Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

E: I think we can all agree that 2017 brought about a lot of great things.

We got a new pres, great new Youtube site, and hopefully a repeal of net stuff (Hoorah)

end me please.

But seriously, one great thing to come out of 2017 has to be the addition of the new

pokemon games.

I feel like there's a lot we can take away from the post game of Pokemon Ultra Sun and

Ultra Moon, but in order to get there you will have to have a good starter.

So today I'm here to bring you guys the best starter for pokemon ultra sun and ultra


But as you guys know I normally have a super sp-

S: Alright whats up guys my name is S-

E: no no supra… not yet

S: That wasn't my queue?

E: no man I didn't even finish the sentence

S: oh my bad I thought you said Supra

E: *sigh* my guest today is Supra… *party horn sound*

S: But anyways today Eryizo and I are going to help you guys make the right decision on

what statistically is the best starter.

Of course there is no right or wrong decision on what starter to pick, but there is definitely

a BEST pokemon to pick that would benefit you the most.

E: And in case you guys haven't seen any of the previous best starter videos we will

be looking at each important character's: individual Pokemon and rate each starters

level of advantage or disadvantage on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being totally disadvantaged and

5 being at the best advantage.

We take a look at stats, type matchups, moves, basically everything.

And we don't just take into account the Trials and elite 4 either, we also look at rival

battles and evil organizations since they both are prominent in the story.

S: We should also mention that we add more points the more times you battle an important


For example you battle Guzma three times so we use the rating system for each separate

battle and add up the points from there.

E: All of this should give us a good idea of who the best starter in Pokemon Ultra Sun

and Ultra Moon is.

Just remember there are no real opinions here so if your favorite starter isn't technically

the best then don't hate the player hate the game (*whispers* and supra he did all the

research i think it was rigged*).

S: Also once you guys are done watching this video on Eryizos channel, make sure you head

over to my channel to check out another video Eryizo and I did together.

This one being the Top 5 Hardest Totem Pokemon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon.

E: If you guys enjoy the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video

with a friend and with that being said let's get started.

*intro plays*

S: So let's start off by taking a look at the starter that both eryizo and I picked

to start off our Journey, Rowlet.

From face value rowlet is a great pokemon to pick because it's the only pokemon out

of the three starters to have a dual typing, that being grass and flying.

And with those 2 typings it has access to two STAB attacks early on in the game, Leafage

and Peck, which are really nice for the added boost in damage.

And if powered through Rowlet has a very strong finish against hapu, Faba, and Olivia at the

elite 4.

So through that assessment it has to be the best starter right…


E: Yeah it is!

S: Really?

E: No…

S: Oh

E: Like it's predecessing games, Rowlet successfully becomes the most difficult starter

to use throughout alola.

But maybe I'm just being a bit too harsh, let's give it a closer look.

Taking a look at rowlets advantages… it has none.

No seriously it really really sucks in this game.

From the start rowlet doesn't actually do as bad as I make it out to be with it going

neutral with totem raticate or gumshoos and doing the best out of the three starters against


And I guess throughout the game there are some points where rowlet can really shine.

For example against totem Mimkyu and Lurantis it actually does the best and second best.

For Mimikyu even though it can hit you back with ghost attacks all Decidueye really has

to do is use it's Z-move and Mimikyu is pretty much done.

As for lurantis the only thing you really need to worry about is if it decides to call

upon kecleon.

Reason being is that it has access to the move ancient power which can be a problem.

But besides that a couple plucks should do the trick.

S: However everything goes DOWNHILL once you make it UPHILL to wela volcano park.

Because atop that volcano is one really powerful alolan marowak that is holding a thick club.

That totem pokemon should send you running back to your home to Hau'oli and never think

about becoming a trainer again.

But I also forgot to mention that it can also call upon Freaking salazzle to poison you

and use more fire attacks.

And the struggles you have with Totem Marowak are only the beginning of rowlets problems.

So allow me to list all the disadvantages that rowlet has and reasons for why they're

a bad matchup for him.

(oh jesus) Togedemaru because it literally resists a lot of things decidueye does, Kommo-o

because it calls noivern, Ribombee because quiver dance and blissey can heal pulse, Plumeria

because salazzle and golbat, and Nanu because dark types.

WOW that's a lot of stuff, was there anything that I missed?

E: Yeah there's a couple of things you left out like basically the entire elite 4 aside

from olivia, Gladion's new team that destroys it, the niheligo boss battle, Lusamine still

being lusamine, and the fact that it does the worst out of the 3 starters against eventual

champion Hau. (sorry if I spoiled you there) Oh and I forgot to mention that it also struggles

with most pokemon that team skull grunts carry, that being dark and poison types.

S: Wow and adding up all these deficiencies I think it's safe to say that Decidueye

is probably not going to be the best starter to pick.

