Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018

It is no exaggeration to say that Sweden experienced

a nonviolent liberal revolution

starting around 1840.

Chydenius' ideas and Hierta's megaphone

set the stage; then came along a young,

aristocratic politician named Johan August Gripenstedt.

He put these ideas into political action.

For ten years as finance minister,

he pushed the establishment and transformed

Sweden's economic system.

This was the man that, indeed, created the

new open economy in Sweden, the market economy.

He abolished the old system of guilds and

of regulations...and he created the

institution of the modern economy.

And Sweden had fantastic economic expansion

for a 100-year period,

characterized by free markets and minimal

state intervention economy.

Sweden went, basically, from one of the poorest

countries in Europe to one of the richest

countries in the world.

We were growing in wealth, and health.

Between 1850 and 1950, Sweden's per capita GDP

increased almost sevenfold.

Infant mortality rate was reduced by 85 percent,

and life expectancy increased by an amazing 26 years.

Sweden was now one of the world's richest countries.

It had one of the most open and deregulated

economies in the world,

and taxes were lower than in the United States

and most other western countries.

Sweden managed to transform its impoverished fate,

and build the beautiful cities

and landscapes we know today.

And you know what happened after that?

We screwed it up.

Until 1960, Nordic countries had, still, low taxes,

minimal government, free markets, private ownership.

Then, in the middle of the 20th century,

slowly the welfare state was introduced,

the welfare state which Sweden is so famous for.

For more infomation >> Sweden: Lessons for America? - On the Top - Duration: 2:39.


Рецепт массы для лепки объемных цветов и элементов\Mass for modeling - Duration: 21:03.

Valeria Radyk's workshop "The Magic World of Handmade Creativity"

Hello, with you, Valeria! Welcome to my magical World of Creativity!

Today I will share a recipe for sculpting the masses from which I mold flowers.

Apply the finishing filler or white plaster (choose the one that is the longer the hardens)

We use table vinegar.

And white glue, but it's better to use carpentry white glue.

With carpentry white glue the product will be more durable

Starch and any oil or petroleum jelly for hand lubrication

60 grams of putty (or gypsum)

The mass will become whiter if you add 5 grams of starch (you can not add it)

As a retarder, we add a teaspoon of vinegar:

+ 10 grams of white glue (PVA), but it is better to use carpentry white glue

We work very fast

To work with a similar mass, you need to practice modeling,

because the mass will soon freeze

To store the mass, use a plastic bag.

While the mass is fresh, it is well molded and rolled.

All the elements I glue with white carpentry glue.

The lifetime of the mass from these components is 25-28 minutes.

Then the mass starts to harden

and it is not possible to work with it.

I represent this master class exactly as a recipe and a mixture of masses.

And molding and coloring goes as an addition to the main master class.

This mass can be used for impressions in molds

From a single knead you get this kind of decor:

To mold it is necessary very quickly.

If there are no skills in modeling, then it is better to train first on plasticine.

And then go to the modeling of flowers

Because the mass quickly freezes and you can not have time to blind the planned composition.

Just from one knead you get this kind of decor:

Here the top, bottom and frame are formed:

And just one batch produces one large flower of an orchid:

The master class for this work will be as follows.

For modeling and painting the frame, we need the following materials:

acrylic paints,

acrylic lacquer, paint brushes and varnish, sponge,

stacks for modeling, you can apply stacks for children's plasticine.

Let's get to work:

The frame is degreased by any alcohol-containing agent

or we clean it with fine sandpaper:

You can paint the frame both before stitching the stucco elements, and after

Petals make thick:

The time for complete hardening of the mass is approximately 24 hours.

Grouts can be painted with bitumen patina or brown acrylic paint.

We put a little pearly paint on top:

+ a little pearl paint:

Cover with acrylic lacquer:

The work is ready!

From one batch I got this kind of decor:

I would be glad if the master class you like and useful!

