Hey guys
its my first video on utube
it's halfway done yeah
Hope you all enjoy my unprofessional edit job .Bye
Thanks for watching my video .Bye
For more infomation >> VLOG: For fun - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
I like Speed | Little Red Car | Compilation Video For Children | Cartoon Song For Toddlers - Duration: 1:01:13.
I Like Speed Little Red Car
How To Hide Large Pores & Make Them Disappear With Makeup | Foundation Routine For Oily Skin - Duration: 3:40.
Do you suffer from open pores but still LOVE wearing makeup?
The truth is, open pores are a very common problem among women with oily and combination skin,
so using the right products, daily, to take care of your skin is very important!
Fortunately, there are a tons of amazing products available
that can tighten your skin and minimise your pores.
Hi, I'm Rosalyn, and today I'm going to share my pore minimising foundation routine with all of you!
So let's get started.
Rub an ice cube on the area where you have open pores
before you start your makeup.
This will reduce the size of the pores and control excess oil.
Choose a mattifying pore minimising primer which has silicone as an ingredient.
Silicone is a skin tone miracle worker.
It fills in imperfections, so that your makeup can glide onto your skin flawlessly.
Benefits' 'Porefessional primer' is a great option! It's fairly priced at Rs.2860/- a tube,
but i think it's worth the money.
However, if this is a bit out of your budget, then
Colorbar has a great mattifying primer for around Rs.850/-
How you apply the primer onto your skin is very important!
Squeeze a pea size amount on your finger, and pat the primer into place.
Don't rub it into your skin, this defeats the purpose.
Do this right, and you'll find that this technique
will help fill in the open pores without clogging them.
After your primer application is done, use a matte or a oil free foundation
as this will make your pores appear smaller.
Avoid using foundations that have shimmer particles in them
as they will end up highlighting your pores which is what we are trying to avoid.
As with the primer, how you apply the foundation is also important.
Use a sponge or a brush. Always press first then buff.
Pressing the foundation in helps fill in the pores,
while buffing helps blend the foundation and even out the application.
This ensures there is no excess product left onto your skin that could clog your pores.
Now, set your foundation with a loose or a translucent powder so your makeup stays all day.
This will also help fill any pesky pores that the primer or the foundation may have missed.
Take enough product on the brush and blend it in with a light pressing and buffing motion for an even finish.
Avoid using a pressed powder or a compact as this can often make it look cakey.
So there you have it, 6 simple steps to a flawless, pore free foundation routine.
This is my first video with Glamrs, so I'm a bit nervous,
but hope you guys have found the solution to your Pore Problems!
If you have any suggestions for me, do share!
So, until next time, Stay Tuned & Stay Glamrs!
Russian Meat Cake. Simple recipes for the New Year. - Duration: 6:37.
Hello guys new year is near and you prepared a list of recipes with which you go to the supermarket and so
We get anywhere and enter the ingredients that you need for cooking
healthy salad
so it is capricious tesla for several years, see my channel and not even logged on youtube it's time to fix it finally
up and of course subscribe to my channel and do not forget to include a bell
a reminder of each of my new video for the same to them because next year I have prepared for you is so much useful and interesting
I hope you do not want to miss it
Today we will prepare not aspic and some work
art bright accent to your New Year's table your home will be simply thrilled by your culinary
ability to start prepare broth place fill two liters of water bring to the boil
reduce the heat and cook for
half to two hours did not forget during cooking skim Now add one carrot 3 garlic cloves
black pepper
bay leaf small piece of smoked meat I have this chicken breast ground parsley and finely chopped dill for flavor
cover with a lid and pan over low heat for 30 minutes cook even when all of the broth is ready spread on a plate to cool
we filter the broth and 200 ml
pour in a cup in the same cup Pour 25 grams of gelatin and mix well to avoid lumps
set aside the cup in the refrigerator until the broth turns into a jelly, meanwhile divide broccoli
inflorescence smaller the better and decoctions in a rock, or 10 minutes to become softer as water podsolite
Now finely chop the meat out of the broth and a piece of smoked
bring carrots into thin rings, yellow bell pepper into small cubes eggs can be cut in half
broccoli ready so lay out their cool
and the broth is already frozen in a cup add it to the pot to the remaining broth and the better its preheat and
all carefully stir to avoid lumps of jelly
When all the ingredients are cut begin to lay out their form, I suggest making jelly
shifter that is, we put all the ingredients from the bottom up fill the whole thing broth and when it hardens we just
overturn our jelly sounds very simple, and in fact, so I took the silicone mold and underneath it necessarily
Put the plate in the bottom of the wider spread caps down broccoli
my dog, too, wanted a piece of
top evenly distribute pepper
then the carrots and now we need to fill out a form half
broth so he fix our first layer otherwise it will just float
pouring the broth by morkovochki and set aside in the refrigerator for 40 minutes and can even be an hour
return the form on the table, everything is fine and now lay frozen egg halves
and of course meat tamp it well with a spoon
Now pour in the supply of broth and set aside in the fridge and jelly
We wait for two three o'clock and the best night
the next day in the morning I got a jelly from the refrigerator it is pretty good
frozen so that there will be problems that it will move, I hope you can not wait to see how it looks inside
to taste such a jelly
gentle him there some kind of heaviness in the stomach, he is fucking delicious from aspic
it is very tasty and of course the appearance of this insanely beautiful and there is simply no chance
this jelly will remain with you in the morning, I really hope you enjoyed this recipe, I just loved it
prescription honestly so of course share them social networks to more people
I try this recipe add to the lips of the country so as not to lose and of course subscribe to my RSS feed and if I have
Inspired to do more vkusnyashek Dad waiting for you also in my channel in the next year all the upcoming holiday
bye Bye
Hush Little Baby | Nursery Rhymes Songs Compilation | Cartoons For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:45.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.
