Lexus IS 300h Hybrid Business Line - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
'Our family is intact - house is not': Sarah Palin's family compound in Alaska earthquake - Duration: 9:15.'Our family is intact - house is not': Sarah Palin's family compound in Alaska earthquake
The home of former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has been damaged in an earthquake that shook the state on Friday.
The quake with a preliminary magnitude of 70 struck near Anchorage at 8. 29am local time and was felt up to 400 miles from the epicenter, triggering rock slides and alarming residents who took cover under tables and desks.
Palin took to Twitter to ask for prayers for the state in the aftermath of the earthquake.
'Our family is intact - house is not. I imagine that's the case for many, many others. So thankful to be safe; praying for our state following the earthquake,' she wrote.
The Palin family compound is located about 44 miles northeast of Anchorage and less than 30 miles from the epicenter in Wasilla on the banks of Lucile Lake.
Palin later shared a video of her parents' home, which shows the kitchen and living room with broken items scattered all over the floors and counters.
She wrote in the caption: 'My parent's home in Wasilla is usually in tip top shape. Here it is this morning following the earthquake. The video doesn't begin to show the scope.'.
The property has one two story, 3,400-square-foot home built in 2002 and another even larger mansion right next door erected in 2010. The first home was valued at $550,000 for tax purposes in 2008.
Palin and her husband Todd also own two cabins on a remote lake in Denali State Park, about 130 miles from Anchorage. The former governor's daughters also posted about the quakes on their Instagram stories.
Bristol Palin wrote: 'Just sick I'm not in Alaska to help my family and friends with the aftermath of the massive earthquake they had this morning, sending all the prayers to everyone affected.
Willow Palin wrote: 'Our house is a mess but our family is safe, very shook up!! That was the scariest couple minutes of my life. A tsunami warning was initially issued and expected to effect Alaska's Cook Inlet and the Kenai Peninsula.
Officials monitored gauges to see if any underwater landslides would generate tsunami waves. There were none and the warning was then cancelled. The Anchorage Office of Emergency Management is urging people to find shelter.
'I could tell this was bigger than anything I'd been in before, and it wasn't going to stop, resident Phillip Peterson said to CNN.
He was in a multistory building in downtown Anchorage that started to suddenly sway when the shake temblor hit, causing roof tiles to fall in. 'I just jumped under my desk and had to ride it out,' he added.
The quake was so strong it cracked buildings and knocked local news station KTUU off air. An exit ramp on the Minnesota Drive highway crumbled in the quake, leaving a car stranded in the destroyed road.
Power outages, floods from water main breaks, rock slides, and closed roads were reported in the quake, according to Geek Wire.
Shocking images on social media show people hiding under desks as their rooms shake, groceries tumbling off of their shelves at local markets, and roads ripped apart by the natural disaster. It's not yet clear if there are any deaths or injuries.
At least eight aftershocks rippled through the city after the earthquake hit, the largest one measuring 5. 8 magnitude in Anchorage.
According to the NOAA alert, 'for other US and Canadian Pacific coasts in North America, the level of tsunami danger is being evaluated.
Alaska averages 40,000 earthquakes per year, which is more large quakes than the other 49 states of the US combined. Southern Alaska is particularly vulnerable to earthquakes as it's located directly above tectonic plates sliding past each other.
The strongest earthquake in US history took place in Alaska in March 27, 1964 when a 9. 2 earthquake devastated the region then triggered a deadly tsunami that killed 130 people.
STALIN IS SELLING GLUE?? A Sticky Situation by Stuffed Productions - Comedy Web Series - Duration: 15:36.Stalin: Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
Stalin: Just being inconspicous do do do Hamish: Och aye
Stalin: Oh hello there. Hamish: Oh hello.
Hamish: I hear you're the glue guy?
Stalin: Yes yes. I'm the glue guy yes yes I think we spoke on the phone
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye. My friend recommended you to me. Och aye
Hamish: oh yes. I have all of the possible glues you could ever need for any possible application wink wink.
Hamish: Oh yeah I know what you mean. Wink wink
Stalin: Yes yes. For crafting or for sticking or for sniffing or for huffing or you know for gluing things.
