I was completely over the whole Maxim thing by the time I ran for Congress,
but unfortunately everyone else wasn't.
I had no idea I was going to go into politics.
And at the time, I needed to pay my bills.
You're allowed to feel good when you know you look good,
and that doesn't take away from the fact that you are smart
and that you care about your community and that you want to do good things in the world.
Frankly, when I look back to say that I regret any of that or that any of that was a mistake
would be like turning my back on younger me.
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but my family immigrated from Mexico.
My mom was a single mom. And at times we were on welfare, Medicaid,
and had to experience a lot of these things
that a lot of families in the U.S. are struggling with right now.
To pay some bills, I swiped cards at the gym.
Then I also worked at a restaurant.
I also did some modeling and some acting.
I graduated from Harvard's Kennedy School
and all I wanted to do was join the Obama campaign.
I moved to Chicago and took an unpaid position.
I worked my butt off.
Obama: "America is a place where all things are possible."
I never dreamed that working on the campaign was gonna lead to the White House.
And I was so excited about having, you know, finally come to this moment that was a culmination of so
much work and sacrifice.
And then the photos that I had taken as a model
in Maxim Magazine many years before
had hit the internet
and my heart dropped.
It spread like an arsonist's fire.
And for me, I wanted to crawl under a rock.
I just put my head down and worked and worked and worked.
Two years after that is when I was promoted to my job
as the first White House Deputy Director of Hispanic Media.
All this stuff just faded away into the background
and it wasn't anything that anyone thought of in relation to me anymore.
And I felt so proud to be able to take all of these experiences and
all this work and all this struggle and
funnel it into such an important moment in time.
Around that time, the Congressional seat in my district
in Los Angeles opened up, and there was an opportunity to run for office.
"I'm Alejandra Campoverdi. I'm running for Congress."
I was meeting with a very prominent male community leader
and I haven't even opened my mouth and he says, "Oh, I can see the articles are right."
And I was floored because it was so overt.
If I was facing this having worked at the White House and having gone to Harvard and all this,
I can only imagine what other people are facing.
When I sat down to write the op-ed that I wrote for Cosmo, it poured out of me.
As women, we're put into boxes a lot of times. We have to be the smart one or the sexy one
or the girl next door.
For me, it was time to smash them, to kick them through with my heels for God's sake.
Even though I didn't win, for me the campaign meant something.
Because the important thing right now is to run.
For people with different perspectives, with non-linear backgrounds, for women, for young people, for people of color
to run and make sure we're represented by folks that understand the issues in a real way
and are willing to really put skin in the game for the things that they care about.
Don't let yourself be limited by the situations that you were born into.
If you want something, go build it.
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