7 Reasons the Name YEHOVAH Is a Counterfeit! - Duration: 3:51.Hey this is pastor Randy like to welcome you to Drive By Teaching here recently I
was asked about the name Yehovah when it comes to this name there are many
reasons why we should avoid it in this short video I want to share with
you seven reasons why Yehovah is not the name for our Father in Heaven but a
counterfeit based on Jewish tradition. Reason number one except for a few rouge
self-proclaimed scholars within the Hebrews Roots movement in over 20 plus years
in the ministry I have yet to find a scholar confirming this name Yehovah reason
number two according to the scholarship the name Yehovah or Jehovah arose
through the vowel points of Adonai except for the compound shwa under the Aleph of
adonai and the regular simple schwa under the Yod of the Tetragrammaton the
vowel points between Adonai and Yehovah are the same and by the way this difference
between the vowel points is due to the Aleph being a guttural and the yod being a non guttural
reason number three according to Jewish authorities is a mistake to read the
vowel points from Adonai with a yod heh waw heh forming Yehovah based on Jewish
tradition the Jews were to read adonay or this practice was to ensure that they
would not pronounce the name Yahweh reason number four in addition to
Yehovah other spellings for the divine name are also found in the Masoretic
manuscripts this is because the Jews were not consistent with how they used
the vowel points from adonai and Elohim matter of fact within the
Leningrad codex we find at least six different spellings for the
Tetragrammaton reason number five except for the Masoretic manuscripts dating
back to the 9th century and later the name Yehovah is not found in any other
documents including in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Reason number six the letter V
within Yehovah was in later use the v come from the hebrew letter vav was
originally pronounced as a w is found in Yemenite and a Sephardic Hebrew which
predates the Ashkenazi or modern Hebrew and last here reason number 7 according
to early Greek documents dating to the second century the divine name is
pronounced Yahweh even in the greek septuagint within the Dead Sea Scrolls collection
we find evidence for the short form Yah well for more information on the name
Yehovah I would encourage you to watch my video exposing the name Yehovah and
also read our online article The Yehovah Deception. The name of our Father in
Heaven is one of the most important truths we find within the word it's
important we get it right. You know we thank you for watching this drive-by
teaching and until next time may Yahweh bless you this has been drive-by
teaching with pastor Randy join the conversation and leave us a like and
comment below subscribe now for all our latest releases for one of the most
extensive religious websites ever for all the ways to connect
with us see the description below from all of us here at drive-by teaching
don't get stuck in the slow lane of tradition put the brakes on ignorance
and put your understanding into overdrive
Lexus IS 250 AUTOMAAT | Leder | Cruise-ctrl | Parelmoer wit | LM-velgen - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
The Real Evidence of the Holy Spirit is Not Tongues | UNLEARN - Duration: 4:46.Many Pentecostals and charismatics claim that spiritual gifts are the evidence of the Holy
Spirit, but is that really what the Bible tells us?
It's time to UNLEARN the lies.
Hey, welcome to UNLEARN.
My name is Lex, and I'd like to invite you to join us each week as we UNLEARN the lies
and dig deeper into the truth of God's Word.
If you like this video, be sure to subscribe and click the bell icon to be notified when
we post new content.
Now, let's get started.
I'm sure you've heard people say the evidence of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues,
or some other spiritual gift, but that's not what the Bible says.
The Bible actually warns us about false prophets who will do signs, wonders, and miracles but
they will lead people astray.
"If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign
or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying,
'Let us go after other gods' — which you have not known — 'and let us serve
them,' you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams,
for the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul.
You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey
His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him."
- Deuteronomy 13:1-4
Did you catch that?
False prophets can do signs and wonders.
One great example of this is when Pharaoh's magicians were able to reproduce many of the
signs that Moses did.
They were not working in the Holy Spirit, but they were able to mimic the signs that
This is why the Bible tells us to test the spirits.
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
- 1 John 4:1
Yeshua warned us that false prophets would be able to do signs and wonders, and there
is a possibility they might even deceive the elect.
"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive,
if possible, even the elect."
