Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 29 2017

Top 10 New Year's Gift Ideas for Small Business Owners in 2018

Is one of your relatives, friends, or family member the owner of a small or a medium enterprise?

Are you looking for a suitable gift for them that doesn't look cliché?

2018 is right around the corner and today we are talking about the top 10 new year's

gift ideas that your entrepreneurial friend will really appreciate and will remember you

fondly for years to come.

Before we start counting down, here are couple of rules we followed.

Almost all these gift ideas are less than a thousand dollars.

None of these gifts are cheap, or inexpensive.

But they aren't extremely expensive either.

Some of these gifts can be had for as little as a hundred dollar, and none of them is way

over the thousand dollar limit.

An important thing to keep in mind is that business owners, especially successful business

owners aren't price-conscious.

Instead, we are value-conscious.

I own a small enterprise, and we cater to SME's business-to-business, so all my clients

are also small or medium enterprise owners.

And one thing I've found that's common across the board is value-consciousness.

For instance, a high-quality item that I can use for a decade on a daily or weekly basis,

and can extract some productivity out of… is immensely more valuable to me than an alternative

that's much cheaper, but not quite as high-quality and durable.

For this list, we're only going for high-quality and durable items.

And more importantly, we're going to list items that your entrepreneurial friend or

family member can actually put to use on a regular basis, and extract a lot of value

out of.

This means that you'll be at the forefront of their mind for years to come.

It's also important that you have a vague idea of what they already have and what they


Otherwise you might end up gifting them something they already have.

One last consideration, or suggestion if you will, before we start counting down… is

that often you can get together with a bunch of people and chip in together to buy some

of these items.

Entrepreneurs are frugal about what's needed, and would rather have one very valuable gift

from five people than five different gifts which don't add much value.

So, without further ado, here are our top picks for new year's gifts that you an buy

for your entrepreneurial friends before 2018 rolls up.

Number TEN: PureZone 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier

To start off this list, this HEPA air purifier is an especially great choice for your entrepreneurial

friends who live or work in big cities.

Air pollution and smog conditions can get especially bad in some places like San Francisco,

and can become a great health hazard.

Even in small towns, many small businesses are based in industrial zones where the quality

of air is not that great.

A high-quality air purifier can be used everyday, and can last years.

Most people don't realize how much they need one until they finally start using it

in their home or office.

Often, an air purifier helps greatly with congestion, breathing problems or chronic


Not only will you help them breathe clear air, but you might literally help them increase

their life-span and not just their quality of life.

People who spend a lot of time breathing in low-quality polluted air are at a greater

risk for heart disease.

So if you're on a budget, but still want to blow their mind with your gift choice,

you can't go wrong with an air purifier.

Our choice is a PureZone 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier that you can buy on Amazon for

around one hundred dollars.

You can find a link to the Amazon listing in the description below, where you can read

other customers' reviews and more details about this air purifier.

Number NINE: Allen Edmonds Cordovan Shoes

Shoes are not something you'd gift in a business setting, traditionally speaking.

But since you're watching this video for a friend, family member or relative who also

happens to be a small business owner… the Allen Edmond Cordovan Shoes can be a great


We came to understand the sheer value-proposition of a pair of these when a client of ours told

us how he's owned a pair now for almost eighteen years…

And with a little bit of mending and tending from time to time, his pair of shoes still

look like they're absolutely new.

Extremely comfortable shoes also mean greater productivity.

When it comes to productivity, comfort is the number one factor.

If you're uncomfortable with your apparel, or your shoes, you're just not going to

be as productive.

The Allen Edmonds Cordovans are both extremely comfortable, and extremely long lasting…

making them an unbelievable value-proposition, even at the roughly six-hundred-dollar price


Of all the things on this list, these shoes are the only ones that you don't have to

worry about redundancy either… since everybody can own several pairs of shoes at once.

Number EIGHT: Caster Sleep Mattress with Memory Foam

Speaking of comfort, nothing's more important than a good night's sleep.

Not only does your general comfort in life depend upon how well you sleep, but also your

willpower is directly dependent upon your sleep quality.

Given that you spend almost a third of your entire life on a bed, wouldn't it stand

to reason that you should invest in a high-quality mattress?

The Caster Sleep Mattress is made out of Memory Foam, and with its ten-year manufacturer's

warranty, it's an extremely high value-proposition, even at the roughly nine hundred dollars that

it costs.

In fact, it's such a high-value equipment for your entrepreneurial friend that the only

reason why it's not ranked in the top-three gift ideas of this list is because it's

very highly likely that already have a high-quality mattress.

And yes, I did refer to a mattress as equipment.

That was deliberate.

An entrepreneur's ability to succeed depends largely upon his willpower and his ability

to keep a straight head when things seem to be going belly up.

A mattress is a tool that recharges your entrepreneurial friend's willpower, and as such, no less

than an equipment.

By the way, if you'd like to go for an even better mattress… check out some latex foam

mattresses on Amazon.

While those are likely to be even more expensive, latex often outlasts memory foam by 250%...

and is 100% natural.

Links can be found in the description below.

Number SEVEN: Herman-Miller AERON Chair

In the same vein as the mattress, we have this task chair by Herman Miller called Aeron.

Is it expensive?


At roughly $1000, it is expensive.

But is it valuable?

Again, sure.

Because it does come with a twelve-year warranty from Herman Miller.

There is an infinite number of videos on how Herman Miller's chairs, especially Aeron,

have helped entrepreneurs world-wide gain better performance and achieve better health.

We spend at least a third of our day sitting in a chair, and if the chair is just not good

enough, well then you gotta get a good one.

Their spine will thank you for the next decade.

Every single day.

The Herman Miller is available on Amazon and you can order one right now for your businessman


Or businesswoman friend.

If you have the budget, and if they don't have a professinla grade ergonomic task chair,

you can really never go wrong with a Herman-Miller.

Number SIX: DSLR setup or accessories

One of the things that has worked exceptionally well for our clients in 2017, and will continue

to get even better in the next two to five years is video based marketing.

Every small business needs a Youtube channel, or a way of showcasing what it is that they

do to the world.

Every small business today needs a way to quickly and efficiently talk about the problems

that their customers are facing, about tips and tricks that their customers can use, and

so on.

