Video Marketing for Travel Agents
what's up everybody Larry Porter is here back once again and today's video we're
gonna talk about building your travel business on consistency so you do not
want to miss these tips we'll be right back
all right what's up everybody so welcome back now
today's video we're gonna talk about consistency in your travel business now
I've been uploading videos promoting my travel business with that being said you
need to be focused on creating valuable content every single day on YouTube okay
we've been leveraging the power of YouTube on a consistent basis and we've
been generating leads and sales on autopilot okay it is possible to do this
so if you're not the type of people to talk to people or picture businesses you
fit friends and family and chase people down and car leads and you're
introverted like me this can work for you but you have to be consistent at
providing valuable content to your target audience which is the travel
niche okay and you want to put out valuable content every single day you
want to upload videos to YouTube every single day driving traffic to your
landing page or your opportunity your presentation and the best way to do this
is upload YouTube videos okay give give valuable content to your target audience
which is the travel niche show them how to get started at the travel agent shown
how to become travel agent it can be tips on why you should become a try to a
travel agent tips travel tips anything like that and this is what we've been
doing we've been driving traffic to a offer which is a free video which is our
cuppa tea presentation showing people how to get started in the travel
industry believe it not that's amazing people all across the world guys that
you can reach that's interested in your business opportunity you just have to
reach them and YouTube is a powerful way to reach your target audience so and I Video Marketing for Travel Agents
won't talk about consistency so much guys ah there's gonna be times where you
feel like giving up there's gonna be times where you feel like you're being
consistent and you're not seeing any results right away you're not gonna see
results right away you have to keep building it you have to build your
empire okay and you're gonna feel like quitting you
can feel like this is not working but I'm here to tell you that it works if
you just put in the work you have to work this guy
if you miss a day of uploading the video you know start back the next day if you
can't make it back up by creating two videos the next day guys it's worth it's
gonna be hard and I know you may not understand feel what I'm saying okay I
got a full-time job I don't know how I can keep the momentum going guys there's
gonna be times where you get free time utilize their free time to get ahead on
your videos so if you got a lot of free time you got an off day from work
utilize that one off day to make it do three or four videos get it here four
days okay get it here for about three or four
days so one of those time well you can't do a video you're already ahead so this
is a strategy that I've been using and I've been here three days for quite some
time now so every day you can schedule videos to go out and I use a tool called
tube buddy get me scheduled by videos out on a
consistent basis okay so guys I wanna I want to share this with you you'll make
sure that you're being consistent with your videos you can build a any business
if you leverage the power of for you to and all you gotta do is target people
who are looking for what you got and you can use it by keyword phrases okay we
teach our team here how to do the same thing how to drive traffic how to
generate leads some sales on autopilot leveraging the power of YouTube okay so
I want to put that on your mind don't give up if you did one video keep going
do another one do another and do another do another all you want to do is upload
videos leave your call-to-action link link to your capture page or should I
said the intro page to your sales funnel when people opt in they see your company
presentation and leave they leave all links where they can sign up okay if you
do this every single day guys your business will explode okay and I don't
recommend stopping I recommend doing this consistently forever imagine what
would happen in your business now I know what you're thinking where I can do
I'm busy you have to make time guys take an hour out of each day just do one
video okay if you can do one video every two days that's even that's that's
better - that's great but take the time be consistent be consistently uploading
every single day targeting specific keywords talking to people that's
looking for what you got and uploading videos on a consistent basis okay and
like I said guys forget all the negative mumbo-jumbo this in your hair and your
subconscious mind tell me you can't do this make time to do this and utilize
your free time to get ahead by scheduling your videos out okay so
that's what I do i schedule my videos out and as a result of that I generate
leads on a daily basis and sales okay sign ups people that's a bit getting
involved in my travel our travel team here so guys I just want to put that on
your mind I hope you found value out of this video
you got any questions leave a comment below this video make sure you subscribe
to our YouTube channel and give us a thumbs up and you'll be amazed type
success you can do damage you could do to the competition by being consistent
because think about it you got in order to be like most be like the 1% the rich
people you have to do what most people are not willing to do and most people
are not willing to be consistent most people are not willing to upload videos
every single day I work your competition if you can outwork your competition you
will be successful okay and you'll be amazed on the results okay you can be
sitting on the beach somewhere generating leads and sales okay it's
possible because like even if you're introvert like me I don't like talking
to people I don't like approaching strangers I don't like talking to family
friends I just like providing value the country to my local audience and I do
by leveraging the power for YouTube so keep that in mind guys to be
consistently uploading videos promoting your offers and you'd be amazed on top
of results you can get ok so like so you got a questions leave a comment below if
you were anybody you know interested in becoming a travel agent and market the
How to handle competition as a travel agent
way we're talking about marketing click the link below to get started watch a
How to handle competition as a travel agent
free presentation on how you can get started as a travel agent and we will Video Marketing for Travel Agents
see you on the neck the next video on the inside so larry porter that's my
time signing off and hope you found that you alright see you in the next video
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