Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 29 2017

Amazing Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

Amazing Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

Amazing Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

Amazing Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

Amazing Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

For more infomation >> Is Greek Yogurt Good For You - Amazing Health Benefits Of Greek Yogurt - Greek Yogurt Nutrition - Duration: 3:12.



Hello guys, and this is gonna be quite an unusual

type of video as you all know I am definitely not a support player

but I've

Just got this awesome skin of a project capsule

and I just went into a

Practice tool and it's so god damn nice

You're gonna love it

I'm not just sure if I'm gonna do full game commentary

or If I'm just gonna

Cut it to like highlights

But we will see

But nevertheless this skin is fucking amazing

By the way I'm running press the attack for support

Because I'm pretty sure it should be good for support like Blitzcrank and also I don't know

which any other one, would you like to take on Blitz -?


Look at that

thats just so amazing

This Kalista doesn't know how to play adc

Come on auto her motherfucker

Alright look at this mecha rengar skin. It's just so amazing actually

all these skins Riot

make they are just so fucking good like.. one thing I like about League of Legends and Riot games

Every new skin is so fucking hilarious

Look at this. This is hilarious.

This is best Blitzcrank skin ever made

Just look at this shit

Come on can you do anything to her?

Ok that's just so awesome

I'ma have the assist no matter her stopwatch because I killed a minion which one..

thanks to the Relic Shield heal them

Hi there

Hi there

And fuck you.. that was good

Oh you gotta run girl

There is now way I'm helping you

even if I would like to

And I'm not saying that I would. I'm just saying if I would like

I would not be able to

The other part of it is whether I would like to or not

There was some strange hitbox on that hook, but I'm not complaining

And also I didn't want to steal it, but..

do I have my autoattacks? I don't.. come on

This skin is hilarious,


That's what the video is about right? It's not about me showing you guys how to play blitzcrank because

I don't know that either

That blocks also my ignite ?What the fuck is that shit?

Come on that's unbalanced

Why my flash didn't go off? come on Riot

I was pressing the flash

Why the fuck.. it didn't cast

Oh come on

Fuck you.. noone likes you, noone likes the new champ

That's fucking broken shit

What the fuck is my pathing doing?!

We got the drake eh

Come here.. fuck you

That was a hurty barrel.

Why the fuck are you pinging me?

What am I?

This is a fuckin surrender guys

Okay, it was the game. I'm probably just gonna highlight that shit, so you probably just saw highlights

from the game

But I would like to know from you guys if you are interested in these kinds of videos I can do

stuff like

This very video. It's just highlights of a game and I

I would like to cover some I don't know new skins, new champs, some runes and

OP builds for example

also some zed games highlights from that

Commentary or not I will see

Let me know what you want to hear or what you want to see if you like that if you don't like that

It's just up to you guys so.. Peace ♥

For more infomation >> LANCER PARAGON BLITZCRANK || THIS SKIN IS SO FUCKING GOOD! || Game highlights - Duration: 7:24.


Why Humbleness Is Important - "Walking The Path" with Marco Missinato - Duration: 5:58.

Why Humbleness Is Important - "Walking The Path" with Marco Missinato Why do you believe being humble is so important? Well because by being humble

we can see things more clearly we can really feel what is the matter so

humbleness it's an energy field that allow us to have a higher level of discernment

about what is it that we are addressing and feeling and what is the challenge

and so we can make it much better assessment and with humbleness

everything I think become much more easy we become easier because humbleness a

imply a willingness to really surrender to whatever is happening now while if you

have lack of humbleness most likely there is a defensive mechanism that

create a shield and by creating the shield you cannot look deep inside in in

the matter and so the matter will keep coming over and over until you just

humble down just relax and surrender and and it will create a

predisposition in which you really are willing to look things for whatever they

are rather than manipulate the information in order to exude the sense

of false strength or false wisdom or false control so yes that's why I

think humbleness is really important and many of us struggle with that because we

have been induced to believe that if we

admit that we are scared for example or we admit that we are wrong we a

part of us think that we shouldn't do that because then we show the person in

front of us that we are weak and we right is quite the opposite when you

allow yourself to say I'm scared or I'm sorry that's a sign of strength it's a

Why Humbleness Is Important - "Walking The Path" with Marco Missinato sign of that you are the ability to be naked and you are able to open up

yourself and show for really what you are that's the sign of very very admirable

situation where you really you really really are showing your strength

so actually it's like vulnerability that is the strength yeah positive vulnerability

yes yeah

because there is also negative vulnerability you know and then you get into

the victim mode but yeah positive vulnerabilities so you you are humble

enough to to speak the truth or what you perceive at that moment is the truth

For more infomation >> Why Humbleness Is Important - "Walking The Path" with Marco Missinato - Duration: 5:58.


This Is How You'll Pass Your Chemistry Class This Semester - Duration: 2:09.

It's that time of year again.

No! Not that time of year... It's FINALS!!!

Now you may not be ready for finals, and that's ok.

That's why I'm doing a live

final exam review where I'll be going over

everything you need to know about Chemistry.

With downloadable cheat sheets, and

a practice exam with step by step answers.

Because, remember last semester? You were probably one of these

types of students studying for finals.

Ok, 15 hours to go and

what's on my final?

uh, alright.

Everything we ever covered this semester.

No problem I'll just read the whole book.

Cramming for a final exam can always be risky.

And we both know, you don't want to take this class again.

What's this exam even on?

Ah, Chemistry. Ok.

Everything is composed of atoms.

The answer is atoms

Nailed it!

What? No! Not all answers will be the same.

I'm sure it's open notes.

And what, it's like 5% of my grade?

Plus, it's curved right?

I'll be fine.

Final exams aren't typically open note

and they're about 20% of your grade

Now even if it is curved, that's not always a good thing

I haven't slept all week.

I'm gonna ace this exam.

This is your brain on no sleep.

I've been a professional tutor for over 10 years.

And I've helped my students go from this

To this

and I'm doing it again this semester but this time

with you. So

this Saturday December 2, I will be doing 3 live

tutoring sessions all covering different topics

to prepare you for your Chemistry final.

Reserve your spot today and I'll see you Saturday.

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