Beautiful Small Stone Cabin In Rural Ireland Is Now A Perfect Holiday Home For Romantic Journeys.
North Korea is a prison-camp of an economy: John Bolton - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Is the city better off without public housing units torn down in 2007? - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is 'a product of the modern white supremacis - Duration: 3:59.Black, civil rights leaders say
Trump judicial nominee is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
Civil rights leaders are calling on the senate to reject president donald trump's nominee to a
Federal court in north carolina arguing that thomas far has long worked to promote racist policies and is a product of the modern white
supremacist machine
Far trump's pick for the us district court for the eastern district of north carolina
Began his career as counsel to former us senator jesse helms a supporter of racial segregation, who represented north carolina for thirty years
Over the last decade foreign his law firm colleagues have defended voting restrictions and identification laws
that courts, have struck down as deliberately discriminatory the fourth circuit court of appeals found in
2016 that north carolina's voter restriction lost targeted black communities with almost
Surgical precision black civil rights leaders and progressive groups
including the congressional black caucus are calling on the senate to reject far
In october the senate judiciary committee approved him in a party-line vote and fires now up for confirmation, by the full senate
Reverend william barber - president of the north carolina and double-a-c-p
Wrote in the tuesday, new
York, times op-ed
That far who he called the most alarming of all of trumps judicial nominees would pose a direct threat to north
carolina's black communities
African-americans seeking to have their rights protected under federal law. Have much to fear if mr.
Farr takes the bench, he wrote he, went on senators from both sides of the aisle must condemn the experience mr.
Farr brings with him having practiced white supremacy for decades mr. Farr is not likely to withdraw
Every senator, who condemned the racism on display and charlotte's film must vote to prevent it from having power in the federal judiciary
barbour noted that about half of north carolina's black residents live in the area presided over by the eastern district and
Despite president barack obama's efforts to seat to black female nominees on that court the eastern, district has never had a. Black judge
Members of the congressional black caucus torn into far's record in a september letter to the judicial committee pointing to his work on helms
1990s a campaign during, which postcards were mailed to 100,000 black voters wrongly
Suggesting they were ineligible to vote in warning they could be arrested and prosecuted for fraud if they tried it is no?
Exaggeration to say that had the white house deliberately sought to identify an attorney in north carolina with
A more hostile record on african american voting rights and workers rights than thomas far it could hardly have done so the caucus members wrote
Far told the senate during his september hearing, that he only learned of the postcards after they were sending that he was appalled
By the strategy but a former department of justice official
Who investigated the incident has directly contradicted far's claim arguing that he
Was certainly involved in the scheme as it was being developed
The leadership conference on civil and human rights has accused favre lying to the senate and called on him to withdraw his nomination
The n-double-a-cp legal defense fund is calling on the senate judiciary committee to bring far back in for more questioning
Far appears to have explicitly misled the senate
About his role in a scheme to intimidate black north carolinians and stop them from voting in the
1990 midterm elections the legal defense fund wrote last, month arguing that far as neither
Sufficiently qualified nor competent to serve on the federal judiciary
This comes after the american, bar association
Determined that four of trumps judicial nominees are not qualified to serve on the federal bench those listed and qualified
By the aba, did not include one nominee matthew. Peterson, who withdrew
Himself from consideration earlier this month after a video clip of him struggling to prove basic knowledge of legal procedure went viral
Peterson's withdrawal, was the third, by a, trump judicial nominee in ten, days trump who is filling federal judicial vacancies led, her rapid rate
WHY TAKING OUT KIM JONG UN IS NOT A GOOD OPTION? - Duration: 7:57.North Korean threat has moved to next level this year, with the regime successfully demonstrating
its destructive capabilities in the form of powerfully 100 kilotons nuke as well long
range missiles Hwasong 14 & Hwasong 15.
Unlike the U.S administration's deliberations on the many issues like Syrian chemical weapons
attack, President Trump has given his national security advisers far more time and a wider
degree of flexibility when it comes to North Korea.
Before the policy review began, the Wall Street Journal reported in March that Deputy National
Security Adviser K.T.
McFarland directed aides to include "ideas that one official described as well outside the mainstream."
In this video, Defense Updates analysis WHY TAKING OUT KIM JONG UN IS NOT A GOOD OPTION?
Lets get started.
We now know just how unconventional some of these options are: they apparently include
everything from reintroducing nuclear weapons to South Korea as a show of force and deterrence
to assassinating Kim Jong-un and his top commanders.
"We have 20 years of diplomacy and sanctions under our belt that has failed to stop the
North Korean program," a senior intelligence official involved with the review told
NBC News.
Reading between the lines and it's obvious what the overall message from the Trump administration
is: North Korea is a problem that has been on Washington's hot-plate for way too long,
so it's time to shake up the establishment and look for new alternatives.
There was a time when assassinating a foreign leader was an integral component of America's
national-security toolkit.
During the Cold War, leaders who were either insufficiently supportive of U.S. policy goals
or in bed with the Soviets were targets for removal.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, Congo's Patrice Lumumba, the Dominican Republic's Rafael Trujillo
and Guatemala's Jacobo Árbenz were all on the CIA's hit-list at one point in time,
and Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi was a frequent target due to his sponsorship of
international terrorism.
Things changed after the end of Cold War.
Killing foreign political officials, an option that was once always on the table, is now
generally discouraged and frowned upon.
In fact, It's been U.S. policy since the Gerald Ford presidency to stay far away from
anything that would suggest that the United States is a participant, involved in some
way or complicit in an assassination attempt.
