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Substitute saturate
Okay class let's try that spell one more time oh
I give up. I'm terrible at Magic good try everyone
- to teach her to teach to borrow sorcery class was I supposed to do that oh dear
How are we going to find a substitute sorcery teacher by tomorrow?
Please mr.. Sekulow can't you see I'm busy brewing an important person yes, but it's only for one day
and we could learn so much for such a
Vexed vibe and without it. I can't finish my potion did I just agree to teach her class?
You're supposed to be teaching us magic yes
Well think of how magical it would be if you all sat there without making a pee we started learning a bouncing spell yesterday
Maybe you could teach us that
Boom alright, I'll show you the spell one more time and that's it
One two three
Is it round Silius oh
It kind of worked. What is the problem?
For series school you know it, I'm Kurt. This is Ellie and I'm a
Princess yeah at noon we're gonna fill your school with so many bubbles. It'll love
It'll be lunch time at hexley Hall come on. I've got a hankering for more pranking, so do I flute you later
How about a little faster?
Best pranksters ever oh yeah
It could close real prep for months if it doesn't ruin the school forever. Well, that's not really my problem. Yes
It is the fairies aren't here, which means you're in charge besides
Hey now run it all back to hexley Hall prank day is over
No way, we're not going back till we've done our bubble price. Oh
Stick them in that chair
Even better, let's stick up to the chair, here's your sting
You're even worse than that cédric guy in enchancia art and that citric guy in enchancia that explains it let's go
Come on Elliot. Uh okay, but you guys we're not any good at magic. She has a point. It's our school
We have to try to protect it come on
Just tell us the spell oh it's no use
Only an advanced sorcerer can undo a sticky spell well if we can't get you free
How are we going to stop those brave school? You will what spell the disappearo spell?
It'll make their bubbles vanish into thin air
Brilliant now all you do is lift your wall go on your wands world wave
Sorry disappearo
It's almost dude, let's get started
Boy why aren't you trying to spell because I know I can't do it Sofia
We'll have none of that we need all the help we can get wand up Vivian crit is never giving up
You must keep trying until you finally get it right
Now give it another try rinses
Now you try a trivial
Learning magic can be tricky
Occasionally sticky
If you wanted lots of back read
The Sorcerer's secret
Well someone's catching on let's make trouble fill this school
We better hurry
You know what to do
Stop popping our bubbles no wait prankster kid
We have to get them out
Can't eat idea mr. Cedric. Uh except none of us can do that spell Sofia can yeah?
But it'll take more than just me to stop the three of them. No you can do it
Just remember the sorceress secret, okay. I'll try and keep trying
Yeah, I will Royal prep is floating away
Not until you promise to go back to hexley Hall and never prank our school again
Hold the promise to leave and never prank us again, No then we'll just continue until you do
Children what are you all doing outside? Oh Cedric?
Did they do this to you know it was hexley Hall prank day?
Thank you. I can assure you the headmaster of hexley Hall will hear all about this and those pranksters will be punished
He taught us all the spells miss flora and the Sorcerer's secret very impressive
But only a great sorcerer could teach a spell without waving right these X fine my potion
My person can wait there are still a few spells I could teach you
No Bert
Oh Sophie look look look that cloud looks like
Do you want to come inside no I better hop back to my rabbit hole before I have to swim back okay
See you tomorrow. You know it
And what second most important?
But why just tonight we always have so much fun when you sleep over and who knows when the rain will stop
You should just move in we can be
Roommates, that's the you make me
You make me wanna sing
all day long
Oh we better pick that up ha ha so
Chari Culver, I was just gargling yeah, do you think you could go a little quieter, I'll try
Are those carry bits yeah, or well you go back to sleep
Kids we have some exciting news
Bryce twig Lee is coming to paint pictures of our Castle, so
Everyone will see what our rooms look like mm-hmm. When's he coming in two days?
Oh, it's just enough time to completely redecorate my room. I hope we have enough glitter don't forget
Thank you for breakfast Soph
Wasn't your bed over there? We've got to make it look as nice as possible, so will you help me clean up?