Apple Apologizes For Making Older iPhone Battery Slow - Duration: 2:20.
Watch: LOONA Presents New Member Chuu Through MV For "Heart Attack" - Duration: 1:13.
Watch: LOONA Presents New Member Chuu Through MV For "Heart Attack"
Chuu, the newest member of pre-debut girl group LOONA, has released her single!.
Heart Attack is a cute song that expresses the feelings of someone getting a heart attack when they see the person they love.
The music video features Chuu and fellow LOONA member Yves.
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF. Check it out below!.
751 Orgs Get Medicare Penalties for Hospital Acquired Conditions - Duration: 6:12.
751 Orgs Get Medicare Penalties for Hospital Acquired Conditions
December 28, 2017 - Medicare has penalized 751 of the nation's hospitals and health systems for high rates of hospital acquired conditions (HACs) such as preventable falls, infections, and pressure ulcers.
Organizations included on the list will see a 1 percent reduction in their Medicare reimbursement rates.
The payment reductions continue a quality improvement program that has been somewhat controversial due to the fact that a certain number of hospitals at the bottom of the list will be penalized every year regardless of whether or not scores rise for everyone.
Hospitals have significantly reduced their overall HAC rates since 2010, said the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in 2015.
Since the beginning of the decade, hospitals have seen a 17 percent decline in adverse drug events, surgical site and catheter infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and falls.
This equates to approximately 2.1 million fewer patient safety events between 2010 and 2015.
But the design of the Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program (HACRP) means that the bottom quartile of hospitals will always receive a reimbursement cut, even if their performance is similar to those just above the cut or if the hospitals in question have improved year over year.
The program may also fail to take into account the fact that hospitals with better HAC identification and reporting structures, as well as those who tend to treat sicker and more complex patients, will show more illnesses and injuries than other organizations.
The American Hospital Association (AHA) has argued that the program relies on flawed methodologies and questionable data that do not take patient population variances into account.
"The HACRP is poorly designed and imposes arbitrary, excessive penalties that disproportionately impact hospitals tending to care for the sickest patients," the AHA said in a 2016 statement to the House Ways and Means Committee.
"Data show that hospitals treating complex patients are disproportionally penalized, in part because the HACRP uses claims-based patient safety indicators (PSIs) that are unreliable and do not reflect important details of a patient's risk factors and course of care.
Small hospitals may simply lack sufficient patient volume to provide accurate data for certain categories included in the program, which could skew their reporting.
"Finally, the HAC measures overlap with the measures in the VBP Program, yet each program uses different performance periods," the AHA pointed out.
"This can lead to excessive payment penalties and confusion about the true state of hospital performance.".
In December of 2016, the AHA and KNG Health Consulting published a study that reinforced the notion that large hospitals, including academic medical centers that treat extremely complex patients, are disproportionately affected by the program.
Simulated quality results showed that large hospitals with very low expected complication rates scored in the lowest quartile nearly half the time due simply to the volume of patients moving through the facility.
As a hospital's bed size increased, so did its likelihood that it would rank in the bottom quartile of HAC performance.
Separate research from Houston Methodist Hospital, published in the same year, adds that large hospitals are likely to see more sepsis-related deaths, due largely to the fact that patients in need of highly specialized care, such as organ transplants, are also more likely to succumb to sepsis.
This year's penalty calculations were complicated by the fact that CMS identified a programming error that altered the score required to escape the bottom 25 percent of performers.
The error was corrected and the data recalculated, but only after hospitals received their initial performance reports.
The AHA has repeatedly urged rule makers to reevaluate the criteria for the program and ensure that the initiative is fair, accurate, and able to foster meaningful quality improvements.
"America's hospitals are deeply committed to reducing preventable patient harm," the organization said to the Ways and Means Committee.
"The AHA will work with CMS, Congress and others to improve existing policy and promote alternatives to the HAC program that more effectively promote patient safety.".
Disney Cars Mack Truck Transportation Pig Toys! Finger Family Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 11:36.
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WHAT THE HELL?! [Wait For It....] - Duration: 1:56.
Watch till end!
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