With all my heart I wish all of you creative inspiration !!!

And all the most magical and beautiful!

Until next time!

For more infomation >> Рецепт массы для лепки объемных цветов и элементов\Mass for modeling - Duration: 21:03.


Betsy DeVos' Campus Sexual Misconduct Rules Would Boost Protections For The Accused | TODAY - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Betsy DeVos' Campus Sexual Misconduct Rules Would Boost Protections For The Accused | TODAY - Duration: 3:45.


Baa'l Secret Pet - Step By Step Guide - Battle for Azeroth! - Duration: 10:41.

Hi guys, I hope you're having an amazing day,

So, in today's video im gonna show you how you can get Baa'I which is the first secret

pet in battle for azeroth. Most of you are probably here because you want to get the

waist of time transmog, and yeah sadly you need the pet before you can progress towards

the belt. So, there are a lot of different places that

you gotta visit to obtain the pet in fact you gotta visit 15 different places in total

so it's gonna take you some time, luckily if you don't plan to do everything in one

day you can check you're progress by running a script that I will leave in the description

below. Now before we get into the different locations

you gotta visit, let's take a look at some of the hel pful items that I would recommend

you to get. The goblin glider kit will be useful because you gotta drop down on some

platforms, The Invisibility potions will be useful to get past some of the npcs that will

one shot you, swim speed potions will help you swim faster under the water and you will

see why this will come in handy later on, also the water strider or a water walking

potion will be needed as well. So now that you have an idea of which items you should

bring with you lets head over to the first note and start.

Head over to Nazmir which is located on the horde island, and in the middle of the map

you will see a big temple like structure where the blood trolls are located, now cross the

bridge and walk over to the ledge and drop down to the first note, you can even use a

goblin glider here if you want but it's not necessary.

Now that you have your first clue you gotta head over to the broken shore. When you reach

the location you can interact with Drak'thul to make him turn around from the table or

use one of your invisibility potions to be able to click on the first out of many pebbles.

The 2nd pebble is located in Boralus which is the alliance capital of the expansion.

The pebble is located behind a net that y ou gotta walk through to reach the inside

of the cave where you'll find the next pebble. The 3rd pebble is a b it trickier to reach

but don't worry im here to help. You will need a goblin glider kit in order to reach

it so if you haven't purchased one yet, now is the time. Head over to Atal'dazar

which is a dungeon In zulduzar, now follow the path im gonna show in this video to reach

the cave. Now that you are done with the 4th pebble

its time to head over to drustvar and find a hidden cave behind a waterfall. Once you

reach the cave click on the pebble which is located inside of the eyeball of the skeleton.

The 5th pebble is located in Voldun near the Tortaka refuge flightpath, jump down onto

the ledges and you will see a hidden cave with an angry clutterback that will one s

hot you if you are not careful enough. You can either use one of your invisibility potions

so you are sure that the clutterback wont one shot you or just be fast enough and click

on the pebble. Its time to head to stormsong valley where

the 6th pebble is located. When you reach the inside of the cave you will be able to

see a barrel where the pebble is located. The 7th pebble is located at a sunken ship

just above nazmir in the south seas, and this is where you're increased swim speed will

come in handy because we are swimming out to fatigue waters and you might die so the

faster you are the better. The 8th pebble is located in an underground

basement and the entrance to t he basement I s located inside of the maze in Boralus.

Once you reach the basement the pebble will be located behind one of the kegs.

The next pebble takes us to Drustvar, and this time we are heading over to the north

western part of the island where the lighthouse is located. Follow the path and drop down

onto the ledge or use one of your goblin gliders to get easier access, the pebble is not located

inside of the cave so walk out and you'll be able to see it on one of the ledges.

The 10th pebble is located in one of the caves in Tiragrade sound. The pebble will be surrounded

by a lot of clatterbacks so make sure to use one of your invisibility potions to avoid

getting one shooted, but if you end up dying don't worry just release and walk back up

to the cave and click on the pebble as fast as you can.

