Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

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Cauldre nation dec

One now you're ready look at this outfit, so Ricky. There's still tons to set up

Lots more news

I think so too so what I've never been to a culture nation for its magic

Sounds like a lot of work. It is, but it's worth it

If everything goes well when I take off on my Raven catcher broom. Just as the moon rises tonight. What's a witch of honor?

It's a special witch friend. I have cues to help me make a potion at the end of the ceremony

I'm trying to decide between the indigo my best a bad witch friend and ruin your special day

Right well what if I keep an eye on Lillian indigo and make sure that they get along today? No matter what?

Lily my good witch friend. I was telling you about

Thanks Lily do I know my best friend or what so have you picked your witch of honor yet uh

Not yet, is that so I think both cats are great so no need to argue. Okay. Who are you?

You don't act like a bad witch and you don't look like a good witch I know you'll make the best

Raven catch your broom ever and I say that as your

SuperDuper best friend who'd love to be your witch of honor so pick me

Thanks Sofia time to start the ceremony with cheese Oh


I'm so glad you could hear ghosts

Fire fire burning bright ignite the candles like tonight

Now then it's called relation tradition for everyone to help gather straw from a scarecrow

for Lucinda to use in her Raven catcher brew oh

No there they go again

It's okay. I think I know a way to keep them apart. So there won't be any problems me okay, mom

I'll go make sure everything's okay between indigo and lily

Hold that pose what a good picture say rotten cheese

So far so good. Everyone's getting along my best friend will have the best room

Scarecrow could wreck all the decorations. We've got to do something now say if you stinky cheese

icky stinky cheese

Ingredients she needs those to make her potion if unhappy that scarecrow I

Found an even better spot for the picture in the defining room

Oh looky it's almost moonrise come girls. It's time for the broom whoever you don't choose

We'll just have to be okay with it

Now my riches. It's time for you to do the traditional

basic dance around this broomstick

Seriously keeping them apart didn't work. So maybe if they do something fun together. They might get along all right guess

It's worth a try let the brew success

Linda honey the moon will be out soon cast the spell okay mom broom up speed fast in flight

Oh Lucy

Don't you want your with bristles of hey keep going Lucinda?

I was supposed to say stick where ye may ah I said it wrong

That broomstick is pretty wicked. I don't mean to judge, but it's getting later by the minute

I think you should pick your witch of honor now Lucinda finally

Okay, loosen is gonna be so you should have a good witch of honor



Who's it gonna be yes, who nothing in the coronation handbook says a witch of honor must be a witch

Sophia it is but listen de really didn't think he'd choose me

Now Lucinda with help from her witch of Honor Sofia out of canvases there's more inside. I'll be back in a jiffy

What do I do what start stirring with the broom and remember to keep stirring as the moon rises?

Now I will add one speckled owl feather

two drops of slug slime

One wolf whisker send that princess

Time to go bye-bye princess

You're an owl yep, you are -

Wait I can fix this oh

And Oh Lucinda wanted was for her coronation to go well if you really wanted to act like a good friend you would have thought

More about what Lucinda worries not about what you weren't you're right. I'd show you how to use a wand

All right, I'll try but we better hurry

It's just an it's a flick of the wrist

Way to go good work fixing one problem girls, but what about the Cygnus potion all the ingredients?

There's only one thing missing


I'm sorry Lucinda. You see that come with me. I want to show you something

What's going on here's some crocodile tears new batch of bad sweat for you

And I made us act like really bad friends and not the good kind of bad. Just the bad kind and we feel just awful

It's okay, but you're both this

Some crop tears three both whiskers a touch of toadstool

Catcher I'm a midnight which I want to remember you before you fly off on your own

It's okay, mom you can take as many pictures as you want

You know what? There's no way. I'll forget this moment. Thank your new Raven catcher. So you like that

It's exact yeah, it's one-of-a-kind

Oh, and you may want to hold on tight Sofia just help

Bailiwicks Dale

Good morning princess Sofia

Is it going to be a party oh, I should say not a job well done. It's celebration enough

Everything's ready for your royal playdate children your friends will arrive any moment

And I'll be on hand in case you need anything. Oh, no you won't baileywick your brother Nigel does

Big plans Nigel

Thanks Wicky, it's basketful yet nope but my belly is

And after the orchard will sweep and a cap off the day

After we're done wiping ice cream off your nose a boat will pick us up at the dock to take us fishing

Just like we used to do fun

We used to have I can't think of a better way to spend the day sounds like you're going to have a great time

Amber James, and I each planned an activity for all of us my activity is playing pirates in my tree house all right

Chiron is

Excited for your day all fire you mr.. Baileywick indeed violet

I can't remember the last time Nigel and I got to spend a whole day together

I just hope the children will be okay without me

But he hasn't left yet, oh

Dear is that James calling me. Oh Wicky. I'm sure whatever he wants

All right, what's the problem James the treehouse broke? Oh dear?

So can you fix it rest assured James there is nothing that cannot?

It's time for my activity to the gazebo everyone do we have to the fix in the treehouse yummy snacks will be served?

I'm there

Page eight best two out of three. Sorry for the delay Nigel. I'm ready to go pick some apples well

It's too late for that. I'm afraid dear brother, but we can still make it to the ice-cream


Well at least there's food

First things first Oh

No wait until you taste the cookies they are simply

Princess amber should know it's your day off. I must see what's the matter?


Dear that won't do at all won't you to the kitchen?

Princess amber how does this look?

Finally not quite yet now we must put the frosting on the cookies

Enjoy your tea party enjoy the rest of your day off

well, we missed the apples and now we've missed the ice cream too, but we still have an afternoon of

I'm stuffed. I'm bored. What's next my activity. It's just over here in the garden. We're going to paint

Right now do you Sofia?

Where is it? Oh dear? Where's my fishing pole? I must have left it in the hall. I'll be right back

Well the boat the boat will be here any moment


Would someone, please make my butterfly stay still hit my castle you scared all the butterflies away

I didn't get the lizard either

Now I do we paint oh

There's baileywick. Maybe he knows where to find more butterflies

But they flew away do you know where we could find more?

And how we can keep them from flying away if it's butterflies you need then butterflies you shall have

And another green would be nice

No a blue one what kind of butterfly, would you like well? I was painting a purple one before say no more

hold still

You're quite welcome and now I really must go

Sorry mr.. Bailey wait you're back well, actually it's time to start preparing the royal supper that it is

I'll meet you in the castle violet very good

Shouldn't you be on your boat ride. I thought you were going fishing with Nigel. We missed the boat. I'm afraid

Oh, but how are the apples and the ice cream women Sophia? Hey your friends are about to leave?

You should go say. Goodbye baileywick. Never got his day off. Why not well he fix James's tree house

Oh, I have to find emerging

Good bye. Everyone. See you later Xander

We really messed up we should do something to make it up to him

Maybe if we can give him tomorrow off, but his birthday is today today should be special

Oh, if only we could do course Suzette. Can we get some ice cream right away miss. What are we going to do?

You'll see come on

Haha everything for Wicky lead the way princess

We need up there the treehouse again

It's you baileywick so welcome to your day off do-over party first we've invited a special guest

Nigel how fishing poles in case we see any snapper

or catfish

Sit down baileywick. It's our turn to serve you that's right. You're not just

The farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 487 - Duration: 15:24.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 71 - Green Elephant - Duration: 15:46.

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beauty is the beast i

May, be small who i lack in size i make up for in stainless glowing are you trying to distract

Me i'm serious it's glowing look, oh, oh?

A princess must be coming



I'm not going to hurt you

Are you hiding from someone no


Well you don't have to hide from me it's

okay, come on out horribly, aware that i do not look, like a princess

but i


Promise you this morning i just it sounds like you are cursed i must have been

But i have no idea, why and no idea how. And no idea what to do and i i just, want to be myself

My, own strengths anymore my handmaidens spotted

Me like this and now everyone's trying to hunt me down it connects all the princesses, who

Ever wore it so that must, be why i'm here the amulet brought, me to help

You, this time it's my turn to help, another, we can, figure this out usually, when someone gets cursed it's

Because they, did something bad ah

so did you do anything bad


Everyone knows they're just horrible beasts you know her everyone

Does i'm the most famous enchantress and isleworth yes i curse you, why

Would you do this now turn me back to normal, sorry can't do that what

Don't you know anything about how. Curses work, dear i think he need, true friends

How can i even find him any guesses go to his house, oh?

Good you should keep her i have to go to, what goblins

Okay it's the only, bad day i've ever had but it is horrible hey, at least we know, what you have to do?

Oh, ever lydia i'm sure she's fine but to ease the queen's mind

someone please check on the princess


I'm so afraid goblins are beasts, well at the moment so are you

are you, okay, that goblin, was afraid of me

Wasn't he i think so because if we are then maybe the curse will break

Sorry, it's never that easy then, what am i going to do now

So let's invite him to one but, sofia i can't go to a

Party, like this just a little one only for the three of us more like a picnic really good, idea i'll wait for you here

but, ah, no one i

Love all things royal big or small

Cups, tea towels tiny spoons open it to the public every other sunday and on some holidays it's very sweet of?

You, to share all this thank you milady, so what kingdom are you from

Me of course not huh, well it does look like a lovely, little party

Big ones, okay now elephant row, oh?

Goblin, goblin, goblin, took the princess but the handmaiden said she saw

Hairy, big auntie, oh i do love a nice teeth me too

I'm so sorry, oh don't be happens to me all the time excuse me

You are quite excused

And i bet you have lots more things in common to party

This, sure sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship smee

You, see you're just two people you will find more to add or?

Much more to it

So here's a secret

thank you i

Don't even know. Your name it's morris and you milady, oh it's um

charlotte i'll be right back i

Think, this is going really, well i know meet him, now that i'm getting to know him he's quite charming

look, footprints bigfoot, that's the princesses - yura

where's the princess

What's going on the royal guards captured morris, why it's too late now

The, way he looked at me like

He was so?


But morris get cap, but don't give up you can, make it up to him i don't see how

You're, going back to the castle, no we're going, back to save yours

Where is my daughter?

How, do we know, you're really the princess this could be some kind of trick maybe it's just another goblin in cahoots with

This, one i'm pretty sure i heard it grunt show. Yourself

you, came, for me of course that is not our daughter the princess i

Was cursed, and turned into a beast

Because and i hope one day he can, forgive me because i would truly be honored to be his friend

The honor, would be all mine princess charlotte

Thank, you morris thank you princess charlotte, no one has ever stood up for me like that i very much like

You, to be my guest at the summer ball, sophia thank you so much you're, welcome can. You stay for the ball


Would love you but i think my amulet, is that i got nothing else on my schedule?

Well believe it or not this time my amulet summoned me to help, another princess brickley why, he

The secret library is allowed and the tale of miss nettle

Okay, okay, no way to know

Not one lily or rosebud to brighten people's day

the kings and his gardener on a quest to find a flower that could grow in freezenberg and

The gardener returned in fact the festival is supposed to take place on this very night but there is one problem

This is probably, where, miss nettle comes in i've got to stop, miss nettle and give this story a. Happy ending

All by ourselves but she has magic and a really scary laugh

Don't worry, we have magic - hey there do you guys think you could, help me out

Well, well if it isn't my least favorite meddling princess

Miami, live isn't working it must be miss nettles crazy crystals even if they find her how. Will they tell, me where he is

Minimus i'm not sure i can, do this without, my amulet without you

Getting colder here let me help

Thanks i'm olaf and what are you looking for sofia a princess oh i was just with the princess

Princess on of arendelle i'm not sure, where she went though or where i am a

Wicked fairy, book, crazy crystals on it and well it sent you instead a

Mewling sent me to give advice i can, give you advice, oh?

Right, well bye then good luck with know, who the wicked, fairy, okay it was nice meeting you

This, is getting worse and worse now i need to stop

Miss nettle from ruining the flower festival and fix my amulet so you can go home, oh

It's okay, sofia it's like a one-horse open sleigh

Let's cover as much ground as possible

Like snowman is olaf hey?

