Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

I was completely over the whole Maxim thing by the time I ran for Congress,

but unfortunately everyone else wasn't.

I had no idea I was going to go into politics.

And at the time, I needed to pay my bills.

You're allowed to feel good when you know you look good,

and that doesn't take away from the fact that you are smart

and that you care about your community and that you want to do good things in the world.

Frankly, when I look back to say that I regret any of that or that any of that was a mistake

would be like turning my back on younger me.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but my family immigrated from Mexico.

My mom was a single mom. And at times we were on welfare, Medicaid,

and had to experience a lot of these things

that a lot of families in the U.S. are struggling with right now.

To pay some bills, I swiped cards at the gym.

Then I also worked at a restaurant.

I also did some modeling and some acting.

I graduated from Harvard's Kennedy School

and all I wanted to do was join the Obama campaign.

I moved to Chicago and took an unpaid position.

I worked my butt off.

Obama: "America is a place where all things are possible."

I never dreamed that working on the campaign was gonna lead to the White House.

And I was so excited about having, you know, finally come to this moment that was a culmination of so

much work and sacrifice.

And then the photos that I had taken as a model

in Maxim Magazine many years before

had hit the internet

and my heart dropped.

It spread like an arsonist's fire.

And for me, I wanted to crawl under a rock.

I just put my head down and worked and worked and worked.

Two years after that is when I was promoted to my job

as the first White House Deputy Director of Hispanic Media.

All this stuff just faded away into the background

and it wasn't anything that anyone thought of in relation to me anymore.

And I felt so proud to be able to take all of these experiences and

all this work and all this struggle and

funnel it into such an important moment in time.

Around that time, the Congressional seat in my district

in Los Angeles opened up, and there was an opportunity to run for office.

"I'm Alejandra Campoverdi. I'm running for Congress."

I was meeting with a very prominent male community leader

and I haven't even opened my mouth and he says, "Oh, I can see the articles are right."

And I was floored because it was so overt.

If I was facing this having worked at the White House and having gone to Harvard and all this,

I can only imagine what other people are facing.

When I sat down to write the op-ed that I wrote for Cosmo, it poured out of me.

As women, we're put into boxes a lot of times. We have to be the smart one or the sexy one

or the girl next door.

For me, it was time to smash them, to kick them through with my heels for God's sake.

Even though I didn't win, for me the campaign meant something.

Because the important thing right now is to run.

For people with different perspectives, with non-linear backgrounds, for women, for young people, for people of color

to run and make sure we're represented by folks that understand the issues in a real way

and are willing to really put skin in the game for the things that they care about.

Don't let yourself be limited by the situations that you were born into.

If you want something, go build it.

For more infomation >> Alejandra Campoverdi Opens Up About Running for Office | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:48.


How to draw Coloring book for Kids Emoji set Art Colours with Colored Markers - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> How to draw Coloring book for Kids Emoji set Art Colours with Colored Markers - Duration: 6:00.


Insurance companies: making it hard for you to get better - Duration: 2:43.

Hi everybody starting on Sunday I wrote a blog post that was just talking about

why the current medical model is completely broken and wanted to touch

upon four ideas of why it is today I wanted to start with number one

insurance companies I'm gonna take a quote from one of them a fellow

colleague in the integrative diagnosis system and what he tells patients about

insurance companies and it goes as the following insurance companies are

interested in cost control not quality control they also do not care if you get

better they really have no interest if you get the right care for your problem

to this end our office can only provide excellent care and results by not

participating with insurance companies if you are looking for results in

transparency then we have the same goals that pretty much sums it up all the time

