Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 2 2018

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Smells like sidewalk yep

I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold too well

That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob - never seen at the theater, just like you wanted

So I guess we'll have to take Bob Sieck to the theater with his he still want

Mom sleeping hissy you coming on a mission, too

Which way is that theater from here? It's probably this way unless it's that way

Maybe it's some other way. Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob

See we're getting it to the theatre firm

Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theatre is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory

Then let's get five seats straight through it

To get to that theater here you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did this year know where they're doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?

This is what the people who play get ready to go out

Ah beans the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck we need it thrown or we can't do the play

Citizens don't sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree oh

And as you take it for tonight's show I better give this to Bob

You think you'll be coming back no we want a mission. Yeah should have guessed mission

Yeah clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater, which is exactly

What you did Bob is going to that show?

Mission is

Easy hold on just let me check my mail and then the three of us can play together

What's this

Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

As Queen of Dog Sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too

It's my mom's birthday party tonight, so we're all gonna treat it like a queen okay?

How you even got of this paper crown to wear?

We don't know how to do that yeah, and we're gonna find a queen to work alone

how they have a queen in England, maybe you should go there Missy Steve's got a part a

Perfect mission is so amazing let's go

Now those men in the furry hats are the Queen's guards Frank

And it's their job to keep anyone from getting through the palace gates

Maybe if we can get those guards to smile a laugh. They'd be so happy they let us into the palace

Then we'll give them something to laugh about

If we can't get past those guards

We'll never get inside that palace muster go to that doggy door right there that dog you won't right way, huh?


Crumpets worth cream puffs coat eyeful bottom the third at your service

But you may call me Gump it pretty. Please well, since you said pretty please

I don't see how a chap like me can say no to

Eat biscuits at tea time one must never eat their biscuit until after they've been given permission

This is a challenge. He's not real good at waiting nope

Can I have a biscuit please?

There is no greater compliment to the Queen than to sit still in her presence. I remember on one such occasion

We were sitting still for a second

That means walk like this

Everything's alright then

This is a royal mess we didn't mean to make a mess

I'm so sorry it pops but tea time with the Queen is starting soon

And I need to straighten the whole way before it begins whoa what's going on looks like Bob's on the other guitar. Dee

Wait a second

Fancy table with biscuits it for tea

It's the Queen

Has anyone spied by purse Rolly, that's the cleanest purse. Oh, is that what this thing is

Good sounded just like him just take one the way you've been treating to do


If we go out there, so no we're not krumping although, I do like a good Scratchy behind the ears oh---but

Where are you good doggy?

Thanks for filling in until I arrived

Like a queen right here

Hold on it was a really good trip I say

Here you go kasib doggie biscuits go ahead boys eat those treats

This way mom got the birthday party

Thank You Rollie I always like to have this right by my side and we even learned a special birthday song just for you mom

Ready Pop's you're special


Feel like a queen good work check

jolly good YouTube champ good and Gimli time for the birthday portrait remember to sit still

You guys sat perfectly still they must know it's my special day

Wow we look great yeah

Get me out bid me dry me off

Cuteness and bark bark barks to all remember captain dog as always just a phone call away

This sounds important the Great Pyramids of Egypt have mysteriously disappeared

Oh, no the pyramids shown here before they disappeared look those giant pyramids have just disappeared

No one has any idea how the pyramids disappeared? Oh?

Try to stay dry today, I'll see you when I get home from work

Well we're gonna make sure upside up smile lands there instead kiss me Rolly

And I are going on a mission to find the pyramids for Bob, but the letter like II need you

Welcome to sunny and dry Egypt, I guess we'll have to change that on all the posters and brochures

Whose ancient Egyptians knew how to treat a kitty right

Looks like the guys out. She's Oliver's body weapon bog grab my foot after I Stefan might be except. You kept going

The bus that takes us where the pyramids used to be yes, it is all aboard you

Coming with the sissy now you can go on without me while I'm napping here without you

We get to ride a camel cuz away we go

Well she didn't do a very good job there nowhere in sight

Looks like this big Bobby's nose fell off. Maybe it fell in

Look at these cool drawings all over the walls

Roley That's not me

First there's one thing we can do

We still haven't found the missing human

I mean we came all the way up this mountain. You shouldn't slide down it

It's a good thing I brought my bottom was me to help out not sure what that means, but thank

Rollie I did it's the right shape just like those hats Bob made for us

But bigger and in Egypt they were here all the time

Luke'll Roley found hissy

Fizzy the triangle II things were discovered in the exact spot, they had always been in

This is fantastic

Now I'll be able to go to Egypt someday and see the pyramids

Oh, I know not, but I play with it or anything

Bob uses the picture on the puzzle box to help show him how to put it together, that's a strange-looking spotty kitty oh

Excuse our froley ARF must finish vacuuming up all this leftover kibble

Finish the puzzle without the picture of the leopard to help

Good look at that huh, it's time for work

hour feels bad for ruining your puzzle box

And I feel bad the Baba said so all we need to do is find him a new Leopard easy

What our luck words live find a leopard for Bob so we can finish this tough

I've must warn you

Leopards are big cats and they can be hard to find and I do like to be alone and hide in high places

And your cat Lakeisha shit since you said oh, please oh, please oh, please

And hot really hot huge you just said that thank you so

Those are birds there. Why do I bother? I never knew love would save lives

Howdy down there puppies. I'm berry berry the giraffe pleased to make your acquaintance

I think I'm gonna plan that trillium. See if I can get a better view to search one

Think sorry, I'll help you down there

We just got here and already you're a mess we can't see gonna help hop on

Yeah, oh look over there it looks like a watering hole

If I were a leopard I would go there too doesn't hurt to try I'm pretty hungry from traveling halfway around the world

Thanks, Barry. The giraffe. Yeah. Thanks, Barry. Oh

I'm gonna play that mutton again never played before

Excuse me. Have you by any chance seen a leopard around here?

You know the kind you find on the jigsaw puzzle box. Do you know where the leopard is now?

Oh my god leopards this fella is a pretty hard cat to find his spots help him blend into the trees where he lives

let's follow those paw prints and find that leopard so bout to finish his puzzle me I

Don't see his spots help them blend in it makes it hard to see


of course follow me

Just try it we need to be quiet when you talk

Just try it so now that we found where he lives

Where is he? He must have heard us?

Hey, my favorite cat toy. How did that get here? I forgot I brought in case I feel the urge to close it

I just love funny noises

If you squeeze it down lower, it sounds even funnier

Mr.. Leopard

Please call me Titus whoa mr. Titus. We really need a leopard right Rollie Rollie


Got stuck again. Look at his fur it's so stained that he almost looks like a leopard cub

Come on guys we gotta get back home so Bob can finish his puzzle

Of course not and thank you for helping us out on our mission

That's the last piece of the puzzle

Thank goodness you did because you look just like a little

spotted leopard

Your own squeaky toy

ARF come help me get the bath door maybe we can share it

I don't know guys. I'm doing just

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 439 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:57.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 435 - Rico Media - Duration: 16:08.

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Prince2 charming

The kingdom up you have any ideas oh, just a few


Well, if prince Alonso's half as prepared as everyone has heard about how you rescued your people from judy key you have quite an impressive

your lady oh

It's what any ruler would have done for her people your highness. I am so glad that you will be what?

Well hey there I'm Alonso Prince Alonso nice to meet you

The throne is right this way I love all the tapestries ah

They depict the important woman's in cordobas history when the greatest work of art is standing right before us

What is that some people call it poetry no?

I mean that

is that a

Giant butt and it would be my pleasure to take you on a tour of the kingdom to see all of them

but first things first


This bridge is the perfect combination, but it's our job. We shouldn't give it to someone else of course, please forgive me

How would you like to proceed princess well let's compare our list of take my chariot?