So hey why not take a look at the pokemon that won best starter in Sun and Moon, litten.

E: Well the weird thing about litten is that it has a very inconsistent stretch against

the totem pokemon.

It can destroy raticate and gumshoos, but only if you get double kick at level 16.

And it's very unlikely that you'll be that high of a level at that stage of the


After that it struggles with araquanid, goes even with marowak, and then destroys the next

2 trials being togedemaru and lurantis.

And once that's over it really just kinda cruises by the rest of the trials at a even

or slight disadvantage.

Until of course you get to the final trial where it has the best chance against ribombee

S: Yeah that's really inconsistent, and against the elite 4 it's actually no different.

Incineroar basically goes 2 out of 2, struggling against olivia and kahili, but completely

destroying molayne and acerola.

And as for hau it pretty much goes even with him throughout the entire game.

But there is a part of the game where Inceniroar consistently shines, and that's against

all the pokemon factions.

E: and by consistent we really mean that.

It consistently goes even against all pokemon factions.

Team skull, aether foundation, ultra recon squad, lusamine, guzma, Plumeria, the niheligo

boss battle, even gladion it goes even with.

The only person and I mean the only person that doesn't go even with incienroar is

faba and his psychic types where inceniroar has the clear advantage.

So throughout the game incineroar basically goes even and doesn't really have that many


S: But Eryizo, you forgot to mention something?

E: *sigh* what is it supra?

S: Well you forgot to mention that there is a point in the game where Inceniroar really


E: and where might that be?

S: Well, if you take a look at the kahunas literally every single kahuna resists or completely

destroys inceneroar, except for hala because it's a torracat.

Whether its olivia and her rock types, Nanu and his dark types, or Hapu and her ground

types Inceniroar really just has a tough time.

And with Nanu, he even has a counter to incineroar being krokorok.

E: oh yeah how could I have missed that?

But even with these deficiencies incineroar is still a great option to choose to get you

through these games.

But does that make it good enough to be the best starter in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra


Well there's just 1 pokemon standing in its way, Popplio.

S: When it comes to popplio like litten it has a great start to the game.

In fact I would argue that it has an even better start.

The main reason being that early on it gains access to the fairy type move disarming voice.

And if you're playing Ultra moon it completely bodies raticate.

Afterwards it goes even with araquanid, destroys marowak, and is the only starter, besides

decidueye, that can hold it's own against Kommo-o.

And where Litten struggles Popplio succeeds.

Im of course talking about the kahunas where Popplio pretty much destroys everyone.

As for the elite 4 besides molayne's magnezone, Primarina pretty much does well against olivia,

kahili if you have ice beam, and goes even with acerola.

E: Not to mention that it also does pretty well against all the Pokemon factions.

And aside from Ultra Recon squad's poipole, Popplio does well against guzma, gladion,

and niheligo.

And for everything else he pretty much goes even.

But where popplio's real improvement comes is against your rival Hau.

In case you haven't seen the best starter for sun and moon, one of the key reasons as

to why popplio lost out on the best starter title was because of the fact that hau ended

up getting an alolan raichu.

But in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Hau decides to add a Noibat to his team.

And with that new addition it pretty much cancels out his weakness to raichu.

S: But Popplio is not without its struggles.

For a certain stretch Popplio will run into some problems.

That being the team skull grunts, which you conveniently glossed over, and Lusamine.

And let's not forget that for a good stretch of the game lurantis and togedemaru which

are both trials that follow each other in that order completely destroy and resist primarina.

And what you said about popplio doing well against gladion, is kinda wrong.

Sure it destroys zoroark, but what about krobat and silvally?

Even lucario has a move to counter it.

E: Yeah you're right I guess it doesn't do as good as I thought it did.

And with all these weakness it's going to be hard for popplio to win.

But as we all know every pokemon has it's weaknesses, but which one of these 3 pokemon

can overcome their weaknesses the best?

S: Well we've tallied up all the points, and the best starter, statistically for Pokemon

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is…


E: Yes Popplio is the best starter statistically to pick for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

Let's face it Rowlet didn't really stand a chance with this one and it was really down

to litten and popplio.

But litten just comes up short.

It's too inconsistent during the trials and elite 4 and doesn't have enough advantages

in places like the evil teams and kahunas.

And sure popplio can be a little inconsistent at times too, but a big change between sun

and moon and these new games is really the addition of noibat to hau's team.

That alone softens the struggle popplio has to raichu which hau adds fairly early on to

his team.

S:Timing is also another big factor.

For instance If brionne was a water fairy instead of just water it would have gained

a ton of more weakness to people like plumeria, salazzle at the marowak trial, and niheligo.

Plus fairy typing is also just really powerful.

E: But for those people who said popplio got robbed in the last best starter, you get your

wish here.

And the stats don't lie the best starter for pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon is Popplio.

