Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

Hello lords and ladies.

Welcome back to Cartoon Hangout, your place for all things cartoon.

When a show advertises itself as 'Family Guy for women' that statement carries an

equal amount of weight and baggage.

What exactly does 'Family Guy but for women' look like?

Heck, I wasn't even aware Family Guy was only for men.

I mean sure the name has 'Guy' in it, but the show focuses fairly equally on the

rest of the cast.

Not JUST Peter.

The baggage that comes from such a comparison is that if you fail, you look all the more


Imagine if someone filmed a movie and called it Game of Thrones meets Pokemon.

If it works, whoa awesome.

If it doesn't, then you get laughed at.

So where does Mother Up stand?

What IS Mother Up?

According to Wikipedia, "The show chronicles the misguided attempts at parenthood of a

disgraced music executive who transitions from the big city to suburbia.

After she resigns from her job and her husband leaves her, Rudi Wilson becomes a single mother

raising her two children, Apple and Dick, and must learn mothering duties."

Now that doesn't sound too awful a plot.

It's rife with storytelling and comedy potential.

I've only watched the first episode, but I was rather surprised.

Surprised because I fully expected to be cringing and rolling my eyes throughout the entire


Instead, after getting past an incredibly rough opening, I warmed up to it a little.

Initially my thoughts were that the main character is way to unlikable to root for.

She's an awful mother, she's very crude, and Eva Longoria's voice kills me.

But slowly the pieces came together and it somehow works, for what the series is trying

to be.

Whether this is like Family Guy and none of the progress continues into subsequent episodes

is beyond me.

As for the comparisons to Family Guy, besides just being an adult comedy I don't really

see it.

The comedy in the pilot isn't as wacky as in Family Guy, the characters are less cartoon-y

(if that makes sense) and there are certainly no cutaways.

It's just your standard adult comedy.

That for some reason looks more like Archie.

The dynamic between the mother and her kids (Dick and Apple) is what probably sold me,

especially after she tries to calm Apple down about swimming by telling her a more terrifying

pool story to…expected results.

Rudy doesn't know how to be a mother and that seems like where most of the humor will

come from.

That and her trying to climb the suburban mother ladder.

It's not laugh out loud funny like you might get out of the better Family Guy episodes,

but it may get you to crack a smile or chuckle softly.

I don't know if the show gets worse or becomes an underrated gem cancelled long before its


I don't have plans to review this weekly, like I may have done in the past, but if there's

enough interest I wouldn't say no to watching the remaining episodes and doing a final review

on this show.

If you're interested in watching this, you can probably find it on any number of websites

that host cartoons.

It may even still be up on Hulu.

So yeah, I'd at least recommend checking out the pilot.

Thanks for watching my review.

This is coming out on a Sunday, but generally one-off reviews will be on Saturdays from

now on.

If you're interested in more content like this, consider subscribing to my channel.

And if you'd be so kind, consider checking out my Patreon where you can help support

more content like this, especially as Youtube cracks down on non-advertiser friendly videos.

Again, thanks for watching and take care.

For more infomation >> Family Guy...for WOMEN?! - Duration: 3:49.


Star Stable Online - For sombody important - Duration: 3:19.


Slow down with this "sience"

Nothing happen when you will let go

Why you don't have a time for me?

Where is our time and our memories?

I hear only silent, not your voice

I don't know where you are

but I still love you so much

Even I told you "Don't love me, It's too late".

I can't see nothing happy

Only sad

I still think about life and death

I can't accept my life

I want finished it very fast

But death is so hard just like life

I can't forget my memories

I fighting with my thinks every day

Stay alive or not

Maybe I can survive one night more

Or end my life earlier

I'm so lost

I want hear your voice one more time

And hug somebody important

not wind

So I give up

I'm tired

I don't know how much I can give for a fight

My mother doesn't know about my sad future and... and It's better for her

My friends trying change my intentions

But I have determination, I don't want give up in death

Maybe I have a good life, Maybe I be good for everyone

I can't suffer longer

I miss you so much when you sleep quietly

I crying when nobody see my pain

I want finished it very fast

But death

is so hard

I'm falling apart and nobody can help me

I don't want help

I have (had) a few fans

And I don't understand why stupid people can like me

Well I don't understand why you loved me too


Has become, I don't forgot you

and I will not forget until the suicide

When I die I will remember all memories with you

Even you forget me and leave me alone

Maybe I shoudn't but I still love you

I have 7 billion other people on the world

But I want remember only you

I want... know where you are

But I know You don't want tell me where

I still love you...

