean I don't know maybe
because I'm used to like my hair feeling crunchy but I mean if you guys see it
you can still move yeah really really fine mist guys hmm so just gonna let it
sit here for a minute yeah guys it's not crunchy at all it's weird huh I'm gonna
have to try this out on the days that I'm actually gonna be going to work and
doing stuff because I mean my hair still moves which is nice because sometimes
when you use hairspray and I have to spray it a lot then I've got that helmet
thing going on but this is it seems nice I'm definitely gonna have to give it
another go this is just a first impressions but first impressions wise I
like it I can see why so many people like this I can see why it has a cult
following do I think it's better than most drugstore hair sprays yes and no
scented very very very very strongly so I'm not like sensitive to scent but even
this for me is a little strong okay it smells good don't get me wrong but it's
it's pretty strong the price K $14.99 to $15.99
that's expensive for a drugstore hairspray you do get 11 ounces of
product or 312 grams but guys still that's pretty pricey but it does seem to
have good hold it isn't crunchy and guys my most favorite thing about it is the
delivery it is very very like it says very very very fine mist it has a micro
diffusion technology I can see it does sprout very very finely this supposed to
be you be humidity protection as well so guys it does have a 4.2 star review out
of like thousands of reviews because a lot of people really do love this
supposedly stylists like to use this I've never seen a stylist use this but
it does seem like a really really good hairspray is it $15 good yes if you have
the money if you have the money to drop on an expensive drugstore hairspray then
I say do it I don't think you'd be disappointed they have set free because
I was online doing some research they do have set free they have one that is UV
protection so it looks like they've got quite a few different varieties of the
Elnett satin hairspray but guys yeah I'm liking it I would maybe try I personally
myself I would probably try the scent free because it is very strongly scented
once again I'm not sensitive to scents but if you are I think this would do you
win I don't think you would enjoy at all I think it would probably make you say
trigger a migraine whatever it does to you I think this would do it but I do
like it I will continue to use it and guys I'll leave will also leave in the
description box because I'm gonna try this for work and stuff like that I'll
leave but down below how it actually held up throughout the day was it all
day hold did it protect against humidity all that so check back and see what my
final thoughts were cuz this was just a first impressions but you guys thank you
so much for watching I really really appreciate it I hope you enjoyed this
week's haircare review if you did then please go ahead and give this video a
thumbs up I'd really appreciate it also share this video even though I guess
everyone in their mom and dog and cat and grab
knows about this hairspray this is the first time I've tried it out of 33 years
in my life but go ahead and share this video also leave a comment down below
what is your favorite hairspray is it the Loreal Elnett satin is that suave
what is it what is your favorite hairspray out there let me know down
below and guys also make sure you guys follow me on my other social media
twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat it's all a bunch of glam babe
and we'll see you guys tomorrow for another video great one guys bye
Train for hills in a flat place! (plus more running Q&As!) - Duration: 9:05.How can you train for the mountains when you live in a flat place?
What trekking poles and budget packs do you recommend?
Are all ultras for mountain goats?
Find out in my new, weekly Q&A series answering all your trail running questions
Hi I'm Claire from Wild Ginger Films, the trail running advice and inspiration channel
If you're new here then make sure you click the subscribe button, and any
books or gear that I mentioned in my videos you'll find links to in the
YouTube film description below. Just click show more or the drop-down arrow
for details. So let's answer that first question.
So first of all this is definitely possible, but
you do have to use a bit of imagination and do multiple hill reps on the longest
rise you can find. My favourite weekly hill session for mountain ultras is five
times five-minute efforts up a one-kilometre hill, wearing my race pack
try to keep the same consistent speed throughout so avoid starting off a
flat-out sprint. Remember to keep your training specific to your race as well
so if the ascents are really really steep you'll probably be hiking so train
for that with multiple fast hiking reps on a really really steep hill, possibly
with poles if you think you'll be using them in the race. If the hills are more
gradual and runnable, do multiple hill reps on the longest gradual hill you can find.
There are a few technique tips you can use too, for example: Three Peaks
ladies record-holder Vic Wilkinson recommends a short quick stride, keeping
your shoulders and chest open rather than hunched over which compresses your lungs.
She also advises running at a consistent speed so that you get into a
steady rhythm up the hill. For more of her top uphill and downhill tips you can
check out the video here. If there really are no natural hills where you live or
work then do reps on stairs in high-rise buildings flats and multi-storey car
parks or even the slopes down into subways and up over bridges. A friend of
mine called Raj Mahapatra trained in London and Manchester, both very flat
cities, for the Bob Graham round about 65 miles with 42 peaks with over 8,000m
of ascent in the Lake District (the record that Kilian Jornet just broke)
Raj did hour-long sessions full of repeats (reps) on steps up two bridges and
on a short rise to a bench where he would do step ups and squats.