Sorry but my chariot only seats to

Bright sparkling mysterious

Now I chose this site because the river is really narrow here, so it would save us time and materials perfect

We'll build here

I don't know about you, but I really working with a week in the economy the Akali the wooden giant from the tapestry yes

But that's just an old legend. It's not real has anyone seen this you collie yes

It is hard keeping up with the fastest chariot in the kingdom only because they're the slowest horse in the kingdom well

You're just in time coz we're about to break ground. Yes. I know I've been practicing calling the workers

After we finished our job our job was to pick the spot for the bridge not stand here and watch them build it I

Was thinking we should at least supervise him for a little while to make sure they're doing

My grandma thought it was funny

You can be serious when you're an adult when you're young like us your only job to have a good time

Look I'd love to take a break with you

But we still have work to do just think if you worked as much as crown princess imagine what you'll be like when you're Queen

We call this the coral cascade I've never seen or heard anything like it. It's it's so


Princess Elena you've been here a while shouldn't you head back to the bridge site? Now? Oh, right?

We should check up on the progress, but we haven't finished our lunch. Oh, I knew we shouldn't have left

Picnic can you think of food at a time like this?

The youkali is real

Good day. I hate to inconvenience you, but your presence is not welcome here. I

Deeply regret to inform you that since you destroyed this hole. I must now destroy your most gloom east

quick guards do something

Yes your highness


You okay, I'm fine, but that you Kali is off to destroy the palace

What do we do Prince Allah, so I am I don't know the purchase of late

Friends I would be forever in your debt if you could leave

What's wrong? You call? He's coming to destroy the palace what I thought that your colleague was just a legend

oh He's very real your highness and surprisingly polite father Hey the workers woke the Akali

That's not what happened your highness. It was Alonso who upset the youkali not the workers things would have been okay

I did choose the site your majesty

But I wanted to leave after I heard about the youkali I should have trusted my instincts

He I see I want two lines of Defense and we need to get everyone in the palace to safety right away your majesty

Stay close I'll take you somewhere safe

Britta's Elena, we've got to keep moving, but your collie is here

See how his other arm goes off the edge the rest of it is in that tapestry the boo

He toes are sitting on the Akalis arm

it's just a tree branch I

Think I know how to save the palace

We need to evacuate immediately I hate to agree with them, okay, Chris Elena

You need to be somewhere safe not out here digging in the dirt. It's reckless and not how a royal behaves

This is exactly how a royal behaves we serve

You have my most heartfelt apologies for the commotion

I've really hope this plan works meet you

Signora collie we had no idea those dirt mounds were the Buki Jose homes

And we're sorry for what happened to them so we built this burrow to replace the first one

I accept your apology on behalf of the people of Cordova. I promise an incident like this

They loved their new home you have my eternal gratitude princess

Congratulations princess you get to spend the rest of the day touring Cordoba with

I'm a prince a prince is supposed to ride over a bridge not help build one a brain serves his people and right now

this is the best way for you to serve your peoples the whistle I

Can't thank you enough for what you've done forgot about princess Elena

I look forward to seeing you again once the bridge is completed. Oz duaa. It can wait a bit longer

We finished our job, so now we deserve a little break. Let's tour the kingdom are you sure yeah, we're gone

We should have a little

Special gift that day a magical amulet. They said would always protect me from harm. I didn't think I'd ever need it

But one fateful day an evil power, huh?

But he needed time to cast it so I decided to face shiriki


Furry ki tried to strike me down

41 years

But one magical day I was freed from the amulet

It was finally my time to take back my kingdom I was gonna be the new ruler

So as it turns out my adventure wasn't over

It was just beginning


First day

Hey, let's go see if princess Elaine is a great idea ah

sorry if they woke you up princess woke me up I

Barely, slept last night I mean

How are you supposed to sleep the night before you become queen so when do you get to ground ya?

Know ya know

But yeah I

Couldn't see spirit animals unless now that you mention it you were trapped in there for a long time

Maybe you and you got go to the amulet you took some of its magic with you

So I'm gonna be late for breakfast

Is it bad well since I'm getting a crown today, I wanted to get you something -

Yeah, you can use it to design all your inventions

The food is getting cold abuela. Oh, we can wait a little longer Stiller

You're not becoming Queen tonight, I was looking through the kingdoms, bylaws last night and discovered that you are too young to become queen

To young I was trapped in it who must approve all your major decisions. I have to get permission to rule

Not exactly it is like having a group of advisors who can help grant counseling services

That's a kind offer Esteban, but I don't think I need a Grand Council

I'm ready to roll now

There are once was a king who had locked his new crown of he frantically searched for need all over town

How will I show them I can be as good a leader as you

The city of course today, I will meet I will take care of everything then what are we waiting for

Let's go I

Am lieutenant Gabriel Nunez, but you can call me Gabe, okay, Gabe

this way aleena

What can I do for you this fine day actually I came here to see what I can do for you

Is there anything you need to make the port run better anything? I need she should know what's going on. It's the third ship

That's been stolen today three ships in one day. Well. We better start looking for them right away

I'll leave the search your help is not needed

Elena you said you wanted to meet with the leaders of the city and Dona Paloma is the most important leader of them all

We cannot keep her waiting

Sure uh Gabe could you stay with Isabel it would be my honor Thank You Esteban


This is so not I wanted my first day to go


There's more, but we can discuss it tonight at the ball another ship was stolen

And your sister was on it Isabelle they took Isabelle

Is everything okay princess no my sister was taken no

Isabelle and just when I thought the kingdom was getting sick on one of those things hello

We are Jack wins national symbols you may have seen us on the flag

You're the only one who knows what the ship looks like you'll be fine

They were these weird purplish creatures and one of them was breathing huge gusts of wind

So they were magical looked like it you have any idea what they are no

But a wizard in training since when since always I just had to keep it a secret before

My grandfather Alec kisara wrote a book about all the magical creatures in the kingdom when he was the Royal wizard they can transform into

Dogs and have the power to turn objects into gold wish I had that power look here

It says the na blends live deep in the jungle and never stray far from home. I'm your wizard

I'm sorry, so

Good turning down a side River the more twists and turns we make the harder. It'll be for anyone to find us

There's something in the water, how dare they did your beautiful Kingdom it's a page from Isabelle's journal. She must be leaving us a trail

You've been waiting all day to say that haven't you men

You can leave this vessel at once I will not let my novel ins be captured again again

I'm not going anywhere. It's my job to protect you and it's my job

Well I was trying to prove that I'm ready to rule now, and how's that working out for you

Not so well hmm. Did you ever stop and think why the knobblies?

But are you ready to learn cuz that's all that matters, just take your time, and you'll do great

And Princess Elena I am chiku leader of the novel ins chiku

I should have asked before but why are you taking our ships?

We are just trying to get home, but then one day the bars of our prison vanish

We were free but we were so far from home in a strange city

I have a royal decree to make

Chiku you can borrow our ships to take you home as long as we get them back after

Thank you your majesty

And what was I supposed to do? She just took off on the jock win look it's Elena

Princess Elena Castillo Flores do you swear to protect and defend the kingdom of avalor?

So with that in mind I am ready to appoint my Grand Council

Luisa my grandmother because you always find a way to look on them I could use your common sense and resolve on my council

I'm on the Grand Council I

Am on the Grand Council. That's mine. I owe me and finally

my grandfather

Francisco the wisest person I know

Today you acted like a true Queen

Is it supposed to do this it's never grilled like that before

Not bad for your first day, but are you ready for day two?

Are you oh this is gonna be?

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 435 - Rico Media - Duration: 16:08.


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Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 104 - Red Apply - Duration: 15:49.

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It is Saturday

Are you ready to adventure your face off think so?