we get a ton of calls every week from people we do a really good job of

getting content out there and you know really differentiating ourselves and

showing people that we are different unique and special but the first

question people always ask is do you take my insurance and we don't we don't

for a lot of reasons insurance companies do not care if you get better well

people don't understand about insurance companies are they basically run the

show for the doctor and the people that are really getting beat up is the doctor

they go in contract with your insurance company the insurance company dictates

what you're supposed to do what's covered and everything like that

they even routinely just cut the doctors pay across the board you know I've been

called expensive greedy all sorts of things like that because I don't

participate in insurance I'm not greedy at all I just want to get paid what I

deserve for what I put in and the patient can get the kind of care that

they need this cannot happen if the insurance company's involved what

happens for a doctor that takes the insurance they're routinely getting

their reimbursement rates cut in half 25 percent across-the-board they have to

fill out an endless amounts of paperwork to even get reimbursed for what they

have done and for their job and they have to see a heck of a lot more people

this allows them to not be the best that they can be they're not able to put

extra time into training spending time with the patient you ever gone to your

doctor and he wait in the waiting room for 45 minutes for him to spend two

minutes with you that's because he's just trying

keep his head above water because the insurance company is totally owning him

so number one reason why the medical system is completely broken is due to

insurance companies tomorrow we're going to cover our second topic which will

actually be doctors are poorly trained so stay tuned tomorrow and please share

this with anyone that you think needs our help

and we look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow

For more infomation >> Insurance companies: making it hard for you to get better - Duration: 2:43.


THIS CHANGED HER NATURAL HAIR! // Best Hair Mask for Damaged Hair | BENTONITE CLAY MASK - Duration: 7:06.

hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm T'keyah and I'm here with my niece Kailani

Kalani she saw my bentonite clay mask video it's

supposed to revive your curls and make them pop and really define them so she

saw that video she wanted to try it on her hair so we're gonna do it we just mix

all the ingredients together I'll show you guys in a second but we got a pretty

kind of smooth consistency it's a little bit more difficult when you only use

water so we added a little bit of apple cider vinegar in so if you want to see

how we do it on an eleven year olds hair then just keep watching so you need a

plastic bowl a nonmetal stirring utensil bentonite clay a plastic cap a spray

bottle with water apple cider vinegar your choice of oils detangling tools and

clips for sectioning the hair for the mixture I'm starting with about half a

cup of the bentonite clay and I'm eyeballing this because I've done it

quite a few times but the easiest way to do it is to add a little bit at a time

now you will get less clumps if you only use apple cider vinegar or if you just

use that first so I wanted this process to be fun and interactive which is why

I'm letting my niece help out this is kind of my way of getting her excited

and interested in caring for her natural hair so now we're gonna add in some

apple cider vinegar because like I said the mixture gets really really clumpy if

you only use water so we totally could have just used apple cider vinegar but I

didn't think my niece would like the smell of it

because it kind of smells like feet and I didn't think she would want that in

her hair but she didn't even care we also added in some extra-virgin olive

oil now olive oil helps with hair fall and then it also helps to retain

moisture and it's packed with tons of antioxidants and vitamins so her hair is

already sectioned into four sections I am spraying it with some water you can

also use aloe vera juice that will help get out tangles but water works pretty

well on her hair so I'm just hydrating it and then detangling it you definitely

want to make sure that the hair is detangled before you put this clay

mixture on the hair because once it dries it'll just be literally a tragedy

to get the clay through so I'm detangling it and then smoothing it out

with a Denman brush and I was showing my niece that she has curls because for the