Inspired by Raj I created this 4-part Bench Beasting workout series so you can
use this to train for hills in flat places. The video is here
Legendary fail runner and busy working mum to two girls
Helen Whittaker nee Diamantides also did a tonne of squats and lunges in
training for the 2012 Dragon's Back race where she came fourth overall and first lady
Simple exercises like these will strengthen your legs for hills so check
out some really useful ones here.
Jason is doing the Great Eastern run
in Peterborough this October which is actually a road half marathon so on road
races are generally water stations throughout the race so I would actually
advise not carrying a pack with water as there's no need and it will just weigh
you down so you can tuck a gel and a 20 pound note into your shorts or 2 tenners
because they're waterproof these days, and to carry a smartphone
I would suggest a Sports Armband like this one here from Ultimate Performance
it's called the Ridgeway and it goes for about £16. If you still think you
need a cheap basic pack then I would consider this one it's the Kalenji
running pack from Decathlon which is £28, or you could go for the smaller,
lighter Ronhill Nano 3 litre vest which retails at £45 but I have seen it online
for about £35. I'm doing a budget packs test next so I will let you know how the
cheaper packs like this compare to those around the hundred pound mark
Yes I do use trekking poles on really long distances or on multi-day races. I swore by them
on the Cape Wrath Ultra earlier this year but I don't tend to use them on
single day races usually for me that's about 30 to 50 miles or possibly like
seven to nine hours in the hills and that's because I'm mainly running I just
used them when I know I'm going to be doing a lot of fast hiking for a long
time so they must be also easily collapsible for rocky mountain sections
when you need to use your hands too. I used to use the Mountain King Trail Blaze Carbon poles
that are about £110 and and they only weigh 231g
for the pair but during the Cape Wrath Ultra I found that the tip would get
stuck in the mud and when you pulled it out the other section
of the poll would also detach slightly which was both alarming and a bit
annoying after a while so next I would really like to try the
Leki Micro Trail Pro and the Black Diamond Distance Carbon Z that I've been
shown at recent trade shows so I feel a pole test coming on...
New subscriber Jane Hawksworth has been watching my Scafell Skyrace film
See it here, and she wants to know if all ultras are so mountain goat like?
Definitely not Jane there are hundreds and hundreds of other trail races and ultras that don't
have any technical exposed terrain and by that I mean rocky, high bits
there are tonnes on straightforward but still interesting paths and tracks so
one of my favorites is the Peaks Skyline race of about 30 miles around five
summits in the Peak District all on good clear trails across the Moors so there's
rocks underfoot and some steep hills so it is really interesting to run on but
nothing where you need to use your hands or any big drops that might make your
stomach lurch so even more tame underfoot than that you could try
XNRG's 3-day Druids Challenge race along the rolling fields and chalky clay
paths of the Ridgeway National Trail so both are really good ultras and highly
recommended I've done both and you can see more about the Druids Challenge here
this week's random thing that I saw which was cool is a Twitter post from
Montane ambassador Jen Scotney she made her two latest race medals into coasters
She says she doesn't usually keep race medals but she was proud of
these two long ultras and she wanted to do something more than just hang them up
Isn't that the best idea ever? I haven't done that yet with my medals I
would like to but my mum has made me this bean bag with my old race t-shirts
Isn't it brilliant? If you want to know how to make this head to my blog my
mum's written all the instructions on there it's
That's the Great Eastern run that's the one Jason is doing
That's the Icebug, oh that's a great race in Sweden I absolutely love that, oh and this is
the Scafell Skyrace, that's the race I just mentioned - the one that Jane Hawkesworth
with was finding a bit mountain goat-like, that's an absolutely fantastic race
there's Kewick Mountain Festival 10 and 25k, and under the handle in here we've
got the Druids Challenge. The 3 Peaks race I haven't
actually raced that but I ran it after the race so mm maybe it counts,
I commentated. Stamford Striders, this is my local running club and our local race
the Stamford Strider Valentine's 30k, if you do it as a couple you get special prize
and this was a really amazing adventure race that Open Adventure
organised so it's the coast-to-coast adventure race we really really loved
that we did it a couple of times that's me
my friend Sarah and Kate who are my adventure racing buddies so if you want
to find out how to make this amazing race t-shirt bean bag or maybe you could
make a quilt in the same vein then go to my blog it's
I'll put a blog post about my Mum's amazing bean bag on there.
So, my question for you this week is, "What do you do with your race memorabilia?"
Type your answers in the YouTube comments below and I'll read out the best one in next week's Q&A
Last week's question was, "Which athlete would you most like
to meet and what would you ask them?" I especially like this one from AJ who
wants to ask Joss Naylor, legendary fell runner, how he can make sure he
can still run when he's 70. This is a great question
and I am due to speak to Joss soon so I will ask him this. If you've got any more
trail running questions my weekly Q&A films then do type them below and subscribe if
you haven't already and click the notifications bell so you don't miss out
on any new trail running videos. Enjoy your next run, thanks for watching and I'll
see you on the trails
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