Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

Something I see written about is how it's wrong to call all Trump supporters racist

and that stereotyping them as racist is bad.

And I agree that not every Trump supporter is part of the most racist groups who support


Different people support him for different reasons.

I know Latinos who support him, many of whom have said racist things about other Latinos

and this points to divisions between Latinos of different skin colors and from different

countries, and the reasons these Latinos have for not supporting Trump are not the same

reasons as the reasons of white Anglos who go around waving Confederate flags.

There are a lot of articles about how poor white communities decided to support Trump

for a lot of different reasons.

There are a lot of articles saying it's bad to insult as racist a group that is already

suffering economically.

From my perspective, on the economic issue?

I will always support the right of people, especially the poor, to have their human dignity

respected and to receive efficient solutions to the problems their communities face, exactly

how wealthy people always receive efficient solutions from the government.

This does not change if the poor community in question is white and Anglo.

The other issue I see mentioned is that many communities that voted for Trump are relatively

small towns which felt ignored.

And it certainly is true that there is a tendency to focus on larger cities and ignore smaller

towns, which to my mind is itself another type of economic discrimination.

Within the larger cities, people focus on the richer and fancier areas and ignore the

problems poorer areas of the city have, and smaller towns are ignored in favor of the

large cities.

I mention this because, having lived in cities myself, I rarely heard people talking badly

about small towns or about Midwest states in poorer neighborhoods.

I started hearing people diminish these places when I went to the richer neighborhoods.

From my perspective, the small towns that felt no one was paying attention to their


That is a kind of discrimination and that must be addressed such that these communities

know their politicians will do their duty toward every town they represent.

However, economic discrimination is not the only problem facing the country.

Small predominantly white towns feeling ignored are not the only problem.

A lot of small towns are predominantly black or predominantly Latino or predominantly Asian,

and these shouldn't be ignored either.

Racial discrimination is a problem, and I will always support trying to solve the problems

of racism in the country.

I will always support respecting the human dignity of people of color, just like the

human dignity of white people is often respected.

And for that reason, I will oppose Trump's racist policies.

Since the beginning of his campaign and throughout his presidency, he has refused to recognize

the human dignity of people of color.

He started his campaign seeking support from the most racist groups by insulting Mexicans

as rapists.

He started his presidency by attacking Muslim groups and banning people from Muslim majority


He continued insulting Latinos with his response to Hurricane Maria and his unequal treatment

of Puerto Ricans as compared to the relative compassion he tried to show victims of Hurricane

Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida.

Trump is generally bad at showing compassion, and I insist he still is seeking power which

is why he is bad at showing compassion, but he showed more compassion comparatively to

people in Texas and in Florida than to Puerto Ricans, and even now as Puerto Ricans still

lack basic necessities his government is planning is reduce instead of increase efforts to help.

With regard to black communities, Trump has over and over tried to attack prominent black

figures, whether it's a black soldier who died in uniform, or the grieving family of

that soldier, or black politicians, or recently NFL athletes and now his insistence that a

couple NBA athletes show him gratitude because he got them released after being jailed in

China for shoplifting.

This last instance is classic Trump, claiming that neither the White House nor the State

Department did anything and that he alone was responsible for their freedom and insisting

that they and their families show him gratitude.

It's insulting on the one hand to the very government of which he is only a representative

when he takes all this credit and says his co-workers, his team at the White House and

State Department did nothing but he, the Great Trump, did everything, and it is insulting

and racist when he demands over and over again that black people lavish him with gratitude.

It's an attitude he shows much more rarely to white people.

When it's black people, Trump goes completely on the attack, so much so that he attacks

the grieving widow of a soldier who died fighting for Trump, lest we forget that he bears a

part of guilt for these deaths when he is the commander in chief of the army.

When he deals with white people, he still has trouble showing compassion but he at least

tries to.

Furthermore, Trump has again and again treated black communities as irredeemable places of

crime, all the while refusing to treat it as criminal when white people commit drug-related


Which is to say, for him, black communities are always full of drugs and criminals, and

white communities only occasionally have drug problems and even those aren't criminal, they're

public health problems.

He treats it as a public health issue when talking about whites, and we would make more

progress by treating drug problems as public health problems rather than addressing it

through the criminal justice system, but where Trump acts in a racist way is when he treats

drug problems as crime if the affected community is Latino, oh my goodness if the community

is Latino he'll immediately mention MS-13, and he treats drug problems as crime when

it's a black community, but the moment it's a white community dealing drugs suddenly Trump

treats it as public health issue.

Now, poor white Anglo communities might have voted for Trump because some of what he said

seemed like it would help them.

