Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 31 2018

I feel terrible about this. Oh, I know I might have come on a bit strong, but I'm really happy for Cass Wow

I just wish you weren't so guarded. Ah

Look, it's not all your fault. I know it's not all my fault. You were the one that turned the valve the wrong way

But it's mostly your fault. What okay

I'm the last person to defend Cassandra but not everyone is as open with their feelings as you are. Okay?

Cass place things closer to her vest and if you want to be her friend

Which is something I will never ever ever ever understand you'll have to accept that and back off a bit

And the other half of the pendant we got become

Sorry, my friends have been so intrusive and I am really sorry about your pendant. Don't worry about it Cassie

I I'm just glad that we finally get to be alone. Me too

You know how you've been saying it'd be great to have got a private up-close look at the book

Well, I thought we might speak a peek. And I don't know I saw some other couples signing it together

so if you wanted to


What I thought you'd never ask

But isn't it after visiting hours?

Perks of being a guards daughter

Xavier I can't thank you enough for getting out of bed to do this for us. It's my pleasure

I'm just surprised you would want to fix something like

But why it's so sweet. It means love is true inner wealth

Whoever told you that was lying. This is the emblem of the separatists of ciborium the what now?

centuries ago after the war gross aporia in Kiruna together

There was a small sect of sequoias without the trade and swore revenge on our kingdom

Some say the descendants are still around waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike back at corner

We don't have a lot of time oh, don't worry this won't take long

Is gonna be devastated when she finds out the truth about Andrew, yeah, the only guy who can mess with Cass is me

Okay, we better split up I'll check the throne room you take the courtyard

It's exactly as I imagined find the perfect space for us

Sorry, sweetie, but the book stays here without it. Sure. I knew you were a fraud from day one

You misspelled bibliophile in your letters bonehead. I was only playing you long enough to see what your angle wasn't from my angle

It looks like you've been shut down

Andrew that's even your real name

For more infomation >> Tangled Under Raps Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 1 - Green Deer - Duration: 3:59.


Doc McStuffins Engine Nine, Feelin' Fine Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Bailey Price - Duration: 10:01.

And I'm feeling fine

Time to open the clinic

Have you guys seen Lambie? Oh is here? No go having Seder Oh

Me that's not true. I love playing with you just I can't right now. Okay. Okay, okay

Better this hat does not go with my outfit. Come on Lambie and stuffy. Let's go

Doc who you talking to?

Doc, it's a hot one out there. If I melt before you come home, just want you to know. I love you

Okay, sweetie


Can't believe I'm saying this but

It's even too I'm a dragon. I'm supposed to be protecting castles not having tea parties

Besides I have nothing to wear

I'll give you one

Okay, nine do your stuff I'm gonna miss you

Oh, I know something you can do to cheer him up this the pile of toys Donny doesn't play with anymore

I can't stand to see a fire engine

Running out of water a fire engine. They can't put out a fire even a pretend one. Isn't that much fun to play with?

Funny I think you need a checkup

You're gonna be Donny's favorite toy again, I promise we have a new patient and it's Lenny

Wow, what is all this stuff these are my doctor's tools

Sorry that happens when I get nervous I know why don't you listen to my heart first

What are you hear?

Sounds perfect. Okay. I'm going to use this light to look in your eyes and your ears

Well, I've been feeling kind of tired and my head sort of hurts sometimes but mostly when it's really hot outside

What do you think doc? I like how you didn't panic

Hey, hey mom, what's up? Hi sweets. Oh, it's a hot day. So I brought you a glass of water. I

Have a diagnosis

Lenny you have dried out a ptosis Oh mom. That sounds like it should what's dehydrated again?

I'm asking for the Leinster hair. It's when you aren't drinking enough water. I didn't know drinking water who is so important


Gosh I hope you're right

He's a lucky kid to have a fire engine like you to play with Thanks stuff them. I miss you, buddy

Now come on you gotta fire Twitter

Come on, guys. Let's go play with Donnie and money sauce. Thanks for playing with me. You're the best sister EVER

Donnie I love hanging out with you almost as much as our toys do

I can just wash the paste right off

Lifesaver does that was kind of a short adventure that wasn't the adventure finding the sparkle-saurus is our adventure

We don't want to disturb


Don't fall like that follow me across the same very dangerous and soft green grass

What there could be danger here?

You handled this many patients a li shuo shoeshine you just need to tackle this one toy at a time whose the edges

Oh, oh, oh, we got our hands full doc

Everyone looks okay to me

Except for the itching part better look a little closer. I

Found something and chilly and Lambie - well, I'll be an iguana. They've all got good

The glitters I'm itching to put that in the BET book of boo-boos

Now the real question is how did the glitter get on all of you? So

my real name is chu I

Solve anything

And took everyone through the lava pit, which I did not fall in okay a tiny phone

It's important not to share hats or hair brushes because if one person has a chi glitter then

Everyone might end up with itchy glitter - yeah. Yeah, that's but

No more itching

You're all officially glitter free. Daisy's head is all clean

Not a speck of glitter anywhere now we can get back to our adventure. Why don't you want to play?

You know, even though the glitter came from Daisy this time it could have happened to anyone

can happen glitter can happen I feel

Terrible. Can we tell Daisy? We're sorry. I think she'd like that

Daisy I'm

Does the right jumpsuit a sophisticated


This block party was a great idea I know

Soft and friendly costumes

Mellows help. I'm scared marshmallows too, but I am not scared of snowmen and that's why I'm dressed up as one

Anyone moving big off flashing Express this lines going to

Wait, why is Hallie out there? I'm right here sugar

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins Engine Nine, Feelin' Fine Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Bailey Price - Duration: 10:01.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates The Elephant Surprise! Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - BaBa TV - Duration: 10:01.


Hi mateys, do you want to join my pirate crew one more time?

The only volleyball we got

Take good care of this. It's best to keep it in your treasure room Marina the mermaid or Peter Pan

well, whoever

They leave we leap out and lo the wooden elephant with all that treasure

It's lunch time, you know, ho let's go look at all this wonderful treasure. Mr. Smee

quickly me floating captain

Let's go

But what an elephant's rolling away

Uh-oh. It went on the other side slides matey's will you help us get our wooden elephant back?

Em and put them in our team treasure chest everybody ready

Come on buddy follow me down the zipline

Muck pine. We'll never get it out of there. This is an emergency and that means

pixie dust

Olsen's elephants called fly

Come on we could go through geyser Beach

Dude please stop fussing about

Listen the elephant said something I don't think it was Oh


mean surprise

Sneak into our treasure room and take our treasure

And now I'm going to keep all of this treasure

The only pirate gold

And once you give a gift you can't take it back it's not nice the sea pups have a point

I'm not going to move until I get what I want

Right this way through

One wooden elephant safe and sound now that we've returned everything to our treasure room

Come on count with us

Nine ten Yoho for solving pirate problems wooden elephant

Ojun I made a little gift for you a wooden crocodile

Pirates sitting pirates

crackers nothing big the big baggy yummy crack

guess you're not the only one who likes a tasty snack skully maybe but those are my

House will we know if your dandy do dad finds buried treasure twill make a noise? That's all?

Come on monkey boy

We really should keep going

It said that whoever bathes and it turns into a wee pirate

Is that you

Oh, that's the kind mole, right? He's a big baby

It says that to reverse the magic of the pool of youth

We need to find the oldest plant in flora Thoris and find the grandfather gladiola

Then we can turn everybody back to the way they were before. So fine by fancy flower


Splendid I'm hoping that the grandfather gladiola flower is down below. Oh

The flower we won't be able to change the baby's back

So fast guppies first, it's time to make the change I

Mean doubloons into our team treasure chest

Yoho, we got nine gold doubloons today. Aw

Baby Heidi

We can set it on the nail Vasily

the lost and found


Coconuts and I searched the rest of the hideout but no map I can't believe I lost it

I've heard that supposedly the valley is crammed full of all kinds of lost stuff is everybody ready?

