Oh yo yo yo yo yo welcome to the grinding is fun podcast - one podcast
you know me CPA strength Ferg one also their names like God I don't know but
this is shine dog what are you gonna go buy shine don't work shine dog for now
China although you're kind of embracing the dirty G lately dirty Jean yes that's
an old school that's his old high school nickname yeah but y'all know me
it's one of my oldest friends shine dog from Hut from middle school we met in
middle school long time ago thanks for having me on your son right thanks for
having at your house you invited me to his family's to our house for
Thanksgiving it was great and yeah we're just gonna do we love grinding we always
talked on the phone so he thought man we're gonna get a podcast together and
then it's kind of just like phone conversations but we'll be including you
guys so you know and you mention you want to do a podcast and I watch you
know Joe Rogan yeah see you podcast and stuff at the hey man that'd be awesome
we watch all kinds of podcasts out-of-the-box out-of-the-box thinkers
so yeah we're gonna have some fine wheels grinding 24/7 always grinding
never enough look we have a pH strengths we have our bobble head here oh look the
auto focus on that see that's what I'm talking about shine auto focus there
okay oh and it's a yeah so I'm just gonna put it on manual so it's gonna get
the whole thing here well I always wanted to do that yo yo yo yo yo
grinding this fun podcast CPA strength Channel so what else we got here uh yeah
this is gonna be the podcasting center this might be this might be CPH strength
headquarters we just don't know what we take these off here oh boy the day after
Black Friday yeah sorry we're dealing with first
podcasts first podcast and we just I'm bachelor in it so I'm warning you got to
you got to two beautiful kids in there any children we've got a four year or
four year old daughter what eleven month old Hellraiser
Hellraiser she's an angel but yeah she's a handful
so it was funny like uh if you're a bachelor you don't know about this stuff
so we're coming back from Thanksgiving dinner and take a library in the car
yeah they're like just be quiet because they want to get the kids to sleep
because when the kids are asleep then it's then we can uh we have a hard time
and stuff so yeah I was never so quiet in the car never so quiet
what'd you it's hard to get used to you know what's one you know I feel bad for
friends and people who are around and we forced him to be quiet like my dad was
in town uh-huh he's like half deaf so many talks it's like oh that's right he
couldn't hear the super loud talker so I feel bad about that but that's alright
kids will be alright I was thinking if you're gonna be a new parent you should
you should like it should be a requirement to spend the night in a
parents house or something see what you're getting into is you have no idea
if you don't live this light over for the weekend
and you realize that you might want to wait Tony I have no idea
look at the bobblehead chicken chunks like a kid life so I'll get difference
of opinions I don't know if I'm getting hooked up again I don't know if I'm
settling down a time soon China I think there's there's good and bad in both
ways you're sure is you have freedom you can do what you want you know sure is Oh
what mister mr. Schine dog owns his own restaurant there we can talk about that
because it's it's tough to get a restaurant going on Florida you know
distribution business yeah it's a food disposition you know I'm my engineer
actually by trade so I kind of look at it as like yeah it's so much a chef or a
cook as uh just a food package ER and relocator trying to take trying to take
over the world one one plate of tile one sandwich at a time exactly yes five
dollars at a time yeah you told me that before because I was grinding door was
growing in we hadn't seen each other for a while and then we got back together
probably what draw two years ago after a break yeah separate grinds October 15 I
think it came came up here visited and then the next trip you did a deadlift PR
yeah the next about that deadlift er there's a wall is
record wall yeah record walls over there are you gonna get back to the lifting
you know I hurt my shoulder trying to get some of them stem cells from Joe
Rogan but uh I think yeah go light and get your into it you're trying to get
them currently or your shoulder getting the stem cells no no no no oh I would
love to about the overall yeah I'd like to gets them no they could get them
apparently yeah I know he always talks about that now what about the TRX even a
shit about the TR T's on the CRT yeah I'm not I don't know if I'm a fan of
that so much as as far as just it seems like one of those easy way outside like
just friends people I talked to who are my age they want to do it it's more just
like they feel it's like a magic pill or something yeah I feel like you're as old
as you feel so it just helps you out with your your body produces it but not
as much anymore definitely with the recovery and all that yeah when I'm when
I'm sore now at 40 I'm more sore than I deflected what I've actually been a the
master deflector you guys might see are you are you oh it has we have done yoga
I need to get into yoga whole body's sore I'll tell you see pH strength and
might not sound very know I want to get into yoga interesting but Yoga is uh I
wanted tougher than you I want to do the downward dog with those yoga Li
anticipation I'd say the starfish is a good place to
start and I usually end up with the starfish hey JD mmm yeah
Wiz Jane JDM me baby chef JD our enemy baby's famous I was I
was running the camera form around town here recent man people were like hey
okay I know that guy that's CPH bangin no I've never I've never been noticed
yet but I got like 30 4k subscribers so they're gonna start noticing some day
man they're gonna notice yeah I feel like you know you got professional
editing look to it I'm trying I'm learning since this is the first part so
this is going to be fun because this is my first podcast style ever and then you
know we're gonna I'm gonna look this when I'm like 500 deepers gonna be
so cringe so we actually we should tell him about the summit we actually have a
YouTube summit our love because we have a mutual love of YouTube so yeah that
was uh this is all born out of that we have okay yeah throat Oh Blake
yeah the firt the first time I came visited because we didn't kind of get
our own separate thing for a while it was we could just told you October of
