Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 24 2017

Last weeks video was about revisiting format level 0 from exploit-exercises/protostar on

a modern ubuntu system.

And we played around with it to see if we can figure out a way to exploit it, but in

the end I wasn't able to solve it.

But lucky for me a user with the name wcbowling on reddit thought it was fun too and actually

had a method to exploit it.

So let's have a look at it.

So here is wcbowlings post:

I love going back to old challenged like this :) Managed to get a fairly reliable exploit,

normally under 500 iterations.

And there is a highlevel description on how it works:

Overwrite the GOT entry for __stack_chk_fail with an address so we jump there instead.

The address can be passed in via argv, we cant use nulls but we can use blank strings


As the argv location is semi random, it takes around 500 iterations which is pretty reasonable

for 64bit

So obviously I didn't manage to figure that out, which means I didn't know something

and here is a learning opportunity for me.

So I'm not going to pretend I knew this.

For whatever reason I never noticed that __stack_chk_fail is in the global offset table.

And the reason for that might be, that I never encountered a challenge with these constraints?

We have A) a format string exploit that generally allows us to write anything anywhere B)

No libc function after the format string vuln that we could overwrite in the global offset

table And C) where we also have a buffer overflow

with a stack cookie.

So I really like this challenge now, because the solution is so clever.

So the function that is being called when the stack cookie got overwritten through a

buffer overflow is also on the global offset table.

Which means our goal is to redirect code execution to our winning message by overwrite the GOT

entry for __stack_chk_fail.

And then do a buffer overflow, to trigger that function.

To write to that global offset table entry, we have to get the address somewhere onto

the stack, so that we can use %n with the format string vulnerability.

And the issue is that it contains nullbytes which we can't pass in via the arguments.

I think the arguments are string copied onto the stack?

So we can't enter arbitrary nullbytes.

But wcbowling had a cool trick with empty strings as arguments.

Because a string ends with a nullbyte, so an empty string is just null.

I think I had a super early video to talk about the environment and arguments on the

stack, but quick recap, you have the argv[] char pointer array, so it's a list with

addresses that point to the strings.

And then you just have memory with all the strings.

And so this way you can get the address with null-bytes on to the stack.

Pretty clever, I never thought about this before.

And now you basically just have to put everything together.

Wcbowling uses pwnlib to implement the exploit, it's a very useful python library, check

it out.

And so here the magic format string is built with a large offset into the stack that hopefully

hits the addresses passed in via the arguments.

And so there are two single byte writes.

Why are only two bytes written?

well the GOT already contains an address that is almost the target address, except the last

two bytes.

So you can just reuse most of it.

Then this is being executed in a loop until the winning message is shown.

The stack has some randomized offsets, thus you have to try it a few times.

Here is the asciicinema recording by wcbowling.

By the way, if you have a problem with a challenge and you write me an email, you could use that

to record a screencast so I can actually see how you debug it and what the problem is.

So while I understand now the basic idea, I still wanted to implement it myself.

There are a few challenges that you have to solve like, what is good offset into the stack

to hit the arguments, and the alignment of the address through the arguments.

And while I was doing that and struggling with exactly those details, I had an epiphany.

And I'm sooo grateful that wcbowling shared this exploit, because it pushed me into discovering


So I actually found a 100% reliable exploit for this challenge, and you can't believe

how excited that makes me.

Though I have to admit, that it might only work on my compiled binary, and for somebody

else it might not work, you will see in a second why.

So here it is.

That's all.

And when we execute it, you can see it gets into an execution loop of the winning message.

And while it looks like a simple format string vulnerability with the padding to increase

the amount of printed characters, an address and a %n or %hn to write to an address, there

are quite a few beautiful puzzle pieces here.

So the basic idea came, when I was playing around with overwriting the GOT entry for


wcbowling had two writes and placed the address in the arguments, which made it so unreliable.

I thought, maybe we get lucky if we place the address into our string, like I did in

the last video.

But there is one problem.

