[Jay] Welcome back, I'm Jay we've got Steve behind the camera. This is The Heads Up Show and today Steve, we're going over
reconditioning of individual masks, who's it for, why do you need it, and how to do it.
[Steve] Right so some people don't even know what face mask reconditioning is...so let's tell the people what it is.
[Jay] When you have a mask that is used and if it's showing any bare metal. Actually Steve, if it's showing
five points of bare metal or more it shouldn't be on the field. You gotta get that mask off the field.
Replace it or send it to us for reconditioning where we strip off the old material that's on there (down to the bare metal),
it's super clean, and then we put on a brand new coating just like it was from the factory
and then you get it back and it looks just like brand new or better
[Steve] It really, really does and we have a choice of 30 plus standard colors.
[Jay] 30 plus standard colors plus we can do any kind of chrome, hydro graphics, paint, you name it.
There's extra fees for all that stuff, but for a standard color Steve,
$30 which includes the return shipping back to you within the US.
[Steve] I have a face mask on my helmet, it's used, kind of banged up. I want to make it look new.
I take it off, I go to greengridiron.com.
[Jay] You click on the reconditioning tab
[Steve] OK
[Jay] Which you may have already found this video from clicking on that tab.
[Steve] Correct
[Jay] Once you click on that tab you'll see a PDF, you just print out the PDF,
You can either fill it out online then print it out, or you can print it and then handwrite it.
Just make sure you use neat handwriting because we need all of that information to make sure:
1) the mask gets done the right color that you want it,
and 2) everything gets sent back to you, so if you're messy...Steve, maybe you get
your sister, your brother, your mother, your father, your dog to fill it out for you.
[Steve] True
[Jay] Because we need your email address to make sure that we can email you if you have a question or to send you the tracking information
Make sure we actually have the physical address, and it's a correct full physical address.
Here in the United States Steve, they got this thing called zip codes. USE THEM!
So if you don't put a zip code or if you don't put the number of your house, it's not going to end up in the right place and it'll just delay the process.
[Steve] Let's say I'm on high school team and I'm part of 40 other or 50 other players, how does that work well?
[Jay] I would say give us a call.
[Steve] OK?
Because then we have a little bit more of a conversation,
obviously we have team pricing for orders that are over 25 masks
We we want to make sure we're getting you into the the order that's best for you.
Okay? [Steve] Correct
Allot of high schools, it's almost up to ten percent of the high schools out there, they'll change the color of
their helmet, their mask, their decals, their uniform, whatever it is from one year to the next,
or they're adding another color. We can help with all that stuff and
To make sure that you're getting the most economical and affordable solution
for whatever it is you're trying to do.
[Steve] And the team pricing is a pretty drastic discount as well.
[Jay] Team pricing is $15 for orders of 25 or more again, that's U.S. and that's standard colors.
So standard colors would be things like white, black, gray, navy, scarlet, dark green, purple, and there's a whole bunch more.
But if you have a mask Steve that's black,
and you send it to us for reconditioning, you don't have to get it black again, you can get it changed to white
and there's no excess charge for that because we have to strip it all the way down to the metal and put a new color on it anyway.
And say you're going, I don't know, from eighth grade to ninth grade
and your eighth grade team wears a green mask and your ninth grade team wears a black mask you
You love your mask, there's nothing wrong with it except for its beat-up or the color's wrong,
you can send it to us and get a brand new.
What looks like a brand new one.
[Steve] Cool. Very, very good. All right...well hopefully that clears things up.
That is facemask reconditioning in a nutshell.
And we do a lot of videos like this. How-To's, we do Helmet Builds, we talk about all the latest and greatest,
we work with a lot of the NFL, CFL, NCAA teams.
So we kind of have the little bit of extra access where we bring you things and we talk about things that you
might not be able to see every day, or you might not even know about. You probably learn a lot of stuff.
[Steve] It's true.
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Hope you like this video and cheers!
[Steve] Cheers
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