how many CDs would you say yet back then 5,000 6,000
oh that first time I came yeah less than 1000 less than 1000 yeah okay so for the
first unit we can you could look on the social blade
yeah it'll tell you on the social boy bring that up give my young Jamie's good
he's got you double time he's gonna work and cuz we're not we don't have intern
intern pulling these guys yeah oh yeah he runs Cody so we got over do know
Cody's ratone the Cody story we got a lot of stories is something I think this
son we got we got to keep on taxes how it started that's true it's like an
origin story CPA strength came to visit he had a relatively new channel and he
stayed in a hotel he rented a hotel near the house and we must have spent like
eight hours straight just ridin on YouTube like watching commenting
learning answering comments looking at I'd say Roberto Blake was my you know my
inspiration he was our guy he was our guy yeah Roberto Blake's great for Laura
getting up a channel maybe we're gonna try to have Roberto Blake on the fuck
house someday eyes is good people you know and and he
and he has the golden models just keep making keep making content you know yeah
do you enjoy keep keep creating which is catch phrase create something great
something awesome day yeah so independently I discovered Roberto Blake
and I asked John I say hey you know this going YouTube he goes you talking about
Roberto Blaine I said yeah at this time because our are busy I've almost 300,000
subscribers now but at that time he had like a hundred like eighty thousand
also got the silver plaque I think and he was a real inspiration so it was it
was nice to see somebody who started off small and just continuously grew their
change yeah and now I've seen CPA strength do it now
he's up over thirty thousand suns yeah I was like I was like yo you know Roberto
Blake y2d partner too deep getting love from around the world in so deep after
we spent about three days just deep into YouTube we feel like we decided that
that was a summit yeah it was the first some it was called the grinding his
phone summit because my daughter so yeah Lily Lily thought of that she said
guarding this phone which is it what are you guys doing we said we're grinding
she goes banging his phone and that's how that so that was the grinding his
fun summit and since then we've had another summit or two so many summits
they're not really annual they're more like every six months yeah we get
together and I remember lost just over the summer try and cracked the algorithm
yeah just over the summer we're looking at my subscribers we're going over
21,000 we were waiting for 21,000 and it's like now I'm on a 34th out that on
the wall - oh yeah the PR wall right also how many both my subscribers going
you just put so W now you had 30 3327 do you know where it says lower or you can
do detailed stats mm-hmm you hit that and then go low on the thing and I'll
tell you like what total subs do you see I'm sit daily sounds game no go to the
bottom you're on the two figures slide oh it's an upside-down slide let's see
ah here we go look total subscribers for CPA strength bring this up a little bit
but uh so you know we can go on the first time first time I came by first
time I came visit shine dog here was
25th it was 2015 but yeah so I only had an out uh
February 2016 I only had four 420 subs it does say 420 I'm telling you
guys we are cheap see out here but it a that's just how that's just how things
come about sometimes right when you're living right so I had 4 20s up first
that wasn't our first summit that was the first time I came by and I was
telling them all I have a YouTube channel but I guess I had about 200 subs
so really wasn't no that's amazing I felt like yeah so then so then I believe
I can't visit was in April April we had yeah May because it was after tabs after
I first taxis and came back here we had a crab blow with the inlaws and played
rings I got Roy I got Rookie of the Year on the crab ray of the what do you call
rings you never know that's a great that's a great game up to show you guys
that sometime I do have a ring toss box here so when I came by I came back for
that in May I had a thousand subbies May of 2016
I had a thousand selfies so then so then I came back in October and when I came
back in October I had four thousand subs and that's when shine dogs oh wow I
start my own channel get my own channel going ok we're here yeah I see well
actually my daughter was a big fan of row Oh Ryan's four of you I'll show you
the ring box this is Rookie of the Year status for door he explained time I kind
of forget but basically basically yeah you got three or C inch team three rings
got you make it in the pipe which is very nice for side betting five points
that's a fiver three points for box and then outside
these are like metal these are just these look like you get these at Home
Depot the metal washers they feel like yeah I love the game some people from
Wisconsin showed us the game and then we haven't stopped playing spins yeah I
love the game see what some beer drinking game right there that can play
so that's why some me so that was our first summit about a year ago I had for
four point three thousand subbies I did come
then then an ACO do you want a water yeah get Kody one and Regina look at my
hair it's a mess I don't know Regina is uh y'all know Virgina don't really be
coming around much I really like the girl I like her family she's a family
friend but she might have to go I'm just sayin just sayin so yeah this is the
seventies then I came back for after tax season of this year 13,000
so essentially you blew up after the first summit yeah
first summit I had a four four thousand subscribers in one year one year later
I'm up to nine turned up about twenty thirty thousand subs so when did I start
I started going daily about oh oh yeah you went to daily yeah I started going
daily this this summer I had about 17,000 subscribers and I thought you
know what I'm gonna really start putting a lot of effort and going daily and
that's when my channel did blow up it's not doing too good it's really an
accounting channel I love the fbiís because I yeah I'm in
business and sometimes the double-entry accounting isn't isn't as obvious to
most people so right I feel like you have a good way of explaining yeah the
double-entry accounting without making it too abstract yeah I think I would eca
that I gotta say DCC Lord everybody looking for dc-8 learn but what what do
they stand for debits and credits debits and credits says straws and equity
