Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 2 2018

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A mickey mouse clubhouse mickey's mystery

and follow ludwick to the mousekedoer

professor what's so important could you tell us now don't keep us in suspense

is what

Now it's every kid in the world knows i have launched a clubhouse satellite in posh it looks like me?

Looking at the picture scientifically we can see that this bill stewie i think we are a go to the hidden rainforest

building and figure out what it is but we're gonna need help would you help us solve this

these are hero who always plays fair and square

That's gonna show you the way to the mouse here to mister

earth you gonna go up snowy peak pass all the way pad

Thanks professor we've got everything we need now it's adventure time

look at all the snow did the scrambler

Now he takes no, epeak pass all of the way to the hidden rainforest

but first we have to pass walla waterfall wadi

Haha, yeti are mysterious creatures that live in the high mountains they're rarely ever seen wish we weren't seeing


Well i think we should pick the air cuz that's what you hear with turtles what's behind there oh?


it works come on help us get past the eddy when you see them in our way call out

Now it's on to the rainforest

Here we are the hidden rainforest

Boot, ah she wants us, to bamboo which i guess means go away

we got pictures of a musical note and a heart which picture could be a clue for a mouseketool

Well that's good enough for me moo goo moo goo

perfect stones in her way whoo well i was only just reading about those

they are known faster dancing stones on a counter because they will rise we make music we don't have any musical

Instruments no but we've got


You got it man hey turtles what's behind the musical note

looks like donald's old too

Ha come on donald let's go?

We're here the mouse ear mystery come on everybody oh?

It's even more than say oh toodles

mickey i presume and today's mystery mouseketool is a

miner's helmet just what we need

donald's right the floor is gold

take a look at is me

What does it mean it's some kind of message come on let's figure it out together

this picture in mickey loves to now this is the ear what do heirs do


Here music, to hear music

record what's that it's an ancient machine a long time ago

Follow adventures come on everybody i'll buy your feet and do dog dance?

To make the clubhouse appear we get to say the magic words meeska mooska mickey mouse

say it with me

Hi everybody i'm just working on a new song but i still need to figure out how it ends


I mean pop star minnie the rock and mickey and pop star minnie

oh, gosh will he stars oh

well i already promised many that she and i would sing donald

Oh, good idea man he's not the only one who could sing with us would you like to join us for the clubhouse

battle of the bands

Hello when a great big howdy-do, to you everybody

Here is how it works

after each bands performance i would like you to clap your hands

Why don't you clap with me but you when you're clapping a little more

how about that and when you clappin i'm a story more keeping a super special list of the best award

award okay one two three

why sure pal so what can you play donald


coleman wax paper and the mystery mouska-tool

Hmm which one can we use to make this if we put in deck tank liv-ex paper over the comb and we start

humming into it we making a sound like a kazoo

okay here goes nothing or something

and if you're not around i got a coleman piece of paper that makes your sound

but this is only the mouseka beginning of the battle of the bands we got all kinds of

two wooden spoons and the mystery mouska-tool which of these can we use like drums

ready day

boy it's an 8 and a mouseke-clapper looks like devlin daisy and a chipmunk chats head

did somebody say cola

Do the clockworks

ring one flourish keep on movin to the beat keep on clucking it so sweet dude

oh let's all give a big shout out and shout up and down

yeah, i know you mean well crackers but my drumsticks are busted everybody say

david kind of look like drumsticks we got ears say musical chairs

when bow-bow, well-read singing their new song i got a song that comes straight from my heart


We've got a big problem in here we never figured out how to end the song everybody say

yep, and now you can save our song we know you can donald

they, off the charm

hakan mickey and pupster minivan

what a hot dog day brand-new day what

thanks for stopping by

For more infomation >> Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 616 - Santa Media - Duration: 17:05.


Dragons: Riders of Berk In Dragons We Trust Best Cartoon For Kids - Lewis Pugh - Duration: 16:26.

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and it's important for him to know that no matter what he can count on me it's

your turn jump so should we mention something to

hookfang let me sleep on it

shingle again didn't we have roofing material for dinner last night it was an

accident dad of all the houses on the island a dragon had to crash through

mildews you know he hates dragons more than anyone else I know whatever those

beasts do reflects on you and whatever you do reflects on me

I'm sorry tangerine you and your friends are gonna go bot the mildews think it's

gonna take more than air

where are my boots where are your boots they've all been stolen every I can tell

by the Halfmoon shape arches well that's dragon 101 guys I don't gotta fill you

in on that so a dragon walk through here a zippleback back

that doesn't mean yeah okay fine he took the booster listen to yourselves my feet

are cold no consequence for these dragons they

took out of Bhoots building the world isn't coming to an end they are wild

animals and they need us to keep an eye on them and rest assured we will do just

that what is it dance where we patrol at night do you

keep an eye on the Dragons things happen after dark guys we have to do this you

heard mildew he wants the Dragons banished permission to shoot first and

ask questions later

hello sir ma'am if you have any dragon related problems contact us just cup a

hand on either side of your mouth and at the top of your lung

did you scare em no they sleep like everyone else

it could have done such a thing Thank You Fishlegs

but how could this happen we had every dragon accounted for at all time okay

what happened snotlout well I was detaining a suspect who wasn't showing

sufficient respect to the sash but it is possible he wandered off for a few

seconds minutes hours but dragon must have gone on a rampage I hate to say it

stoic but you're gonna have to I know what has to be done this just doesn't

make any sense a dragon wouldn't just come in here and destroy the place I

mean none of the food was even touched

but the hiccup when I punished them punishing him yeah that boy thinks that

dragons can do no wrong at least my dragon doesn't need a lullaby actually

it's your fault that all our dragons have to sleep in jail yeah none of us

wants to believe it either hiccup but you saw the proof what proof you saw the

footprints - he was trying to be sneaky alright well how do you explain the

Great Hall look at these walls not one single scorch mark hiccup until

I have solid proof that it was something else


prudence poor darling I'm so sorry you should have had a long one wedding life

she didn't have to die cover listen to your boy stoic that's what God is into

this mess say what happens when you late these dragons have done too much damage

it's no longer safe to have them on Berk I want them gone

what finally oh what a glorious day that will be it's horrible

it's the worst day of my life no Astrid something here doesn't add up

all I know is I'm losing my dragon I'm gonna miss you

and don't eat any limestone you know it doesn't agree with you okay

he's crying he's crying on the inside you gotta stay here and take care of the

other dragons

see what happens when you leave your dragon to wait outside he knew toothless

wasn't with me just before the armory fire I think he did all of it and I

think he did it so my dad will get rid of all the dragons

wife wife wife

well didn't they from this shame we have to get rid of them

or else because sometimes your dragon knows better than you hey has anyone

seen Fishlegs I saw him yesterday does that count Wow

oops and there goes my dignity yeah you're pretty stuck I believe those are

mine now what are we gonna do about meat log like it like a flaming squirrel

really a flaming squirrel or chipmunk there's some other flammable rodents you

saw that right

I've never seen anything like him don't be afraid I'm a friend here okay just a

little dragon nap this is so exciting it's a whole new species doesn't look

like a flaming squirrel at me we have no idea what it's capable of come on you

guys this is serious we have to figure out what to do with them he's hurt he's

hurt he's just really scared he'll settle down

here's your somebody no no no looks like you got torched Oh Nazis name by the way

torch so he can stay

this is where you're gonna sleep hope he sleeps through the night he hardly ate

and you go to sleep

learning no thanks there's nothing in the book of dragons

that looks anything like you we even get to determine what it's called oh look at

these talons that are razor like claw Bray's her feet razor-sharp caught seven

feet here that torch you're one of a kind no we need to get it to fly

maybe if torch saw toothless fly watch it

oh man we broke in maybe he can't fly

you like a typhoon and he came back just like a boomerang hot spinner flaming

comebacker no y'all can charge hold still I'm trying to draw you you're

getting your own chapter

I'll be right back

that's okay big guy he's starting to worry me too

another thing we have in common something must be going on under the

surface dragons are complex creatures hiccup my panpipes know I can get a bunt

back together helping suni I don't know what's gotten into you but I don't like


I never thought bringing torch holman lead to this I've got to separate you

two until I can figure this out

then you won't have the dragon to ride and if you don't have a dragon to ride

then you can't be the leader of the dragon Academy ultimate destruction it

was beautiful the whole thing was torched

like we said ultimate destruction looks really mad it's not a he it's a she

and this baby he's gonna get fried you take it I don't want you just leave it

and let's get out of here you guys go that way I'll lead her back into the

forest away from the village

evasive maneuvers

we'll use her size against her

if I touch

and then you do that

because sometimes what the dragon is trying to say is what you really need to


For more infomation >> Dragons: Riders of Berk In Dragons We Trust Best Cartoon For Kids - Lewis Pugh - Duration: 16:26.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 77 - Riley Iqbal - Duration: 17:17.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 77 - Riley Iqbal - Duration: 17:17.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 413 - Red Elephant - Duration: 15:36.

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The horses on

Sofia there is no much for a good teamplay Prince James is all of it

We did it we're going to the champions I

Just love this cheer baby, bro

I remember how the whole school used to sing it for me whenever I flew third-best remember

Sofia and James beat you in the tryout race. They got lucky. I'm sure someday

You'll be just as big a derby star as I was

Counting on you Sofia don't mess this up James well

I hope it can win, but we're going to be racing against the junior Knights Academy. Are they good. Are you okay ow?

my wrist

Well I'm afraid

I must deliver some bad news you in Sofia right for Royal prep in the championships alright

See you two in practice first thing tomorrow yes sir Gillian

Listen it's you. I'm so fast Sofia

We don't need any team plays all we need is me flying across that finish line all right

But I'll try oh that's the spirit. See you practice

assistant coach James I like

She's so perfect it's Tutera terrifying

Morning you go Sofia. Good morning riders listen up. That's right listen up

I'm gonna be your new coach

Assistant coach James. That's great as you know

James maybe you can go set up the practice poles over there you got it

Sir Gilliam, there's a new team player. I think we should learn Brian be a good jint and step on over for a sec

Okay in midair the riders have to line up side by Sun that is what happens if you do everything exactly

Right there. You go, Brian

Now I'm gonna show you what happens if you do it wrong oops


I'll be right back

So do you want to try the flying slingshot? I told you Sofia. I don't care about team plays

James may be assistant coach isn't the right job for you after all, but I want to help the team

I know let's just find something else for you to do

Royal prep finally has a chance to win the flying crown you can't let Hugo ruin it I won't

They're here, who's here Squire Vaughan's

Huh, they don't look so tough, Oh me

I'll just go practice I bet I am ten times faster than you I bet I'm a number you can't even count to

Faster I can count all the way to 100 to see who's faster how about that?

