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Which English Accent Is Hardest to Understand? - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
What is Cyclospora? Wraps, Salads Recalled From Trader Joe's, Kroger, Walgreens - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Benoit Paire completely loses the plot and is booed off court after racquet-smashing spree - Duration: 1:42.Benoit Paire completely lost his head during an early exit at the Citi Open in Washington and was booed off court after a spectacular racquet-smashing spree
The 29-year-old French ace has a reputation for being a hothead and he demonstrated exactly why as he crashed out to Marcos Baghdatis in the first round
When 6-3 3-6 2-4 down in the final set, Paire took a tumble after failing to connect with a smash to be broken and he didn't respond well
He thumped the racquet in his hand down into the Washington hard court before lobbing it across the court
Paire then aimed his fury at the changeover bench before taking a fresh racquet out of his bag and smashing that too
He was handed a code violation and point penalty for his troubles. Like a petulant child, he then picked up the two broken racquets and tossed them into the middle of the court for a ball boy to retrieve
For good measure, he smashed a third racquet after losing match point and was heartily booed off court by the Washington crowd
No doubt he will be handed a hefty fine for his actions…
7 Days To Die Game Play | Jack is in Da House 😜 7 Days To Die Ep4 S1 Pete - Duration: 23:30.Hello, welcome back my fellow survivors. This is Pete coming back with another seven days to die
Episode and today is the day
14 so it's gonna be the second horde. However, what I'm trying to do is let me just show you very quickly
Oh and yeah, you might not recognize this world
Have decided to add this one and notice there is another bed
Because my friend jack is gonna be playing with us from time to time and perhaps even today
He's gonna join us and it's gonna be absolutely amazing
Trying to survive and get this grinding together. But what I'm trying trying to do is
first of all
I'm gonna expanse this room a little bit and this is gonna be most likely our forum Forge and
You know, like workroom wave stuff you probably remember from the last video
then in here
I'm gonna expand and make a special garden area and behind the garden
We're also gonna make another area which is gonna be our special hoard base
So hopefully we're Jack's help. We're gonna be able to create this today and it's gonna be
Absolutely amazing. Maybe not today, but you know in some episode we'll do it and in here as a last resort
We're gonna do a nice cozy
Living area like a little bed so we can put our beds in there and everything and it's gonna be awesome
We might even do a double bed
Just kidding. It's gonna be fantastic. Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. Let's start making some holes. I love to my clothes
It's so beautiful. It relaxes me so much anything. Oh
Jesus I'm not too sure if we're gonna make it to get that water, you know, but don't worry
Right, but I have big access, okay, I think I'm going to lose it I
Think the dog went somewhere else so we should be okay
Dogs are the word anything else you can escape from but the dogs are the worst
Because they are really fast
So do you want me to dig that hole yeah, yeah, yeah
You know, I'm gonna try to get some water and yeah should be all right, you know
Man this is crazy. I never thought we were gonna play this game together
By the way, guys me and Jack we go like a long way back, you know, we went to school together
so we like a very good friends, you know and
By the way support of the channel by liking the video and all other videos as well and
You know
Because it's good for you. Okay?
I've made I've made my way to the river. I was at time 6 p.m. I we still have some time
Yeah, probably
Jack I got a good news. I got some murky water. I got like 10 jars
But we also hang on because we all for fuck's sake there is so much zombies around man. I wanted to get some of this
What's the time am I able to get some?
