Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 2 2018

Welcome to I Am Your Target Demographic and today we're discussing the Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints, which some people might recognize as Mormonism.

We're going to cover what followers believe and how their beliefs might differentiate

from other branches of Christianity.

Now I want to start by saying that, like most religions, there are various branches within

Mormonism itself, so most of this video is focusing on the most dominant branch, which

is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, making up nearly 16 million members

worldwide, and this is a number that's greatly increased in the last few decades.

There are smaller denominations that get incredibly small, such as the Cutlerite branch in Missouri,

totaling about 12 people, as of 2010.

But we're getting too specific, let's zoom out and discuss the origin of the Latter Day Saint movement.

In the early 1800s, a man in New York named Joseph Smith claimed to have seen visions

of two entities, assumed to be God and Jesus Christ.

These entities and other angelic beings led Smith to a series of gold plates that were

buried, which told of a people that had migrated from Jerusalem to the North American continent,

about 600 years before the birth of Christ.

These people lived in North America, grew and flourished, and then split into several

groups, often warring with each other.

There is also a tale of Jesus visiting these tribes, after his ascension to Heaven.

Mormon is the name of one of the authors of these books, whose son Moroni became the angel

that led Joseph Smith to the plates.

So Joseph Smith now has these golden plates, which are written in an ancient Egyptian language,

and is gifted the ability to translate them, which he does.

Now, the reason for a whole new belief set arises when Smith now believes, due to what's

written, that the Christianity of their time is false.

Too many leaders have been corrupted and the church as it exists now is too far separated

from the nature of God.

So in this time, the Latter-day Saint movement begins.

Now, why is it called that, you wonder?

All members of the church are referred to as Saints and we are considered to be in the

latter-days, as opposed to biblical time, so members are considered latter-day saints.

We also need to look at this origin of the church in relation to other religious texts.

LDS members do believe in the Bible, like other Christians, but they recognize the errors

that thousands of years of translations might have caused.

They complement the old and new testament with the newer Book of Mormon, as well as

documents written by various church leaders over time, considered to also be the word of God.

When the documents don't align, they favor the newer documents, which are seen as more

pure and translated more correctly.

There are 13 articles of faith that LDS members believe, so let's cover those quickly.

Article one is that there are three distinct beings of God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost,

and that God and Jesus both have physical bodies, while the Holy Ghost does not.

The second article says that men will be punished for their own sins, not the sins of Adam.

Mormonism does not believe in the original sin concept as some other Christian denominations do.

The third article specifies that Jesus atoned for all sin so that mankind can be saved,

through the ordinances listed in article four, which include baptism, faith, repentance,

and a confirmation that usually follows baptism that is considered a gift from the holy ghost.

Articles five and six talk about church structure, that man should be called by prophecy to lead

the church and should be authorized by past leadership to preach the gospel and administer

the ordinances we just talked about.

The organizational structure should also resemble the church of old, including roles like apostles,

prophets, teachers, etc.

Article seven through nine talk about more concrete beliefs, such as the belief in the

gift of tongues, prophecies, visions, healing, and more.

As I mentioned earlier, they believe that the Bible is the word of God, as long as it's

been translated correctly, and that the Book of Mormon is also the word of God.

They also believe that God is always revealing truths to mankind, so everything he has, is

currently, and will reveal all pertains to the everlasting kingdom of god.

Article ten says that they believe that Israel, meaning all the followers of Christ, will

be united and gathered in America, ruled over by Jesus himself.

Article eleven talks about religious freedom, that people may believe in different things

than you and may worship in different ways, but to respect them still.

Article twelve specifies that they believe in obeying rulers and following the laws.

The last article, number thirteen, calls followers to be honest, true, and virtuous, doing good to all men.

It says if there is anything lovely or good, seek after those things.

Most LDS followers live their lives by these articles and some even memorize them.

Now that we have a basis for what they believe, let's continue our journey through history.

In these early days of the church, the idea of polygamy was popularized, called "plural marriage."

A long time has passed so there's little evidence to show what actually happened but

it's believed that members and leaders in the church practiced polygamy though it's

unclear at what point it was popularized, people point to different leaders in the church

at different times.

We do know that Joseph Smith was called out for his supposed polygamy and other seemingly

hypocritical acts by a newspaper in Illinois, where the church was based at the time.

Smith called this libel and used the city council to shut down this newspaper, which

then returned with claims of treason, resulting in Smith surrendering himself to the police,

where a mob attacked the jail and killed both Smith and his brother, who would have been

second in command to replace him.

This is a good time to talk about persecution of the Mormons.

Prior to Smith being killed himself, many other Mormons were killed throughout Illinois

and Missouri, started with an executive order in Missouri called now the Extermination Order,

that defined Mormons as enemies of the state and that they should be expelled violently.

