Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 31 2018

So, a little while back a bit of an

uproar sparked online when people found

this document by the Alabama State

Department of Education. It outlined what

are inappropriate games and activities

for Alabama students. On the list was


Red Rover, kickball... you know, basically

anything you would consider a literal

schoolyard game. And that document is why

I think I was asked this question this

week. "Is it true that yoga is not allowed

in Alabama public schools? If so, why?"

Alabama, you never stop surprising me.

So, parents in America in the 1990s were

adorable. A lot of them never got the

memo that the Satanic Panic of the 80s

was fake and there never were any secret

cabal's of Satanists infiltrating

society. So they were still keeping an

eye out for the secret enemies in

culture that would lead their kids

astray. This included music, movies, TV

shows, or anything else that might

secretly be steering their children

towards Satan. And it's in this time

period that the folks in Alabama started

looking at some very serious issues. In

1993 a policy was passed prohibiting

meditation and hypnosis and other

practices that could be considered tied

to the hippie-dippie New Age movement

from happening in schools. And lumped in

with this was yoga. The reason: because it

was associated with Hinduism. Alabama

parents were worried that yoga was going

to turn their kids Hindu. I'm telling you

man. Adorable. Of course a quarter of a

century has passed since then and

nowadays people consider yoga about as

religious as a spin class. So why is it

still banned? Well the document that

brought all this to light has been taken

down by the current state superintendent

and he says he's not gonna be putting it

back up. So while the yoga ban is still

on the books I don't think anyone is

actually enforcing it. And further

policies have watered down yoga so much

that PE teachers are actually free to

teach yoga as long as they don't call it

yoga. There's even this course guide for

PE electives that recommends teaching

"stretching" with an asterisk. And at the

bottom of the page the asterisk is

explained as quote "Course may not be

called yoga, however only yoga technique

poses / exercises and stretches may be

included in the content. Alabama. Anyway

I'm Jonathan Sobolewski for Reckon.


Do you have questions about Alabama that

you want answered? The Ask Alabama team is

standing by. You can submit your

questions to and be sure to

follow Reckon by on facebook

and twitter. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Ask Alabama: Why is yoga banned in Alabama schools? - Duration: 2:19.


Who Is Sam Patten? | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Who Is Sam Patten? | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 2:02.


Is 10,000 Steps For 30 Days Worth It? We Find Out... - Duration: 11:28.

We walked 10,000 steps every day for 30 days.

Find out what happened.

Hi, I'm Zena and I'm doing the 10,000

steps a day challenge because I want to

try and make my baseline activity for

the day a little more active.

My name is Fatima

I decided to do the 10,000 steps

challenge because I thought I wasn't walking enough

I'm Kim and I signed up to do the 10,000 steps a day

for the accountability

Hi, I'm Erica. I'm doing the 10,000 steps challenge

because I know I definitely don't walk enough

I'm hoping after 30 days that I'll see a

little bit more definition, I think that's always good

and I think it's really cool to be able to see those

kind of results from just walking

because I think people would think like

walking, not really a form of exercise

but there's old ladies out there getting it

with their steps in every day and

they seem pretty limber and fit

I'm hoping to lose a little weight because I

feel that I don't exercise enough and

that'll push me a little

I feel like I'm skinny fat

and I'd like to decrease my body fat percentage

I would love to feel

a little bit more mobile and less stiff

and also reduce stress

How many steps a day would you say you typically take?

I think I take average 3,000 to 4,000

I usually take between 3,000 and 5,000

steps a day and that's thanks to my dog

You know what's sad? I actually walk to work currently

You do?

I do! And I still only get like 5,000 steps a day

because I live very close to work

I usually take about probably 2,000 to

3,000 a day during the week

on the weekends it's different probably like

20,000 because I like to go on long hikes

Do you know why you're supposed to

take 10,000 steps a day or have you heard that before?

I've heard it but I don't know why.