Got my sword got my pixie dust

Follow me mateys next up the valley of the Lost so no strangers

Why haven't I thought of it before statue of the Jade Jaguar

Then we shall follow the sea pests. I don't know. It looks like there should be a sign here, but it's gone

Maybe it got lost. I was beginning to think the puny pirates would have us marching forever Oh

Kattan is lost a brave Buccaneer

He is not

so many hats

What is all this stuff?

Looks the valley of the Lost

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates The Elephant Surprise! Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - BaBa TV - Duration: 10:01.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 130 - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 130 - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 119 - Eve Howarth - Duration: 10:01.

Hiren it away

What's so special about today tonight is the minotaur meteor chef look out in the distance. Oh

The cloud let's see great idea Sofia no told you so no matter what I ask. She always says no amber

Wait back night, but we're older now and much more experienced. We've been a lots of adventures. Amber's going to be so disappointed

The children well, we are children we're old enough to do things without constant mothering girls

I've been thinking I was worried about letting you go alone Frank amber. All right, that's what it takes

Meteor shower. Here we come

Where are we going that looks like a ship in trouble?

I see the ship very good Sofia, but we don't know they're in trouble

Here put your life vests on

Ten toes don't need any more Oh

Mother are you sure about this and attach it to the cleat on the bow the what underwear?

Passed off the line

We have no choice we have to abandon ship yes

Thank you mean don't want to be in the way

So if you can just sail us back to enchancia

You're part of me crew now and pirate rule number one says nobody gets off the ship we go boyos


Don't worry girls. I will find a way to get us home

Maybe that's how we're going to get home

These pirates may not know how to sail

It was mom who made us stop and tow this ship off. That way tell me about the treasure

We're hunting we seek the golden maid we help you find the treasure you take us home

My mom is an excellent sailor

Well, then it's a deal wait a minute I be the captain and I be givin the orders around here

Be my guest. She be a what she be an enchanted figurehead. So captain

How do you hope to find the maiden there be an ancient Sun?

So where's the treasure gun that I cannot tell ya but by stars at night?

And wrong way can't tell laughs hands to guide us on our pirate

Quest and lead up the words to the song don't make any sense clothing flew

Your treasure lies within the water retreat

Wasn't that exciting you guys what was exciting as a class 2-z water earth icebergs?

Course the ICC Sophia stay on the wheel and follow our directions to yourself

We wouldn't have to go through any icebergs if you would just listen to me

Okay, that might not have been the best decision but I'm doing the best I can

I'm sorry mom I did and I'm glad you told me how you really feel. Huh? You girls are growing up so fast

Go back into the icebergs not a change

Hmm, the next clue is to head for the weaving part of the loom, but nobody knows the Stars better than my sister. Amber

So if you want to figure out the next clue

All right, let's find that golden maiden sing it again boys could that be a constellation

No, there is no such thing as the weaving part of the Loom

Song says to go through the whirling burly we got tonight

When the full moon rises under the sea so do we still have a deal indeed we do in

Champion in Ghent. Yeah

Why today I'm really glad you came along on. So am I amber?

Look at them all

Royall slumber party. I know I'm very excited only to baileywick. Did you set up the chocolate milk fountain?

It's on its way to the bank


And there is one more thing the most important part of any grape who did you invite Ruby and Jade

Oh, I don't know them. They're really awesome

But they're not princesses ever. This is your first slumber party as a princess wait, you see this dance they do

They're going to make this the best party ever Cedric

king Roland Queen Miranda

You want your royal sorcerer to?

Entertain the children. Oh god fixed love children of goals your magic Oh,

believe this

Indeed worthy. Well, I'll show them I'll use it

Aha, I'll have my little puppets put on the magic show to my a Petty's

From the kingdom of Carinthia princess Clio

And from the village of Dunwiddie Ruby and Jade

You throw to someone besan for you I dressed mine twice a day especially for the party this Clio princess Hildegard

Welcome to the Royal sleepover. Thank you your majesty right this way my little ladies

Sophia invited them Ruby and Jade are the best you'll see

Jade did you bring the pinecones? Yep sure did

What are they doing what are they wearing oh


Sofia how would you two like a royal makeover?

Okay, it's time for the first activity fan decorating what kind of flowers are you painting Clio

Roses say hi to happy fan. That's Sofia


Baileywick. Is it time for pin the tail on the unicorn yet? It is now

Favorite animal in the whole world. No offense

Sofia I need to talk to you right this way

magic show

Right. Let's practice this one more time from the top. Yeah. Okay Oh

Everyone's a critic

I've always wanted to know how many tiaras do you have?

Eighty-four fiea do something about your friends. Why don't we get some before?

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 119 - Eve Howarth - Duration: 10:01.


Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 562 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.

Hiren it away

What's so special about today tonight is the minotaur meteor chef look out in the distance. Oh

The cloud let's see great idea Sofia no told you so no matter what I ask. She always says no amber

Wait back night, but we're older now and much more experienced. We've been a lots of adventures. Amber's going to be so disappointed

The children well, we are children we're old enough to do things without constant mothering girls

I've been thinking I was worried about letting you go alone Frank amber. All right, that's what it takes

Meteor shower. Here we come

Where are we going that looks like a ship in trouble?

I see the ship very good Sofia, but we don't know they're in trouble

Here put your life vests on

Ten toes don't need any more Oh

Mother are you sure about this and attach it to the cleat on the bow the what underwear?

Passed off the line

We have no choice we have to abandon ship yes

Thank you mean don't want to be in the way

So if you can just sail us back to enchancia

You're part of me crew now and pirate rule number one says nobody gets off the ship we go boyos


Don't worry girls. I will find a way to get us home

Maybe that's how we're going to get home

These pirates may not know how to sail

It was mom who made us stop and tow this ship off. That way tell me about the treasure

We're hunting we seek the golden maid we help you find the treasure. You take us home. My mom is an excellent sailor

Well, then it's a deal wait a minute I be the captain and I be givin the orders around here

Be my guest. She be a what she be an enchanted figurehead. So captain

How do you hope to find the maiden there be an ancient Sun?

So where's the treasure gun that I cannot tell ya but by stars at night?

And wrong way can't tell laughs hands to guide us on our pirate

Quest and lead up the words to the song don't make any sense clothing flew

Your treasure lies within the water retreat

Wasn't that exciting you guys what was exciting as a class 2-z water earth icebergs?

Course the ICC Sophia stay on the wheel and follow our directions to yourself

We wouldn't have to go through any icebergs if you would just listen to me

Okay, that might not have been the best decision but I'm doing the best I can

I'm sorry mom I did and I'm glad you told me how you really feel. Huh? You girls are growing up so fast

Go back into the icebergs not a change

Hmm, the next clue is to head for the weaving part of the loom, but nobody knows the Stars better than my sister. Amber

So if you want to figure out the next clue

All right, let's find that golden maiden sing it again boys could that be a constellation

No, there is no such thing as the weaving part of the Loom

Song says to go through the whirling burly we got tonight

When the full moon rises under the sea so do we still have a deal indeed we do in

Champion in Ghent. Yeah

Why today I'm really glad you came along on. So am I amber?