On your mark get set go

It was way too easy, you just got lucky not lucky. Where's your school spirit?

huzzah huzzah for Royal prep for the red and green Ambu

Hugo wait what?

Look, I know your father was on the flying derby team when he went to Royal prep and my brother my uncle my grandfather

So what for you?

Okay, I'll try it great. Oh, it's getting late. Let's practice first thing in the morning

Now everyone's clean Jones yes sir, Oh

James I don't think groom is the job for you either, but the mascot just wears a costume and act silly exactly

It's the perfect job for you

The mascot inspires the crowd to cheer for our team and rule them on to victory is you're bigger and stronger you should sing me


Wait a second then you'll cross the finish line first, right

But only one of us has to cross the line for both of us to win


Come on. You. Go. You gotta get ready for the big race the whole family's gonna be here, so you better win

Or don't come home. Just kidding baby, bro. I

Can't believe he just up and quit if only I spoke human. I would give him a talking-to

Me too. You're on our side of course


Sofia shouldn't you be saddled up? I need your help

But I'm just a mascot exactly you've got to help me inspires you flying crap

Defending champions why Osborne and Vance it's a Sofia


They're so slow. They can't even make it to the starting line. You've got to get back out there. What's the point?

We can't win, maybe we can't, but we have to try

They're singing for us, but they only sing when you win

I mean James is willing to do anything to be part of this time

Thanks, bro, what's the ring?

Royal prep is time that hardest apartment

But back to you nightclubs and an early double derbies were leaving Royal prep in the Derby dust we can't get around him

That's the junior Knights


I'll sling you you will it's the only way or team can win she's it's about time

He figured that out, so what are we waiting for let's do this?

It goes wrong it could be a totem pole Shrek

How did they do that

Very impressive work out there. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me Electra. That's the first nice thing

I've ever said to you true

But it won't be the last so are you we couldn't have won without you want to hold the crown

Holiday and enchancia

Come on clover if my first was fairly on the castle, and I don't want to miss a second of it

But we'll be if I get that unicorn I've been asked, but here in the castle we do things differently let's shower

There's a big wassailia

Where's that he had to go out

Masseria he said it was urgent royal business, but don't worry. He'll be back in time for the party

Just as long as he's back

I'm sorry princess Sofia. Oh you're too nice to me. Hold it you're being way too nice to me. What's going on. What's the catch?

Thank you kind woman this is your urgent royal business, I wanted to get the children a few

That's all

Where where are the horses they ran off your majesty

Do you have any horses we could borrow

I only have one horse sire, and he's yours if you want him

But he's too old and slow to reach the castle before the blizzard hits hmm

How much time do we have it'll be on Stu dangerous to ride through a blizzard, please?

Right lead the way

Constable miles, thank you for coming so quickly your highness

The king should have been back hours ago

Why don't we all go we can take the flying sleigh and surprise the king it'll be fun

All right well let's harness up the sleigh should have been home by now

Hope he's okay

Your majesty

Mind your manners

And happy wassailia to you too, and thank you for taking us in oh please you

It's going to be a cold night. Well at least the children will be safe and warm in the castle I

Knew there was a catch oh

How is one hor it's going to carry all of us minimus can do it, I'm

Not so sure about that. You'll be fine. It's really cold out here. If Sofia's dad's in trouble

I want to be there to get him out

Come on

bunny up

I don't see anything. I don't either

There's the road the Kings should be on we need to turn around your highness we can't go back in to wait find dad

Something happened to him just a few more minutes constable. We must get you back to the castle. I'll go out and find him myself

Three three

What about dad

We'll find him after the storm clears Wallace light the lanterns

Constable, let's take out some extra blankets for the children right away your majesty

Minimus I know mom said dad will be okay, but we can't just sit here all nights. We have to do something

Princess Aurora have you come to help us Oh Sofia times and so can you?

Robbing me, what are you doing out here?

You can't help me find my dad, huh?

Seek out the other animals in the woods and tell them to spread the word the king is missing

If we can get all the creatures know okay?


Good luck. We'll find him Sofia

Thank You Princess Aurora

Yes what it's almost time to light the wassailia candle

This is the first time I've spent the holiday without Amber and Jane, I guess we shouldn't have come out here

Sofia Sofia I

Know you wish we could be with dad

I do too, and we will we'll all be together soon, but not now not tonight

It would be my pleasure

By the light of this candle we wish good tidings upon all in chance ear

Ember Sophia James, I don't understand

Red how did you find me now? This is what the holidays are all about?

Loved ones and new friends having a great time

Yeah, don't fear. What are you doing? I already got what I wanted

Here this is for you happy with Syria

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 413 - Red Elephant - Duration: 15:36.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 48 - Elliot Finch - Duration: 17:54.

For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 48 - Elliot Finch - Duration: 17:54.


We Are Bears Brother Up Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Tom Skinn - Duration: 10:51.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> We Are Bears Brother Up Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Tom Skinn - Duration: 10:51.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 37 - Blue Pig - Duration: 15:13.

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Perfect now this is the dance floor where they have Shahrzad

What stars are doing it is what you humans call the dancing. I meant why is she doing it in the middle of the street?

Okay back to stupid I

Don't know how you could be partying at a time like this


And have you done nothing to repay him? Do you not feels bad about that push your shoes no one

You are hey backpack when you only saw one set of foot

What is it the show?

Whoever heard of a - oh you don't know fashion sure side must really be trying to impress you

She said it's alive, but where's the fake a wait? What kind of cheap?

We make us even

Booty show with make things these know what but be done

This makeover necessary are you serious?

Hey homeboy, no human. Oh, it's okay. Don't

All right


I'm out. Oh wait up trip with EB right even for what?

We gotta do something super special

Okay a lot of

We are even right right

Know with things like that terrible statue idea now if you just listen oh, I'll show you

Thank you

What do you want now, I just wanted to say

Seriously overreacting

I hope you all have a good time cuz I'm dying now

Explode asaurus rex

Dude you sick I have lied

I am feeling great

Just a little stuffy, please

I know sick when I see it, and I just want you to feel better so be honest

What's up with you well?

But there's a cure right like some kind of high-tech device that will cure you and send us on our way

Oh, yes, that is the good news

According to booth medical prevents together by then I'll probably be like Oh wrinkly with wrinkled skin

Together I would miss you too

Hey, I've got it the marvellous gratuity Tucci MD. Cure. You right up so sad

Have I ever steered you wrong before sudden movements are making it worse got it no sudden movements

I'm not really sure how your internal organs are organized, so don't move oh

I've got it right here

Frosty this is exactly what you trained for

Should take you to the boob hospital, I just want to compare notes with a doctor you know yeah

Oh, yes definitely sick your face always look oh

Yeah typical stage two boob flu no problem. The cure is quite easy

We have a sick patient on the run

This is being wonderful you're created a rampaging foo monster

I am say the opposite of how I actually feel this ever shut up

File that movers in deeps trouble no one has gone this long without treating a boo flu at the stroke of midnight

He'll explode

Without proper treatment you will soon explode

Come on I'm sorry oh, I I I

Failed health class is it's okay. I fought you will be back boy. You are knowing

I'm speedo rapper this ain't your Grandpa's flu machine. I'm gonna assume that makes sense, please

Thank you for trying yeah

Who are used where the boov out boys boom

nice to meet

Let you keep taking places that don't belong to you

Today you take what we're guarding and tomorrow what the tennis court

Oh, what's wrong my buddy do not be saying boo

It's okay chili dog ain't no thang well you gotta quit that you're not just a boov anymore. You're a too cheap

Oh geez always stand their ground

Get up. I'm gonna teach you something click karate

And it's not technically kung fu I call it tip Jitsu tip foo or TNT for tips knuckle technique

Knuckle is spelled with a k

You already

Maybe don't even think about it

Hey, who is that touji we told you you can't hang out

Go over that I made some modifications to my vest in case I needed an escape plan I'm so impressed, thank you

victory chili dogs


Dogs guy hey, I was in line well now you ain't sweet already

Three chili dogs for everyone

Protecting those who were once like me I

Understand now I must stand ground for those who are unable to tip yes. There is no time for indulgent

Mmm your tongue you are welcomes thanking me

Who knew having so much power with so

empowering I feel like friends Kyle or or a

Hero from the magazines of him you're not a hero. You're a bully. I am not being the bully

Did you not see all the people I helped you harass the people who needed the most help

I am no doesn't even exist you just ripped up Tipu everything you're doing is fake

Sake the bo boys thought differently well

No, we think even more differently you may have beaten us once

But we're back and badder than ever and this time. We've got friends

When you see them all together, it's like you really deserve what's coming to us stand back tip this will require advance

No food, are you nuts these fools are kidding around?

Tip what do I do if they are not terrified?

But told you sport the use of weapons against opponents I

Have taken step through to far everyone I have something to say I am

But usually it is best to make like a food than run away

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 37 - Blue Pig - Duration: 15:13.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 60 - Owen Allan - Duration: 16:55.

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For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 60 - Owen Allan - Duration: 16:55.


Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 1 - Max Brady - Duration: 18:40.

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For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 1 - Max Brady - Duration: 18:40.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 437 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:36.

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There is only one dog who can save us now, but even a super pooch is no

Don't worry Roley captain dog isn't afraid of flying saucers

You know captain dog always saves the day

I wish I was captain dog. He's so great. It's a big party for people and pets who love captain dog

Okay captain dog check out all the pet owners here, built this recreation of barks Ville

be careful Stefan

Accidentally hit anything now for the surprise. I was telling you about

There's even a contest for whoever built the best part of the city, I really hope I win that Blue Ribbon

Make sure to protect my monorail. Oh, I hope I can win that contest

Did you hear that Roly Bob needs us to protect a super amazing monorail?