Militias used this order to attack a Mormon settlement called Haun's Mill, where 18 Mormons were killed.

This was in the 1830s, the order was not officially rescinded until 1976, nearly 150 years later,

alongside an apology from the governor of Missouri for the pain it caused.

The death of Smith led to the appointment of Brigham Young, who led the church on a

migration west, where they might be safe, and they founded the city of Salt Lake City,

which was at the time outside of the United States boundary.

Utah didn't become a state until 1896, only after the church officially denounced polygamy,

though it's believed that people still practiced in secret until another document in 1904 said

that anyone still practicing would be excommunicated.

This is true for the largest sect of the LDS movement, other divisions under Mormonism

may have stopped polygamy earlier and some fundamentalist groups still practice polygamy

today, though it is rare and is by no means indicative of the current state of Mormonism as a whole.

While Utah is still the center of Mormonism in the United States, LDS members have relocated

all around the country and even around the world.

There is a high focus on missionary work, where young members of the church travel for

up to two years, sometimes with the focus of spreading the gospel and sometimes with

a focus on humanitarian aid.

They are not paid for this work and it's voluntary, though highly encouraged.

You might see missionaries in your neighborhoods, in same-gender pairs, going door-to-door.

The latest info from 2016 shows that over 240,000 people converted to Mormonism due

to door-to-door conversations.

This was likely the first place that one might encounter a member of the church.

For a while, the slang term of "Mormon" was used to describe an LDS member, seen as

a derogatory term, but the term has been embraced by the LDS community and the negative connotation

has mostly faded away.

Members of smaller facets of the LDS movement seem to be less likely to use the "Mormon"

adjective as opposed to members of the larger Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

which is usually acknowledged as the "Mormon Church" unofficially.

So what makes Mormonism different from other Christian religions?

One of the biggest differences is the afterlife.

While other Christian religions tend to see Heaven and Hell only, with the deciding factor

being the embracing of Jesus Christ, it gets a little more complicated for LDS members.

In the Book of Mormon, it's explained that every person will get a moment, either in

life or in the afterlife, to either accept their salvation or deny it.

It's said that a very small amount of people will at the very end not only deny salvation

but actively resist it, ending up in a place called outer darkness for eternity.

Everyone else will be separated into three tiers, called kingdoms.

The highest of the kingdoms is the celestial kingdom, of which the highest tier is reserved

for people that have followed Christ, continually repented, received ordinances such as baptism,

and have lived faithfully by their commandments.

These people can enjoy the presence of God in the highest way.

There has been some mild controversy and debate over this idea of heaven, as the actual texts

say very little but only allude to the believer becoming exalted in the highest kingdom, which

some have translated as becoming a God yourself.

You also get to live in this heaven with your family, which is why tight bonds with

family is one of the cornerstones of the church today.

The second kingdom is the terrestrial kingdom for those who did good works but were swayed

by Earthly means and maybe didn't accept salvation during their time on Earth.

They may be visited by Jesus Christ here, but not God himself.

The third kingdom is the telestial kingdom, which contains people who did not accept the

gospel when given the chance.

These inhabitants must serve time in what's called a spirit prison, with punishment equal to their crimes.

During this time, people on Earth may do ordinances on their behalf, such as being baptized in their place.

Now, it's a standard that this is only done by the family's request, though the church

was criticized for doing this act for over 300,000 Holocaust victims.

Jewish organizations criticized the church many times over this, until a joint statement

was put out in 2010 that both parties were happy with the resolution to do this by request only.

There are also people chosen to minister as missionaries to these waiting in spirit prison.

However, this time of imprisonment comes to an end eventually, and they're allowed to

live in this lowest kingdom for eternity, which does not include God or Jesus, but is

still said to be much beyond comprehension.

There's a complex relationship between Mormonism and Christianity.

Those that are LDS claim the Christian adjective since Christ is so vital to their theology.

However Christians often don't include Mormonism under their umbrella and even often have missionaries

to convert Mormons into other denominations of Christianity.

To be fair, Mormons have also created specific missionaries for other Christian

denominations as well.

Part of this tension, and even part of why the LDS community is seen as mysterious to

the mainstream audience as well, stems from the church's secrecy, something that other

Christian churches tend to point to as a concern.

For example, only church members are allowed inside the temples and do not discuss what

happens inside the temples.

This includes events like weddings, where guests must sit in a waiting room and watch

an educational video about what's happening in the real ceremony.

But while this is seen as secrecy to a common observer, these temples are deemed sacred places.

Many ex-Mormons have come out and said that the casual passerby might even be disappointed

by the events inside, they're not especially scandalous or crazy, just ceremonies honoring

God for their eyes only.