Remember when you tried to help me with my math homework

Try being responsible that is one of your best watch

My mom would you like to join me in a weekend adventure sorry Oh momma's got to go to the gym fun

City why don't you go check out something you've never seen before

Well okay

Maybe's tip is being right I am a strong

What flavor do you get mint chip? Hey? That's my favorite?

Yes looking that earth water beasts can be fun even if I am all

And you are purple - you must be an earth ancestor of the boov

It looks like you are feeling the lonely - do you not hate

Meet Walt or

Him we met on this crazies adventure called lighting a cuttlefish cuttlefish

I bet he lives up to his name

He's your alien girl oh I still have a bunch of work to do, okay

Policy oh well have fun with Walter well Walter

Walter is a member of this family, too. You cannot just ignore him

Books have feelings to tip

Really, yes Walter thinks you could be spending a little more time hanging out with him does he now well

Why don't there's Hugh? Just because you are too busy to sees what Walter does all day?

Why are you getting in my face about this?

It's your report Walter, and I has plenty to do without you like like

Having Czar Walt or friend party a Walt or friend party. It's not like he's my best friend. It's not like he's


Walter says thanking you everyone for coming to his party

We're sorry that tip could not making

You made it Wow

You really uh uh went for it with the fish party huh, buddy?

You sit down shoot shoot

Walter wants you to have some cake

Well did you ever wonder why Walt's war always feels exactly the same way you feel like maybe they're actually your

Feelings are not hiss

From now on when you are busy. I will not panic and make new friends at the Chicago aquarium

You want to have

Well I guess this is goodbye for now needs to do something without you I write your little thief

You're ready to take a ride downtown

Or hmm we say you don't want to press charges

All right, Walt Dohrn if that's the way you want it. I guess we'll let it slide


Well, thank goodness things for Walt are right

Hmm touchdown no Pig

Hate wrong to what do we owe the honor?

Hmm. I am so sorry that as a single dad you have not had the time to volunteer for the coup lúthien Orphan Foundation I?

Did not know how much you

Know I am sorry. I am so sorry what you are requesting we cannot hand

This is awesome baby think you will be so good

I do not think I can do this tip we boov are raised in pods


Know exactly what growing babies need optimal nutrition no silly fine. Oh

fun but oh

This is being what growing babies need

Now stay focused for what else no wonder

It seems support babies have probably

On babies, but I am beginning to think the corgis are just

I think they are needing more than plum to meet their biological needs

To find crystals

Candy I

Do not thinks there, I should be making spins like that

Your settings usually resulting giant me pleading for Danza


Might not be able to handle still I am a boob

We are knowing nothing about charity. You're a natural these three examples add up to true

My guesses has been correct and helpful whereas your guesses

Because it is Papa home has a song just for you

We did it we are naturals

Okay strong gets back from the benefit

How are the space orphans

Hey Chong is saying that we are such naturals. That's sitting on babies that he's telling it

Family what is a reunion a reunion is a big party where you get to see family members? You haven't seen in a long time


You have a cousin. I don't know man your eyes are

Special you see you are part of the family. You just aren't actually related to anyone oh

So you are saying big happy family

That is being the most impressive evidence of family nasai have ever seen this is what I want

The closest I have ever had to DNA relations were my pod mates

but I have not seen them since the gestation period Oh

Hey look just like me I am oh

Please sit with me. I already ordered you a tea cupping

You make a family pyramid with me

Yes, I will make a family here hey you throwing a party oh I am throwing a party oh

Yes, I am the left one is slightly shorter than the right one yes, this is creeping me out

We are putting on our own family reunion, and we has invited all of our former pod legs tip expert on family


Now I will lose you Aussies sorry, but it's like Where's Waldo in here

Shh time to make some DNA connection

Welcoming you

This is Candice one of my pod sisters. What is on the schedule today. Oh, oh pod legs are not meeting schedule

She is so practical is this the dwelling in which a gathering of the boggling ziz to a current?

Why yes human decorative and sock soup is never served as an altitude of less than 90 and occasion?

Sounds like it is coming from over here

Did you arrive our connection, but the probability of social embarrassment grows with a bug other booths urinal cake time is not

We'll be right back

having an argument

Please don't be crying actively think that humans are bad

Inside is about point zero zero zero zero

Yes, that is correct everyone stop throwing

Perfect tip can you take the picture please?

Man what a bunch of jerks why couldn't you just try to get along? That's all he wanted. Hey oh?

So you having a little potty break the cooling water helps my nerves

See dude who made you laugh - my

relatives I would reach a deeper sense of

Connectives, but now I am hearing a crowd wondering aloud

I feel alone now. I'm far away and all on my own yes. It's all

I wish for is a family that would take my hand

Why do you feel alone?

Related you're not on your own we will always have each other till the end of time


Believe you should have just said so you didn't have to sing it

I am believing because they are leaving I

Do not think you look offensive my mom think so, but you are looking stupid

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 104 - Red Apply - Duration: 15:49.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 258 - Green Monkey - Duration: 16:09.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE My Video! Thank you very much!

a day to remember

coming through oh let me help you with that your highness - pumpkin ah

sugar cinnamon honey the job done so how's everything coming I don't want to

be late to the theater los Muertos celebration what's the rush my favorite

day we pick up treats so tasty to fill us with good cheer

we are there los Muertos means more to me this year since mami and papi

hey where's your costume it ripped when I was putting it on oh I'll have a

seamstress mend it right away is it up in your room that's alright

oh wait a second where's the pound or say I gave it to Francisco hope you like

you're calling me it was hard to hear over all the singing so good hi

but you're a spirit Fox and I'm just an ordinary person well you did spend a

bunch of years in that amulet just quite just today cuz this is the one day your

ghosts come to party with a living oh speaking apart oh sorry Princesa when

you saw me at the cemetery I knew you were the only one who could help me help


and you need my help how you must stop them from selling it so you want me to

convince two complete strangers to not sell their restaurant because their

grandmother's ghost told me too sweet to order your family mine is not building

an altar today instead it's just down the street tell your driver we don't

have much time

you were saying hi there table for two I can't see me I mean one

save yourself what why trust me you don't want me earlier yeah um I had a

big breakfast so I'm not very hungry you see got a min this is why we're

still in the restaurant sometimes it does taste like paint the

truth is Carmen you're just not a good cook yes I am heard it was pretty

popular I would but she never gave us her

recipes our grandmother had a secret cookbook they won't have to sell the

restaurant is she talking to the great diner

there's only one for all of them I am talking to your grandmother are you

feeling all right perhaps the princesses tires ghosts

that's amazing not the word I was going to use now

she's over there if there's any chance you know where the cookbook is by all

means lead the way wait I remember it's in my old vestment of the restaurant in

the basement it's in that box in the corner well princess it looks like your

ghost was wrong well maybe I would if I hid her cookbook in another box she was

always a little forgetful no I wasn't to run around the restaurant pretending he

was the bravest knight in the kingdom trying to get the customers to joust

with him remember that Julio pepper I remember

I'm starving me too I will eat that would feed us they'd be

too happy eating to stay angry at each other oh I was talking your grandmother

I think so

down there now I can cook all of our leaders famous recipes and I can't wait

to try them but right now I'd better pick up the pan dulce and get back to

the cemetery but even with a bolitas recipes I just don't think you're a good

enough cook however I do think if we sell the restaurant and just give me a

chance I have given you a chance for five years and all I have gotten our

stomachaches and bills we can't both of you put the cookbooks down Thank You

princess if we're trying to help all I wanted to do was save my restaurant but

I whenever they argued Danya and hey Lika would cook for them that's it

donut hey leha wait I know how to fix things between Julio and Carmen and save

the restaurant you do him that you are a good cook then he won't have to sell the