Maybe it originates from the past because

I know back in the day they used to walk like six miles a day

I'll link this article below but apparently

the 10,000 steps myth came about in the 1960s

when a Japanese company started selling pedometers

which is a very good way of getting people to buy pedometers

setting an arbitrary number that's high and telling them that

they need to step that much every day

but studies later confirmed that people

who take 10,000 steps a day have lower

blood pressure, they have more stable

glucose levels and better moods – which I'm all about

You know, I get quite moody and I am looking

forward to seeing if that is going to add a noticeable lift to my day

Today marks Day 1 of 30

I am currently at 8,900 which is pretty good

I walked to work today which was

nice I've been telling myself to do this forever

So, it is almost nine o'clock and I just

brushed my teeth I have already put on pajamas

I'm like fully ready to wind down

and start getting ready for bed

and realize I only have nine thousand steps so...

gonna put pants on again

and go out there for another thousand

It is day seven how are we doing so far, Kim?

I think I'm not doing so well...

How many days did you successfully walk 10,000 steps?

Confidently, three days

I walked 10,000 steps three times

I have successfully completed seven for seven walking 10,000 steps

I walked 10,000 step for six days

I've actually been in a really great mood the last few days

I feel good I think knowing that I'm taking a lot of steps actually makes me feel great

For me I think it's a little bit too soon to tell if I feel any different

I'm excited for the next three weeks

I think it's been good so far

I'm getting a lot of audiobooks in

Okay, guys. Seven days done

stay tuned to see how the rest of it goes...

will we make it?

I'm getting ready to go do my walk it's

a little early but um it feels good

the morning feels good

I'm only 6,500 steps in

so I'm taking a post-work walk with my dog

she's really enjoying this challenge

It's like now finally 9 o'clock

and I still have 5,000 steps to go

this is probably the hardest day so far for this challenge

Steps challenge life hack

you can get about 5000 steps in 30 minutes...

on the jump rope!

We have completed week two

of the 10,000 steps a day challenge

Kim, how's it going?

I'm struggling!

How many days of the week

of the past week have you completed 10,000 steps

I would say five

That's really good!

It's good but it's a struggle!

This week I walked 10,000 steps for three days straight

I have miraculously hit 7 for 7

I think now I'm just on a streak

and I'm stubborn I'm like don't

want to break it but it does involve a

lot of like "Okay, 10 o'clock at night and

I still have 3000 to go."


Gotta get up and walk around the living room

I think I walk 10,000 steps

maybe once or twice only

This week wasn't good

So that is the end of Week 2

Let's see how we do for the last two, Kim!

It is a Saturday morning

It's been so lovely and lazy

I'm just watching MasterChef and Queer Eye

but lo and behold

it's almost 12 o'clock and I have 132 steps


Just getting home we have about four flights

of stairs to climb that should get me

maybe a hundred steps maybe two



Okay, so we are in Week 3 and

I am still struggling!

I'm really behind

I think I'm the one who's got the lowest score

I feel like the step nazi

This one over here has like 12,000 or 13,000

I've taken up a new hobby

I now jump rope every morning for about five minutes


This week to get my steps in

I actually have just been like having a dance party at home

By yourself?

By myself! Really cool...

You know, I tried this morning

to step in my shower while I was showering

Getting your steps in is not cool

it's like walking around your block

by yourself without a dog

or pacing around your friends

or like dancing in your living room by yourself

My biggest challenge is that

I don't find enough time during my day

I think just the nature of working a desk job it is

challenging by itself and also having

travelled for work recently

I don't know... I don't really know what the

benefits I'm feeling are

I don't know that I feel more fit

but I feel more mentally in a good place

Mmhmm I agree with that

I think I'm still snacking a lot more

Me too! Yeah, yeah.

Once I start walking I'm just feeling great

Yeah and I think mentally it's

become almost like a measure of success

for a good day like I made it 10,000 steps

I can go to bed, I'm happy

That's week three!

Stay tuned one more week left

let's do this

I am about 3,000 steps in at 6:00 p.m.

so I am about to go outside and go for a hike

The most annoying thing has happened

my headphones have gone on the fritz

I realized how much I rely on listening to things

to get through 10,000 steps a day

and now that it's not working I don't want to walk anywhere

I'm over it

So we've reached the end of our 30 day challenge

How'd you finish up here in the last week?


My last week was good

I made almost 20,000 steps

probably five days a week

My average for the month was 11,000 a day

Well I kind of stepped up 3,000 steps a day

I think my average is about 7,000

I think my average was about 8,000

That's probably twice as much as it was!