Stalin: Any of those regular reasons you need glue yes yes.
Hamish: Yes yes. I need a strong glue... Stalin: Oh a strong glue!
Hamish: For some crafting wink wink. Stalin: Oh crafting. Oh yes yes yes oh crafting.
Stalin: Everyone is into crafting these days and they all seem to need the very strongest glue
Stalin: I imagine that's the same for you isn't it?
Hamish: Och aye. I've got a few bits of paper to stick together.
Stalin: oh yes. More than a few I imagine and you possibly need it to be very strong and made with the strongest possible chemicals.
Hamish: Och aye. That's right me laddy.
Stalin: Possibly some ones that cause some kind of hallucinogenic or mind altering properties to you when they are inhaled yes?
Hamish: Well if that just happens as part of doing the sticking then och aye that's lovely. Och aye
Stalin: Yes that's why I like to make many airfix kits. Yes yes one after the other. Yes yes very innocent. Yes
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye.
Stalin: Yes I've got a large range of glues yes as you can see here
Hamish: Yes it's larger than I've seen before. Where did you get them from?
Stalin: Oh well actually I do not know if you know but I happen to be the CEO of Staples. Hamish: Oh really?
Stalin: Yes you know the office stationary and supply company yes yes. I use that as a front yes yes.
Stalin: I sell all of my glues and I order them through there and then I use it to launder my money yes yes yes.
Stalin: Oh it's very good. It works very well and I get access to all of these wonderful glues for all of my "crafting"
Hamish: Och aye all of my crafting. Och aye.
Stalin: Yes yes I'm a master crafter. Yes yes Hamish: Och aye.
Stalin: Yes yes I've been crafting for many a year now...
Stalin: so I need many glues you see for all of the different forms of crafting wink wink that I do yes
Hamish: Och aye och aye. Why don't you take me through your products? Och aye
Stalin: Oh yes well as you can see I have a range of products at the front there
Stalin: the yellow one yes that is a UHU. That is more of a hobby glue yes yes.
Stalin: This is on the lower end of the spectrum. I would say that this is a bit of a weaker glue
Stalin: A bit more for your paper crafting yes. Not so much for the type of crafting you want to do.
Hamish: No no me laddy. Och aye
Stalin: And the same goes for the Pritt Stick just there. That's actually one of my older products
Stalin: It's actually out of its shelf life as you can see Hamish: Och aye. It looks like it.
Stalin: Yes I'm doing a discount on that at the moment because it's not as strong as it used to be.
Stalin: And again I don't think that's what you're looking for. You look like the kind of bear that enjoys a "stronger" glue yes yes
Stalin: More of a stick Hamish: Och aye. Och aye.
Stalin: I also have the Pritt at the front there. That's quite a runny glue. That's quite useful in certain situations.
Stalin: It is very easy to er "apply" if you see what I mean yes yes and the same with the superglue
Stalin: Now that one. The superglue is in front there in the clear bottle
Stalin: Yes now that's a smaller amount but it's very strong yes yes and it has a very toxic aroma to it yes yes.
Stalin: Got to be very careful when you use it wink wink and make sure you ALWAYS wear a mask yes yes
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye
Stalin: Never let the mask fall off by accident before you start using it Hamish: No no
Stalin: And of course never ever directly inhale the glue from the bottle yes yes yes
Stalin: Now ok the other glues... I also have the Tipp-Ex
Stalin: Now most people don't know this but Tipp-Ex is also technically a form of glue. Yes you can use it as a glue
Stalin: And you can also use it as a concealing liquid yes Hamish: Och aye can I try any of these glues?
Stalin: Yes ok you can have a sample of the Tipp-Ex if you like because you probably never tried that before.
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye. She's a bit weak though me laddy och aye.
Stalin: I mean you didn't actually do any gluing but yes I can see... yes ok.
Stalin: You said weak? The No More Nails now this is the opposite of weak.
Hamish: Och aye
Stalin: Yes now No More Nails you can stick a chair to a ceiling yes
Hamish: Och aye Stalin: Yes yes yes it's so strong
Hamish: Yes I've got plenty of chairs to stick to ceilings. Och aye
Stalin: But it is very very... how should I say it? Viscous yes yes yes.