Now let's head over to Tiragarde sound and find a hidden cave behind a waterfall, when

you manage to get inside of the cave the pebble will be located under one of the scrolls and

it might be a bit hard to see. The 12th pebble is located in an underwater

cave in Boralus, just swim through the opening and the pebble will be located just beside

one of the rock pillars inside of the cave. The 13th pebble is located in another fatigue

area in vol'dun, so once again make sure to use everything you have to increase your

swim speed to reach the pebble, but before you go under water you can use your water

strider or water walking potion to get just above the cave and swim down to enter it where

the pebble will be located. You finally reached the final step so you

gotta head over to frostfire ridge on Dreanor and fly inside the volcano where you'll

have to fight Baa'l but in order to be able to win the battle you have to complete the

Unna scenario or have someone else in your party who already completed it, and you need

unna in order to weaken Baa'l and win the pet battle and you should be able to win with

any level 25 pet. And there you go congratz with your new pet.

So that's it for this video guys, if you enjoyed make sure to give it a thumbs up and

consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already, and as always remember

to stay positive no matter what, cya next time.

For more infomation >> Baa'l Secret Pet - Step By Step Guide - Battle for Azeroth! - Duration: 10:41.


10 Websites with Free Stuff for Traders & Investors - Duration: 9:48.

10 Websites with Free Stuff for Traders & Investors with David Moadel

hey everybody welcome to looking at the

markets with David Modell I thought I

would do a roundup of ten websites

chock-full of free stuff I am NOT being

paid to make this video by any of these

websites I just thought I would help you

guys out by showing you some cool free

resources on these websites and let me

give a big thanks to these websites for

providing free materials I'm always

trying to help you guys out alright

we're gonna start with a super cool guy

mr. Gregory Mannarino he is the Robin

Hood of Wall Street and if you go to

traders choice dotnet and all the

website addresses will be right here at

the top traders choice net it's got a

bunch of free stuff on here he's just a

super super cool guy and he's got all

kinds of video blogs here and he's got a

chat here where you can chat with people

and I like all the cool charts he's got

there with the dollar and the bonds

markets swing trading chart just a bunch

of stuff and that's just the first page

all right this guy's technical analysis

here and let's see if we could find him

there he is the man himself

Gregory Mannarino everything you need to

rip the markets face off in one place I

like it alright so there's that one and

then we've got dake de Carli trading de

ce AR le y de Carli trading it is from

ms Carli garner she is a super nice

person and you can learn to trade

commodity futures and options for free

on here not too bad de Carli trading

futures options integrity I like it you

can sign up you got a free trial of the

newsletter why not check it out it's

pretty cool she's really really smart

she's into the options futures

commodities markets and also free videos

on there as well that you can view and

articles and

choosing a commodity brokerage firm how

to get yourself a low commission rate

all that stuff the truth about futures

commissions and check out her books if

you get a chance good stuff alright next

one wealth research group dot-com this

features mr. Lee our Gant's is very

smart a very smart individual he travels

around a lot he meets with some very

well-known people in the financial

community CEOs presidents of companies

and corporations and he brings this

knowledge with special reports articles

all kinds of cool stuff why not check

these out they're free highly

recommended and you can join the

newsletter as well here's another one

crush the street comm that is featuring

mr. Kenneth imadori super nice guy super

smart guy you can put your email address

in get the free newsletter check out all

the free articles there's some videos on

there breaking news and free reports

high conviction reports he calls him

here they are here are some of those

reports good stuff next one future money

trends dot-com and that's featuring mr.