Yeah, sure, but can we do it later I'd rather do something more fun right now. Oh
good point
Great, then. Let's start cleaning up okay
I'm going to paint some flowers, and I'm gonna paint the things I love most in the world sorry about that
Clover now. We're going to have to clean up everything again
But I have a room to finish decorating of course princess amberle my grand theory of the universe
Can wait now let's see
just take a peek through the telescope and
Master Erwin, I think the cover is still on the telescope. Oh yes the
It's just past the tip of the unicorn horn
Boy showed I have to check all these charts well everyone
But if it turns out you've discovered the star you My dear princess get to name it
Your babes over here now the Sun moves the bed moves
And now you know clovers secret to great ah good night princess
But you how's it going not, so well there's an artist coming to paint my room the day after tomorrow
And there's carrots feathers and fur everywhere
Robyn runs a tight nest good idea. Thanks guys now you should get some sleep
I'll try I could be the first person in a chance to get a pine a new star since Griffin major was discovered
Princess amber your gown fitting is in a few minutes. Oh can it wait Suzette
I'll just take the charts back to my room so I can redecorate right after I finish my celestial mapping
Lover I have something for you rule number two no carats on the bed rule number three no carats anywhere
Wait a minute stuff. Let me see this thing
Rule number four no cannonballs on the bed
Don't do this don't do that what am I supposed to do so free loves parties, and you're invited?
Wait talk, but not you really get me
Paws up if you need a snack, but leave some cashews for Sofia. She loves those. It's a surprise
Where is the dance floor party animals it's time to break out my skimmer. I really think Justin
Ah nuts
You're not so easy to live with yourself you wake up too early you you gargle too loudly
Did you make way too many rules?
maybe becoming
Thanks, buddy
All right
I guess this is better than nothing
King Roland n' oh my this is princess Amber's room
It's time for mr. Twig Lee to paint your room
You love the stars don't you princess amber. I - I really do
And I'm gonna capture that love on canvas
It's getting everywhere
Just like my fur was
Sophie yeah, good morning. It's fun to cannonball on to Sofia does cannonballs oh
I see I'm not the only artist here. Oh my friend made that way back
Are you in here
It was a lot of mists. I should have been cleaner and I could have been nicer
Ha ha guess being roommates was harder than we thought huh, but we're such good
Really oh
I suppose I should move back. Well. I guess we do need better friends than roommates
Oh that reminds me. I have something for you
We can do it in the morning
There's my star. I picked all the books and the star isn't charted anywhere, which means I discovered it so tonight
Me too princess
Winters yet
I made a gift for mr.. Cedric
It's a case for his lawn. It took me a really long time to make can you help me with the wrapping sure?
All the worst a kingdoms best sorcerer mug
Maybe my gift isn't special enough. Are you kiddin you made that for him I need to find a better gift. Oh
I suppose it's time to live the decoration oh
This won't do at all What's Wrong baby wick I just wish my decorations were a bit more impressive this year
One Miceli ax we filled the entire key
If only we knew where to find them hey
I know a guy
Well technically a Fox and he knows the forest like the back of his hand if they're out there. He can find them great I
Know we live somewhere. Yo where's good lookin for me
Well, if it isn't my old pal clover
I haven't seen you since you took off to live the cushy life word in the woods
Is there's an ice Lily patch in the Icicle forest could you show us mr.?
Whiskers it's kind of a hike you sure you're up for it. Mm. Sure I was talking to earmuffs here
This is it the Icicle forest?
What is she she's a fawn, but they don't use
That was so pretty oh
Did you do that uh-huh everything I touch turns to ice
It's amazing no
It's awful when I say everything I touch gets covered every year on wassailia glacier dispels for people
But only if you bring her gift, so I gathered all the wood crystals
I could find which took me weeks because you know they're wood crystals
I gave her my gift, and she used her magic give me the ice touch
I thought it would be so great being able to cover anything with sparkling ice
Band looking for the most special gift, I could think of ice lilies
But I haven't been able to find any we're on our way to get some ice lilies right now
You are why don't you come with?
I know a way to get us across
Hey watch this xxx
Are you sure this is where the ice lilies are supposed to be mr. Moon
Ice lilies we found them now
Coming through Freddy Fox
I don't think so see those lilies way up there watch this
It was an accident winter is there any way to melt the ice
It's enchanted ice only glacier the mountain which can melt it, then restart to get to our Palace traitor alien
Nevers longer is it going to take for almost pardon us your witchiness, but there is no door. Oh, that's right
I had to be moved the palace was it's drafty enough I
Remember this foster finger and what have you brought me in exchange?