That sounds like a mission you bet it is. Let's just hope nothing out of the ordinary happens while he's gone


Great work today captain dog you saved us captain dog have you ever thought of running for mayor

I was a brave thing you did catch a dog

Great work today captain dog

Bombs monorail is broken and it's all my fault. It's okay captain dog. We'll find a way to fix

The wheel captain are maybe Blaziken flight

Parolees and breathand doesn't like flying saucers

I'm not captain dog and he's the bravest brother in the whole world who's always there when I need him

Let's save barks villain

No, I'm play just like bingo said

Well looks like you guys had fun and the monorail still working perfectly this spectacular

model of the Bark's Ville monorail

Congratulations. Did you hear that boys?

Come on you guys Oh

Today's the big parade right through the center of town

Oh, I designed a special balloon for it and everything I need to come up with a new invention

And I'm gonna be working at my desk upstairs until I invent it well

I'll see you guys after I invent something as soon as I figure out something to invent I

Feel bad for Bob didn't bring it right by the house that way Bob can see it when he looks outside

Let's see he likes marching and music and noise, so we'll start with the first one

Yeah, if we can get them to follow us home in much passed Bob's house

They can see a parade like she wants, but how are we gonna get them to follow us home?

I guess we could just ask them to


Where they go or played marched off without us a

Music store with all kinds of stuff that makes noise music we should figure out

What did the noise is whoop this was pretty noisy, so I've heard, but that one looks even noisier

This one's just kind of a box doesn't look like it makes any noise at all. What's this thing dude?

Welcome world sure come back tomorrow. I'm closing early to see the parade

I know because that's what he likes about a parade

All that quack quack quack King makes it hard to do anything thinking

Making so much noise

Sorry, we're ducks on a mission hey

We need to find ourselves a new park to live in that's why we're looking here there and everywhere

Marching and noise in music you and I know how to make music. Yes. Let's make some right now. Who's that Walkman bastard?

While we can cross the street we have to look both ways then if no cars are coming. It's safe to go looks okay

Get to the pet store asked kg the guinea pig which way to the park

Then you'll mark right past our sugar parade pet store kg

And the whole thing has the same colors as you and me

Rowley, this is a bingo and Rowley blue

That Park you're looking for is right down there and around the corner. Just keep marching. You can't miss it

It's the Ducks again

They're making the parade go a different way Frank. Yeah

We'll have to move to another place to watch it, but at least we get to see those cute little duckies

little duckies

On your bar get sick

Bingo Broly hissing

This better be good, I interrupted my nap for this oh, I can't believe the frame came right down my street

No, I get to see it

We've got the best seat in town with a perfect view of the parade

I'll be blocking your view not at all because

Like monster hissy yeah, you sure monster. I don't want to be a shark monster

What for tempting more surfers and we need you to be the shark monster?

Ruff - you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday

Hope you guys find something fun to do well. I'm not here


Hear will Bob said just barely that me floor really is noisy you and I or going on a mission

Into these towers for us to put stuff in


Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my time Oh


Was talking about that thing around your neck. It's all a hand surface. Oh boy

I hope I don't get sunburned cuz that hurt

And it's exactly what I need these crabs are

We need something big advice like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work


Came here to get Sam for bob's toes. I changed everything that's crawling on the beach

You're both floating

Yeah, we pour lagers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

What's that you two doggies one the surfing contest first place and we still need something replaces

I'm gonna find you crabby

Bob it's gonna be so happy when he sees all the Sanford's toes. We should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits

I put in our collars. Yeah, all we have to do

Roli wait we have all the sin we need shit, but not to blob cheeto

See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a

Shark monster until I finally said okay

I've been looking forward to seeing you all day

Whoa what you two get into?

Actually that feels really good like what the beach must be like in Hawaii

The legend of oh snap

And the great outdoors it is pretty great outdoors oh

I'm gonna guess that that wasn't supposed to happen

Okay before we hit the road to go back home. We'll just pop inside this shop, but don't worry

There's a window so I can keep an eye on you from inside the store. I don't know maybe

It's time to get Bob's fishing pole

Oh, I got a tale for you

Know what swam off with your Bob's fishing pole well hello there mister have we ever heard ol snapper

Bingo well old snapper is a monster that roams deep beneath these waters

But ever he finds in the lake to his hideout forever

There's an island in the center of this lake snapper Island most likely, that's where you'll find Bob's fishing pole

Thanks, Quincey. You're a huge help. Wait a minute there

You're gonna need a bigger boat

Let there be more boats at this part of the lake

Rolly Rolly

Hey, whoa why it's bingo and Rolly my two favorite Tufts and

That's the legend the whole snapper yes sure

He probably took your fishing

Then let me tell you both what I'm about to do

I'm gonna get you out the snappers Island so that you better yet. I'll just make you one wait here


Wow sweet logbook no no the water news and puppy power - paddle cross and a

Few dozen scary sad no really I always thought my bravest when we're doing something again well dingo

That's the power of puppy power okay, Rowley. We're here

Snapper Island now. We just need to find bob's fishing pole

So that was easy I can get us there faster with

Only power to the rescue Bob's gonna be so happy when he gets his fishing pole back

It's gotta be old snapper he's come back to Bob's fishing pole

Follow the trail what do you say Rolly you think you can swim some more

We stood you we're cute puppies you're scary could you're born from the mother look at the lake

Yes, I do look pretty scary with all this gunk that gets all over me when I swim oh

You mean the shiny red stick someone left in my lake as a gift yes, they belong to our owner Bob

He dropped the fishing pole in the water when you took the Bobby thing. Oh well. That's terrible

For a turtle come on hop on

Wait a minute my fishing pole and my bobber we found them oh

This is the life

They say is 50 feet tall and lives in a big castle of mud on an island in the middle of the lake

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 437 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:36.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 7 - Kai Nort - Duration: 18:23.

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get me out bid me dry me off

cuteness and bark bark barks to all remember captain dog as always just a

phone call away this sounds important the Great Pyramids of Egypt have

mysteriously disappeared oh no the pyramids shown here before they

disappeared look at those giant pyramids have just disappeared no one has any

idea how the pair of it's disappeared uh try to stay dry today I'll see you when

I get home from work well we're gonna make sure upside up smile lands there

instead kissy Rolly and I are going on a mission to find the pyramids for Bob

that's the way to like in Egypt

welcome to sunny and dry Egypt I guess we'll have to change that on all the

posters and brochures whose ancient Egyptians knew how to treat a kitty

right looks like the guys out she's Oliver's body welcome Bob grab my foot

after I stepped in might be except you kept going takes us where the pyramids

used to be yes it is all aboard you come with the sissy now you can go on without

me while I'm napping here without you we got a camel coz away we go

well she didn't do a very good job and nowhere in sight looks like this big

doggies no shell off maybe filling

look at these cool drawings all over the walls look at this one

Roley That's not me there's a one thing we can do

we still haven't found the missing pyramids

Oh golly you mean we came all the way up this mountain just would slide down it

yep it's a good thing I brought my bottom was me to help out not sure what

that means but thank Rollie I did it's the right shape just like those hats Bob

made for us but bigger and in Egypt they were here all the time

luke'll Roley found hissy fizzy the triangle II things were discovered in

the exact spot they had always been in

now I'll be able to go to Egypt someday and see the pyramids

would you like to build your own stuffed animal dress it up and take it home to

play I would love that you two look like you're having a good time

tons of fun with the toys in this box but it's time someone else got to have

fun with them

ribbit look what you did oh did you guys just ruin for us we would who's what Bob

in his room with ruff ruff Bob at the beach with ruff ruff Babita just about

everywhere he went with ruff ruff

a designer died today

bear it one perfectly poufy Poots come on Roli let's say grub roughing them

make him perfectly poufy to Rossini just enough stuff that's a lot of so this

puppy up but we're gonna need some kid power to do it Chloe

Wow that looks so good and there's just one more thing to do with this doggy so

follow me when I go down you go up and when you go up I'll go down I think we

use too much bingo an early power sometimes bingo the only power can be a

dangerous thing and now it's time to get our doggie looking job tacular first to

get them clean then we give them some style we might as

well get ourselves looking good zu here comes the cleaning it matches my eyes we

did it rolling Pop's toy looks as good as it ever did for the party everybody

chooses stuffed doggy oh holy they think we're toys yeah but they

dress this up so nice to their party we should stick around just to be flight

pretend food let me tell you something that's no party and pretend to eat

looks like the party's over yep oh no what if she takes pops toy

what if we take it first

okay everybody have a good day yep Bob won't even know we took it out of the

box hey guys give me a map before I say hello okay I just need to put this stuff

outside up you're just giving this stuff away to anybody who wants it I'm glad I

found someone to give ruff ruff to because I don't need to pretend doggy

anymore I have two of the best

special delivery boy am i late now get him go one way and then look at

him go the other oh I almost forgot tomorrow's Mother's Day and if I don't

mail this card today my mom won't get it in time Oh mom's

gonna be so happy when she sees this envelope in her mailbox I think oh don't

have my keys have fun doing whatever you do what I'm not here it's the card in

the envelope for Bob's orange loving mom no Bob must have dropped it on his way

out the door who's with him so fast all pill pill pill pill pill no no one is

going to be sad because really they're going to deliver that called ourselves

ARF would be happy if you did that also our faith would be drier

you think you can keep an eye on this car while we do our mission lives but we

do know where she lives Pop's took a flag stamp on here Roley

look just like the one Bob put on the envelope a Mingo and this is Roley we're

looking for Bob's mom sorry there's no one named Bob's mom here

fire truck time hopefully yup gotta tell everybody in town

five hug time gotta make your siren Sam

okay we're still looking for a place with a flat you see one no but I do

shake cupcaking office oh man why are they practically everywhere we go we're

taking you somewhere with a big flag in front so she can have a happy Mother's

Day and wait do you think you're gonna find someplace with a big flag in front

around here oh how come Bob's mom has school destined school books from school

art projects all over the walls because I don't think this is Bob's mom's house

maybe it's not the flag on the envelope that says where it goes

maybe it's the whitening so if we had the envelope wicked weed where it goes

what do you mean if we had it

I don't know where we're going I know I'm just figuring out what I should ask

for for my birthday

great job Rolly now we just need to wait for the truck

to stop so we can so here's what we're gonna do well crawl on our bellies to

that bush then climb up the face like it's a treat my way would have worked

too hello oh hi mom you got the Mother's Day card oh that's

great aren't they funny they just go ruff ruff ice ice buggy

I finished mowing the backyard free to play in now I just want to pour myself a

big glass of iced tea before I leave I

can't stop thinking about delicious iced tea it's more than cool it's cold

doesn't matter where it is how are we supposed to get to that Antarctica place

I've shown us on the wall I don't know

what if this ice do you think will be best for Bob's iced tea I don't know

maybe we should ask those penguins are sliding my tortoise

Barna mr. looking for ice well you're talking to the right penguin I can go

find the best there is sliding all over the ice we get storms here that blow

everything around and turn everything why or not forever at all who do mr.

penguin go well I wish me warm toasty lovin let's see what else is in this box

yes so we can't let it get away

because it wasn't something under that hat you know and we can see if he found

Bob's ice but wait what if he follows our traps and comes into this cave think

we're here so it's a good thing Bob put this ice drawing thing in my collar in

case you ever need your awesome yeah nice I think I smiley face too hard

we should waddle that's what mr. penguin said penguins do so they don't fall back

nothing one man's ever gone a clack like that it wasn't you found the eyes you

were looking ball do you have my egg oh you boys did a great job on to my egg

and taking care of my little girl well I went out looking for your eyes Thanks

go ahead take all you are we'd love to see you and play with you my brother and

I had to get home as fast as we can how are things on the bottom of the

earth cold icy helps a few Arnold did you get the ice Bob needs for his iced

tea you sure did the best there is here

good idea Missy it's gonna taste so good

does this mean we finished our mission yep

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 7 - Kai Nort - Duration: 18:23.