Well we don't have any snowdrops anymore and we're probably not even going to have the festival

But that's the most on night of the whole year but i still have, no idea where she went

Even if we find miss nettle i don't know, how it can stop her without, my, amulets magic. No queen elsa

Hmm, maybe you're right i guess i have to try that's the spirit now let's go find, that wicked fairy

Look, here comes you have a talking snowman this is my friend, ella hi this is my friend, sofia he's so

Right now, no i've been looking all over the kingdom for flowers and i haven't seen anything but snow

This is just what raisin verb used to look, like, before that royal gardener know, wherever there are flowers we'll find

Miss nettle i'm going, back to the castle i've got to tell daddy, about this we'll meet you there

No, i don't like to label people but i believe i see another wicked fairy, no

Look, at all this pretty flowers did you, miss nettle how. Important leads up there

That doesn't look right

It's you, again, did you ever think of that i did?

It's always been a dream of mine oh you poor misunderstood wicked fairy

I'm not stealing anything i'm simply taking back, what

Was mine but if you take all this notes no drop in the kingdom

show, your freezenberg

Friends to think twice before they never went, miss look on the bright side at least that fairy got her flowers back, why

Is that the bright side because now. Maybe she'll be happy like, when elsa saw. How

Much i loved her and i'm supposed to make sure this story has a happy ending for everyone

Including, miss nettle i know, what i need to do but i can't get up. These vines

It really hurt, miss nettles feelings that, no one ever thanked her, for the flower i'm hoping

Well if you think her now then maybe she won't be angry anymore what

Ah, did that snowman just tall this is the one i was telling you about daddy

Can i have one did you say, miss nettle didn't take all the snowdrops

Doing thank god have a festival without, any flowers they know

That but they, came sure anyway, because the king has something to say to you

is the creator of the beautiful snowdrop the only flowers strong enough to grow in a

Fair frozen kingdom that's, my favorite flower, oh?

thank you

We all owe you a great deal of thanks for giving us so much joy for so many years on this festive, day

Miss nettle do you think you can get freezenberg packets flowers, well i suppose i could return

We've never, had such a marvelous winter flower festival

Now, maybe there's something you can, help, me with, oh

How i do is give and give okay, what is it ever since your crazy, crystals fell on my amulets?

acting funny i

see something, oh

Oh i guess that's great - what's wrong?

Well i know i was supposed to come and give you good advice but i i didn't really have, any good advice to give

away, from the fire thing -

i will

what's happening i

Think, you're, going back

And that is how the people of freezenberg?

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 71 - Green Elephant - Duration: 15:46.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 166 - Rico Media - Duration: 15:55.

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Island of youth I

Did not know we were having a meeting or not, it's

Well that was close well he's off to the library now, so we're in the clear

And I have list of everything we need I'm going to bake a Stephens favorite this lettuce climb into his nests

So what's the plan for the music my guitar is all tuned up?

Can I play the birthday song with you of course? He's a bell?

Thank you

Though he doesn't find out about the surprise right of course

We're taking him sailing

Good idea. It's time. I love sailing just make sure to it. I'm just getting older, but I have nothing to show for it

That's not true. You've got loads of new gray hairs

Getting old it's no fun

offers my grandparents, then shrieky guess what cousin


You're taking a sailing today. Ah see what I mean, and I found this old nautical map in my grandfather's stuff

It must be magical look there's the castle

Come on come on

It is rumored to have a boost it'll be on the other side of the world

Do you realize what this means Higgins when I drink from the Fountain of Youth? I will be young and strong again

What is that a new instrument I invented today is your birthday

We are all here for you

so make a wish I

Thought this was supposed to be a duet Edward. It's a performance where both people are heard

I can only hear that that guitar daeun or not at all

But I like my way I have an idea

Why don't you both play for the Royal staff and let them decide which one should be played at the party? Ah

I do your magical moppy's maybe not so magical after all him wait. I see something over there

It's a Toulouse

You to stay here while I scout the area to make sure it is safe, but I will need this. Thank you

It's a long way down, okay?

Farewell old man


I'd go easy on the water. It is magical Matteo you worry too much. Worrying is for all people

from this day on

Stefan come back

Where did it go?

I feel weird

Why can I get younger you drank too much water singles

It's getting late and we have to leave this island before the Sun Goes Down or will vanish along with it

We can't take him home like this. I'll go get it - no

Wait what if he eats or - the flower like you drank too much water? We have to catch him

I should have brought my running shoes

Your turn Mika okay

It looks like they prefer the new way

Not tell me what to do do you want to get out or not I

Am rain now where is that magical flower hmm? Let me check the map

It's over here right through those trees

I'll eat as much as I want and you can't stop me cousin flower grab him

Get the party we are going to vanish if we don't get off the island before the sunset

He's a baby now

It's all right

Everything's okay now

So we've tied in your bird

The jack winds are a nice

Way up

Now little tour I

Love you, too

ina sorry to interrupt, but look

The island is disappearing we need to go now

I haven't done this spell on anything bigger than a present, and you saw how that went floating spell

But if it doesn't work you could get hurt. I just have to concentrate. That's all

Your grandparents did say he was a picky eater as a child


And where are my bunts? Uh-huh it's a long story, but right now

We have to get off this island before we vanish the boat is this way follow me



That was close personally a seven I like you better this age


I thought you forgot of course we didn't forget

Elena planned the whole thing anything for my favorite cut I

Can't do it

Unless I've well joins me what but I don't know how to play your way. You won't play it much

I am better off my own age

Well a willow always says that every gray hair makes him that much wiser well if that's true

First day of rule

We're back on the flag strike a pose

Hey, let's go see if princess Elaine is a great idea ah

sorry if they woke you up princess woke me up I

Barely, slept last night I mean

How are you supposed to sleep the night before you become queen so when do you get you can see me? Yeah, okay?

See now yeah, no, yeah

But yeah um I thought I couldn't see now that you mention it you were trapped in there for a long time

Maybe when you got Kotov Y amulet you took some of its magic with you, so I meant you're gonna be late for breakfast

I'm getting a crown today. I wanted to get you something -

Yeah, and you can use it to design all your inventions - my little sister fruit we can wait a little longer still

You're not becoming Queen tonight, I was looking through the kingdoms, bylaws last night and discovered that you are too young to become Queen

Too young I was trapped in that amulet for 40 must approve all your major decisions. I have to get permission to rule

Not exactly it is like having a group of advisors. Who can help you make grant counseling services

That's a kind offer Esteban, but I don't think I need a Grand Council

I'm ready to roll now

It reminds me of a story

It always does

How will I show them I can be as good a leader as you

The city of course

Today, I will meet with all the city leaders and make I know everyone who's anyone in avalor

I will take care of everything then what are we waiting for?


This way Jelena how many ships there are now a load has changed while you and your sister were gone

Papa Louise no the busiest ports in the world is there anything you need to make the port run better anything I need

Well, I suppose we could use a few more docks a bigger lighthouse

We better start looking for them right away

I'll lead the search you will hey just a moment princess Elena. It is time for you to meet with Anya Paloma

We cannot keep her waiting of course you can who are the one in charge?

so if you want to stay in help stay and help

For now let's have the Navy joined the search so what was it like when your sister battled that sorceress weird

Weird what was weird about it? No. That's weird. Why aren't dad's grunting?

Wait what are those things

Oh no

They took Isabel and regard they were tied up I will alert the Navy right away Higgins alert the Navy

I just got ISA back. I can't lose her again. What was climb on we will search from the air hey Lena

No, it is far. Too dangerous for you to go after boat thieves. Well. If I'm gonna rule this kingdom

I can't be afraid of taking on a few thieves


Do you see the shit no

Princess Elena Matteo Niomi you know each other sorta go to school together. I need your help Matteo. It's an emergency


Okay, so what are these creatures look like purple right with pointy ears and spots hmm that sounds familiar. Oh?

Noblin stealing ships apparently well if they don't like leaving home

Maybe that's where they're headed. That's why we didn't see the ships on the ocean because they took them up the river

That's where we should look

Elena there's a fork in the river which way do we go we could split up. No wait. There's something in the water

What's the plan first we untie Isabel and Gabe then we get our ship back? Yeah, but how don't worry

I have a few tricks up my sleeve. You've been waiting all day to say that hold them off to your safe

Skylar protectee Isabel you got it. What are you doing?

Taking back our ship

As a future Queen of avalor I order you

Why are you in such a rush because they're in trouble no no I mean why have you been rushing around all day oh

Well, I was trying to prove that I'm ready. I was so busy trying to prove I could be a great Queen

I forgot to act like one

My grandfather was right. I'm not ready to roll

Wait don't hurt my friends. I'm just coming down to talk

I am Princess Elena. I am chiku have the golden touch

Cherie he forced us to turn all sorts of things to gold to make a rich

But then one day the bars of our prisons is because Elena defeated that evil queen I had no idea

Well that we know what's really going on I have a royal decree to me

Speaking of home we should get going if we want to make it back in time for the ball right the ball

And what was I supposed to do? She just took off on the Jack Winn?

Princess Elena Castillo Flores do you swear to but today?

I set out to prove that I was ready to be queen of avalor

And I learned that I have a lot to learn before I become queen so with that in mind

Naomi Turner me

Today you gave me great advice and wouldn't stop trying to get me to take it

I could use your common sense and I would be foolish not to seek your expertise yes

This is true and finally

my grandfather


Not bad for your first day, but are you ready for day two?

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 166 - Rico Media - Duration: 15:55.


Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 347 - Santa Media - Duration: 16:18.

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For more infomation >> Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 347 - Santa Media - Duration: 16:18.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 300 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 16:56.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel

Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

One more time

Say maybe there wasn't very piratey of you to be tickling me knows me, maybe it was a


Rachel you're scary. Swarms is trying to make a fool of me. I'm open. We're easy

Look alive sleepyheads I'm back

The one and only

Did you miss me?

Move pirates to watch over Never Land for Newtons are we gonna fly across the never sea with you

Are we gonna go looking for new places to explore?

Well, hi Sheva me timbers you lost your shadow Peter

It's missing and I can't find it. What happened to it well

Maze will you help us get Peter Pan's shadow back?

Great I knew I could count on you

Remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons. Oh, I lost my shadow you never land. I'll bet that's where it is. Oh coconuts

There's a gazillion

Places in Neverland where it could hide then we better get movin mates

You asked the fairies to give it to me so that we can use it to fly but only in emergencies

And I've got the best team of pirates ever

I'll ask you see dogs one more time

Who woke me up?

It wasn't us sure we think it was a ghost

piece of Pan's shadow

Peter Pan's shadow oh

My that's worse than a ghost shiver me bone. I always knew that pain would come back to Neverland


Wow where did he go?

I'll capture that blasted boy and make him leave Never Land forever

By Thunder mr. Smee hook if you please

Here you go careful

Peter shadow is taken over the Jolly Roger I can see that mr.. Suri

That slip of a shadow has got to be around here somewhere

And I'm not leaving till he's tracked Saxon pack

Thank You boys I do what I can know that I have Peter Pan's shadow

Try to get it back it could be anywhere on this island and so it could Captain Hook knowing him. He's probably

Watching us right now

Really, if you ever want to see your shadow again

Meet me at Buccaneers Bluff Isle. I mean wheel be waiting for you signed your oldest friend

Let's go grab it not so fast Jake see those vines

They're tripwires left behind by a hook no doubt trip on them and you'll set off a pirate booby trap


Thanks Peter. I I guess I really messed up. I've got a plan

Skully you fly head over the vines

Watch as we head down the path and when you see a vine call out jump aye aye aye

We made it over the vines, and we got two gold doubloons

Let's grab em and go free Peter show

Mr.. Smee still working for that grumpy old barnacle Captain Hook I see I

Mean no I

Haven't seen you in all this time and that's all you have to say yeah

From the very first time I ever set eyes on you. I knew you were trouble

Enough blustery blasting hook where's my shadow if you must know it's over there

No way

Neverland is my home hook and take them with y'all. You're the one who didn't hear hook. We're never ever leaving

Are you okay Peter, I'm not sure I just don't feel like myself without my shadow, and I've never had trouble flying before

quickly men through the valley of shadows

Will hide shadow there

Are you okay Peter, I'm okay, but Cubby's not hang on cubby here I come

Safe and sound thanks Peter, you sure are smart

That's why I gave my map to you. Okay. Let me try this again

No, you don't have to worry about him me and the croc are old friends

Yoho, let's go


Am pretty worried about my shadow and that makes it hard to have happy thoughts about anything


Neverland you can never fly I can't fly I can't fly I can't

And I wonder if I'll ever be happy again. I can't fly forget your shadow back

And then you'll get your flying back, too. I sure hope so

Neverland games

Sure that's gonna show will test the pirate teamwork skills

Awesome, I know our team can pass any test and I invited Captain Hook and Rosie

Is that the Never Land teamwork trophy

You ok cubby yeah, but I

Glad you can make it ah I

Want that shiny golden treasure? I'll win that trophy all by myself

Then it's settled

Shall we begin they'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Yoho, let's go

Pop off and stickin awesome landing across the finish line let the games begin


Kaboo shouldn't you be climbing by now sir how don't bother me mr.. Smee I can

Next charlatan

There's no wind to fill our sail

How will we move across the lagoon with teamwork?