Daniel Amadori and we've got wealth

articles trend videos reports free

reports all free why not check them out

and they have a newsletter as well you

can sign up for at the top of the page

next one portfolio wealth all

about gold and the dollar or in the

economy and the markets and crypto

currencies you might even see marijuana

stocks in there you never know what you

got to see on there because you got to

see everything good stuff

finance articles newsletter you can sign

up cost you nothing free reports


good stuff learn about dividends

retirement wealth high yielding stocks

all that good stuff now here's one that

don't be fooled it's called pure

blockchain wealth calm but it's not just

about the blockchain they talk about

other things too but there are a lot of

blockchain and cryptocurrency

articles and reports just put your email

in but it's all free wealth articles

interviews top tier reports videos

dividend articles good stuff here's

another one I think you'll like a lot

rich TV hey that's from my

friend in Canada mr. rich from rich TV

live there is looking sharp wearing a

suit and man there's a lot of stuff on

here sure you got riches picks he also

has a whatsapp group you can ask him

about that on the website he's got his

pics right there look at that pretty

cool and his pics do really really well

free videos free podcast top stories all

kinds of stuff you can enter your email

address to join the community at rich TV

and at the top

he's got stock resources news resources

crypto currencies where can you buy them

coinbase spit recs

all those icos travel sports and you can

contact them right there here's one and

I want to thank Jonathan for this one if

you're listening thanks appreciate it

for bringing this to my attention

pattern trapper pattern trapper comm and

actually if you go to the home page I'll

show you the page that I I think is

interesting if you go to pattern trapper

comm and then go to trend trader reports

and this one's kind of interesting I

cannot guarantee the accuracy of of

these trend readings or not but

they have trend readings bullish or

bearish for all these things the the

major indexes currencies bonds livestock

grains energy metals foods and fiber

even orange juice is OJ gonna go up or

down right and orange juice sugar cocoa

coffee cotton all kinds of stuff what's

the trend is it bullish or bearish so

that's that's kind of interesting again

I don't know how accurate these are I

would have to back test or forward test

these to really be able to tell you but

I just think it's cool that's free but

you know do your own due diligence make

sure that those really are accurate

before you place any trades and here's

another one that I discovered recently

wall mine calm wal wal mine calm it kind

of reminds me of Finn viscom but it

seems like people already know about

Finn viscom so this is kind of an

alternative to it it's got some

similarities it's got the heat map there

it's got the news here I think it's

pretty cool though it's just a different

layout than Finn vis it's a nice

alternative stock market overview

recently viewed ones you can check the

sector's really quickly top gainers top


these ones went up a lot these ones went

down a lot look out unusual volume

insider selling that's kind of

interesting insider buying and they have

a screener a stock screener and a

cryptocurrency screener by the way they

also have and I recently featured this

in a video about screeners you can check

that out

cool stuff all right so these are ten

free resources I hope you enjoyed this

and if you want to thank me what you can

do is subscribe to my channel if you

want to if you haven't done it already

and hit that Bell on YouTube so you can

receive the latest updates on my youtube

videos and please give this video a

thumbs up on YouTube and leave a comment

which of these do you like or do you

have a free a website with free stuff on

it free resources that people might

enjoy tell me about it maybe I'll make

another video

like this another ten what do you think

would you like that cool and I also help

people put together trading and

investing plans you can contact me for

help with that anytime my email address

is David Modell at thank you

so much for watching and listening I'll

talk to you again soon


but you

For more infomation >> 10 Websites with Free Stuff for Traders & Investors - Duration: 9:48.


Deadline For California Lawmakers To Pass Bills Approaches - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Deadline For California Lawmakers To Pass Bills Approaches - Duration: 2:27.


Savannah's Daughter, Vale, Has The Perfect Remedy For A 'Hot, Hot Day' | TODAY - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Savannah's Daughter, Vale, Has The Perfect Remedy For A 'Hot, Hot Day' | TODAY - Duration: 1:45.


How to Buy a New Business Using Leverage (Tips for Acquiring New Companies) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> How to Buy a New Business Using Leverage (Tips for Acquiring New Companies) - Duration: 4:58.