Video marketing is the next big wave.

Of course, video has been around forever… but with the high quality, low price gear

that's available today, there is no reason why every entrepreneur shouldn't dabble

into it and spend some time creating video content.

Your entrepreneurial friend already realizes this, most likely.

They either already have a video capturing rig setup… or they don't.

A rig is basically a camera, a lens, a couple of lights, and a decent location to film at.

And a tripod stand to mount the camera.

If they don't already have such a setup going on, you can help nudge them along in

that direction by gifting a very inexpensive but high-quality DSLR like the Canon T6i,

which is what I am using right now to film this video.

The Amazon link in the description below comes with everything they could need to get started.

Now, if they already have camera and the basic accessories, the next best item to gift to

them is a very handy, very compact, and very inexpensive little HDMI capture card from

a company called Elgato.

This basically enables an entrepreneur to run live shows, live webinars, and online

seminars while using the high quality DSLR footage that you can never achieve with a

basic webcam… no matter which one you use.

Another great gift idea is a lens or two.

A high quality prime lens can produce far better image quality than the lens included

in the kit for free, because prime lenses, especially the Canon 50 mm and Canon 24 mm

lenses can let in a lot of light.

This means sharper focus, and that cool background blur which gives even home or office footage

a cinematic look.

The 50mm comes in two variants – the F/1.8 lens, which costs around $125… and the F/1.4

lens, which costs about $350.

The only difference between these two is that the $350 lens lets in about 70% more light…

which means even better low light or indoor performance.

The 24mm lens costs only around $130, which is extremely cheap for what it is capable

of doing.

Links to all three of those lenses can be found in the description.

And lastly, for someone really into video marketing… a very inexpensive but high-utility

gift idea is a continuous battery pack for their lens.

This allows them to plug their camera into a power outlet directly, so that they never

have to worry about the battery power running out.

You can find these continuous power supply packs for any camera, but since we mentioned

T6i as our camera of choice for small business owners, we have included a link to a continuous

power pack compatible with the T6i.

Number FIVE: Appsumo Gift Card

Some kind of SAAS, or software-as-a-service, is something that every business owner needs.

Appsumo is a deal aggregator… kind of like Groupon for business software with extremely

large discounts… that lets entrepreneurs purchase lifetime subscriptions to any of

the dozens of SAAS deals that they bring to the table every year.

These deals range from accounting software, to social media automation software, to content

promotion deals, to web-design software, all the way to customer-relationship-management

software and even platforms that allow you to connect with other influencers in your


Normally these software cost anywhere from $10 to $150 a month, but on Appsumo, you can

subscribe to these SAAS for a lifetime, for as little as $25 to $49.

An Appsumo gift card is always a great gift option for anyone who's already familiar

with Appsumo.

If you didn't know anything about me, about what I do, what I have and what I need…

as an entrepreneur you could gift me an Appsumo gift card, and that'd always be a welcome

and very valuable gift to me.

Appsumo gift cards start from as little as $300 and go all the way up to $1000.

Links can be found in the description below.

Number FOUR: Sterling Silver .925 Square Cufflinks

Yes, cufflinks are cliché.

But the ones listed here are Sterling Silver.

At $65 these aren't exactly cheap.

But cufflinks are cliché for a reason.

These cufflinks look great, and work with suits of all colors.

These are professional looking and high quality.

These will likely last them a long time, and everytime they out these cufflinks on, they'll

be thinking of you.

And just like the shoes, it's OK to be redundant here.

One can, and does own several pairs of cufflinks, and still own another.

The only difference is that which you can't formally gift a pair of shoes, you can always

gift a pair of cufflinks while still maintaining formal decorum.

This is the reason why we've listed these cufflinks on number four of this list.

You can give them to any entrepreneur, so it's a versatile gift.

At $65, they are high quality and durable without breaking the bank.

And since they will be used several times over the years, the recipient will be thinking

of you everytime they wear these.

Number THREE: Montblanc John F. Kennedy Special Edition Ballpoint Pen

Does a humble pen sound cliché?

Well, this pen is definitely not.

Here's how that is...

A business owner signs big deals throughout the week.

They whip out their pen in front of clients, prospective clients, suppliers, vendors and

so on.

They use their pen to sign deals, contracts, agreements, memoranda, and other documents

that make or break a business.

And most business owners still don't have a dedicated tool for all those activities.

Think of the Montblanc JFK Special Edition Ballpoint pen as the very LAST pen they'll

ever need.

This pen will last them decades, and they'll use it daily.

The refills are readily available and are extremely cheap.

You don't know the power of a high-quality pen unless you hold one and use one on a day-to-day


Sure, nobody's going to compliment you on a pen like they would on a well-tailored suit.

But, people who notice quality do notice quality in pens.

My own Waterman has gotten me several impressed, but very subtle compliments from clients and

others over the years.

I do important work with my pen.

And the pen is the tool I use for the most important part of building my business…

signing contracts and accepting new clients.

And even signing checks for vendors and other highly skilled people.

With our recommended Montblanc being a ballpoint pen instead of a fountain pen, the risk of

your entrepreneurial friend smearing their bespoke suit due to leaked ink is infinitely


And once again, they'll be using it everyday, so they'll be thinking about you everytime

they do anything important in their business.

Depending upon who you're buying it for, at $700, it just might be a bargain.

I bought one for myself for a similar amount of money, and it has been worth it to me.

Every penny of it.

Number TWO: Yamaha YDP-143R Arius Console Digital Piano - Rosewood Bundle with Furniture

Bench & Accessories

Entrepreneurs are busy people.

Very busy.

Our work takes up most of our time.

Very often, it becomes very hard to have any hobby at all whatsoever.

This Yamaha YDP-143R is a small and compact sized piano with a BIG impact.

First, it is so small that sits nicely in the corner of their office, home-office, or

living room.

It has a beautiful wooden finish to it, and looks extremely high quality, because in almost

every way, it is.

It comes with a matching wooden and leatherite bench that looks equally amazing and is equally


Second, it is a hobby that a businessman can pursue even if all they have is ten to fifteen

minutes a day.