There are even open houses before these temples are dedicated in which you can tour the space

completely for yourself, if you're able to find a new temple opening near you.

Now, if you look, you can definitely find stories from ex-Mormons about rituals and

traditions, but after doing my video on Scientology, maybe my threshold for the bizarre is set

much higher, so nothing really rattled me in looking through those stories.

So this video has gotten a little longer than I was anticipating but hopefully it gives

you a good look into the foundational beliefs, the history, and some controversies surrounding

the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In the comments, feel free to discuss and ask questions, I'm sure both believers and

skeptics will be down there, if my Scientology and Catholicism videos are any indicator.

Make sure to subscribe for more educational videos and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> What is Mormonism? (History of the Latter Day Saint Movement) - Duration: 12:21.


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Beautiful And Warm Architecture For Your Life The Is Z178 a

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Who is Karl Rock? - Duration: 5:12.

I've got something special and long-awaited for you guys today.

I am going to tell you my story, and

I feel like telling you my story here in Uttarakhand because to me

this place feels like the New Zealand of India. I feel at home here.

This is my cabin in the woods here in Uttarakhand. So let's go in here and

I'll tell you my story.

The question everybody's is tying is "Why India?"

And it all began when I was 18 and I tried

Indian food for the very first time. I was just mind blown

when I put that terrible, what was it... Butter Chicken in my mouth and it was

it was water down from a can and it just tasted terrible but

I loved it, I fell in love and,

you know that's when my passion for India began.

And since then I just started making Indian friends

and just started learning everything I could

about Indian culture. I started learning a few words of Hindi at

that time too and at the beginning it was just for fun so

I could use a few words with my friends and my girlfriend. Now, its

more about so I can integrate into society here

in India and so I can talk to every single one of my

North Indian brothers. So for 10 years I soaked it all up,

I soaked up everything I could about India and then I

finally went there in 2013, and before

I even got there, I knew I was going to love India because I had this

crazy obsession for it and then when I did get there, you know

it was, of course, love at first sight.

You know, there are so many things I love about India.

Whether it's the food, the people, the landscapes, the cities, the...

There's too much, there's too much.

I love the diversity here. Every single state is different.

India has everything, it got the mountains,

lush tropical forests, its got the forests here like in Uttarakhand,

its got mountains, its got a tropical islands,

beaches. It's just got everything.

And you can never get bored here because of that and when I compare

India to New Zealand

its not really a fair comparison because

you know New Zealand is so so small and you just

can't find the vast amount of experiences in New Zealand that you can here

in a massive country like India.

Then the second question everybody asks me is "Why the hell

did you move to India?" People from India, they move to the west

people from the west don't move back to India you know it

doesn't make sense to many people. But since the very first time that I

visited India I knew India is somewhere I wanted

to be and that I wanted to spend a long time. At that time,

I didn't know exactly how I was gonna be here long-term

but I knew one day it would happen. Then one Friday afternoon

in 2016, my boss

at the IT company that I was working for she called me into her office.

And when your boss is calling you into her office

on a Friday at 4:30 PM it's usually not a good thing.

I have been through this before actually, so I sat down

opposite her, and she told me there's no work for me there anymore

and that I'm being made redundant. And, as soon as she said

those words made redundant, I just remember going into like a trance in my head

and I just remember thinking to myself, you know, this

is the push that I need to get out of here

and to go to India, and to do what I want in life.

Not be slaving for someone else. Straight after

that meeting I just got on my motorbike and I just rode home and I remember this

feeling of like amazing freedom as I was riding home

I knew it was time for me to become a self-made

and a free man and I knew that I was gonna go to India

and do it there. So I said goodbye to my career

and my friends and I decided to come to India and

travel to every single state and Union Territory and

India before partition and I didn't know where this goal

was going to take me but I was willing to take this risk and

see what happens. A lot of people ask me

what I do for work in India and I don't work here and I never will.

I will never work for anybody else ever again.

Now that I'm a free-man, I can do everything I can to keep it that way.

Money or a comfortable life aren't my goals.

My goals are to contribute to your happiness and just

to help people in life, to help others. Those are the

two things I wanted to do in my life. What I believe is that

when you follow your passion the money will come to you

and more importantly good people will come into your life. So,

I don't worry about the money, I just follow my passion.

When I got to India I wrote a quick start safety guide to help

foreigners to travel safely and confidently so

they can enjoy India and love India as much as I do.

And so I made a few YouTube videos to promote that book.

And those videos did so well that

I decided to keep on going with YouTube. So I still do this.

I still help foreigners travel safely and confidently here, but I am also gonna be sharing

my life in India. I am gonna be showing India through my eyes. I am not interested in creating mindless entertainment.

