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Island development plot near Park Road 22 up for auction - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
The Tenors - I'll Be Home For Christmas - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Above Average Temperatures For The Weekend - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
A Puppy for Christmas - Movie - Duration: 1:27:06.-------------------------------------------
Gladys Decides To Move Forward | Sets A Goal For Decluttering - Duration: 15:00.Hi everyone, I'm Wilma Haerkens and today
We're going to talk about when's the right time to do something, so I've got a special guest to introduce
This is Gladys Gladys has decided to get my book and
I'm very excited about that
She's going to get her copy of Anew You Style Journal so what I wanted to say first and foremost
Or ask Gladys Gladys, and I have known each other what Gladys since the 80s at some time
They've known each other a long time
My book was published
quite quite some time ago
and it's not until now that you've decided to purchase a book and
of course another thing that I wanted to mention is we do have a group that we have on Facebook so
And it's for the readers only, but what I wanted to ask you Gladys is maybe you could share
Why now?
Why now that's a good question
I've just decided it's time to take action and
Move forward, I love that that is so I mean really that's that's mainly what my message is
When I'm working with people is to continuously help them to move forward
And you know as a stylist
It's you know through their makeovers and their wardrobes and but it's more than that in my book. It's a lot more
Now you want to move forward
So now you feel that you're the book is there and I feel that when you're ready to make the next step
The teacher is there right so
So now you're taking that step, and I'm really excited for you
And so there's one thing that people tend to not do so Gladys is just getting her book today
She took she doesn't even know really what's in the book? Yeah? Have you had a chance to?
No I haven't looked at just other things that you know that you might have seen on Facebook or whatever, but yeah
so it's kind of interesting because
As much as we've stayed in touch she hasn't actually seen the contents of the book so just to give you an idea
What it is is every month you're focusing on one area so January is about decluttering
February is about finding things to love about yourself
And it is a journal so you're actually writing in your book so each month
You're going to be actually you're instructed and you're gonna be writing things into your book so
one of the things that I have
Discovered and I'm going to you know talk to Gladys about this right now so Gladys
One of the things that you have is your commitment page, so this is where you actually you sign in and you
Commit so you actually put
The date down put your name down, and then you can in this little box here. Let's show the audience
You can actually put a picture so before you leave
I'm going to take a picture of you
and you can use one that you already have or
You can use the one and I will you know send it to you so you can get it printed. So you can add that
One of the things that I find is and I want to find out from you
So now you know that you're supposed to sign into the book now
What I have found is a lot of readers end up waiting for that ideal time
You know they just sit there, and they wait for this. They're like I can't sign in yet
I'm not ready to make that are you at that point? Do you think that you're?
You can?
See you thinking about it, so do you see what I mean, yes people wait for the the ideal time
Because and I know Gladys pretty well so Gladys is very meticulous
And she's very thorough she likes to have everything done a certain. You know perfectly right?
Look I got that right
but one of the most important things that I
really want to instill on people is is to get the book and not wait for that ideal time to
Start it so right now. You're doing
0% what you might be doing things that are you know you'll find in the book
But you're gonna be doing a little bit more than
You did yesterday so the goal is not to get a hundred percent the goal is to?
To move forward so
Be gentle on ourselves is the main message right is to you know to to not be so
We can we can be hard on ourselves, so we don't want to be hard on themselves
we want to be gentle so each month you're focusing on a different area and
Different areas are gonna trigger and be harder for people and somebody you know over here is gonna
Say that was a cakewalk. I mean. I have no problem finding 28 things to love about myself
That was really easy, but other people it's like whoa that is a major major challenge
So I mean I know you well enough I'm not going to expose you you may want to expose it yourself
We mean want to do another interview later on, but there's one area that I want you to
To point out, and I point it out to everybody and it's it's the month of December
so in the month of December you're actually focusing on the next year, so
You know doesn't have to be a calendar year doesn't have to be January you know
January to December it's just think of it from one year from when you do it
And I find December is a really busy month anyways, so why not get started right away
So I I kind of get people to kind of you know dig into December right away because it's about
setting goals for yourself
So we just talked and there's some goals so maybe Gladys might want to share
The first part is taking chunks, so you're taking
The next three months
So would you would you like to share?
Something that you might think of that you would like to see done in three months
Decluttering my house, okay, so
Which is good. Well I should take a room. I guess yeah, I was just gonna say yes
Perfect yes, yes
Set up a second guest a guest bedroom is what I need to focus on
Gladys's goal is to get this room done and
You can mark number of different things, but I always take it into bite sizes
So you know even even when you're taking like a room right so somebody that's already you know
Has a decluttered room might find
Although that's really easy because I just have to clean this closet right or I have to just clean this dresser out
For other people it may be bigger than that so
Take it in bite sizes, so do you know what I'm where where I'm going with this so in other words
When you're doing that first quarter right? Okay focus on that
bedroom now
Walk into the bedroom with me like. I don't see it because I don't I don't know your particular room
but walk into the bedroom and
Find an area in that bedroom
That you can focus on first
What would be the first is it a dresser?
