Why is building your personal brand so valuable and talked about in today's
market? Is it something you should be looking more into or is it relevant only
for specific industries and professions?
To understand the importance of your personal brand in today's digital world,
go now Google and Google yourself. What comes up on Google represents your
personal brand, and whether you like it or not,
95% of people today will Google your name and search for your social media
profiles before they even meet you in person or right after they meet you. This
could be employers, potential clients, business associates, and anyone who is
interested to know more about you. Hi! I am Pavlina Papalouka. I am the founder of
AwakenSpace Media & Education, entrepreneur for many years, coach and
speaker in personal branding, entrepreneurship and personal
development, and in the past few years I have been helping people build powerful
personal brands to grow their business, advance their career, increase their
income and become the go-to authorities in their market niche. Let's start with
what is a personal brand. Your personal brand is what is unique about you, what
value you bring to the world, how you communicate your value to others, what
people say about you, how they perceive you, and what image they have of you.
Personal branding is a powerful tool. People who know how to use it skilfully,
build great influence in their market and industry in any profession. Personal
branding today plays a very important role in new business and career growth
because it represents your online reputation in today's market, how people
and companies perceive you and how much they value your knowledge, your skills,
your services, and your potential. Strong personal brands in any industry attract
the best opportunities, higher payment, better clients, better job offers and are
respected as the go-to authorities and influencers in their niche. The benefits
of good personal branding are endless, especially since we now live in a global
economy and a global culture where we're all connected online, and opportunities
are not only local but global from anywhere you're based in the world. If
you have any social media profile or online presence, you already are a
personal brand. And if you don't have any social media profiles or websites,
chances are that people who will search you online can still find something on
the internet that someone else posted about you that might not be
representative of how you want to be perceived today as a professional. So in
today's online world, it's wise to be educated and have control over the
information people find online about you through taking care of your online
presence, your image, and your digital footprint. And you can even take it a
step further and build great leverage and power out of these unlimited
opportunities that the social media platforms are offering to people who can
use it skillfully. So here's five reasons why having a
personal branding strategy today is important for your success. Reason number
one is that people will Google you anyway.
Whether you're applying for a job or going to a business meeting or you're
looking to get more clients for your services and for your products, most
people will search you online before they make a decision. Also your existing
business partners, clients, associates, and employer are also influenced by your
online presence by what you post, how you interact with people online and what
image you give out. Reason number two is being visible in
your market niche. If you're invisible online, potential clients or employers
cannot find you when they're searching for what you have to offer. There are so
many people with amazing knowledge, skills, and potential that nobody knows
about, and they can't get paid what they're worth because they don't know
how to take care of their online presence and promote themselves and
their skills, their products, and their services. Reason number three is having
better clients, opportunities, and higher payments. By building a respected
personal brand you attract better clients, better opportunities, and higher
payment. People are attracted to you, find you and ask to work with you instead of
you going after clients, jobs, associates, and opportunities. It makes your
professional life so much easier and allows you and your business to grow
faster as you gain power and you are able to choose who you want to work with
and how much you want to charge because everyone wants to work with the person
who is respected as a top authority in their market niche. Think about how
you're easily willing to pay a lot more to go to the best hairstylist, the best
doctor, the best consultant, the best lawyer if you can afford their services.
Reason number four is unlimited opportunities globally.
We live in a new global economy of unlimited opportunities. A few years ago,
to get any exposure, you had to pay a lot of money to the media moguls, who used to
monopolize information in each country. Now everyone can build their own online
media channel on LinkedIn, on Instagram, on Youtube or on Facebook and unlock a
world of opportunities locally or globally. Online there are no
restrictions. If people like you, they will follow, ask to work with you and buy
from you. It's up to you to get the knowledge on how to use this power of
the social media networks to gain massive leverage in this global economy.
Reason number five is the benefits of gaining influencer
and celebrity status. You can choose to take a personal branding a step further
and become an influencer and celebrity in your market and industry if you learn
how to use social media to build brand skillfully with consistency and patience.
Building influencer and celebrity status can have great benefits on your income,
your professional and business growth. There's a lot of talk about online
influencers today. Influencer status is not about how many followers you have;
it's about knowing how to use social media tools the right way to create
impact in your market through your work and through giving value. Are there any
secrets that people who build big respected personal brands know and use
to stand out? What are the strategies that truly work and bring results? The
tools are available to everyone today wherever you are in the world. However,
you need to have access to the right information, the right strategies and
formulas that work today and implement consistently over a period of time. Rome
wasn't built in a day. Building your personal brand will take patience. At the
same time, without having the right services or products that you offer
through your brand, your personal brand can do very little with regards to
bringing you more income. So it's a combination of steps that you need to
take. I know that building a personal brand can sound like a challenging task,
especially if you're just getting started. And the truth is that it's not
easy but it's truly worth it. There are many mistakes that people make
when promoting themselves online that can have a negative effect on your image
and your business. Online if you make the wrong move, it can backfire so you need
to take careful and educated steps. There are two sides of every coin, and we see
everything in today's online world when everyone is trying to stand out. How do
you become the go-to expert, the respected authority brand in your niche
and create the life and business that you want and deserve?
To help you build your personal brand the right way and avoid costly mistakes,
I have created free trainings and guides to help get you kick-started. You can
also take it a step further and connect with me as a mentor and let me guide you
step by step with the right strategies and mindset to build your personal brand
the right way and become an authority and influencer in your niche. Look for
more information around this video about my online courses and mentoring programs
and join me on a journey that I know can be one of the best investments you have
ever made in your life and in your business. This is Pavlina Papalouka.
Thank you for watching! If you have got value out of this video, make sure you
subscribe now to stay updated with my new content, courses, and events and share
to help others. Are you ready to build your own powerful personal brand that
will help you attract better clients, better opportunities, higher payments, grow
your income by using the power of social media? Would you like to learn the
specific mindset and the latest tools and strategies that the most successful
entrepreneurs use to succeed in business today? It took me years to learn this
information from my mentors, and we broke it down for you in a step-by-step
process. Visit www.pavlinapapalouka.com or look for a link under or over
this video to find out more about how you can join my Personal Branding
Academy and the powerful community of entrepreneurs who are making a difference
by creating successful businesses and the lifestyle they love.
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