Go Jetters Venice Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel - Aaron Godda - Duration: 19:15.

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cause I'm sure try to be stable I can't cycling here trimpots

find me somewhere better to practice

Venice is amazing and so are the gondolas sure if you aren't in a huddle

let me tell you about the place we're at

the city of bit but very very slowly because Venice is built on water there

are no cars from great blows no roads flowers relax and enjoy Zhu Li I've got


Wow what I have stopped not you can stop the gondola whoa strange that should be

a big trouble go Jettas the crimp lair is turning canals into roll all over the


we've got to stop these grim parts now go play Kahn's


geojo nope nothing wait Nessun problema stop grazie a okay

geo shield stepping-stone

voules come on everyone you can do it Geo shields plus gondolas

equals perfectly cool jump wasn't quite the plan don't worry

is back to its beautiful self all water and no roads Geographic time for a

souvenir savvy

homes are to your circuits greenbots time for an upside down the avenue of

the bear box majestic Geographic awesome so why do

they look best upside down go jealous see the bay of bats branches look like

roots sticking into the air especially when it loses all its leaves and so then

at night nocturnal animals like lemurs spread it between the flowers and help


hey Lieber I'm Kyle what's that

things right and find your mom and dad bank repots

Grandmaster glitch they saw the tree but spoke I've got a plan go Jettas no no

don't even think about it

gee oh man


okaygo Jettas you're up buzz do giant go

all secures the avenue of Beier Babs is safe again trees - glitchyness lights

equals welcome back lemurs okay we'll get it back I don't know why I bother

now it's time for a souvenir selfie

that is seriously stinky zuly are you eating egg sushi again not me I can't

smell anything smell comes from something really special something

awesome which only happens once every few years what a wonderful smell the you

then you need older glitch you'll smell terrible

everyone will stay away with older clips nearly perfect it just needs a little

something else something extra stinky now it's the rainforests of Sumatra oh

why is the titan arum so stinky oh the titan arum can be found in the hot wet

rainforests of Sumatra

the Franken Arum is the largest and year's and gives off a really bad smell

this attracts flies & insects to spread its pollen to grow new plants

maybe you can tell us what it's like take a picture

okay titan arum here i come whoa the titan arum

what's it like touch it gently touch it

great work fighting this smelly flood

flinch leave that smell alone that's what brings the crisis yeah Despero mr.

baby boo oh no loves is in trouble and the titan

arum is being glitched a giant problem needs gio giant you've got it go Jenna's

time for a mix to fix that glitch let's do this ready

ha I can't believe I'm going to would that smell

Lars are you okay I'm fine and the titan arum is safe I think

you're wrong

more plastic ready to be recycled hey go Jettas looks like I found the

biggest piece of junk today junk on the reef what is it Zhu Li it's

leaking oil not cool oil from a red submarine the roof has been glitched

deeper her ruby of the reef the most beautiful precious necklace you could

ever imagine shimmering pimples wait something must be Ruby I know it no sir

you left behind you can't just dump submarines in the ocean water mode girl

know what this means no you can't have a right of a sub it means that's where the

Ruby of the reef

huh well in that case maybe that rusty wreck is hata me is whereas at a reef is

a collection of coral and artificial reef these can provide a home to all

sorts of sea life and as long as the wrecked submarine we didn't spoil your

home stay away from

we need to cut the power to the winch I'm on it huh we need to help Dooley and

safely - we need click on the cord it's time for an underwater record deal

wait don't I get rescued coming right out glitch no that really worked thanks

it's the fantastic risk you knew shit next time don't even want the fuss in

you go why does glitch want his granny salt

submarine anyway textbook double rescue go Jenna's you saved the artificial reef

and ran master glitch hey I found something in the submarine

turns out granny glitch was a go Jetta she must have studied here all those

years ago I wonder if she always meant for that submarine to be a notch you've

left some little bit lime green pods

found dry stone walls hundreds of years old but still standing today

brilliant building machu picchu is a city built and not too busy with

tourists machu picchu is a no-fly zone so no jet pad or brewster flying today

go Jettas what a place to race it's just his fucking spring come here green bart

when i said you have nearly hates the race

cool must be a local Inc away to cheer me to the finish Grandmaster glitch this

is a no-fly zone no-fly zones are for known jitters I'm not doing any harm


what be baited by this place is so full of wonder indeed where else could you

see a giant mating Mars is right one big grim bot is one big problem for

Machu Picchu you need to stop it bouncing geo grabs for a big helping

hand you got it go Jettas time for a mix to fix backflips

you ready faults with you all the weight loss he's not giant you're all mini

Jettas ah sorry Zhu Li told me to do it thank you mini

Jettas ready ready

but um you came last Shh it's okay we saved machu picchu three

bunch how am I supposed to get home for no-fly zone

For more infomation >> Go Jetters Venice Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel - Aaron Godda - Duration: 19:15.


Vampirina The Plant Predicament Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Niamh Lambe - Duration: 17:34.

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the plan predicament before Oh girls I need to get ready for the green film

contest why do we can help

she loves to garden

of course it's we always get in trouble when we help humans well I love helping

humans and I brought my mom now they just need to sprout Oh mom how are the

seats going to grow into plants in one day because they've got a secret you

can't use these these are and I am no seed they only work if it's knowing

Oksana and I are going inside to wash up call if the plants start to sprout

remember it works fast

oh please Brody

how even if your plants are growing

maybe we can try to cut the stem

hi everyone oh I see you've got a case of yeah not long okay soon

well it turns out I got it for sure

I don't think we've made enough cookies I think the judges are gonna love it

tell me miss people's and what kind of plants are those the spiky red ones over

there Leakey red ones I'm special Edna people s'en you are the winner of

the History Museum great Egyptian mummy from Transylvania and invited us into

his tomb such a gracious host and now he's in a new exhibit at the Museum oh

good for him

world of the Egyptian pharaoh

I'm a Farina and these are my friends poppy and Bridget they're human it's

okay nice he's a friend of my parents Oksana and Boris Hong Lee you're a Honda

Lee what a lovely surprise come in but it's interested in seeing the dinosaurs

we're interested in you you are well in that case people pass me by barely


you're fertile show

hardly but they do have bigger teeth than I do so that makes them more

interesting it seems hmm who knew this job could get so lonely how exactly are

we supposed to get a mummy home without anyone noticing

mr. glory Oh watch your step now what's the big idea

you guys got souvenirs without me oh that was close sure King Boris marvelous

to see you friends it is I know it's just

King Pepe's feeling sad no one soft sissy has exhibited at the Museum but

he's a famous King shouldn't everyone want to see him as long as they want to

be missed at the Museum oh it sounds like the dinosaurs will keep everyone

occupied and if we haven't got to lose we've got a footstool again mom remember

that's what you made them back in Egypt your highness it will be my pleasure to

escort you to your dining throne centuries we're so glad you liked it

King Pepe and we've got another little surprise for you places everyone

have you heard the news the whole town's looking for this mummy your family and

friends have been fantastic company for this lonely King we should get you back

which is why I decided to stay here for home worried I asked my loyal subjects

to begin the search for my replacement

auditions step right in well with the museum

notice of a different mummy shows up that's why we have to figure out a way

to change King Pepys MUC you're sure you're talking about my brother

we need a hurry to talk my cloths are dragging good work today

loyal court will pick up the auditions in the morning king petty you sure you

don't wanna go to the museum your parents already tried to change my mind

well there's something you should see before you make your decision come on

I don't see anything children from arelma City have turned up in droves

outside the Natural History Museum with one question it's my duty it sounds like

this old king won't be lonely anytime soon

you all sure know how to make a mummy feel up do you think he was I guess

we'll never knew I can't believe we got to spend a day with the real live mummy

and now other kids get to enjoy King Pepe - not so good

excuse me I gotta get this stuff on camera hey I know what get the dinosaur

is this time Edgar please kidding King Pepe is way cool

I think the room is ready right here in our house when I was a girl I had one

single dream to run my own monster

creatures hi papi hey what are you doing here

your dad said we could stay while our house is being painted in the arms

things Edna will you excuse us for just one teensy moments for us the people

sins can't stay here overnight and Edna and Edgar can stay in the twin beds in

the new guest room okay you're right they're used to being

around humans by now we can handle this by me well who the surprise we might be

eight hundred year-old vampires but we still know how to use the Internet

we were so relieved to find we're overbooked right now and mama you don't

want your very first guest to be unhappy do you

so is our room ready it's already over mama don't give up on your dream we can

do this I like the can-do spirit little V but I

think your mother is the right that's it since vampires sleep during the day and

humans sleep at night they won't need to use the room at the same time right

right we'd rather just head up to our room

right now hope it was a bumpy batty flight from Transylvania oh of course

yes show you the new soap that's in the bathroom

it's now so soapy you have to try it out right away well you don't have to ask me