President Ford's executive order on this is quite clear: "No employee of the United
States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination."
President Reagan restated—and some would say expanded—that restriction in executive
order 12333, which says that, "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United
States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination."
Pursuing a policy that would lead to the assassination of Kim Jong-un and the decapitating of the
North Korean leadership would therefore be a big reversal from a U.S. policy that has
persisted for forty-one years.
Policies, of course, can change and presidential directives and executive orders can be modified
or rewritten.
And there is no statutory prohibition that would prohibit the president of the United
States to order a hit on a foreign leader.
Although 18 U.S. Code, Section 1116 could be used to prosecute a U.S. person who attempts
to kill a foreign leader, this statute only applies if the crime is committed in the United
States or the leader is targeted "in a country other than his own."
If President Trump were willing to amend current executive orders on the books, his administration
would presumably target Kim Jong-un and not be penalized under the criminal code.
A question that is just as important is whether assassinating Kim or the generals in charge
of North Korea's nuclear program, ballistic missile program, military or intelligence
services would be a good idea.
There is a perception that if just the top, bad guy in the regime is taken out, all of
the other bad guys in that regime will be scared straight, change their behavior and
suddenly turn their governments into bastions of human rights and democracy.
U.S had experience with his belief before: several days prior to major military operations
in Iraq, Washington lobbed cruise missiles at Saddam and the Iraqi political leadership
in the belief that perhaps further war could be avoided.
Whether that hypothesis would have played out is unknown because Saddam survived those
attacks—it's comfortable to assume that the Baathist leadership would surrender to
coalition forces the next day, but it's just as likely that the war would go on.
North Korea is an entirely different situation than Iraq was in 2003.
Kim Jong-un is solidly in power, having killed or marginalized anyone including his uncle
and half-brother perceived to be even a minimal threat to his control.
Unlike Iraq, whose military was demoralized and degraded by the Persian Gulf War in 1991
and by a sanctions regime over the next decade, North Korea is a nuclear-weapons state with
ballistic missiles that have the capability to level Seoul quickly and target U.S. bases
in the region.
Killing Kim and banking on the idea that the regime would change how it does business after
seven decades would be a high price to pay if that untested theory proved to be wrong.
Because North Korea is such a black-hole in terms of human intelligence, the U.S. intelligence
community wouldn't be able to confidently assess that the man or woman (Kim's sister,
for instance) who replaces Kim wouldn't be just as vicious or unpredictable.
Assassinating a head-of-state is the definition of an act of war, and nobody can accurately
guess whether cooler heads in Pyongyang would prevail over those who would be itching to
demonstrate strength through retaliation.
Reaction from Beijing would be swift and unyielding, and as much as the South Korean and Japanese
governments would like North Korea to behave more predictably, it's not at all certain
that Seoul and Tokyo would believe that assassinating the men at the top would achieve that objective.
Putting Kim 6 feet underground is only one choice in a set of options, that the National
Security Council has on table for President Trump's consideration.
It may even be an option that is so far outside the mainstream that Trump's national-security
aides would discourage him of even studying it further.
It remains to be seen, how things pan out.
Donald Trump is 'running a criminal enterprise out of the White House', says former US governor - Duration: 3:04.Donald trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the white house says former us governor
Donald trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the white house a former us governor has claimed
Former vermont governor howard dean accused mr. Trump of corruption during a discussion about the president as frequent visits to his
Own properties mr.?
Trump has spent nearly a third of his days in office at a property owned by his company according to a wall street journal review
The promotion is extraordinary mr. Dean who previously served as chair of the democratic party told
Msnbc there hasn't even the president in my lifetime who has done anything, like this
Mr. Dean, also accused the president as staff of shaking down foreign governments to hold their vents at the, new
trump international hotel in washington dc
The trump organization has promised to donate any money that foreign governments spent at the hotel to charity to avoid
violating the emoluments clause of the constitution
Still mr. Dean suggested that robert mueller the special counsel appointed
By, the justice department to investigate possible trump campaign collusion with, russia
Would find something nefarious in the president s business dealings ivy said for a long time i think mr.
Trump he's running a criminal enterprise out of the white house mr.
Dean said and i think that s what bob mueller s on the track of mr.
Trump has spent more than 100 days at a trump organization
Owned property since taking office according to the journal this includes 40 days at his golf course in bedminster new
Jersey and 40 days at his mar-a-lago resort in palm beach florida
While previous presidents have, also spent time at their, own properties, while in office mr.
Trump s properties are uniquely open to the public and to profits george w bush
Went to his ranch in crawford texas a lot
But it was not like you could rent the bedroom next to his jordan liberal wits
A spokesman for citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington told the journal mr.