Maybe they disagreed with how he acted toward other racial groups but they thought he was

the least bad option during the 2016 presidential election.

I do want to point out that if we look at the poll numbers we see that while Trump got

a strong portion of the poor white vote, he got a larger percentage of wealthier white


But still, poor white communities have supported him, and so many articles have been written

about how we shouldn't insult these communities.

I do agree that I don't want to treat any group as less than human and of course that

includes white Anglos.

I don't know every single town in the United States.

That's just impossible.

I don't know the racial issues that occur in every town in the United States.

Again, that's just impossible.

So it is equally impossible to say that everyone who supported Trump is racist or not.

But we do have to acknowledge one simple thing: that Trump has racist policies and if we oppose

racial discrimination we need to oppose his racist policies.

Trump not only refused to respect the human dignity of people of color but made it clear

he would rigorously continue to disrespect the human dignity of people of color if elected.

Yes, he said he would help poor communities, but he also would build a wall to divide the

United States and Mexico and would try to keep out Muslims.

And while he has had problems building the wall, he has still insulted Latinos over and

over and he has actually instituted a travel ban on Muslims.

All of that is part of who he is.

My belief is, based on Trump's words and actions, is that he doesn't have real policy solutions

and that he lacks a real understanding of the problems facing the country.

Just look at his approach to FBI director James Comey and generally the Justice Department.

The Department of Justice consists of agencies whose role is to enforce the laws of the country.

Their role is not to be Trump's personal attack dog.

But from his comments to the way he asked James Comey for personal loyalty, he seems

to want the Justice Department not to work for the people of the country, but to serve

only him.

That's why I see him as someone seeking power for the sake of power, not someone with any

genuine intention to understand the problems the country faces and to want to solve those


His policies against racial groups, I think, were created because he wanted to attract

the support of racist groups who agree with those racist actions.

But some communities see him differently than I do.

They see someone who can and might be willing to help them.

Is everyone who supports him racist?

Some groups are but I can't know about everyone.

And ultimately, the most important part to me is advocating against racist policies.

I can't know if someone advocates a racist policy because they have a deeply held hatred

against a racial group or for mere political convenience or for whatever reason, and since

I can't know, I want to spend my time advocating against the policies, because with policy,

we can tell if it will have a racist impact on the community.

Trump himself has repeatedly advocated racist ideas and policies.

He has spent more time talking about his racism than he has talking about any economic solution.

And as someone against racism, I am committing to opposing racist policies.

If you support racist policies, then I will argue against what you support.

I'm not going to avoid calling his policies racist just because the people who support

him don't like his policies being called racist.

I am going to oppose his policies and I will argue against his policies as best as I can.

If poor white communities want to talk about solutions to their economic problems, I will

support them in that and I will argue every day of my life in favor concrete solutions

for the problems associated with poverty.

If small towns want to talk about how politicians are ignoring them, I will advocate every day

of my life for politicians to be responsible to all their constituents.

But I will still oppose the racism of the Trump administration.

I will argue every day of my life for solutions to the problems of racism affecting the country

and the world.

I don't know if people living in poor white communities are racist.

But if the majority in these communities support Trump, and Trump himself is supporting racist

policies, then to the extent members of poor white communities advocate racist policies

I will argue against them.

On another level, it really bothers me that we care more about white communities who feel

insulted because we call racist policies what they are, we care more about that than we

care about actually having a country with less racist policies and reducing the difficulties

that people of color encounter.

I've read polls where white Anglos in the United States think they experience racism

and for example think that they won't be hired because they are white despite overwhelming

evidence to contrary.

Efforts to reduce the effects of racism are not efforts to take away what white Anglos


Efforts to reduce proven discrimination in hiring practices across many industries are

not efforts to take away jobs from white Anglos.

These are efforts to allow everyone to compete for these jobs on the basis of their talent

and abilities, not on the basis of their skin color.

It's an effort for all of us to have our human dignity recognized, whatever color you are.

Ultimately, however, these tensions are inevitable when there is great change.

There hasn't been too much positive change, but there has been some improvement in terms

of racial discrimination.

In large part, Trump's ability to get into power has depended on taking advantage of

the tension that is the result of that change.

The other part of his ability to get power is due to real economic problems in the country.

The economic problems need to be addressed.

But so do the racial ones.

No small town should feel ignored, but that includes all small towns regardless of which

racial group is the majority population.

And I think we need to remember to fix both problems, and not ignore the racial ones because

we're still more afraid of insulting white Anglos than we care about the problems facing

people of color.

For more infomation >> Whether Trump Supporters Are Racist Is Irrelevant | Political Thoughts - Duration: 10:12.


'Crazy In Love' Selena Gomez Is Happy To Be Back With Justin Bieber - Duration: 3:15.