These eyes release
You can put them in the bar winter
Do you see how upset you meet her she's the one who asked for the power in the first place can't you just undo it?
Where are you?
What's troubling you Sophia?
Well if we don't come up with a special gift to give the mountain which then winter
We'll have to spend another year all alone and clover will be stuck inside this ice oh it
Doesn't matter if it's a large or small
It doesn't matter what the color is at all
or a single
What matters from the start
The most and why it's special is because it comes from you
What makes a difference is the feeling
Should come all from your home
Is there something special that winter can do there is something she can do Thank You Tiana
Back so soon. Oh this should be good you brought another gift
That goes my back, are you okay? Okay? I?
Haven't felt this good in a long
time I
Will grant your wish
Do you know what this means Sophia
Sorry they'll now be set free
Thanks Mountain which if I was just upset yeah
Why because we used to be best buds and when you went off to the castle you didn't come round anymore?
Guess I kind of missed you
Hey someone need a lift you really do have connections don't forget these for your special gift. Oh, right
These are for you ice lilies they're even lovelier than I remembered Thank You princess Sofia
Never loose my wand again, this is the best present I have ever gotten ever
Are they have a gift for you as well Sofia you do
Yes, it is. Happy isn't it?
The secret library
So how long you stayin. Oh, just long enough tell me Sofia have you finished the book I gave you
I just finished Chapter 12. I never knew how many kings and queens there were none can see on behind the walls
Wow hello how do you think I get in here
I want to look around in there too bad. You're not rabbit sized, but I could be my amulet gave me the power to strip
I wish to beep it again
How do I get in without a tea
Knowledge is the key to everything?
My castle
We are aligned bezel
We have to see if you have what it takes to be the next story keeper story keeper see all those books on the walls
Uh-huh well most of them don't have endings yet you wear the amulet
Yes, I did when I was a young princess the amulet is how I knew you could be the next story keeper that in passing
all my little tests
The kale of wildwing Valley mmm interesting
Massimo yearned to be wild
One night a visiting horse told Massimo about wildwing Valley a magically hidden land minimus
Massimo is his brother the things you learn from books Massimo flew off in search of wildwing Valley
But on his way there. I'm supposed to save nazma and help him find wildwing Valley
I'm not sure I can do this
I know being story keeper is not easy
But you can't but I don't even know where to start you can start by putting on something more adventurous. It's not a mint
Hmm how about this how did you know I have a brother, I'll tell you on the way
Are you talking to your horse Sofia? Oh be emulate gave me the power to talk to animals? I should have known
Good idea
Good to see you, bro
We even have heated stalls
Heated stalls huh, the only way to heat my stalls to have a dragon set it on fire
Yeah, it's nice in here, but a cozy cages massive. Oh got a bowl. I really don't get you
I don't get you either, but you're my brother, so I let it slide guys
Maybe if we can talk about this after we get out of here, okay, and this is my aunt Tilly good afternoon
I didn't know we're expecting visitors today, Gavin we weren't sire
Ah well, guests are always welcome Prince Roderick
That's why we're here Massimo wants to be free Massimo. You mean thundercloud
Yeah, can you believe that name your Knights captured hands?
But how about we all go for a ride and have a jolly time Gavin right so?
This won't do at all I suppose we'll have to hunt them down and get my horse back right. Let's saddle up Gavin
You are faster than you used to be you ever think about racing now that you mention it you know
No worries I know just the thing to slow them down
So we can secure them for the ride back shouldn't we let the runt go no let's keep it teach that little princess and lesson
Let's land and look for it though kid okay?
Let's write apps, I'll check over here you check over there
Have I got your attention
Nah-ha the belief that you can save them yourself
That's just it
I'm still getting used to being a princess
How am I supposed to finish all those stories in the library if I can't even now I feel like I'm the fake
Thinking there must be some
I can't see why she chose me
When my chance has blown away
Just stand tall and your aim will always be true
Can't stand being tied up like this now. You know how I feel every day
I spend in a horse stall and that's why I had to leave home. It was oh
Do we have to take them back Allegra? We are Royal horses Tempest?