assets walks one expense normal enter the other ler Laura liabilities equity
yeah and are would be revenue yeah yeah well Rance
you gotta love the multiple run you gotta love it you gotta love the
multiple revs um yeah Saudi sailor some of y'all know me for that if you don't
I'm probably the secret yes the secret after that video has got almost 700,000
views right now no it does in awesome as 750,000 going for a million I tried to
sit for the CPA by just watching the MP series but they
wouldn't let me yeah no no yeah you need a bunch of
credits and stuff no you gotta go to college for that yeah you gotta
apologize yeah you know I wish they would just let you take the test if you
can pass it you can pass it right yeah wheeze back you might be wondering look
did y'all know see i am i think 1/16 Cherokee and so established in 1738 yeah
I just feel like because I think um duck journey employer I don't like beef to
identify with the Germans too much because I just think I'm like Hitler and
like yeah I guess yeah I guess music it about Jimmy got better I think it's good
car thrown in the Autobahn by their own doings yeah but I don't know I don't
identify as anything actually I just took we got the 23 me pack what's that
like a DNA testing kind of thing okay so we're gonna find out who's more town oh
yes will tell you we'll tell you about that be hell it's hilarious that was
Thanksgiving him and his wife one another I think she's a hardcore Italian
and I feel like I'm more telling than she is so to settle the bet we're gonna
do DNA testing I said I'm typical probably wife answer
when I say like who's well how how Italian do you think Larry is are so are
you are and she says I don't know more than him though more than him so do you
don't know anything gonna be some Italian oh yeah yeah I got my grandpa
and everybody from Italy so I'm gonna say I'm probably my dad and my dad goes
what Italian styling but if you might be the more the Moores from Africa came up
what up so that for K yeah you know I'm probably over know you never know I'm
have a bit of everything I imagine I think if you go back far enough for
probably all the same yeah so just gonna say every one they said came from Africa
everybody's like what is just an anything it's just really where you live
for the the pigment in your skin and now with all these that now with I guess you
know people miss mixing ethnicities I think maybe in a thousand years
everyone's just gonna be a cup one color to because everyone's gonna be mixing
like a company years you would think there'd be
consolidation you know like but who knows my name take longer man but
there's got to be something I think there's some or something to be said for
variety you know I mean if everyone was the same then all we have right affected
by the same thing yeah ways if there was some variety in
my help us and right our spice of life yeah
now with the second I know why they did we can we gonna have differences but
still realize that we're the the same no boy should that being sense um some
people are just like if you don't look just like them and have the same beliefs
and they don't like you it just does her yeah that's probably
just a philosophical view on life you know yeah which what do you think what
do you think about uh people that aren't white what do you think about it you
know I don't think about it I hope you have to see they're not white you don't
say oh they're different no no I mean I think maybe how would you how you treat
people you know anthropologists might say like Pio would be able to use that's
like a biological thing from way past that you would have a reaction because
there's a difference between you and someone else but I think we'll be on
that you know well not everybody well no no be honest as far as survival
instincts you know like you don't have to worry about getting attacked in the
wild anymore you know for my co a neighboring tribe yeah it's way
different these days this when the Europeans got run over by Genghis Khan
in them yeah let's go back to base are you fearful you're just dirty closet
racist no I'm just kidding um because you're starting this you know how would
you how do you to me I don't know and I just don't think it's an issue but I got
you just treated you treat uh I was for doing the same yeah regardless of what
color I did that's how I do I do like no I have to say I'm a big fan like my
number one music journalist hip-hop you know I mean I probably bought more
hip-hop albums than anything so I would say that's that's mostly black yeah well
let me just keep it we keep it real in the grinding this fun podcast because we
don't give a fuck oh yeah I'm very
very open to everything anything my favorite authors Shakespeare so okay
like you got some range there ice I sent some bullshit on that one what
Shakespeare if you read bullshit you read the whole thing oh yeah yeah back
in high school you probably didn't - you're gonna read
in high school hey what is it what's in the name
a rose by any other name would still smell sweet and that's deep shit right
there I think my panties you think about that for a long I think my panties just
got wet off that that was not romantic that's just saying it doesn't matter who
you are what you are what you're gonna ask it or you're gonna ask how a name is
just a name yeah how do you how do I treat people how they treat me
oh the Golden Rule treat people you want to be treated yeah my name my new thing
is just being nice to everybody well I feel like there's a fine line
because people nowadays at the Internet age they want their their anonymity and
they they want to be left alone they want to be douche bags on the Internet
in the comments well in real life though away from the keyboard I feel like I
just try and give people their space if they want to interact like you know I'm
saying if they want to interact with me I'm cool with that
I have my policy is you be cool I'll be cool yeah well you have you deal with a
bunch of people on a daily basis at your job or basis yeah that I ran customers
but also employees yes because you have like 30 40 employees right they're all
great oh I know this guy's a baller big baller no I'm just a modest worker
ant I'm just trying to get it in yeah I just like grinding man yeah it's to me
so when I go to work it's like we do say grant work we do say grinding this one
that's the name of the podcast true though it's true I see this guy works 24
you guys up it like crack at dawn before the crack of dawn yeah
working his body that well I won't be I worked really uh although I say that