Top 5 Mods for KTM Duke 250 & 390 | Radiator Guard | Front Fork Slider | Swingarm Slider | Gear Sock - Duration: 11:14.

In this vlog I decided to try and not only enhance the safety for my KTM 250 Duke but also test the products out, if they work as they say or they don't? So there are the Top 5 Mods for KTM Duke 250 / 390 and even RC models. I hope this helps a lot of owners of KTM Duke/RC and maybe other motorcycles as well.

hey what's up fandom Pam how's everyone

doing today we have unboxing of some

essential mods which I think every Katy

Moana needs to have now make sure guys

you hit the like on this video if you

find this video useful links to all the

products and down in the description

none of these products are sponsored

have purchased them on my own

so as a youtuber this is I have to try

and test out the products and recommend

what I do we feel about them secondly

I've got special announcement coming up

for UFC fans out there so stay tuned for

that without further ado let's get into

the unboxing

now as you can see guys have already

unboxed these these are for protectors

4c protectors for the KTM and it's got

very strong velcro now there's a mixed

review about these this product on

Amazon so I found it like it's okay now

905 times it works you have to mount it

properly as you can see I've already

used it for a week it's quite dirty this

is after the wash and I will show you

the results at the end of this video

about premiere anymore in this so put

these on the side now this product here

is from bikers gallery so let me just

pull it out and quite breezy today also

quite hot very well packed

all right any guesses what it is it's

the gear stops gear shoes socks our

shifter sock so this goes on top when it

is open so this is a soft rubber cure it

goes on top of your gear shifter and

it's good there because it will protect

your shoes so I'm gonna mount this I

needed this let's get this out of the

way yes any idea what this is one two

four mounting bolts to set all right so

let me just open one quickly and I will

show you what this is so guys this is

the front fork protector also called a

slider by by Chris bullet it's very well

made strong rubber and I've got the same

one for the back so swing arm protector

as well very important will protect your

bike in a crash very important will

protect your bike in an event of a crash

of a slide so good both look solid all

right let's get these out of the way

let's see what's in this big box and

here it is the radiator card Wow very

solid metal piece by bikers billet I

know some guys will find this a little

overpriced but let me tell you guys this

is going to protect your radiator and

it's quite well made it's a very quality

product finished in orange also comes in

black so now if you enjoyed the video so

far hit the like button and let's get

into installing these on the bike

alright guys so I finished putting on

all the mods that I said first one is

this you can see this gear shifter sock

so rubber sock should protect issues no

just for demo I have one the shoes which

you can see are damaged because of the

gear shifter so yes city riding if you

have any new sneakers or even your

leather shoes it can protect it second

mod the radiator cover you can see your

looks pretty good

I went for the orange color you can go

for the black one as well Howard mod is

this fork front fork slider or crash

protector this is made out of pretty

solid material as you can see now the

links are in the description I have not

put the the rear ones the swing arm

protector because I have this guard out

here which I will remove once the

monsoon season is over

so that will go here and then I'll have

both both of them in place the last mod

was this the four covers now guys this

is a hit or miss I think because I will

play the clip

so totally different

now as you can see in the clip when I

removed it there was obviously no dirt

but then it's not made out of elastic

material so it doesn't stretch and maybe

if you don't install it you know very

tight fashion it will it will let's undo

it pass also as you can see because it's

not elastic one side ends up one side

ends up being pulled further because

obviously the diameter here is shorter

than the diameter here so leaves a

little gap but it's okay I guess you

need protection from below here to make

sure that the dirt doesn't go to your

seal d44 coil seat so as long it stops

the dirt here it's fine but if you're

interested pick it up

I leave it completely up to you now guys

if you liked this video hit that like

button and if you do not subscribe to

the channel I make weekly motovlogs DIY

and more modification videos so do

consider subscribing thank you for

watching guys and make sure to ride safe

I'll catch you in the next one

For more infomation >> Top 5 Mods for KTM Duke 250 & 390 | Radiator Guard | Front Fork Slider | Swingarm Slider | Gear Sock - Duration: 11:14.