Is that one dresser drawer is in the nightstand and and think of a small area?
That isn't overwhelming that you're going to be like
Pulling yourself back and not getting it done. So think of bite sizes
I've got a bookcase that I would start with oh
That's awesome that's awesome. Yes, there's lots of extraneous stuff and
That's where I think I will that's where I will start that's awesome, so can you see that?
first if you if you said the room how it can
be overpowering right right so now you just
Focus in even a little tighter to the bookshelf how many shelves are on your bookshelf?
three three, okay, so
You may want to even break that down so that you know you get to a point we may have different
Are you gonna keep the bookshelf number one in the room? Yes, it's stay okay, so what you're gonna
do is get stuff that doesn't belong on the bookshelf and
get it out ok so that the bookshelf ends up just being a
Bookshelf a bookshelf with the books that you want on that bookshelf thats right and whatever you know
Accessories or whatever that might be you know to make it look beautiful or whatever?
That sounds good does that help it does yes?
Anytime you're doing something when we're stepping out of her comfort zone. It's uncomfortable
right so
but you want to be
Enthusiastic you want feel feel like wow wow I did good today
So even if you start with that quarter, which you'll see in the book
And you might have that first three months you might have
first shelf on your bookshelf a right second shelf or you could have
Removing anything that's not going to be on the bookshelf
Just keeping you know yeah
Put it into bite sizes that works for you
I don't know
But take it and do it so that it's really small little bite sizes
That whenever you're doing it. You can look at that and go
Right, and if you get it done in a less time
You're just gonna have more things to do right, but everything that you're doing is being excited about
Doing it
So you don't you don't want to end up being feeling like beat up that you didn't get what you wanted to get done
So you're taking?
You know you can go home, and then look at your bookshelf and go okay. I need to even break it down
Even more you decide what it is and then in three months, maybe we'll have a little sit down
But what I'd love for you to do is to take a picture of your bookshelf when you go home, okay?
And we can share it or not share it you'll decide
Right and then in three months we're gonna
have a little sit down and we're gonna see how you're doing okay anything else you wanna add your
share I guess I have to always
Tell myself take small steps
Small steps like a turtle will win the race. I love that one. I'd really love that one
yes, and the other one that I
Heard years ago, and I thought that was really cool, so the thing was how do you eat? How do you eat an elephant?
Right one bite at a time
I think we were both at that same meeting or something that was going on as we look at the big thing and we
Focus on that and then when we're not getting something done
We get frustrated and we get down on ourselves so we have to turn that around and keep thinking positive
And that's really what it's all about so every step on your journey
I'll be there on Facebook and we'll have some live feeds and you'll be able to give feedback
But remember take that picture and it'll be up to you whether we share it or not
that's a that'll be totally and even when you're going through steps take some pictures and
We look forward to seeing that and I guess by writing things down it makes it more concrete
absolutely yeah absolutely Gladys and and
Really, that's why?
The book is a journal right because we know that when we put things down
It's like you're taking it out of your head yes, and you're putting down on a piece of paper
So it's decluttering the mind right like I don't need to think about this all the time
I need to to get these thing. I want to get these things done, but I don't need to be thinking about it anymore
So you just and that's what it's about so
That's why I say, it's not important that you get it a hundred percent, right
Don't even go there. Don't even worry about that
Worry about doing a little bit right right okay?
So anything else you'd like to share with the audience. I think that's good first for a start. Good for a start. Do you feel motivated?
To to take your first step, yes, I do good, and we're at the end of October so it's October 30th
so this is like a cool time because
November is about
It's about stepping up your style, okay, so
we won't go into that but
We'll post that on Facebook so okay all right, so if you enjoyed this video
Please give us the thumbs up
right and
Please subscribe when you get more bye for now
No, I didn't need to do that Gladys and I have known each other for
Thank you for watching I
Would like to thank my guest Thank You Gladys for joining me, and thank you for sharing your picture with us
It was really awesome. So thank you for doing that if you enjoyed this video. Please give us the thumbs up and
Share it. I
Would love to hear from you too, so please leave a comment below
Let me know if Gladys and I have inspired you. I'm sure Gladys would love to hear some of your words of encouragement
SRCSO Arrest Man For Beating, Robbing 90-Year-Old Man - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
"A Tree For All" event delivers trees and all the trimmings for locals - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
SociEz Guide for using extension - Duration: 2:56.Today i want to introduce a new free tool for you
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