You know, I wanna get those yellow flowers got goldenrod
Shake man, there is too many zombies are all around
Like they are all over the place
Yeah, because is the day 14 it will be oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I'm already pooping my pants, man
Shit you gotta be kidding man
Dude like this game is really scary. Sometimes I gonna be honest with you
This game can be quite scary I
Wonder whether I should go uphill it's still 7:00 p.m. I still can kind of make it
You know, I'm a little greedy but I want to get some goldenrod because this is gonna keep us a lot better
I've got only one that goldenrod on me
There's too many zombies fuck I'm you know, we're gonna make a proper trip for now
We're just gonna have to survive on water and shit like that. You're not I'm saying
It is gonna be very very good survival right, let me just slow down a little bit I'm already like thirsty and stuff
And I'm hearing green usually when I'm he angry. I'm
Very angry
Okay, oh
My goodness, so this time around we not gonna basically fight this horde or anything
Instead we're just gonna leave it as it is
We're just gonna focus on expanding the base
And yeah W
I got your backpack, bro
Thank you some food in it, I I know the motive relax
Okay, I got it only alright
Thank you. Yeah, you've had some corn and stuff
I've got it don't worry, and I've got some water so you just focus on what you're doing and I'm just gonna do
Prepare some food
Okay, so we can go and do another meet and we can do some water let's cook that's -
Do we have any eggs? Let me see because maybe
No, we do not but it's okay we should be alright we should be alright
Cool we got some paint and everything. It's gonna be awesome
It's a pity I didn't pick up these gold at all, you know
But it's okay we're gonna make it I switched off the forge and everything man
Let me just double-check you the doors are closed in the hatch and everything. I'm just paranoid right now
Just want to make sure
So basically the hatch is I don't know if you notice dark, but the hatch is made of like metal
And also what I've done is there is a wooden blocks. They've been updated
Like the highest metal you can go without
Having to upgrade it with the fourth forced view and also on top of these blocks that is also
Wooden plates and they also updated most of them. They are upgraded to the max as well
Well to the max without having the fourth iron
So there's just no way on earth that they can get to us to ask, you know, and we are like 25 blocks down
so again
There's just no way
They say they can do only I don't know. Maybe they can sing a song, you know
so I got to meet I've got chopped meat and boiled meat and I've got some water and
Two more jobs are coming up now. I'm gonna make one more goldenrod steamed
And we got some berries and we have some stuff so should we should be alright until the morning. No problem
Yeah, I think they can dig it down no they cannot confirm it now
I've done I've done some research. They they can't basically go down like
Yeah, they can't they can't attack down they can go up they can go up and they can like climb buildings and shit
You know, but they can't really
Go lock down and start digging and shit like that. They just can't do it because they are too crazy. Okay
We can we can make some corn on a cob the only problem with that is
Let me see if I can do some crash sound. Can I do some craft sound?
Crash sound shit. We need a cement mixer for that one
Because with the crash sound I could do
Some glass and with a glass we can make glass jars, but but that's okay man. Thanks for that. By the way
But you're gonna level up right, you know what it is I'm gonna need to eat something by the way do you need some food
Okay on me, okay, well I'm gonna drop I'm gonna drop that meat for you
Hang on and I'm gonna drop some water. I'm gonna drop it here. Alright, check it out
Drop and I'm gonna give you half of my water
Don't worry about it. I'll make another one for you
What did you do?
That's the water
Don't worry don't worry. I got the hammer. Okay. Thank you. I have oh shit. I
Didn't want that but that's okay. Oh you look so beautiful
Right, let me put some stuff in here already I
Have kind of chilly I have
three jars of water
I have meat
That's nice
My pickaxe is
What do you mean you need another one? Well, it's gone. Okay
Put it on the ground. I'll give you mine and
Then how is it?
Well, I can fix it. I have it. Okay
You can't fix it. Okay. Okay new I'm dropping that one. Okay shit which one is which one?