We have to do what the Prince commands to the castle Tempest
Let's help the umbrellas mightier than the sword
Now fly me to minimus appease quiet as you can
gotcha going into stealth mode
Prince Roderick
Happy Trails
Gavin hey it's the glittering gorge. That's the way to wildwing Valley and let's go hey, Massimo
Do you mind if I come along? I think I've had enough Prince Roderick sure thing Tempest
It's Hidden Valley remember Sofia why are we flying right toward that cliff so you can open your eyes now minimus
You'll want to see this
Wildwing Valley
Hey, why don't you stay with me minimus. I know Massimo. Got a room, but minimus gotta go home
I guess we're just horses of a different color
Legal has landed
That's ok tini. I should have seen you coming, but like this hmm
Ok have fun everyone I chief knuckles see a chief alright
That's better
They'll never find me in here
Glory it's light at last you must not get out of your cave much so listen up little troll and I'll pull you off
This place full of great once I do a little decorating and get a lot of those glowing crystal thingies well
maybe you could ask chief knuckles for some I
Don't ask I tell
Trol sorry grandpa, please don't zap me. Are you afraid of the dark?
Anything mister no take this luggage get me what I want
And no one will get salamander and don't go telling anyone about this you go blabbin and I go zipping just
Bring me those crystals. We're supposed to find you gnarly what happened
Nothing, I just don't want to play anymore
Hmm, are you okay? I'm fine. Oh
It's only an emerald. Oh isn't that a precious gem, but it doesn't glow like a cave crystal
Charlie tired I'm gonna be tired from all this mining
I'm gonna go rest for a while. Okay. Is the other way. Where is he going? I don't know
Do you know what happened the last time someone thought grata would understand know what
Put it this way. I wasn't always a mole
This makes me very unhappy and when I'm not happy
It's true I haven't been happy for two years
We have to rethink this whole layout flinch
Move the rock sofa back over there again
Mean right away Greta. Oh what am I gonna do Sofia?
I can't just make a bucket of cave crystals appear out of nowhere, and I only have until brothers candle burns out. Let me under
Whom the span Scrolls there stays with me right there it is
Well could you maybe come down here for a minute I need your help
Give me one good reason why I should oh, it's a piece of cake all I need is some diamond dust
So be right next to this sapphire seeds of course beauties
This isn't diamond dust its eggshell powder
I've dealt with this bossy little cave dwellers before you have they think they're so powerful
But there isn't a fleegle alive who could amass swarms with a royal sorcerer healthy carrot grata for you
Are you sure she's pretty powerful? Oh?
Poppycock I shall make magical mincemeat out of that Fleagle
Everything's in the wrong place
start over start over, but everything is made of stone I
Am Cedric the sensational
Royal sorcerer to king Roland the second and princess Sofia of enchancia. We've come to ask you to
Don't you have some cave crystals to fetch for me, but but I told you I couldn't find any more. What about the ceiling stars?
Teeny ceiling stars and anyone else who tries to stop me
Guess I've got to give her some of her Sofia do you have a minute I?
Always have time for you Sofia
What is it you see I've got this friend ghost
He's not supposed to tell anyone he has to then chief knuckles
And the other trolls can help your friend stand up to this Fleagle. Do you really think that will stop her I do
Here I just couldn't do it Sofia. I couldn't take our ceiling stars
You don't have to gnarly there's another way out of this you have to get help from chief knuckles. Yeah, you leave him alone
Princess I'll pick on you instead capture it princess
What are you gonna do gnarly I'm gonna take Sofia's advice teeny
But you have to lead the way me why to show this bully of a fleegle ex you can't push you around
Right here grata. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. That's my job now
There's one thing you should know about trolls free go
Again goodness find very well
Don't mr. Cedric. I'm just so scared of the dark. I have to have those cave crystals
Well there are better ways to get what you want than bossing people around
Really, I know these caves belong to you
But is it okay if I stay here and live in this one you forgot the magic word
You're giving them to me. Why?
Excuse me
but since you're being nicer and everything I wouldn't mind getting turned back to normal huh I
Suppose you're right flinch
Thanks for helping me Sofia anytime early
Now how'd my new neighbors like to chill it's tastier than it sounds
Wife takes the child the wife take the cow heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes the cow
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