restaurant how he burned her cookbook yes but your abuela is right here

okay now whisper sofrito into the stock she wants us to add the something me too

but I am always with you in your memories

she says she's always with you go away what are we doing Huli was so stubborn

here I have an idea it's a whale eat that's by a yeah but the cookbooks gone

she told me how to make it and her moly ample sorry I missed you you I was wrong

let's eat Oh single estrada yes good evening yes yes because we have the best

chef cooking the best food in town I'm sorry but this restaurant is no longer

for sale it and then go tell everyone you know kefir silica is open please

Your Majesty come back and visit us soon I will I made fun dulce for your parents

altar don't worry here let me serve you a plate where is

she's happy she hasn't come yet what are you doing here sketching hey guess so

hmm it's almost as good as mommy's almost would come in and play wild wild

please remember and and and and he'd jump on the beds of the mattress rock

like a ship in a stormy sea Isabel this is a great drawing of mami and papi

because he was fine what's going on I don't want to go to

the graveyard why not like reading stories and jumping on the

bed and because if we keep those memories a lot if we hurry

there you go mami papi I know they are

I feel sorry for you

hi Judy's mountains when I was a it looks like he's having a bad day then

let's not make it worse okay hey how about we go through the waterfall this


no one beats me in a funny face war knowed a mountain stream carries the red

hot sorry my sister built this new kind of chair but it's a little squeaky go on

okay he means we have to vote on what to do

oh and I say we throw them on stir out of avalor thrown out I must agree with

the Stabbin there is no talking to a monster like that we must take action

ooh that is really tough what should we throw out to Roca before trying to fix

that problem hmmm let me go talk to him and find out

what's making him so angry then maybe I can get him

only if you're escorted by the Royal Guard

it's a deal Princess Elena you heard the princess let's go oh not them just you

then I won't be alone did you hear that guys

she just needs me

does this look like a place where a monster lives stay here

so you think it's alright to just come in my house and sit on me I'm sorry I

don't is that supposed to be some kind of joke what no I was just

I wish to thank you for rescuing my granddaughter

I didn't need rescuing your appearance suggests otherwise

first this monster attacked the children under feelings are important but rulers

must deal with facts and we know for a fact that the monster is a danger to

everyone in the kingdom I say we vote to remove him from avalor immediately sorry

Elena fine lieutenant Nunez assemble of the

Royal Guard at once Chancellor look Elena they called the monster rocks

that's why he's so mad I have to go

that's your right wing come on Skylar please oh no not the sad puppy-dog eyes

you know I could I have a pretty good idea why Tarak is so angry I just need

to make sure you're not going sure well then I'm coming with you

you are you and me partners on a risky dangerous death-defying

mission right now wish you were a silent partner Kuja quints folio : a princess

hi there

what's your name Bala those are pretty rocks Bella and it

doesn't mean it's okay to take his things sorry

you two it's not what you think look that's Jasper I didn't get the

chance to introduce myself before I am Crown Princess Elena you're the Crown

Princess and you brought back my rug is a monster but just because I made a rock

doesn't mean I don't have feelings if I could live in peace without

so you're not a bad guy after all you just have serious anger management

issues yes but I'm working on that you know breathing exercises um

gardening he's not a monster I thought you wanted to be my friend

but you were just setting me up for a sneak attack it's not true

I'm trying to help oh he's getting angry

it's okay guys it's gonna be okay sorry they just make

me fine until defied the vote of the council Elena and now I must inform them

of the fiasco you've created attacking him is what caused all this de lavaz

call me and us okay then let's save the village

that should do it here it comes

my house my friends in with the cool stay calm stay cool

feel better guys no call the lava down

including you come on Fuego stopped erupting uh we've still got a problem it

doesn't matter I lost my cool and now they're all in danger because of me

I can stop this father if I stayed

we stay cool you did you really did


aha there she is princess Elena disobeyed our vote and took matters into

her own ah but sometimes the heart knows best

Francisco she has a point just saying I'll tell you what I will

next time I'll do what the council decides

princess Elena I thought my only friends in the world were my rocks but um looks

like I was wrong for a special princess rough on the outside but beautiful on

the inside just like you


For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 258 - Green Monkey - Duration: 16:09.


We Bare Bears Private Lake Best Cartoon For Kid & Children Channel - Leon Sykes - Duration: 16:45.

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you hear that girls formation free when identified this

insect yes it is a rose weed grasshopper sir okay and I'm so proud of how much

each of you have accomplished I'm sorry about the I though Wallace I have no

regrets sir I did for the bad I see good things for your future what's with those

faces why don't you guys look excited well we want the badge but it's just

that the cave looks a bit scary it looks really scary

hey Grizz sub caves oh it's so lost this forest has like 50 caves of course he is

this bear knows everything about caves this is important Oh Chris are you ready

to help shape these young minds sure I guess

Grizz you want to tell us more about this type of cave no yeah it's uh well

it's definitely a standard cave you know what dark hey keen expert what kind of

doctor though gatherin can't believe it a cave salamander pretty good likeness

huh oh I'll draw you guys next no stop okay droops can anyone tell me about the

select i'ts above us oh that's when it gets so hot that the cave stay here

it's alright I just need you all to listen to me and do exactly as I say

from now on sir yes sir what seriously that's a spooky bath

shouldn't we say take this my supplies

don't be silly grins these girls have come so far and we're not turning back

friend isn't that right Wallis Oh Ranger I think I forgot I don't think this is a

good idea I mean like to pause why old Grizz you've done nothing but distract

my Rangers all this with me easy but not falling into a bottomless pit we're not

going are too

we're almost there

you have a plan don't you aye aye sorry I this adventure was

supposed to be for you girls and instead I made it all about me and sometimes but

I bet these girls would follow you to the ends of the earth I boozed my other

eye for you yeah yeah the Collin we want to be just like you all right

we were not a cave expert but you certainly are now

okay everybody into formation b + b b- oath students your energy flows through

this community college yeah I did that I'm gonna need you to explain your piece

oh uh yeah but you beat me this is my big brother bad a mediocre guys she said

my passion I waste my talent I don't know man pretty awesome I mean no she

said she wanted something new so no brothers and no anime alright man well

if you need us we're right here ok all right

yes looks like it's still good sorry Charlie time to mess around right now ah

no worries don't mind me it's a clear path oh you should totally come over and

party hardy charlie don't move I gotta pay you for my class what class my art

class man you're perfect really you'd give me the painting yep

well in that case I'd love to help my best bud out

full really you all like it I spare as having spiritual experience I do I

really get to keep it when you're all done oh yeah man after my class it's all

yours so sophisticated it's so beautiful who

who is the artist who did this it was the anime guy panda bravissimo oh

man I love it let's go look real good my new pad wait

charlie you have a home oh yes finally made the upgrade to sleeping

inside of something hate to brag but it's pretty sweater curator friend mr.

