Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 25 2017

Best sleeping positions during pregnancy - Which Side Is Safer?

Anyone who has been pregnant will tell you that growing a baby takes a lot of energy

out of you and sleep becomes your best friend.

But, while sleep may be all you want to do, finding a sleeping position that works isn't

always that simple.

Instead of closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep, you find yourself in the battle

between getting comfortable and not ending up in a position that will potentially harm

your baby.

There are some sleeping positions that you can try that may help you get your much-needed


SOS – Sleeping on Side: You probably know you should sleep on your

side if possible, since it'll reduce the amount of pressure on your uterus and help

you breathe better.

Plus, the position will help relieve backaches.

And there actually is a good side.

Sleeping on your left side can help increase the amount of blood and nutrients that flow

to the baby.

Prop yourself up: If you tend to experience heartburn and acid

reflux during the night while you're pregnant, elevating your head, while you sleep can do

you a world of good.

By propping up your head and upper body, you can lessen the amount of pressure put on your

upper abdomen, which can prevent the reflux from occurring.

It can also make it easier for you to breathe if the pressure from your growing belly has

been putting more pressure on your upper body.


Use lots of pillows: Try crossing one leg over the other and putting one pillow between

them, and another pillow behind your back — or any other combination that helps you


Get a special pillow.

For extra support, try using a wedge- shaped pillow or a 5-foot full-body pillow.

What Sleep Positions During Pregnancy Should I Avoid?

Sleeping on your back: This can cause problems with backaches, breathing,

the digestive system, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and cause a decrease in circulation

to your heart and your baby.

This is a result of your abdomen resting on your intestines and major blood vessels (the

aorta and vena cava).

Sleeping on your stomach: When you are farther along in your pregnancy,

your abdomen undergoes physical changes and makes it more difficult for you to lay on

your stomach.

That's not a great idea, either.

When you lay face down, your stomach presses on your expanding uterus.

Just avoid this wrong sleeping position during pregnancy.

For more infomation >> Pregnancy sleeping positions - Best sleeping positions during pregnancy - Which side is safer? - Duration: 3:02.


Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7) Top 20 Goals - Is He Hero! |HD| - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7) Top 20 Goals - Is He Hero! |HD| - Duration: 7:56.


What Is The Meaning Of Life Without God? (Dr. William Lane Craig) - Duration: 3:34.

This meme says "Oh, so you believe in God? Yes, then please tell me why my life as atheist is meaningless."

Hello this is Dr. William Lane Craig and this is Whaddo You Meme??

In answering this problem, I think it's important to distinguish

between ultimate significance and relative significance

Certainly the events and projects that we undertake in

life can be relatively significant

For example, if your goal is to become a great baseball player and hit 60 home

runs in a season then it will be very meaningful for you to engage in practice

and diet and workouts and so forth in order to achieve that goal

But when you ask about the ultimate significance or meaning of something, why does it matter

whether you hit 60 home runs in the season? What's the ultimate significance of that?

And whatever you pick, what is the ultimate significance of any

event in human history if everything is doomed to end in death?

Atheist philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche Bertrand Russell and Jean-Paul Sartre

argued that because atheism is true ultimately nothing really matters

Ultimately everything ends up the same regardless of what you do

Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding and as it does so it grows colder and colder

Eventually all the stars will burn out there will be no light

there will be no heat, there will be no life; just the carcasses of dead stars and

galaxies ever expanding into the endless blackness

This is not science fiction. This is the way reality is if there is no God.

Now since everything is doomed to end if death

what ultimate meaning significance can there be to any of the events that we undertake in human history?

Indeed, what is the ultimate significance of the human race as a whole since it is doomed to extinction?

No matter what we do.

It's hard to avoid the conclusion of these atheist philosophers

that life on atheism is ultimately meaningless

So the next time that someone says to you that life without God is meaningful, help them to

understand the difference between a mere subjective experience of meaning

and an objective ultimate meaning in life.

The claim here is that ultimately there is

no objective significance or meaning the human existence. And that is a claim not

made by religious conservatives. That is a claim made by many atheists themselves

So the next time that someone says that like without God is just as meaningful

what should I say?

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