Even fifteen minutes a day of daily practice can work wonders, when those fifteen minutes

are compounded over a few years.

Which is a good thing, because the third big reason to buy this is durability.

These Yamaha digital pianos can last literally a decade or longer if properly cared for.

Fourth, this is one gift that's quite visible, no matter where they put it.

And the impressiveness is unequalled.

And finally, it is actually a very good instrument in terms of its performance and build-quality.

It sounds almost like a real concert grand to the beginner's ears… and has weighted

down keys, so it does simulate the experience of playing a real piano very closely.

Not to mention the sound, which it also replicates very well.

At less than $1000, it's an amazing bang for your buck.

Not only will the recipient really enjoy and appreciate it, but also it will blow the minds

of just about anybody who finds out how they got it.

Which, experience tells me, can be quite a lot of people.

Number ONE: OURA Ring

At the top of our list is an unchallenged winner in this category.

With its $299 entry-level price point, and it's 100% utility rate, the OURA Ring is

one of the greatest gifts you can buy for ANY adult… not just entrepreneurs… if

they don't already have it.

Think about Fitbit and its popularity right now.

It's a great way to track your activity and your rest.

I have one, and I have been rather satisfied with it.

But it does come with a great big problem.

First, I can't workout with a FitBit on.

I lift very heavy weights, and it's just not comfortable.

And I have broken one in the past while working out.

And secondly, the even bigger challenge is that I really hate sleeping with Fitbit on.

It's just flat out uncomfortable at nights.

The OURA Ring takes care of both those problems for you.

With its solid titanium construction, and its waterproof design, you'll never need

to take it off, whether you're working out, or showering, or swimming.

And with its totally unobtrusive design, you can sleep with the ring on every single night

of the year, and not feel any problems whatsoever.

So why is that important?

Because the OURA Ring intelligently assigns scores to three things…


The OURA Ring is not just about calculating steps, miles or calories, like every other

fitness tracker in the world… but also about guiding you towards your own unique activity

and rest balance.

In fact, it's so state of the art that we are not going to discuss its features and

benefits here.

We'll just leave a link in the description below for you to discover everything about

the OURA Ring on your own.

What we will talk about is its use case for an entrepreneur.

In case you haven't noticed yet, we have placed a great deal of emphasis over the quality

of sleep you get as an entrepreneur.

For an entrepreneur, success is largely a function of how productive they are… and

how well-balanced, well-rested and calm their state of mind is when they're making important

business decisions throughout the day.

A tired entrepreneur is a grumpy entrepreneur… or a passive-aggressive one.

And that makes for a rather unsuccessful entrepreneur.

With its state of the art technology, the new OURA Ring tracks so many things about

being rested and being ready for action or decision-making, that it's one thing every

entrepreneur should have on their ring at all times.

And the new version is more compact and requires only once a week charging, so it's the easiest

upgrade you can make for any entrepreneur.

And at $299, without breaking a bank whatsoever.

If your business owner friend doesn't have an OURA Ring already, you can basically forget

about almost everything else on this list, and buy one for them.

It's built out of solid titanium, so they'll be looking at their OURA Ring Android or iOS

app for years... and thanking you, and thinking about you… for years to come.

So those are our top ten picks for new year's gifts for entrepreneurs and small business

owners in 2018.

Do you agree with our list?

Leave a comment below to let us know, and to tell us if we missed something.

If you liked this video, hit Like.

Leave a comment and subscribe for new videos related to entrepreneurship and small business

systemization and strategy on our channel.

My name is Lakshay Behl, and on behalf of myself and the entire team here at Westernston,

I wish you and yours a very productive and prosperous new year 2018.

For more infomation >> The top 10 gift ideas for small business owners and entrepreneurs in 2018 - Duration: 26:40.


Hide and Seek with Paw Patrol Playground for kids Family Fun playtime Toys video for Children - Duration: 4:05.

Hide and Seek with Paw Patrol Playground for kids Family Fun playtime Toys video for Children

For more infomation >> Hide and Seek with Paw Patrol Playground for kids Family Fun playtime Toys video for Children - Duration: 4:05.


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For more infomation >> SquadStream! So many full servers! (the long wait for v10) - Duration: 2:36:16.


25 Best-selling products of 2017 on #AliExpress for $10 or less + GIVEAWAY | Aliholic - Duration: 11:57.

Good time of the day, my dear Aliholics!

2017 Is coming to an end, and it's time to tally up the scores: in this video we will

see 25 products that have been purchased the most this year.

And because tis' the holiday season, I want to do another giveaway: 3 products will be

given to three random participants.

Make sure to watch the video until the end to hear the details.

We are starting our list with the braided cable by VoxLink.

As we all know, OEM charging cables are expensive, so smart and savvy people get their replacement

cables from China.

There is a lot of good and bad ones, with the branded ones like BlitzWolf, UGreen and

now VoxLink being the good ones.

Interestingly, the iPhone cable has been purchased twice as much as the Android one, at 12,000

vs. roughly 6,000 orders.

And once you have a fast-charging cable, it is time to get a fast-charging adapter so

that you can utilize the fast-charge functionality.

This $7 adapter from UGreen comes in various plug types for all Aliholics around the globe,

and in 2 color options.

In addition to the obvious 2 USB ports on the back, it has a protection for over-voltage,

over-heating, over-current and against short-circuiting.

The next item is a magnetic micro-USB charging adapter.

This thing has been ordered a whopping 18700 times, and the number keeps on growing.

We have seen them before, I have a few of those it many of my devices, it works amazing

and it feels really cool when you connect it.

I know I say it a lot but this is one of the best cheap purchases I've made, that I still

use to this day.

A water-resistant backpack by everyone's favourite brand Xiaomi.

Coincidentally, I have one of these too that I use to carry my laptop and my lunch to work.

I trust it with light to moderate rain, but when it pours I put my laptop inside a plastic

bag first just to have a piece of mind, and also because the inner lining started to wear

because I overloaded the backpack with stuff too many times.

Either way, it is a very quality-made product with a lot to offer for the $10 price.

Another Xiaomi product in this list are the Piston earphones.

There is a ton of different earphones on AliExpress, some good, some - not so much.

Depending on your taste in music and your expectations you might not want to spend too

much on a pair of earphones, but for the price of $6 I consider these a very fair purchase.