twice I love my creams and microwaves are

these human clothes or are their humans here it's the middle of the afternoon I

tried adding em what are they called again V carrots we got them at the

farmers market it's like a meat market but without the meat sorry about that

Edgar did you brush your teeth yes mom did you hear something there's no better

way to start your night then Oh scream

you I mean what would my mom have done if she saw them turn into bats he would

have been bad luckily we make the best team oh I love that you know your mom is

in there with Kozma and Narcissa and him makes her look like a monster

that's paz mina and Narcissa think your mom is another monster she must have

gotten her face cream bottle mixed up with bears I just came down to get a

glass of water couldn't see us what are you doing up and what is Edna

doing up mom it's okay cause Nina narcissus I think my mom's a monster in

there friends now I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how much I

enjoyed my stay Oksana it was so normal oh I want to give those charming sisters

my recipes thank you Oh anytime anytime we've got the hang of things now Papa I

checked online the scale B&B this creamy success I'm just glad everything worked

out let's go clean up Boris I'll get the tool polish I haven't seen

vamp Irina this excited since their first full moon flyby of course I'm

excited now that we're all moved in I can start making new friends so I was

thinking if we look less like vampires maybe it would be less scary

I found something humans love to win they say

this is Oksana and I mean Verena lambarena my would an unusual name I

brought you folks flowers and cookies hmm a little pruning really brings out

the thorns hope I wish you hadn't done that Gregoria

what if I don't make any friends in Pennsylvania

I was on top of the Transylvanian Train


let's show the whole human world how lovable you are adorbs vampire seeks non

squeamish human for best friend forever them is looking for I do not know the

truth next door ha ha hey why don't we ask her she lives there right hi oh hi

let's see yes it totally does ok so in May well I sure wish I could

help but you know everything's pretty much totally normal around here how

would you know really you can play with my Transylvanian screen Girl dolls

sounds fun mom we're going next door ok honey

did you see that she didn't even touch the door then that creep Kalash it

haunted house as we always say in Transylvania our dungeon is your dungeon

but perhaps in Pennsylvania we should just say it has a done Cemetery Wow

seriously you're really just gonna play with dolls yeah they're awesome

boring just promise I knew something I didn't see anything

wait what did why'd you spree that's right he told me and I was like I love

him too he totally screamed and then we danced that was amazing I was but then I

realized it's just you should we dance it out


For more infomation >> Vampirina The Plant Predicament Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Niamh Lambe - Duration: 17:34.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 433 - Rico Media - Duration: 15:56.

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Island of youth I

Did not know we were having a meeting

Well that was close well he's off to the library now, so we're in the clear

And I have list of everything we need I'm going to bake a Stephens favorite to this latest claim into business

So what's the plan for the music my guitar is all tuned up?

Can I play the birthday song with you of course? He's a bell?

Thank you

Though he doesn't find out about the surprise right of course

We're taking him sailing

Good idea. It's time. I love sailing just make sure to it. I'm just getting older, but I have nothing to show for it

That's not true. You've got loads of new gray hairs

Getting old is no fun

offers my grandparents, then shrieky guess what cousin


You're taking a sailing today. See what I mean, and I found this old nautical map in my grandfather's stuff

It must be magical look there's the castle

It is rumored to have a boost it'll be on the other side of the world

Do you realize what this means Higgins when I drink from the Fountain of Youth? I will be young and strong again

What is that a new hinge to me, I invented today is your birthday

We are all here for you

so make


Thought this was supposed to be a duet Edward. It's a performance where both people are heard

I can only hear that that guitar daeun or not at all

But I like my way I have an idea

Why don't you both play for the royal staff and let them decide which one should be played at the party? Ah

I do your magical moppy's may be not so magical after all wait

You two stay here while I scout the area to make sure it is safe, but I will need this

Long way down

Farewell old man

I'd go easy on the water. It is magical my fale. You worry too much. Worrying is for all people

from this day on

Esteban come back

Where did he go?

I feel weird

Why did I get younger you drank too much water singles

It's getting late and we have to leave this island before the Sun Goes Down or will vanish along with it

We can't take him home like this. I'll go get it - no God will no wait

What if he eats too much of the flour like he drank too much water we have to catch him

I should have brought my running shoes

Your turn Mika okay

Looks like they prefer the new way

What to do do you want to get out or not I

Am rain now where is that magical flower hmm? Let me check the map

It's over here right through those trees

Aleta as much as I want and you can't stop me cousin flower

Get the party we are going to vanish if we don't get off the island before the sunset

He's a baby now

It's all right

Everything's okay now

So we've tied in your bird the jack wins


Now little toy

I love you, too, Elena. Sorry to interrupt, but

The island is disappearing we need to go now

I haven't done this spell on anything bigger than a present, and you saw how that went floating spell

But if it doesn't work you could get hurt. I just have to concentrate. That's all

Oh your grandparents did say he was a picky eater as a child


And where are my buns? Uh-huh it's a long story, but right now

We have to get off this island before we vanish the boat is this way follow me



That was close personally a seven I like you better this age


I thought you forgot of course we didn't forget

Elena planned the whole thing anything for my favorite cut I

Can't do it

Unless el vuelo joins me what but I don't know how to plan your way. He won't play it much

I am better off my own age well

Abuelo always says that every gray hair makes him that much wiser well if that's true

Prince2 charming

The kingdom of Gordo, but you have any ideas oh just a few

Well if Prince Alonso's half as everyone has heard about how you rescued your people from Shuichi. You are quite an impressive young lady oh

It's what any ruler would have done for her people Your Highness

Prince Alonzo nice to meet you

Here take care of your bags, will ya

The throne is right this way

I'm more of a living the moment type of Prince besides who can look at tapestries when the greatest work of art is standing

Right before us. What is that some people call us you can only find them in Cordoba? Ah indeed

There are so many things that you'll only find in Cordoba

And it would be my pleasure to take you on a tour of the kingdom to see all of them

Built it ready for that tour of Cordoba, but what about choosing a site for the bridge?

What a member of the staff can take care of that for us, but it's our jobs. Let's start with your list okay?

My first sight is the closest distance between our two kingdoms. It's the metal necks of the Sun Prato River

I know exactly where that is of course. Where are my manners. You can follow us on

Pedro Pedro

In many ways it's like me

It's a taboo hito yes, but I can show you far more majestic sights once we begin our talk

I don't know about you, but I really worked up an appetite

Hmm. What are those dirt bones? It doesn't matter because they will soon be gone guards

We will dig here yes, but that's just an old legend

It's not real has anyone seen this to Kali well. No yes

No one has seen him because he does not exist well

You're just in time coz we're about to break ground actually. I was thinking we should check out some other sites

We wouldn't want to awaken the you Kali

Thinking we should at least supervise him for a little while to make sure they're doing Lena. I'm just looking out for you

It's important to have a balance of work and fun or do you not like to have fun?

My grandma thought it was funny

All right, but I'm talking about more than just telling jokes Elena when was the last time?

We call this the coral cascade I've never seen or heard anything like it. It's it's so

Moomin keep on digging

Unpleasantness it is

Me you're talking is impeccable

Princess Elena you've been here a while shouldn't you head back to the bridge site now?

Oh right will that old story? Just wrecked our work site. That's terrible. Oh, I knew we shouldn't have left

our picnic

Come on I

Am the prince of this kingdom and no one will tell me what to do if I want to stay nice day

But thank you for your kind words mm

Let me see if Emily serves me correctly the palace Europe son who is due east

Quick guards do something snot, so gentlemen. Let us take our leave

Celina good idea to my chariot. You've done enough come on Gabe

Sorry only sits too high I would be forever in your debt if you could please assist me in travelling more speedily I

Thought the jolly was just a legend

Oh, he's very real your highness and surprisingly polite wait is he polite or boo don't mean to destroy the palace both

Then we must defend the Palacio yourself things would have been okay if we had just apologized and left

Is this true son of course not if you think about it really this is me I see

Thank you for your honesty princess Elena

Why would you believe a stranger over your own son because I know my son Oh?

I am most appreciative of your assistance with my arrival

Britta's Elena, we've gotta keep moving. Well. Your collie is here breaking through our defenses

I'll also leave princess Elena and her guard to safety the Buhi toes are sitting on the Akalis arm

It's just a tree branch it's his arm book

Whoa seriously, how is any of this important? I think I know how to save the palace

Now what are you doing? The palace is under attack we need to evacuate immediately?

I hate to agree with them. Okay, you need to be somewhere safe not out here digging in the dirt

It's reckless and not how a royal behaves. This is exactly how a royal behaves

Felt apologies for the commotion

Need you

Senora Kali we had no idea those dirt mounds with the buki toes homes

And we're sorry for what happened to them so we built this burrow to replace the first one we accidentally destroyed

I accept your apology

And on behalf of the people of Cordova. I promised an incident like this will never happen again

They love their new home you have my eternal gratitude princess

Congratulations princess you get to spend the rest of the day touring Cordoba with

This isn't funny. I'm a prince a prince is supposed to ride over a bridge not help build one

Guards get me out of here

Maybe when he learns the whistle, huh

Coachman take us to the port coachman

Please ignore that order yes your highness for princess the royal cruiser is waiting and it can wait a bit longer. We finished our job

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 433 - Rico Media - Duration: 15:56.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 241 - Molly King - Duration: 16:37.

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Whoa, no kid in all of Chicago

They got kitty litter and boobs land Birds Mud Pie

Anchovies the sawdust quiche and of course my favorite then follow paniolo

We're not getting more litter just

No more kitty litters just out out hi

Looking for litter. Yeah, let me just check and see how much

He's got so much

Where is he

Hi boobs are talking I know what'll cheer you will so pictures are breaking is hanging out in mouth

Prisons, but no humans allowed

Like a very beautiful booth girl

Kyle I'm Leticia

Open mustard pencils. I'm never been here in a bitch flavors

Will hop out fish butts nope lightbulb strawberry no crab eyelash wonton. Nope Eagle taco not banana diaper


Knew there was something wrong with you guys don't get the number-one boss

Literally, I knew you'd come looking for litter. What's your problem?

God say don't tell me what to do. We're taking the flitter and we're going home come on. Oh, Oh

Check it us do this Oh?