Prior to this, yeah

Yeah definitely

I think I gained weight on this challenge

Oh, I'm sure I did

and that kind of upset me and was probably

part of the reason I just blew it on the last day

I still lost a pound

I gained weight!

last day I still left it bound I gained

It must be from walking to

get snacks or because I traded my

workouts for long walks

instead I gained half a pound okay but I

did lose on my waist and I lost body fat

so maybe I gained muscle

I think my body fat was about the same

and I did lose an inch

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to attempt 10,00 steps a day?

I think if you have the time to do it

it'll be much easier

Get comfortable shoes

and be prepared to give up some social time

Also be mindful of your diet

because you will be snacking often

And get a good watch, something that can track your

steps accurately so you want to check it

every day and stay motivated

I think I was looking for more physical changes

throughout this challenge and that didn't happen

but I still really enjoyed it and I think I actually will

continue to try and be mindful about how

many steps I'm getting a day and try

hit closer to 10,000

I think it's a really interesting challenge to be more

mindful of how much you walk and also

what you put your time towards

Okay that marks the end of

our 10,000 steps a day challenge

If you enjoyed, go ahead and like this video

Comment below with anything else we should try for 30 days

and let us know if you have completed this challenge

For more infomation >> Is 10,000 Steps For 30 Days Worth It? We Find Out... - Duration: 11:28.


Is flirting a sin? Q&A Ep. 10 - Duration: 5:38.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Is that, is that guy new here?

Who? Ethan? He came with Lucas today, but I haven't seen him around before.

He seems really nice. Is he with anyone?

With? Uhh I think I saw him get out of the car with Lucas today.

No I meant is he dating someone?

That is a good question. I have no idea but let's check his insta or something.

Fam are you dumb? I haven't even introduced myself to him yet how would I have his insta.

Fine. Fine Fine Fine. I'll check.

No mentions in bio, no special tags. I'm pretty sure he's not with anyone.

Cool! I'm gonna go talk to him.

Talk? or talk to him?

Talk to him! Wish me luck buddy!

Uh Casey are you sure that's a good idea? Like weren't

you just telling me about some Joshua guy like yesterday?

Don't worry about it man. Why do you have to be such a party pooper?

Hey you new here? What's your name?

Ethan. Your Casey right?

Yeah! How'd you know my name?

Oh I'm friends with Joshua. He says he knows you.

So what's a cute guy like you doing at our church?

Oh Lucas actually brought me here.

Guess I got to go thank him later!

Umm, why?

Cause he brought the cutest guy to our church!

Haha, cool. I think I should go home now. I gotta find Lucas.

Oh! I'll help you find him! Maybe you can help me find your number?

Haha! No I think I'm fine.

Bro that hurt to watch!

Man I really thought I had that one.

Well I mean like he probably left because you were hitting on his friend yesterday and now you're hitting on him too.

Who? Joshua? That was nothing.

Cas, no it's not! What do you think flirting even is?

Like playful banter, compliments. I mean it's not that hard.

Yeah so when you flirt you're sending the message that you're attracted to

someone and it opens doors for a relationship in a playful manner. Right?

That's a fancy way of putting it, but sure I guess. And I mean even if I am looking for a relationship, I'm not looking for anything serious, you know.

But like, Cas, as your friend I feel obligated to tell you that, that's not right!

And you know when you enter a relationship you're entering it to consider marriage

And there's no "casual" dating in Christian life and Cas I think you really should take your relationships more seriously.

Yeah but I'm not ready for marriage!

Then you're not ready for a relationship! I hate to break it to you Cas but when you're flirting with other people

you're opening that door for that relationship.

I mean why do you think Ethan was so uncomfortable when you started flirting with him?

Because I was flirting with his friend the day before?

Exactly your problem is that you're chasing after just any guy who's remotely your type

But the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:22 to "Flee also youthful lust; but pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace

with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart."

If you're really looking for a relationship, don't just chase after a handsome face.

Look for someone who is faithful who loves you and truly loves God.

Fine. I see your point.

Wait wait wait, I have a question.

Yeah what's up?

What about flirt to convert?

Okay no. That's like never a good idea.

Yeah but doesn't God call us to make disciples and spread the gospel?

Yeah, but God also calls us to be in relationships with people who help us

glorify Him and you can't glorify God if your partner doesn't believe in Him.