Trump turned the trump organization s management over to his sons upon taking office
He retained, ownership in the company however meaning, they will eventually be able to profit, from his holdings
Mr. Trump departed last friday for a 10-day holiday vacation tomorrow
Lago, while the president has not announced his new, year s eve plans he is widely expected to attend the resort s annual year-end
Gala, the price of a ticket for the red carpet event has increased
By up to one hundred and seventy five dollars this, year according to politico the tickets are now six hundred dollars per dues-paying members and
750 dollars for their guests members of the private club said last, year s tickets cost
Five hundred and twenty-five dollars for members and five hundred and seventy five dollars for guests
One mar-a-lago members said the event is nearly sold out
They, personally don t see any issues have erased
bobby burchfield the trump organization s outside
Ethics adviser told politico it s not a campaign event it has a normal business new, year s eve part
Selena Gomez Mom is upset about more than Justin Bieber - Duration: 3:52.Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos
Selena Gomez her mom is upset about more than Justin Bieber Selena's mom Mandy TV doesn't love that
She's back with her ex to the point where Mandy had a breakdown and went to the hospital
Because she couldn't deal with it. However. We're hearing a claim that there's more to Selena's tensions with her mom than the Biebs and
Apparently it's a beef that goes back for years
Selena's mom Mandy TV was distressed to the point where she required hospitalization
When she learned that selena and Justin are in couples therapy
This isn't one of those
Scientology things where Mandy's just super aunty therapy or whatever
Know what at Mandy's so bent out of shape was the haunting ugly
Realization that Selena's little reunion with Justin wasn't just a temporary thing
Selena seems to be serious about resuming her relationship with the Biebs and quite frankly, that's every mother's nightmare
No, this isn't just about the fact that Justin Bieber isn't hot anymore?
This is a bit more serious the reason that selena gomez's whole family hates
Justin is because they had front-row seats to the damage that a relationship with women did to mental health and her emotional well-being
Now they're watching her fight elitists and are worried that she'll soon be
Fighting on two fronts as justin's personal issues and bad behavior once again. Take their toll on a talented singer
Besides he wasted years of her youth before she got lupus. Even if his behavior is totally different now
That's not something that a mother could forgive easily if at all
However heath reports that there's more putting a strain on Selena's relationship with her mom than just her choice and pen eise's
Selena has always said that the one person that means the most to her is her mom Mandy
However, this source says that not everything's perfect in their dynamic
But still they've had a really complicated relationship and have gone through a lot of ups and downs
Everybody has their ups and downs even if you have a great relationship with your mom but apparently
For Selena the low points could be really really low there was apparently an entire year during which
Selena and Landy didn't speak after Selena dropped Mandy as her manager back in 2014
It caused a huge rift in their relationship
Mandy wouldn't even let Selena talk to her sister for a long time that sounds awful
Mandy and Selena's stepdad really did everything they could for Selena that stepdad being Brian Tiki
Though to be fair. That's your obligation as parents
You don't get a prize for that so when she fired her it took a toll on Mandy emotionally and professionally
Mandy lost her cloud as a manager after Selena left. It caused a major rift in their relationship, but they eventually
Honestly, we are totally team Mandy when it comes to the resurrection of Jelena
We do think that she's going about it the wrong way just
Say a few words
Then outwardly accepted suffer in silence and then offer her a shoulder to cry on when she realizes her mistake
But based on this it sounds like Selena was in the right back in 2014
She was what 22, that's old enough to have a manager. That's not your mom
It sounds like Mandy may have just taken that the wrong way
Ivanka Trump is getting roasted for posting a vacation photo that shows a confederate flag behind - Duration: 1:11.Ivanka Trump is getting roasted for posting a vacation photo that shows a confederate
flag behind Jared Kushner.
Ivanka Trump is being criticized on social media after posting a photo of her husband,
Jared Kusher, and young son on a boat in Florida with a Confederate flag in the distant background.
After the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser tweeted out the photo,
along with three others of the pair fishing, Twitter users immediately spotted the controversial
flag flying on neighboring boat.
Some made light of the apparent oversight, while others questioned whether the photo
expressed subtle support for the flag, which is widely viewed as a symbol of white supremacy.
"Couldn't find four photos without one?
Or is this a dogwhistle?"
Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics under President Barack
Obama, tweeted.
Critics pointed to President Donald Trump's controversial statements about Confederate
monuments and defense of white supremacists who protested to protect the monuments in
Charlottesville this August.
Trump argued at a Phoenix rally in August that those in favor of removing monuments
to Confederate leaders from public spaces are "trying to take away our culture" and
history, calling them "weak, weak people."
What exactly is Order 66? (Canon) - Star Wars Explained - Duration: 5:09.Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.
In this episode I will be going over exactly what Order 66 was.
If you are enjoying the videos, please give them a like and subscribe to the channel so
I can continue making them for you!
To begin, Order 66 was a catastrophic event at the end of the Clone Wars.
"Execute Order 66."
When it was activated, the Clone Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic turned against
their Jedi commanders, subsequently terminating many Jedi and causing destruction to the Jedi Order.
So that brings us to the question of, exactly what was Order 66 and why did all the Clone
Troopers turn against their former commanders?
Taking a step back, to even before the start of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had
foreseen the upcoming war.
Behind the back of the council and the Galactic Senate, he commissioned the creation of a
Clone army for the Republic on the planet Kamino.
"Please tell your master Sifo-Dyas that his order will be met on time."
Around the time of the Invasion of Naboo, Count Dooku, now known secretly as Darth Tyranus,
would order the death of Sifo-Dyas.
"Tyranus wanted Sifo-Dyas dead. The pykes were well paid to shoot down his ship."
He and Chancellor Palpatine would then take over the creation of the Clone Army, choosing
Jango Fett personally for the template of the clones.
"You must known Master Sifo-Dyas?"
"Is he not the Jedi who hired you for this job?"
"Never heard of him."
"I was recruited by a man called Tyranus, on one of the moons of Bogden."
Count Dooku, while still posing as a Jedi, would then provide the Kaminoans the bio-chip
to be implanted into clones during the early phase of their growth period.
The chip would contain the protocol 66 which, when activated, would ensure total obedience
and cause them to terminate the Jedi.
Order 66 was almost prematurely exposed when clone trooper, CT-5385, nicknamed Tup, had
a malfunction with his bio-chip, causing him to attack Jedi Master Tiplar.