With my videos, I want to teach you something about India.

I want to expand your mind. I wanna...

I wanna add to your life in some way through my videos.

So, as long as you watch my videos I'll be here creating

for you, and if you want to support me as soon as I get

the channel membership button, click that and you'll be able to support me

and you'll get exclusive access

to my social media posts which will only be on YouTube.

You'll get early access to my meet up locations.

And you'll get the bonus footage as well. Now I know

you guys are gonna have a lot more questions so jump in the comments and

ask whatever you want. I'll be here and

I'll be answering as many questions as I can.

Oh God that was so much personal information.

Anyway, don't forget to subscribe don't forget the share.

Share my videos with everybody share them with Mousi (mother's sister).

Share them with Buha (father's sister). Share them with Chacha (uncle). Share them with your dost (friend).

Share them with... Who else? Share them with your Jaanu (girl/boyfriend).

Just share!

For more infomation >> Who is Karl Rock? - Duration: 5:12.


CH is super duper funnies - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> CH is super duper funnies - Duration: 1:07.


Which is easier: buying a gun or a 3D printer? - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Which is easier: buying a gun or a 3D printer? - Duration: 2:11.


Ferguson Fire acreage up, but so is containment, plus another firefighter injured - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Ferguson Fire acreage up, but so is containment, plus another firefighter injured - Duration: 2:26.


There is a Reason for Everything - Duration: 6:53.

We want to help you see how we perceive The Universe

as non-physical and eternal beings.

We are immortal,

all powerful creators.

You have come back as a human tons of times.

Stop and let that sink in a bit.

Imagine how death becomes insignificant

when you know that you can just push the reset button.

If you let your imagination run wild,

you will quickly realize

how much knowledge and wisdom you can gather from all those lifetimes.


when there is a shared Universal Consciousness;

now you are talking about years of experience that cannot even be displayed on your calculator.

When we have lived that long

and have acquired that much wisdom,

you weed things out that do not serve you.

For instance,

negativity and true separation.

In the non-physical realm,

those things do not serve us in the least bit.

That is why you will only find pure love and positivity.

Now here on Earth it is a different story.

Every time we come back,

we forget who we are

(which is on purpose),

so that with every lifetime

we can live different experiences

and gain new perspectives,

and in turn

add to our Universal Consciousness,

and ultimately to our growth and expansion.

It is a perfect formula when you sit down and really think about it.

In the non-physical

you remember everything that has happened,

and it is where we make all important decisions

like what goals we would like to accomplish,

and what kind of person we would like to be on our next return.


we come back forgetting once again,

and we are able to do and experience things all over again,

and every time gain a new perspective.

Are you starting to get an idea of how this works?

In a perfect utopian society,

growth would come to a screeching halt rather quickly.

Now do you see why here on Earth

it is actually important to introduce negativity?

The contrast is paramount to our growth!

That is why there are mean people,

and wars,

and poverty,

and pain and suffering.

These are all things that are necessary for us as human beings.

When you stop and realize

that it is all an act here on Earth,

and that when your human body dies

you transition back into non-physical,

you are able to be at ease and at peace

with everything that happens in our human lives.

Let us take this one step further;

continuing on the subject of there being a reason for everything.

We want to expand your mind a bit

and give you some examples

of why certain things occur.

Let us take genocide,

natural disasters, and diseases for example…

many will say,

"how could earthquakes be a good thing

or why would we intentionally allow such a thing to happen?"

Let's dissect this a bit.

There are a set number of beings in The Universe.


that there are not going to be any more beings spawned or birthed somehow.

We're just going to throw a number out there, because we don't know exactly how many there are

Let's just say there are 500 billion beings.

Included in that

are human beings,

beings from other planets,





the world population is growing and growing,

and if there is a set number of beings

then obviously

if one certain species is increasing,

then one

or various others are decreasing.

So, If a certain species is growing,

then what is one fix to our overpopulation dilemma?


we simply kill some off.

I know most of you are probably gasping at this point,

but if you remember that we are infinite

eternal beings,

and that we are obviously

only talking about the death of the human body,

then this thought begins to bother you less and less.

Whole forests have been eradicated,

possibly to fill these needs;

and even though most of you do not morn for the trees and wildlife

as you do for all the earthquake deaths,

those trees were beings

(definitely someone watching or listening to this video).

The Dinosaurs were wiped out in one fell swoop,

probably because we thought about it and said,

"um nah,

dinosaurs and humans don't mix too well."

Do you kind of understand now

how our limited, closed minds cannot comprehend the immensity of our master designs?

We will never fully grasp our true intentions while on Earth,

but take solace in knowing

that we got this!

Like Abraham says,

"you can't get it wrong,

and you will never get it done!"


and everyone,

loves you!

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