from vacation Peggy Whitson - he's doing vacation I'm like I will not be outward
I have to report to the companies all over anyways Alexa's a lot to ease
brightly gonna show you guys look at that girl ain't shine dog don't be
hitting away not yeah I was gonna add that that's what we started this up I
had you just go to the issue because one of my first souls was disguises garters
masochist I really love that channel just Oh George Lehman George just for
the weight I love George Lee I know anything about him personally or
anything but I followed him I just watched him pull up some marinate
weights and I thought that is awesome I really liked him and what as I didn't
get YouTube his mindset George lemons mind said he would think about his his
brother that died his little like three-year-old brother and fought if he
could lift this up and he could save his brother just his mental game to play
yeah he's he's got a very strong will you can tell because he'll go right
monkey to ribs but now I was like yeah you're right I was listen to a different
podcast but as far as weightlifting goes that's one of that's that's really we
started probably what middle school oh yeah we could yeah yeah we were actually
original lifting buddy this is my first this is my first lifting partner
we started after freshman year football so we're talking what uh I guess her 14
maybe yeah whatever freshman year was Mike Dow
triple what's up YMCA I'll let you boys shout out Mike
Dalrymple yeah we started right there grew a true weightlifting gym he told it
he gave he got us on the 5x5 program what are you saying he said he used to
be a wrestler and he was uh I'll never forget he said he was undefeated list
yes undefeated this I said what the what is that my like what are you talking
about it was a 40 year old guy working at the
Y he said I'm on I never won I never won a match undefeated list so he was honest
and he did the 5x5 that's when we really started to get strong we did these silly
so we're talking your debts counts what year would so we're talking 90 because
he graduated high school 95 so we're talking about 92 91 92 there was no
there was no internet there was no YouTube like how if you're a high school
kid you don't know nothing you might go in the gym and learn and try to do a
couple bench sets but you don't know sets and rap
aziz or maybe some maggots yeah a couple magazines that's like once a month then
those guys are just so big but uh so we were kind of blessed that Mike tell
ripple took us under his wing gave us a 5x5 yeah I was doing didn't it didn't do
deadlifts back the day but I remember doing 5x5 of bench and a 5x5 of squats
and we were getting strong we're getting pretty strong our PRS are going up for
sure you know oh I know it's in this game so for in high school of course so
he was he was stronger than and he could do the five sets of five reps with the
with the the Cadillac wheels the forty fives
I could not though I can only use the one a 115 do you remember this yeah the
thirty to thirty five so now it's just we're now you're a little older you'd
say cuz I was like hey well just for the thirty fives on and then it's your set
will add tens to each side but that doesn't look as impressive when they're
in high school so you aren't having it you were like nah I gotta have them big
forty fives but now now you're the giant super hauls yeah and I just do the 134
115 so only benchpress he has to take the hit I I'm very weak so yeah I don't
know I don't go for um your great workout partner though I'll tell you man
yeah thank you all think I would say it's it's all about high-intensity
training all the high-intensity you hit the weight room
I am yeah I know it is because I just worked out with with uh because you know
ultimately you by yourself when you're lifting weights but when you have a good
partner as a teammate you you definitely can get more out of yourself yeah I just
worked out with Charbonneau up in Asheville and it was awesome what's up
sharps I know you're watching yeah Sean so I want to give a shout out on majeski
another show oh my hero from bellowing Bank we just we just wasn't many of them
we just saw this guy Sean David Sean we just told you about like because I'm
trying to do these slow and sexy bench reps you know just maybe touch the chest
and jaws out this kid was like what you didn't want to do it would make an echo
when the whole gym how fast he would bounce it on his chest it'd be boom
I really what are you are you okay he was super strong you didn't have to
do it but I guess he did it you know not so the kids out there do not bounce the
people that bounce it you want those slows slow controlled constant tension
constant tension constant tension Callie muscle in the New Age gave learn
more from Callie muscle do you know and yeah six months the only thing I really
don't like about Callie is Danny Blazek nucleating I don't think he's natural
and he claims natural I well I don't think he hears a moving match with me I
mean they're right he's not actually at like 50 he's not natural but he claimed
last cavity yes yeah Cody Cody get Cody I feel like it doesn't anybody new hair
my hair is just wish I do like you here you guys I'm just getting long should I
cut it at 40,000 subbies see now I'm the opposite I have you don't have that
problem so I would say grow now you can say grow it
letting let it flow you know what would that it grow I never really thought the
hair would be this much but people love to love it or they hate it it's I think
it's mostly bald dudes that hate it but you're not a hater because you yeah
they're mostly like your hair sucks and but that's how you can tell he's not a
hater because he says grow it which you know I feel like when I had to cut my
hair I didn't I wasn't heat up you know I've had friends who've had to go we're
gonna need and you just try and beat her it's Jason do you think Jason's gonna
watch this podcast they just gotta live it man you gotta what did they say
embrace it embrace it embrace the grind etg that's all Kelly Los Alamos was born
in Oakland California 1975 1975 so he's a little older no that's two years early
age 42 41 Kelly model got a lot of love for Kelly me oh now he's playing video
games when is unplayed witty verbs my second love Kali Kali muscle said he'll
never go broke with the internet the same as JD Blaise he pays rate I'm never
going play as a grinder maybe we have muscle
grinder the month the first Friday of the month actually I want to say roberto
blake kelly muscle pewdiepie are up I love all watching also we're gonna have