"Good soldiers follow orders."
"Hey! Tup?!"
"On your right!"
"Tup! No!"
It was claimed to be a virus that caused him to kill the Jedi Master.
But another clone, CT-5555, nicknamed Fives, not only discovered the chip itself,
"It is foreign to the body."
"Someone implanted it there."
"An implant?"
"You mean this isn't an accident?"
"Someone did this to Tup?"
but also that it was inside all the other clones as well.
"I can't believe it."
"They all have one."
After being framed,
"You don't understand, what I'm mixed up in."
"It goes all the way to the top."
he would then be pursued and killed before
he could pass the information onto Anakin or anyone else.
Even Yoda had discovered that Count Dooku was involved in the creation of the Clone army.
"Know now, we do. That guide the creation of the Clones, from the beginning, Dooku did."
The Jedi Council chose not to reveal the information,
"Cover up this discovery, we must."
as a means to stop it from discrediting the Republic.
Yoda also saw a vision in which the Jedi would likely lose the Clone Wars, though he did
not know how exactly they would.
After the deaths of Count Dooku and General Grevious, Palpatine then revealed himself
to Anakin in an attempt to lure him to the dark side.
"You're the Sith Lord."
At first resisting, Anakin revealed Darth Sidious' true identity to Mace Windu.
"I've just learned a terrible truth."
"I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."
But conflicted, Anakin would eventually succumb to the lure of the dark side, becoming the
infamous Darth Vader.
"You shall be known as Darth Vader."
This is when Sidious would activate Order 66, which would cause all clone troopers to
attack the Jedi, wiping out thousands in the process.
At the same time, newly appointed Darth Vader, would be sent with clones to attack the Jedi temple.
Order 66 would be the destruction of the Jedi Order, and the transition of the Republic
into the Empire.
"The Republic will be re-organized into the first Galactic Empire!"
And there you have it! How Order 66 came to be.
Have any other videos you'd like me to make?
Let me know down below in the comment section.
And remember to like and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.
I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.
Is a 401k a Good Investment? What About an IRA? - Duration: 12:19.Man, you caught me on one of those days where I'm going to be talking about one of
my most passionate financial topics which is the do's and don'ts and
problems with 401k's and IRA's. Kris Krohn here with Limitless Wealth TV bring it
all to you right now.
Problems with 401k's and IRA's, this is a dangerous topic for me to be talking
about because you know that if I ever talk about this whatsoever, I get so
fired up with the fact that people are behaving and showing up like sheeple
instead of taking control over their financial future. He's already started,
I'm calming down which is why I brought Steven Michael Miller today as our
resident expert on the matter, he's just going to sit here and help calm you down
and provide commentary on how he feels about 401k's and IRA's, isn't that right,
Steven? Excellent. So let's just get started with this concept of where did
401k's come from in the first place. If we go back pre-revolution, if we go back
before the Industrial Revolution, we had Americans in this country working on
farms. We were pretty much in charge of our livelihood, we would have children,
our children would then take over the farm, they would help take care of us and
we all had a really great built-in retirement plan and we were 100%
self-sufficient, that's what life was like back then wasn't it, Steven? Exactly.
But then comes the Industrial Revolution and all of a sudden, all these factories
emerge and people realize, oh my gosh, I need to find a good way to entice people
off of their farms and they decided to come up with this concept called the
pension and the pension was where the company was going to take care of you
for life when you were done working. Give us 30 or 40 years working of you
life and we're going to take care of you and your widow and your family after you
die and that was a really strong enough allurement that people that were done
with the whole farming gig, they said, I'm going to go into the cities, I'm going to start
working in these factories and that's existed for a very long
period of time until the 70's. In the 1970's, it got to the point where
companies started shrugging and saying, it's way too expensive, it has caught up
with us, it is not sustainable for me to pay someone for 40 years of working and
then pay them another 30 or 40 years after they die and so what they ended up
doing was doing away with pensions and the government felt the need. Right,
Steven? To absolutely step in and what they did is, they instituted this thing
called the 401k. Now the 401k was this idea that will actually put a much lower
burden on the company's backs and will let them do this match
like on the first 3% or 5% and pension was a really big deal but by the
time it came to 401k, the world basically said, go fund your
own financial future. Friends, our real estate took care of us for the
rest of our lives and now we've evolved over the last 200 years into jobs where
if you're contributing aggressively to a 401k for 40 years, guess what,
it's not enough money to pay for retirement and the free money, the match
that the company is giving you, the enticement to stay there with them, guess
what, it's also not going to be enough. So take your free money, and the bottom line
is if you do the math, and you get to the very end of the road and it's not enough
money, you just call that a broken system. Isn't that right, Steven? Alright,
Steven, you got to say something on this video to contribute. Social Security has
followed very much the same kind of pattern. Has it did? - It has. - So the deal
security.. - Yeah, I'm going to do this right now and I've got stuff on my teeth,
I'm sure but you just come to deal with that because this is one thing where I
get super passionate about. Social Security is one of those things that we
have been relying on for years and years and years and if you don't know it now
then start reading a little bit about this. Understand that your Social
Security payments, things that you're paying right now into your Social
Security check, we're supposed to be funding your retirement. - Oh whoa whoa
whoa this sounds like a conspiracy theory for someone that's on the
borderline millennial, Steven. Aren't you just part of the conspiracy theorists
claiming right now that Social Security is going away? - Yes. I mean no, no.
