Gorgeous Cozy Antero Park Model Tiny House for Black Friday by Eco Cabnins
LIVE: The National for November 24, 2017 - Egypt massacre, Indigenous apology, free speech - Duration: 1:04:46.-------------------------------------------
Someday, My Poem Will Be Conveyed ~Lisa's Lyrics~ - Opening - For Roselia's Sake - Duration: 5:52.--Imai Household: Lisa's Room--
Lisa: Hmm~! This week's episode was interesting too~♪
Honestly, this drama, the senpai's making me worry because they're not being honest~
Like when they weren't around for the girl who thought they would be and things started going wrong. I started smiling when I saw that♪
...Hm? Come to think of it, I feel like I've had something similar said to me before…
...Ah! I remember! If I remember correctly, it was that time I wasn't able to make the practice because of my part-time job!
When I got to the studio after my shift everyone looked relieved from the bottom of their hearts.
Ako said something like "We've been waiting for you~!" and came to hug me♪
Ahaha, that made me really happy~☆ I never would have thought that everyone thinks I'm that important to the band…
...Come to think of it, it's probably been since that time. That I've started thinking more about Roselia.
About how I want to be more useful to everyone…
I wonder if there's anything more I can do for Roselia?
(I don't want to just be the band's energy...something more useful to everyone…)
Maybe I should challenge myself with something new...then I'm sure that would become useful to Roselia…
--The Next Day--
--Convenience Store--
Moca: ...So, after that, we went to go and have a look for matching accessories, but on the way,
Ran remembered that one of her favourite bands released a new album~ So we went to the record shop instead~
Lisa: Ahaha, you ended up buying the new album instead of the accessories? So that's why you said earlier you'll go to the accessory shop for sure next time~
Moca: We pass by the record shop on the way so Ran is always like this~. I hope we can buy charms next time~
Ah, actually~ I also bought the same album at the time, so do you want to listen to it later~? It's the same band whose album you borrowed before.
Lisa: Ah, I do~! I've listened to that album a lot since then☆
I really like the lyrics for that band's songs~. They really fit the singer's voice♪
Moca: That's probably because the vocalist writes the lyrics themself don't you think~?
Since they know their own voice pretty well...or something like that.
Lisa: I see. That's probably why the voice and lyrics seem to fit perfectly together♪
The vocalist writing the lyrics huh… Now that you mention it, Yukina writes the lyrics for Roselia too~
Moca: Ran writes the lyrics for us as well~
Lisa: ...I guess you do hear about a lot of bands where the vocalist both writes the lyrics and composes the songs.
Has Ran always been writing the lyrics for Afterglow from the start?
Moca: Umm, it was a bit different back then~
Lisa: Eeh, really.
Moca: Well, talking about that time would make me start crying so I'll keep it a secret.
Lisa: A-A secret huh. In that case, I guess I won't ever find out…
Moca: But writing lyrics seems really tough doesn't it~ When Ran can't think of lyrics that she likes, she sulks even more than usual~
She ignores me even when I try talking to her.
Lisa: I get you. When Yukina starts writing lyrics, there are days when her bedroom light is still on even at midnight.
When I see her bedroom light still on like that, I often wonder whether I can do it for her instead… Aahh!
Moca: Waa, wh-what, Lisa-san…? What's wrong all of a sudden…?
Lisa: That's it! Writing lyrics!
Moca: Eh? Writing lyrics?
Lisa: If I learn how to write lyrics, I can make things easier for Yukina☆
I've finally found it...I've been trying to think of something the whole time since yesterday! Something more that I can do for Roselia's sake!
Moca: You're amazing Lisa-san~. You already make cookies for Roselia, and now you're even going to write lyrics.
Ah, could it be...you want to have a monopoly on okashi~?
Lisa: N-No, I'm not! It's just a coincidence! I mean, I'm pretty surprised myself!
Moca: Well~, if you want to do it, I think you should~
Lisa: So you think so too!?
Okay, I'll do it! I can't keep worrying about it forever!
This time, I, Imai Lisa, will challenge myself by writing lyrics☆
Moca: ...Ah, that suits you surprisingly well~
Forecast Focus for November 24 - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Dancing with the Stars - Mirror Ball Trophy for Jordan Fisher, Lindsey Stirling, or Frankie Muniz? - Duration: 6:48.Dancing with the Stars - Mirror Ball Trophy for Jordan Fisher, Lindsey Stirling, or Frankie Muniz?
"Dancing with the Stars" ended its landmark 25th season on Tuesday night after 10 weeks of competition.
So who won the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy: Broadway star Jordan Fisher, former child actor Frankie Muniz, or violinist Lindsey Stirling? Scroll down for our complete minute-by-minute report of the finale leading up to the announcement of the winner.
There were actually four finalists in this two-night finale event. On Monday night's show Fisher, Muniz, and Stirling performed two routines, as did HGTV realtor Drew Scott.