For more infomation >> Star Stable Online - For sombody important - Duration: 3:19.


5 Tips For Dating (A Gay Guy) - Duration: 5:28.

Welcome back! Hmm, well I guess I'll be going through this

video lookin' like a unicorn! Damn. As someone who's already gone through the

terrible world of dating, I wanna help keep you away from horrible guys, and help to keep

you from becoming one, because that's important! So, today's video is gonna be 5 tips for dating

a gay guy, but if there are any straight people watching

this, don't click away, because I can guarantee these tips are gonna help you too.

Comin' up!

(intro music plays)

Ok, let's just jump into it so that you can get out there and find your Romeo.

In my opinion, one of the best dates that you can go on, especially for a first date,

is the classic "dinner date." You get to be in public, which is awesome

in case he turns out to be some creepy axe murderer.

You get to have delicious food. And! You get to have a fantastic conversation!

Unless he's a total dud. But that's what this video is for:

To help you keep the weeds out of your garden. That sounded dirty.

But one of the biggest concerns about the classical "dinner date" is:

Who the hell pays for it? Which leads to number one:

If you did the asking, you're doing the paying. You do not get to ask me out on a date, take

me to the most beautiful and expensive restaurant in the entire city, tell me to get whatever

I want off of the menu, order drinks for both of us, and tell the server that she's going

to get a fantastic tip because she complimented your new highlights-

these aren't highlights, by the way. I'm just going grey-

and then push the bill toward me when it shows up.

Well, I mean I'm married, so you don't get to go on a date with me anyway.

(music plays) But the point remains!

You want some honey? Then show me the money! That makes me sound like a gigolo.

Moving right along. Number two.

Don't talk about being "straight acting." Let's do a quick character study. You're on

a date with someone of the same sex. If you're trying to act straight, you're definitely

getting an "F", because you're sure as hell not getting the "D."

To be totally honest, it's super insulting to any gay guy who actually respects himself.

(tongue pop) Number three:

Three. Do not. Be afraid. Of being romantic.

We live in a really scary world right now where everything is kind of just horrific

and you have to be afraid of everything around you, but! The one thing that you don't really

need to be afraid of is romance. Chivalry is only dead if you take it off of

life support, so give it a chance to live.

If you're on a date, and it's going really, really well, and you feel like you might kinda

like this guy, it's ok to open a door for him every once in a while, and it's completely

ok to let him open a door for you, too. It just means he likes you.

And, while we're on the topic of romance! Him being romantic does not mean that you

owe him. Just because he opened the car door for you

does not mean you need to get into the back seat.

I mean unless he's cute, and you want to and then go for it, there's no judgement but you

do not have to. But, remember: being romantic, much like being

a douchebag is not gender or orientation specific. You can choose which one you want to be.

Number four: Control your eyeballs!

Why did I do a closeup when I have a pimple on my face?

If you're on a date, the guy that you're with should be your focus until the date is over.

That guy over there in the corner with that fantastic ass? He doesn't exist right now.

I know you're not dead, and you're gonna notice the guy, but think about if you were on a

date with someone who was checking out every other person around you. Would you go on a

date with them again? No. You probably wouldn't. So don't be that

person that even you wouldn't want to go out with again.

(tongue pop) And number five and I can't stress this enough:

There is nothing wrong with online dating or dating apps. We live in a world that is

super busy and some people have no time to meet people in any other way. If that's how

you need to meet somebody, go for it, 100 percent totally an acceptable method of finding

the perfect person but, there is a special place in Hell for those people who go out

on a date and check their dating app while the date is happening.