Stalin: Yes so it's less easy to handle unlike the Pritt and also...
Stalin: it is very strong but it does not have a very strong aroma yes yes yes
Stalin: So I would say this is probably not the one for you. What I can suggest you do with this is...
Stalin: You can dry it and you can powder it yes yes yes Hamish: Och aye
Stalin: But of course do not sniff the powder once you have powdered it yes yes
Stalin: Because this would get you very high which would be a very bad thing
Hamish: Oh yes of course. Wink Wink WInk Stalin: Of course yes. Wink WInk WInk
Stalin: Oh talking of high yes the superspray adhesive over here
Stalin: Yes now this is my most popular item yes yes yes.
Stalin: Now this one is great because you can spray it into a rag yes yes.
Stalin: You can stick the rag then to your face. Hamish: Och aye lovely.
Stalin: So it's very innocent you just spray the glue. spray spray spray spray spray into the rag.
Stalin: And then you stick the rag into your face and then you breathe. Oh yes you breathe
Stalin: And it's called huffing. Lots of people like to huff the glue yes...
Stalin: I mean sorry stick the glue. That's all that they do with it.
Stalin: They just use the glue to stick sometimes pictures into books
Stalin: And then sometimes if you're not careful and you do not wear a mask yes you get very very high.
Hamish: Oh we don't want that do we? No Stalin: No. You do not want that do you mr glue man?
Hamish: No we don't wink wink.
Stalin: So other than this... Oh oh! I almost forgot. My favourite glue...
Stalin: My favourite glue out of all of them is the epoxy. Hamish: Och aye
Stalin: Now my epoxy is my favourite because it comes in two parts
Hamish: Oh och aye.
Stalin: Much like my other favourite chemical...
Stalin: Novichok! Yes yes that also comes in two parts and also made in Russia. My favourite
Stalin: Oh yes. I love everything that's made in Russia. In particular things that come in two parts.
Hamish: Oh och aye.
Stalin: Oh but don't ever get the two mixed up. Do not mix up your epoxy and your Novichok
Stalin: Do not keep them in the same draw because this is what happened in Salisbury yes yes yes
Stalin: The man was trying to fix his door handle and then by accident he mixed it up with the Novichok.
Stalin: And then he was like mix mix mix "I'm going to fix the door handle. I put the epoxy on the door"
Stalin: but it wasn't epoxy. It was Novichok and then he took what he thought was the Novichok to the enemy of the Russian state
Stalin: And it wasn't Novichok either. That was then the epoxy and so he got very sticky but he did not die.
Stalin: And then instead the door handle was not fixed. It just had Novichok on it
Stalin: You never want this to happen. This is very confusing so keep the two separate
Stalin: And then when you want to use it, you use the epoxy mix mix mix mix and then...
Stalin: When you mix the two together it makes a chemical reaction you see which turns it into glue.
Stalin: But in the process of turning into glue it also creates many noxious fumes.
Stalin: And you should NOT wink wink should NOT inhale these or they will get you very high
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye. I see. Stalin: Yes yes indeed.
Stalin: But equally if you are mixing Novichok, do not mix those fumes either...
Stalin: Because then that will not get you high. That will get you died.
Hamish: Och aye so I want to buy Novichok for sticking.
Stalin: No no no no. Do not buy Novichok at all. I will deal with the Novichok. You just deal with the epoxy
Hamish: Oh ok. Och aye. Och aye Stalin: Yes yes. Do not mix the two up and do not inhale the Novichok.
Stalin: That is not good for you and well to be honest inhaling epoxy is probably not good for you either
Stalin: But at least it gets you high.
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye. That's great me laddy.
Hamish: But I've heard from my friend that you had an exclusive product och aye. That...
Stalin: Oh! Oh I think I know what you mean. Yes you mean my "backroom" products
Hamish: och aye. Och aye. Stalin: Well I have to warn you.
Stalin: The products that are not on display here are my more exotic of products
Stalin: And so because of this they are rare and therefore very expensive and also very strong.
Hamish: Well I have a very exotic item that needs sticking och aye.