In fact flirting to convert is actually worse for that person's relationship with God because you're saying I value you more than I value what Christ says.

I mean check yourself why would you really want a relationship with that certain someone?

I don't know, like what if they're perfect in every way except for that part?

Then you're not a perfect fit. Okay so my mom told me this so don't judge me if it's corny

but she said that "True love is soul deep." And if their soul isn't pursuing God, then you should really reconsider that relationship.

And also in the Bible it says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that "Whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God"

And even in pursuing a relationship obey God's commands because he's calling us to

glorify Him in everything we do.

Alright fine. I get your point but how do you start a relationship if you don't flirt with them first.

No, your not ready. Work on your spiritual life first.

Alright Elena, I understand, good points. But on the topic of maturity aren't you the same girl

who puts smiley faces on a corn dog with ketchup?

Don't expose me!

Bro don't lie! I literally saw you do that this morning with my own two eyes.

You know we were having a really nice moment there but did you guys

really have to expose me like that?

hashtag exposed!

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

There's also a link down below to the Google form if you have any more burning questions!

Don't forget to follow us on insta, like our Facebook page!


For more infomation >> Is flirting a sin? Q&A Ep. 10 - Duration: 5:38.


STEWIE2K DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN! SHROUD IS THICC! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:08.


For more infomation >> STEWIE2K DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN! SHROUD IS THICC! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:08.


CupHead part 4~ THE SECOND WORLD IS CALLING - Duration: 31:12.

Hiya storytellers, my name's Drifterthorn and welcome back to cuphead

We're still on the first world, but think we're about done I have one

running gun

And we got the airplane lady. I think it's all we have left to do

It's getting close to the Ryan gun last time we played this so let's see

Wait, hold on got it. It's been a while and I've played of all their games aren't


Wait Adam I changed my weapon that's - that's the joke. That's a super

That but why wasn't it working before

All right, we're gonna get it this time I


Stupid mistakes, okay

B you're not supposed to be over here

You might notice on my last episode how would G

Those bugs guys. Oh


Shit come on top they look better this infant


Ho I know I think that was gonna land


That's what you're gonna play cop that we can play this way

Okay, three lives

Fuck up like that like this dope a ding-dong

Are you serious get fucking away?

Are you freaking kidding me?

It's so fun to grab scrap it's not but it is


Can you upside your head stupid voice

Remember I told you this wasn't gonna be a great game because I didn't get mad easily

Yeah, I changed my mind. It's just totally gonna be one of my ready to be I

Just thought of goats in the second world, I don't want to play this

It's just stupid last part why dad

Faster than making mistakes

All right, there is no way I could pop


One Cammack

Our cheese

Cuphead I hate you so much. Mr. Song. I hate this level

Please please please please please please work

Fucking finally, oh my god that took so long to

Be vayan I friggin take it for that course. Holy crap

Okay onto the

Air place like heating. Oh

My god, I cannot believe how long it took me to do that

You guys are so lucky that

I am gonna cut it down. You'll probably just see like my last Your Honor my last couple of

Hey, I got distracted seeing if I could do that


Come to the sister phase, what are you doing?

Are you serious I

Don't know watches out there. I don't know what after the system stage or whatever but

Hey, I'm a - I will take it I

Don't know what happened. All right. Yeah. It was like a world

You still won't know how to get that coin

Alright, I think that's everything for this world. So let's into the dye house

Mr. King

You know, this is by a woman who's singing I didn't know that

The first time I heard this soundtrack, I didn't know this was a woman driving a very impressive

Well think that if it looks like you really put on but I'm

putting the kibosh on them deados

You can head on over to the next aisles any more marks for you to learn more


Love that song Oh

Oh so old I see this is the problem with doing voices, I won't remember nothing my voices are good old

Guys hold on take the stars. I cut up. What do you I believe I found a way out of this mess you're in

Hot dog you have

Your straight that's growing. You'll soon be a match for that no-good King does and maybe even the devil itself?

golly, do you really think I


But you gotta get close to that devil last year. I already had those soul contracts in the end

All they've been you get a chance to turn the tables on that fiend. So when the time comes do the right thing