I've picked our own one
It we've got
Company somewhere no, no. No, don't worry. Can you drop your pickaxe here? They are upstairs. Don't worry about it. I
Can hear them hitting something so yeah, they're hitting the the blocks on the top of the vase. Don't worry about it
I know it sounds like it but it's
don't worry, but I know it sounds really bad, but
They won't be able to do anything to us. We need some forge. Iron forge. Iron is good
There's just no way they're gonna be getting here don't worry about it I
Wonder how long this room? We don't want to make a little longer maybe
Can you can you jump for a second sure
Relax because then we know what we do. Oh
Man this is so awesome that I got some help on this. This is so awesome
So so you still want to make it longer? Yeah
Well, I don't know. What do you think I
Think so a little longer maybe like two blocks longer
In that room this is gonna be like a place where there's gonna be
There's gonna be what you call it, there's gonna be
Forges here and
You know working bench cement mixer
Supplies lots of things like this, you know, and there's gonna be a
hatch to an underground mind and this is where we get we can get all the stuff like
You know metal and stuff like this, you know, so we're gonna be making a mind
Okay guys, so we are chopping some trees now because we ran out of the wood
Which is extremely needed so we're gonna chop up this entire
Area and then we're gonna replant it later on
So the Horde went okay we survived obviously and
The room is ready you're gonna see it in a minute and so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna
We're gonna split jack is gonna start going
the area where we're gonna be gardening and
I will be starting my canna passage and making a
Area where we're gonna be fighting the next horse
So that should be fun. You know, once we get this built, that should be a lot easier and better
How much food okay, we need like four thousand wood or something we need a lot of wood
Because we also need a lot of wood for forges I will go and get some
Quickly some glass
Normally we could make our glass
but this time I'm just gonna
Destroy this and this is how you get glass and with that glass
We're gonna be able to make a lot more jars
Which is gonna be needed obviously
Because then we can just not have you know, plenty jars of water get some goldenrod teas going on
And that would be million times better I will loop some cups I will see if there is any fancy going on in these cars
Yeah, yeah, I know we will get it don't worry
If you can also replant some trees duct, I'll be great
if you can
Well, I don't know how much wood do we have I've got nearly a thousand
Yeah, we need we need a lot more you know, so we don't have to do this
Yeah, so we don't have to do very often
so you just focus on this and then you know, I'll
Get some trees as well and then I will go and get some water and go the roads T. Let go the road. Sorry
Don't forget to eat, huh?
Yeah, yeah does the berries with the berries we can survive like a boss man seriously
I've got some bullet casing
Later on, we can you know, like and win another episode we can go to
this hospital
All I know what we need we need lump of clay let me get that real quick
We need lump of play what is clay can we find it?
Totally forgot we need clay
Clay oh it's gonna be needed for the forge for forging
To forge, this is going to be completely fine now, but we need clay anyways
Okay, I found the area with plenty clay
So I'm gonna start traveling because we need like a lot
Because we're play we can make amazing items clay is good clay, you know
Dark yeah
Yeah, no, it's okay I thought that there was a zombie here, huh
He poked myself again
Okay guys so we are back in the base now and let me show you what we have
so first of all
Let me just double check with this. Okay, so this is already
Jack we've got some more
We've got some more drinks I'm gonna cook some more golden rod fee
Just remember to take care of the of the fire. So in here we've got another door, which will leads
Let me just show you on a map. So we are here. I'm gonna go a little bit like this
To be precisely like here and in here
We're gonna make a whole base. So there's gonna be a tunnel and there's gonna be a way up
To get to that place. This is gonna be tricky part
Because we're gonna need to be for that whole base. We will have to be
Not so deep as we are right now because the way I'm gonna do it is I'm gonna
It's going to be something like this room
Maybe a little bit bigger and it's gonna have iron bars
On top so they won't be able to get to us, but we will be able to attack them with with the arrows and whatever
And in here we already have two for just going and got some clay now. There we go
So we're gonna smelt a lot of clay
I'm gonna add some iron to it
As we gonna go along we're gonna have a lot of iron by it
Cool okay. So let's go back in there. Jack is already digging coke he's gonna be doing
He's gonna be doing the
Garden here. So Jack remember that it has to be like a quite long
Well not too long corridor, but maybe something like I did on the other room and then the room will have to be wider
So you have to be from each side four blocks on each side here
Wide and then yeah because that's gonna be the garden
For four from each side, yeah
Okay guys so I'm gonna I'm gonna pause the video here because you probably don't want to
water dig in the holes, so
Yeah, we'll see you guys when this is more
kind of done Oh
Wrong button
Okay guys so it is good, yeah Jack already wants to sleep
Because it's quite lights. I'm still kind of grinding here a little bit
And yeah, and the rest we're gonna do probably tomorrow. I'll probably montage that into one kind of like episode
So just stay tuned. I hope you guys don't
Like this one it is good for you. So you walk in here and then there's gonna be
You're gonna walk in there
Because what we want is we wants to be exactly in the middle of the road, so when I
Avatar will be here
You see we need to be perfectly in the middle of this world and then somewhere here
We're gonna make a hold base as we're gonna be already here. We're gonna start going up up up up up
So instead of making a hatch, I'm just gonna make a passage like that. You know, let's see. What Jack did
so far, there we go, very
See, I've got all this
Minor 69er thing which he doesn't have yet?