'Crazy In Love' Selena Gomez Is Happy To Be Back With Justin Bieber

Crazy in love that is what Selena Gomez and her on-and-off boyfriend, Justin Bieber, are singing.

The song was written in 2003 by Beyonce who wanted to let to world know that she was going insane for rapper JAY-Z and she did not care what the critics thought of her romance.

A source close to the Bieber and Gomez spoke to a well-known publication and revealed that they are head over heels and have no time for the naysayers.

The family friend claimed: "As much as people around her are worried that she will end up heartbroken all over again, it is hard not to be happy for her.

She tried her best to put things with him behind her, and for a long time, it seemed like she had.

But it is obvious now that she was carrying a heavy weight around with her this whole time.

Now that she is back with Justin that weight has lifted, she just seems very light and joyful.".

Just because Gomez is beaming with joy that does not mean her relatives will give her a pass.

The same insider stated: "Selena has gotten criticism from [her loved ones], but she reiterated that she sees a different side of Justin this time.

Her friends and family trust her judgment.

For now, they are happy that she is so happy.".

Another source revealed that Bieber is a work in progress and is aware that he has to become a better man for the lady he loves.

The second source claimed: "Justin and Selena are moving fast this time around.

Justin has been spending several nights a week at Selena's love nest in Los Angeles, and they have been inseparable lately.

Selena gave Justin an extra toothbrush which he keeps at her place and the pair are practically living together already.

If Selena has to go to work, she leaves Justin to let himself out if he is still sleeping.

They are cozy, happy and things have never been better.".

Fans of the pair are hoping that they will make it this time around because Gomez has been through so much already.

For more infomation >> 'Crazy In Love' Selena Gomez Is Happy To Be Back With Justin Bieber - Duration: 3:15.


Is the 2017 Dodge Challenger a True Muscle Car? - REVIEW (Sub ENG) - Duration: 11:29.

Canyon, muscle car, today we have fun with this american beast, the Dodge Challenger!

This Dodge Challenger T/A is my road trip mate since about 10 days in my US vacation and I have to say what an experience,

what an experience driving a muscle car in the USA!

Us europeans are not used to this kind of cars, I've never drive a car like this before and probably in Italy I don't think there's the possibility

because muscle cars and cars like this are a very few.

It would be easier for me to drive a Ferrari in Italy, rather than a Dodge Challenger, that's for sure!

I drove quite a lot of miles with this american beast and I developed the idea that the Dodge Challenger is basically a car designed for the americans,

which means there may be both positive and negative sides:

for example as a positive side I can say that behind the wheel of the Dodge Challenger, you feel the american soul, you feel the real character of a muscle car,

one the other side the negative thing I would say this not the right car for us europeans.

In an era where we live constantly with the downsizing, this Dodge Challenger has in front of me a huge N/A 5.7L V8, it's crazy just like its fuel consumption!

The american horses are 375 and the torque is 540nm,

they're not crazy figures but being a tipically american engine, it doesn't rev that much the rev limiter is at 6000rpm,

but it's very solid with lots of torque and power since the low revs.

As you can see we're getting through a canyon, the roads here are spectacular and let's start to switch to Sport mode,

First difference we can tell is the noise, this typical noise of the american V8, the sound of this Challenger is fantastic!

Another difference we can tell behind the wheel, it's the throttle that we find more ready and reactive, just like the steering wheel.

Also the gear change is a bit quicker. It's a pity the car I'm driving is fitted with an 8-speed automatic transmission which is not a bad gearbox, it's quick enough

but I would have preferred a manual gearbox.

Let's switch the gear change into manual, you change the gears with the paddles behind the steering wheel.

The fact it's an 8-speed well, I'm not very sure about that because

having an engine that revs just to 6000rpm with so many gear ratios, well the gears are very short, you find yourself changing gears all the time

and I don't really go crazy for this.

You may think " Well, it's has 8-speed also to keep the fuel consuption lower ", well also the Challenger has also a few systems that in THEORY should keep the fuel consuption lower,

For example if you're cruising on the highway, half engine turns off so the car runs on 4cyl so you think " 8-speed and just 4cyl, the fuel consuption is acceptable!... " NO!

By using all my good will and efforts, this car can't do more than 6km per litre, just forget about that!

For the americans this may be acceptable if you consider that the petrol here costs on the average about 70 euro cents per litre!

In Europe you may imagine that driving an american muscle car costs, it costs very much! Maybe here's also why we don't see them often in Italy.

If there's something I like about the concept of muscle car, this is the kind of car accessible to everyone, it's the car that even the average american can aspire to own!