our we're gonna have our viewers tell us what they think we're gonna give them a
three and they can they can comment down below any comment boy most comments wins
who do you who do you feel is a more important grinder to YouTube at this
point dinner nothing oh yeah it was a Kali muscle roberto blake it was your 35
or pewdiepie do you guys even know any of those tell me what your favorite is
tell us down below please that will help is that that's cool yeah what else
so the grinding is fun oh I know what I was wanting to say I probably do have a
tea because I jump around but that's okay because if you listen enough to get
everything but the grinding is fun because we really enjoy it we enjoy the
process so you can ask some people whether they're gonna retire and I think
what are you planning on retiring shine dogs well I guess better put a number
I'd say 80 you know bouquet I don't like look forward to retirement as like some
cats do no no we just talked I'm just gonna keep doing with it I'll keep
grinding I'm never retiring yeah never like the old man from says from Pawn
Stars yeah the old man yes is our retire the
day after I die which right it makes a lot of sense you know because we gonna
do stop working you know money well money if you do if you're like if
you do what you love like if you look forward to the grind like I'm like some
somehow I finagled my life to where this actually is my work
okay keep like talking talking to you guys and one of my friends or
interviewing someone else so it's like what am I gonna stop doing this I love
this so what are we gonna stop breathing yeah I'm not retiring and it I think
it's all mental you know I'm saying I've seen people hit the wall you know yeah
any job every any job is a good job you know I hate when people say dead-end job
dead-end job is more my biggest pet peeve
every job is a good job you this yeah every job is a good job all jobs matter
and yeah and listen you guys don't ever slack at your job because people won't
know you gotta be there anyways and like as
me as a business owner youtuber see my evening life training if you're a winner
yeah like I was telling you before like if there's a busboy that goes off of
your restaurant kills it and I'm like ignore it and I go there and eat two
three times a week when I see this busboy just killing it and I got an
opening up my business or something like that and and I think he'd be great as he
kills it now that that kids going somewhere
but don't be poach you know don't pull no don't I won't analyze hip I won't
don't put home after mom I won't become angry good people ah but I'm just saying
if they if if they give this shitty employees not going nowhere you just try
to be the best wherever you're at and that's that that's how you go place and
that's the mental game I think you know if you're a dishwasher or whatever a
busboy it's all temporary you just be the best you can be the best you can
yeah mentally you say alright this is my job
and I got to do it yeah you know don't feel bad because you have a what you
might or what people might think you have crappy job oh yeah every jobs a
good job then one day you're gonna have the job you want and right life's gonna
be great and you just gotta keep working towards that that's what I think
yeah because I've had many jobs where my first job is washing dishes I worked at
UPS did you try to do good at it or did you have that mindset mostly I loved
every job I ever had so you always had that I'm gonna try to
be good at that one you know and if I did if I the one job I didn't dig so I
see CSUN I guess yellow away actually notice at the top silho red yeah we goin
we goin yeah I would have to say every job I've ever had I really liked just
because I was making money and I was learning and it was cool I thought I
said one the one the one job that I didn't care for the hook where was that
it was tow marketing Oh cold calls cold calls but I was just
giving stuff away so I thought people wouldn't be so bad they still didn't
want it huh so I'd the second day I just I just
abruptly well that was a to dare the second day I walked out like and we're
uh I'm sorry but it wasn't for me where was that was in for browsing both
Orlando and to college Orlando Oh where'd you go
I know but yeah from golden Knight University of Central Florida yeah you
know we don't be liking uh abbreviations on this chat there's no one knows what
the hell were universities under Florida yeah second radiation is you know I say
CPA but a computer computer engineering so I'm a bit of a technical now you're
pretty good with that I do like business so I I I kind of this is back in late
90s so this learnt some of your other
favorite where someone what's the job that you really liked like back in the
day the UPS job I liked oh I don't know you did you piss yeah are we in college
I worked it was like 10 at 9:00 to 3:00 in the morning
Oh what did you work at the plant and yeah we move packages okay a sorting
place I guess you could say that was a good job
because they paid well relative to like every other job back then it was five
hours a night you get your money go home go to bed alright say so besides
that to day-to-day job the other ones you lasted for a while did you always
have that like I'm gonna try to be the best like the best upx boss handle or
I'm gonna be the best let me now try to be the best I could be because there was
there was some good workers and then yeah of course yeah the best it's like
you know you can do better than you but III just can't let that bother you I
just I just had a total uh just slack II I don't know hippie I don't know just
like a more academic I didn't I didn't want to work hard to be the best uh
which I just wanted to float through and really just get I guess really high and
drunk I wanted to be the best at being high like I wanted to be the most drunk
Most High person and but just float through everything else which I say now
is you motivate it almost repulses me now because I I'm really uh I really
just try to be the best at everything like it's a challenge and I just I
back then I have to say my motivation was just not to not have money money you
know when you're in high school because I want to say I got my first job when I
was probably 14 so you wanted money in your pocket yeah I just because if say
if you wanted some you want advice and baseball right words you wanted to buy a
video RAM and you'd have no money my parents weren't giving right whatever
yeah we're trying to get out of I guess what so we were saying that like a
