Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 31 2018

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For more infomation >> Mighty Magiswords Cleanliness Is Next to Grupliness Episode 3 - Owen Mason - Duration: 3:15.


Martha MacCallum Eviscerates Juan Williams For Saying DeSantis Is Racist For Using The Word MONKEY!! - Duration: 11:35.

Martha MacCallum Eviscerates Juan Williams For Saying DeSantis Is Racist For Using The Word MONKEY

it's been nearly 20 years since the

Sunshine State had a Democrat serving in

Tallahassee so now the mayor there

Andrew Gilliam has shocked the political

world with this upset win in the

Democratic gubernatorial primary he

faces Ron de santis the come-from-behind

congressman got a very big boost with

the president's support there and it

didn't take long though for this thing

to get heated after DeSantis said this

on Fox News earlier today let's build

off the success we've had on Governor

Scott the last thing we need to do is to

monkey this up by trying to embrace a

socialist agenda that led to this I say

that it was a conscious choice of words

and it's not just a dog whistle it's a

bullhorn that was just a dog whistle

that was a bull one I mean there was a

blatantly racist comma when you say

monkey and reference to an

african-american he might as well have

just said the n-word one-wayness joins

us in a moment with his reaction to that

Chris tyre Walt on the big picture

shaping up in the political Sunshine

State and we begin with Jonathan hunt in

our West Coast newsroom with the top

story tonight hi Jonathan hey good

evening Martha let's just set this out

for everyone exactly as it happened and

in the words of those involved first for

context here again is Ron de santis on

America's newsroom this morning so we've

got to work hard to make sure that we

continue Florida going in a good

direction let's build off the success

we've had on Governor Scott the last

thing we need to do is to monkey this up

by trying to embrace a socialist agenda

with huge tax increases and bankrupting

the state terry Rizzo the chairwoman of

the Florida Democratic Party immediately

tweeted quote it's disgusting that Ron

de santis is launching his general

election campaign with racist dog

whistles within a short time of that

DeSantis spokesman put out of state when

rejecting any Ally

Asians that the language mr. DeSantis

used was racist in any way saying quote

Ron de santis was obviously talking

about Florida not making the wrong

decision to embrace the socialist

policies that Andrew Gilliam espouses to

characterize it as anything else is


this afternoon Shepard Smith interviewed

mr. Gilliam and asked him for his

response to the comments by his

Republican opponent yeah that that part

wasn't lost on me it's very clear that

mr. DeSantis is taking a page directly

from the campaign manual of Donald Trump

but I think he's got another thing

coming to him if he thinks that in

today's day and age Florida voters are

going to respond to that level of

derision and division they're sick of it

what we're trying to offer in this race

was that racist or a for everyone or was

a state was that racist or a figment of

speak well well in the handbook of

Donald Trump they no longer do whistle

calls they're now using full bull horns

now we're more than two months away from

the election Martha it was always going

to be heated in Florida it got ugly

quicker than any of us might have

imagined sure did

Jonathan thank you very much good to see

you tonight so Juan Williams co-host of

the five and a Fox News political

analyst and friend of the story here

tonight Juan good to have you here

but what was your reaction well I think

what you have to understand is we live

in an age of heightened racial tensions

according to every poll out there right

now and this is among whites and blacks

who say that racial tensions are higher

in the age of Donald Trump than they

were previously and of course you have

to keep in mind he comes after the first

black president President Obama someone

the president Truong had gone after with

the birth or controversy in the light

and then you come to Ron de santis who

is a Trump acolyte and I might add you

see something very similar taking place

in the state of Georgia where you have a

black woman Stacey Abrams running

against Brian Kemp another Trump true

believer in that state so here we have

racially combustible energy

right here in the politics of our

country and then DeSantis comes out and

says not only monkey it up which I think

people might hear as a slur but he says

articulate and a socialist spokesman and

you start to think I understand he's

trying to put down his opponent as every

politician everywhere does but in this

moment it comes across as racially

charged I get you and I obviously you

know a couple things bothering me about

it one is that when I heard it it didn't

occur to me that way at all I you know I

thought monkey that it's like monkey you

know it doesn't sound to me like a

racist thing to say

then what struck me is that my actually

my first reference with it was something

I saw on Twitter that said that DeSantis

said that he would that Florida

shouldn't monkey it up by electing a

black governor but that wasn't what he

said and that was everywhere one

everywhere there was like 10 references

I saw and I said there's no way that he

said that you know why would he say that

then I looked at it he didn't say that

he's talking about a reference between

you don't want to monkey up the work

that he sees as good work by Governor

Scott by turning to a socialist plan of

for the economy in Florida so what kind

of world are we living in where this is

how quickly we jumped the gun and then

Gilliam says you know well we're so

divided how sad that we're divided but

it's a dog it's not a dog whistle it's a

bullhorn so instead of saying he doesn't

want to be divided he's using this

politically right out of the gate you

know what you have to keep in mind is

that I don't think that Gilliam is to be