Lee is in town and I think your piece would be perfect for his big new exhibit

in Florence panda you're about to become famous with your permission I'd like him

to evaluate I got to get that painting back from Charlie wait that's that cool

that takes these backsies you can't do that

what wait really yeah but no worries

hello who's that it was I panda

how could you even fathom taking that move Sonny besides bad Moo oh don't be

so dramatic don't listen to him he's being absurd

excuse me madam stop does anyone else have a better idea

then I have no choice Hey what's going on this has got to be I

can't wait much longer exquisite detail I need this masterpiece it will be given

a proper pedestal for the world to see we'll keep him Panda you promised

wait what is the meaning of this I'm sorry I changed my mind you can't have

it and no what do you mean we had an agreement

don't you exposure famous the hottest


bandha I woke up and the painting was gone

I had it my hands oh you took it back to sign it I would have totally forgot to

ask oh oh man it's gonna look great hanging from the fir tree hey Charlie

come here pumpkin I'm too tired to fight you Ice Bear won't judge


oh yeah time to get comfy hurry guys it's

starting soon yep coming oh why pan man you don't have a snack

here some chips for my best bud I've got plain barbecue sour cream and onion

rattles yeah dude gross I don't want your feet chin

pan man which one is mr. sourcing which one is mr. castles they're not all named

swords and castles Charlie I don't know Charlie maybe we should call someone let

them try guys maybe Charlie can actually help us fix something for once

you bet I can't pan man I'll make you proud Charlie Charlie are you okay oh

yeah yes I can't just brush this off I think we

should take you to a doctor whoa no way amigos you know how I feel

about people oh look at me I've never been better see to see some name he's

your best bud he'll listen to you what I'm not his best bud okay

Charlie wait as your best bud okay pan pan this definitely gonna work I don't

know guys maybe we should just bail don't worry stay put and you'll be fine

man why do I have to be the one doing this be here in the first place oh we're

just trying to help both of you calm down you've got to be one hello how are

you doing today I'm dr. Clark I see you pick yes that

that's fine

that seemed a little weird fellas I'll get the old heebie-jeebies here I think

we should skedaddle shouldn't we wait for the results no no I gotta get out of

here you know something I can feel my bones to operate to find out more come

get them guys never seen these results before we need to find out we are taking

you in for surgery right now I don't need surgery I'm fine see taking through

Houston for the special yeah but I heard he has blue plot what are we gonna do

I heard they have a specialist surgeon he could be surgery him catapult

bandages ah Oh guys I think I have a bad idea well

castle and these are my trusty nurses nurse swords and nurse

oh hey guys I know them oh you're so beautiful

um why Sir because I want you to visualize the surgery oh I could hear

the cutting wait what was that sound oh that was his

oh man we are so fired guys thanks for getting my foot fixed it feels better

than ever there's something to do wake up coffee ah thanks bro oh thank

you you did the wall for marketing again

well just my brother he makes the best coffee in the forest when I come in grab

a cup of coffee hang out a bit okay

shouldn't if he stopped by and had a cup - that was last pot of coffee

but you could make some more right bro ice bear on it

awesome I'll give him a call tastes way better than digital Ice Bear is happy

you like you know you guys should totally open a cafe mmm yeah

tons of people would want to come here really for sure it's open for business

come on in welcome

or drop thanks bro hey Chris you remember Jenny from earlier hey hey Jen

good to see you again there you go one special whoa another perfect coffee hey

you know you want to take a break and hang out wait here's your special thanks

Chris huh this coffee kind of tastes funny yeah so funny

wait what it's gross hey don't you I'll catch up with you later

oh no dude what's the problem that's the problem

come on man we don't want to let people down and I'm pretty sure jen is about to

give me your digits hey Panda how's that special come in please nice person

thanks guys I'm gonna bring my whole study group tomorrow hey you ready for

another awesome day yep huh what's going on welcome to coffee customers

everything's going great alright one americano coming right at woop did you

just drink my excuse me hey guys what's taking so long and customers are o my

spirit will make pay huh where's my coffee man what's going on I'm sorry

about that we had a bit of a hiccup with our machine you coffee be right out okay

night-night time for you buddy sleep tight we're safe no I think we're in my

room what how do we end up here

no tickling were these evil beans once and for all

strange what happened to you little bit okay

I'm gonna leave this place a really bad review don't worry I took care of it bad

nice purse sorry for ruining coffee cave don't worry about a man just drink up

and relax wait is that tea decaf

For more infomation >> We Bare Bears Private Lake Best Cartoon For Kid & Children Channel - Leon Sykes - Duration: 16:45.


Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 608 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 17:02.

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More money more problems

These rescues to be therapy pets like Squibbles

You okay

No, but um is your I'm supposed to look all Zig zaggy like that well

I'll take you we were already on our way for Squibbles therapy set shift

Commands I'm teaching him like that

Okay, ill you can call me chilly everybody always calls me chili. Oh

Does that mean I'm always in trouble?

Remember, it's your therapy pet time you're supposed to be helping patients if I had my druthers. I'd have


It looks like your fall caused a transverse ten bend of your right arm

I'm going to set it back into place and use some special tape to hold it there

I also noticed that you have lots of other debts

You got more things than a pinata packed with pastries since you're made of tin. We can use the hospital's feed enter machine

Sorry, but our therapy pet shift is over. So I need to get the pets back to the vet clinic well

Thank you, kindly for letting me borrow this little fella

Now I best mosey out to find that sparkler I lost in the park


Repeat after me. I don't have legs because I am a snow me well

It's easy for me to get around when I'm at home or in the mind where I know where everything is

But when I'm someplace new gets tricky. I end up with lots of dings and dents

That's normal, okay, sugar just read the top letter for me. Do you see a difference oh?


My this book says that moles naturally have very poor eyesight

They spent most of that time in the dark underground, but how will they treat our Baba Lots if it's just too bad

It's not like home where I know where everything is if all these squiggles were here to show me around

That's right when you didn't know how to get around the hospital

Squibbles helped you and first up for your died pet consideration

Shelly the snail

Steffie and a guide pet should also be able to do commands like down


stay and stand I

Think we found our match c'mere boy

Final obstacle of the test

Talking on my phone and not being one bit of attention to where I am going

My special sparkler, Oh Mountie you must be the most amazing guy bet oh

Yes, you can finally take that to the Venge and stuffy great job training Mountie you need a big

difference oh

hi, I

Promised myself I wouldn't cry

It's a whole new me and see the world

You two are perfect together

Horse I'm done great job Ali

I think ooey gablooey will picked you for sure oh, I hope so ever since I was a little hippo

You know who I choose the singing of the game


This is a duck. Hi. I'm as jumpy as a problem. Please well

Answer it

Hello, oh. I'm fine. It's probably just all the excitement about tomorrow. What's tomorrow I've been chosen to sing

Although remember that part of the song halli, it sounds like yours or you won't be able to sing at the game at all

Sorry carry home pure notes with you. I'm sorry professor hootsburgh, but I'm not supposed

It was just one time

It's getting worse

I'm sorry. I can't sing, but we're going live


You've been going easy on your voice like I told you to


Can't promise that but there is one thing we can try you need to stop top

He'll be hard not to talk how am I supposed to answer the phones help patients?

Comment what a turn of phrase the toys can help you out?

You can help Hallie with the talking part of her job

One hunk means yes now I have a patient

How's it been going Hallie, it's been terrible and not talking has been the hardest thing you've ever done

Well your throat looks better why don't you try and see

Hallie I'm so proud of you, I know it was really hard not to talk for so long, but you did it

I couldn't have done it without you all

To sing the opening song



Who wants to start

So bad

When will you need to see


doctor right away

maybe you right I

Guess the ER is is so scary after

Mechanical now I can see you

Helping another patient remember so I'm here to take

How's it going he talked to tundra how're you feeling

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 608 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 17:02.


Go Jetters Go Jet Academy: Hailstorm Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel - Aaron Godda - Duration: 19:44.