E: Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave

a like and let me know in the comment section below.

If you haven't already subscribe to the channel to become an eryibro today.

I also want to thank my good friend Supra for joining me today!

S: Thanks for having me and if you guys are still hungry for more pokemon ultra sun and

ultra moon content head on over to my channel where Eryizo and I talk about the Top 5 Hardest

Totem Pokemon in Ultra sun and ultra moon.

E: And if you guys are here from Supra's channel why not stick around and watch some

of my other ultra sun and moon videos.

Or Why not check out my other best starter videos!

And with that being said I will see you guys next


For more infomation >> What Is The Best Starter Pokemon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon? (Alola) Feat. Supra - Duration: 12:57.


Emma Watson is weer vrijgezel - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Emma Watson is weer vrijgezel - Duration: 1:37.


JUST IN: Rand Paul's Wife Issues Shock Statement, This Is Huge - Duration: 3:23.

Despite what the mainstream media says, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was not a terrible neighbor,

nor did he in any way deserve the vicious assault he received from Rene Boucher.

According to Paul's wife, "hateful" reporting has twisted the story so as to make

her husband partially responsible for the attack.

In an op-ed that Kelley Paul wrote for CNN, she took outlets like the Daily Mail and others

to task for spreading lies about her seriously injured husband.

"It is incredibly hurtful that some news outlets have victimized Rand a second time

as he struggles to recover, delighting in hateful headlines like 'Not A Perfect Neighbor,'

and concocting theories about an 'ongoing dispute,' based on nothing more than speculation

from an attention-seeking person with no knowledge of anything to do with us," Paul wrote.

Also, according to Mrs. Paul, the attacker had not communicated with Paul in over 10


"The fact is, neither Rand nor I have spoken to the attacker in 10 years (since before

his wife and children moved away) other than a casual wave from the car.

Nobody in our family has, nor have we communicated with anyone in his family.

With Rand's travel to D.C. in the last seven years, he has rarely seen this man at all."

Some conservative media outlets have described Paul's attacker, Rene Boucher, as a "socialist"

who harbors hatred towards Paul's libertarian politics.

Several of Paul's neighbors in Bowling Green, Kentucky have come forward to say that Boucher

was known to harangue his more conservative neighbors about health care and other "liberal


Jeff Jones, a registered nurse who worked alongside Boucher at the Bowling Green Medical

Center, has characterized Boucher's politics as "liberal."

The Facebook account maintained by Boucher prior to the attack showed a predilection

for posting anti-Republican invectives.

Given this circumstantial information, it would appear that Boucher's attack was politically


Kelley Paul believes this as well, saying that the reasons for Boucher's assault were

all in his mind.

"The only 'dispute' existed solely in the attacker's troubled mind, until, on

a beautiful autumn day, he ran down the hill on our property and slammed his body into

Rand's lower back as he stood facing away, wearing noise canceling headphones to protect

his ears from the lawnmower," Mrs. Paul wrote.

None of this has stopped some mainstream outlets from continuing to claim that Paul and Boucher

had a boundary dispute.

So far, Boucher has pleaded "not guilty" to assaulting Paul.

Boucher's attack is the second serious assault that Paul has survived since former Bernie

Sanders volunteer James T. Hodgkinson shot up a Republican softball practice in Alexandria,


It reveals how unhinged the American Left has become.

Boucher made sure that his attack happened while Paul was defenseless.

Furthermore, despite initial reports that Boucher only caused "minor injuries,"

Kelley Paul says that her husband's broken ribs, retained fluid, and struggles with pneumonia

have made even the necessary act of breathing painful.

Such assault will continue to target Republican lawmakers until the media finally owns up

to the fact that they have played a major role in demonizing right-wing Americans as

"Nazis" and other vile slurs.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Rand Paul's Wife Issues Shock Statement, This Is Huge - Duration: 3:23.


Selena Gomez is 'crazy in love' with Justin Bieber after reuniting | Gomez 'Light & Joyful' - Duration: 2:26.

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Selena Gomez is crazy in love with Justin after reuniting

She's light and joyful our Selena Gomez 25 and Justin Bieber

23 the new Bayon san-jay-z

To self they are because like J and a just so crazy in love with Justin oh

How sweet

Jelena may not cover pay and J's iconic 2003 hit crazy and love anytime soon

But Selena's living the song

24/7 she's even changing the minds of doubters and haters all with the power of her love as

Much as people around her are worried that she'll end up heartbroken all over again

It's hard not to be happy for her

She tried her best to put things with him behind her and for a long time it seemed like she had

But it's obvious now that she was carrying a heavy weight around with her this whole time

Now that she's back with Justin that weight is lifted

She just seems very light and joyful

It seems that Justin feels the same way as he's reportedly working on being a better person for Selena