But of course, there are also very good alternatives from Awei, KZ and QKZ (which is not the same

as KZ).

A watch is a sign of status and style, but also a way of telling time without looking

at your phone.

Of course, this one can't possibly compare to Rolex, Rado or Ulysse Nardin, but they

also can show time.

These bad boys have been purchased over 13,000 times so far, and the seller got the 4.8-star

average feedback one way or the other, so there might be some value in that as well.

There are several options for the color of the dial and the straps.

I have a lot of certainty that VR is going to be huge.

The possibility of mentally transferring into a different setting of your choice just using

your smartphone and a headset is just too cool.

There are tons of 360 videos on YouTube already, most big brands release their own 360 cameras,

and the barrier of entry isn't so high - all you need is a smartphone with a gyroscope

(which is present on the majority of recent mid and high-end smartphones) and a VR headset,

the cheap options of which are less than $5.

This headset comes with a foam edge so that you don't cut your pretty face on the sharp


3D socks are way more fun that boring regular socks.

When I was going through the thousands of orders from this year there were many product

listings with different kinds of socks, but I picked this one because it has the absolute

timeless classic designs.

In particular, I am a big fan of the one with Mr. sheep.

These socks tend to be a bit on a smaller side, and I am starting to notice that a lot

of the ones that I have are starting to develop holes on the thumb toe, so I suggest to only

buy these if your shoe size is smaller than 42 EUR/9 US.

The next item is something that to my genuine surprise has been an absolute blast to list

as it has sparked a lot of interest among our community.

I don't know if it's the Western propaganda that cultivated our love to all things pill-shaped,

or just the simplicity, cuteness and the portability of the said device, but these $0.30 pens have

been quite popular this year.

If you are planning a vacation, or if you, God forbid, just want to take pictures of

your junk while taking a bath, you might find this waterproof phone case interesting.

When I was in Mexico this year I saw these being sold for $15 during one of the day trips

that Maria and I took, and I thought "wait a minute, aren't they way, way cheaper on


And they are.

Less than $1.

It wasn't the only thing that was way overpriced.

They also wanted me to pay 30 bucks for an awful picture of my hungover sunburnt face.

Real mousepads have curves.

For the people with tender wrists there are mousepads with some extra cushioning.

The soft pillow helps keep the wrist level during the longer scientific research sessions.

There have been a few of these mousepad listings, this one clocks at over 5000 orders.

There are two color options - black and blue.

Organization is the key to a clean mind.

These organizers have been ordered over 10,000 times.

For those who want to tidy up their space, especially for the IT enthusiasts, these velcro

wire organizers from the company called UGreen, a brand that we have learned to like and trust

for their high quality cables, are a must-have.

You can only get away so far with using just the wire holders, the longer and more complicated

cabling jobs would require something like these straps.

During one of the more recent times I was on a flight one of the travel shampoo bottles

opened and the clothing that was next to it got all shampoo-ey.

It sucked.

Have I had something like this, the situation could've been avoided.

But shoulda-woulda-coulda, it's easy playing Captain Hindsight.

Either way, a waterproof travel bag is a good thing to have either for the beauty and bodycare

products, or for electronics and such.This listing has over 2000 orders on it.

These bracelets have been collectively purchased over 12000 times and they come in two options:

with the chain strap, if you like metal, or with rope strings, if you prefer more simple


Both are extremely cheap, at 26 cents for the chain kind and 68 cents for the string.

There is a variety of designs to select from, and they are mostly similar in both listings.Some

people in comments report that the chains are not very durable, so I understand why

the string kind is more expensive.

These waterproof LED strips have been ordered a staggering 21,000 times in just this listing


Instead of a regular wall plug this one comes with a USB, which I like, because any smart

TV nowadays has a USB port, and everyone has a bunch of spare USB to wall adapters anyway.

Over time, I have purchased a number of these LED strips and placed them in different places

around the house, like around the TV and on the bottom of kitchen cabinets.

The sticky tape, like on this one, makes it easy to apply.

The price ranges from 1 to 6 dollars depending on the length desired.

AliExpress is a popular place to purchase all beauty-related things.

Apologies for all the naturally beautiful people, you're just gonna have to wait for

another 20 seconds before we go to the next product.

This makeup brush kit has been bought over 41,000 times, which makes it one of the most

purchased item in this list.

There are 20 different brushes in the kit - I honestly had no idea that applying makeup

is so complicated.

AliExpress is not a good place to buy titanium products, unless you don't really care if

it is going to be real titanium.

Either way, this evil-looking ring has almost 46,000 orders on it, and a ton of positive


One thing about rings is that you need to know your finger size prior to ordering, but

if you don't know what it is, at the 51-cent price you might as well buy all the possible


Micro-SD cards are one of the post popular first-time purchases that people buy on AliExpress.

They are much cheaper than in stores, and there is a lot of different brands to pick


Generally, I stay away from the cheapest kinds unless there is a lot of good feedback, which

is the case here - this listing has 7800 orders and 4.9 star average feedback.

I bought from this listing on the 11.11 sale in 2016 and I'm still using this card in

my phone - the size capacity is real and it works perfectly fine to this day.

If you don't have money, or don't want to spend a lot on the Razer, here is a $5


It has been purchased over 13,000 times, and the feedback looks very promising.

There are several color options to pick from.

To make the things more interesting, it has backlight, which is a great addition to the

device especially considering that at 97% of time it will be hidden under your hand.

But in all seriousness, it looks like a pretty good mouse.

The next item on our list are these amazing sticky pads, that can help you hold pretty

much anything that weighs up to 1 kilogram, which is 2.2 lbs.

These magic sticky things come in a square or round shape, and are said to stick to any


The can hold your phone, keys, drinks, and self-esteem.

99 Cents gets you either a round or a square one, chef's choice.

I have ordered a couple of these on 11.11 this year, still waiting for them to be delivered,

but I have a similar one from the previous $1 Gearbest unboxing video that works pretty

well - you can see for yourself.

This laser is one of the all-time best-selling products among our viewers.

This particular one has been purchased over 7400 times.