We'll make our own win by blowing into

Yoho way to go we sailed across the lagoon I have my egg beater hook

Smee Sharky bones, where are you right? Where you left us Cap'n?

this challenge of the Never Land games is

Ultimate walk the plank

Right skully each team must help their leader across the planks Jake

But sure hope I don't trip and fall like I did before

Steady on cubby your crew will be right behind you

What's up, matey?

Just realize I'm on a plank really high off the ground. I'm

So scared I don't think I can make I did it. Thanks to my team jump for it cubby


teamwork to complete the Never Land games

And now the teamwork trophy is ours

Not so fast

I'm tired of these

We wanted fans we're with dealers come on count with us


One two three four one more challenge one two three

It's the perfect place for our trophy always reminding me and my shard rest until I get one

Surprise for you. I made it my

Scoops oh he wrote me out of my way

She'd made a trophy for world's tastiest captain

Matey's do you want to join my pirate crew?

The sword in the stone

What a coincidence captain there's a stone door right there, and it looks like it hasn't been opened

The puny pirates sword is the key to opening the door?

I must have that sword I suppose you'll try to get it by hook

Coconuts there goes our game a pirate ship ring fling don't worry mateys. I'll get it down

I take it. I know I'm taking it away

I've got to get my sword back Peter Pan's whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them on our team treasure chest is everybody ready

Get your sword back leap away. Yeah

Yoho, let's laugh and Bilgewater those scalawags are right behind us

This sword will open the secret stone door, and I don't want Oh


Monkey sails ripped. We'll never catch up to him hang on Bucky. I'll just cut down your flight

I've got it cubby toss me your map aye-aye Jake

No more brains let's see the popinjays follow us now

Crackers sneaky smoked into the walnuts pixie dust away

Skully give it a little push

Is mine pull sleep oh

Look there's a message from Peter Pan

and did sword and nothing more why I'm the greatest leader in Neverland and

Opening the door will prove it

No, that's my sword Oh

There you get your sore back

My sword is really special Peter Pan gave it to me so I could be a good leader

And you are a good leader Jake you've got what it takes

Crackers where's it go only one way to find out

Yoho, let's go

See what Peter Pan got the wood to make it for me that is one special tree if it can produce big

underground it must very power us and

That was cracker tastic. I can't wait to come back and check it out again

Now that I've got my sword back come on count with us

1 2 3 4

Thanks for helping me get my sword back mateys Yoho way to go

Where are you freaking miss me I found something very

special for you to eat a pan

To all sneaky Snooks this means you he who grassed the sword from the stone shall get his

I am



For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 300 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 16:56.


Sofia The First Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 76 - Jodie Day - Duration: 40:56.

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Substitute saturate

Okay class let's try that spell one more time oh

I give up. I'm terrible at Magic good try everyone

- to teach her to teach to borrow sorcery class was I supposed to do that oh dear

How are we going to find a substitute sorcery teacher by tomorrow?

Please mr.. Sekulow can't you see I'm busy brewing an important person yes, but it's only for one day

and we could learn so much for such a

Vexed vibe and without it. I can't finish my potion did I just agree to teach her class?

You're supposed to be teaching us magic yes

Well think of how magical it would be if you all sat there without making a pee we started learning a bouncing spell yesterday

Maybe you could teach us that





Boom alright, I'll show you the spell one more time and that's it

One two three

Is it round Silius oh

It kind of worked. What is the problem?

For series school you know it, I'm Kurt. This is Ellie and I'm a

Princess yeah at noon we're gonna fill your school with so many bubbles. It'll love

It'll be lunch time at hexley Hall come on. I've got a hankering for more pranking, so do I flute you later

How about a little faster?

Best pranksters ever oh yeah

It could close real prep for months if it doesn't ruin the school forever. Well, that's not really my problem. Yes

It is the fairies aren't here, which means you're in charge besides

Hey now run it all back to hexley Hall prank day is over

No way, we're not going back till we've done our bubble price. Oh

Stick them in that chair

Even better, let's stick up to the chair, here's your sting

You're even worse than that cédric guy in enchancia art and that citric guy in enchancia that explains it let's go

Come on Elliot. Uh okay, but you guys we're not any good at magic. She has a point. It's our school

We have to try to protect it come on

Just tell us the spell oh it's no use

Only an advanced sorcerer can undo a sticky spell well if we can't get you free

How are we going to stop those brave school? You will what spell the disappearo spell?

It'll make their bubbles vanish into thin air

Brilliant now all you do is lift your wall go on your wands world wave


Sorry disappearo

It's almost dude, let's get started

Boy why aren't you trying to spell because I know I can't do it Sofia

We'll have none of that we need all the help we can get wand up Vivian crit is never giving up

You must keep trying until you finally get it right

Now give it another try rinses

Now you try a trivial

Learning magic can be tricky

Occasionally sticky

If you wanted lots of back read

The Sorcerer's secret

Well someone's catching on let's make trouble fill this school

We better hurry

You know what to do

Stop popping our bubbles no wait prankster kid

We have to get them out



Can't eat idea mr. Cedric. Uh except none of us can do that spell Sofia can yeah?

But it'll take more than just me to stop the three of them. No you can do it

Just remember the sorceress secret, okay. I'll try and keep trying

Yeah, I will Royal prep is floating away

Not until you promise to go back to hexley Hall and never prank our school again

Hold the promise to leave and never prank us again, No then we'll just continue until you do

Children what are you all doing outside? Oh Cedric?

Did they do this to you know it was hexley Hall prank day?

Thank you. I can assure you the headmaster of hexley Hall will hear all about this and those pranksters will be punished


He taught us all the spells miss flora and the Sorcerer's secret very impressive

But only a great sorcerer could teach a spell without waving right these X fine my potion

My person can wait there are still a few spells I could teach you

No Bert

Oh Sophie look look look that cloud looks like

Do you want to come inside no I better hop back to my rabbit hole before I have to swim back okay

See you tomorrow. You know it

And what second most important?

But why just tonight we always have so much fun when you sleep over and who knows when the rain will stop

You should just move in we can be

Roommates, that's the you make me

You make me wanna sing

all day long

Oh we better pick that up ha ha so

Chari Culver, I was just gargling yeah, do you think you could go a little quieter, I'll try

Are those carry bits yeah, or well you go back to sleep

Kids we have some exciting news

Bryce twig Lee is coming to paint pictures of our Castle, so

Everyone will see what our rooms look like mm-hmm. When's he coming in two days?

Oh, it's just enough time to completely redecorate my room. I hope we have enough glitter don't forget

Thank you for breakfast Soph

Wasn't your bed over there? We've got to make it look as nice as possible, so will you help me clean up?

Yeah, sure, but can we do it later I'd rather do something more fun right now. Oh

good point

Great, then. Let's start cleaning up okay

I'm going to paint some flowers, and I'm gonna paint the things I love most in the world sorry about that

Clover now. We're going to have to clean up everything again

But I have a room to finish decorating of course princess amberle my grand theory of the universe

Can wait now let's see

just take a peek through the telescope and

Master Erwin, I think the cover is still on the telescope. Oh yes the



It's just past the tip of the unicorn horn

Boy showed I have to check all these charts well everyone

But if it turns out you've discovered the star you My dear princess get to name it

Your babes over here now the Sun moves the bed moves

And now you know clovers secret to great ah good night princess

But you how's it going not, so well there's an artist coming to paint my room the day after tomorrow

And there's carrots feathers and fur everywhere

Robyn runs a tight nest good idea. Thanks guys now you should get some sleep

I'll try I could be the first person in a chance to get a pine a new star since Griffin major was discovered

Princess amber your gown fitting is in a few minutes. Oh can it wait Suzette

I'll just take the charts back to my room so I can redecorate right after I finish my celestial mapping

Lover I have something for you rule number two no carats on the bed rule number three no carats anywhere

Wait a minute stuff. Let me see this thing

Rule number four no cannonballs on the bed

Don't do this don't do that what am I supposed to do so free loves parties, and you're invited?

Wait talk, but not you really get me

Paws up if you need a snack, but leave some cashews for Sofia. She loves those. It's a surprise

Where is the dance floor party animals it's time to break out my skimmer. I really think Justin

Ah nuts

You're not so easy to live with yourself you wake up too early you you gargle too loudly

Did you make way too many rules?

maybe becoming

Thanks, buddy

All right

I guess this is better than nothing

King Roland n' oh my this is princess Amber's room

It's time for mr. Twig Lee to paint your room

You love the stars don't you princess amber. I - I really do

And I'm gonna capture that love on canvas

It's getting everywhere

Just like my fur was

Sophie yeah, good morning. It's fun to cannonball on to Sofia does cannonballs oh

I see I'm not the only artist here. Oh my friend made that way back

Are you in here


It was a lot of mists. I should have been cleaner and I could have been nicer

Ha ha guess being roommates was harder than we thought huh, but we're such good


Really oh

I suppose I should move back. Well. I guess we do need better friends than roommates

Oh that reminds me. I have something for you

We can do it in the morning

There's my star. I picked all the books and the star isn't charted anywhere, which means I discovered it so tonight

Me too princess

Winters yet

I made a gift for mr.. Cedric

It's a case for his lawn. It took me a really long time to make can you help me with the wrapping sure?

All the worst a kingdoms best sorcerer mug

Maybe my gift isn't special enough. Are you kiddin you made that for him I need to find a better gift. Oh

I suppose it's time to live the decoration oh

This won't do at all What's Wrong baby wick I just wish my decorations were a bit more impressive this year

One Miceli ax we filled the entire key

If only we knew where to find them hey

I know a guy

Well technically a Fox and he knows the forest like the back of his hand if they're out there. He can find them great I

Know we live somewhere. Yo where's good lookin for me

Well, if it isn't my old pal clover

I haven't seen you since you took off to live the cushy life word in the woods

Is there's an ice Lily patch in the Icicle forest could you show us mr.?

Whiskers it's kind of a hike you sure you're up for it. Mm. Sure I was talking to earmuffs here

This is it the Icicle forest?

What is she she's a fawn, but they don't use

That was so pretty oh

Did you do that uh-huh everything I touch turns to ice

It's amazing no

It's awful when I say everything I touch gets covered every year on wassailia glacier dispels for people

But only if you bring her gift, so I gathered all the wood crystals

I could find which took me weeks because you know they're wood crystals

I gave her my gift, and she used her magic give me the ice touch

I thought it would be so great being able to cover anything with sparkling ice

Band looking for the most special gift, I could think of ice lilies

But I haven't been able to find any we're on our way to get some ice lilies right now

You are why don't you come with?

I know a way to get us across

Hey watch this xxx

Are you sure this is where the ice lilies are supposed to be mr. Moon

Ice lilies we found them now

Coming through Freddy Fox

I don't think so see those lilies way up there watch this

It was an accident winter is there any way to melt the ice

It's enchanted ice only glacier the mountain which can melt it, then restart to get to our Palace traitor alien

Nevers longer is it going to take for almost pardon us your witchiness, but there is no door. Oh, that's right

I had to be moved the palace was it's drafty enough I

Remember this foster finger and what have you brought me in exchange?

These eyes release


You can put them in the bar winter

Do you see how upset you meet her she's the one who asked for the power in the first place can't you just undo it?



Where are you?

What's troubling you Sophia?

Well if we don't come up with a special gift to give the mountain which then winter

We'll have to spend another year all alone and clover will be stuck inside this ice oh it

Doesn't matter if it's a large or small

It doesn't matter what the color is at all

or a single

What matters from the start

The most and why it's special is because it comes from you

What makes a difference is the feeling

Should come all from your home

Is there something special that winter can do there is something she can do Thank You Tiana

Back so soon. Oh this should be good you brought another gift

That goes my back, are you okay? Okay? I?