busboy like I see a busboy doing really good job really trying and that that's I
think that's an awesome and then and then you you do that at your current job
but you try to be the best line cook when you're doing that that you can yeah
did you but did you have that same you did you have that same wine stain on
your first couple jobs like I'm gonna I'm gonna be the best because that's
what like instead of being a slight ass motherfucker
yeah I would say even if you go back and ask on my Boston pass over you know I
did say I was an employee now you know just because I was competitive I guess
you know maybe a better the thing you wanna you want to do a good job you want
to make sure your yeah which is crazy I'm really competitive now but I had
some difficult jobs now construction I would say now that that stuff it's it's
harder to be the best because it's like the hours are long and weird you know
early morning hours you like like finishing drywall or or being a Mason's
helper you like that hands-on construction work I do not no no no I
kind of I kind of I kind of do I like I mean I link it for like I like seeing
something I build I like seeing something I build and then it's done and
it's like then it's done I all I've been like a paperwork hell you know I do
someone's tax return they're happy but then they have a question about
something they care about tangible on finite world I know it yeah it's like
I'm never done with so I do I do one tax return and then then they're calling me
for my life for us to the life but I was I was there you're on vacation and you
were on a tax related phone call and yesterday he dropped everything first
one yeah yeah he's my biggest client so yeah who me no the guys the guys phone
up oh yeah every day yeah Friday Friday damper Thanksgiving at one o'clock like
I was like well I mean I'm not like sitting at my
desk right now like can we do a Monday like I just I don't understand these
people like they think yeah I feel a thing it's like you know like a little
kid they think like a little kid thinks their teachers sleep at school it's like
because they can't put him as anything else like they're just a teacher like
they don't have a regular life that's how I feel these people do to me they're
like oh my countin he just sits he just lives in his little apart as little
fucking office like he doesn't have friends or any any life that's how I
feel but anyways yeah life's colliding cuz now you really only need one phone
you know yeah I only have one phone but see I did that to myself because when I
got these clients I said you can call me whenever but now I'm gonna try two
different packages well do that remember some of that the value to the three
packages for work last night Oh are YouTube studios when we're gonna
have a a blast I mean I'm big and putting things out in the universe so
when this is blossoming what is it lakeside studios like science to do
think that's gonna be the umbrella and what you can you can record your
basically a studio yeah you come with use you don't have to write so we're
gonna have different different value points or whatever or how much they
people pay for our services oh we picked up somebody else who's this
guy that is I was in Jamaica actually and they told me Turtles are good luck
and that's my daughter's turtle did she have this at breakfast this morning I
remember she told me she wanted us to play on a podcast so I want I remember
that yesterday okay she came up with grinding is fun grinding his fun she got
this what's the turtles name you know I don't make internal doubt do you guys
have an F word from Jamaica no no oh when I was in Jamaica they all I told
you turtles were a good look to have babies and prosperity and fortune so I'm
a bit of a turtle fan maybe they should I should have when I moved here my mom
gave me a turtle and I haven't I've kept it every syllable to get that off there
things are going well so hey yeah teaching well we had a good breakfast
this morning didn't we yeah we're taking you to all the hotspots are no there was
a garden all our friends Canada in town so it's a snowboard City
I don't know I don't know I don't mind it's packed right Oh Oh what were the
Cuban breezes this is I'm a sponsored that's pretty good I get free food over
there are two mice and so I say I'm sponsored I mean I guess you get free
food your sponsor but where do we go for breakfast tonight hey today's partners
to the garden grill this is a classic restaurant where you I liked it our our
weight our waitress was very I think she was she had a lot of games played all
value and no foam she'll know if rump is from frumpy
that means that's like flows but or something the I don't know why my
Liberty if you're watching this yeah she who also I talked at he and Flo Fisher
hates flow what do you mean for the lady on the cell on the commercial of
progressive progressive commerce no I'm sorry that's Tyson Chris Chris's dog cuz
he watches the commercials oh wow sharp wood absorbs any sharps 180
turn your life right left to get to the podcast goodbye so
yeah yeah maybe nice come check us on Palm Harbor I mean you're good Karen LG
put sharpies really is has got more skills well I'm sorry to bring it to you
that's fine I'm just saying it to get you here sharps but he said Tyson his
dog his dog would watch the commercials which was crazy but he said he doesn't
like would drive her nuts yeah tight would flood would dry flow on the
progressive commercials would drive Chris's dog Tyson nuts
I'll give fun some credit she has longevity she's me does made a long time
I'm waiting for her scandal to break it right what am I my all friends Liberty
she goes I don't like flow she's got a saggy butt like she'd really be hated on
flow for sometimes I know I know I mean they just kind of saggy I I would every
book should be worth when I would know in reference to to she'd be wearing the
mom pants though but everyone be wearing the book you mean the matey's Paco's
everything goes in circles because those were the mom pants from those
acid-washed mom pants from their the bongos if you're you can do Bongo jeans
you'll see a play if you google search of gabigol the
bongo mom and her jeans at their breastplate it's just way too hard
everything coming in circles but I remember going to have the low-cut jeans
when they like when everyone had plumber crack all the chicks have summer cracks
however that and I was always like probably 10 or 15 years old I remember
like the yoga's weren't that high up they were yeah I think I'm in the middle