A mental hack for surviving bad bosses | Beth Comstock - Duration: 4:35.

Yes, so "'no' equals 'not yet'" is one of my kind of favorite mantras and

a mental hack that was very helpful to me.

I think early in my career I—like many people—worked for a classic "gatekeeper" boss and he

"had all the answers," and the team got quite frustrated.

We thought we had a different way, different ideas to keep us contemporary and move forward,

and he said no.

I ended up leaving that job because I thought the gatekeeper was standing in my way.

And what I came to realize is that gatekeepers exist everywhere.

They're probably even in our own head sometimes, where we just say we can't do it.

And so out of that experience I realized there were a lot of ways I could have kept going

back and trying a different approach with the gatekeeper.

And I learned that with other gatekeepers and that "no" is "not yet".

So just because you hear no the first time, it doesn't mean no is final.

And I can't tell you how many people I've seen in the course of my career – I'm

talking people just starting out which may be a little bit more understandable because

you don't know yet—all the way up to CEOs.

When they hear no from whatever person they're pitching an idea to they leave and you never

see them again with that idea.

And you think well, you had all this passion.

You had all this insight.

Someone told you no and you just let it dissipate?

It's gone?

So to me I had to learn like "no" perhaps is an invitation.

An invitation to come back again to try it.

I had a three time rule that I would often use with different bosses I had where I felt

like I needed at least three times to go back with the idea.

What I learned is two things.

One is I'm testing the idea myself: I'm trying to like put the right words together.

Sometimes it's just the words are wrong; The story is not there; I'm not being clear.

And I think if it's the manager or someone is coming to you, you're testing their passion

for it.

You're testing how good an idea they think it is, because if somebody's pitching you

an idea but they're not that excited about it you're counting on them to go forward.

So I think this idea of "no is not yet" is a resiliency test.

It's a way to say "how much do you care about that idea, how much do you want it to


And it's a sign of commitment to the idea.

Disappointment is an inevitable part of making change, of pushing for innovation and I think

we have this fantasy that we buy in that you just pitch a brilliant idea, you're just

so fantastic, fantastically suited for it.

You just go forth and the idea gets green-lit and off you go.

The reality is just because you're well liked, your boss likes you, your team likes

you, you've had a good track record doesn't mean people are going to give you blind trust

that the next idea is good.

People want to know: what are you prepared to do to work for it?

And I've found certainly in myself and in people I've worked with that often it's

those "try again" moments where you didn't quite get off the right foot in pitching the

idea or maybe you did a test of it and it didn't work.

And it's when you come back and say, "I tried this and it didn't work.

Here, I'm disappointed.

Here's what I propose to do about it."

So I think a lot of this kind of resiliency building is a test of how do you deal with

the disappointment?

And I think disappointment is something you have to accept as part of the change-making


I have a little belief for myself that there's a time to be disappointed.

"I'm really sad that that idea didn't get bought.

In a sense I couldn't sell it.

People didn't like, they didn't understand what I was saying.

Am I crazy?

Do I not communicate?

And I'm upset.

I'm upset."

And so I think you have to give yourself a little bit of time to kind of suck your thumb

and say, "Ugh, I didn't do as well as I wanted."

But then go, "Do I still believe in it?

Is it still a good idea?

How do I take that feedback?

And now, I'll go back and address some of those issues if they're relevant."

And use that disappointment as a bit again of that kind of push, a kick in the butt to

get out there.

So just because you have a good track record doesn't mean you're going to be successful

the next time.

And use that disappointment to be a bit of rocket fuel for yourself.

Learn from it, but also say "Hey, do I still want to do this?"

So that's how I think about disappointment and kind of using it as resiliency.