Stalin: Oh! Oh yes. Ok I understand. One second. I think I've got just the thing for you yes yes yes
Stalin: Careful. Careful No More Nails. You stay there yes. Ok I'm going to go and get it.
Hamish: Och aye well let's try this Pritt Stick. Och aye
Stalin: Excuse me! No touching the goods!
Hamish: Och aye. Och aye Stalin: No touching the goods! This is my goods
Stalin: I'm just trying to get it. Yes I've got it now. Hamish: This Pritt Stick's rubbish. Och aye
Stalin: Here I am. I'm coming back. Yes Yes Yes Yes Hamish: Och aye. Och aye. That looks more like it.
Stalin: Look. Look at the warning on it. Yes yes Hamish: Och aye.
Stalin: This is the most...
Stalin: Super
Stalin: Duper
Stalin: Super Duper
Stalin: Duper Duper
Stalin: Duper Super Duper glue.
Hamish: Och aye Stalin: In the world
Stalin: Yes this is industrial strength super duper glue
Hamish: Oh wow Stalin: It's not even superglue. It's superduperglue
Stalin: Yes which is actually stronger than regular superglue.
Hamish: Yes well I've got a lot of things to stick to an industrial scale och aye wink wink.
Stalin: Yes but I must warn you. This glue is very dangerous. Not only is it super strong and will get you super duper high.
Stalin: If you accidentally inhale it especially if you inhale it directly from the bottle.
Stalin: But also if you are not too careful, you will get stuck to it. It's super duper sticky.
Stalin: It is not called a super glue for no reason. Even in the lab... This is made by Germans
Stalin: Yes german engineers. You know how good they are at making things yes.
Stalin: Made by german engineers in a lab and even there, they have to wear special clothing which is anti-sticky
Stalin: Because they had an incident in the lab where everybody got stuck and then they could not leave and could not go home.
Hamish: Och aye Stalin: Yes and they missed an episode of Friends and everyone was sad.
Hamish: Och aye. Can I have a sample?
Stalin: Well no because it is very dangerous and very strong and as I said it is super exotic and expensive.
Hamish: Och aye. Stalin: If I gave you a sample then it would be like me flushing some money down the toiley
Stalin: Especially if you do not buy any afterwards. Hamish: Och aye but how am I meant to know if it's any good me laddy.
Stalin: Well I do have another one. Do not touch it and let me just have a look over here and see if I've got something else
Hamish: Och aye. Stalin: Let me have a look.
Hamish: Och aye. Screw him. I'll just try some.
[Hamish sniffs]
Stalin: I don't appear to be able to find it no no.
Hamish: Och aye. Humenah Humenah Humenah Humenah Humenah
Hamish: Och aye. She's a strong one. Och aye Stalin: Excuse me? What are you doing?
Stalin: Excuse me? What did I just say?
Hamish: Oh I'm just trying a little bit me laddy.
Stalin: I know but what did I just say? This is not ok/
Stalin: Can you get off my glue now? Hamish: Hang on.
[Hamish grunts as he tries to pull himself off the glue] Stalin: Excuse me?
Stalin: Get off the glue. Oh no. Hamish: I'm trying me laddy!
Stalin: Oh no. Oh no. This is excatly what I said would happen Hamish: Oh no I'm stuck me laddy.
Stalin: No you did not listen. I told you this is very dangerous glue and I told you you would get stuck to it
Stalin: And look what has happened, you got your stupid nose stuck to my stupid glue.
Hamish: Och aye well I've tried some now and I'm very interested in buying it me laddy.
Stalin: Well I can see that. You're gonna have to buy it because you are now stuck to the bottle.
Hamish: Och aye. Well how much is it?
Stalin: This is £2000
Hamish: What! Och aye! Stalin: Yes I do not sell it in bottles. I only just got this one in. I normally sell it in grams
Stalin: Yes or singular millilitres
Hamish: Och aye well I don't have that kind of money
Stalin: Well I can see that. You're just some horrible looking Scottish bear. Yes you look like you're a homeless man
Stalin: Yes yes yes. I thought I might give you this stupid Pritt Stick because I did not want it anymore.
Stalin: And I thought I'd get a bit more money from you because you look stupid.