Look, and I want to say this carefully. Most things that go around there, there
is oftentimes a small bit of truth, even some of those conspiracy theories, those
crazy wild out there things, sometimes there's a little bit of truth in there,
something small, right? I just want you to pay attention. Look, follow the money, look
at where Social Security is. Right now we are funding people that are in their 60's,
70s and 80s. My check where I'm putting money into it and I'm earning on and I'm
paying Social Security right now, is not funding my retirement, it's funding
theirs. This is why people say that the system
is broken because it is. My money was supposed to
support my retirement but it's not going to be there for me. - It's actually breaking
pyramid law. So pyramiding law says that you're not
allowed to take money and and use it to pay for another individual, robbing Peter
to pay Paul and it's this idea that Social Security was to fund my
retirement, it was the money that the government was setting aside to make
sure that they could help take care of me in my old age and then the reality
is, is that all of my money is where? It's actually funding somebody else and the
question is how long will that last? Is it really self sustainable? And
today's conversation on 401k's and IRA's and the problems with them is that we've
got to get back to our basics, we came from real estate, our Constitution was
written around property ownership and real estate and real estate used to
completely and entirely take care of us. Real estate entirely takes care of those
who build their fortune and their wealth around it which guess what, part of
Limitless Wealth TV is teaching you how to go back to your roots, it's teaching
you how to go back to what worked and the reality is, there's been a great
retirement plan that was instituted from the beginning and it was called property.
Why? Because property has the ability to take care of you whether you're using it
for growing livestock and plants and farming or whether you're using it
as a real estate investor today, it's the same exact thing. Look at how Donald
Trump made his first billion dollars, borrowed a million dollars from dad, went out,
bought a skyscraper downtown New York City, flipped it and sold it for mega
profits and he's only ever played in the massive real estate arena so even though
he lost all his billions and had to start over, how did he make it right back?
Real estate. Friends, real estate is the conversation not 401k and not IRA.
Steven, the problems with 401k's and IRA's are.. - Okay, the 401k was never meant
to retire you. I just want you to get clear on this for just a moment. It is a
glorified savings bucket and the glory is very small. - You can't touch, you can't
access. Oh my gosh. - If you're watching this video
right now, then what I want you to do is something a little different cause usually,
I want you to keep your eyes open while you're watching this video but for just
a moment, I want you to close your eyes, just keep the sound rolling here for a
second. I want to ask you some questions and I want you to determine right now if
this investment is a good investment or a bad investment so just listen to me
for just a second, close your eyes and just listen.
I want you to give me your money and I'm not going to give you access to it for 30
to 40 years, number one. Number two, I want you to give me your money and I'm going
to charge you for me to have your money, I'm going to charge you fees for me to have
and be, quote unquote, managing your money, is this a good investment or a bad
investment? Number three, you're going to give me your money and if you want to
take some of it back at any time, I'm going to penalize you, I'm going to smack
you on the hand, give you this big penalty, okay. In order for you to get
your own money, is this a good investment? Number four, you're going to give
me your money and I'm not going to pay you anything. - Every month? Every month
- I'm going to pay you - I'm going to you jell-o pudding. I'm going to give you nothing.
- I'm going to pay you nothing on a monthly basis, no residual income. - That's not called an
investment. - Is this a good investment or a bad investment? Just think about this for a
second. - Number five. - Is there number five? - Yeah dude, it goes into the stock market
and it's like, yeah, it's money, yeah we lost money, doesn't matter, I don't get to
touch it, I don't get to.. - There's no control. Okay,
eyes now, okay. Most of you don't understand that
you are going to pay, if you have a significant other and both of you
are contributing to your 401k's over a lifetime, you will probably spend
somewhere in the realm of one hundred two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
in fees. Yeah, that's right. A hundred two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
fees over the life of both of your retirement accounts, both of your
401k's. - Is that true? - Oh yeah. - I've never heard that. - Well I've heard it. What does that mean?
What that means is, you're putting your money with somebody who doesn't really
care about you, they care about their bottom line and their dollar, you're
putting your money with somebody who wants to control and keep and maintain
and and take that money and do something with it they're not even telling
you to do. By the way, when you put your money into a 401k or an IRA, do they
take all that money, they wrap it all up, you know, all this money. All this
money, right, they wrap it all up and then they put it in there 401k right? No,
they don't put your money in another 401k, they're doing something
with your money that they're not telling you to do with it. Why? Because they're
making a whole lot more money putting it into real estate and proper insurance
vehicles and other investments that are earning them a whole lot more
money while you get a pittance. They convince you, No, I know you
want to go. Look, they convince you that they're going to
earn you a whole lot of money. Why? They tell you, well I'll give you the match.