It requires 2 AAA batteries to work, and judging by the feedback pictures, it can shoot pretty


This is probably as close as you can get to being a Jedi for $2, although the price varies

by around 30 to 50 cents over months.

This listing has red and blue options.

The next product is a 3 in 1 clip on camera lens.

There are three: fish eye, wide-view, and marco lens.

The fish-eye is a standalone lens, the macro and wide view are are merged together with

a counter bolt mechanism.

All three will help you make your junk look bigger in photos, especially if you take those

photos underwater.

Ultimate selling point right here.

I have a review of these on my blog so check it - I will link this blog post in the video


Reusable water bottles take us as species one step closer to survival.

An average office worker uses 500 paper cups in a year, all of which could be eliminated

by simply using a water bottle.

I started using a water bottle a few years ago and noticed that my water consumption

went way up - it became way easier to keep track of the recommended 8 cups a day.

I imagine I've also saved a good chunk of money on disposable water bottles.

These water bottles are BPA free so in addition to being good for the environment, they're

also good for your body.

One of the most annoying everyday problems is having to untangle your earphones.

Fortunately it costs less than a dollar to eliminate this problem forever.

This earphone case is small enough to fit in your pocket or bag, but big enough to also

fit your charger.

So, all your phone problems can be solved with one little square.

Talk about a life hack.

There is a lot of different listings with the same earphones case, this one has been

bought 2000 times.

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night because you want to pee or grab a midnight

snack and find yourself wishing you had a tiny motion sensor light to guide you?

Well, this just might be the product you never knew you needed in your life.

It's easy on the eyes and the roommates, and will be a gentle guide to get you to where

you're going in the night.

There are 9700 purchases in this listing.

To participate in the giveaway, do all three things: hit a like on the video if you haven't

done it already, turn on the new post notifications by clicking the bell button because the winners

will be announced in the new video on January 10 - a little less than in 2 weeks.

And also don't forget to say which of the 25 things from this video you want the most.

Please make sure to follow all the instructions correctly.

I hope everyone has a pleasant holiday season!

For more infomation >> 25 Best-selling products of 2017 on #AliExpress for $10 or less + GIVEAWAY | Aliholic - Duration: 11:57.


Kate Middleton And Prince William Reportedly Planning A Hypnobirth For Her Rumored Twins - Duration: 1:30.

kate middleton and prince william reportedly planning a hit nagar

When it comes to having a, baby expectant mothers everywhere wants a delivery with as little pain as possible

For most that means having an epidural but for kate middleton it means having a

Hypno, birth could, pain during childbirth simply be a case of mind over matter, what is a hip, new?

Birth for women as health a

Hypno, birthing i'm phil

Miss technique that helps mom alleviate stress and discomfort during labor and delivery

The website hypno birthing australia says that expectant mothers used the method to tap into the subconscious mind to achieve a state of deep relaxation

This, technique, also releases endorphins

Which is important if something unexpected happens during the birthing plan other celebrities swear

By, the technique including jessica alba and gisele bundchen the wife of tom brady once told the brazilian tv show

That her delivery

Wasson t painful at all and she didn t want to use any drugs because she wanted to be present for the process

Kensington palace has not confirmed if middleton will use the technique for her third

Baby but she did use it when she gave birth to prince george so it makes sense she would do it again

Kate middleton and prince william expecting twins

But how, useful will the technique, be with twins?

Hollywood life is reporting that the royal couple is expecting twin girls and they are thrilled

About the news there haven t been twins in the royal bloodline for 700 years but it is possible that kate could end that drought

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton And Prince William Reportedly Planning A Hypnobirth For Her Rumored Twins - Duration: 1:30.


Princess Diana Wore Engagement Ring After Divorce For Special Reason Is This Why Kate Middleton W - Duration: 3:41.

Princess Diana wore engagement ring after divorced for a special reason is this why Kate Middleton wears it now

even after her bitter divorce from Prince Charles

Princess Diana's still wore her gorgeous sapphire and diamond engagement ring as well as her wedding ring for a very touching reason

She wore it for Prince William and Prince Harry

What more do we know about the exquisite ring that William gave Kate?

Middleton when he proposed then does she still wear the ring

The Daily Mail reported that the first ring the nearly 32 year old Prince Charles gave his intended 19 year old Lady

Diana Spencer was a diamond eternity ring a year later in February

1981 is when Diana chose the ring of her dreams

The couple had been dining at Windsor Castle with Queen Elizabeth and presumably Prince Philip

after dinner the Royal jeweler GERD presented a selection of rings to choose from without hesitation

Diana chose the sapphire ring as sapphires are her favourite gem the ring which Diana claimed was not the largest by far

Was an oval salon sapphire with 14 diamonds surrounding it set in 18-karat. Gold at the time the ring cost

28,000 or

110 thousand one hundred and forty three thousand dollars used in today s currency

But before her death in 1997 it was valued at

250,000 three hundred and twenty four thousand dollars used because of royal connections by the time Diana and Charles were divorced in

1996 the world knew all about the sordid love triangle between Charles

Camilla and Diana

This marked the end of the fairy tale of the daycare worker with an impeccable pedigree who married the heir to the British throne

Yet, Diana continued to wear the gorgeous sapphire

Engagement ring and her wedding ring even when she was officially separated and after she was divorced from Charles

She did this out of respect for her two sons Prince William and Prince Harry

When Diana died the boys were each allowed to take a keepsake from their mother?

Prince William chose Diana heir stank Francaise watch from Cartier a gift from her late father, John Spencer in

Turn Prince Harry took the sapphire and diamond engagement ring

Many surmise that there was a negotiation between William and Harry when William wanted the ring for Kate

Yet the Daily Mail explained that the two brothers decided that whoever became engaged first would give the ring to their fee ank

William B tie reads the altar so he was able to present the cherished ring to Kate, Middleton

So in 2011 when Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton all eyes were on?

Katharine who wore a blue dress that perfectly matched the stunning sapphire of Diana F's engagement ring

Diana F's engagement ring then became Kate although

There are some royal watchers that felt that this ring was a symbol of Diana's unhappiness and wondered why William gave it to Katharine yet?