Hamish: Och aye. The Pritt Stick's rubbish Stalin: Yes but you clearly are very stupid because you got stuck to this bottle.
Stalin: You're a bit like Gary. Yes Gary yes. You might have met Gary. He's that stupid owl. Yes
Stalin: I gave him to Bongani yes after he got his nose stuck to my bottle of glue yes and he got it stuck there for a week.
Stalin: And so he smelt the glue for an entire week and at the end of it he was stupid.
Stalin: Yes now you're going to become stupid. Look you're becoming stupider by the moment.
Stalin: Keep breathing the glue in. Yes yes. Keep breathing it
Hamish: Be quiet Smalin.
Stalin: No you keep breathing that glue in and then I've got some work for you
Hamish: Och aye. Oh work ok ok
Stalin: Yes the glue makes you very perceptive to my intentions yes yes
Stalin: I think you should work for me. How do you feel about that?
Hamish: Och aye. I suppose I could me laddy.
Stalin: Yes you could couldn't you? What I could do in exchange is give you some glue in exchange for your time
Hamish: Och aye. That sounds good.
Stalin: So what you could do is take this glue and you could go and sell it to some children for me.
Hamish: Och aye. Ok. Och aye that sounds...
Stalin: So now you're going to be an employee of Staples. Yes yes my company.
Stalin: So you'd be my employee and then you will sell the glue yes yes and then you'll bring me back the money
Stalin: And in exchange I will give you more of this lovely super duper duper glue yes yes
Hamish: Ok Stalin: But you have to promise to be more careful with the glue
Stalin: And not be so stupid and get stuck to the glue all the time. Because I do not need stupid people.
Hamish: Ok me laddy. Ok
Stalin: Ok because I will get very angry and everything will get ruined because the glue will be stuck to you...
Stalin: And then I will not be able to sell it and then you will smell all of my glue. You do not smell all of my glue.
Stalin: Especially not these glues. My lovely epoxy [Kisses it]
Hamish: Och aye. ok ok I'll work for you me laddy. Stalin: Ok ok good good.
Stalin: Yes well good luck with the glue anyway. I'm not sure what we are going to do about that.
Stalin: You need to work off the £2000 so you can pay me back for the bottle
Hamish: Och aye
Stalin: And as I say be careful because if you leave it on there too long you'll become stupid.
Stalin: Yes and do not sniff anymore of the glue because I do not need you consuming all of my product.
Hamish: Och aye well can you get me something to get me off this glue? Another chemical or something. Och aye. I'm stuck.
Stalin: No. I think you made your bed now lie in it. So have fun.
Hamish: Och aye. Help!
Stalin: Well you wanted all the glue and now you've got all the glue so it's like a muzzlebag for you.
Stalin: But it's just glue. [Laughs]
Stalin: Oh yes yes. So stupid. So stupid. Hamish: Help. Help. Och aye.
Arsenal vs Tottenham: 'It looks like he is injured' - big fitness claim made over star man - Duration: 2:10.That is the opinion of TV pundit and former Arsenal and Celtic star Charlie Nicholas
Eriksen played the entire 90 minutes of Tottenham's impressive 3-1 win over Chelsea last weekend
BUY PASS TO WATCH ARSENAL V TOTTENHAM FOR CHEAPEST PRICE HERE That was the Dane's first start in the Premier League since the 2-1 victory at Brighton in September
Eriksen has been hampered by an abdominal injury which Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino has attempted to manage
The midfielder played a starring role off the bench against Inter Milan on Wednesday
He scored the only goal in the 1-0 victory to keep his side in the Champions League
Nicholas thinks Eriksen will start against Arsenal at the Emirates and is worried about his set pieces
But the pundit does not think the 26-year-old is at his sharpest. "It still looks as if he is carrying some sort of injury," Nicholas said on Sky Sports
"He's not 100 per cent. "The big worry for me being an Arsenal man tomorrow is set pieces
"That's the one area Arsenal are very vulnerable against Spurs. "With his (Eriksen's) quality, he can pick out three or four different players
"I think Arsenal will adapt the game more in line to choke him a little bit. "I think they'll anticipate that he will probably start
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