But it's going to be good we see if the doors are locked
Hatch is locked good
Good Pittacus and the woods
Let me take that team. So we got 25 jars plus whatever he's got on him
This can be open anyways
Yeah, there's a lot of door in here. But you know, I'm kind of paranoid always so in 19 seconds will drop dolls and
So yeah, that's basically
What it is my fellow survivors I
Will probably record this and continue
That episode there tomorrow and it's gonna be beautiful you're gonna love it
Let me see very nice we have a lot of things melted
We can add this iron here
Hmm interesting so we're gonna have broken glass over glass. Well, it makes sense, isn't it?
We're gonna keep it here
Yeah, I think like that so
That's gonna be the door that's gonna be leading to
The unlock CSS along with those that door is gonna be leading to the Horde base
Actually you guys I think we're gonna make a whole episode out of this and yeah, that should be all good
So if you enjoyed this episode, please do not hesitate to smash that like button
Like crazy. Also if you are new to the channel, feel free to subscribe and also during the
Notification army by simply click in the hell out of this Bell button because the Bell button is very good for you, you know
I'll see you guys in the next video hopefully with Jack. Peace
What is Dyslexia - Duration: 5:05.In this video, we're going to talk about what is dyslexia
and it's a mind map of the Dyslexia Scotland PDF explanation.
It says, that dyslexia is a learning difference that affects the way dyslexics communicate and
it's different than many others.
One in ten are dyslexic - in all cultures with all abilities and it runs in the family.
Now, dyslexia is not just about reading and writing
and it's not about your level of intelligence.
It is classed as a disability in the UK, so people can get help.
A cure is not necessary but the barriers need to be overcome with
practical things and there's lots of them available.
Now, identification. Of those one in ten people.
What happens if you're identified or unidentified as dyslexic?
If you're unidentified as a dyslexic, it can result in low self-esteem,
and stress and behavior problems and often underachievement.
But, if you are identified early as a child, you can adjust their teaching and target their needs.
An adult can also when they get identified get work adjustments and with the right support,
people can reach their full potential.
Some of the characteristics of dyslexia.
I'm drawing a scale here because there are pluses and minuses for dyslexia and
that's strengths on one hand come with dyslexia.
Some people call it a superpower and a gift, and others you can see the difficulties.
Now the strengths of dyslexia are many.
They are often practical people, very creative people,
visual learners, very strong verbal skills, strong social interactions and
can solve problems - see the big picture often with out-of-the-box thinking.
But the difficulties are writing, reading, remembering, timekeeping and organizing.
For instance, remembering names, numbers, details,
sequences and verbal instructions can be hard for dyslexics.
And keeping time, of course.
Now, you don't have all of them necessarily. Not every dyslexic person has all of them.
It's a mix of those.
Now, what is the definition of dyslexia?
According to the Government, they've spent a lot of time with different associations
to find this in the government in Scotland. This is their definition.
Dyslexia is a continuum of difficulties in reading, writing and spelling.
And it doesn't reflect the cognitive abilities of the person or
the performance in other areas of their life.
But it does have an impact and it varies according to the environment of their teaching and their learning.
And it also has associated other difficulties, often.
So that's the official definition by the Scottish Government.
Now what kind of support can you give?