Haven't felt this good in a long

time I

Will grant your wish

Do you know what this means Sophia

Sorry they'll now be set free

Thanks Mountain which if I was just upset yeah

Why because we used to be best buds and when you went off to the castle you didn't come round anymore?

Guess I kind of missed you

Hey someone need a lift you really do have connections don't forget these for your special gift. Oh, right

These are for you ice lilies they're even lovelier than I remembered Thank You princess Sofia

Never loose my wand again, this is the best present I have ever gotten ever

Are they have a gift for you as well Sofia you do

Yes, it is. Happy isn't it?

The secret library

So how long you stayin. Oh, just long enough tell me Sofia have you finished the book I gave you

I just finished Chapter 12. I never knew how many kings and queens there were none can see on behind the walls

Wow hello how do you think I get in here

I want to look around in there too bad. You're not rabbit sized, but I could be my amulet gave me the power to strip

I wish to beep it again

How do I get in without a tea

Knowledge is the key to everything?

My castle

We are aligned bezel

We have to see if you have what it takes to be the next story keeper story keeper see all those books on the walls

Uh-huh well most of them don't have endings yet you wear the amulet

Yes, I did when I was a young princess the amulet is how I knew you could be the next story keeper that in passing

all my little tests

The kale of wildwing Valley mmm interesting

Massimo yearned to be wild

One night a visiting horse told Massimo about wildwing Valley a magically hidden land minimus

Massimo is his brother the things you learn from books Massimo flew off in search of wildwing Valley

But on his way there. I'm supposed to save nazma and help him find wildwing Valley

I'm not sure I can do this

I know being story keeper is not easy

But you can't but I don't even know where to start you can start by putting on something more adventurous. It's not a mint

Hmm how about this how did you know I have a brother, I'll tell you on the way

Are you talking to your horse Sofia? Oh be emulate gave me the power to talk to animals? I should have known

Good idea



Good to see you, bro

We even have heated stalls

Heated stalls huh, the only way to heat my stalls to have a dragon set it on fire

Yeah, it's nice in here, but a cozy cages massive. Oh got a bowl. I really don't get you

I don't get you either, but you're my brother, so I let it slide guys

Maybe if we can talk about this after we get out of here, okay, and this is my aunt Tilly good afternoon

I didn't know we're expecting visitors today, Gavin we weren't sire

Ah well, guests are always welcome Prince Roderick

That's why we're here Massimo wants to be free Massimo. You mean thundercloud

Yeah, can you believe that name your Knights captured hands?

But how about we all go for a ride and have a jolly time Gavin right so?

This won't do at all I suppose we'll have to hunt them down and get my horse back right. Let's saddle up Gavin

You are faster than you used to be you ever think about racing now that you mention it you know

No worries I know just the thing to slow them down

So we can secure them for the ride back shouldn't we let the runt go no let's keep it teach that little princess and lesson

Let's land and look for it though kid okay?

Let's write apps, I'll check over here you check over there

Have I got your attention

Nah-ha the belief that you can save them yourself

That's just it

I'm still getting used to being a princess

How am I supposed to finish all those stories in the library if I can't even now I feel like I'm the fake

Thinking there must be some

I can't see why she chose me

When my chance has blown away

Just stand tall and your aim will always be true


Can't stand being tied up like this now. You know how I feel every day

I spend in a horse stall and that's why I had to leave home. It was oh

Do we have to take them back Allegra? We are Royal horses Tempest?

We have to do what the Prince commands to the castle Tempest

Let's help the umbrellas mightier than the sword

Now fly me to minimus appease quiet as you can

gotcha going into stealth mode

Prince Roderick

Happy Trails

Gavin hey it's the glittering gorge. That's the way to wildwing Valley and let's go hey, Massimo

Do you mind if I come along? I think I've had enough Prince Roderick sure thing Tempest

It's Hidden Valley remember Sofia why are we flying right toward that cliff so you can open your eyes now minimus

You'll want to see this

Wildwing Valley

Hey, why don't you stay with me minimus. I know Massimo. Got a room, but minimus gotta go home

I guess we're just horses of a different color

Legal has landed


That's ok tini. I should have seen you coming, but like this hmm

Ok have fun everyone I chief knuckles see a chief alright

That's better

They'll never find me in here


Glory it's light at last you must not get out of your cave much so listen up little troll and I'll pull you off

This place full of great once I do a little decorating and get a lot of those glowing crystal thingies well

maybe you could ask chief knuckles for some I

Don't ask I tell

Trol sorry grandpa, please don't zap me. Are you afraid of the dark?

Anything mister no take this luggage get me what I want

And no one will get salamander and don't go telling anyone about this you go blabbin and I go zipping just

Bring me those crystals. We're supposed to find you gnarly what happened

Nothing, I just don't want to play anymore

Hmm, are you okay? I'm fine. Oh

It's only an emerald. Oh isn't that a precious gem, but it doesn't glow like a cave crystal

Charlie tired I'm gonna be tired from all this mining

I'm gonna go rest for a while. Okay. Is the other way. Where is he going? I don't know

Do you know what happened the last time someone thought grata would understand know what

Put it this way. I wasn't always a mole

This makes me very unhappy and when I'm not happy

It's true I haven't been happy for two years

We have to rethink this whole layout flinch

Move the rock sofa back over there again


Mean right away Greta. Oh what am I gonna do Sofia?

I can't just make a bucket of cave crystals appear out of nowhere, and I only have until brothers candle burns out. Let me under

Whom the span Scrolls there stays with me right there it is

Well could you maybe come down here for a minute I need your help

Give me one good reason why I should oh, it's a piece of cake all I need is some diamond dust

So be right next to this sapphire seeds of course beauties

This isn't diamond dust its eggshell powder


I've dealt with this bossy little cave dwellers before you have they think they're so powerful

But there isn't a fleegle alive who could amass swarms with a royal sorcerer healthy carrot grata for you

Are you sure she's pretty powerful? Oh?

Poppycock I shall make magical mincemeat out of that Fleagle

Everything's in the wrong place

start over start over, but everything is made of stone I

Am Cedric the sensational

Royal sorcerer to king Roland the second and princess Sofia of enchancia. We've come to ask you to



Don't you have some cave crystals to fetch for me, but but I told you I couldn't find any more. What about the ceiling stars?

Teeny ceiling stars and anyone else who tries to stop me


Guess I've got to give her some of her Sofia do you have a minute I?

Always have time for you Sofia

What is it you see I've got this friend ghost

He's not supposed to tell anyone he has to then chief knuckles

And the other trolls can help your friend stand up to this Fleagle. Do you really think that will stop her I do

Here I just couldn't do it Sofia. I couldn't take our ceiling stars

You don't have to gnarly there's another way out of this you have to get help from chief knuckles. Yeah, you leave him alone


Princess I'll pick on you instead capture it princess

What are you gonna do gnarly I'm gonna take Sofia's advice teeny

But you have to lead the way me why to show this bully of a fleegle ex you can't push you around

Right here grata. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. That's my job now

There's one thing you should know about trolls free go

Again goodness find very well

Don't mr. Cedric. I'm just so scared of the dark. I have to have those cave crystals

Well there are better ways to get what you want than bossing people around

Really, I know these caves belong to you

But is it okay if I stay here and live in this one you forgot the magic word





You're giving them to me. Why?

Excuse me

but since you're being nicer and everything I wouldn't mind getting turned back to normal huh I

Suppose you're right flinch

Thanks for helping me Sofia anytime early

Now how'd my new neighbors like to chill it's tastier than it sounds

Wife takes the child the wife take the cow heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes the cow

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 76 - Jodie Day - Duration: 40:56.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 70 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 22:46.

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The mystic Isles oh isn't this fun there's only one thing I love more than decorating

Stairs leaving under the castle

Sophia what are you doing here? You need to go back, but what is all this? What are you up to down here?

I can't say

So see ya have to get somewhere and you have to go back is that so

What are you doing?

You don't actually think I'm leaving now that I'm in this amazing secret passageway and your amulet summoning magic gondolas

Do you so your amulet close and leads you here to this secret library?

Which is filled with stories that you need to finish? I don't know why it just happened

The tale of the crystal masters

Sounds incredible float the legendary mystic Isles, mr.. Cedric told me about the mystic Isles

He said that all magic comes from there the mystic Isle is crystal masters on the Isle of crystals have

peacefully grown magic crystals for wizards everywhere to use in their sectors ones and amulets I

Wonder if you came for me, where's the rest of the story?

Remember, it's my job as story keeper to finish it

I have to go to the mystic Isles to stop that crystal master and give this story a happy ending is that it I?

Didn't say that. It's just

It could be dangerous. I can't let you go fine. I'll go back to my plain old very safe life Sofia

Oh, well right you can come this one time oh

Thank you much, as long as you remember. We're going to the mystic Isles wait. What is this thing? It's the enchanted elevator

How does this thing go

Usually it takes me to the fair. That's funny. We're landing why the book said that mr.. Kyle's are up not down

What are we even supposed to be looking for I'm not sure maybe a flying coach or a magical creature

You see I'm a crystal master at least I was once

What do you mean once my terribly unkind sister Azorean took my crystal powers away you think so oh?

Do let me come with you then if I get my powers back. I can help you stop as erine well

We could always use another hand short unicorns

Yes to come fly me back to the Isles, but now your amulet can summon them

You simply must ask it really it can summon unicorns

Who summons the unicorns of the mystic Isles quickly girls ha

We're not there yet we must climb even higher oh

How wonderful it is to be back so on all your story keeper Adventures your amulets been leading you to places like this

I've never seen any place like this

it rhymes with

Maybe after we stop as rain right of course. Let's ride a unicorn there

Are you okay fear not kind maiden I was merely testing my new wings new wings


Princess Sofia and serve you as your loyal and eternally devoted helper now and forever

We're heading to the Isle of crystals

Perhaps feast your eyes as we explore the magic of the mystic Isles

Come with me right this way

Let's walk no let's run from Griffin to Nome take it

This is where

So did the dragons and mermaids in our world come from here or their parents? Did you see my princess?

If not for the magic here there would be no magic anywhere, okay?

What's next all we have to do is cross this Isle

Then we shall get to the Isle of crystals

onward through the Isle of dancing deserts these wondrous magic sounds will show you anything you want them -

Allow me to demonstrate

Good sands show me a dragon


Didn't get to ask the sands for anything show me a magic Joan

Please amber we must be going okay

Who are you?

What are you and where do I get a magic bracelet like that my name is Orion?

I am a wind Walker and a protector of the Mizpah that is a shatter Sturm

If you strike something with it three times this powerful rock will magically shatter it

But I found it in the sand looking so harmless and deafening

Ever out, that's what we of the Isles called your world

We are bound for the Isle of crystals my good man to search for this villain

I have just come from that Isle and did not find her there my sister is cunning

She must have hidden from Orion or tricked him somehow. I'm sure she's on the Isle of crystals. We must hurry clapping wait

That looks really far away


Am ever so sorry big fellows, but we have to leave immediately

It's true. We're on a really important journey

We forgot to say once you put the ground on you become a queen you're clean

We must attempt, no not really not one clue don't ask me because you're too rough

We don't mean to bash and smash so much miss it's true look

How's your queen I can help you but you must follow our royal plan

Stepanova run, then set your chairs down carefully

I'm a gentle giant now. Thanks to my queen

You are gentle guys your queen is needed cross the Seas

You can go, thank you. I guess it's goodbye then so long

There's a serines farm

But where's the wiki crystal master all I see is a farmer

That's a zareen my sister may look, Sweden, and then how can we get past her to get it?