- Matthew 24:24
It's scary to think that God's people might be led astray by false prophets, and Yeshua
also warns us not to be deceived even when people come in His name claiming that He is
the Messiah.
"And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you.
For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Messiah, and will deceive many."
- Matthew 24:5
These false prophets even call Him Lord, and claim they are doing wonders in His name,
but in reality, they don't even know Him.
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he
who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'
And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice
- Matthew 7:21-23
These false prophets practice lawlessness, and do not do the will of the Father.
If these false prophets can do signs and wonders, then we cannot claim that such things are
the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
Most pentecostals claim that speaking in tongues is the sign of the Holy Spirit, but numerous
pagan cults practiced a form of tongues.
In fact, it was quite common in pagan temples.
For example, the Dionysian cults, the Prophetess of Delphi, and the maidens of Bacchus all
practiced a form of ecstatic language.
The cults of Osiris, Mithra, and Eleusian all practiced ecstatic tongues, claiming them
to be supernaturally induced languages.
Even the Greek philosopher Plato referred to a number of people who spoke in tongues
while they were praying.
Therefore, we cannot say that speaking in tongues is the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
So, what is?
Listen to what Yeshua had to say about this topic.
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravenous wolves.
You will know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes from thorn-bushes or figs from thistles?
Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Therefore by their fruits you will know them."
- Matthew 7:15-20
The evidence of the Holy Spirit is the fruit not the gifts.
If you are walking in the Spirit, you'll produce the fruit of the spirit.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
- Galatians 5:22-23
If a person's not producing the fruit of the Spirit, then they're not walking in the Holy
Spirit, because you'll know them by their fruit.
Thanks for watching.
If you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can
UNLEARN the lies with us.
If you want to see more videos like this one, subscribe to my channel.
And I want to say a special thank you to those who support this ministry.
We truly appreciate your generosity.
And remember, the truth will set you free.
See you next time.
Lab Created Meat Is The Future It's Healthier And Cheaper - Duration: 2:44.Lab-Created Meat Is The Future - It's Healthier And Cheaper
The concept of lab-grown meat isn�t new, and several companies are hoping to perfect
the process.
Memphis Meats is developing a way to create meat without slaughtering animals, Tyson Foods
has launched a venture capital fund investing in the future of meatless meat, and Mosa Meat
hopes to serve the first lab-made burger in just five years.
But the challenge isn�t necessarily creating the best looking and tasting meatless alternative
� it�s pulling down the cost of production so that consumers will see it as a viable
alternative to the real thing.
In 2013, it cost around $325,000 to engineer a five-ounce in vitro hamburger constructed
from pieces of beef muscle tissue all grown in a lab.
Now, with advances in the industry steadily pushing this field forward, the price has
been whittled down to just $11.36 � that�s 30,000 times less than when it was first introduced.
This makes lab-grown meat just three or four times more expensive than traditional ground
beef, so if the biggest barrier to getting engineered meat to market is cost, then it
looks like we�re well on our way.
Assuming the most ideal growing environment, stem cells can produce a lot of meat.
A single turkey cell could theoretically be used to produce enough muscle to manufacture
20 trillion turkey nuggets.
Given the growing demand for food worldwide, something like this has the potential to address
pressing concerns about the industrial food system.
Switching to in vitro meat will also have major environmental benefits.
Today, the industrial food system�s objective is to meet the growing demand for food by
raising livestock on a small amount of land and producing meat at a very affordable price.
This has led to mass production livestock farms that emit massive amounts of greenhouse
Growing meat in labs could reduce this by 90 percent and lower land use by 99 percent.
The World's First Clean Meatball
Looks like lab-grown meat is full of benefits, so now we just need to make it economically
viable and convince people to take that first bite of a lab-grown burger.
Rihanna pleas to END gun crime as cousin is SHOT dead in Barbados - Duration: 6:46.Rihanna pleas to END gun crime as cousin is SHOT dead in Barbados
The pop star's relative Tavon Kaiseen Alleyne, 21, was shot dead on Boxing Day soon after celebrating Christmas with her and their family in Barbados.