Even if the date is a total bust, the biggest way to prove that you're a douchebag is to

be in the middle of a conversation, and have this happen:

"So tell me a little bit about yourself. You said that you|(Grindr tone)

"Sorry, one sec..." "Whoa!"

See? See how douche-y that looked? Don't do it!

And a bonus tip! That's right! I said you were gonna get five,

and you're gonna get six! Awe, man you just...(stammers) shut up. Subscribe!

Make sure he's a fan of my videos because then you have something to talk about on your

first date. (imitates explosion)

Shameless self-promotion. But think about it.

If he's seen this video, he probably knows he should have opened a door for you and if

he hasn't done that yet, then you know that you should politely excuse yourself, pretend

to go to the washroom, and actually just catch a cab and go home.

I'm kidding. Don't do that.

Just tell him that you'll call him, and then ghost him like a decent human being.

How in the Hell did I end up getting married?!

(Outtro music begins) Hey, I hope you liked today's video. If you

did, go ahead and give it a big thumbs up. That would be wonderful. If you're new here,

or you haven't done it yet click right there to subscribe to the channel. I make new videos

just like this one every single Sunday. More of those videos are right down there, all

of my social media right in the corner there, and I will see you next week!

(tongue pop) Oh my God, I didn't think I was actually going

to get that tongue pop to work.

For more infomation >> 5 Tips For Dating (A Gay Guy) - Duration: 5:28.


Profiting Off The Presidency: Trump Selling Christmas MAGA Hats For Twice The Price - Duration: 2:46.

Well, Thanksgiving is officially behind us at this point, so Christians all over this

country now gearing up for Christmas.

If you're struggling to find a gift for that one person on your list that is almost impossible

to shop for, you can go to the Donald Trump store and buy a Christmas themed Make America

Great Again hat.

But be careful because these MAGA hats aren't like the regular MAGA hats because they literally

cost twice as much for the same thing that just happens to also say Merry Christmas and

have a fun little festive holiday design on it.

Once again, Donald Trump has found a way to profit off of his Presidency by pandering

to the people in this country who think that there's been a war on Christmas taking place

for the last 20 years.

Those people who actually believe that probably are stupid enough to pay twice as much for

a MAGA hat that says Merry Christmas.

A lot of people probably wondering why is this even news, why are we wasting our time

talking about this.

Because it all goes back to Donald Trump profiting off the Presidency.

He is using his office to market his brand to sell it to idiots all across this country.

That is something that should not be allowed in the United Stated.

Hell, remember Jimmy Carter?

When he became President and had to sell his peanut farm, yet Donald Trump is using his

office for the sole purpose of putting more money back in his pocket, and to be quite

honest, if you're going to sell a Christmas themed MAGA hat, why not actually make it

into a Santa type hat so it looks different from the regular MAGA hats.

You could probably sell a few more.

Not that I'm trying to give you tips on how to sell your products but you really missed

a big opportunity with that one.

My advice to anyone out there looking for a last minute Christmas gift or maybe just

an early Christmas gift to go ahead and complete your list, avoid the MAGA hats.

Avoid anything with Donald Trump's name, face, picture, or likeness on it.

Do not give this man anymore of your money.

Do not buy into the hysteria surrounding this war on Christmas that has never truly existed,

because after all, as the Bible tells us here, for the love of money is a route of all kinds

of evil, and if that is the case, then I think Donald trump is probably the most evil person

in this country today.

For more infomation >> Profiting Off The Presidency: Trump Selling Christmas MAGA Hats For Twice The Price - Duration: 2:46.


Home Alone for the Holidays - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Home Alone for the Holidays - Duration: 3:13.


Best Canon Lenses 2017 - TOP 5 lenses perfect for your DSLR - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 4:55.

One of the great benefits of choosing a DSLR ahead of a fixed-lens camera is the

versatility it offers when it comes to choosing the best lens for any given subject or

shooting situation.