I shall fetch the Terra crystal for my princess

Then I can fly to the silo to get the Terra crystal how clever I just knew your amulet would save the day

Thank You Sofia an eternity of thank yous

Sophia is in grave danger from my wicked sister amber. I can protect her if you quickly fetch my Tara crystal

I wish to be myself again

It feels so wonderful so

powerful to make crystals again know the magic of the mystic Isles will all be


Pull up a chair, and I'll tell you all about it Cristo

Rotala has praised all across the eyes, but people said mine was subpar


Those days are over now

I'm use the magic of the Isles to make new crystals grow and

And before I forget here's that amulet I promised you amber after all I owe this

My princesses, I still do not quite know why I

Wish to be myself

Sir I made an honest mistake Sophia

I thought Prisma was our friend, and so did you I told you not to give her the crystal

But you just had to get a magic amulet for yourself portent

Yes, getting it back from her no getting out of here Sophie how the three of us can't possibly stop, Prisma

We have to try I'm mr. A keeper, and I like that man. We met the one with the wings you mean Orion

Yes, isn't he supposed to take care of problems like this you're right amber

We have to tell a Ryan the Prisma got her Tara crystal back

We need you I am normally quite brave, but I require assistance at this particular moment


I'll starting right here on the isle of unicorns no no

And now I have lost my wings before I even learn how to use them don't worry, what's that Prisma somehow? We'll get them back

It was easy because she's so small and now I will pull them down

She got here at Crystal back, and she must have grown crystals on your Isle

Just as I feared but the protectors can stop her right our only chance is to destroy her Tara

They have wagons that conclude you faster than your teeny tiny legs

Thank you friend. I am indebted to you once again wait mr. Orion

We want to help see Sofia the protectors. Don't even want our help

We should just go home and stop worrying about the mystic Isles. I'm sure everything will be fine from now on I

Shall protect you my princesses

We can't let president do this to our friends

a sister who thinks only of herself a unicorn who can't fly a

Giant who's downright tiny huh? I almost feel sorry for Sofia

Wait Sofia going back to face Prisma is not a good idea

Amber look at her run can't you see how unhappy he is don't you want to help him of course I do

It's just I'm starting to think there's a reason why you get to be story keeper and have a special amulet, and I don't

Every day that's not true amber. There are so many times

I've seen you do the right thing you have yes

You've rescued dad and James from the Jade Jaguar guess there were times when I put others first yes

You do have it in you amber

You're the one

So you'll stay, I will I'm going to help our friends, and I promise this time

I won't get distracted by amulets or magical stone eyelid girl break again, then I would regain my wings sky

Which weights the Isle of dancing deserts, hahaha follow me my princess

And even if we could find the stones the crystals probably took their magic to

Wait, I just remembered the crystals may have drained magic from this aisle, but Orion told us the shatters

She's right, you know, I know I know I just can't remember what aisle those shatter stones came from I

Guess means smile is it all bad these dudes

Can you break the crystal

Wow no problem is taking camera up back to the fun stuff like growing crystal charms

We kicked it out. I won't be able to give this story a happy ending, but Sofia you'll always find a way

Just a minute Sofia this story is finished

Sand or close to the shatter stones aren't Lea if you have any magic left, I wish to be small

Now we can get Prisma, I told you this story wasn't over

Way to go. What was that sister do you have something to tell me no?

No, that's so sweet of you to say see how well we get along when I'm in charge

You're right. This is a particularly gorgeous bed

Maybe one of you can distract Prisma while I sneak inside. I humbly volunteer my services by lady

No Skye, I caused this mess come on. Oh

No Wizards will be so impressed with these magic ring. I know I am

I'm supposedly best crystal master in the land amber. How did you get here?

I have some complaints about this amulet you made now's our chance. I'm going to free a supreme right boom

Huh, I must admit, I thought if anyone could escape my crystal trap because you can't oh

because you're not talented enough I

Am the most talented crystal master there ever was prove it

Settle down. I was just getting warmed up

There I know how much you care about your appearance so now you owe me, I should talk to your sister over there

I'm sure she can do better

Don't be silly I can do much more than a Zarine what?

That was impressive dear sister let me freeze this moment so we can remember it forever

Looks like you lost your little rock my hunch was right

Yammer I've already tapped her Tara crystal twice just once more and it'll shatter

more magic than your sisters don't listen to her amber think of the romp khun's the

Unicorns all our friends in the mystic Isles our sisters are always telling us to think of others

But now I must take you to the protectors Nazarene, please

I'm sorry prismo know I got away from you once before and I can do

We are gaining on the evildoer

My princess I must inform you that we are not alone

Ever lived that's debatable, but what is certain is you will never again harm the Mystic Isles take her away

Sir Fearne's and the skill you have demonstrated here today

we would like to invite you to join our ranks and become a protector me not the

Protector of the ever realm that is if you accept it

Would be my honor GERD now return to your congratulations my princess I suggest we celebrate with some I

Don't miss it not the way harrumph would have missed being a rockin orsk. I would have missed his wings

I knew you had it in you amber now. I know it too

Thanks Sofia. It will always be my green green and

my friend

Crack, that's my heart breaking

This way my princesses take the scenic route

Splendid idea we can stop by the Isle of fairies. Oh, oh and the Isle of wishes oh, and I must show you

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 70 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 22:46.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 156 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:24.

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For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 156 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:24.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 310 - Maya Graham - Duration: 16:59.

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You all right there, Toby I'm fine, but did you see what sheriff Callie did that was amazing lasso it?


Shucks partners, they was nothing it's bullish Sheriff. I sure wish I had a noodle lasso that could do tricks like that

You mean it Sheriff sure enough come on

Hold on there, Toby not so fast you're not ready to handle a lasso like mine. Just yet

Oh, I'm ready. I'm more than ready. That's for babies

Not babies beginners like you now come on. Let's get started


Then once you got the last of twirl in again

Now you try

Sheriff Callie uncle bun lost his keys again

Sorry, Toby looks like our last lesson will have to wait clémence town needs her sleep. I got this one covered kay practice and Toby

It sure would make learning shrieks a lot easier


Okay pick it up. Okay pick now. You're really gonna see

That's a hope. I just don't get why won't sheriff callie's lasso work for me like it does


Tasty with a side of buttered beats

That is a good deal, but after you put the cans away. Where'd you go next?

I'll do the Apple juggling like sheriff Callie did before I don't see any apples

But how about these Tomatoes close enough, okay?

The juggling trick still needs a little work

Toby where'd you run off to?

Oh forget it and then I came out here to move the Cracker Barrel

Well, what do you know?

I knew lots of sure would come in half 10 min to poke eeeh

Tell me you're okay hey goodness, but where's the sheriff's lasso?

Trix it's the twirler the real trick is having patience to learn to do it right you

Think you could give this here cactus another chance at learning

OK you've got your tornado twirlin ready to go fishing ready celebrate

That's a good trick

It was the biggest meanest bull any cowboy had ever seen

But that didn't bother sagebrush, Sam none

I'll say

Rick and I'd like to be just like him. I like it. How you are, Toby

This away fellas

I'll be just like sagebrush Sonya wrangling a bull and rotten EMU

Whoo-wee says here me and Sparky are gonna head out and start setting up for the party

See y'all there

Hey, I'll need to be rough and tough if I wanna ride bamboo



Wow a genuine cowboy mustache the roughest toughest cactus in the waist

That butters one carrot sticks

a moustache to a banal Bella the rub is two of these cactus in the waist

Milk for me a pip, but I am hungry

You sure look messy with popcorn in your mustache

Let's go

Pack JPEG. Why are you laying on the ground?

Feel rough and tough with birds in your mustache, I'm working a cowboy he'll be roughing

Wish me luck folks here I go

Screw drop


Wouldn't you can fix him?

It's causing problems. Maybe you should take it off I

Can't Sheriff I need to be rough and tough to ride the bull now shucks

Next worn cowboy pant is ready to ride this ball never told me

Sweet buttermilk Paul means around enough

I'm real. Sorry for all the trouble my mustache and me caused

We forgive you, Toby. Hope you see you don't need that mustache to be tough

I'll say this sure him have I ever told you that Square Dancing's my

Toby's rat Peck that's what makes square dancing so much fun

My pleasure uncle, bun

There's always a way to turn a pesky problem into a super

Solution cuz if I practice day and night when the party starts, I'll do a right

Howdy fellas, how's it going? How about that? Thanks Eric?

Sheriff knew just what to do and now our friends can see Oh

Fatal state make lemonade why Sheriff that's just what I'll do

Everything's being set up fun so bow to your partner tip your hat Oh

Whiskers it's stuck. Don't you worry don't you try me?

Hiya Sparky, maybe we'll have some look tells me

okay, Sparky use all your horsepower and

Poof what'll it be how about a tub of butternut not sure hope so or I won't be doing much twirling tonight

Okay fellas give it a pull


What you gonna do?

It won't come off, so what's your plan?

Toby this is a serious


And with this on my foot

Mothers will face fair to the best of things all day when all these can step

Gold real dad, but can't you so now make it right. I'd like to fellows, but I don't see what

Was some fun tour you just did it looked like there was a mess you

sweet sassafras

Maybe you can tell us. I just got me an idea

Now I'm gonna need your help in a lot of cans

Great job fellas now. Let's get hoppin. It's tough, but that bored deer can't dance with that tail on her foot

Let's dance the cowgirl twirl

Or was I loved wire led lemonade who wants a lemonade


Nope I don't hear anything

Exactly. It's quiet too quiet

Somebody must be up to no good


Don't you worry pet heck since you're the deputy

You'll be in charge till I get back you can count on me sheriff Callie deputy Peck is on the job


Toby your popcorn



You listen no, but you've dropped some on the floor where I just swept. Oh. Oh sorry

I'll go to a new spot over here

Toby if you really want to help why don't you go over to Ellis saloon and get us two glasses of milk

Howdy - Toby what'll it be?

- frosty glasses of milk, please - frosty milks coming right up

Sheriff Callie's gonna be so proud of me

I'm sorry peg gotta meet you

Maybe he's never even seen a pinecone before

Find a pinecone for him no problem uncle, bun, but next time don't hide your keys in your bellybutton

Will you look at that floor

Topi kept dropping popcorn on the floor, so I sent him on his way to get some milk no sooner

Did I get everything looking spic and span then he came back and spilt milk everywhere?

Oh shucks, I didn't mean to do that. I wasn't thinking the words

Just kind of spilled out him I better go find Toby and apologize. I'll come with you

Hmm the trails headed out of town if we follow it maybe we'll find him

If going doesn't look anything like me

So I'll take it back to town and show back so we can see for himself


Looks like it came from the top of pantry Hill

Why would Toby go that way? There's nothing up there, but a bunch of pine trees full of pinecones

There you are Toby won't you please come back home spelled right out of my mouth I

Sure wish I could take him back, but I can't

Pick that was the nicest song I've ever heard I accept your apology

That's a load off my feathered brain

Are you okay, buddy couldn't be better I

Forgot about your wrinkles a bit now do you want some popcorn sure do buddy good?

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 310 - Maya Graham - Duration: 16:59.


Cute Baby Learning to Stand Up for the First Time - Duration: 4:11.

Good morning Amy

Good morning

Did you have a good sleep last night?

You want to stand up, practice standing up?

Practice to stand up

Show everyone how you can stand up

Yes, good girl, try standing up

there you go

Wow that's great

You're a big girl now, you can stand up

Amy try to balance by yuorself

Try to balance

Yes, wow, good girl

That was a good one, try again

Try to stand up again

Try to stand up one more time

Yes good girl

Try one more time

Yes good girl

Try to stand up again

Yes, good, a little bit more, yay!

Yay! Amy's standing up

Good girl

Try to balance

Try to balance whoa!

That was a good one too, good girl

You want to try again

You want to try to stand up again

Ok one more time




Oh get up

Stand up

Try to stand up

There you go, good girl, yes

You stood up again

Try to balance

Try to balance, oh careful careful

Try to balance

Oopsy daisy

Whoa good girl

You want to grab the camera

Say hello to everyone at home

Hello everyone

Try to stand up

There you go, oops

Try to stand up

Stand up yay!

How about I hold you hand to help you a little bit

There you go stand up, whoa be careful

Balance balance

For more infomation >> Cute Baby Learning to Stand Up for the First Time - Duration: 4:11.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 148 - Red Elephant - Duration: 15:16.

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Sorry can you talk more soon?


According to this map the SpiderMonkey refugees

As long as there are no spider monkeys

Got to go


The enchanted feast

Mr.. Cedric was I saying it wrong before Oh

What do you want can't you see I'm busy preparing for the enchanted feast feast there's a feast tonight

I am going to conjure a royal feast that will dazzle the eyes and the taste buds

Then I shall turn the entire room into a hall

Yes, now look at your reflection

It's like I'm a totally different person is it the amulet is it it is all right?