Rihanna, 29, shared the news online along with a series of photos of her and Tavon together. "RIP cousin," wrote the eight-time Grammy winner.
"I can't believe it was just last night that I held you in my arms. I never thought that would be the last time I felt the warmth in your body.
Love you always, man. End gun violence." The post has received hundreds of thousands of comments of support. "Sorry for your loss may he RIP," wrote one fan.
Sad you are going through this. The Caribbean is battling this gun violence situation. Sadly it is hitting home for many," wrote another.
According to reports, Tavon was walking in the St Michael's area of the popular holiday destination at around 7pm on Boxing Day when he was shot several times by an unidentified man.
Gun crime is said to be a problem in Barbados with police – who are searching the island for the gunman – confirming a signifi cant increase.
While Rihanna has taken a stance against the crime, she has previously glamorised gun culture in her songs such as in Unfaithful: "I might as well take a gun and put it to his head," and in Man Down: "I just shot a man down in central station." She also had a gun tattooed on her side in 2009, telling Elle magazine that she considers it a "symbol of strength". .
Eddie Redmayne praised for CBeebies Bedtime story Reading fairytales to his one-year-old daughter IRIS has clearly paid off for Eddie Redmayne.
The Oscar-winning actor, 35, is being praised for his reciting of If I Had A Dinosaur in a CBeebies Bedtime Story over the Christmas.
Eddie, whose wife Hannah is expecting their second child, took to the BBC to read the tale of a little girl who dreams of having her very own pet dinosaur.
It went down so well that one fan even called for him to have a Bafta. In a clip, Eddie, who is already a Bafta winner, appeared in the Story Seat with a cuddly toy newt.
He said: "I'm Eddie and this is my newt, Amanda. And Amanda and I, we love stories.
In fact, we were just saying how nice it would be to share one with you on CBeebies!" The Theory of Everything star follows in actor Tom Hardys ootsteps with his bedtime story. ---------------.
Aston Merrygold announces engagement Strictlys Aston Merrygold is engaged to his pregnant girlfriend Sarah Richards. The former JLS singer shared the news on Instagram by posting a photo of him and Sarah standing surrounded by petals scattered in a heart shape.
Alongside the picture of him cradling Sarah's stomach, Aston wrote: "Allow me to introduce you all to my fi ancée." Sarah is due to give birth to their first child – a girl – next month.
It is a nice end to the year for Aston who was left devastated last month after his shock exit from the BBC ballroom show, despite being the favourite to win. ---------------.
Lindsays jaw-dropping tax bill Lindsay Lohan eceived an unwelcome Christmas delivery this year – a big tax bill. The Mean Girls actress owes just over £75,000 to America's Internal Revenue Service for earnings made in 2010, 2014 and 2015.
However Lohan, 31, has yet to publicly comment on the report made by news site
The actress, who has became infamous for career and personal struggles, returned to her native New York for Christmas after splitting her time between her homes in London and Dubai.
She has spoken recently about why she no longer spends much time in the US.
She said: "I love the serenity and peace that I find living in the Middle East because there are no cameras in Dubai and I can actually focus on what I want to do in life.
I don't always have to be scrutinised every second." ---------------. David Walliams and his Grandpa exchange gifts on Christmas show David Walliams and his Grandpa's Great Escape co-star Sir Tom Courtenay gave each other very different gifts this Christmas.
The pair filmed the BBC One adaptation of David's children's book and made their feelings about the other clear through gift-giving.
"I would leave bars of chocolate for Sir Tom in his dressing room and he would leave me a book of poetry by David Foster Wallace," said David, 46.
"He was trying to make me cultured and I was trying to fatten him up." In the drama set in the 1980s and to be screened on January 1, Sir Tom, 80, plays a former Spitfire pilot suffering from Alzheimer's who is reluctantly put into a old people's home by his son played by Walliams.
Then a rescue attempt is mounted by the old man's grandson to free him from the home run by the evil Miss Dandy, played by former Absolutely Fabulous star Jennifer Saunders.
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