For example the Dodge Challenger starts at a bit less than 27.000$, the version I'm driving costs 38.000$ and

it was 20inch wheels, rear camera, automatic transmission, it has lots of options and I have to say that the quality/price ratio is really good!

And the version I'm driving, well it's a special edition, a hommage to the old Charger T/A.

and beside the bigger wheels, you may see it has a two tone paintjob that I really like, it's a car that doesn't go unnoticed even though muscle cars are quite common here in the USA.

Well, and let's set off these american horses!

The sound is truly amazing, it's the typical sound of the american V8 you expect to hear!

It's a car that just by the look, it gives you the idea that is big and heavy and well, behind the wheel you have the feel this car is definitely big and heavy, especially when you drive through a corner,

you feel the weight, it's not a light car.

With such a big engine on the front axle, you realize that while you get into the corner the car is heavy,

but on the other side I have to say it's a positive surprise the fact the car has traction at the end of the corners,

honestly - being a muscle car - I was expecting it to be more tail happy, this is a pleasant surprise of the Dodge Challenger!

I really wanted a manual gearbox around these roads, also because with the manual the gear ratios are fewer and the gears are longer and I have to say that

with a rev limiter at just 6000rpm you have to short shift a bit because the gear change is not immediate like a double clutch

so often you may find yourself hitting the rev limiter.

The temperatures here in California are very high so this factor, combined with a heavy weight well, the tires and brakes tend to overheat quickly,

as I can see on the display also the temprature of the engine oil has gone up very much.

Let's say a good diet won't be bad to this car!

It's an american car, so I think it would be a shame not to burn some rubber!

What a cloud of smoke!

This car devour the tires with the same wildness of an american that eats his own hot dog during the final of the Super Bowl!

Burnouts aside, the Dodge Challenger is a car very envolving and interactive, thanks also the infotainment system

which has many functions, perhaps way too many and this reminds me the Nissan GT-R!

One very interesting thing about this infotainment is the fact you can track your performance and lots of things such as

0-100, 0-150, 1/4 mile, the breaking, let's say it's better to have a racetrack close to your house or thanks to this system you risk to test pretty hard your driving license!

if I lived here, probably I would have already appeared on the tv show Cops!

It's undeniable, this car is a bit goofy, heavy, it has an insane fuel consuption, but I like it, I like this Dodge Challenger because

it's a true american muscle car, you can feel its american DNA.

It's a different car, us europeans aren't used to this kind of cars

and being able to see that in 2017 there are still cars with such kind of old style, big engine displacement, well it's simply fantastic!

As I already mentioned about the quality / price ratio, I think the Dodge Challenger is a good car and fun to drive!

I hope you guys did enjoy this review, make sure to drop a Like and subscribe to my YouTube if you didn't yet,

more italian review to come and thanks for watching, ciao!

For more infomation >> Is the 2017 Dodge Challenger a True Muscle Car? - REVIEW (Sub ENG) - Duration: 11:29.


Celebrity New : Seth Meyers reveals his wife is pregnant - Duration: 3:01.

Seth Meyers reveals his wife is pregnant

The late night TV host - who already has a son named Ashe Olson, who was born in March 2016, with his wife - revealed the news on his own show.

Seth shared: A couple years ago on this show, we announced that we were having Ashe and so I wanna take this opportunity now, you guys obviously know, but my wife and I are expecting a second baby.   In recognition of the happy news, Seth invited his brother Josh and their parents, Larry and Hillary Meyers, onto the programme on Thanksgiving (11.23.17).

During the show, Hillary revealed he started sobbing when Seth told her that Alexi was pregnant again.

She explained: I said, What happened? Are you OK? And he said, No, no its wonderful news, its wonderful news. I said, What is it? And he said, Well, were gonna have another baby. I said, Thats fabulous - why are you crying? And he said, Because for over a month Ive had to pretend I dont care what sex it is, but I do care, I want a little boy. At that point, Seth added: Thats true.

I really wanted a brother for my son because I was so lucky to have one. Meanwhile, Seths dad revealed he was keen for the TV star to name his second child Albert.

Explaining his thinking behind his wish, Larry said: Weve had five sheepdogs, and theyve all been named Albert.

And I really love the dog and I always wonder what it would sound like if it could talk.

So I figure, if they name the kid Albert, eventually hell start to talk and Ill say, Ah, yeah thats it.

For more infomation >> Celebrity New : Seth Meyers reveals his wife is pregnant - Duration: 3:01.


Amplified Tiny House has Main House is 400 Square Feet and 160 Square Foot Mobile Recording Studio - Duration: 2:11.

Amplified Tiny House has Main House is 400 Square Feet and 160 Square Foot Mobile Recording Studio

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