This is a little young tree growing and these are the supporting poles
and we can do that for dyslexia.
One way is to take into account the needs of the person themselves.
Ask them what their suggestions are because often those suggestions are simple and effective.
Some of the examples of help: peer support, mind mapping like this, and
colour in paper and overlays and
tech for reading, writing and taking notes like recording things.
Some other information in that PDF, it suggests that you can go to
And look up 'Dyslexia and Us' as a book. There's leaflets. There's also a help line that you can call
if you're a parent, family member and you want to know more.
And there's also a beginner's guide to dyslexia that you can have a look at.
This video was inspired by PDF, 'What is Dyslexia?' and done by
Hope you enjoyed it! Thank you, goodbye.
Why Happiness is Important in Fitness - Duration: the last couple of videos we've been putting up have been angled that the
motivation factor and you know keeping your motivation high I'm going to
continue that trend for today a big factor that affects motivation is
actually your happiness people are generally much more motivated and they
tend to get a lot more done when they're happy and what they're actually doing so
when you're when you're trying to keep yourself motivated or you're trying to
get stuff done it's important to make sure that you're also doing things that
make you happy if you're if you're just continuously stretch sorry continuously
stressing out your body and you're you're pushing it to breaking point all
the time and you're doing things that make you actually unhappy then you're
not going to keep that motivation up for very long because it's just going to
weigh you down so the the happiness factor has to factor in there if you're
on a diet and you're eating food that you genuinely don't like then every once
in a while it's okay to put a little bit of something in there that you might
enjoy just to curb the the stress and bring your happiness levels back up if
you're you're working out all the time and you're not actually spending any
time doing types of training that you actually enjoy because you're your
trainer or you know you're you read some article and it basically says you can't
go and do this and go and do that and go and do the other and you don't enjoy
genuinely don't enjoy any of that stuff and you know but I'll give you an
example let's say you're a runner and you like to run but you run a strength
conditioning program there's nothing more than you enjoy then getting out on
the road and just letting your your mind set free but you know that you should be
spending more time in the gym doing sweaty grunty stuff to burn the calories
and get your metabolism up then it's okay to go and do a little bit of
running because you know that's gonna massively offset
the stress response that you're gonna have so you know happiness has to factor
in there you've got to put things in your life and your in your lifestyle
that you actually enjoy if you don't what's the point living you know it's
it's no good being you know getting to where you want to be if you know you've
spent all your time doing things that you don't enjoy because you finally get
to where you want to be and you're happy about that but you're in a kurd because
you've spent doing every you know all your time doing stuff that you don't
enjoy doing so make sure you're you're setting aside some time for things that
make you happy if you enjoy doing our work do some artwork happiness and doing
things that make you feel happy have a very powerful response within the body
I'm a big fan of exercise I love training but the times where I actually
just want to keep back and I play my xbox because it just unwinds my head and
I find it very very relaxing so you know I'll I'll get in and a Saturday
afternoon and I'll give myself an hour back just to do nothing and because it
makes me happy so and you shouldn't feel guilty about that no one should ever be
able to make you feel guilty about you doing something that makes you happy
What is the Impossible Garden? - Duration: 2:37.The impossible garden is an exhibition of 12 sculptural art works here at the
Bristol Botanical Gardens. They're all inspired by studying vision and
optical illusions. All this artwork came about as part of a residency,
a Leverhulme Fellowship residency, at Bristol Vision Institute.
Bristol Vision Institute is based in the University of Bristol. It brings
together scientists from across a really wide variety of disciplines who have a
common interest in the process of seeing and vision. It integrates researchers who
work in the Bristol Eye Hospital, people who work in engineering, people who work in
biology, people who work in history of art, people who are working film and
television, people who work in the experimental psychology like I do.