In this roundup, our focus is to provide a list of the very best Canon lenses for aspiring

photographers who'd like to build up a system beyond the limitations of a kit lens.


you're unsure of all the unusual lens terms, take a glance over the jargon buster below

before scrolling down to our list of lens recommendations for your Canon DSLR.

Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM.

Though not the newest of lenses in the EF-S lineup, this fast standard zoom is an appealing

optic for Canon users who demand a versatile, fast aperture lens that produces pleasing


The only real downsides are wide-aperture sharpness at 55mm and the appearance of colour

fringes under some conditions.

This capable lens deserves attention from users of Canon APS-C bodies such as the EOS


EOS 80D and EOS 7D Mark II.

Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM.

If you're after a compact wide-angle zoom for your Canon APS-C DSLR, this is a fine


to consider.

It pairs up particularly nicely with Canon's entry-level models as well as

mid-range DSLRs like the EOS 800D/77D.

It has a plastic mount and electronic manual focus, but don't let that put you off as


delivers impressive results for such a low price.

As such, it's hard to think of a reason

not to include this in your lens collection if you're looking to expand and fancy a


that's well suited to shooting landscapes, interiors and architecture.

Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 USM.

If you own a Canon APS-C DSLR and like the idea of photographing objects at true life


(1:1) you'll want to add a dedicated macro lens to your arsenal.

Equivalent to 96mm in the 35mm format, this dedicated macro lens will enable you to capture

stunning close-ups thanks to its 20cm minimum focus distance.

What's more, it doubles up as an effective portrait lens, creating beautiful background

blur behind subjects when used at its maximum aperture.

All in all, an excellent macro option for Canon APS-C users.

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM.

This small 'nifty fifty' improves upon Canon's older designs and has been brought

up to

date by incorporating a Stepper Motor (STM) for smoother and quieter AF.

Compatible with full-frame and APS-C DSLRs, it becomes a highly practical and creative

short telephoto lens equivalent to 80mm when it's attached to the latter.

Stopping down from f/1.8 to f/2.8 improves sharpness and all trace of vignetting disappears

by f/4.

It's one of best lenses to buy after outgrowing your kit zoom.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM.

The lens is aimed at serious enthusiasts and professionals who specialise in portrait,

reportage and wedding photography.

The focal length is very complimentary to the subject of

portraiture and by opening the lens to its maximum aperture it's possible to produce

sublime background blur, albeit not quite as dreamy as you get with the faster EF 85mm

f/1.2 L II USM.As to be expected from an L-series optic bearing Canon's famous red ring

around the barrel, the lens is fully weather sealed and features a focus distance window

behind its large manual focus ring.

Focusing is fast and silent and the lens delivers

impressive centre sharpness at f/1.4.

Canon users have had a long wait for an 85mm f/1.4 to arrive, but this lens doesn't

disappoint in the slightest.

It's a cheaper and lighter alternative to the EF 85mm f/1.2 L

II USM and it's a lens that many EOS full-frame users would love to have in their kitbag.

For more infomation >> Best Canon Lenses 2017 - TOP 5 lenses perfect for your DSLR - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 4:55.


Jose Mourinho reveals plans for Man Utd captain Michael Carrick next summer - Duration: 1:58.

Jose Mourinho reveals plans for Man Utd captain Michael Carrick next summer

The 36-year-old has been sidelined since Septembers Carabao Cup win against Burton - his first and only competitive appearance since being named Manchester United skipper.

Carricks absence was shrouded in mystery until he announced on Friday evening that he had felt odd during that match, with tests leading the midfielder to be diagnosed with an irregular heart rhythm.

Carrick had a cardiac ablation to correct the problem and is now healthy and focused on making his comeback for United, who he watched beat Brighton 1-0 today from the Old Trafford directors box.

Mourinho publicly threw his support behind Carrick after the Premier League win - and hopes the veteran will join his backroom staff once his playing days are over.