The string that is printed is coming from the arguments, which has an unpredictable


But the string is formatted with sprintf into a buffer, which will have a fixed relative

position on our stack.

So basically the format string will be evaluated, so first it handles the %d with the 1640 character

padding and places it into the buffer.

Then comes the raw bytes of the address, and places it.

And then comes the format modifier to write to an address on the stack.

So now the position of this address that was just written onto the buffer is at a fixed

offset location and we always get it with 214.

Though the problem is, we can't have an arbitrary amount of bytes padding.

Because the address has to be 8byte alligned.

So we can only increase or decrease the padding in 8 byte steps.

Which affects the amounts of bytes we can write.

With %n.

It's always in these 8 steps.

So we don't have an write anything condition, but we can write something close to the wiining


Now there are two challenges.

First, the stack is fairly small, and the format result is written into buffer on the

stack, so if we use too much padding, to write a large number with %n, we run out of stack

memory and get a segfault.

But wcbowling's trick has made me realize, that we can in fact increase the size of the

stack by just using more arguments.

It will add entries to the argv array and increase it.

The second problem is, that the address is only written with 3 bytes, so if the location

on the stack had other values in it, it won't work.

We need to write our address onto the stack where there was a zero, or generally a small

number before.

And here is also where the arguments help us again, because we can groom the stack,

by adding or remove entries in the argv array, so that the stack is large enough, and we

have a zero at the correct spot.

<grunt> I love it!

So now we know how to groom the stack to write to the GOT entry, but we still have the issue

that we are not sure what to write because of our multiples of 8 restrictions.

I wrote a simple python function that generates me valid exploit arguments with different

paddings and adjusts the amount of arguments and the write offset accordingly.

And I started by looking around the printing of the winning message.

So ideally we would like to write 0x670, that's 1648, but becuase of our alignment restrictions

that doesn't work.

Anyway, I was then just trying them, to see if anything interesting would come from it.

And luckily this one worked.

Let me debug this with gdb, I set a breakpoint after the sprintf, before we check the stack


Let's look at the stack.

So this is the %d padding with spaces, to print the amount of characters we want to

write to.

And then here at the end is the target address we want to write to.

The GOT address.

We can also look now what value has been written there.

So we will jump to 0x40066b.

Let's look at the disassembly and see where that would be.


Mhmmh… wait!

That is not a valid address, this is not right?

It's in between the compare and the jump-not-equal.

Let's use x to print 3 instructions, instead of the disassemble command.

Do you see that.

WTF there are now moves, and not a cmp?

What the heck?

Welcome to intel assembler and more advanced ROP.

This kind of property was called the geometry of intel assembler, in the famous ROP paper,

but never heard anybody using that term.

Anyway, we jump in between the bytes of the intended instruction, and the CPU is dumb,

it will just read those bytes and interpret them as assembler.

And so in this case, the cmp and jne turned into two simple moves.

Which means, now there is no check for deadbeef and we run into the printf to print the winning


When we single step forward now, we get into the procedure linkage table for stack_check_fail,

we jump to the GOT entry, which is our weird address into vuln, we execute the mov, and

then we call puts to print the message.

For more infomation >> Stack grooming and 100% reliable exploit for format0 - bin 0x25 - Duration: 10:44.


For Honor (2/3) Ścieżka wikinga! - Duration: 1:55:46.

For more infomation >> For Honor (2/3) Ścieżka wikinga! - Duration: 1:55:46.


Purchase For Your Chance to Win $10,000 | First 50 Buyers | Edmonton, AB - Duration: 0:36.

Okay guys

Follow up video from yesterday

Told you we were going to do something big for Black Friday

So this is it!

Black Friday we are going to give away $10,000

The first 50 people

get their name on this wall right here

and there will be a draw next Friday

9 to 10 o'clock in the morning

Deals have to happen from today

until November 30th

at 8 o'clock which is our closing time.

If you buy a car and you deliver the car

First 50 people will be on that board

1 in 50 chance in winning

Come on down and see us

Doug Caldwell

(780) 860-0947

Thanks guys

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