Look at them all

Bad little dragon a


Sleepover with my bestie, but I am NOT in marshmallow. Sorry. Sorry, let's have some now they're especially good warmed up

Did you hear something cutest thing I've ever seen

But I don't think we can just leave him here I've always wanted a baby dragon I didn't have to take care of

You're a little bit too big for this basket

Hello girls, how was the berry picking chef Pietro can make berry pie for dessert tonight?

Is it just the cutest thing ever? Where did you find but they're so messy. No

All right, you can keep him

We'll take the berries to the kid you need a mean sweet and cute and lovable excuse

Crackle, no loogie lives in the castle. Remember? Oh,


krispies tired

Let's get your blankie what blankie use your inside fire? Oh

It's a one-of-a-kind mandolin made just for me

We'll check on him after dinner oops

Vivian now that she's got a new dragon. It's like she's forgotten all about me, huh?

Maybe it's a little true, but she gave him my blankie

It's my blankie oh

All right, all right, I thought that kid would never leave me alone what hold it right there

Split the take with you if you keep quiet, what do you say pal? Yeah

Yeah have it your way then but if you're not yeah, I'll be in you

He's a mean sneaky grown up dragon crook little crispy with me. You're getting a little carried away with the jealousy

Just comes

I'm so sorry chef Pedro if she's never done anything like this before he's trying to make it look like I did it

They tried to frame me. I'm sorry, but you should know better. It was wispy

I know it crispy, please. She's have a kind of a jealousy issue

Sure, I'm telling you it was crispy he's trying to get rid of me by turning Vivian against me Oh

Eyes crispy crispy pies

Huh sick over I told you okay

So but it doesn't make him a hardened criminal who's out to get you we're following him

Behind this door

I thought for sure you'd be kicked out of the house by now. Well, I'm not no one messes with my dragon. Oh

My part, I don't think so, sweetheart

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 562 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.


V For Vendetta (2005) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> V For Vendetta (2005) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving - Duration: 1:46.


Mickey and the Roadster Racers | Cuckoo for Cuckoo Clocks! | Episode 08 | Alisha Henry - Duration: 10:01.

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That wasn't your stomach it was my cuckoo clock

Cuckoo clock is getting old needs lots of repairs

I'm going to the hardware store for supplies to fix it up again

I wish there was a way we could help out cuckoo. Luka will surprise cuckoo

But they did have a special on duct tape she didn't even notice

You mean besides everything

They wonder how you turn on the lights maybe this one

Oh, it was nothing even with all the problems, how can I give it out?

You'll help make the curtains fall out a window and it really was 3:15

We should have asked if you wanted a new club in the first place that trucks driving off with our cooker block

I know this sounds weird coming from me, but could you to sing the jingle?

Being in terrible jeopardy

Sure thing just grab a hardhat safety first, you know, how are we gonna get it?

I know it's here somewhere

Look tree o clock that cuckoo clock belongs to our friend

My happy helpers have an excellent reputation for a

Termite inspector COO cool over here. Is this your house?

We have to tent the house right away and you think to get rid of all that leaves Chloe's

Pig yo, Daisy, what's that smell smells more like midnight swamp?

How do we get it now by using this

She used to be by old jalopy Oh

Cuckoo clock your clock

She was good, because I happy memories of you guys

Thanks a bo, please it's gonna take a lot of work

The ropes tourettes have always had the best look when you wear that pin

Pals coming back for the big occasion

Try this on for size

Pippa knows roots. You always were the fastest roads directories. What's wrong? Well mini

The thing is it's like I'm stuck in a pit stop and I don't know Wow girls. You're right

I'll bet there is a way to turn things around

Hey, why are you BeagleBone just crashing our reunion they're not time to waste playing games

Oh, yeah, we do your best Chris you against ours?

But I I of course the winner needs it but that's my trophy I want it fair and square later

All right, listen up boys I want to win this race fair and

Which means yeah so often let's soup this baby up. Yes, you are hungry

I think I yam bug Greek. I don't know something to slow it down

Welcome to everything's inflatable

With the golden gasket assist good as mine. Oh, I hope I can pull this off. You know my lucky

Zippity gang wins

Make that Xerox

Hey wait, I didn't mean to break it but I'm tired

I knew what was you two who cheated go wait for me in the car?

Thanks, but I guess some things are just impossible to fix

My trophy it's better than ever including the Beatle Buster's Oh such a great

Friends my nerves

Doesn't start relaxing soon

Now don't you worry mrs. Makes notice I can smell the sunscreen already to show

Relish and mayo that we've got to the stadium

Tufting the condiment king of hotdogs hills. Oh, we've got too much to do right now. I've got a major order to deal with

Vacation Larrabee, I'll call you back. See I'm not oh this

Is worse than I thought

We'll get your husband to relax if it's the last thing we do

Favorite ways to relax on vacation

Hold that thought Larrabee goat pronto the stadium is waiting for that delivery

All right

This is not


And I bet you will too

I don't know about this now the relish spill -

Guess this isn't so bad

So do you think he's relaxed something that's just pure

I don't see how bending myself into a pretzel is going to help

For more infomation >> Mickey and the Roadster Racers | Cuckoo for Cuckoo Clocks! | Episode 08 | Alisha Henry - Duration: 10:01.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 769 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:01.

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It just comes naturally hey you guys why dr. Miss cross the reef?

The floating what princess Sofia's ship it's too bad. Mr. Cedric didn't want to come this time. Oh

This is so relaxing

Your beverage and Sun spectacles princess amber wonderful be anyway perhaps we should do something to show our appreciation

There's just one problem your Majesties. How do we invite the merpeople?

I can go try to find my mermaid friend Oona she comes up to the surface a lot. Great

I'll go look for her to be

I'm so glad you're back. Can't we tell everyone?

Party subset. Well that takes care of that. Let's go find my friends Sopheap. Hey everyone. Look who's here?

princess Sofia

What's it like having legs?

What's the like over goal and it's not nice to meet you it always is now if you don't mind

I have some sea urchin. What else would they be? I don't get it slim what makes her so special

How dare they pay attention to her and not you

We have a band you do that sounds like a terrific gift what kind of gift is that? I could do much better

Oh, I know I'll get the pearl out of that. Giant clam now. That's a gift fit for a king and queen

You'll be the star



Are you okay fluke? I didn't really need your help, you know, Oh what what were you thinking fluke swimming?

So close to that giant clam

Yeah, the Horde really defines their sound what semantics oi what treasure we were lucky to have this one

I know where we can get another one

I'll swim in and grab one of his old horns before he even wakes up back in a flash

You're right Sofia we should stop him, I agree 100% but we might wake up the mantacorn I concur the best course of action

I'm done for they can eat like a whole heart in one sitting like a floating pinky over here. What are you doing here?