What are you doing that's a kid Philly it means, I love you


Ate all the kitty litter and now you won't give me any more kisses

Who said I wouldn't give you any more kisses. I didn't know

Would my mom love me if I do that No

Ah yes the boov Beach should feel very refreshing on this warm day, right

Humans are go bananas. Those awful. Level folks Paco masters in a bowl

I don't know what that is, but I'll have you know

I haven't specially my bottom four I can't I guess you got taste after all

Why don't you take the sparkle banana, I got so many already in my bag

Right this is been

Cute you got your banana, so let's hit the beach. Are you sure yes you guys go have lots of fun oh

Me too of course

We don't bangle it

Do it I had a blast today, we should bring your hair tomorrow great idea tip

That's great, I know right we are gonna hang out oh

You know that huh? Oh we gotta hit up this

Hot mess go home hey mom I was thinking we could go to the beach today

My mom have fun shopping with your new friends

TV show is oh let's watch it oh

Are you guys watching

You turn me into a giant Sparkle bottom even ducky is too sparkling

That was so much fun. Whoa why is it so dark in here?

Do you have any idea what time it is yes, can you Islam ever since you've been hanging out with Shahrzad

It's far too listed makeover that with no regard for the consequences

Oh, you did not just blame your issues on Shantha



Sure is not as my friend. I'm going to my room

Really, I think we were too hard on mom last night. We gotta do something to apologize

cheer mom up

Make things right

put a smile back

You know what my mom needs Daniel look what let's get your groove back

I'm so sorry for how I did no fix you don't fear me looking like

You know explaining who grandparents are is not easy?

Just as much as I have this amazing new friend. I like you guys

Wait a minute you guys don't like the booth

My name is

My name is Evan. What are you doing?

If your grandparents find out that you are friends with a but then they will realize how great

Oh is and how wrong they were about the booth?

Fine would anyone like some piece of cake my nope

She's not from here

Look clean up all the booth stuff in here, and I'll keep Koopa and Bobbi in the kitchen until you're done. Yes

Oh, yes, so how's that cake? Where's the bathroom?

This is shahrzad

Shahrzad you cannot come in now


You are not understandings booth help to improve human lives. I will show you how we are


Gratings wrinkled humans, this is teeth paste

No teeth paste. It is making you grow more teeth. I said more than one each I can finally

Know the face, you know public property is allowed you know the rules

This is Kyle the king of police oh

These fine specimens of human wrinkling

We all fashion for by my dear we

Respected the natural order of things if you lose your teeth then that was bad

Just manage fine, but then shrilly like my old person stories


Think it's working

Now I see that you once I move and get along together sorry for not listening to your tip, it's obvious your friend

It's actually it needs to be something truly unique

Something worthy of such a rare occasion we can find something at one of the stops on our trip through Spain

What is it?

24 hour energy drink in addition to being poison for humans people it can power four trips around the galaxy

I have charted many intergalactic territories thrusters

Entirely of sugar a candy planet as you humans would say nothing for the gorg babies there once. We are arrived at our first schedule

It is a geological phenomenon the most

Fragrant methane geyser in the universe so it's a fart

Hole this to convalesce egg is great, but it is not perfect

Although we have not found the perfect gift


Glass this is a job for two people. Oh, let me get this straight

We're going to bypass the most awesome zoo in the universe to find one tiny speck

Oh, my goodness tip come quick. I think I found it the perfect gift

tip tip tip

To me let go of that booth got a baby good, but I do not think it likes that

You know a call for its mother

So fast you two are coming with me

No, I am sorry tip I had forgotten how excited I was when I first came to earth

But wild tip was out doing the ruckus

Oh was able to locate the it is the perfect present for babies what we can't give it to them because we're stuck here

Man, I'm such a jerk it seems finding the perfect gift will not matter anymore that will be making the baby crying

Who's yog who team Devin you're been this reap what?

He said we did not need to bring a present

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 241 - Molly King - Duration: 16:37.


Dragons Race To The Edge Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 123 - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:09.

It's okay girl no doubt

And don't spill any we can't afford to lose a drop

Miss keep pouring gronckle iron into the cracks yes

Your grills not well

This is a disaster yeah, I've seen worse you mean you've caused worse

Yeah, I wish this go but no

You want to keep exploring hiccup the Explorer?

Vigo and Riker are gone the dragon is destroyed even mother nature is telling us to go

Huh hiccup we won, we can go home now

Stayed sale, I'm sorry your what?

Here you yourself Missy wish you had locks like these

Who in their right mind would ever buy a statue of you -?

We just need time to find new homes for all the dragons. We've relocated here

That's weird what's the ohon doing here?

They say that conk room had mica far as his skull encased in silver and drank Mead from it

Well master recap a bliss delivery will cheer you up. I think you will like what you see although. What miss

We need something that will not only hold up to the there's gotta be something

Fishlegs, what would happen if we mix death song amber with gronckle iron

You mean the very same death song amber that withstood the pressure of water hundreds of feet

That was the last of the death song amber and even if we had more

There's just no way mitla can make enough gronckle iron to stabilize the whole island Fishlegs you stay behind and gather the ingredients for gronckle

Iron and find a place to store the liquid metal, hahaha keep talking. Oh, this is the best plan ever and what about us?

It's a strange

These wounds are fresh dragon hunters not like any we've encountered. This is beyond brutal

Wait a minute. Where's the other death thought I must not have been as lucky as this guy lucky Garf got away

He's still alive yeah barely

Dragons know what you're used to why the objection?

Takes the sport out of it mmm. Seems like cheating is all keeping I

Suppose if you'd rather do the things your way

Good luck to you hmm and perhaps we will meet again

anyone else feel like

Discussing our methods of trapping the floor is open

a symbiotic relationship


what symbiosis is the interaction between take you and hookfang the two of you if you're flying together in perfect harmony, that's

symbiotic however hooky benefits at your expense

Why don't you two symbiote ourselves over there and get those gronkle's or I'll parasite the yak dung

No my use of them is not your concern yeah

Remember how the hunters subjugated the quake ins in the quarry lead the gronkle's to victory

Don't think this is gonna be mutually beneficial it will be for us

Let's get these chronicles out here while we still can I

Don't think he's gonna make it

Go I'll stay here with Garf, I'll stay here with Garf until

All right there you go, that's a good boy. I'm here

Hang on a minute I know this pit war pit oh poor fit

We shall miss thee you put the seamy in our OSIS and gave us such glee never fear mr. Boy

Are you two finished three more verses, but you're gonna love the four dark deep

Fishlegs we have to fill those cracks. Take us in low buck

We have to get to the volcano now

It's doing alright everyone, let's do this


Of course they're releasing the volcanic pressure, I knew they were gonna do that?

Hiccup we can't let what happened to Garf happen to any other dragon you're right

Then we're not going to would never give up the chance to live in a place that blows up all the time

Fine I'll stay tough back now he's a bit of a parasite. No he surely is

That seems like the most logical thing


That's how we know they belong on Saro island


Why thank you, I quite like it too, I've always wondered what you look like purple

You know you could at least say you're sorry you're right I could


You're supposed to be tagging the Dragons not each other. You know if you think it through hiccup

This is pretty much your fault the more dragons

We tag on each Island the better we can keep track of where they belong and where they may migrate to wow that was uh?

I don't think so

Don't look at us. We had green paint. You know where it would be oh I better ask Fishlegs. It's not magic paper

Fishlegs, and I have been working on something new we call it air mail

terrors are especially territorial, so it's a natural instinct for them to return to their home from wherever they get the

Well look who it is fishlegs and snotlout

Pickup, I got your message. I knew airmail would work, so uh, what's the emergency? We've been seeing dragon

Fishlegs does it make any sense to you that those dragons would be there no

Pistachio does they belong on tall tree island. That's where I tagged them. Yeah, well your sounds awesome

I was wondering what I was gonna do with the rest of my day I

Don't understand we should be there by now, maybe we're off course

I don't even if we were off course we'd still be able to see it from here. Well an island can't just disappear

None of that explains this

Orange a veritable smorgasbord of fine mineral deposits for me

Sunstone Island it is I

Have to say these beaches are a bit of a disappointment

one Island is missing and

One islands been specific places for specific reasons the food they eat where they nest if they lose their homes

Look a new color red technically, that's Vermillion what it is

Toothless we're going back. I'm coming with you

This could get dangerous makes you think that oh, I don't know new dragons meatlug and I are on the case

Let's get a closer look buddy

These markings look

The screaming death and everything else in sight

It's scream disorients the dragon and caused them to collapse in on themselves, but why would it do that?

I don't know. Let's get a closer look

To be France

Periwinkle blue there are no periwinkle blue mark dragons here. I know he's back

I don't think it ever really left. Yeah, it just got bigger and nastier oh

It's coming right at us. That's not even the worst part

There's no other land between here and Berk look

I'm all about danger, but did you see the size of that thing it's not going to be just us

Hey you guys where is she?

It's totally eyeballing us

What does it want whatever it's selling. I'm not buying you demented little monster

Here come

All right

We'll have to set up a defense here on Dragon Island with what we have

Maybe we should fall back and head for home. We can't how soon until it gets here

You guys joined me off there when snotlout and the twins get here, I'm going with you

No, I need you as a safety net in case it gets past me so you're leaving. We don't appreciate it do we girl

Just go

Statues it's like word. I guess we could be muttonhead statues

No, I mean why are you?

Now let's play a little follow the leader then see if it goes for the shiny shield trick again

Guess I spoke too soon

Okay, so it's getting bigger and smarter not the greatest combination

Wait that's it ask you you're a genius

I could kiss you on the lips right now. No one is kissing me on the lips

Trust me

They will defend their home at any cost great idea Fishlegs. I know right it ran away

Not quite

We got your message well one of us did

It's working mess with dragon island anymore

The Lagos stabilizing the island

Fishlegs meatlug

You two were the heroes today

Oh, right?


And all those wild

Dragons had nothing to do with it

Correct as long as we never have the good news is the only hatch won every hundred years or so that's the good news

What's the bad news?

Let me guess and someday. It'll come back to Berk

For more infomation >> Dragons Race To The Edge Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 123 - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:09.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 256 - Green Monkey - Duration: 19:43.