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okay go Jenna's today we're testing an all-new click

so meet me at the testing dome you got

those no jitters what this can do is the new click on IG eraser a cheap Oh

perfect for cayenne to clean his room

now fact is Jim not sure you're quite ready for full power Cayenne ready go

Jenna's the Geo vac can suck up huh hail stones from a thundercloud that's

where hail stones come from paws let me explain with some funky facts as

cumulonimbus are so high up that rain can freeze and fall as hailstones

these giant hailstones can be dangerous they can damage crops cars planes and

toy rope-tow see you back Oh

test test River freeze master glitches primo freeze is freezing the

thundercloud and making it worse

all right problem over uh-oh the problems just begun Grandmaster glitch

is caught up in the crowd with his Grimm Oh free seatbelt

taste it quick and you get everyone safe then

let's go

we need click on the corn we need to save the dough jet Academy you got it go

jealous here comes a mix to fix that

Cayenne we need steady they well with more go Jess's cadets

ours the Geo VAX gonna be our first to go Jenner click on great work team

training with the go jet Academy for explorers on a global adventure Zhu Li

hi Anne Mars buzz

cremate school is go for launch

finally I get to be the first three Bart's me another spaceship at Zhu Li

kyon approaching the Seattle Space Needle

let me tell you about the place where act the smaller than 100 astronauts the

Space Needle was designed to be super strong in case of earthquakes well

excuse me I guess that means it's lunch time I don't think that's your stomach

grumbling kyon oh it's an earthquake not cool deco Jenna's rocket boosters

awesome I mean not awesome where do they come

from he's trying to launch the salsa that's because at last I'm boldly going

where no grandmaster has gone

now quiet no jetties in space

taste it those notices aren't going to lose mice okay we need quickens over

corn we need to slow this space race down all right


time to take out that last booster

wait with no boosters that sauce is going to awesome cat super corn we're

happy to help right jet pad you're welcome go Jetta the Space Needle

has landed why make a building that looks like a spaceship if you can't fly

it another mission completed by the NGO chatters and who knows maybe one day

we'll be zooming through the clouds of you

cause I'm sure they took these stable I can't cycling here three BOTS find me

somewhere better to practice Venice is amazing and so are the gondolas sure if

you aren't in a holiday let me tell you about the place we're at the city of bit

but very very slowly because Venice is built on water there are no cars from

tackle creep blows no roads Lars relax and enjoy Zhu Li I've got it

Wow what I have stopped not you can stop the gondola whoa strange that should be

a big trouble go Jettas the Crippler is turning canals into Rome all over the


really really not cool we've got to stop these grim parts now go blick ins

Geo shield

geojo nope nothing wait go that way

Nessun problema stop grazie a ok geo shield stepping stone


come on everyone you can do it geo shields plus gondolas equals

perfectly cool jump wasn't quite the plan don't worry

back to it's beautiful self all water and no roads Geographic time for a

souvenir savvy

till your circuits greenbots time for an upside down the avenue of

the bear box majestic geographic awesome

whoa so why do they look best upside down go Jenna's the bay of bats branches

look like Roose sticking into the air especially when it loses all its leaves

and so

then at night nocturnal animals like lemurs spread it between the flowers and

help the

hey lemur I'm Kyle what's that

things right and find your mom and dad

93 Potts Grandmaster glitch hey so the three punch boat I've got a plan go

Jetta so no don't even think about it

gee oh man


okaygo Jettas you're up buzz do giant go

au secours the avenue of Beier Babs is safe again trees - glitchyness lights

equals welcome back lemurs okay we'll get it back I don't know why I bother

now it's time for a souvenir selfie

found dry stone walls hundreds of years old

but still standing today brilliant building machu picchu is a

city built and not too busy with tourists machu picchu is a no-fly zone

so no jet pad or brewster flying today go Jettas what a place to race it's just

his fucking spring come here green bart

where did ice hit you I've nearly hastens the race cool must be a local

inca way to cheer me to the finish

Grandmaster glitch this is a no-fly zone no-fly zones are for known jetties I'm

not doing any harm just

Oh what Bibi teach by

this place is so full of wonder indeed where else could you see a giant mating

Mars is right one big grim bot is one big problem for

Machu Picchu you need to stop it bouncing geo grabs for a big helping

hand you got it go Jettas time for mixed up big backflips you ready faults with

you all the way he's not giant you're all mini jetties ah sorry

Zhu Li told me to do it thank you mini jetties ready ready but you came last

Shh it's okay we saved Machu Picchu me but how am I supposed to get home for a

no-fly zone

For more infomation >> Go Jetters Go Jet Academy: Hailstorm Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel - Aaron Godda - Duration: 19:44.


Dragons: Riders of Berk Alvin and the Outcasts Best Cartoon For Kids - Lewis Pugh - Duration: 16:33.

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previously on dragons that was him he set the AMA D on fire by the end of