pilloried and said oh he is taking

advantages I think he said to the

contrary to Shepard Smith this afternoon

he wants to avoid division and derision

I think that so far he said oh no they

don't do any use this phrase which

clearly the communications manager for

the campaign use the same exact clearly

they all got together and said we're

gonna say it's not a dog whistle it's a

full bullhorn I mean that that was their

crafted statement right out of the gate

I think this goes beyond him I think

that you can hear this from other

members and you played some of the sun

by soundbite it's coming from members so

you're seeing this come across a


is that a phrase yes so I mean this is

obviously their what they have decided

is the creed okay I would

love it if someone would come out of

this kind of situation and say you know

what you know what I'm not gonna go

there I'm sure that's not what the man

meant let's talk about these well you

can say that I mean but the thing is

then you run the risk of closing your

eyes to an explosive issue in our body

politic and something that could be

ruinous and the the issue here is not

about politeness because my spirit is

with you Martha I would say look I don't

think the guy meant anything let's just

move on let's go back to the kid in this

moment where you have the president

going after Maxine Waters and you know

let me tell you if you own a Frederica

Wilson we could go on about the number

of black people that this president

directly attacks in a way but tensions

in this society when if you're gonna

talk about counter-attacks he's I would

say it's pretty colorblind in that he

goes after men he goes after women he

goes after black people he goes after

way people I mean he goes after

everybody so I again you have to again

be a historical or blind to the racial

history of this country and the racial

tensions of this moment to somehow say

oh well why do you guys see race why do

black people always have a chip on their

shoulder there's a real reason in this

moment given that the Santis is and you

heard this from Gilliam he is Trump's

guy that has is echoing this kind of

talk and he you would think good piece

of politician that he wouldn't be using

language like monkey around we've had

episodes where people are talking about

cotton picking you start to think hey

Martha I think they're sending a signal

and it may be that they suggest hey I

have deniability but at some point you

have to say you know what I think you're

pushing that button for a very specific

reason to excite the worst elements that

show up in a Charlottesville and that's

again where we are in America where yes

and I but I think it's really sad to

make those assumptions about a phrase

like that hey you know I didn't look at okay because I started

looking up the these references is even sort of jumping

into the game okay they say when the

words monkey this up are used to refer

to electing a man of color that would be

a blatant and then they connect directly


dog whistles so they're also on the same

page with the way this is supposed to be

read then you go to then someone else

you know just going through all this on


pulls up merriam-webster and they go to

this which says monkey around which is a

slightly different phrase but it means

to take things to to do things that are

not useful or serious to waste time as

in a young scientist monkeying around in

a lab it would have never occurred to me

that to monkey something up might be

something that would be perceived as

racist well I you know in general if I'm

talking if we ran into each other in the


on the 17th floor and we talked a lot

monkey sir I wouldn't even give it a

thought Martha in this environment where

you have the first black man running for

the governor of Florida for his opponent

to immediately begin with language about

he's articulate monkey this up

I think the articulate is more is more

of a dog whistle to be honest with well

I rarely went by the way but I do

because I remember when Joe Biden said

it about President Obama and that I

thought oh that that didn't sit right

with me because I thought would you say

that about you know young together a

white man who was running would you

point out that he's articulate I think

that is it is a more explosive word in a

way then this whole thing but this is

what got seized upon and and what I

would dismiss me is to see their

campaign jump right in assume the worst

in him assume that this is what he's

doing connected all to Donald Trump and

that just further inflames the device

well I think we live in an age just

stand up and not give in to that kind of

divisive debate well I don't think

there's any way that we can't

acknowledge reality in front of us when

the president is talking about black NFL

players as fire those sob s when he is

saying that the LeBron James is dumb at

some point you have to say wait a second

yeah he attacks lots of people but I

noticed he has a way of going after

black people as lazy dumb diss on you

think you know at some point I think

this is why a lot of people including

the leadership here at Fox said you know

we don't condone that kind of language

nobody condones that car I don't want

him to call anybody dumb or lazy I

I see I do not see it necessarily the

way you do because I think he viciously

attacks a lot of people and I have a

problem with that but I don't

necessarily see it the way that you do

but I respect your opinion and I'm glad

to see you know thank you for coming in

I'm going to continue teasing you

thank you one you get to see you tonight

thank you god bless you and God bless


For more infomation >> Martha MacCallum Eviscerates Juan Williams For Saying DeSantis Is Racist For Using The Word MONKEY!! - Duration: 11:35.


【MUKBANG】 [Karuizawa] CHEESE IS TASTY!!! 7 Atelier De Fromage Pizzas! [4500kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 4:43.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



recently i visited Karuizawa town, isn't that ?