yeah yoga pants now shout out to whoever made up yoga pants shout out to them
yeah they're all those are expensive s ah but a shout-out to that style though
yeah yoga pants I just don't see how any pair of pants can be you know - right
what about tramp stamp what about official bring someone ice
lady with a with a tramp stamp I'm that is that is that okay that's
okay I'm not gonna I like ladies with traps they are just saying I feel like
everyone I I don't know if that's a good I mean what other thing to college is
it's just a tattoo on your back yeah I don't know how much of a trend occator
is you know I would say how big are their hoops and their earrings is
probably tell you more than bigger the hoop bigger the hoe bigger the problems
I bigger the problem I always heard it was bigger than the baggage big bigger
than hoop bigger the hoe yeah dream state you know those are fine
tattoos are good just like I feel like it's it's uh you know it's always bad to
like hold something against someone oh yeah I just do it for fun oh I see I see
you're you're in I get I get all right I thought you were we we started the
podcast I'm not I'm not racist racist or president is no problem with rapper with
face hats at rapper with face tab yeah what do you want to tell me one for the
viewers what you call trappers well the trapper is yeah what that's a shame dog
definition don't give this the wrong way I'm massaging this I okay but I used to
say jokingly we used to say trick okay and then I got in trouble for saying
that so I but I was in the habit of saying it so I'd say Mario trick so tree
change to trap ever which is kind of an big
u.s. you know how could you get mad I like that because that's that's what you
call love the the dope boys the trappers and stuff the trap house meet me at the
trap house the trappers and it's like and it's like those ladies might do be
set and travel just babysitting booby traps and stuff
oh my get him for no reason at all except for it started with the teen in
our trap okay the nude and that's right that's what we call our thoughts
there's trappers in thought ville there's also thoughts in thought ville
trapper could be any female though as well I know you guys know what thoughts
are that hoe over there oh he's not me here or anyways which the
technology helps bring people together it's agree I really just bring people
together think back in the day it was I think it's probably way harder to meet
meet people is no no oh oh yeah like um what do you mean anybody like random new
because you have you had your a certain type your a certain type of person right
sure so it's hard for you to find somebody who's like you yeah I'm Lee in
a population yeah well where is if people who have similar interests that's
yeah let you know or that's all exactly I was going to say we find each other
with technology yes like God like maybe yeah I think you have a much better
chance of finding your match nowadays than in the past 100 percent because in
the 50s bro you use right so you just who lives in a little town you lose the
little town or over but now you got the whole world in the hopper funnier
soulmate hopefully I have one out there JD and me ladies the global pop you will
not be in thought Ville just joking maybe you will maybe you want to be I
don't know do you want to be in fog Phil I'll put you in there JD on him please
I'll put you I'll put you in there but no I was thinking like if you get on
podcast you know the podcast a free day why he is right or wrong that's true I
was thinking like say you'd say you like archery or summers a small niche
something archery and then before the internet it would just feel like maybe
there might not even be an archery place for miles and miles and miles around and
no one you know likes archery but you can go on you can google searching it on
the internet and then you there's probably you know forums and
you'll find you know the thousand people in the world that love archery like or
what a good example will be tennis like finding tennis matches and you're in
your neighborhood yeah yes you know they have websites where you can join and you
get like twelve matches a season full our powerlifting even III don't know why
I didn't think wise one-year-old powerlifting competitions here coming up
but what's the plan why don't you tell me what you're gonna
do for prepare illusion I don't know why I came up with archery instead of I
powerlifter because that's really powerless and started blown up once the
once the internet came around and youtubes and you could uh why no one did
it everyone just bench-pressed I think especially we didn't we didn't get a lot
of spotters are a lot of deadlift well you still don't get a lot of squatters
yeah we were actually doing there people were power cleaning back then there's no
one squad no one does that shit anymore people love dead lifting because that's
pretty nowadays you get high totals it's probably highest total right oh that's
the highest lift usually the dead lifting but I just mean at gyms like
dock back in high school and we never get lifted and it wasn't big I don't
lift it okay I never deadlift helps helps increase your squat max it doesn't
soften for sure it doesn't vice-versa it really does but let me ask you what do
you think if you did a three lift total now what would your total be and just
okay that's a good one um one my three left total B three oh that's the battery
I don't know if I have the other battery charged up how much I don't know like
fucking like five minutes so well so if you do a competition like this yea when
this goes out this is it guys sorry battery's dying so we're gonna get sort
of first one's gonna be like 50 minutes not an hour or whatever what uh what do
you what do you think ups of your head would you okay so I'll power lifting a
competition is you start off with squat then bench then deadlift
so check out smelly Bell we're gonna three you get three three lifts you get
to do three attempts on squad three
we could take the f off I hate that I hate that I want the MF because we don't
like to Otto but anyways so what let's just what what squat um now I don't
train for do I have three months to train to give your lips up like now
today what comfortably not not pushing yourself to that just what would you
could you squat I couldn't speak I could squat probably yeah
350 400 okay I'm gonna say squat 400 alright for um bench 300 and deadlift
450 prolly so so what's that 11:50 yeah I would love to be fifth of 1500 1500