The Amulet of avalor, I thought it looked familiar the last time I saw the princess

Fear not dear Rosie for I have a plan tonight is the insurance of feast and the castle is going to have a surprise guest

Pop you're brilliant now. Let's go make some royal friends

And they recalled such a noble ruler deserves to find a sister

Oh, that's very kind of you your sorceress miss. Oh, please call me Sasha your magic

I would have remembered meeting such a charming young princess with such a

beautiful amulet of course I have gifts for all the children to

Me to introduce myself

Me to introduce myself beautiful

Dad does something seem not right about this sorceress she seems perfectly charming to me

My dad gave it to me and I promise to never take it off

But your new necklace is so much spa could it if you don't want it. I'll take it. Okay. Oh

How about plan Z Pacific so I could think hmm

I need to get Sofia alone so I can force her to hand over the amulet, but how you will sprout

Princess Sofia and trap

Super-g a few sprinkles of my crazy crystal should do the trick super genius

If they was either lurking in the castle I would most certainly be the first to know about it

Well you think he's okay. She is more

It's the least I could do after all the jewelry who've made me miss Sasha. Oh you think Sofia

They're really nice and Rick welcome you to the enchanted feast. Oh, but where is the feast you may ask?


To do that just a little joke before the main course of magic all right bring it on

Mira it's amazing, please step forward and behold your reflection in my Morpho mirrors

Well done oh

It's a real Turkey everyone dance. I'm afraid Amber's right Sofia

Mr.. Cedric where'd you go? Yo you okay, so free mr.. Cedric messed up all his spells at the feast what else is new

Are you sure about that

Once an old woman came to my door offering an apple

But she turned out to be my wicked stepmother in disguise and the Apple was poised

It's up to you to do something about it before it's too late

You're right

The doors are all stuck Sasha. I am not amused

What's going on? Oh? You've come just in time?

one for Sofia

To seal up the castle with blessing she's miss nettle who an evil fairy

She's after my amulets. What no one can have that amulet for me. I mean you princess

He started it. Just try to get along okay

So you aren't a sorcerer after all having trouble with your spells

Oh hop aside so I got this

Drool I should have left him tied up follow me

She blocked those exits under stairs to

Have to get those vines off the doors guards use your swords


What it's tasty

If one carries you up to the window you can chew through the vines and the two of you

I need you two to get along for one night. Just one night

All right one night if I must

Look no vines excellent

Sorry grab a walk, which one you got the vines my wand

Mm-hmm great job guys. Oh that fairy will be no match for me now wait. What do you have in mind I?

Know you can do your more fill mirrors right, but how will that come again gladly?

Yes again you think you can outwit me with a party trick flora, Venetia

Right this way, but she's not here think she's

Just an illusion

Like everything else about her now I believe we have an enchanted feast to finish

Made and die MacLeod yes, James lino

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 148 - Red Elephant - Duration: 15:16.


WBZ Morning Forecast For Nov. 26 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> WBZ Morning Forecast For Nov. 26 - Duration: 4:07.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 208 - Duration: 17:07.

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Clover it's here. It's here. What sir coach for the flylight pageant

Oh flatwork come on

I'll show you across the twilight sky like a like a magical parade through the Stars each coach is beautifully decorated

Especially for the pageant really and Jade and I used to watch it eat

So why don't you just in the ride with you?

I never thought of that I can invite them as my special guests. They love it. I'm gonna go tell them right now

Speaking of food I look out Kevin's right now

Would you like to ride with me in the pageant in the coach

Three friends always make it fine

Our coach has to look perfect. I know I can do a good job. I'm pretty sure about you, but Ruby and shade


Alright, I'll give them a chance, but they better not mess anything up amber said yes come on

We need to decide how we want to decorate our flight coach so

Anyone have an idea our no argue. Let's cover the coaching cookies yeah

How about this

We deck now first we have to drop a plan then we can decorate the coach follow me ladies

See I told you I did have great ideas both your friends

Do I have to I'm so glad we're doing this together, so are we?

What are you doing Ruby made us fairy wings we're enchanted more we're queens from a distant Kingdom oh

Okay, let me go make a crown. No no it's glitter time

Uh-uh something wrong no I guess not

I was worried that amber wouldn't be nice to Ruby and Jade, but we're getting along really well, uh-oh

Leaking into the Royal Cabbage Patch

without me oh

Yeah, turns out they've become best friends, and I was totally left out. That's terrible

It means it's good not to be done. Hi Madame Collette. Did you tell her about our costumes Madame Collette said?

She can't make them. Zelli's not enough time. I'll handle this

Because Doom's, which is why we will help you make your four new dress making helpers

Hmm help else you say yes. Thanks amber

Good thinking Ruby Jade. I know what you should pick

Orange for you Ruby and blue for Jade because there's your favorite colored you've always loved blue

Susie a lunge and Zee blue. No I want the green. It's my new favorite color and mine is red


Don't think I'll sleep at all tonight. I'll be up every hour thinking is it time to go to the castle yet is it?

We need to be well-rested for the pageant are you coming inside uh?

In a minute. I have to find clover you and your rabbit

Like sneaking into the Royal Cabbage Patch let this cabbage be a warning don't lose your friends

I don't want you, but what should I do? What did you do?

But I could ask them over for breakfast amber said she was sleeping late tomorrow

So it'll just be the three of us there you go. I have to find mom. Thanks clover

You can help us clean up. Oh, okay?

Jim and Jade come over extra early tomorrow for breakfast why extra early well

Ruby and Jade are not going to stop being friends with you. Just because they're friends with Amber now to be might Sofia

There's an old expression

the more the merrier it means the more friends you have

Where's amber um?

She's still sleeping come on. What time do you think amber will be up?

Oh, not for a while she sleeps in late. We can spend this in fact

I'm going to see how Madame Kovak stirring welcome with you wait for us





Only MH genius you really I'm three friends always make it mine one two three

Amber, Utah

clover Sophia

something wrong Ruby and Jade - amber our Handclap

What how dare they oh?

But only if you whip me up server that gooseberry pie first

Yeah, that's what I should do wow that was easy? No. I'll make gooseberry pie and cherry cider for Ruby and shade

No, that's all wrong

Are you thinking I just uh

You know wanted to bring Jade and really some gooseberry pie and cherry cider

Hi cider what we were just excited that we meet a new friend

And who wouldn't be when that new friend is me, so you weren't trying to leave me out. No

Why don't we ever do that had to share everything with you my friends my family even my tiaras

It wasn't easy and I did things that may not have been so nice. I remember

It's weird pie if there's any of it not covered in twigs and flowers

You know what I think we can fix the coach. How what do you say?

We need a few more flowers and some more twigs you



All right little birdies time to take flight clover do you want to come now, I gotta go find Stuart cheeks

The captains we made it

We really like it

Thank you for inviting us it's like they say the more the merrier pants clop clop like

Stormy, lon

So this is her Carlo, I see why they keep it hidden

I'm really happy you came

Mom the festivities have already begun

Young royals of our kingdom have been asked to prove

They are wise and strong enough to join the circle of leadership that rules our island by climbing up mounted on lo

Nervous - can I ask you something sure

Come on come with me up to the lanai

Why maybe because when we first met you believed in me when nobody else did Sofia

Will you do this for me of course Lani I'd love to be your ahkahuna

Thank you

Lani can we really do this well, there's something that will help us

Something I haven't told you about yet. What is it?


No it happened again, I promise I'll help her in any way I can can't man princess Sofia

You are a good and true friend

Be quicker next time will you wind up a permanent?

Decoration so what are we doing back here in a callow King Kamea thinks he's so high and mighty

Mom, how are we gonna do it?

We're going to make princess Lonnie's journey up mount hakalo

So difficult that she will lose her temper

You can do this my daughter

What's that the lava gates this must be my first challenge

Maybe some winds can blow them open

That's one challenge down

Easier but a lot longer the one on the left is shorter, but a lot steeper

I'll go whichever way my uncle who now says I trust you Sofia

Princess Lani passed that first challenge too easily. I'll have to make sure her next challenge is impossible


Wait patience your time will come

You can't lose it I

Know Lani. Hi mom's okay, okay, sorry

Let's keep going

Lonny we'll never get across now. She'll have one of the toughest storms, and then it's goodbye hakalo

According to the map there should be a bridge here. Well. I don't see a bridge. Are you sure you're reading the map, right?

Wait wait

That big totem pole might be long enough to make a bridge

What if you used your powers to get it down here good idea Sofia what a rock Ahern is for oh no

He made a new bridge. I'll take care of this

We shouldn't have gone this way why did you make us take this path Sophia? I thought it was the best way well, it wasn't

Ronny stay calm

Just take a deep breath that won't fix anything

Lonnie listen

You know what only comes me down thinking about the things. I love

Happy things

when a sunny

Like flying in a derby or fencing with shame

There's your target Lonnie, I don't think it will help me Sofia. Can you try anyway okay in the rainbow?



Where did this miserable sunshine come from leave that to me

I'll have to find another way to trick her into starting a storm that will destroy this island scarier

Are you ready to chase them down the mountain and evil

Groups if we get the map they'll never find the fire pearl


Told you to be careful with the map money the way you made blew it out of my hand

Because you let us break hill. I don't need the map or anak Kahuna. I can do this by myself

Iya, I know none of this is your fault

It was frustrated and angry, and I took it all out on you. I'm sorry

It's about being a good person and a good friend

You're right. I just can't help myself Sofia I ruin everything

Here you'll need this

Okay first we need to get the map back. We need to get him to open his mouth. I know what to do

We tried to complete the mission makes that chain they fooled you

It's so weird to think my parents came here when they were my age

My father banished you from hakalo forever give Lani back the fire pearl why?

Does me having the fire pearl make you angry?

Does it to me Bonnie? She's trying to make you lose your temper?

Another storm money will come down. I know she will

You can't control your powers it doesn't matter you're all going to

Yes, I am the Manu

Don't act so pleased with yourself princess your powers are no match for mine

And I think I passed it

How humiliating to take your place in the circle of leadership

Do you promise to always protect your people and your island I?


Nonnie I couldn't have done it without my ahkahuna

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 208 - Duration: 17:07.


Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 143 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 16:57.

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The Molina's Wild Ride


I don't see anybody me neither oh

Hold on a minute there. Yeah, you don't want to squish the babysitter do ya

That sounds great doesn't it?

Sure, yeah, I can't hear you. Are we gonna have some fun tonight. Yeah

Thumbelina's in charge now so you to listen to what she tells you

Mama, are you sure so milena can do this I mean

I've got an idea blanket fort oh boy. This is gonna be a blast

There's a jumbo heart in my teeth these jets

Good it's perfect. Don't you?

Are you okay

But you're going so fast that's okay

Thank you care of you, too

It's like I always say when things are at their worst it just means they can only get better

Whoa of course if this branch breaks that would definitely not be better

Okay here


Who's trying to hurt you

Know this feathery fella like I always say when you're tiny like me it's good to have big friends


His name's Larry Wow such creative stories I

told you to have fun with Thumbelina

Somebody say what a perfect way to start my day

Just wait till you meet my brother he's the baddest and he's coming from

Hey, who are your little friends

Friends like I'd have friends. I'm Phil nice to meet you nice to meet you, too

Now you're gonna see how bad a wolf can be not if we can help it

Let's just enjoy the badness



That was so

so nice

Since when are you but what I did?

It felt good really good ever since then I've been don't say it nice

Hey, you should come meet our friends at the tea party tonight, that'd be fantastic


Here let me help you with that

What are you doing here we know why you're here just

Get it over with you got it all wrong. This isn't big bad. This is his brother Phil the big good wolf

Lending a hand feels mighty grand

Worst day ever oh

You're the one that blew it down in the first place actually

that was me I

Think I need stronger glasses. I love it. Oh Phil. I thought you might like a piece of pie

It's my new recipe with fresh berries and revived berries in rhubarb come on

Phil and I used to have so much fun together doing all kinds of bad stuff

But now he's doing all this nice stuff, and I miss hanging out with him well

Maybe you could try being nice to then you could do nice things together. Oh, I don't know what

If you wanna be a nicer guy

Well all you gotta do is try

With practice you might find being nice you should come to our tea party tonight

then you could show Phil how nice you are now you think I can really be as nice as Phil what you need is a

Nice is my game nice is my game

Here's big bad. It's not nice to be late. I mean. Thank you ever so much


Hey, I'll just take that


Nice, it's my game nice is my game

Lovely flowers for a lovely little pink big bad that was really nice. You can do it

No wait

Goldie why don't you take the very last muffin? Oh big dad that is so nice of you?