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finders leapers

back to you my coconuts do you hurt Oh

guys do something down there mister Harbormaster we have an emergency grand

council meeting the Jackman's found buried treasure

Oh oh thanks Chancellor thank you for coming to pcs a busy street I recommend

we remove anything valuable and repair the road immediately the road doesn't

matter Chancellor what matters is our history I don't expect you to do

anything I can dig it up myself I'm with professor Mendoza if we can

discover something new about our past it's worth the traffic jam Hey it means

turner until Elena put you on the council you were merely a girl from the

port a Stefan Iommi is perfectly qualified to be on

the council in fact not only are we going someone will need to clean up

whatever mess naomi makes

and tomorrow you're gonna prove it to him you're right I will see you tomorrow

I have got some skills I've travelled around the world and now's my chance to

let them know I'm ha ha nice save Naomi dad you won't believe it I could solve

an ancient mystery

a priceless treasure could be found underneath if I wanna be if I'm gonna be

I just gotta be

where's Naomi late apparently good morning team I got here early to take a

look around right good idea and I'll start

translating these glyphs you see Miss Turner glyphs are features that they

used instead of words I know what glyphs are I've only seen it a few times before

aha it's a Duende what Duende czar mischievous elves from another realm or

so the legend goes it will take us a year to get through the wall if you go

that slowly you heard what professor Mendoza said

yes but I took an archaeology class as part of my royal training giggling

they can turn invisible I see the book

we have a crisis on our hands thanks to you me you are the one who broke the

wall ah but you are the one in charge are you

not do not worry miss Turner I'll make sure we catch that do one day

get away from that pyramid Wendy and give me back the atlas let me I have

excellent day I told you we needed a plan and you didn't listen she's right

and the Duende use your iron rod to get in here

well anyway we've to win this on the loose we have no choice but to alert the

palace that'll be whatever it says was important enough to etch in solid gold

you're right it's a warning what kind of warning

it says the three Duende czar gatekeepers each one bearing on that and

we've given them a head start well done miss Turner we can still stop them

they haven't freed the third Duende yet you said you knew a shortcut to the last

it must be a door well it looks like we beat the done days here so how do we

stop them I will summon the Royal Guard they may not get here in time and the

twin days but we are fishing for 10 days and we're standing on the perfect hot

spot okay so what should we do hmm I can build a trap with the net and these


I got you through in this but where is the other one

when this Andy sees what we get for following her but you haven't been

following her a Stefan you were the one who let the first one day out you

ignored Naomi at the park and you sprung the trap too early to do something

special that I let him knock the wall down and then I didn't stand up to him

like a good leader would've I wanted to prove that I belonged on the grand

council but what good will all that do us now stuck down here because I'm

counting on you to figure out a way to get us out of here

we need you now Yomi you guys still owe me a bag of coconuts you know how it's

twice as long

nice toss looks like Naomi thieves they were making off with a bunch of ropes

ain't cargo hooks why would they need that stuff it's climbing here there's

only one Ruby and ruin on a mountain so steep do you think I need you to help me

get there finding ropes work you'll see why

to learn the lasso like that and you are still in charge of an important

excavation are you not

but the truth is I just needed to prove it to myself and did you I did good

because I've known you were special since the day you were born it's about

time you figured it out we're gonna save the kingdom from a Duende invasion

that's my daily you

realm of the Jaclyn's 42 years ago how beloved more Telos imaginary until the

day that princess Elena finally returned she bravely led the charge against EVP

and saved the kingdom from them well said Skylar

oh thanks geez ever I've been practicing all week see Ella happy own Nico

tomorrow you will take the Guardian test for vyas Freya I meant what I said

you're also the best big bro I have to give the Grand Council a state of the

kingdom update in the morning did you believe it's been one year since I

became Crown Princess wow I guess tomorrow's a big day for all of us by

the time she knows we're back it will be too late our law will already be ours

and they will all regret the day they wrong I mean I know it's not that hard

to do better than a wicked sorceress but all things considered I think it's been

a pretty good year the Grand Council disagrees for all you have done for our

Lord in your first year as Crown Princess I'm proud of you eat that

congratulations Elena thanks Naomi I'll tell you one thing she's got down how to

make an exit mm-hmm

oh and I got Elena - you made it I would have missed this for the world

I'm rooting for you guys dodge the enemies spell blasts and tag the enemy

with your wheels you get hit you're out the second part is surgeon rescue you

each have to find three eight go get a Miko

let the Guardian test

get ready Haggar

remember you only have ten minutes to find the statuettes no come on

it's not it's something behind the fountain come on

there's nothing here or is there so you better start looking okay

I think I see it come on you go

oh I'm sorry but you failed the test see Ella are we home congratulations you are

Guardians Schuyler come along Karla we got what we came for

I don't get it why do we care if a Jackman failed some tests we never would

have passed then maybe Nico deserves a second chance

sorry there are no second chances it's against the rules who made these rules

but this is a special case and I am the crown princess will one of you take me

no way come on no no what I agree with the princess mates I can't let her go

there alone you have to take me too no I don't well let's at least try to stop

her fine no we're too late

what did I just do that

Tyler Niko Princesa whoa what are you guys doing here I'm gonna ask your

father to let me go take the test again no you're not

come along garner I don't see how being here helps us because this is where they

keep Mary Monda let me show you where did you get a map of this place

an old friend gave it to me there on the other side of the valley it could take


Oh Skyler what have you done you know humans aren't allowed leather are you

out of your mind you can't let King farrago see them

before you get mad this is ground Princesa Elena and her Royal wizard

Matteo ah welcome to my Estrella prett today Nico failed his Guardian test but

I really don't think it was his fault so I came to ask you to please give Nico a

second chance king Virago ruler to ruler is it really such a big deal if Nico

takes the test again or if there are people and vias today yeah yes it is a

very big deal now your story is much more important than you know

princess follow me

the humans came into my Estrella and accidentally unearthed Kizzy an evil

monster it was the biggest part we have ever fought there is much we protect

Avalos from that you do not know how but that is why humans are not allowed here

and why we follow o our way I understand your majesty

I'm sorry Nico I tried

one of these magical jewels keeps my remonda locked inside

they have been cities and castles and towns everywhere I tried to show them

long ago that nothing is good unless it

oh one more thing you'll need a Jack win to open the gateway thank you for the

good advice they'll all see

King Virago Mari Munda has escaped capture Mary Martha but the Sun birds

are all gone now what about the Sunbird Oracle keep that

moss what's an Oracle someone's so old and

wise then we have to go try and find him huh only a fool would waste time looking

for something that isn't there with all due respect I've dealt with my fair

share we must prepare to capture Mary mom dad I know what King brago said but

my instincts are telling me we have to find that Oracle my navigator

taught me that I'm in me too Elena are you sure you know what you're getting

into trust me I know it island in this lake

then let's move on to the next one

over there we lure her into one of the dates and seal her inside

exactly now who wants to be the bait me but there's nothing on the island

hey guys check out the island shadow there's an underground tunnel what's

that it looks like a giant nest you found the Oracle Nicole maybe

because it's not really there like those spells you did Mateo

are you okay yeah the scepter makes me tired if I use it too much I've been

expecting you what about my friends in the flames you

see things in the fire oh yes all sorts of things the past the present the

future or somebody who had the ability to use it tell me what powers have you

learned uh I can make it light up blast things see through walls I will right

after to form an illusion you just have to say the word envision and then

whatever you say next to will appear go on try envision always in a hurry here

you leave this ajar an enchanted jar get muddy Munda to go inside it and the lid

will magically seal her in Elena I'm okay I was just talking to Keita most

and he gave me this jar he gave you a jar we can use it to capture muddy manga

these are fake bags be the bait coming through but Jacqueline wants to play

with me this game will not end well for thee

there she is is that me he's in trouble wait until she's over

the bait gotcha

time for you to join my crew

there's no need for you to pledge I will need you wrong my pets

there she is I'm far too fast by leaps and try as you may you alright Princesa

yeah I'm just catching my breath she said I'll make an illusion Madame oh and

I can't resist and she'll step right into our trap

you got a Princesa lying down is my specialty

invision come on just a few more feet

you know her who do you think freed her and I have you to thank for that as well

if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have gotten into vast area in the first place

you should have let me steal the Royal jewels the last time we met now I will

steal much much more from you

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 256 - Green Monkey - Duration: 19:43.


Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 7 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:36.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 7 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:36.


Penn Zero Part -Time Hero Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 3 - Ethan Edwar - Duration: 16:31.

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Mom you're too low. You gotta point it

chinchilla should look, who's ready for their power breakfast look at this handsome rodent yes you are i

Miss you guys

changing pockets

Remember as if with coins get scorched horribly plus it is like impossible to find a

Sack machine that'll take, them later isn't it and how. Cute is sashi

Ok, sash check the specs

May, your pink panda is in trouble and it's up to us saver, well good news is in a?

Whirl please, tell me you're a, band of wandering heroes that, we are towns plushie?

We have heard your cries of distress and have come to save your mayor and yard oh the evil giants came in the night tucker

Well you got to get it back before they rip her to shreds

Like they, did with the police commissioner


How, bad did these evil giant speak, what are they giant teddy bears

Formally, condemning your atrocious behavior, which i am conscious

Choice society will crumble into chaos and in desperation i used to babysit, my little brother they let you babysit


kis whoa i totally forgot, where that song goes

I'm here to save you

High, school, siege wizard. You are awarded the key

Without the mayor to sign paperwork the sanitation workers haven't been paid, and trash is piling up

Pen, allow, this monkey to chuck a steaming pile of wisdom

Juice box. Oh pudding the straw, myself, what i got from that was we should feed the giant babies

shaking messieurs and building important and our coordination

That could not have gone worse we're running out of time and thread here, oh, oh?

Mom dad real quick um when i was a baby, what did you do when i was angry it were never angry the best?

Remember, no matter how. Heroic you get you'll always be our baby, we have to jump for our live son but

Yeah, we're not doing this

They, dropped, her let's move

Stop here form a line, with me

Yep you know lock your fingers and if you don't


We'll take it from here

She'd not be this tired at the starting line

Version of yourself i mean look you do have a not welcome at

Sake, hello, hello, down here all i see is this hideous piece it must have eaten her don't worry. Sachi

We'll get you out of this vile?