longest time she didn't think that her hair curled

so my niece has the coolest undercut I am still gonna apply the mixture to that

part of her hair because this bentonite clay is a great cleansing clay so I'm

going to add it there and I'm kind of adding it like you would a relaxer and

then I'm gonna start with each of the four sections one by one and break those

up into smaller sections the reason why I love bentonite clay and this apple

cider vinegar mask is because it's a powerful cleanser and it also detoxifies

the hair it removes build-up and really tough product build-up from silicones

and just all of those harmful ingredients in some of the products that

we use it also draws out toxins and chemicals which leaves your hair soft

defined and conditioned and now I'm going through and I'm kind of using the

shingling method where I'm just taking each individual curl and really coating

it with that clay mixture as you can see on this part of her hair she has some

heat damage she also has some more in the front which you'll see later so

we're gonna see if this play mask can actually define these really damaged

parts of our hair so apple cider vinegar is amazing you can do apple cider

vinegar rinses and what apple cider vinegar does is it balances our hairs pH

and that helps improve the shine of our hair it also helps with moisture

retention because it lays our cuticles flat because of that pH balance

it also helps ease scalp irritation and itching and dandruff so if you have a

dry scalp try using apple cider vinegar so as you can see these front parts of

her hair are also heat damaged we are going to really saturate these sections

with clay and work that in and hopefully it'll reverse or it'll just be able to

be defined once we rinse it out

so this step is optional I am spraying your hair with some more of that water

and this is just gonna help trap in some moisture and body heat once I add that

plastic cap that's gonna add further penetration for the mask and for her

hair because she really does need it we let this sit for about 30 minutes you

can do twenty to thirty minutes whatever you prefer

and once you've rinsed out the mask probably about 80% then you should go in

with a very moisturizing conditioner to get out the remaining clay and to

further conditioner hair now my favorite conditioner right now is the tea tree

tingle by Trader Joe's this is so moisturizing you guys definitely have to

try it out and just look at how amazing her hair looks even the heat damage

straight pieces are defined her hair was really conditioned and really nice so I

don't know if it's possible to reverse heat damage but her hair has so much

elasticity after this mask and you guys saw how straight those pieces were and

now she has curls like her hair is curly it's defined it looks great so after we

got over the amazement I went ahead and styled her hair after I did conditioned

it I just did these two cute little puffs I laid her baby hairs and then I

let the back hang out we really wanted to admire and just have her curls out

because she didn't think she had curls like I said before and she was a happy

camper after we were finished so we were able to go from this you can see all of

the straight damaged pieces to very curly Q pubs and just really defined

really healthy hair so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video definitely try

this mask out the masks and all of the details will be in the description box

please subscribe share this video and like it I'll see you guys on my next one

For more infomation >> THIS CHANGED HER NATURAL HAIR! // Best Hair Mask for Damaged Hair | BENTONITE CLAY MASK - Duration: 7:06.


Advice for Tyrese Gibson - Duration: 3:22.

So First Step actor Tyrese was in court yesterday

as he continues to make headlines with some very different behavior.

After recently having a very public feud with his Fast and

Furious co-star Dwayne The Rock Johnson this week.

Tyrese's ex-wife Norma Gibson filed a police report against him after

he reportedly said his ten-year-old daughter Shayla into hysterics

after he allegedly hired a plane to fly a banner over her elementary school.

The banner read, no matter what, Daddy loves youn Shayla.

>> Wow. >> In addition,

Norma's attorney claims Tyrese sent gifts, including balloons,

a teddy bear, a fruit basket, and a card to the school.

Yesterday Tyrese also posted a video of him and of his dog Roman to

his Instagram page claiming that he knows Shayla misses the dog and that quote,

nothing will ever break the love between daddy and his daughter.

Norma's lawyer believes all of this is a violation

of a restraining order she has against Tyrese.

And that it's a form of witness intimidation due to the fact that Shayla

was set to testify against him in a case of alleged child abuse.

Norma is also currently seeking full custody of Shayla, so

it is quite dramatic.

>> This is deep.

>> Yeah, it's deep.

>> This is tough.

>> I mean, I don't know, because if it is true,

if you have a restraining order, you're not supposed to directly or

indirectly contact, so if he did do that allegedly,

it would be a violation of the restraining order.

I do feel like it's intimidation.

He's really trying to get on her.

>> Good side.

>> Yeah, her good side, but also make her feel guilty.

[CROSSTALK] And for a ten-year-old, that's a lot.

>> [CROSSTALK] It's not true.

I would do anything I could do to let that child to know you are so loved,

if it's not true.

>> But then you know what, go to court.

Handle it through the law.

That's why you have attorneys in court.

>> But the child- >> How does it feel through the lawyers,

you know what I mean?

>> I see what you're saying, Adrian, and at the same time I think back to when I

was that age like as a kid your bucket of love and trust is complete open and

full, you wanna look towards mommy and daddy and believe everything they say.

So if this is used for manipulation,

it's not a violation of the restraining order, it's a violation of trust.

And that's breaks a child.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> What is also embarrassing,

because it happened in her school.

>> And that's the thing, mommy and daddy have to get it together for

the sake of the child.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> The child is watching you.

And sometimes less is more in these types of situations,

because now all the kids at her school are all up in her business.

>> Yeah. >> And that can't can't feel good.

>> Yes, and that's the part that's wrong.

I think that Tyrese needs to get some therapy.

>> Okay. >> Go talk to somebody.

Go get some professional help, cuz there's just too many.

I mean, I'm not saying it just based on this, it's always something.

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