The match is the biggest like crapload, right? I'm going to match your money, you put
a dollar and I'll put a dollar in or I'll match up to 10% or whatever when
you put in. The reality for most people is they will never see their match. Why
does this happen? Think about it for just a moment. When the market crashes, what
happens to your money? If it's tied to the market, what happens your money? -You lose
it. - You lose it. Your money crashes along with it so if it if your money goes down
50% and then it comes back up 50%, are you even? - No, you're down 25%. - You're
down 25%. If you have a dollar it goes down 50%, you're at 50 cents. If it goes
back up 50%, you're up to 75 cents. Yet the people that are managing your money
will tell you, "Oh yeah, the market fluctuates and that's just part of it
right. You'll go down a little bit but then you'll gain it back, oh good a 50%,
then you'll gain 50%, go back to normal." - Well this is the thing that people don't
understand around about the math, is that if you actually go and check out
misfortune 101, it's a fantastic book and it will reveal the math and it's just
what Steven said, the reality is is that your bank account, when it goes up, it
feels good, when it goes down and you lose money, it feels bad but when it all
averages itself felt, like right now I got some people in the last four months
like, "Dude, I'm trucking in the mark and I'm making money." I'm like, "You still
haven't recuperated the original money that you lost seven years ago." And so the
reality is, who cares if it goes up and down because it all comes down to one
thing, what's it doing for you today? - Well, cash is king. - If it is not paying you,
it is not doing anything for you. We call that a speculative investment. In real
estate, speculation means I'm going to put money in something and someday I
hope to get something back. An investment is something you put money in and it
gives you money when? Right now. So friends, we're inviting you as you're
considering the concept of 401k's and IRA's to invest your money where you know
that you're going to get paid back. Invest your money where you know you're
going to get a return and be in charge of that, take ownership, get back to the
family farm, get back to proving concepts at work. Click the link up here in this
corner and Steven and I will share with you exactly
how we will take you to the best markets, help you invest in real estate
and we're going to let you own 100% of it, we're not going to take it over,
we're not going to take a piece of the pie, it's a hundred percent yours because we
are here to empower you and get Americans back to what has worked from
the very beginning, get yourself back in real estate. If you're looking for more
information on your alternatives with 401k's, click the link up here and let me
give you a free copy and audio copy of my book the straight path to real estate
wealth. I'm going to talk about 401k's and IRA's and how those can actually be
hidden assets to actually launch you in the world of real estate making way more
money and having way more financial control over your life. Click the link
and get more.
What is the healthiest and the cheapest food to eat daily? - Duration: 8:07.What is the healthiest and the cheapest food to eat daily?
What is the healthiest and the cheapest food to eat daily?. Good health is achieved by a complete balanced food which covers our both macro and micro requirement and surely it's not confined to expensive and exclusive food.
There are easy and cheap option available which can provide you good health at low cost.
Buttermilk- A gut friendly drink loaded with probiotics, keeps you cool in the summers. A much better options than high calorie sugary drinks to keep you hydrated.
You can add fresh mint leaves and dry cumin powder to make it more tastier. It provides you calcium, protein, phosphorus and magnesium.
Barley-. One of the oldest grain consumed in the world, have multiple health benefits. Apart from the known qualities of reducing weight and high fibre, it's high in certain vitamins and minerals like copper.
Ideal for lunch and dinner. Instead of rice use barley in your meal.
1 bowl gives you 110 kcal. It contains fibre B glucan , its a soluble fibre , it absorbs water and form gel like substance in the body,which slows down the digestion process. hence gives feeling of fullness.
1 cup of cooked barley provides 20% of magnesium.
Bajra(Pearl millet) - A healthy cereals which provides all the goodness of an healthy cereal. These are high in complex carbohydrates, fibre, iron,magnesium, phosphorus. Best in diabetes,weight loss,reducing cholesterol and digestive disorders.
It can be consumed in various form like chapati, khichdi or puffs as an evening snack. For bajra puffs, Simply roast in pressure pan for 8 min add spices like red chilies,salt as per your taste.
Wheat Grass juice- These green leaves of wheat are rich in chlorophyll, Vit C,B, k, E, calcium and magnesium. its high chlorophyll content helps to cure anemia and make your skin glow.
It's a great detoxifier, works as a energy booster as it helps in increasing Hb levels in the body. Good for water retention problems.
Amla-. Excellent source of Vit C. Amla is considered as a rejuvenating fruit. it works as an immunity booster, works against free radicals in the body. Increases insulin levels so good for diabetes .
Eggs- An ideal breakfast, rich in proteins. Apart from proteins it contains vitamin A, Folate, vit B5, vit B2, Phosphorus, Selenium and vit B12.
Proteins from the egg not only maintains your muscle mass but also helps in fat loss process in the body. It comes in the category of thermogenic foods . It helps in burning 80-100 kcal per day.
High protein diets increases satiety levels which leads to low calorie intake hence help in weight loss. Protein helps in increasing muscle mass, higher the muscle mass, more is fat burning in the body.
Soybean- These are high protein,high fibre snacks. Ideal snack for kids to have in evening time. This not only keeps you full but also helps in maintaining muscle mass too.
Amaranth - These are high in calcium and iron. Excellent for knee problems or arthritis.
Can be consumed as ladoo or porridge form .Use jaggery as a substitute of sugar to make it more nutrient rich. A good replacement of high calorie chocolates and desserts.
Green leaves of amaranth are consumed in north india, popularly known as Chaulai Ka Saag.
Roasted black Chana -These are high fibre, rich in protein,iron. Provides 6gm of fibre per serving.
A good source for diabetics as it has low glycemic index, helps in reducing cholesterol. It has manganese and zinc which helps in preventive hair loss and greying of hair.
Peanuts- These are commonly found nuts, most popular snacks of the winter. Rich in protein, niacin, Vit E, biotin, copper, and phosphorus. it's a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Boiled or baked Sweet potato Sweet potato contains complex carbohydrates, it has low glycemic index which provide slow release of glucose after consumption. It has a resistance starch. It has anti inflammatory properties too.
Best food to have in the breakfast. Its high fibre content keeps you full for long hours. it keeps your skin hydrated, being rich in vit E and vit C it keeps your skin young. It provides you good amount of iron.
Green leafy vegetables - Choose all the greens, they are loaded with calcium, iron and other vital nutrients. A perfect recipe for weight watchers. Just blanch them or steam them. Use in your s every day salads and smoothies.