Your breath is so bad i'm picking it up with all five senses all right a peaceful alien

Princess is lost in the dangerous lands of pen what are you daydreaming about

This, is the greatest friend here have come to save you, along with that

Blasted be your rifle i rule over the purple people of thick left, they are stupid, give a light at

Home, hey, whoa whoa this is the blame game don't worry princess you're in good hands strong


Nobility and strength castle with, my bags

Itis at the time how, to make a, bag of popcorn, what, makes it burst into flames how

Do you put out drapes now you got to get a new microwave i refuse to get cold in your microwave loop

Again, to protect, me from nature's wondrous gift i shall build

You a shelter princess actually i should probably build a shelter you couldn't build

Your face that does beast did you forget how, to hear a beast that's it

Beast i'll give you this mousey treat i'm not, some dogs

It's my sixth favorite thing about you when it gets the other bad no

Your royal tent awaits. Oh sound light-up dance poor little breakfast nook kickboxing

Gym, and of course hot and cold rain, water is it filtered i want to say

Yes but i can't because it's not we'll just see, who she's being polite to


You know princess i think boone, is tired, we should probably stop let him recover

Oh i'm fine that's the one that massages

Who will bravely risk, their life, for my much more important life

Larry, take, this spoiled princesses life

Nice going geniuses you were so busy, impressing the princess you almost got us killed

So, wait are you saying i impressed her no beast

Mission over goodbye stupid princess mother forest for the forest and the entire forest

Extended family have presented, me with two

Right when, we work together nothing could stop us let's do this

More to me than anything in the world, we let a lady get between us and it turns you into a raging

Jerk-a-holic to talk just because i'm a. Vile and hideous beast doesn't mean i can't talk, my rider in

Okay, maybe they, don't hate this mission


We have a, major problem

Well i guess i could, make a cutting remark, about doing that on a filthy theater floor like

Some animal i mean i have to do everything around here everything how. About nothing

Humongous, um if you have to explain i put down, you probably screwed it up

Don't you have something to, ask sachi nope

Nothing, about checking her power to rule the forest hen and i are a team and?

We must win the tournament so the forest doesn't fall into evil hands

Got it i am personally offended that you would ever think that i would dream about

Siddhi, here's the plan

Not in sync oh i'm more in sync than you could ever dream of being

Well i've got news for you sister this ain't no dream this is reality and there's

let's not do that again, deal

She digs a winning, formula i'm gonna destroy you all the way to the championship

What are you?

Hope, you guys are happy, safe place okay all emotions are valid

We were partners for our home at midterm it'll be good to use a utensil

If i survive your bout, gotta yeah

So being in europe sauce molasses sardines probably, some other stuff in your soup

Well that's all the time, we have?

with you and your enormous nocturnal speaking sweet back to my, office come on

Come on man i feel like i'm cheating, by myself out here

They, say wrestling is fake

The spectacle dixie we're here to see me keep, my, way said not victory

Class i want you to remember that trying is pointless and that you're not good enough to succeed ever

Okay, through six boxes of cereal and still couldn't find that dang temporary tiger fighting the dragon tattooed

Then the clerk said sir you need to pay for those before story this one time i was on the football waterboy squad

No, imma try, my homemade water said they only wanted regular water

Let me go there for detention aren't. You don't be silly i'm making all of you, go

You know such maybe this isn't gonna be as bad as you think it could

Like a chuck aunt rose what are you, guys, doing here larry's helping us with, some issues were having with, the chinchilla

Never say, we dig it's time for the wheel of?

Hello, i'm penn zero

Let's take a moment to admire my thoughts, don't change the subject

Unless you, want me to change where your nose sits on your face sorry

Sasha, i don't want you to be sorry i want you to be smarter all right

let it go

Let's just get to the mission buddies great right after a bathroom break all right

i'll just pick one and

We have to place that magical pearl in the shrine the place is a long and storied one i'm gonna cut

You, off right there cuz, we don't have time for this

No it's better to hear people eclipse the mountain in eternal side my soul filled with loneliness

dread and fear

And that's when i?

What's going on feels like, we're moving up, some cheese and cha, da vila sachi is in charge

But if you can reason with, someone it's usually a better solution use your judgement

Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah i'm gonna show this bird, my best effect

Okay, listen i know. You're only trying to feed your family i need, you to spit that shark out and find something

I'll handle this one okay?

Second i need, to sculpt, my emotions how, about just sculpt a platter to serve yourself

larry, no

It's okay, an honest mistake, by a friend is a time for tashi and brain punching

Ojas, ruthless is for gawking, again and on the very, day

For more infomation >> Penn Zero Part -Time Hero Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 3 - Ethan Edwar - Duration: 16:31.


We Bare Bears The Fair Best Cartoon For Kid & Children Channel - Leon Sykes - Duration: 16:27.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

b + b b- o students your energy flows through this community college yeah I

did that I'm gonna need you to explain your piece oh uh yeah hmm this is my big

brother a mediocre guys she said my passion aiways my talent I don't know

man it's pretty awesome I mean no she said she wanted something new so no

brothers and no anime alright man well penis we're right here

okay alright yes looks like it's still good sorry Charlie I don't have time to

mess around right now no worries don't mind me it's a clear path oh you should

totally come over and party hearty Charlie don't move

I gotta paint you for my class what class my art class man you're perfect

really you give me the painting yep well in that case I'd love to help my best

bud out

full really you all like it I spare is having spiritual experience do I really

get to keep it when you're all done oh yeah man after my class it's all yours

so sophisticated it's so beautiful who who is the artist who did this

it was the anime guy panda very soon oh man I love it

let's go look real good my new pad wait charlie you have a home oh yes finally

made the upgrade to sleep it inside of something hate to brag but it's pretty

so I curator Fred mr. Lee is in town and I think your piece would be perfect for

his big new exhibit in Florence panda you're about to become famous with your

permission I'd like him to evaluate burned I gotta get that painting back

from Charlie great that's that cool that's takes these back scenes you can't

do that what wait really yeah but no worries

hello who's it it was I panda how could you even fathom taking that move Sonny

besides Moo oh don't be so dramatic don't listen to him he's being absurd

excuse me madam stop does anyone else have a better idea

then I have no choice hey what's going on this has got to be I can't wait much

longer exquisite detail I need this masterpiece it would be given a proper

pedestal for the world to see we'll keep it Panda

you promised what is the meaning of this I'm sorry I changed my mind you can't

have it and no what do you mean we had an agreement and don't you exposure fame

is the hardest


banda i woke up and the painting was gone i had it my hands oh nothing

you took it back to sign it I would have totally forgot to ask oh man it's gonna

look great hanging from the fir tree hey Charlie come here pumpkin - tired to

fight you Ice Bear won't judge out loud oh yeah time to get comfy hurry guys

it's starting soon yep coming oh my pan man you don't have

a snack here some chips for my best bud I've got plain barbecue sour cream and

onions oh yeah dude gross I don't want your feet chin pan man which one is mr.

sores and which one is mr. castles they're not all named swords and castles

Charlie I don't know charlie maybe we should call someone let them try guys

maybe Charlie can actually help us fix something for once

you bet I can't pan man I'll make you proud wait Oh charlie

Charlie are you okay oh yeah guys I can't just brush this off I think we

should take you to a doctor whoa no way amigos you know how I feel

about people oh look at me I've never been better

yeah see you see some name he's your best bud he'll listen to you what I'm

not his best bud okay Charlie wait as your best bud

okay pan-pan this definitely gonna work I don't know guys maybe we should just

bail don't worry stay put and you'll be fine man why do I

have to be the one doing this be here in the first place

oh we're just trying to help both of you calm down

you got to be one hello how are you doing today

I'm dr. Clark can see yes that's fine

that seemed a little weird fellas I'll get the old heebie-jeebies here I think

we should skedaddle shouldn't we wait for the results no no I gotta get out of

here you know something I can feel my bones to operate to find out more come

get them guys never seen these results before we are taking you in for surgery

right now well I don't need surgery I'm fine see take three Houston for the

special yeah but I heard he has blue blood what are we gonna do I heard they

have a specialist surgeon he could be surgery him catapult bandages

ah Oh guys I think I have a bad idea well castle and these are my trusty

nurses nurse swords and nurse oh I know oh you're so beautiful

why Sir because I want you to visualize the surgery Oh

I could hear the cutting wait what was that sound

ah that was his

stop him close the doors yes

back here oh man we are so fired guys thanks for getting my foot fixed it

feels better than ever don't change the channel this is the

best one all right hello friend

there is something to do wake up coffee ah thanks bro huh look at

thank you you did the whole for marketing again well just my brother he

makes the best coffee in the forest right come in grab a cup of coffee hang

out a bit okay

shouldn't be stopped by and had a cup - that was last pot of coffee but you

could make some more right bro Ice Bear on it

awesome I'll give him a call tastes way better than digital ice pears happy you

like you know you guys should totally open a cafe mmm yeah people would want

to come here really thanks bro hey Chris you remember Jenny from earlier hey hey

good to see you again there you go one special whoa another

perfect coffee hey you know you want to take a break and hang out late is your

special thanks Chris huh this coffee kind of tastes funny

yeah so funny wait what it's gross hey don't you I'll

catch up with you later oh no dude what's the problem that's the problem

come on man we don't want to let people down and I'm pretty sure Jan is about to

give me your digits hey Panda how's that special coming please nice person

thanks guys I'm gonna bring my whole study group tomorrow hey you ready for

another awesome day yep huh what's going on here welcome to coffee okay

everything's going great all right one americano coming right at

whoa did you just drink Mike excuse me coming through

hey guys what's taking so long customers Oh Ice Bear will make pay huh

where's my coffee man what's going on I'm sorry about that we had a bit of a

hiccup with our machine it causes be right out okay 9:00 time

for you buddy sleep tuck for safe no I think we're in my room what how do we

end up here I don't know where'd he go I don't know homie panda

no tickling were these evil beans once and for all

strange what happened to you okay I'm gonna leave this place a really bad

review don't worry I took care of it bad I spur sorry for ruining coffee cave

don't worry about a man just drink up and relax wait who's that TDK electrical

tape check hair spray vice versa turn potato please oh one time I was playing

baseball my dad I had a foul Toby was never seen again

I spared skeptical of your story okay okay the last part was exaggerated

this is our only chance let's move Ice Bear not scared little

scared but we'll help her before the demon just drives me hearty

whoa mr. satyrs sure loves his dog okay I'll go check the other

KO's not clear okay I gotta find another way out

Oh be right there have a plan my spare also needs to use

bathroom number one we're gonna distract him with this

nice very going to die must be something about this sweater well that's my

special hoodie I lost our offense goodness I've never seen you so happy

photo with him would you mind taking it for me sure everybody get in here all


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