total would be no that's the next question what would make it competitive
in one of these Oh competitive because I waste so much I
like I would pretty much have to do steroids I think you are uh well they
like flex for ammonia monsterous ah well I'm six six three what to to probably
sixty right now to 70 I believed myself and if look English people kind of yeah
I used to be like 310 but y'all know some of that I would like to get to 1500
I wouldn't be competitive let's see if I could get down to maybe 40 years old
oh my age yeah my age helps me out oh I have a plan for that
I'm trying to knock I'm trying I've already been lifting for almost five
years but I've been doing this thing submaximal training but I've been going
light and just getting nice reps and not getting injured so I want to be able to
I want to do that for like ten more years so then when I'm 50 okay that I
might then I'll be like the strongest 50 year old like the world might have her
seen it'll be 15 years of straight lifting that's the long game that's the
chest and that's the chess game all night you're out - I'm all natural yeah
because you all know I had problems with with drugs and what got me away from the
drugs was the lifting and I don't want to just and I like how I'm away from the
drugs right now and it just seems like I I think lifting as
getting me healthier and so why am I gonna just start doing a bunch of
fucking steroids are gonna kill me like I might as well just stayed doing meth
and heroin yeah I'm just trading one drug that's
killing me for another one and and you're pretty strong without it right no
meat and I don't need to go feeling real good
fifteen hundred at two hundred and forty or fifty pounds oh maybe my agent it
might be competitive that seems like a lot of weight it is what what what I
think what I would have to be a because 350 thing is the max benchpress hmm
my bench maybe it's my longer arms my bench is pretty we have bench to right
now no no a man have you trained for it Oh for I get up - for what I what I want
to get is a 500 squat 400 bench and a 600 dead a four or five six yeah there
you go 15 and that's 1500 so that's what that would be real strong well um I hear
this drawing CPA in Florida right here's what I was uh is there any stronger CPAs
out there come no one's ever no one's ever said I know CA that you know no
one's ever said I have a senior video let us know what you think of the
podcast yeah drop a comment you know how to grab a CP string do subscribe if
you're not already subscribed yet great Channel great videos bring Cody I agree
to this is yes it's one of my biggest subscribers biggest US supporters in
real life and who all I have so many supporters now but definitely good
people that we meet definitely uh from definitely shine dog stay positive stay
grindin definitely a 180 Chris that's the Tommy swish definitely taught me but
it did some mistakes it Tommy man yes the real G right there let me get him on
the podcast Tom you swish you monkey pee wee pee wees a supporter pee wees but on
here I got so many supporters man so it's a blessing
yeah I wanna I have visions of lovely folks around the world right you said
immense the whole world yeah oh yeah oh yeah
John Gideon he might even be watching he might watch this podcast I don't know
from Melbourne Australia that's crazy watch like yeah blows my
mind to which I post I post at sea so you can find like-minded people and all
over the world yeah yeah it is crazy since I've been doing the daily videos
atm yeah I got a little community over here on the sea pay strength channel
it's pretty it's pretty cool um now I don't know how much longer did I pose
this question to you I said in a different video but I must get told in
comments of God bless you bless you like for the past 2 years
maybe like a thousand two thousand times total I wonder if it's all filled all
those all those blessings got to me or something cuz I feel really yep so I had
your battery so oh so I want to finish that thought off I wonder if like
somehow because everything's just kind of energy you die and it gets converted
to something else it's like maybe all people typing those things and thinking
those things it kind of that's an interesting it like gets electrically
converted to me or something but it's yeah I could see if there were there's
that connection that me it's just something I have all these people
telling me um blessings like they say always say oh it's gonna probably just
microwave this one this I'm on vacation so this camera systems bad so we're
gonna wrap this up this was our first podcast this was a lot of fun wasn't it
you had a great time yeah we're gonna just get it better and better so if you
haven't if you want to us to talk about something definitely leave a comment
below because you know CPA strength results comments and results come and
sees all comments loves all comments so yeah leave a comment see what 30g aka
shine are you gonna be down there in the comments I will I will be enjoying the
comments that people share yeah be cool okay yeah I'll definitely react
reply your who are you now on the youtubes dog dirty GTO you dirty gee
he's embracing it we'll talk about that after Potter now he's back in a fig
though so yeah we're gonna try it eventually we're gonna do I don't like
to tell what we eventually got gonna do bro see all those blessings though are
very what do you think impactful for you you know I can tell you uh they
definitely maybe they add up I guess thousands of blessings you know you know
people from all around cuz I actually haven't time I said who is this cat is
it someone than your family yeah like no it's some guy from Indiana I mean we're
really good friends I thought that's cool man you got a guy from Michigan
materiality is yummy yes that guy your cool ass dude man yeah let's go oh no
Kasich was where I already cut skull times was it named Randy I think he
lives in Michigan the run in Indiana all right Michigan whatever I'm not good
with the tea always tells me God blessed me so he way better with the yeah he's a
really easy local guide but so many cool people on just from doing my little
channel I never imagined that I would meet so many people and get so much
positivity because he always hear horror stories on the youtubes but it's been a
blessing for me 30k and nothing but yeah we got a rap we got to wrap this up
already I'm les yeux yeah alright yeah god bless you guys have a great time
till next time we love doing these and what deuce deuce is oozing out
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