Coconut water-An ideal thirst quencher for summers to maintain your electrolyte balance.
Lime juice - An ideal early morning detox, generally taken with honey. Rich in vit C, is good for weight loss and general health. For more info on healthy food click on. image source for all the images: Google.
Lexus IS 300h Business Line Premium 10,3" Navigatie, Sunroof, Parkeersensor, Keyless entry - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Lexus IS 300h Luxury Line Premium Navigatie, Blind Spot, Keyless entry - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
8 Things a woman does when she is in love - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Is this sarcasm? - Colours Of Monochrome | Interview | TuneTroubleTV - Duration: 5:34.Hi, we are Colours of Monochrome. I'm Thorsten.
This is Lion
And this is
And we are still Colours Of Monochrome
T: Do you remember back on the plane? L: When we almost crashed?
T: Yes, when one of the sides of the plane collapsed
and the wind was blowing
and you looked really funny
with your face in the wind
and I laughed really hard. Do you remember?
L: We were lucky that Manuel was on board because he's got a pilot's license
T: Yes and luckily he had his raft with him
L: That's what saved us. Like, out at sea without a raft - what do?
You're screwed
So, we were in this raft
and then Manuel said >>Hey, how'd you like it if I played bass?<<
And I said >>would be cool if you did<<
L: Then he got out his bass and started playing.
T: Then he started playing bass.
L: You suddenly put up your drumset - and everything started to get going
T: Then we said that's all pretty cool and asked if we could join him
M: I created this band
'cause the bassist is the most important part of a band
Wait, it was a broom with a string attached to it
M: Yeah
A shovel.
A shovel! Right!
L: It was the plane's emergency shovel
T: The music is pretty..
I'd say it's a little gangsta-rap
it is ... we have this sticker on our album, right?
What's it called?
"parental - something"
when it contains bad words.
M: Thorsten is basically the white 50cent of Austria
T: Yeah, it's definitely a bit of gangsta-rap
it's definitely hard
So "idiot" and "moron" are definitely on there
"Fool" too, I think
L: "dumbass"
Yeah! The track's even called that
"You're a real dumbass"
L: "Dumbass, dumbass. You're a real dumbass"
and that's it
Yeah, but we can't say that here. It's too aggressive.
M: because we're such badass gangsters.
L: "Dumbass, dumbass. You're a real dumbass"
T: We also get inspiration from "Scooter"
M: Especially english elements
"How much is the fish" is our credo
T: But how much is the fish actually?
M: Nobody knows
T: Do you know how much the fish is?
"1-2-3 Polizei" (police)
T: And mostly I got inspired by
Helene Fischer
I really thought to myself
I have to improve vocally
She is just so ...
Like, her lyrics are ...
L: She is so authentic!
T: Yes and so deep
M: "Breathless through the night"(song)
has a completely different meaning to it now
T: What do you mean?
M: just *beep*
T: What is that?
M: Nothing.
T: Do you know what *beep* is?
I just listen to that.
L: That's when...
It happens to me with Popsicles sometimes
M: It's when you don't get brain freeze,
but it gets really cold at the back of your throat.
T: And we dance, of course
We have dance routines
and Lion showed us last time, because we were twerking
Do you still remember the routine?
We've just learned it.
Lion just came over and said:
"Dude, look at this move!"
Like, right here
Totally twerked his heart out
and I immediately got goosebumps.
It was so..
You've never seen anything like it before!
M: I even got teary-eyed
T: And he twerked so hard
Everything was shaking, not just his a**
An then we knew..
that's exactly what we need.
but we still had the problem
that we wanted to have big balls.
We wanted to make bold music
So we though, let's just take a little bit of..
Hansi Hinterseer
Have you seen him before?
Hansi Hinterseer, how he performs on the ski slopes
it's insane.
Apre-ski. Hansi is standing in deep snow.
He's laughing! - despite the cold!
Have a go at that!
M: Badass!
He must be cold! Everything must be freezing!
but he keeps performing!
if that's not a true musician, what is?!
And the even crazier thing: there are no instruments
and he's still performing and you totally buy it
that he's having a good time standing there - apre-ski
L: In the deep snow
L: In the deep snow
L: on the mountain slope
T: with his white ski-suit
his blonde hair
M: That guy truly has the biggest balls.
Foo Fighters etc., have nothing on him!
Nobody's balls are as big as Hansi Hinterseer's
T: Our next music video's probably also with him
M: We already asked him to be a part of it.
T: He has a guest spot. He's already confirmed. We texted recently.
M: Nice!
T: and he's going to write the lyrics, he told me
and then we'll have Lion twerking at the top of the mountain
M: Standing on top of Lion will be
Hansi Hinterseer
L: showing his stability
T: Yeah, that's pretty much it.
This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean - Duration: 4:13.This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean
First, check your face for any moles, and then look at the diagram above to identify
the number(s) that are the closest match to the moles on your face.
Usually, the moles only hold meaning for you if they are prominent and they are the only
If your face if full of spots, acne or �little� moles, they do not count.
When you�ve ascertained which position corresponds to the mole on your face, look up the meanings
listed by numbers below.
POSITION 1 TO 3 As a child, you are somewhat rebellious and
a free spirit.
You have an innate creativity and work best when you are given a free hand.
Generally, your superiors like your avante garde approach to life.
If you have a mole here, you are far better off in business and being your own boss rather
than working for somebody.
What is promising is that you have the luck to be your own boss.