Michael as a person is more important than Michael as a player, the United boss said. So we gave him the time to relax, to recover and to feel confident.

To make the decision he wants to play, he wants to stop. He knows that my coaching staff has a chair for him if he wants, when he wants.

"He knows that my coaching staff has a chair for him if he wants" Jose Mourinho The chair is there in the office for him.

I want that, the board wants that, the owners want that, so Michael is in a comfortable situation of his future will be with us.

But he wants to be a player until the end of the season and now he feels confident to be back, training. One more option for us.

We need players and if Michael wants, I am happy with that. Carrick has enjoyed a medal-laden spell since switching Tottenham for Old Trafford in 2006, making more than 400 appearances for the club.

The 36-year-old was rewarded with a testimonial in the summer and penned his latest contract extension in May, keeping him on until the end of the 2017-18 season.

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho reveals plans for Man Utd captain Michael Carrick next summer - Duration: 1:58.


Racist Black Nurse Just Called For Killing White Babies – Now Let's Make Her Famous - Duration: 4:36.

Over the last eight years, Barack Obama fanned the flames of division with his identity politics

and pitting Americans against each other.

Instead of Obama focusing on uniting the country he did what he could to create a race war

in the country, and now, race relations are at an all-time low.

That has been evident in the number of crimes on the rise that are being committed against

white people across the country.

These vile racists have been busy spewing their hatred online hiding in plain sight

and holding positions of trust.

Now one one racist nurse was just discovered calling for the white genocide of white babies,

and it is time to reveal her vile nature for all the world to see.

Those in the medical field should be trusted considering that they literally hold others

people's lives in their hands.

However, there are those in the medical area that mean to cause harm and need to be rooted

out before they can.

So, when one Indiana nurse posted on social media that all white babies should be murdered,

social media users did what they could to reveal the hate and ensure she would be fired.

Online Redditors and Twitter users tracked down the hateful nurse and discovered that

her name was Taiyesha Baker and she worked at Riley Children's Health, which is an

affiliate of Indiana University Health in Indianapolis.

After this disgusting post was discovered PJ Media reached out to the hospital and asked

for a statement regarding this troubling post and this is how the hospital responded.

"We are aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from a

recently hired IU Health employee.

Our HR department continues to investigate the situation and the authenticity of the


During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children)

will have no access to patient care."

Next, it was asked what department this racist nurse worked in, and they declined to answer

the question.

Internet sleuths quickly compiled a sampling of Baker's racist anti-white sentiments

and posted them online for all to see, and there are many to look over.

It is hard to believe that a hospital did not do their research on Baker and see these

horrific tweets, and if they did see them why did they hire still?

Shortly after the tweets were discovered, Baker deleted her Twitter account, but the

screenshots of the tweets will last forever.

Twitter now is finding themselves in the hot seat with tweets like this being allowed on

the social media giant.

For too long we have heard Facebook and Twitter announce that they will be cracking down on

hate speech, but it appears that it only applies to those speaking out against the liberal


Twitter has removed in the past conservative voice Milo Yiannopoulos with no warning for

what he did to be permanently banned from the platform.

Though accounts with racist anti-white tweets and calls to murder white people remain active

on Twitter despite being reported.

This discovery comes on the heels after Freedom Daily's Prissy Holly reported on the three

black nurses that allowed a World War II veteran to die while he pleaded for help.

Eighty-nine-year-old highly-decorated WW II veteran James Dempsey served his country honorably,

and probably never fathomed that the worst experience of his life would come at the very

end of his years at the hands of a nasty staff of callous nurses.

After suddenly being unable to breathe, he pushed the call button in his room six times,

frantically telling staff over the intercom that he needed immediate help.

Help me!

help me!" the man's feeble voice can be heard in the video below as he gasps for air

and waits for the staff to come assist him.

Dempsey had pushed the call light in his room at 4:34 am but it would take a startling 10

minutes for the nurses to get off their butts and make their way down the hall to tend to

his life-threatening emergency.