And what that does is it creates a community, a team if you like, to answer one of the
fundamental questions about what it is to be human
People think that our eyes are just like little cameras and take a snapshot but
it really isn't like that and I work with children for whom their vision
processing doesn't work very well and they can have real difficulties day to
day managing. And because it's so hard to explain the kind of difficulties they're
having to teachers and to even family members it makes it very hard to get
help for them. So to use art and science and examples from the animal world and
from artificial intelligence to illustrate the limits of how vision
processing works, and the importance of it, and how different people and
different animals and different machines even, all have limits
it can help communicate to people what we're talking about when we're trying to
help patients with poor vision.
I think it's excellent that this exhibition is housed in the University Botanic Gardens,
because normally when we see demonstrations of visual illusions and the like it's in the rather sort of
sterile atmosphere of Museum. Whereas here seeing these
illusions working in the natural world is sort of much more striking.
The Botanic Garden of course is a rich world of color anyway so we hope members
of the public not only enjoy the art display of that Luke Jerram's put in
here, but also enjoy the environment of the beautiful flowers and plants around us.
I try to make artwork that's going to be appreciated by everyone whether
you're a child or a perceptual psychologist, or an artist there's
something here for everybody and I hope everyone comes along and enjoys it.
How Effective Is An Additional Fuel Filter At Removing Contamination? - Duration: 1:14.Hi I'm Andrew from Diesel Care Australia. Today i want to demonstrate to you how
effective the fuel filters that we use in Diesel Care filter kits remove
contamination from diesel. What we have here is a sample of clean diesel which
I've taken from this vehicle earlier on and I've got some dirty water which I've
taken from a puddle back on the road yesterday. What I'm going to do is
contaminate this clean diesel with this water and then we're going to siphon it
through the filter and we'll collect it in this jar here and we'll able to see
just how effective the filter is.
I've poured this water in here and you can see that it's gone to the bottom of the
jar, so the next step is to siphon it from this jar into the one on the ground.
All of the muddy water has been sucked up from the jar on the top and gone
through the filter.
As you can see the fuel in this jar is perfectly clean. The water has remained in
the filter, so it shows just how effectively this filter system removes
contaminants from diesel.
Bonduelle canned vegetables, how it is made ? Légumes en conserve Bonduelle - le process - Duration: 4:53.Hello !
Today, I'm going to explain how we prepare our canned Bonduelle vegetables.
We'll be looking at peas as an example.
This is my kitchen. Behind you, yes, turn around !
We are in our Bonduelle factory.
Alright. Everyone settled ?
Then let's get started !
It all starts in the fields of our partner farmers, who plant and grow the vegetables.
When harvest times comes, this huge machine,
automatically separates the peas from their shells,
directly in the field !
Once they are harvested, the vegetables are delivered by truck to our factory.
Where they are received by our certified agents. The vegetables undergo several quality controls
troughout the preparation process to verify their taste, size and stage of ripeness.
As you can see,our products are selected to ensure you only have the very best on your plate !
Next the pears are separated from any remaining leaves and shells using pressurized air.
As final step, and to remove any foreign materials,
such as dirt, dust and insects that come from the fields,
our vegetables are washed with pure water in a stream of cold, running water.
Let's go !
Time for a bath !
The next step is to calibrate the peas.
They are separated by size using perforated cylinders.
The largest peas are categorized as small, followed by very small and extra small for the smallest peas.
The peas are then dipped in very hot water or steamed
to preserve their qualities, such as color and texture.
This is called blanching !
Afterwards, the vegetables are automatically measured out and placed into cans.
Most canned products, with the exception of steamed vegetables,
are covered with a juice that consists of water and spices. This provides and helps cook the vegetable.
You can see that some of the vegetables fall to the ground, but don't worry !
At Bonduelle, we don't waste.
It will be reused. It might be turned into animal feed for example.
The can is then hermetically closed.
This is called sealing !
Our canned vegetables are then cooked for a few minutes
at over 130° in the machine in front of you
to sterilize them. This is because we don't use any preservatives.
The cans are then stored throughout the year.
They are labeled and shipped to fill orders from distrubutors as they come in.
There you have it ! Now you know how we make our canned goods at Bonduelle.
I encourage you to find them in stores, where they are waiting to be enjoyed !
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