Justin who notoriously left Selena's heartbroken and too in the past is

Reportedly changing his ways to make her happy which in turn makes them both happy

He's even supposedly considering settling down with

Selena in the future of course before he could even consider getting down on one knee

Selena needs to convince her family and friends that he's legit

Considering the Biebs was absent from the Selena Gomez family Thanksgiving

He may have a ways to go on that Plus Selena's fans may need to find their chill over this Jelena reunions

Justin reportedly unliked a photo of Selena's blonde makeover, which caused cell inators to demand she dumped him

gasp high treason

kidding, yeah calling for these two split seems a bit harsh for a social media slip-up, right

Considering how much Selena is in love with Justin perhaps her bands could relax

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez is 'crazy in love' with Justin Bieber after reuniting | Gomez 'Light & Joyful' - Duration: 2:26.


Is The Great Barrier Reef Actually Dead? - Duration: 2:48.

Australia's Great Barrier Reef: 133,000 square miles! Nearly 400 different types of coral!

And it's all dead. Wait, no it's not. Yea, it is. Well maybe a little.

Depending on who's posting on your Facebook feed, the Great Barrier Reef is either doing

just fine or it's teetering on the brink of destruction. So should you cancel those

tickets to Australia? Is there even anything left to see?

A coral reef is an underwater structure made of, you guessed it corals. And while those

corals might look like a collection of snazzy-looking rocks, they're actually the exoskeletons

of living invertebrates. They eat, reproduce, grow, all the stuff anything else living in

the water does. They also drop dead if the conditions they're living in aren't quite

right. Conveniently, corals have a pretty clear way of showing their health. If everything

is A-OK, the corals will all be colored earth-tones, like 1970s living room furniture. When

they get sick, they can become fluorescent. And when the coral turns white or becomes

"bleached," well, then that means it's dying and that its recovery is in question.

So, is The Great Barrier Reef dead or not? Well, it suffered a massive bleaching event

in each of the past two years as a result of rising ocean temperatures due to global

warming. The extreme nature of 2016's bleaching led to this: a slightly satirical obituary

for the reef that wound up going viral. That caused environmental reporters to try and

stop the spread of any misinformation clarifying that, while the reef was in poor health, it

wasn't actually dead.

So, then it's fine, right? I mean, you also might have seen this in your Facebook feed,

a report that UNESCO, the United Nations body that lists the Great Barrier Reef as a World

Heritage Site, did not put the reef on its "List of World Heritage Sites in Danger".

Well, that decision was actually criticised on social media, pointing out that the reef

is absolutely in great danger, something UNESCO itself has even previously suggested.

So who's right? Scientists? UNESCO? Outside Magazine? Well, the bleaching events are not

normal, before 2016 there were only two bleaching events in the previous 17 years. And while

a reef can recover from bleaching, that can take up to a decade, making the back to back

events that much more concerning. Fortunately, Australia is trying to do its part, allocating

over a billion dollars over the next five years to help repair the reef as part of its

Reef 2050 plan. And that's no surprise, given the tourism it attracts and its estimated

financial value. So no, the Great Barrier Reef is not dead. But ⅔ of it is damaged

with its recovery in question. Now if someone just shared this video instead of those other

articles, we could maybe all get on the same page. Please share the video.

Hey, the ocean's full of cool stuff like coral reefs, find out about its mysterious

Twilight Zone in our new series, Science in the Extremes. Don't forget to subscribe,

and keep coming back to Seeker for more videos.

For more infomation >> Is The Great Barrier Reef Actually Dead? - Duration: 2:48.


EastEnders spoilers: Is this iconic character making a shock comeback? - Duration: 2:43.

EastEnders spoilers: Is this iconic character making a shock comeback?

Its the season for old characters making a comeback to the show, after EastEnders cast Robbie Jackson and James Willmott-Brown have recently made their way back to Albert Square.

They will soon be joined by Mel Owen, played by Tamzin Outhwaite, who announced her return to the soap last month.

Could she be joined by her old friend Beppe Di Marco?.

Tamzin posted a picture of her reuniting with Michael Greco on social media, along with Dean Gaffney, who plays Robbie.

Beppe left the soap 15 years ago when he heard the news that his mum had died of a heart attack, forcing him to sell his club and leave.

Tamzin captioned the photo: So lovely to see these faces at work this week @thegrecs @deangaffney1 for a chinwag.

such a fantastic atmosphere there.

Its been too long..

Fans quickly took to the photo to speculate if Beppe would be returning alongside Mel.

One posted: Omg what a great picture is Beppe back too? Another added: Ooh! Have you given away something? - Beppe!.

Michael recently had a guest appearance in BBC show Casualty, meaning he hasnt strayed too far from the beloved soap.

We have our fingers crossed.

EastEnders continues tonight at 7.30pm on BBC.

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