He missed spending time with you, so we thought if he did nice things, then you could do nice things together. We gotta find him

Yeah, we saw you yeah, but I messed up no you didn't you tried and that's what really matters

Well, that's true. I did try and you can always try again

Most kind big bad

So for you guys

Dad yeah, you see you really can be a very nice wolf, Aloysius. Oh

Yeah, you'll always be big bad to us

Bears red shoes

To the right


Hey, are you guys okay prepare to be amazed that?

Floorboard is uneven

Give it another try what about you bear? I?

Don't know how to dance maybe I'll just watch come on

With some practice you'll learn by tonight. There's not enough time well

It's worth a try isn't it sure there's enough time there

My dancing shoes are gonna. Help me him

Maybe I need a pair this must be the place


I've got a very special pair right here

Don't be shy what you've got this. I'm a magic dancing shoes when you have them on you

Wait for everyone to see me yeah, I'll pick you up on the way to the wingding Bear

But but I told everyone I was the best dancer in the forest I need those shoes, what can I tell you?

I'm all out oh

Man, I'll be a dancing machine dancing

All right, I just need a plan

I've got an idea

That is

Great night for me because I'll be wearing bears magic dancing shoes

And he'll be wearing these regular old shoes

Hey, you guys look great take some peace. Oh do you?

Anybody want some punch. I just whipped up a new batch gee

Thanks, big bad listen a six is your first dance and all I got you a little present for me. Oh

The good luck socks. He's

Alright though ah I'm so excited. I wanna be the first one on the dance floor yeah

Why are you putting on bear shoes? Why maybe they're my shoes

You don't know well are they your shoes would that stop them. I don't know

he's wearing regular shoes that look like his magic shoes that I switched when he wasn't looking I

Just borrowed him Oh

big bad

No let the dancing begin

You were dancing bear don't you get it?

This is all you you must have danced so much with the magic shoes on that you actually learned how to dance


Nobody likes me

Hey big bad wanna dance. Oh, no. Thanks truth is I can't dance okay there

I said it. I can't dance

Hey guys, what's wrong? Well, I need to go into town with my mom

Stay here and watch juicy

Gee I thought it would be bigger

That's my problem

Whenever there's a contest coming up goosey zags get I make sure her food and water are full and now I've heard about these new

Special GU streets doctor honks egg laying specs to help birds lay their biggest it hold on Jack. I might have an idea

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

How hard it must be for an egg to swim? No?

Yeah, and if we do a good job. You could give us each a golden egg well

I really want to win, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to goosey you think you can

We're gonna keep her safe

But if you trust in us, and we will I must admit it seems ideal

And I could use the help for real

OK you've got yourself a deal don't let me down

I guess I asked for that

Know which one is

Help you children mother Goose. What are you doing here?

Well if you think that can help, but you know the more you chase a goose the faster. She'll run what she needs to

Take her nap I think I know just the thing

You think this is gonna work well, we know Gucci likes very high

Look oh

Now she's gone for real

We're the worst goose sitters ever huh, it looks like Jack just got home. Hey guys I'll be right there

Let me do the talking it was hoping you'd say that so hi, huh?

Goosey, got out of her cage and ran away and got in a pie fight and knocked over the pigs ladder

She's gone

Sorry Humpty oh, that's okay

I always done swimming for the day

Maybe I've been doing this all wrong keeping her cooped up in her cage. I mean look at this egg

She did seem pretty. Happy when she was running around. You're right you earned it

Didn't we say -

Sure you can have that one no come on goosey, let's go win that egg laying contest

For more infomation >> Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 143 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 16:57.


Eagles Fans Geared Up For Game Against Bears - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Eagles Fans Geared Up For Game Against Bears - Duration: 2:53.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 191 - Amber Morgan - Duration: 18:13.

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The farm is just a bitch oh

If you guys think this is fun wait until you see the rest of the patch

Oh, that's right bow to the wow. That's a whole lot of pumpkin. Let's go

For most Reggie's now for miles shadow let's make it a good smile


Think I need some Rollie power you don't ask me twice

I'm pretty proud of him I added a few spooky touches to farmer Dale scarecrow here

I'm Charlie not spooky at all. How would it do hmm well?

Okay, no I call it totally Halloween silly why do you want a scary scarecrow anyway as the?

Official pumpkin patch you should call them silly


Let's go you have your caller with you in the pumpkin patch. Do you see it anywhere?

You love that color, I know hey, maybe since you were racing all around the pumpkin patch you lost it there

It's pretty cool, huh yeah, but it says a little darker here than I thought it would be

It's ok Jesse oh this way

Who knew a pumpkin patch would have so many spoopy dick

Yep those are just a barrel of laughs

You know what how about you go look in there, and I go look somewhere less mazie and more


No collar, but hey we found a winsome use this time hi Paul

Thanks, Rollie

Wait Rollie we didn't find out where the maze early we rollin powered our way out

I'm pretty sure we made our way out of the maze somewhere around here

Hey there fellas hey Charlie. He needs us

Get back you spooky monster wait a minute hissy the spooky monster. That's one of the silly scarecrows and

This is mine that explains why I've suddenly found a really cool collar on the ground by the maze after you left, sorry

I didn't realize it was yours

You're right this scarecrow is silly well, then as the official unofficial CRO of this pumpkin patch

I've decided it's now my duty to up the silly factor. Oh

No, this is too much be patient guys we look great

I'm gonna put them outside for people to see

What are you singing about

Those floaters like doing that collars were great next time we're at the beach

Can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back where it's a little more quiet

What am I supposed to be listening to some more singing back to me

And then thing is that really peaceful

Which I liked the singer Shemin kind of said?

Do we go find out what they're sure sad about so we can help them go on that's not so full of dog singing

I'm a robot a

robot song

What did you hear that singing coming from it was hard to tell I guess for me to look around toy figure that out

Well here's a kiss in front of an audience, I'm never gonna pass that up

Okay, Roley why should we look next?

I don't know

I haven't heard that singer singing for pretty long times out here looking out bingo and Roley

Leave us alone cupcake on a mission to find whoever it is my brother heard singing

Have you been singing to me, yeah, I was the one singing

Whales right

After I swam and swam and looked around for my family, but I

Couldn't find that so we're gonna have to figure out how to get you from here to there

And if we're gonna help, you well get anywhere you should probably swim like a while while we're doing it

Would you learning what what are you two doggies doing going splashy splashy splashy like a whale?

Rolly and bingo you to be the motors, and I'll be the captain

Let's try to make this voyage a little less spinny oh

Wow I

Didn't come in this way

And I don't know how I'm gonna get out this way either

Because I haven't learned how to jump out of the water yet. That was something my mom was gonna teach me on this trip

Okay, let's make this happen. I know it's a little scary trying something I

Can get you up there quick

Like you flew but without any wings look get you

Well to the Wow how didn't you where the big ocean is?

Think okay, you admire that for sure I

Like seeing those two being so happy yeah watching whales is fun, and here's a picture

I took them two whales jumping out of the water

You know next time I go whale watching I should take you guys with me


There's the sign I've been looking for

Now that is one fine-looking broccoli

Hi there puppies hey little piggy we're waiting for Bob he's buying vegetables

Well, do you want to come see the most awesomest place here?

- food, but I don't really wear a puppy out

That's why after we pigs get all muddy, oh, well it sure looks like you had fun exploring the farm. You little rock monsters

I can hardly tell which one of you is which I?

Know hissy these two are a mess

And then you go oh I

Guess I should go first. I Roley can keep pretending to be a pig


Yeah, you might want to leave them in there extra long since he was extra piggy when he went in

I never said I was my name snapped

No Bob must have brought that piglet home by mistake. I found this one sleeping near a tree

Yeah, I'm sure he's as hungry as all of you yummy. Yummy yummy. I get to fill my Tommy

We're gonna curl up like we always do and go back to sleep wait where's bingo

I can't go to sleep without my brother a dog who's starting to wonder?

Where his brother the dog is that's so silly how you play pretend?

You and I are going on a mission

Except nothing looks familiar

Thanks for lunch piggies, but it's time for me to go

That was a nice place to visit, but I don't want to live there without bingo. What's she doing out of the Pigpen little piggy?


You're not a little piggy at all

You're a puppy you must love your brother a lot. I do and now I need to figure out where to find him

That farm has got to be close by which means my brother is - Roli

I knew you'd come find me. I just knew it when we were part


Let's make sure we're never separated then we have to figure out whether for you LaVon is it's right there


Wait art did not make you dry doggies

It looks like you two are in the mood for a fetch filled day

But I've got something better than a drippy old stick he fended it just for you

I've already started over on several versions of this invention because they weren't working right. I hope this is the one that finally works

Somebody needs to bring it back

That stick went somewhere, but you can't get it there it goes again now watch it come right back

See you later doggy, dude

Too bad about that stick it seemed real nice fur stick I wonder why I didn't come back

Rowley Bob said he needed to start over with a new version of his invention so maybe we should help one by getting rid of

this one for

We're trying to get rid of you

Bob says we're always leaving our toys here, so this is the perfect place to get rid of the stick

That's perfect place to get rid of what we must alone cupcake oh

This is a weird game that stick likes to play keeps wanting to come back to us because that's what Bob made it to do

See you later stick I mean we don't want to see you later stick yeah you think

It just keeps wanting to play with us two more okay, if that stick is gonna keep coming at us

That stick won't be able to find us if we hide in there

One dipstick just will boring any boring boring boring in here, and then we'll have to run away again

What's that sound

Did you just please stop trying to come back to us sticky situation

Me neither, but at least we did what Bob wanted us to do?

Yeah, we want to get rid of something we get it Garden widows

Listen are you two having a doggy?

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 191 - Amber Morgan - Duration: 18:13.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Zombie Run Lets Play Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Zombie Run Lets Play Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:11.


Doc McStuffins Interesting Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children 18 - Emma Dale - Duration: 16:51.

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Dad's favorite toy

We have a lot of stuff up here. Yeah

This looks just like mine oh

That was your mother's first stethoscope can't get rid of that


That's my old fish tank

Ha, this is my favorite toy ever kids meets all orders Serge and his trusty sidekick, Wellington whale

This is called the wild whale jump hold on to your hats. Let me try again

He won't stay on Wellington Oh

After all these years. I get to see him again, and he's broken not battled

Besides Doc's always careful with their patience, but yeah be really careful. Okay, okay?

Dad be back soon

Bonjour and hello

It is my pleasure to meet you ah Oh fancy. Yeah

Saltwater Serge is fine

just fine


Where in the world are we looks like you could use a cuddle?

Serge does not like the cuddles oh

Don't know what an addict is but already I don't like it. It's the very top floor of our house

We found Serge and Wellington up there

In this summer Marcus would bring us to the burns to look for the salamanders and the frogs Serge you can

And he was just talking about how much he would love to play with you both

huh can this be true it has been many days or months or

7 times 13 carries attended of high of to you

But if I cannot stay on Wellington then I cannot do the famous wild well jumps

And it was Marcus his favorite, then. I will never do the gutters Serge we can fix this

You can

Yep, we'll start with a checkup. Oh

Anything doc I'm in your hands

Actually good food is bad

This button is really worn out I bet it's because dad played with you guys so much

Yeah, the saddle won't stay on and neither will search

But I know what to do good, but in replacement surgery hmm. It won't hurt a bit

Sorry, Lambie these bees are for Wellington's button well while I believe you can never have enough necklaces

Perfect now let's put the saddle on two Wellington's back

Finally we are

Since a day I was put away

You know your dad's kind of grown up now. Do you think he's gonna still want to play with search? I'm not sure Lambie

Sorry saltwater Serge you said you didn't like cuddle. I have a surprise for you wow

They look like new try pressing the button

If you're not gonna play with Serge and Wellington much

That's a fantastic idea doc and remember what saltwater Serge always says

He and the dude

It's so awesome that we're making and I found something special

hey that looks, just like Chile I

Figured if Chile makes you this happy he'd be perfect for some kids who need a little cheering up with a little help



I'm here. Oh

Trust me Chile no one could ever replace you

Nice reflexes

Chile Oh catching what colds germs mysterious part

Mystery bugs oh do you have a spring in there nope pure 100% grade-a stuffing in this, baby?