For more infomation >> A mental hack for surviving bad bosses | Beth Comstock - Duration: 4:35.


RI Living shares tips for moving - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> RI Living shares tips for moving - Duration: 3:53.


Mingyur Rinpoche – Meditation for Daily Life - Duration: 2:49.

Can meditation help in our life and our work and with our children and family?

Yes, of course, of course.

Meditation For Our Daily Lives

About six, seven years ago I joined a scientific research project,

about what they call "unstickiness."

There's a box and they put it on the wrist, and the box produces hot water.

Then they will say, "After ten seconds. your wrist will burn,"

and they check the brain with an EEG and everything.

This is what I did in Madison, in what was called the Waisman Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin.

So they did this with many meditators.

What they found is that when the meditators hear that their wrist will burn after ten seconds,

their minds are still calm.

When the heat comes, the clarity of the heat becomes very strong, but there's not much rumination.

The non-meditators, as soon as they hear, "After ten seconds your wrist will burn," boom!

There's a lot of rumination, "Oh, I'm going to burn, what should I do? Maybe I will get a blister."

So many things.

Then when the heat comes, there's not so much clarity to the heat.

After the heat is gone, they're still ruminating.

So normally, if you're not happy at your office, then you bring that unhappiness home,

then you make everybody unhappy – your children, your family.

And if you have some bad stuff happening at home, you bring that into the office.

It's not only that you bring past bad experiences into the present,

you also jump into the future, you worry too much about the future,

and you lose the present moment. You cannot enjoy it.

Therefore, you'll have less creativity, and less clarity to see what reality is.

So when the heat comes, you cannot see it very clearly.

Similarly you cannot see the present clearly.

So meditation really helps to bring not just peace and calm,

but a mind that is pliable and workable.

So your mind becomes very useful.

For more infomation >> Mingyur Rinpoche – Meditation for Daily Life - Duration: 2:49.


Is it time for an Alabama lottery? - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Is it time for an Alabama lottery? - Duration: 1:25.


Doctors looking for new ways to fight Alzheimer's - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Doctors looking for new ways to fight Alzheimer's - Duration: 2:49.


Rainbow Whale Glitter Coloring Video for Kids - Drawing and Coloring Whale with Glitters - Duration: 10:54.

Rainbow Whale Glitter Coloring Video for Kids - Drawing and Coloring Whale with Glitters

For more infomation >> Rainbow Whale Glitter Coloring Video for Kids - Drawing and Coloring Whale with Glitters - Duration: 10:54.


General Mills Praised For Expanding Maternity Leave - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> General Mills Praised For Expanding Maternity Leave - Duration: 3:27.


Starved for Company - Duration: 2:42.

Steve Hartman now who introduces us

to some kids who are starved for company.

[Steve] When the lunch bell rings at Boca High in Boca Raton, Florida,

3,400 kids spill into the courtyard and split into their social groups.

But not everyone gets included.

Here at Boca High and at schools across the country,

someone always sits alone.

[boy] It's not a good feeling. Like you're by yourself.

And that's something I don't want anybody to go through.

Denis Estimon is a Haitian immigrant.

When he came here in first grade,

he says he felt isolated,

especially at lunch.

Now he's a senior. He's popular.

But he has not forgotten that first grade feeling.

To me, it's like if you don't try and go make that change,

who's gonna do it?

So with some friends,

Denis started a club called We Dine Together.

We Dine... Together! We Dine.... Together. We Dine....Together.

Their mission is to go into the courtyard at lunchtime

to make sure no one is starving for company.

- Denis. - I'm new here.

- You're new here? When did you first come here?

For new kids especially, the club is a godsend.

- This is Gabriel. - Gabe, how you doin'?

Since it started last fall, [- He's Brazilian]

hundreds of friendships have formed

Some very unlikely.

You're probably meeting kids you never would meet on the football team.

Ever! [laughter]

Gene Macsmerrydo actually quit the football team.