I said I could belong here. We can't look the entrance is blocked. Look, don't worry about it

I'll figure out a way to get us out after I find a stash look

I think we can sneak past him now. Not until I find a mantacorn horn. Wait, you'll wake him up for sure. Let's just go

Boom is right


Don't sweat it princess. I've got it all under control. Here's the plan. That's way too risky Oh,

Risk is my middle name. We need to stick together so we can all get out of here

Okay fraud we would have already gotten out if you hadn't tried to get that mantacorn horn. I'm not following you anywhere just like before

Fluke all right. Yes. I mean everyone looked up to me until you showed up

Because I think we should find that backed up lead the way Sofia

Wait, we saw this way. It's the only way we'll get away. You've got to trust me. Don't be taking me harms

I say we go flukes way follow me God. Why are you stopping there? They are

the entire stash of Manticore horns fluke

There you are we were worried

Don't worry flip you can't get us you're our hero

I am you are you saved all of us? I was just minding my own business

Take it up

Probably better that way. I'm going to help me to

With you CUDA just asked me

Now what kind of horn do you need do all the way

What do they eat pufferfish

Or maybe Sophia couldn't find una and the merpeople don't know about the party let's give them a little more time shall we

Welcome everyone. But where is Sophia mom a little performance just for us ok gang

Performing a special song in honor of the king and queen of enchancia

Nutini on the block

For the museum opening party tonight flying carpets. Hmm. This delivery is just arrived

Thank you for your new Palace Museum. This was sent to the wrong Kingdom. Why don't I just take it dad. I'm going there anyway

The greatest way screening TV there ever was well princess Sofia this is your lucky day

I wish for you to go back in your lamp so I can take it to tango like I promised and then it wishes

Boring them out of the lamp what now?

Miss we have to get Kasim back in his lamp and deliver it in time for the party tonight

Who's gonna wish anyone got a wish?

But I'm all out

Then date you will have I wish it would rain and so it shall land accounts, please

You have to stop granting wishes and you have to get back in your lamp and I love making people happy

No, how am I gonna find him you are

Looking for gene. No, but I can tell you how to find him

I will help you find your missing genie it is what they do

Well, you'll have to talk to a patrolman miss so we got a runaway Genie Bowie, yeah

Named Sofia not yoga genies Cathy. I bet he grant you three wishes when you let him out

No, but he's been granting everyone else's wishes

Now get this sergeant

Sergeant, wait a second. Our genies here really just to you my dad

Now if this Kazim is a young genie fresh out of the lamp. He probably hasn't learned the genie rules

Yeah, and without him that'd be magical mayhem in the streets

But I need to get him back in his lamp and deliver to the palace before the party starts, okay

Heavy fine follow every clue look or anything too. Good to be true

It smells like wishes bingo. It means it'll be crawling with wishes. So we'll have to be on our toes. Oh

Hello, king Roland Queen Miranda and provide a safety net just in case

Maybe she stopped off at the marketplace. She was supposed to come straight here

Jeannie rules these Genie rules and I like going to bed at night knowing cookies are bite-sized

I'm not going and I'm not learning any rules

No, Sofia only the genie who grants the wish can undo the wish

Not this time

You're the genie control now Sofia you still there

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 769 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:01.


Timon & Pumbaa - Cute Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episodes 7 Part 3 - Alicia Miller - Duration: 3:49.

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Simple self-help one-hour pin step fruit-juice hypnosis process, you know

I've tried other programs and they've all failed but I stuck with this one and it worked and

Now I'm back here to Gore the matador and prove. I am the


Come on homebuyer Boeing come and get me can play this game

Excuse me sad not now Papa, but your own I'm here to save you Pumbaa. Would you please leave me alone?

I'm trying the bullfight you

Boombah Boombah Boombah Boombah

You were saying with

And then later you said you weren't afraid of nobody

And then

you said you were born brave and I was just born and

Okay. Okay, I'll save us but how exactly am I supposed to do it dress in a ruffled shirt and perform a flamingo


For more infomation >> Timon & Pumbaa - Cute Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episodes 7 Part 3 - Alicia Miller - Duration: 3:49.


15 New PC Games For 2019 We Can't Wait To Play - Duration: 12:48.

Hello and welcome to Rock Paper Shotgun.

It's the end of 2018 which means I'm legally obliged to start hyping all the games for


And there are so many games.

February alone is looking busier than 2018's pre-Christmas period - mainly because everyone

was scared to release their games next to Red Dead Redemption 2.

It means we're going to have a spring stuffed with post-apocalyptic adventures and deadly


Which sounds like a pretty good spring to me.

Here are my picks of the 15 games to watch out for in 2019.

And thanks to Shadow for supporting the channel - for more information on their impressive

cloud-based PC, check out the link in the description below.

Oh, and if you enjoy this video as it goes along, do subscribe to Rock Paper Shotgun

- but only if you're enjoying it.

That way you can follow all these games as we cover them through the year.

Now, onwards to the future!

If Fallout 76 has left you with the bitter taste of molerat steaks and mediocrity, you

can wash it away with a swig of Metro Exodus.

4A Games post-apocalyptic survival shooter isn't an open world like Bethesda's, though

you'd be forgiven for thinking it was.

It's more a series of very fat corridors, keeping you on the tracks of a compelling

story but opening up into wider areas that let the environment artists conjure some amazingly

bleak landscapes and gives you the chance to choose your approach.

Do you customise weapons for quiet creeping, or beef them up so they do as much noisy damage

as possible?

Either way, those radioactive bears won't know what hit them.

This has always been a series that has used cramped settings to justify a beautiful level

of detail - we can't wait to see how, and if, it scales up.

If you've been watching Rock Paper Shotgun this year you'll know why we like Resident

Evil 2 - it's all about the limb damage.

The horrible, graphic limb damage.

Yes, you can put a bullet between the eyes, but these zombies keep getting back up.

Better to shoot off an elbow or knee and watch all the strawberry jam come squirting out.

Just remember where you left the legless undead - they'll be waiting for you on a return


Okay, there are loads more reasons to be excited for this gorgeous remake of the 1998 classic

- the way it borrows from Resident Evil 4 and 7 but keeps the shape and feel of resi

2 is very clever.

But sometimes it's something as simple as a swinging arm that catches your imagination.

If Bethesda aren't scratching your Fallout itch these days, you'll be all over The

Outer Worlds - headed up by Fallout 1 and 2's original designers, Tim Cain and Leonard


It's a gloriously pulpy sci-fi first-person RPG.

There's a fair bit of Borderlands in its looks and the idea of space owned by evil

mega corporations, but the focus is entirely on doing things your way: you can go in loud,

sneak through the game or try and overcome problems with wits.

It does handle more like a traditional shooter - if you line up a shot it'll always hit

- but you can go more granular by slowing time to target limbs.

It's very Fallout then, but with a bigger emphasis on weird humour, player choices and


I am stupidly excited for this one.

Fellow RPS word person Brendy calls Sekiro 'jumpy Dark Souls' and he's not wrong

- it's Dark Souls goes to Edo Japan, which means skulking about on rooftops and pulling

rival samurai to their deaths before leaping into larger fights.

Combat is faster than From Software's previous outings, with a focus on quick killing blows

after clashing swords in the right way.

I'm not exactly sure what that right way is - we spent most of the demo being gutted

by an eight foot warrior with a blade bigger than we are.

Whisking up to safety with a grappling hook let us ponder where we went wrong and drink

in the stunning Japanese architecture.

We hope we'll be brave enough to come down from there when the game releases in March.

One of my new year's resolutions for 2019 is to punch off more demon heads, and Doom

Eternal looks like it fulfil that goal in about a minute of play.

It's more of what made 2016's Doom fabulous: more demons - some borrowed and revamped from

Doom 2 - new weapons and new gadgets.

You have a grappling hook this time, which should take the already quick flowing combat

and stick it on fast forward.

And while you still can't talk to the monsters, you can become them - with a new invasion

mode that lets you jump into a friends game as the legions of hellspawn trying to bring

them down.

In this age of never ending battle royale, it's awesome to see Doom stick to its guns.

And they are VERY big guns.

We've seen Control in a hands-off demo and it took every ounce of our own control not

to try and play the demo by force.

It's third person action with a surreal supernatural twist, as you explore the Federal

Bureau of Control with a gun that shapeshifts in your hand.