Which me and my brother did not do if we plead this

Welcome to the second Isles

Never heard of a barbershop trio

If we can't find our fourth member will never see sound right again be a pal

let us know if you spot him won't you I

Sure will

Alright, let's see how many times I've died

You all your battles and all my rhymes you have failed affairs 98 times

It felt like so much more than that

Alright I'm not doing this stupid asshole pow and

All these are horrible right off the bat

Good timing fellas. I just added an upgrade on your aeroplanes

Now you can wallop your foes with bombs just switch your weapons whenever strikes your fancy. Try it out

Your aeroplane are now equipped with the mini-boss switch your weapon any time during god. Oh


completely Jesus boys a

Meaning tell me how I go my mom to pick the very best one and you are not it

Was the trick with this even hitting him

For me a sweet to this friendly son Clark

think famous did Phineas I

Don't know. I don't know why I do this



Yeah, that's right I had to get to earphones I mean minions my foes your minions

See look how good the roundabout is its price Ju at weapon of choice

Yep, boo. Oh my god. I got the secret. Oh

I forgot about the head. Oh, I will shudder good. It will never sit a chance

It's so funny there's some things in this game. I remember really well and there's some I don't like that a

Airplane lady changing it all to all the different forms crap

But I remember the clown really well

He took forever to be I think the clown was the hardest boss

my brother

There we go, whoo-hoo these two castles eyes

Dang it

Straight off the iron and

Too hot to handle. I do not know why I cannot read today. I

Apologize for every single one of my steaks

Come on waffle guys, let's go

Yeah heat decks to the but like the castle Lulu

This guy there's a trick with this guy. I can't remember what it is though

All right, I'm not this guy come on

Yes, all right come on she won I to sue it's not gonna register

Come on Castle, seriously, I don't want your head you

Dang it, they're right there to

Scan reminds me of attack man. I think it supposed to be a jawbreaker though. I have ever had a job there

Anybody else knew we had drug rages. I don't think I'm ever like surprised

Yeah, right this is a bean jelly bean jelly bean on the very bottom

Yeah, that's right I'm taking out your meat

This idea is those Joseph rectangles or squares whatever your common

There we go, there we go. Oh I got you all figured out

Dang it

No more mr. Nice gal, I love that they have the principal pretzels as the fish. Oh

I got distracted by the background

Okay, I got one help I can do this right I can help no problem

Delicious and victorious while many say nutritious

Screw you muffin ice cream cupcakes thing

Yes, go away, okay, come on we're on your next one. Let's go

Yes, yes, yes, okay do not put the cupcake muffin ice damn it

Hate you so much right now

Jellybeans assholes

This big be not this guy

Least there's not jellybeans throwing out

Yes out of here

With wool buddy, you're running out of minions while she got

Take you your poopy gun

Come on maybe Baba let's go

Yes, I

Like the tassels don't a temper tantrum

- thank you. Oh

You got Banaras dawn bonbon soul project

Must take a secret shortcut

That's what some poke kids did last week

That's the only way they could have beaten me to the right say maybe you could show me with shortcut Israel

If I find it sure kid

You think yeah, I found it bring impressed

Well, honey there fellas come to watch me

Watch my little show have you I cannot read they say juggling is a bit like pairing

Top at first but soon you could strip them string them together swimmingly. I'm

Hopin to get for some day four in a row. Yeah, that would be something wanted

Whatever you say my man

Hey, I found a coin

Alright, I'm not doing a run again, I'm not after that last one. I ain't we had like this way

Hey, hey lady, I found I found the shortcut you press

Thanks fellas. I knew there was something there was a faster way across the aisles. I'll be the first time all the rides again

What is wrong with me

Just just boys

All right all the way this episode here. I have to get ready for school. So

hi, this one was a

Really quiet one. I'm sorry. I was mostly concentrating on the buzzes of it at the first world. I was kind of

Done with this. But thank you guys so much for watching and I'll talk to you warriors. Later

For more infomation >> CupHead part 4~ THE SECOND WORLD IS CALLING - Duration: 31:12.


The 'Target Effect' is real and you're probably a victim of it - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> The 'Target Effect' is real and you're probably a victim of it - Duration: 1:47.


Sutter Health is Family | Kayla Tabari, CPMC Mission Bernal Campus - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Sutter Health is Family | Kayla Tabari, CPMC Mission Bernal Campus - Duration: 0:31.



Hi! My name is Fonny, from Indonesia. Nice to meet you!

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