William had made it clear that this ring only held special memories and although his mother was not physically going to be there on his

Special day she would not ever be forgotten

It is very special to me and Kate as very special to me now as well

It was my way of making sure my mother Deaton team is out on today in the excitement and the fact we're going to spend

the rest of our lives together

For years now it appears that Kate wears the stunning ring with a lot of pride and reverence

She has never seen without the stunning reminder of Princess Diana, and what she stood for

Clearly the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge continue to honor Princess Diana and their work

And how they live their lives are you a fan of Princess Diana of sapphire and diamond engagement ring?

Do you think of Princess Diana when Duchess Catherine wears the ring please share your opinions below?

For more infomation >> Princess Diana Wore Engagement Ring After Divorce For Special Reason Is This Why Kate Middleton W - Duration: 3:41.


First round of Korea-U.S. trade deal amendment talks set for Jan. 5 in Washington - Duration: 2:26.

South Korea and the U.S. will hold talks on their bilateral free trade agreement next

week in Washington on possibly amending the five-year old deal.

With round one of negotiations just around the corner,... both sides are said to be staking

out their positions.

Arirang's Cha Sang-mi with more.

Top negotiators from Korea's Trade Ministry and the U.S. Trade Representative will sit

down next Friday to begin negotiations over the amendment of the two countries' five-year-old

trade deal The first round of negotiations is set for

January 5th in Washington D.C. Korea's Ministry for Trade, Industry, and

Energy announced on Thursday that the revision is likely to be partial, as the U.S. hasn't

gone through all of the legal steps necessary for a full revision of the FTA.

In order to carry out a full revision of the trade deal, the U.S. would have had to follow

Trade Promotion Authority procedures such as stating its intentions to Congress ninety

days before the renegotiations begin.

The Trump administration wants to make amendments in multiple fields such as the automobile

and agro-livestock sectors in a bid to alleviate its goods trade deficit.

Seoul is seeking to protect sensitive sectors like agriculture while vying for what it calls

a 'mutually beneficial' deal.

The Korean government hasn't revealed what demands it'll make at the talks, but experts

say there are a few expected moves.

(ENGLISH) - "The Korean government seems to be interested

in weakening the Investor State Dispute Settlement - the ISDS - and weakening the conditions

to impose safeguards on American beef.

Some other cards that we can play are anti dumping."

Yet since Congress supports the U.S. anti dumping measures, the experts predict that

attacking the anti-dumping measures might be a somewhat dangerous move.

Korea's Trade Ministry in its report to the National Assembly last week, said that the

U.S. side is likely to request tariff adjustments to recover its trade imbalance.

The negotiations will be led by Korea's director general for FTA Negotiations Yoo Myung-hee

and U.S.'s Assistant Trade Representative Michael Beeman.

The representatives of Korea and the U.S. have already held two preliminary meetings

to arrange the amendment talks since the Moon and Trump administrations came into power

earlier this year.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> First round of Korea-U.S. trade deal amendment talks set for Jan. 5 in Washington - Duration: 2:26.


Korea's overall consumer prices for 2017 jump 1.9% on-year - Duration: 1:30.

Korea's consumer prices shot up at their fastest pace in five years in 2017... on the back

of rising oil, agricultural and livestock produce prices.

Kim Hyesung has the details.

South Korea's consumer prices accelerated in December by their fastest pace in three

months, marking a rebound from November's one-point-three percent, which was the lowest

gain in 2017.

Statistics Korea said consumer prices went up by one-and-a-half percent on-year in December.

Prices of fresh food went down, with vegetable prices plunging 16 percent on-year.

But petroleum prices jumped seven-point-five percent in December, raising prices for petrochemical

and other industrial goods.

Overall consumer prices for the whole of 2017 jumped one-point-nine percent, sharply up

from a one percent on-year rise in 2016, marking the steepest gain in five years.

Agriculture and livestock products went up five-and-a-half percent on-year in 2017 mainly

due to unfavorable weather conditions between July and September.

Petroleum goods also jumped one-point-four percent on-year as global oil prices hit a

two-year high late this year on supply cuts by major oil exporters and growing demand

from Asia.

Service prices went up by two percent on-year, driving up prices by one percent.

Core CPI, which excludes oil and agricultural products, rose one-and-a-half percent from

a year ago.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's overall consumer prices for 2017 jump 1.9% on-year - Duration: 1:30.


TWICE Gets 6th Win For "Heart Shaker" On "Music Bank"(News) - Duration: 1:14.

TWICE Gets 6th Win For "Heart Shaker" On "Music Bank"

On December 29, Music Bank did not air due to preparations for the 2017 KBS Song Festival. However, Music Bank updated their K-chart on their official website and announced this weeks winner. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250.

ATF. TWICE came in No. 1 with Heart Shaker while Mellomance received second place with Present..

This marks the girl groups sixth win for Heart Shaker and their 35th win on a music show overall this year, setting a new record!.

Meanwhile, the 2017 KBS Song Festival will air tonight at 8:30 p.m. KST. Be sure to check out our live Twitter coverage of the event!.

For more infomation >> TWICE Gets 6th Win For "Heart Shaker" On "Music Bank"(News) - Duration: 1:14.


Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005) (with Widescreen) - Blacklist #1 Razor All 5 Races + Final Pursuit - Duration: 30:22.

Mia: It's good to see you... been a while. Just keep running like you have and this race is yours.

Razor: Look who came crawling back! I'm glad you're here, sugar plum. you brought me luck last time.

Mia: Make sure you smoke him and get that ride back. I'll take care of the rest.

Razor: You ready to donate another car to the Razor fund, baby? It's GO time!

Razor: You'll never hold on to the #1 spot...not with me on your tail.

Razor: And if you want these, you're gonna' have to take them.

Mia: It's over, Razor.

Razor: It ain't over until I say it's over.

Mia: Go!

Razor: You and me could have had a real good thing.

Cross: Where's the other guy?

Mia: He got away.

Cross: You mean to tell me the most wanted street racer happened to get away...

Cross: What about the Blacklist?

Mia: Forget the Blacklist. They're through.

Cross: I want every single unit after the guy.



Cross (cellphone): Hey, hotshot! Hey, thanks for helping us out! We've been able to pick up every Blacklist racer thanks to you.