There are strange floating bodies on the ceiling and one of your colleagues can't stop staring

at a fridge.

I've always thought of Remedy as gaming's answer to genre filmmakers - from the noire

of of Max Payne to Alan Wake's pulpy Stephen King flavour.

This is David Lynch meets The X-Files and I can't wait to get lost in its confusing


Far Cry New Dawn is another post-apocalyptic shooter helping us get over Fallout 76.

But this one will also help us get over the ending of Far Cry 5, which rubbed us up the

wrong way with its bleak nuclear payload.

This spin-off takes the nuke as its inspiration, dropping us back in Hope County 17 years later.

What's changed?

Well, weapons are cobbled together with a greater degree of customisation, you get a

wild boar sidekick named horatio and can expect to meet relatives of the companions you met

in Far Cry 5.

You can also hop in a helicopter to visit self-contained missions in areas dotted around

post-nuke America, just in case you get tired of Montana's scorched plains.

This looks fun.

Am I a sucker for still getting excited about BioWare games?

It's only really Mass Effect Andromeda that missed the mark for me, but reports of internal

turmoil and creative talent leaving the studio does give you the fear.

On the other hand: jetpacks!

Never underestimate the simple pleasure of hooning around the sky in a giant rocket-propelled

exoskeleton - our brief hands-on at E3 confirmed that they've nicely captured the weight

and heft of these Javelin suits.

The big question is whether Bioware have found interesting work for us to do in the suits.

They keep trying to convince us that there's cool storytelling happening back in the home

city of Fort Tarsis, but it looks limited to to us.

No, this will live and die on the satisfaction of smashing endless aliens for shiny loot.

Fingers crossed it works.

The original Ori is probably my favourite Metroid clone ever - apologies to Team Hollow


All this sequel has to do to succeed is to give me more of those gorgeous animated worlds,

that soundtrack and some of the most fluid platforming outside of Mario.

All this looks present and correct, but with a heavy dose of new ideas.

Combat has been completely revamped, Ori gets a lighting spear and samurai sword that look

too dangerous for a creature this cute.

Oh, and if you can't jump over a obstacle, why not drill under it?

Add a playable baby owl and this is another amazing combination of adorable and hardcore.

Come on, we all know owls are hardcore - they can twist their friggin heads backwards.

Total War does Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a fascinating pitch.

The Chinese novel is where history clashes with legend, retelling a century of military

turmoil through the big personalities involved.

It's almost like the Marvel Cinematic Universe of its time - reframing historical figures

as legendary warriors.

The game takes all this in with a big focus on these superstar generals of the battlefield.

They able to charge through entire platoons and enter one-on-one duels with other generals.

Away from the battle you then have to diplomatically balance all these fiery personalities or maybe

pay the price in future fights.

Or you can ignore all that and play in classic mode - but come on, who doesn't want to

fight as a mystic warrior of legend?

The reveal of a Desperados revival was one of the best surprises of 2018 - even better

because it's being handled by Mimimi, who made the amazing Shadow Tactics.

This sees them apply their real-time tactics brains to the slightly creaky cowboy classic

and the resulting game is looking great.

Levels now have big social areas where you are free to walk about and sniff out opportunities

to reach your targets, before breaking into hostile areas where it becomes about view

cones and carefully hiding bodies.

Listening on conversations to discover weaknesses in people's defences gives it a real Hitman


Matthew loved the demo he saw - click the on-screen link to find out loads more.

Okay, my fellow RPS vid bud Matthew forced me to include this one, as he's a huge Ace

Attorney dweeb.

It's a PC port of the original trilogy, first seen on the Game Boy Advance but looking

slightly swisher here with HD do-over that Capcom first put together for the iOS version.

You play as a defence attorney with pointy hair and an even pointier finger, which you

use to accuse people of lying in a series of twisted court cases.

It's basically like watching an amazing legal anime drama, but with odd bits of logical

deduction to keep your brain engaged.

Very strange, very shouty - I can see why Matthew likes it.

If Ace Attorney is right up Matthew's street, then Flotsam is right up mine.

Only there aren't any streets in Flotsam as it's a city-building game set in an ocean


There are three things I like about this one.

One: you have a helpful guide called Steven Seagull, which is a pun I have deep respect


Two: I love a cute city builder/management game, and this one is particularly quirky

and colourful.

Thirdly, I really dig its message about pollution and waste.

I mean, if you pay any attention to the headlines you'll know that we're basically heading

for a Flotsam style situation - I'm hoping that playing this will give me a headstart

when the water begins to rise.

Enjoy life on the seabed, suckers!

Because those maniacs at Nintendo won't make any more Advance Wars games, the team

at Chucklefish are basically stepping in and doing it for them.

Their 2D turn-based tactics lifts most of the formula from Nintendo's GBA classic,

but throws in all the mod cons you'd expect from a game in 2019 - it has over 45 different

kinds of PVP maps, a versatile map creator, a campaign creator and a puzzle mode that

gives you one turn to win, which sounds an awful lot like Into The Breach, which was

amazing and should be ripped off more often.

Oh, and one of the commanders you can play as is a dog.

I would call him a good boy, but he's technically responsible for hundreds of deaths.

Bad dog!

No biscuit!

Heaven's Vault is the next game from Inkle - the galaxy brains behind 80 Days and the

Sorcery trilogy.

This one is about an archeologist trying to make sense of an alien ruin by deciphering

the language carved into its buildings.

I think this is going to do for translation, what Return of the Obra Dinn did for nautical

insurance claims - and there's a quote to stick on the box.

It's all about drawing out a symbol's meaning from its location, and then watching

a linguistic domino effect as it changes how you read other messages in the world around


I'm making it sound a way more dry than it actually is - this is going to be a brilliant

mystery from one of gaming's most distinctive storytellers.

And those are just a few of the hundreds of interesting games on the horizon - it was

a bit of a nightmare whittling them down.

I'd love to hear your personal picks for the year, so definitely put them in the comments

- then we'll do our very best to make sure we cover them in detail as the year unfolds.

And thanks again to Shadow for sponsoring this RPS video.

Shadow is a high-end, cloud-based computer available on any internet-enabled device.

Just like any Windows 10 PC, you can use it to work, play or browse - it has the specs

to handle any game, and comes with an integrated fibre connection, perfect for downloading

any game or uploading a video at the speed of light.

For more info on Shadow - and a discount for RPS viewers - click the link in the description.

I hope you found this video useful - I know it's dumb to get sucked into the hype cycle,

but it's nice to have something to look forward to, right?

I really hope you'll join us in 2019 to cover all these wonderful PC games - we've

been having loads of fun on the channel in 2018 and we'd love for you to subscribe

and join us for more.

Hopefully see you soon.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> 15 New PC Games For 2019 We Can't Wait To Play - Duration: 12:48.


Sofia The First The Silent Knight Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - BoBo TV - Duration: 10:01.

Silent night damn if anything only some incredible dueling by the best nights in the candle

I can't believe I'm meeting my favorite Knight. I'm your biggest fan. He didn't say one word to you

That's because sir Bartleby is the silent night here if they're going to be a jousting match actually James

It's a special award. We give to someone for being very brave. Which Knight is getting it dad

Terry oh it's so nice of you to have me over. That's why your aunt is getting the shield of Valor

Whoa, so I taught him how to knit and he calmed right down

they look very

What they are you'll find that special someone can he'll be great

The trumpets if you'll excuse me

To your horses. Oh, what a great idea. I think I'll go for a ride, too

Tilly shouldn't you be facing forward but how will I see? What's behind me my knight not so shining armor

I'm Tilly. Oh

I see you're the strong silent type

Are you all right? Oh, yes. I'm just fine

What's wrong with him Sofia I think you like the Attili so

Well done man, I

Want to be a knight to becoming a knight takes years of training

Being a squire is an important job and the first step to being a knight. I must have gone through eight this week

So what do you say James the names Prince James?