Gave up all the perks that come with it,

just so he could spend more time with this club.

I don't mind not gettin' a football scholarship.

This is what I really want to do.

Just imagine how different your teen age years would have been,

- What's your name?

if the coolest kids in school all of a sudden decided you mattered.

We'll get to know each other better.

It obviously takes a lot of empathy to devote your lunch period to this.

[girl] Yes. - Either that,

or first hand experience.

I went from coming from a school that I always had friends

to coming to where I had nobody so...

Club member Allie Seely transferred two years ago.

She says with no one to sit next to,

lunch can be the most excruciating part of the day.

Seems really unfair.

It's honestly an issue.

We need someone who actually cares

and listens to what you have to say really makes a difference.

And that could happen at lunch.

That could happen at our club.

It's gonna make a difference.

And not just here at Boca High.

- I'll be around tomorrow if you want to eat lunch together or something.

Dennis and his team are now trying to open chapters of We Dine Together

at schools across the country.

And maybe when they're done showing kids

how to make outsiders feel excepted,

they can teach us adults, too.

For more infomation >> Starved for Company - Duration: 2:42.


How to Draw Watermelon | Drawing for Kids | Learn Colors for Childern - Duration: 3:50.

How to

Draw Watermelon

For more infomation >> How to Draw Watermelon | Drawing for Kids | Learn Colors for Childern - Duration: 3:50.


Annual Report: Partnering for Better Care - Duration: 4:04.

The reality in child and youth mental health is the vast majority of care that we deliver is in the community.

Last year, SickKids has embarked on an integration with the former Hincks-Dellcrest.

We're now part of one continuum of services between The Hospital for Sick Children and the SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health,

optimizing the ability to help kids move from hospital to community-based services, what we call stepping down into community-based services, and

providing them with the full continuum of care – that we've given the best possible outcome from a mental health perspective.

So one of the tremendous strengths of the integration is that we now have sites

providing mental health services in very distinct parts of the city that all have different needs.

It's a very very simple goal. We want to serve more kids and youth.

70 per cent of mental health issues will emerge before kids are the age of 17.

70 per cent – so early intervention and prevention is critically important for their long-term outcomes.

Julie: Behind me is our EarlyON Centre. We use play to support moms, dads,

grandparents and caregivers to optimize their child's mental health and well-being. Chris: We run a specialized school

here. We do that in collaboration with one of our community partners,

one of the public school boards. Kim: The kids here are here because their mental health

challenges prevent them from being able to be successful in a community school setting, so we provide them with the opportunity to make

friends, to go on school trips, but they're able to do it in a safe environment

where their mental health needs are being addressed and aren't getting in the way for them.

Chris: You know the statistics are dire.

We see in any given year over a thousand new

kids presenting for care and all of these kids could, in our space, have the opportunity to participate in

novel and important new treatment modalities that we would develop and evaluate at CCMH and most

importantly, their access to care would be in their community. At our Jarvis Street site

we offer a variety of different services including residential and day treatment for teens,

outpatient counselling,

individual and family groups.

Christie: The integration has provided an opportunity for us to leverage

expertise at both sites, to work really closely with the hospital to identify where the

care ends at the hospital and where it can begin in the community.

We have had a successful year reducing our wait time from when a family first calls until they receive their intake screening appointment by

35 per cent.

Chris: Also located at our downtown site is the SickKids CCMH Learning Institute. Angela: So this is our DBT training right now...

So what's key for us is really about disseminating best practices in the area of mental health.

We know that there are many individuals who are in need of mental health support, and many practitioners, and our role is really to build

capacity so that individuals with mental health needs get the best support that they possibly can.

Chris: Through this amazing

integration between a large

hospital and a large children's mental health centre, and all the different players who have an interest in working with us, from public school boards

to community agencies to many others, our opportunity for innovation,

collaboration and impact is

limitless and I think that's amazing.

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