The first was a redemption dance in which the celebrities were challenged to improved a dance style they previously performed.
The second was the always highly anticipated freestyle dance in which the sky was the limit in terms of choreography, leading to unique and innovative routines.
Scott was eliminated in fourth place at the end of Monday night's show based on his scores and viewer votes from the previous week's semifinals, but that didn't do much to clarify the competition.
Fisher and Stirling both tied for the top of the leaderboard with two perfect scores each, so those two competitors, who have been locked in a tight battle all season, were dead even going into Tuesday's show.
As part of the season finale festivities, the final three performed two more times: an encore of their favorite dance from the season and one more scored dance, the "24-Hour Fusion Challenge" in which they had just one day to prepare a brand new routine that blends two different dance styles.
3rd place couple — Frankie and Witney.
JK, 10:55pm — Good thing I stuck with that prediction.
DM, 10:55pm — I did too.
2nd place couple — Lindsey and Mark.
Mirror Ball Champions — Jordan and Lindsay.
DM, 10:59pm — It's official: Jordan is the youngest male winner ever, and this is Lindsay's first ever Mirror Ball Trophy!.
DM, 10:59pm — Tom Bergeron announces that in the spring there will be a special, shortened, all-athlete edition of "Dancing with the Stars.
Includes both nights of the two-night finale.
Who will win 'Dancing with the Stars'? Jordan Fisher.
Who will finish 2nd? Lindsey Stirling.
Who will finish 3rd? Frankie Muniz.
Who will finish 4th? Drew Scott.
Who got the judges' HIGHEST score? Jordan Fisher AND Lindsey Stirling (80 out of 80, Monday night).
Who got the judges' LOWEST score? Drew Scott (75 out of 80, Monday night).
How many 10s did the judges give out? 10 or More — 32 to be exact over two nights.
Which judge gave the MOST overall points? Bruno Tonioli AND Carrie Ann Inaba (137 over two nights).
Which judge gave the FEWEST overall points? Len Goodman (136 over two nights). Did Carrie Ann Inaba comment on an unauthorized lift? No.
The Retail Therapy Trap Of Shopping For Stress Relief - Duration: 3:27.According to a recent study done by Credit Karma, at least 52% of people surveyed admitted
to shopping for the purpose of relieving stress.
What were they buying?
Mostly clothes.
It was also found that over half of the people who shopped put their purchases on their credit
cards, which in the end could only cause plenty of stress.
Many of the people surveyed made purchases regardless of whether they could afford it
or not.
Having this kind of behavior can cause a lot of stress in relationships as well as put
you in a bad financial situation.
Here are some tips that will help you to take control of your spending:
Ask yourself why you want to buy something.
Years ago, I use to shop way too much not because I needed anything but because at that
time, I felt really empty inside.
I guess I was looking to fill what was missing in my life by buying stuff.
It would give me a high for a bit but then it would go which meant that I needed to go
buy more again.
At one point, I had two rooms filled with clothes, many still with tags on them.
Fast forward to now, now that I have much more fulfillment in my life, I have a very
different attitude towards buying clothes.
I only buy something if I absolutely need it and I no longer spend ridiculous money
on designer items because that stuff no longer means what it use to mean to me.
If you are excessively shopping, then I suggest you definitely come in for hypnotherapy so
you can get to the bottom of what your mind is doing.
Choose a better stress-reliever.
Especially if you are a regular shopper, it's time to take up a hobby like art, reading,
bicycling, yoga or hiking.
Find something that helps you relieve stress without spending.
With enough time, you can train yourself to keep your spending in check.
Stay firm during the holiday shopping season.
Controlling shopaholic tendencies can be harder around the holidays.
There are sales everywhere, you're already in the store, and stores have the best deals
When tempted, remind yourself that it's the season of giving, not the season of taking.
Besides, you will be receiving gifts as well!
It's tempting to pick up a bottle of perfume or a cute coffee mug for yourself.
If you don't trust yourself to go holiday shopping alone, ask a trusted loved one to
tag along and tell them that it is important that they not let you slip up.
Especially if you are doing your holiday shopping online, make a list of exactly what you are
going to buy and stick to it.
Finally, remember that objects do not equal happiness.
While you may feel happy immediately after the purchase, shopping can act like a drug,
and the joy is short-lived.
The cons of failing relationships, poor financial stability, and a home filled to the brim are
not to be taken lightly.
When you buy and buy and buy, eventually, you'll run out of money, room, and time.
Think clearly about things that you need.
Buy only what you absolutely need.
With a few mind adjustments, new hobbies and self-imposed limits, you can overcome your
desire to stress shop.
For more information on how you can train
your mind to function the way you want to,
go to my website: Sashacarrion.com
and be sure to sign up for my newsletter.
First Alert 5: Cooler air returns for the weekend - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
The Billy Clever Layout Tiny House by ILO Mini-house for BLACK FRIDAY - Duration: 3:04.The Billy Clever Layout Tiny House by ILO Mini-house
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