Everyone knows that little pranks

And she's always looking for someone to go on adventures with maybe that could be you

So I'll never be able to tell you're really how I feel I know you can write to her

Not bad little prince

and what about my other swords a good Squire knows what his Knight wants before the knight knows he wants it a

Sandwich, you've got a lot to learn little prince. You can call me Jane and shine my armor while you're at it

Or that you've got a dragon to knit instead scorch

You can give her your poem now

Wait don't give up sir Bartleby. I think you should just tell aunt Tilly how you feel. Oh

Mighty Knight disqualified Oh

With my

head fan mcfist

Well sing it only he'll hide behind this boy

Trust me princess Sofia. This is a great plan

Sir Mac, so can you do a favor for sir Bartleby?

count me


Quit it also friend again wants me to do is sharpen this and shine Mac carrying a big sword. Yeah and a big shield

Uh, well, you can't do any of that without a well saddled horse and clean armor

So, do you still want to quit no way?

There you are aunt Tilly really oh it shouldn't keep it waiting then should we

Mommy me mamu

Here's your surprise aunt Tilly sir. Bartleby has a song. He'd like to sing for you a one and A two and

Wait a minute. It was you singing this whole time. Yes


Sir, Bartleby wrote the song. Just tell her. Yes, sir. Bartleby. Tell me I'm sorry sir Bartleby

Perhaps a little fencing practice will take your mind off things

Sofia it's time to get to rest for the favorites. There's going to be dancing tonight

You want me to dance with Tilly? Yes

Yes, come on I'll teach you the real

James but that's okay. This is what I have to do if I want to be a great Knight one day

There's Kelly and he's really a very sweet dragon ready now anyway

Are you asking me to dance how did you learn to dance so well Oh, silly me, I'm sorry, sir Bartleby. Oh

Well, that was one way to sweep a girl off her feet

Wait up. It was silly to think she would love me with a voice like this little play hurt

I meant why is it my armor on me? But where is my voice and my

Okay, Schwartz nice and sharp

Impressive work. I'm ready for the ceremony. What do you mean?

I want everyone to see my excellent Squire riding at my side. I don't think you should give up sir Bartleby

You're the bravest of the brave if you were brave enough to do all that and I know you can be brave enough to tell

Aunt Tilly how you feel sir Bartleby?

Don't be afraid to be yourself

We are here to honor the Duchess Matilda with the shield of Valor award to present the shield of Valor

I'd like to call up our kingdoms must

You do it is only because being around you makes me I was afraid of what you'd think of

My voice your voice you are one of a kind and you are whiz-bang

Sir Bartleby, I thought you preferred riding shields. Good point

But he does have an odd voice I didn't notice you


Hope we're not late we'd already be there if amber didn't take so long to get ready. It's my favorite sport in the whole kingdom

Coachman better take the high road

There's a tryout race next week and we start practicing for it tomorrow

You didn't even make the team last year this year will be different. You should come watch flying Derby practice at school tomorrow. Hmm

Prince Hugo Princess amber. I just wanted to wish you luck. I'm your biggest fan

time to flock

Good mornin who's her Eddie's her ace of flying horses. Good morning, sir, Gilliam, what's wrong?

Um only princess can ride in the flying Derby the flying Derby is just not a princess thing

How is school

Okay, I went to try out for the flying Derby - what Robin have you ever heard anything? So ridiculous. I don't know

But if you really want to do it then I say both I was flying Derby practice today James great

Princesses don't do that. Well, there's a first time for everything amber

I think it's a wonderful idea someone like you James me and you'll get in some extra practice

There Gillian, oh you do of course you do

He's all yours

Only you spoke horse I could tell you I can speak horse

Wow, oh you'll pick another horse. I have short legs small wings

She's at the end of the week right here on our derby cars

Let me help you

You know my sister get on her pony

Hold him the way you want to go? That's it. Yep. It's easy. I

Don't care how many times they fall I am going to try out for the team

Guess flying Derby isn't a princess thing after all you can make fun of me. All you want climb the board Sophia, okay

Now keep your hands on my head now, this is how you steal I

Can't believe she's really doing it. I can't believe I'm really doing it. Yeah

It's the toughest part of the course right before the finish

For more infomation >> Sofia The First The Silent Knight Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - BoBo TV - Duration: 10:01.


Amazing Charming Charlavail Prefab Tiny House on Wheels For Sale - Duration: 2:55.

Amazing Charming Charlavail Prefab Tiny House on Wheels For Sale

For more infomation >> Amazing Charming Charlavail Prefab Tiny House on Wheels For Sale - Duration: 2:55.


Books To Read For Self Development in 2019 - Duration: 13:30.

hey what's going on it's Steph here from coming to you from

beautiful Brisbane Australia and Happy New Year's today is officially the last

day of 2018 which is totally mind-blowing so I hope you have a

wonderful New Year's Eve and New Years Day whatever that means for you if you're

gonna go out and enjoy it with friends and family or if you're going to rug up

or not rug up in Australia that's for sure but like chill out relax it's a bit

of Netflix or something like that I hope you have a lovely lovely time recently

you would have noticed I've been doing a lot of videos around my how to prepare

for the new year and this video is nothing different I wanted to share with

you a list of books that you should read for self development in 2019 so I want

to give you a couple of the books that I've read throughout 2018 that I really

really loved and then I'm also going to share with you my list of books that I

have saved on my Google Drive and also show you which ones that I'm about to

start reading as well but first things first let's go through my favorite ones

from 2018 now I do have some physical books here but there were a couple that

I also read well listen to on audible so I will speak to those ones at the end as

well but the first one is earthers hiring by Peter Kelly actually did a

full book review on this one so I will leave that link above for you

I think it's that side and also linked below if you want to go check that out

but this one was a really like an easy read the author is Australian so I kind

of felt like I wanted to support that anyway and I follow her on social media

and I just love her vibe and I love her energy and the message that she shares

with the world didn't disappoint that special so it's it's kind of written in

a way towards Millennials so my sort of age bracket and just how the world is

changing like how things are happening now from a

business perspective that back in the day or you know just even recently

there's a lot of hustle and grinding and whatnot whereas this book kind of talks

about just going into your flow and listening to like your intuition and

where you think you need to be and how you need to do things and just really be

true to who you are so it talks about stepping into your own what you can do

from like a business point of view in this day and age talks about money and

mindset and actually wrote my own money story because of this book and yeah that

was really good it sort of brought up some negative thoughts or feelings that

I had towards money that I didn't even realize I had so yes that's the first

book next one was money master the game by Tony Robbins this one I was

absolutely obsessed with and it's not you know it's quite a thick book but

this one I was literally like any spare time I had I was reading this book and I

think it's because just during 2018 for me there was a focus on getting my

budgeting sorted getting my fan finances sorted making sure I had the right

accounts open making sure that I was putting money into an investing account

so I could invest that money for it to work for me so this book was just really

perfect timing for me and I just absolutely loved it he pretty much talks

about all the different ways that you can invest your money he talks to all

the massive people like Warren Buffett who else was in there are so many people

so if you are interested in learning more about what to do with your money

and how to manage it then this is a fantastic book it is written more so too

I guess the American side of things so they talk about the 401k but if you're

Ozzie or in a different country in Australia we have superannuation and

superannuation is pretty much the same as a 401k so you can kind of it does

reference other countries so definitely pick that up for a read and then another

one by Tony Robbins is awaken the giant within now this is a

book that I am currently reading I am literally within the first few

chapters so not very far along but I'm loving this book already I'm really

finding that I really like the way that Tony Robbins writes and how he does his

books so I'm probably gonna go out and get a lot more of his books because I

really enjoy his style and just the messaging that he does so he just seems

to do a lot of research when it comes to his books which I really really like but