I know the dude is super fun, but I've gotta finish this basket

We have to decorate it and fill it with curry stuff. We should give kids something to play with

Great idea dude. What should we put in I can think of something fun? We can give them hold the bag open?

Before you go. I want to give you a checkup

I don't think I need a checkup what you're turning down a free checkup

I want to make sure you're healthy before I send you off to someone else

Okay, well let me help you get up here. No need duck

Okay hmm sorry

Chilly always forgets he doesn't have legs

You're one healthy snowman

Yes a great shape I have a diagnosis you have perfect snowman syndrome

Chilly, where are you going?

Did you want to put something else in the basket hey, what's going on tell me what's wrong?

Okay, okay, you dragged it out of me

The truth is I think the dude is a better snowman than I am you said he was perfect

Well he is perfect, but so are you?


Chilly we like the dude, but he can't replace you

You little fish

I'm so glad you don't want to get rid of me. I don't think I'd like to go live somewhere else

Sure, I hope I can be half the Snowman you are

I can't wait to meet my new kid. I'm sure they're gonna. Love you

Good but it's lovable isn't it sure is

Me too doc me, too

The big story

Right back

Okay all McStuffins meeting there was a weather report on TV. That says a big storm is coming our way

We've got plenty of food and water stored up in case of an emergency

We like to be prepared and we've got each other right right?

So we'll all be fine you got it. I'll hurry

I'm calling an all time eating because there's a big storm coming. Oh dear I

Was reading about this as the earth gets warmer and more so we can hear Doc's plan


Thanks, Hallie. I'm going to evacuate you that means I'm going to take you somewhere safe

First of all everybody find a storm buddies moves for you. Okay, doc like we're all buddied up

my buddy

buddy of all you go chilly just hold on to Hallie and you'll be fine oh

Don't worry, I'll carry you, buddy. Oh

What are we gonna do

Lambie stuffy sir Kirby fella

squeakers Susie sunshine

Surfer girl per me they must have fallen off the wagon. I've gotta go save them

We just need something to get your mind off all this wind I

Guess that won't mind if we enter one page into the big book of boo-boos

Helly until you're still there, I don't want you to go out there the storm just knocked the power out

That's why we have all these flashlights

Cool see Teddy B. - that's why it's a bear hug

The McStuffins family is here together

I'm glad I'm a McStuffins, and I'm even more glad you're one -

How he's a great nurse him they've got each other no just like we've got you doc

We're all gonna get through this storm together

Looks like the storm blew past, I think we can start cleaning up and doc you can make sure your toys are okay

Let me draw a picture in the big book of boo-boos. I love your drawing

Why are you wearing a superhero cape chilly we can clean up later for now? I'll use the mobile clinic

So how was your checkup?

I sure do your symptoms are jumping out of the wagon to go back for chilly then?

Keeping your friends safe during a scary storm. Well duck. We were a little nervous during the storm

That storm was kind of scary there, but we had each other so we got through it together

Spritzy Mitzi oh

It's a scorcher out here today. Why when I was your age

We'd run through the sprinklers until the Sun went down and we were as wrinkly as raisin

But I like your stories have fun. I'll be in the kitchen

Okay, thanks dad

Hey spritzy, Mitzi

I can't wait we're gonna run in your sprinklers

And then we're gonna run out and then we're gonna run ding we're gonna run. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh?

Sorry Lambie

Let's get a sprinkle oh

Don't sweat it doc. We're chillin

He's ritzy, it's probably nothing, but it looks like something's stuck I

Don't need fixing for just a little pebble I could sprinkle fine with it sweat. It are

You sure doc wouldn't mind, so let's get ready to sprinkle

Not sure hey spritzy Mitzi, let's take you to my clinic so I can check you out on the best sprinkling day of the year

The doc is in you're not a real snowman

Remember oh, I forgot again my Heat's getting to my brain not funky-fresh

Let's give you a checkup so we can find out what happened, okay?

Spritzee you've got a strong heart your eyes are a little misty, but that's normal

I'm gonna take a look at your tentacles. I'll lend you some of my dragon bravery and some of my snowman bravery

Spritzee you have a case of Piper cloggy crocodiie tentacle OSIS in English doc

I'll crack open the big book of all those

So can you fix it doc just a lawn ornament with holes

There's no crying and sprinkling, but I'll trust you doc. You're my girl your tweezers doc

Thanks, Hallie

Salad So Solid

Awesome now. We're gonna tape the crack with a really strong tape so the water won't get out. Oh sorry got all excited

So what do I have to do to get cleared? I just want to understand. What happened out there

I wanted it to be the most funky fresh time ever plus

It was so little I didn't think it was a big deal

When the front is strong and the take is long as the temperature gets so hot?

The kids want to play electric a little spray, and you never won this

Hey, Missy. He's pretty keep keeping us cool. Cuz you rock, but a pebble does stop the water bags up in the park

No problem now you're all clear to sprinkle

And there's some hot Sun out there so

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins Interesting Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children 18 - Emma Dale - Duration: 16:51.


Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Part 308 - BURNS MEDIA - Duration: 17:16.

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For more infomation >> Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Part 308 - BURNS MEDIA - Duration: 17:16.


Miles from Tomorrowland Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 162 - Red Pig - Duration: 18:44.

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The great space Train Robbery

So they can be delivered to the new TTA colony on Planet Cymbeline

we'd better make sure everything's ripped with no static wow I

Didn't know that was possible. It wasn't until five minutes ago

I got creative alright. I call this kind of art blob ISM the colonists are gonna

Love decorating their new houses with your paintings

So we made sure our heaters can get super warm blastastic those colonists will get warmed up in no time

Magnificent stuff no problem Admirals, just you know job

Good thing the solar Express is so fast yes the colonists need those heaters pronto and telling you it

That means the colonists won't get their heaters

Wow I've never seen that up close before

It's very impressed in about an hour everyone will freeze. They seriously need those heaters and my painting

There's the Train blodger activating magnification

Is trying to take over all the travel routes in the universe so it makes sense

They'd want to get one of the gtas fastest vehicles

Yes space trains don't worry, sir my best thoughts are on the job. This is better work Admiral. I

Just fire a bad guy, I want to make really nice train


There's no way the zenith can catch up to the solar Express now the tip track the ecology is down to three degrees

That's coal sounds like a plan

Mita some plan assembly well do

It looks like we'll get some sister-brother time after all just like the old days a

Differential shouldn't be too hard to get rid of I didn't have a chance to do mine axis workout today

I'm sorry to tell you this, but this is not your space train. Well this car was easy

That one not so much striker box

Oh miles I guys are you taking back this?

Rogers usually right the solar Express has been saved next stop planet simile


I see that was some good sister-brother time and I would agree

Your artwork really saved the day blodger told you and that's mission accomplished everyone

Miles miles there you are isn't it blastastic that's one word for it now. Let's go mom and dad are waiting

For the real miles


There's nothing to do on it

We figured you might be bored so we get to stay here by ourselves and do whatever we want

What no we're taking this telesphere, and you too

But you might want to wear your space suits

Prowling thieves who is steering this starship?

I think he has a question I

Got that

Yes this Bert. Why don't we want to hide on Pluto?

I mean perfect place to lay low for a while Oh question question right here is this a thing we're doing now

Pluto's gravity is pretty weak won't we float away when we land

So are we going on some kind of field trip?

Or is this one if you're out of this world our projects both you're gonna help me

from role Pollack

Home to trillions of icy asteroids and a whole lot of artistic inspiration

Hey said Pluto yep. It's part of the Kuiper belt - Wow Pluto

You know I almost feel bad a planet has to orbit the Sun

Pluto does that yep

Second it has to be big enough to be round Pluto's round all right. I'll say but third except whoa

That's an impact alert

And whatever was it took out our steering hang on everyone

I'm not bouncing very high whoa somehow Pluto got some serious gravity and that's not something you can order with your pizza

Wonder what's going on down here?

For the frost Empire

to hide on

So we don't float away I

Have a lot it's pretty far away. Hopefully. It's not too banged up. Let's go I

Always say when Lex is you ice?

Keep an eye on the sky good so we can't leave we can't call anybody and there's nobody to help us

Hey, sweet girl. Don't forget who you are a Callisto and Alang that combination can face down any problem

Why would all that stuff be falling out of orbit?

Probably has something to do with that not so natural formation over there

You see me had to come poking around Pluto didn't you you have no, right?

Oh yes

We do to find someplace else to hide you certainly told them that's my boss isn't

Someone supposed to be capturing my prisoners

Silly trap will stops late no matter

what for me then but first we have to get close enough to reach the controls leave that to me myself and my blastboard I

Saw something over there, it's prison a capturing time

Any idea how to operate it? No, but I can try pushing all these buttons

You know let me research at first, then we need a point that beam on commander sleet and pull them in

Here goes

You got the bad guy oh I missed it we gotta work on a rice picking skills Pollock

Normal and sleet is heading back to the prison planet

Strict Thor way more exciting than the conference auntie Frida

You have got to come watch us more often sounds like a plan just as soon as we fix

Why do I shuttle

Ready to beat our speed record work

That was our fastest run yet Merc now. We just need some competition

Check it out, I'm building a new booster jet for the starjetter this will make her go even faster

Look out the starship route through the Pegasus constellation calculating captain, Callisto

But I've got a map a galactic highway route of the Tomorrowland Transit Authority why don't you ask your sister?

You want me to race you come on Loretta mmm

Callisto's, please report to the bridge incoming call from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority

Stella activate holo screen

Callisto's reporting for duty, what can we do for the TTA captain Callisto we need your help

The malfunctioning shuttle is headed at top speed for a crash as IO the fifth moon of Jupiter, IO

Covered in fire we went to engineering camp together nice guy

Not so lucky the shuttle requires a manual restart

You can see why we called you captain of course we call them that they got there first

If we're going to catch that runaway shuttle we need to move everyone to the starjetter

Ignition is it go

Lucky are you there lucky?

Lucky we're on our way hang tight leo take us at top speed

Superstellar we need a turbo boost just like marques

Miles we are not stopping Murr be careful

Okay Phoebe this baby's ready to blast now. Let's just hope that turbo bleeding and there's the shuttle

Iost gravity is really pulling it down go

All right miles you have less than five minutes to stop that shuttle

Thanks for having my back sis

setting quest comm to race mode


Blasto send power down the shuttle with the big red lever that will open the freezer in free lucky

Lucky are you okay? Yes, thanks. I was headed from the freezer into the frying pan

I can't reach the restart button the only thing that will keep us from crashing

Thanks for everything Callisto's

Thanks for the ice cream sure as long as I get to ride Merc this time. You'll have to catch him first


Tastic little here

Little there. Hey dad. Why don't you use the quantumatic mom gave you for Christmas?

Miles beat moonshredder move Ritter she's a beaut, huh?

Yeah, but it's gonna want to see some hollow pics

These are my old serpent buds mood Auggie Einstein

Sure is blastastic

That's what I said oh, I wish I could have served with you back, then you served that

Totally the quantum waves around the top are righteous

Hey, maybe we could go out there this weekend. I could show you a few tricks

really dad and it's the best ride ever ah


So many memories and new ones to make honey. Why don't we all go this weekend?

I've still one person to help you scan right mom right?

I'll do it that way they can still go surfing really Loretta. You're the best big sister

Just what our surfers call each other oh well then this is the life, dude

Is that you

Quadrant three five five

2.21 gzk got it hey mom why do you win record gamma rays with this old thing?

galactic thinking Loretta

Quadrant three five six eight point seven gck Wow there's gonna be a big gamma ray eruption out there


Am ready to ride

paddle out like this see then you turn into the current wait for an energy wave and

Leo come in do you read me leo

There's too much interference

You're right. They'll never hear us a gamma-ray burst a star must have gone supernova nearby

Lay low grab mertcan hang on

gamma rays

The cameras just spiked at 9.9. Not a good sign

You'll never make it by himself I gotta go down there

Nice one kiddo

Let's get out of here, but too bad we can't put them together

Miles, that's it we can I'll use my quest copter weld them together

Where's the starjetter

It must have gotten blown away by the gamma-ray burst, how are we gonna get home? We just got here, dude

Yeah, we want to surf too hey. I thought you were afraid of getting sucked into the whirlpool

That was before I made my own gamma ray wool with the whole family totally, dude

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