Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 31 2018

Happy New Year everybody I am dragonate welcome to another Sunday video last

week I asked you guys what the best thing about this past year was for you

you guys let me know and I'll be reading your answers in this video now we have a

new question since it is New Year to morrow or maybe tonight for some of you

what know well hmm might be tomorrow night

well it's tomorrow night for me it might be tonight for some people depending on

where you live Finland against Slovakia maybe those

strange obscure places way over there on the other side of the world but

regardless of this new year very very soon here it's snowing just a little bit

outside my window so my question this week is what is your new year's

resolution what are you hoping to get out of the next year what are you hoping

to do for the next year what's your goal you all know what a new year resolution

is I'm sure I don't know why ramble on explaining it but anyway let me know

what your new year resolution is for this year it comes below and I'll read

the next week now let's see what the best part of this year was for all of

you starting first off here with me - who says yep today's the day we in

Finland celebrate Christmas last Sunday or tonight to be specific best about

this year hmm I would have to say my boyfriend we met last year but got to

know each other this year so it counts that there isn't that sure does count

and I'm glad you guys have gotten to know each other better

funny fluffy says quite a lot of good things happen got out of the hospital

was actually end of last year which is very good I'm happy about that and got

one of those Cintiq since--since intakes and took monitor tablets that's really

cool I kind of want one one of those things I

think correct me if I'm wrong that that's one of those things where you can

you can use as like a wireless monitor for your computer but you can also like

use it to draw on and stuff that would be really cool I want one of those as

for the job thing temporary one right now yes until the end of January or mid

January actually I think it's a seasonal thing so there's that but after that no

I will figure that out in the new year of

you know look at new places and figure out what exactly I'm gonna do

theoretical physics or I think previously phantom blade says drag me

that's the best thing thank you i it means a lot

I'm happy Honolulu Merry Christmas Mary J day same to you hope you had a great

one and Happy New Year as well t lisa says that red is still here and is now

playing like a kitten very very good that is a wonderful thing and my mom

says I don't know what would be the best thing I guess all I can really think of

is sadly getting a new Walker that the brakes work good and I'm more confident

walking with that although I wish things were different and I didn't and I didn't

meet it I know I know you wish you didn't need it but for right now the

Walker that you do have is very very good and it's light enough to that she

can live to herself if she needs to of course I already told you guys the best

thing about this year for me ironically was the you know actually losing my job

because that place was extremely stressful again no details won't go into

details about it unnecessary here but yeah it is good in that regard and

things for this next year I am very helpful will go well so yeah anyway

leave your new year resolution in the comments below and I'll read it next

week it'll be really cool to see what you all think of that also this week

again live streams I am planning to start live streaming's again during the

week the Tuesdays and Thursdays because I still have you know the other

temporary jobs there for Monday Wednesday Friday so and I apologize that

the live streams have been very well not happening in the past couple weeks here

part of it was definitely because of you know the stress because even though it's

a good thing in the long run when that situation happened of course you know

not feeling good about anything regarding it and still badly affected

negatively affecting me in a lot of ways paws have been really tired from the job

and it's also the holiday so you know whatever excuses excuses excuses I know

but either way live streams I'm planning to start again so look forward to that

we will be getting back into bioshock tubes and who knows what else I haven't

fully decided yet to Greenhill might have

another update soon or I may start playing something new we shall see but

either way that's it for now thank you all so much for watching

have a wonderful day a wonderful week and a great start to your new year

make it good and blessings to all of you for the new year

I'll see you soon bye bye Godbless

For more infomation >> What is your New Year Resolution for 2019? - Duration: 4:39.


Jordan Peterson is NOT a Conservative Transphobe - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson is NOT a Conservative Transphobe - Duration: 8:50.


My world is so beautiful | The Life of Yaseen video ft.96 song with subtitle - Duration: 6:09.

"After reaching the shore..."

"I love the sea."

"After the hair greys..."

"I understand the world."

"Yesterday's joys come together..."

"Today, at this moment, they find meaning."

"Today's joys will come together..."

"To find their meaning tomorrow."

"To live my life that I never lived."

"Unable to bear this, upwards I go..."

"To kindle my never ending passion."

"Here and now, I am coming out of it..."

"Here and now, I immerse into the depths..."

"I look at myself as someone else."

"Not with any reason, just naturally."

"With clarity, like that of a sunray!"

"I dont belong to these depths, but I dwell in them."

"As a mirror I am born,"

"I become everything I see."

" The joy of a kitten's caress on my feet..."

"Is a life enough for me."

"I want to stroke, everything I come across, beautifully!"

"I will always be myself."

"Every day I will live to the fullest"

"Will object, a life of conventions."

"I will live a life of supreme essence!!!"

"I will become as pure as possible."

"With the wind flies the Hawk."

"Beautifully, without a path."

"It being its own reality."

"Like the rock that goes to the depth of the waters..."

"With a renouncing of sound..."

"I drown in the sights I see."

"Like the bird that rides on the bull's hump..."

"I will live upon the Earth."

"I would join hands, and walk along with the Earth."

"Some kind of ecstasy is flowing..."

"That provides depth!!!"

"This moment enevelops like a mother..."

"Singing a lullaby"

"After reaching the shore..."

"I love the sea."

"After the hair greys..."

"I understand the world."

"Yesterday's joys come together..."

"Today, at this moment they find meaning."

"Today's joys will come together..."

"To find their meaning tomorrow."

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