POSITION 4 You are an impulsive person, often acting
with a flamboyance that gives you charisma and a sparkling personality, but you can be
difficult when there are too many opinions.
You tend to be rather argumentative, but never to the point of holding grudges.
This mole tends to give you an explosive temper and should you decide to remove it, you will
find yourself becoming calmer and more at peace with the world.
POSITION 5 A mole above the eyebrow indicates that there
is wealth luck in your life, but you will need to earn it and work harder than most
All the income you make must be carefully kept as there are people who are jealous of
you who might attempt to sweet talk you into parting with your wealth.
Be wary of those who try to interest you in get-rich-quick schemes.
If you have a mole here, it is advisable not to be too trusting of others.
Follow your instincts and be cautious.
And never allow other people to control your finances.
POSITION 6 A mole here indicates intelligence, creativity,
and skill as an artist.
Your artistic talent can bring you wealth, fame, and success.
It also indicates wealth luck, but this can only be fully realized if you follow your
heart rather than stick to conventional means of making a living.
Success will come if you are brave.
POSITION 7 Moles under the eyebrows indicate arguments
within the extended family that cause you grief and unhappiness.
This will affect your work and livelihood.
It is advisable to settle any differences you have with your relatives if you want peace
of mind to move ahead.
POSITION 8 This is not a very good position for a mole.
Your financial position will constantly be under strain because of a tendency to overspend.
You also have a penchant for gambling.
The only thing is you must know when to stop.
Meanwhile, someone with a mole here has a tendency to flirt with members of the opposite
sex as well as with the same sex.
Better be a little discerning where you exert your charms, or you might get into trouble.
POSITION 9 This mole position suggests sexual and other
It is an unfortunate mole and you are well advised to get rid of it.
It brings a litany of woes and a parade of problems.
POSITION 10 A mole here just under the nose indicates
excellent descendants luck.
You are surrounded by family at all times and will have many children and grandchildren.
You have the support of those close to you and will be both materially and emotionally
POSITION 11 Moles here suggest a tendency to succumb to
It is a good idea to have this mole removed especially if it is a large, dark-coloured
Otherwise, use lots of foundation to cover it.
Lexus IS 300h F Sport Line Full Map Navigatie, Leder, Parkeersensoren - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Lexus IS 300h Business Line Adaptive cruise control, Parkeersensor - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is 'a product of the modern white supremacis - Duration: 3:59.Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
Civil rights leaders are calling on the Senate to reject President Donald Trump's nominee to a federal court in North Carolina
Arguing that Thomas far has long worked to promote racist policies and is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
far Trump's pick for the US District Court for the Eastern
District of North Carolina began his career as counsel to former US senator
Jesse Helms a supporter of racial segregation who represented, North Carolina for thirty years
Over the last decade foreign his law firm colleagues have defended voting restrictions and identification laws that courts have struck down as deliberately
discriminatory the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals found in
2016 that North Carolina's voter restriction lost targeted black communities with almost surgical precision
Black civil rights leaders and progressive groups including the Congressional Black Caucus are calling on the Senate to reject far
In October the Senate Judiciary Committee approved him in a party-line vote and fires now up for confirmation by the full Senate
Reverend William barber - president of the North Carolina and double-a-c-p
wrote in the Tuesday
New York Times op-ed that far who he called the most alarming of all of trumps judicial nominees would pose a direct threat to North
Carolina's black communities
African-americans seeking to have their rights protected under federal law have much to fear if mr.
Farr takes the bench he wrote he went on senators from both sides of the aisle must condemn the experience mr.
Farr brings with him having practiced white supremacy for decades mr.. Farr is not likely to withdraw
Every senator who condemned the racism on display and Charlotte's film must vote to prevent it from having power in the federal judiciary
Barbour noted that about half of North Carolina's black residents live in the area presided over by the Eastern District and
Despite President Barack Obama's efforts to seat to black female nominees on that Court the Eastern District has never had a black judge
members of the Congressional Black Caucus torn into FAR's record in a September letter to the Judicial Committee pointing to his work on Helms
1990s a campaign during which postcards were mailed to
100,000 black voters wrongly suggesting they were ineligible to vote in warning
They could be arrested and prosecuted for fraud if they tried it is no
exaggeration to say that had the White House deliberately sought to identify an attorney in North
Carolina with a more hostile record on African American voting rights and workers rights than Thomas far
It could hardly have done so the caucus members wrote
Far told the Senate during his September hearing that he only learned of the postcards after they were sending that he was
appalled by the strategy
But a former Department of Justice official who investigated the incident has directly contradicted FAR's claim arguing that he was
Certainly involved in the scheme as it was being developed
The Leadership Conference on civil and human rights has accused Favre lying to the Senate and called on him to withdraw his nomination
the n-double-a-cp Legal Defense Fund is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to bring far back in for more questioning
Far appears to have explicitly misled the Senate about his role in a scheme to intimidate black
North Carolinians and stop them from voting in the 1990 midterm elections the Legal Defense Fund wrote last month
Arguing that far as neither sufficiently qualified nor competent to serve on the federal judiciary
this comes after the American Bar Association
Determined that four of trumps judicial nominees are not qualified to serve on the federal bench
Those listed and qualified by the ABA did not include one nominee Matthew Peterson who withdrew himself from consideration
Earlier this month after a video clip of him struggling to prove basic knowledge of legal procedure went viral
Peterson's withdrawal was the third by a trump judicial nominee in ten days Trump, who is filling federal judicial vacancies led her rapid rate
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