the day tomorrow I'll be back for you I promise I think he did all of it and I

think he did it so my dad would get rid of all the dragons when your friends are

roasting on this bitch you're the one who feels the final

he's wrong and I'm going to prove it

we've been here for hours and we haven't him throw them into the ocean I don't

mean to be norbert than negative but the ocean is really really vast great huh

you were saying I haven't seen this since I was a baby you never forget your

first bludgeon maybe you should have thought about that before sending the

Dragons away you know I had no choice they destroyed the armory this would be

a bad time to get attacked

we sail furberg immediately will land here under the cover of night we are

he's ten feet tall with the strength of a dozen men Wow

it shouldn't be too hard to find then shooting I'm telling you it's also some

throw them into the ocean I know you're upset about the Dragons son but you're

gonna need evidence to accuse a man of high treason why would one of our ships

be anchoring there it's not it's good to be back on the shore of Berk

good for you not so good for them this is no time to panic it was all thanks to

your boy and he is dragons I don't have time for this right now mildew mulch

your bucket gather up the elders and the children but go with the others you can

help protect them let me go get the dragons nobody knows

that forest like we do and when Alvin comes looking for us there he'll walk

right into our trap Oh meatlug lose the dragon Conqueror

the dragon Conqueror looks like stearic is the Samba sweet anticipated Sonic

show your face you four go into the woods where are we going we'll go to the

beach how many ostriches do you think a dragon

conquerors were when they come looking for us in the forest they all have to

come through here all right what do we have two flying pants a rolling pin and

a kitchen knife hurry now the cave is just up ahead

where's bucket huh bucket you had one job bring up the rear

put the little girl you should have seen the look on her face big blue eyes with

the tears welling up it's hard to miss a half-wit and his them

ah looks like you've got me boys this I know they're here Fishlegs yeah they're

here for hiccup hiccup and as there you haven't figured it out but still it

doesn't concern me I'm not here for him I want the dragon Conqueror and you can

all go free but Conqueror come on I'll show Alvin who's a conqueror

try to kill Alvin the treacherous not as smart as you look

tell me you little embarrassment I drove the dragons from Berk look around am i

well there's only one way to find out take me to dragon Island

where's Alvin

I'm sure your father's told you plenty about your Islands most-feared enemy

who's that all i care about is that if i do what i say you will leave the people

of Berk in peace on me words son save your cover fighter for the others sir I

can handle myself

I'll find extra rounds to cover that one is the sword really necessary watch and

learn by all means Percy I feel not squeamish you're about

to see a dragon you cannot defeat me

you dirty dragon its dragon trainer

are you waiting for

he's right thank you


not this time we'd be able to make things right

we get that boy and we'll ride dragon

here that but Iraq home they saved our lives

and I may not be able to I set out to prove that our dragons would never hurt

us what they proved is that day will always

and it's important for him to know that no matter what he can count on me it's

your turn jump so should we mention something to

hookfang let me sleep on it

shingle again didn't we have roofing material for dinner last night it was an

accident dad of all the houses on the island a dragon had to crash through

mildews you know he hates dragons more than anyone else I know whatever those

beasts do reflects on you and whatever you do reflects on me

I'm sorry dad you're you and your friends are gonna go back to mildews I

think it's gonna take more than air

where are my boots where are your boots they've all been stolen everyone can

tell by the hostile moon shape arches well--that's dragon 101 guys I don't

gotta fill you in on that so a dragon walk through here a zippleback

that doesn't mean yeah okay fine you got the boots sister listen to yourselves

my feet are cold no consequence for these dragons they took out of boots

buildeth the world isn't coming to an end

they are wild animals and they need us to keep an eye on them and rest assured

we will do just next what is it dance where we patrol at night do you

keep an eye on the Dragons things happen after dark guys we have to do this you

heard mildew he wants the Dragons banished permission to shoot first and

ask questions later

hello sir ma'am if you have any dragon related problems contact us just cup a

hand on either side of your mouth and at the top of your love

did you speak alien have no they sleep like everyone else

could have done such a thing Thank You Fishlegs

but how could this happen we had every dragon accounted for at all time okay

what happened snotlout well I was detaining a suspect who wasn't showing

sufficient respect to the sash but it is possible he wandered off for a few

seconds minutes hours but dragon must have gone on a rampage I hate to say it

stoic but you're gonna have to I know what has to be done this just doesn't

make any sense a dragon wouldn't just come in here and destroy the place I

mean none of the food was even touched

but the hiccup when I punished them punishing him yeah that boy thinks that

dragons can do no wrong

at least my dragon doesn't need a lullaby actually it's your fault that

all our dragons have to sleep in jail yes none of us wants to believe it

either hiccup but you saw the proof what proof you saw the footprints - he was

trying to be sneaky all right well how do you explain the Great Hall look at

these walls not one single scorch mark hiccup until

I have solid proof that it was something else


prudence like poor darling I'm so sorry you should have had a long bloodletting

life she didn't have to die cover listen to your boy stoic that's what God is

into this mess say what happens when you'll eat these dragons have done too

much damage it's no longer safe to have them on Berk I want them gone what

finally oh what a glorious day that will be it's horrible it's the worst day of

my life no Astrid something here doesn't add up all I know is I'm losing my


I'm gonna miss you

and don't eat any limestone no it doesn't agree with you okay

he's crying he's crying on the inside you gotta stay here and take care of the

other dragons see what happens when you leave your dragon to wait outside he

knew toothless wasn't away from me just

before the armory fire I think he did all of it and I think he did it so my

dad will get rid of all the dragons wife wife wife

well didn't they from this shame we have to get rid of them

For more infomation >> Dragons: Riders of Berk Alvin and the Outcasts Best Cartoon For Kids - Lewis Pugh - Duration: 16:33.


Sofia The First - Squirrel - Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 11:52.

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For more infomation >> Sofia The First - Squirrel - Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 11:52.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 61 - Owen Allan - Duration: 17:02.

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For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 61 - Owen Allan - Duration: 17:02.


Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 8 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:52.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 8 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:52.


Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 29 - Nicole Iqbal - Duration: 16:59.

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What do you do?

You sleep scrapping again oh

That's right. I'll take a piece off of what a Ty's friend and then

I'll bring it right back here. You'll see why would I care about something?

It's just a little bit farther guys this better be good

Sorry I doubted you don't mention I guess that can work here

Ah this thing's heavy okay ready all right?

Almost there

We're doomed Ton Ton it's okay

Hurry have the worst crank in my neck

Chuck look oh he'll do he'll do nicely

Maybe play

Now I go save guys not yet you

Your fault if you would have just stayed Robertson's you make sense

Hey you get that I meant because you really are hanging here from the spring I mean

They used to grip harder

Hold on let me see if this works

We'll be stuck somewhere cold, we'll be all like

And then we figure out a way to make it on you lost me ship editions

And inevitably betray you and deliver your delicious crap right to d-structs putting me back in his good

Run whatever burgers part, then let's turn set up

Don't really have the stuff to make any of that

The spring didn't now we're just closer to the lava dudes I

Know why now hot lava exactly scrap a dental

Not sure if this is better

What are we supposed to do now

You know what I call it up you're not so bad, yeah

Those guys were counting on me to get that yeah, I mean I was supposed to do was bring back

Yeah, that's how these structures with me. This is me right now my plans are too crazy

Wait what is that scrap adaptil is our ticket out of here?

This way


Little nothing

I got a part one part from that dumper. Just like you said oh

Well then

Here we go how fast can he go?


Sorry about that Rev hey dozer you want to hit this ramp with us. Yeah, no hungry

Heading to the or station, No

Gotta love this or station

And delivers the perfect serving sizes as well

Except right now

Yeah, yeah, yeah been waiting for this all day click-clack. Let me have it

Maybe there's one piece left

I'm catching a faint whiff of ooh. What is it?

iron with the slightest hint of

magnesium eaten by crannis or not your day did

That's nothing I can find more ore than both you

Take a look at that

What is that a nest these are tour tool eggs me no Sheldon?

You want what they're just squeaking at me, so what stop following me

This is a mistake you were supposed to peer out. Yeah, who knew you were such a mom dude get back in your eggs

Don't worry your mom will be back sets blow around after all

Now we can all kick back and relax

Yeah, play with our new friends what new friends

They're everywhere

Watch out little fella. You gotta say dozer your kids sure don't watch where they're going

That's no place for a tour to get out of there

Yes you rev it you gotta think of a way to get these menaces out of here do not worry

I am working on it work harder

What is so important how bad is it well I?

Would not say it is the best

This feels so

Great watch where you're going stay in liner you're gonna get your foot cock spoken like a true mom

I just don't want any of them slowing us down. That's a skya

No sign of her

And we better go out looking for I

Think I wanna stay behind and watch over the tour tools

Good idea get one of the rep tools to do it perhaps

It would be better if it was someone who had a special connection. Yeah fine. I'll stay great one before he changes his mind

Don't worry about me, thanks

How about we sighs stand in one spot

What what do you want like this I

Don't know

you're the mother tour tool if we take the

distinguishing features of our little tour tools tracks and make them the size of what an adult's might be we would have

You sure we're heading in the right direction Rev those tracks did not lie look

We have to do something

Think of something else dudes dudes dudes we got an expert on riding canyons right here

I'm talking about myself

Tastes like scrap

Unfortunately with our bright colors. There is no getting past them. No you're thinking what I'm thinking, and I was thinking it

What was I thinking all right the bass not bad for a first drive a little more from the back of the shell

Sure you weren't

Dozer you mind if I borrow these guys uh

Well, I don't know they could get pretty cranky if I leave him for two not that I care anything. Well. What do you think?

The idea not you I was talking to them

Really good job kids okay here we go now

Hey hey hey on your side here trying to rescue you

Come on you gotta go faster

Your station will you get it yourself come on you right there just hit your pedal and pass went over

They like it here so much, she said it was okay, if they came and hung out in the garage sometimes oh great

Just what we need more tools to keep track of

Not exactly what do you think that was going for something new?

You know it takes a good supply what?

For more infomation >> Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 29 - Nicole Iqbal - Duration: 16:59.


Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 2 - Max Brady - Duration: 15:57.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE My Video! Thank you very much!