this one awaken the giant within take immediate control of your mental

emotional physical and financial destiny it just makes you realize the reasons

why you do things and the reasons why you may not have motivation in a

particular area and it's all about the fact that just from what I've read so

far anyway is that as humans we always seek out pleasure vast pain so all our

decisions all our actions everything we do in life is based on us trying to

remove pain and seek out pleasure and that's not just sort of like physical

pain it could be a pain that you've connected to a certain things so for

example it might be that you're trying to lose weight and previously you have

been on really restrictive diets you didn't enjoy it so now you have a pain

associated with losing weight so you then self-sabotage it as much as you

feel like motivated at the beginning and you really want to lose that weight and

you don't understand why you don't have like the motivation or the willpower to

be able to do it it's because you pretty much have a negative connection to

losing weight because of all the previous diets and your feeling of being

restricted and just that negative emotion towards that particular

situation so he actually then goes through and shows you how you can turn

that around so the habits that you want to get rid of how you then can associate

pain to it so you don't want to go back to it and then the good habits or things

that you do want to put attention on to that you may not

been successful in in the past it's changing your thinking around it so that

you can connect a feeling of pleasure to that so when you think about it it's not

ah but you know it's always so hungry and I felt really restricted when I had

to lose weight and it's like that's just not worth it to me you've then got this

more positive connection to that situation which makes you actually want

to go do it and the last two books are actually on audible so the first one was

crushing it by Gary Vaynerchuk it's pretty much about running a successful

business online so utilizing social media and how you can do that he pretty

much goes out and interviews all these people that have had success on

different platforms and they share their stories of what they've done and how

they were able to do it and it was just a really inspiring book to understand

that you can pretty much make money from anything this day and age and it made me

feel really grateful for being in such a time where we do have YouTube Facebook

Twitter Instagram it's really given a lot of people this awesome opportunity

to be able to be super successful and he just really dives into that in that book

so that's a good one if you do want to start looking at how you can make some

money online and the other one is the values factor by dr. John Demartini I

love dr. John Demartini his teachings and messaging I just really am connected

to you and I absolutely love this was a really great book particularly if you

are struggling with trying to determine what is most important to you and what

your life purpose is this really helped me figure out and own what my life

purpose is and be absolutely okay with it so it is a great book highly

recommend that one I highly recommend anything by dr. John Demartini

now I read a bunch of other books as well but those are the ones that just

really connected with me throughout the year some books I started and just did

not feel a connection to them so I actually didn't even finish reading them

and that may not be you know anything against the book it could have just been

that I wasn't ready for that messaging because I've read books for a second

time and I felt like I've gotten a lot out of

them so I won't talk about those books but I will go on and I'm now going to

show you my book list that I keep on my Google Drive so let's go have a look at

that so this is my book list here that I keep on my Google Drive so I'm able to

access it wherever I need and I've got quite a bit here if we scroll down

you'll see that you know I've got the title the author and then the category

next to it and you can see that I'm very much into wisdom and spirituality that

seems to be the topic of the books that I enjoy reading at the moment and that's

not to say that I don't enjoy reading about business or money or anything like

that it just seems to be that I get a lot out of those types of books and

that's just something that's really interesting me at the moment so I want

to read more and more and more about those types of things now how I put this

list together is I just listen to what other people are recommending so people

that are inspirational to me or my mentors or just even people that are in

a very similar community to me so for example the other day I was coming to

the end of one book and so I put out a post in a mastermind community that I'm

a part of and I just said what is your favorite books because I know that group

of people are on a very similar journey to me and have very similar interests so

I looked at all the books that they recommended and then I chose the ones

that really connected to me so the ones that are highlighted in green here

they're the ones that I really want to read next

so again dr. John Demartini the breakthrough experience I've heard

amazing things about that book so I really want to get my hands on it I

haven't been able to find it yet but I will the next one that I really want to

do is you are a badass at making money so I've actually already got that one on

audible so that's pretty much good to go it's just a matter of freeing up some

time I don't really like having multiple books on the go because I like to give

my undivided attention to one book and really study what they're saying to do

and what their advice is in that book so I don't listen to one audible book

and then read a physical book I'm doing one or the other next one is the

untethered soul by Michael a singer that one came up recommended quite a bit

that's very much spirituality so that should be an interesting read next one

is unlimited power by Tony Robbins again I really enjoy his books so I think that

I will like this one as well and the other one is journey of souls by Michael

Newton again this is a spirituality book the reason why I have a couple of

spirituality books on here that I want to read really soon is because in 2019

one of my goals is I want to learn more about that topic because I really

haven't up until now and I've started to sort of learn a little bit more about it

and understand different people's beliefs and I want to learn more so I

can come up with my own I guess conclusion and my own decision on what I

believe in I just want to learn more about the soul and what happens to the

soul after we leave this physical plane so those first five books that I was

talking about earlier the ones that I've already read I highly recommend reading

those ones for self development if you haven't already done so and then sharing

my list is just giving you some more ideas on books that you may want to read

as well so I will leave a list of the next five books that I'm going to read

the ones that were highlighted in green and I'll leave those below in the

description box for you to go check those ones out if you like as well let

me know if you've read any of those books that I've recommended or if you

have a book that you absolutely love that you think based on what I've shared

today that I would enjoy leave me a comment boy and let me know what that

book is because I'm always adding new books to my list so don't be afraid to

leave me a comment and let me know again I hope you have a wonderful Happy New

Year's my next few videos are going to be very specific to how to write goals

for life mastery and also make sure that you are successful in achieving them so

if that is something that you're interested in do make sure you are

subscribed to my channel I will leave a link for you on this side

and until my next upload I'll leave a couple of other videos on this side for

you if you want to go check those out anyway take care and I will see you in

the new year bye

For more infomation >> Books To Read For Self Development in 2019 - Duration: 13:30.


Manolas's Roma Awards for 2018 - Duration: 2:25.

I'm not too sure who to pick as the best player of 2018.

It's between Daniele, Dzeko and myself…

I won't say myself as that would be big-headed

so I'll go with Edin Dzeko because he's scored lots of important goals.

The best youngster of 2018 was Cengiz Under.

After a difficult start, he showed everyone what he's capable of.

He's got great pace and scored lots of goals.

He's getting better all the time.

The best game of 2018 was when we beat Barcelona 3-0.

It was an unbelievable comeback with the stadium packed to the rafters.

We were absolutely superb.

The toughest team we played in 2018 was Liverpool at Anfield.

We played really badly, they were much better than us and we lost 5-2.

The toughest opponent in 2018 was Salah in that game at Anfield.

He scored two and set up another, I think.

The best goal in 2018 was mine against Barcelona

because it sent us through to the semi-finals.

The best signing of 2018 was Justin Kluivert.

He's a young player with great potential. He could become a top player.

The best individual performance in 2018…

I'll change this a bit and say the three defenders against Barcelona

because it's very hard to keep a clean sheet against Barcelona.

For more infomation >> Manolas's Roma Awards for 2018 - Duration: 2:25.


Frostbite race set for tomorrow - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Frostbite race set for tomorrow - Duration: 0:38.