and there was a restaurant called Atelier De Fromage in the station

and i bought from it 7 pizzas

and this pizza looks so tasty

in fact i tried this pizza in Atelier De Fromage and i found it so delicious, that's why i'm looking forward to try it with you


i warmed up 3 of it

let's start eating the classic one, margherita

i'm not going to cut it for today

i want to eat it as it is


this Mozzarella cheese is really tasty

this cheese is really amazing

the Cheese fondue is so good

the pizza is crispy and the cheese is so soft

next, capricciosa


you can bake it using the toaster

i used the toaster to bake it

there is shrimp, mushrooms and olive

next, quattro pizza

as i expected, this cheese is so tasty

and the aroma of the cheese is so rich

let's warm the next pizza

i'm going now to add some honey with it


the taste of the sweet honey with the salty cheese is really amazing

next, tomato and Anchovy pizza


this tomato is so sweet and tasty

and the Anchovy is so good

next, garlic and shrimp pizza

the aroma of the garlic is so strong

and texture of the shrimp is good and tasty

next, tomato and Anchovy pizza


and finally, quattro pizza


the sweet and the salt taste of the honey and cheese is really good

the last bite, itadakimasu



Atelier De Fromage pizza was so tasty

it's really difficult to bake it, the texture was harder than what i tried in the restaurant

but it was simple and tasty

and the pizza that i like most, is the only cheese pizza

adding honey to it, is really tasty

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try it as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Karuizawa] CHEESE IS TASTY!!! 7 Atelier De Fromage Pizzas! [4500kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 4:43.



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For more infomation >> HUSQVARNA BICYCLES IS BACK - Duration: 1:58.


Paul Burrell claims 'relevant' Meghan is like Diana on anniversary of her death - Duration: 6:01.

 Meghan Markle, 37, and Princess Diana have some similarities according to Paul Burrell who appeared on ITV's Good Morning Britain today

 He claims Diana and Meghan are similar because they are both "relevant" and "modernise" the Royal Family

 Speaking with Kate Garraway on the programme, Paul said: "(Meghan's) very approachable and very relevant because she is a divorcee, she is mixed race, she is American

" He also gave the Royal Family a message, and said: "They need to wake up and realise they are only there because the people want them to be there and the minute they aren't relevant they are gone

"  The former butler told viewers how the Royal Family's failure to prepare Meghan's family for the media attention caused by marrying into "The Firm" is similar to their failure to prepare Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson

 He said: "If you marry into this family you are pushed into the deep end and told to survive

 "But, thankfully, Kate and Meghan have two people beside them who adore them." The royal employee, who was very close to Diana during her life, praised Prince William, 36, and Prince Harry, 33

 He believes the two princes are following the example of their mother. He said: "Diana's true legacy are of course her boys who are continuing her mission

" Expanding what he believe Diana's mission was, Paul added: "To modernise the Royal Family

She changed the face of the Royal Family. She is the ghost that will forever haunt them

 "They are following their mother. They're Diana's boys, they are doing exactly what she would have wanted them to do

" Paul revealed he was at Kensington Palace when he heard the news of Diana's death, and the Princess told him she would be a day late

 However, he never saw her alive again.  Another guest on the show this morning revealed how he had an emotional moment with Princess Diana on Dodi Al-Fayed's yacht

  A former body guard of the Princess of Wales Lee Sansum told how he accidentally came across the royal during a private moment

 Bodyguard Lee told presenters: "It wasn't a romantic thing by any stretch of the imagination but I was in St Tropez on Mr Al-Fayed's big super yacht and I was looking for stuff on the top deck

" Diana was upset after hearing about the death of a friend. Lee said: "I came across her it there, it was just after the news had broken she was crying and she was very upset

"Who is Meghan Markle? Quick profile Meghan Markle was born Rachel Meghan Markle, on August 4, 1981 to parents Doria Ragland and father Thomas Markle

 Her father was previously married to Roslyn Loveless and Meghan has two elder half sibling - sister Samantha Markle and brother Thomas Markle Junior

Actress Meghan's first television appearance in the USA was in an episode of the medical drama General Hospital in 2002

 She later moved on to roles in CSI, Without a Trace and Castle along with bit parts in Hollywood films including Get Him to the Greek, Remember Me and Horrible Bosses

 Meghan was also a "briefcase girl" on Deal or No Deal - but her most famous role was as Rachel Zane in legal drama Suits, which launched in 2011

 She was written out in the finale of the seventh series when her character got married, which aired in April 2018 - just before she got married herself

Charity and humanitarian work Meghan Markle's career in television has gone hand-in-hand with her support for causes close to her heart

 She wrote about the stigma around menstrual health in an article for Time magazine and was a Global Ambassador for World Vision Canada - with whom she travelled to Rwanda for the charity's Clean Water Campaign

 And her commitment to gender equality has seen her work with the United Nations - receiving a standing ovation in 2015 for her speech to mark International Women's Day

Relationships In September 2011, she wed film producer Trevor Engelson, who she began dating in 2004

 But the pair divorced two years later in August 2013, citing irreconcilable difference

 She was in a relationship with celebrity chef Cory Vitiello for almost two years, before they broke it off in 2016 but the two remain good friends

 And in June 2016, she met Prince Harry on a blind date set up by a mutual friend

 Their relationship began in October that year and just over one year later, on November 27, 2017, the pair announced their engagement

 They married on May 19, 2018 at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle.Meghan's heritage Some have claimed Meghan Markle is the first mixed-race member of the Royal Family

 Historians are still arguing about Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III. But Meghan will be the first royal to openly embrace a mixed-race heritage

 She has written about the difficulties of being a biracial actress in Hollywood as she claims she is not black enough for some roles and not white enough for others

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