The nurse supervisor, Wanda Nuckles, finally made her way to Dempsey's room after being

notified by another nurse after the man was unresponsive.

These discoveries are incredibly troubling considering the field that Baker and the other

nurses are working in.

Being in the medical area is one of trust since people are coming in during a vulnerable

time in their lives.

How will people feel about leaving their white children or their elderly parents with people

who they do not know how they personally think of them?

Hopefully, this woman will be fired and not allowed to work in the medical field ever

again, and also maybe it will change the way hospitals hire people.

It is now time that these hospitals do further research on potential candidates so that people

will trust who taking care of their loved ones.

For more infomation >> Racist Black Nurse Just Called For Killing White Babies – Now Let's Make Her Famous - Duration: 4:36.


Best smartwatches for women - Update December 2017 - 4U Tech - Duration: 4:04.

While the best smartwatches have traditionally tended toward male wearers in their design

aesthetic, the latest and greatest smartwatches for women are now starting to overturn this

trend in a big way.

If you're looking to wear the latest blend of technology and fully functional fashion,


best smartwatches for women now offer the perfect combination of style, substance and

automated intelligence, enabling you to make an impact in every scenario or situation.

With the latest women's smartwatches providing a feature set offering everything from smart

home control and interfacing through to fitness tracking, message checking, and call

answering, the ability to do it all – wherever you are – is now greater than ever before.

Get ready to discover the ultimate in stylish and intelligent horology with our guide to

the best smartwatches for women.

Michael Kors Access Grayson.

Last year's Michael Kors Access series consisted of two models: the Bradshaw Access and

Dylan Access, both based on bestselling women's and men's Michael Kors watches.

Now there's

two new additions with the Access Grayson and the Access Sofie, which is the more female-

friendly version of the new duo.

Apple Watch Series 3.

The third series of the Apple Watch may not look any different to the two initial

iterations of the brand's smartwatch at first glance, but under the hood, this smartwatch

is packing some incredible tech that ups the game of the earlier model in a number of ways.

If you're looking for the best women's smartwatch that does it all and looks the


while ultimately a unisex design, the almost endless customization options of the Series


make this timepiece a strong contender.

Withings Activité Pop.

If you want a stylish analogue watch that'll track your fitness, and you want something

with wicked battery life, then little comes close to the Withings Activité Pop.

This smartwatch boasts an 8-month battery life and crammed into the aluminium casing

are a

wide range of sensors to track your fitness.

The Pop automatically senses when you are

walking, running and swimming, and the dedicated app available on iOS and Android devices

provides detailed activity information in real-time.

Asus ZenWatch 3.

The Asus ZenWatch 3 (or the WI503Q as it's codenamed), is a stylish women's smartwatch


decent battery life and a decent display.

It has a 1.39-inch AMOLED display with a pixel

density of 287 PPI.

That isn't the best on the market, but the ZenWatch 3's display makes

up for that with excellent colour reproduction and excellent outside performance.

In terms of design, the Asus ZenWatch 3 is available in three designs: Black, Silver


Rose Gold.

The Silver and Rose Gold versions are the sleekest.

Each version comes with a

leather band and Asus claims their smartwatch has the best build quality of any on the


True or not, the ZenWatch 3 is certainly a looker and it's a great all-round


Fossil Q Wander.

The Fossil Q Wander, one of two new Android Wear smartwatches from the time piece

manufacturer, is a smartwatch for ladies and those with slimmer wrists.

Fossil Q Wander prices start at $295 (around £200, AU$390), depending on the type of strap

you fancy with silicone, leather and stainless steel all possible options.

The Fossil Q Wander isn't exactly small, but its slimmed-down proportions will be welcome

relief to those who find the current fleet of smartwatches a little overbearing on the


For more infomation >> Best smartwatches for women - Update December 2017 - 4U Tech - Duration: 4:04.


Ellie: Get Ready With Me - makeup lessons for girls - Duration: 2:08.

Ellie: Get Ready With Me - makeup lessons for girls

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