Lake Powell News Network LIVE: News and Entertainment For Page and Lake Powell - Duration: 56:03.

For more infomation >> Lake Powell News Network LIVE: News and Entertainment For Page and Lake Powell - Duration: 56:03.


Socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams outgoing Senator McCaskill for calling her - Duration: 13:50.

Socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams outgoing Senator McCaskill for calling her

New York Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has fired back at Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill who described her as a 'thing' and a 'bright shiny new object' while speaking in an interview with CNN last week.

Ocasio-Cortez, 29, who became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress in November, took to Twitter Saturday afternoon to express her disappointment over the outgoing senator's remarks.

The socialist firebrand said: 'Not sure why fmr Sen. McCaskill keeps going on TV to call me a "thing" and "shiny object," but it's pretty disappointing.

'McCaskill promised she'd "100% back Trump up" on his anti-immigrant rhetoric & lost. In MO, almost all progressive ballot issues won.'. McCaskill took to the comments section Sunday morning and insisted she is rooting for her.

'In the same interview I said I "wish you well and hope you hang the moon,' McCaskill wrote.

'My point was that results, not rhetoric is what really matters. Most folks are very cynical about all the promises, when they aren't followed by real accomplishments. I look forward to cheering yours!'.

Last week, McCaskill said she was baffled as to why incoming freshman congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez attracted so much attention since her surprise victory in New York.

McCaskill said she doesn't know Ocasio-Cortez, and cannot say whether the democratic socialist is one of the 'crazy' politicians within the Democratic Party that she spoke out against. 'I'm a little confused why she's the thing,' McCaskill told CNN.

'But it's a good example of what I'm talking about, a bright shiny new object, came out of nowhere and surprised people when she beat a very experienced congressman.

In the November general election, McCaskill lost her reelection bid to Republican challenger Josh Hawley. She has a week left in office.

New members will be sworn in on Jan. 3, and Ocasio-Cortez will be part of a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, having beat out exiting Rep. Joe Crowley over the summer in an intra-party challenge.

Her antics since Election Day, including her participation in a protest in likely House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office on Capitol Hill and an announcement this month that she was taking a week off for self-care before taking office, have been extensively covered by the media and have drawn strong reactions online.

McCaskill admitted in an exit interview with CNN that she doesn't understand why the young politician is getting so much attention.

'I'm not sure what she's done yet to generate that kind of enthusiasm, but I wish her well. I hope she hangs the moon,' McCaskill said of the incoming congresswoman.

She added: 'But I hope she also realizes that the parts of the country that are rejecting the Democratic Party, like a whole lot of white working class voters, need to hear about how their work is going to be respected, and the dignity of their jobs, and how we can really stick to issues that we can actually accomplish something on.

In a parting shot at some of her colleagues, McCaskill said, 'The rhetoric is cheap. Getting results is a lot harder.'.

Ocasio-Cortez led the way this past week in saying that the rules should be changed in the future to stipulate that in the event of full or partial government closure, federal legislators do not get paid until it is over.

'Next time we have a gov shutdown, Congressional salaries should be furloughed as well,' she wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

'It's completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision. The statement garnered attention from the left and the right on the first day of the government shutdown.

Almost as quickly as she earned new respect from conservatives, she irritated Twitter users on Christmas Day, however, when she claimed that Jesus was born a refugee.

A tweet read: 'Joy to the World! Merry Christmas everyone - here's to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. (Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.)'.

Many social media users pointed out that Joseph and Mary were not refugees when Jesus was born, and her telling of the first Christmas was therefore inaccurate.

The Gospel of Luke says that the family was in Bethlehem to participate in a census when Jesus was born. Mary gave birth in a manger, the Bible says, because there was no room left at the local inn.

Ocasio-Cortez insisted she was correct, however, sharing an article that supported her viewpoint. She called those who disagreed with her 'anti-immigrant pundits' in a follow-up tweet that claimed they were 'uncomfortable' admitting that Jesus Christ was indeed a refugee.

New York Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has fired back at Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill who described her as a 'thing' and a 'bright shiny new object' while speaking in an interview with CNN last week.

Ocasio-Cortez, 29, who became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress in November, took to Twitter Saturday afternoon to express her disappointment over the outgoing senator's remarks.

The socialist firebrand said: 'Not sure why fmr Sen. McCaskill keeps going on TV to call me a "thing" and "shiny object," but it's pretty disappointing.

'McCaskill promised she'd "100% back Trump up" on his anti-immigrant rhetoric & lost. In MO, almost all progressive ballot issues won.'. McCaskill took to the comments section Sunday morning and insisted she is rooting for her.

'In the same interview I said I "wish you well and hope you hang the moon,' McCaskill wrote.

'My point was that results, not rhetoric is what really matters. Most folks are very cynical about all the promises, when they aren't followed by real accomplishments. I look forward to cheering yours!'.

Last week, McCaskill said she was baffled as to why incoming freshman congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez attracted so much attention since her surprise victory in New York.

McCaskill said she doesn't know Ocasio-Cortez, and cannot say whether the democratic socialist is one of the 'crazy' politicians within the Democratic Party that she spoke out against. 'I'm a little confused why she's the thing,' McCaskill told CNN.

'But it's a good example of what I'm talking about, a bright shiny new object, came out of nowhere and surprised people when she beat a very experienced congressman.

In the November general election, McCaskill lost her reelection bid to Republican challenger Josh Hawley. She has a week left in office.

New members will be sworn in on Jan. 3, and Ocasio-Cortez will be part of a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, having beat out exiting Rep. Joe Crowley over the summer in an intra-party challenge.

Her antics since Election Day, including her participation in a protest in likely House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office on Capitol Hill and an announcement this month that she was taking a week off for self-care before taking office, have been extensively covered by the media and have drawn strong reactions online.

McCaskill admitted in an exit interview with CNN that she doesn't understand why the young politician is getting so much attention.

'I'm not sure what she's done yet to generate that kind of enthusiasm, but I wish her well. I hope she hangs the moon,' McCaskill said of the incoming congresswoman.

She added: 'But I hope she also realizes that the parts of the country that are rejecting the Democratic Party, like a whole lot of white working class voters, need to hear about how their work is going to be respected, and the dignity of their jobs, and how we can really stick to issues that we can actually accomplish something on.

In a parting shot at some of her colleagues, McCaskill said, 'The rhetoric is cheap. Getting results is a lot harder.'.

Ocasio-Cortez led the way this past week in saying that the rules should be changed in the future to stipulate that in the event of full or partial government closure, federal legislators do not get paid until it is over.

'Next time we have a gov shutdown, Congressional salaries should be furloughed as well,' she wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

'It's completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision. The statement garnered attention from the left and the right on the first day of the government shutdown.

Almost as quickly as she earned new respect from conservatives, she irritated Twitter users on Christmas Day, however, when she claimed that Jesus was born a refugee.

A tweet read: 'Joy to the World! Merry Christmas everyone - here's to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. (Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.)'.

Many social media users pointed out that Joseph and Mary were not refugees when Jesus was born, and her telling of the first Christmas was therefore inaccurate.

The Gospel of Luke says that the family was in Bethlehem to participate in a census when Jesus was born. Mary gave birth in a manger, the Bible says, because there was no room left at the local inn.

Ocasio-Cortez insisted she was correct, however, sharing an article that supported her viewpoint. She called those who disagreed with her 'anti-immigrant pundits' in a follow-up tweet that claimed they were 'uncomfortable' admitting that Jesus Christ was indeed a refugee.

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