Cross (cellphone): Now I'II take that intro consideration if you give yourself up. So what's it gonna' be?

Mia (cellphone): It's Mia. don't hang up. You can't go back to any of the safe houses, Cross knows about them. Head over to the old bridge.

Mia (cellphone): The location is on your map. Your car is fast enough to make the jump. It's the only way. Later.

For more infomation >> Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005) (with Widescreen) - Blacklist #1 Razor All 5 Races + Final Pursuit - Duration: 30:22.



Hi Friends, this is Anna Chi with you and today I'm gonna show you some holiday toys ideas for your Christmas tree with a 3D pen. For the Christmas tree you can make a toy in the form of a star.

I drew such a star so that it doesn't look solid but only an outline one. I've got a very beautiful bright gold plastic that would be the perfect color for it.

First, I'm covering the outline for the small star inside, then I'll join all the corners with thin lines along the outline width, and apply the plastic finely between them.

On the other side, I'll apply one more layer.

The star can be put not only to the top of the tree, in fact you can also hang it as a Christmas toy.

Next we gonna make an angel. For it, I chose the plastic that glows blue in the dark. But if you don't have this one then you can go with the ordinary white one, that will also look good

First, I'll cover the whole angel's outline, and then I'll cover inside. Today, all the toys for the Christmas tree will be plane so that you can easily do the same at home

I chose the simplest and diverse ones and in my opinion these are the most interesting toys ideas for holidays.

This plastic in the daylight looks like a transparent one, so you will need one more layer on top

Each holiday decoration has its own meaning, for example, the angel is a symbol of Christmas and protection from evil spirits.

Well what could be holidays without Santa Claus? I decided to draw it not completely, but just his head with the christmas hat and beard.

For the hat we need a red and white color, for eyes white and black, for the face its better to use the beige color, and it'll also have a big red nose and a white beard with mustache

On the other side of it, I'm simply gonna fill in white, so that it looks solid and there are no gaps.

Our Santa turned out very cute and cheerful. I think such a holiday toy will be liked by everyone.

Well I ordered a new 3D pen its called 3D Simo basic, it's a wireless 3D pen and along with it I also ordered a silicone drawing pad.

It consists of 4 parts, which can easily be assembled.

On one side it's a circle of different diameters, and on the other side it's a pattern in the form of cells. With the help of this silicone drawing pad, you can draw a balloon, a pyramid, a bicycle and a lot of other things.

Well, for what I want to make, we gonna need plastic of the same color in four shades or pretty similar colors.

First using the darkest shade, I'm gonna draw a circle of about 7 cm in diameter.

Exactly with the same color and the size I'll make 2 semicircles.

Next, we take a lighter shade and draw 4 semicircles, and do so with other colors.

In total, we should get one full circle and 14 semicircles. Now all this must be combined.

Now I'm gonna join one by one each color in the middle of the main circle.

This will be the 4th toy which I'm gonna use to decorate the artificial Christmas tree.

Well you can write in the comments how you decorated your Christmas tree at home.

It turned out such a multi-colored sphere. You can leave it as it is and hang it on the Christmas tree as a holiday toy.

But let me show you how such plastic bends and what can you do with it. Well, apply a bit of plastic inside the sphere on the joint and press it very tightly.

And you can see now we have a toy that looks like a multi-colored flower.

This flower can decorate not only the tree but it can be also attached to the notebook.

Holiday toys can be also made in the form of a gingerbread man. For this, I'll use a plastic of dark gold color. First, I'll completely draw it as per its shape and apply the plastic in 2 layers.

Now, with milky or white color, we need to draw his eyes and mouth, and also make wavy lines on its legs and hands. I redraw its mouth several times so that our gingerbread man looks happy

You can draw a butterfly, a button or whatever you want on it.

Our little Gingerbread man turned out to be very cheerful and I really like the color combination. The gold color looks like a crispy cookie.

Another holiday toy can be made in the form of a Christmas tree. For this, I will use not green, but a transparent blue color, so that it stands out against the background of a Christmas tree.

I'm gonna draw it in the same way as I drew the star - not completely, but only its outline.

Now, in order to make the Christmas tree voluminous we gonna apply the plastic around the entire outline from both sides in a zigzag way and it should be very thick.

The Christmas tree looks beautiful and due to the transparent blue plastic, it looks like a glass.

Holiday toys in the form of a Christmas ball are the most popular, but we're not gonna make it a voluminous one, it'll be rather a flat toy in the form of a sphere with patterns.

For this, I've got a beautiful glittering plastic. The We gonna very carefully apply the plastic on the lines. If you don't have the same color as mine - you can go with gold, silver or some other bright color.

It's better to apply 2 layers of plastic so that the color looks more saturated.

I think this toy looks really cool, stylish and it will definitely decorate your Christmas tree.

And in honor of the fact that the coming year is the year of the dog, you can make a toy in the form of a dog's paw

For this we need yellow color, as the symbol of the next year is the yellow dog.

First, we'll color its foot pads in yellow, and the rest will be in white. If you don't have a yellow color, then you can go with orange, red or the one with brown shades.

By the way, these are the colors for welcoming the new year.

This paw can be hung not only on the Christmas tree, in fact, it'll look good as a keychain as well, and it'll bring you good luck in the new year.

You can also hang a candy cane on the Christmas tree. You can print its picture, sketch it from the computer screen or draw it by yourself - it's not difficult at all. We'll use the standard colors for it - red and white.

I'll apply plastic lines at the curved angles, it's much easier and our candy cane will look much better. On the other side, I'll fill it in the same way.

Our candy cane is associated with Christmas so It can be hung on the Christmas tree or bind it in the middle of a red bow.

Friends, this is all what I wanted to show you today. We made 9 beautiful and absolutely different toys.

Don't forget to write in the comments which toy you liked the most, and also support this video with your likes and subscribe to the channel.

That's all for today! Thanks for watching. Happy Holidays, Bye!



Tributes for 'gorgeous' barmaid Iuliana Tudos found brutally murdered in London park - Duration: 5:42.

Tributes for 'gorgeous' barmaid Iuliana Tudos found brutally murdered in London park

TRIBUTES have poured in for a "gorgeous" young woman found brutally murdered in a park on Christmas Eve.

Hundreds of people took to social media to express shock and horror after the body of 22-year-old Iuliana Tudos, found in Finsbury Park, was identified by police today.

Scotland Yard said Iuliana – who was a barmaid in Camden – had died as a result of a stab wound to the abdomen and a head injury.

The young woman described by neighbours as "a very nice person", was sadly found dead close to from her home in nearby Upper Tollington Park.

The young woman, of joint Russian and Greek heritage, was last seen by friends at 8pm in Camden Road on Christmas Eve. She had been reported missing after failing to turn up at a friends house to celebrate Christmas.

Friends and strangers alike took to social media to express their horror and heartbreak.

Raquel Munster who shared the news on her Facebook page said she felt "sick and scared" after hearing the news. She wrote: "This ****ing world is disgustingly mad.

"I'm feeling sorry, Im feeling sick, Im feeling sad, Im feeling angry, Im feeling frustrated, Im feeling scared, Im feeling anxious.  .

She added: "How many more girls have to be killed or raped? How many more to start taking measures that really protect us? ****!!! "R.I.P Julie, my condolences to her family and friends [sic]." Sharron Shaw Shall Brown simply wrote: "Poor girl so sad x [sic]." Another woman, Louise Waller, tweeted: "RIP Iuliana Tudos.

A heartbreaking story to unfold this time of year and so close to home.".

On Thursday an area of the north-east corner of the park was cordoned off as murder detectives investigated how she died. Forensics officers marked out what appeared to be clothing scattered on the grass.

Iulianas home in nearby Upper Tollington Park was also searched by police.

Neighbour Sebastian Jonathan said: She was a very nice person, young and gorgeous. He added: I met her twice when she came over for beers when we had barbecues last summer.

The police refused to give me any information, I had to Google it to see that she was the one found in the park..

Iuliana, who also called herself Julie, was from Moscow and worked at the Worlds End pub in Camden, according to her Facebook page and neighbours. She had described herself as a "slave" after allegedly joining the pub in April.

She also listed The Underworld Pub in Camden as her place of work on social media. The young woman was last seen in Camden Road at 8pm on Christmas Eve after an evening out with friends.

She told them she was catching a bus to her home in Finsbury Park and would see them later on in Enfield. But she did not turn up.

She was last seen wearing a black and red "Agnostic Front" hooded top, light coloured jeans and black and white Vans shoes and carrying a black and white fabric bag with "Fighting Against Animal Testing" written on it.

DCI Nicola Wall, from the Homicide and Major Crime Command – who is leading the investigation – appealed to the public to come forward with any information they may have that could help officers.

She said: "Iulianas body was discovered in an outbuilding next to a sports pitch.

We believe that she may have been attacked on Saturday, 24 December – Christmas Eve – but we want to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious in that part of Finsbury Park over the Christmas period.

We are still trying to piece together a timeline of events and are pursuing a number of lines of enquiry as regards to a motive".

For more infomation >> Tributes for 'gorgeous' barmaid Iuliana Tudos found brutally murdered in London park - Duration: 5:42.


Princess Diana Wore Engagement Ring After Divorce For Special Reason Is This Why Kate Middleton W - Duration: 3:41.

Princess Diana wore engagement ring after divorced for a special reason is this why Kate Middleton wears it now

even after her bitter divorce from Prince Charles

Princess Diana's still wore her gorgeous sapphire and diamond engagement ring as well as her wedding ring for a very touching reason

She wore it for Prince William and Prince Harry

What more do we know about the exquisite ring that William gave Kate?

Middleton when he proposed then does she still wear the ring

The Daily Mail reported that the first ring the nearly 32 year old Prince Charles gave his intended 19 year old Lady

Diana Spencer was a diamond eternity ring a year later in February

1981 is when Diana chose the ring of her dreams

The couple had been dining at Windsor Castle with Queen Elizabeth and presumably Prince Philip

after dinner the Royal jeweler GERD presented a selection of rings to choose from without hesitation

Diana chose the sapphire ring as sapphires are her favourite gem the ring which Diana claimed was not the largest by far

Was an oval salon sapphire with 14 diamonds surrounding it set in 18-karat. Gold at the time the ring cost

28,000 or

110 thousand one hundred and forty three thousand dollars used in today s currency

But before her death in 1997 it was valued at

250,000 three hundred and twenty four thousand dollars used because of royal connections by the time Diana and Charles were divorced in

1996 the world knew all about the sordid love triangle between Charles

Camilla and Diana

This marked the end of the fairy tale of the daycare worker with an impeccable pedigree who married the heir to the British throne

Yet, Diana continued to wear the gorgeous sapphire

Engagement ring and her wedding ring even when she was officially separated and after she was divorced from Charles

She did this out of respect for her two sons Prince William and Prince Harry

When Diana died the boys were each allowed to take a keepsake from their mother?

Prince William chose Diana heir stank Francaise watch from Cartier a gift from her late father, John Spencer in

Turn Prince Harry took the sapphire and diamond engagement ring

Many surmise that there was a negotiation between William and Harry when William wanted the ring for Kate

Yet the Daily Mail explained that the two brothers decided that whoever became engaged first would give the ring to their fee ank

William B tie reads the altar so he was able to present the cherished ring to Kate, Middleton

So in 2011 when Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton all eyes were on?

Katharine who wore a blue dress that perfectly matched the stunning sapphire of Diana F's engagement ring

Diana F's engagement ring then became Kate although

There are some royal watchers that felt that this ring was a symbol of Diana's unhappiness and wondered why William gave it to Katharine yet?

William had made it clear that this ring only held special memories and although his mother was not physically going to be there on his

Special day she would not ever be forgotten

It is very special to me and Kate as very special to me now as well

It was my way of making sure my mother Deaton team is out on today in the excitement and the fact we're going to spend

the rest of our lives together

For years now it appears that Kate wears the stunning ring with a lot of pride and reverence

She has never seen without the stunning reminder of Princess Diana, and what she stood for

Clearly the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge continue to honor Princess Diana and their work

And how they live their lives are you a fan of Princess Diana of sapphire and diamond engagement ring?

Do you think of Princess Diana when Duchess Catherine wears the ring please share your opinions below?

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