come on Spyro that fire Viper simulation is the most basic one aisle totally yeah

well she said I've actually been coming here since I was a cadet and the clouds

really helped me focus like that one that's shaped like a fire Viper like

what to do now that Kaos knows the location of the core of light thinker

but if you had a plan to help us beat the fire Viper simulation maybe we could

do that but I believe he can help you too long ago master Yun and I fought

side by side against the great foe it was a difficult battle that we nearly

lost after which King Penn has been working to assemble a protector of the

realm with unlimited skills and abilities one who could operate as a

one-man wrecking crew when Skylanders are unable to answer a call to our all

of you to venture inside the trunk and construct your new teammate we get to

build him you get to create him by using your imagination you will choose the

appendages and powers for your creations I Londos touch the crystal nothing's

happening maybe your crystal is broken kingpin

I guess we think about what we want our new skylander to look like this is

something isn't it unorthodox for sure fully assembled he would just I'm the

real field sorry that's my catchphrase for this end catchphrase like a

Skylander needs something like that to get all fired up right yes this will be

his first field test to see if he can do just that for your team and others that

follow in the future new team member with a banana head so he can do anything

guys site could be what we've been missing to finally beat the fire Viper

simulation we shall see now Lu inside train together Jeep

slum shakes you bellowed sir I am trying to make a copy of the map to the core of

light but I can't maintain the projection and what now why isn't this

working have you considered that your trouble

may be stress-related sir how do you mean well destroying the core

of light is quite a tall order the pressure to become the ultimate evil in

all of Scott no kingpin says I can do anything a Skylander can but since I

haven't exactly done a single thing yet dude that's why we're here pal so if you

can fly even a little bit I'll whip you into shape I'll do the same with my

blades I'll show you how to harness the power of the air I'll teach you how to

burn baby burn easy big guy look everyone loves a good spud base to

put exactly hey relax relax trial by fire I got this

trust me sir a few treatments in magic sir believe me but how am I supposed to

relax here there aren't even any torture devices take your mind off torture for

the day you're here to pamper yourself you've I really appreciate you guys

showing me how to use my powers to be more like you

but do you think I helped you with your team problem though a good question

but I think so Skylanders are you ready to try your new and hopefully improved

hand on the simulation course Skylanders

are you doing wait till the target is

Wow close one wait I have just the thing for that

right JV do you I won't sugarcoat it Skylanders the fire Viper simulation

should be a walk in the park for you by now I am very concerned about the future

thinking's but here at the academy where I could ponder deep thoughts oh I have

just the spot I guess being able to do a lot doesn't

matter much if you don't know how to use any of it at all

I thought I'd always be a Skylander I've never considered doing anything but that

we all thought that I might stop I'm thinking of opening a cafe artisan

coffees spoke pastries that sort of thing oh I

wonder if there are any volcanoes hiring loser are you kidding me with all the

great stuff you can do you're amazing yeah we're the losers our mistake was

trying to make you like us that's no cloud it's no wonder I'm so

tense and it's all your fault

guys maybe we should throw something at this thing that we don't have wait

that's it we've been so busy reusing our bad boy down what makes me different

okay what is that whatever it feels whatever groaner but I'll allow it

show this lizard how to make a real fire I'm all fired up

what you built him to do King Penn figure out what it was we were missing

all along and what was that remembering that teamwork is more important than our

own individual powers yep enough to consider scrapping all your

parts and starting from scratch if need be but all's well that ends well right

well it felt great to finally help the team figure out it's missing Lane and

you shall do so again sigh there was that was totally your catchphrase wasn't

it I'm workshopping it ha please sir no I I

understand you need to torture me but next this is the wrong line for these if

you want to renew your toady license you need to wait over there now that I'm

back on my game I can copy the map down any time I mean it's not like the core

of light is going anywhere

you're up early never slept of course we did and some

randos that we don't know probably doesn't mean as much but they're coming

wow you guys really didn't have to do that is a once-in-a-lifetime thing you

don't have time for this you have a said talk to prepare for don't get distracted

I just realized I thought it was a sky sheep no I know I had tickets for the

whole series I'm still furious about the whole job kerfuffle first I'm forced to

keep her around in this desert get up to pay the bills and now mother forbids me

from leaving the later body and dignity never ends although in this case yeah

that's pretty much it you know I was only considering forcing you to eat this

but now but this might not have faith in me

but if the sky vendors are and even the most evil masterminds need a day off now

and then for instance there's plenty to do here in the plotting room to pass the

time to your mother calms down again I mean just look at how disorganized your

villainous collectibles are

what is going on here Chiba phobia is pervasive by the way we made signs for

your said talk oh you shouldn't have knowledge bombs when did you first

realize your fear but when life gives you lemons you have to ask when did life

get hands and take up lemon farming I'm kind of in the middle of something JV

yes I can see you seem really preoccupied with this hole yeah oh I've

been to every single sin since I was a junior cadet and why aren't you thinking

about it at all I am it's all I can think about I haven't slept in days but

you you want to know why I'm so desperate to solve the sheep thing I'd

win the meat at first but eventually brave and victorious they all have these

distinguished titles I'm just me I see you're hoping to become stealth elf the

Sheep all that could you do me one more favor did you not tell anyone of course

just call me jet-vac the nan teller Oh No that's a terrible name and holding

our breath for an extended period of time

sounds great but are you sure you're done organizing those sir what's in

front of the golden Queen in sudden disarray of your comic book collection

what it simply will not do thoughts exactly

day three Shiba phobia continues - I'm not doing oh I know you're probably

working but you missed breakfast and dinner last night so it's morning

already Oh guess I forgot to sleep again huh that's it

you're genea age 14 silly floating head in the real world but incredibly

powerful in the dream realm get ready to face off in my dreams

ah sobbing you are small insignificant you have no knowledge to impart your

nothing on nobody the real world school and goody two-shoes like Ian and my

parents they thought they could reform me by sending me to this stupid school

sorry it's like super hard to take you seriously with those shoes I can't wait

here elf said no right that was my way of letting you know that someone was

giving a said talk called me a genius well until she arrives I don't suppose

any of you have something you would like to give a talk on opening your face

indoors yes oh dear I can't do this I pass not it anyone else oh I got this oh

good you're awake test wants me to escape oh I'm not so sure about that sir

you see I think we should just stay here I mean the Sun is starting to go down

and it is bath night remember we're gonna walk on the wild side Lemmy let's

go sir reason to do it

oh of course you can't beat me in the dream realm I am all-powerful I unless

what I'm interested in work right how are you doing that I meant to turn this

into butterflies that match my bow but no matter you feeling ready

I I never heard from Jireh again and

right so uh well first off there's a lot more to me than just my name hitting

your mark what is it mark exactly it can be anything a target a villain an

annoying cousin named Mark oh I do have an annoying cousin named Mark so

relatable these blades not a big deal you know I train with them I fight with

them and I've cut apples with them

this is a metaphor you're more than one achievement you're

the sum of everything you do every day and as long as you believe you can do

something and you can go after it with all you've got

you'll be surprised what you're capable of Oh also I caught this villain who's

been crashing your dreams to make you all scared of sheep but as long as you

remember you're the most powerful in your own head she can't get to you but

this is the most not boring sad talk I've ever been to thank you

does she think a de de rien ice button so you know you helped cool does this

mean I can can you please just take us away already I'm sure but popping up at

a room full of Skylanders not that I'm complaining but what was the plan here

guys Oh believe me there wasn't one I get what you're

trying to say I'm a Skylander we do nice things for each other and kissed puppies

and chase rainbows gross whatever you don't have to be around us anymore door

Busters it takes forever


For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 2 - Max Brady - Duration: 15:57.


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 618 - Santa Media - Duration: 20:14.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Santa Media Channel

Hey everybody, it's me Mickey Mouse come inside my Clubhouse

Mickey with me meeska mooska mickey


Which means it's about to stop working all together as in

Professor show you what's inside the mousekedoer. Oh handy helper friend

Mouseka call when the liquid light is flowing

Action glows as bright as a star

But when that liquid lights not flowing

Oh well to get the liquid light flowing you're gonna have to go inside the mousekedoer

inside gawrsh

Digitize means you gonna be turned into itsy-bitsy electronical bits, so you can run around

Working all together

Get our mouseketools

With a party noise maker

Well if it's not too much trouble could you tell us

Any of them mouseketoolies can help us get across to the other side well

Since the giant pencil is long and strong. Maybe we could use it like a bridge

Won't anybody look down. Why is there something down there?

Thanks for the hand doodles we're running out of time to fix the mousekedoer gawrsh time sure flies when you're dizzy dizzy

They're in hurry to get someone all right, but we're supposed to go

We need to get to the other side of the gig afield and fast

Oh here we go help me count out 7 dizzy buttons for our cab ride ready

We'll all this legal and zag, and I'm feeling kind of queasy someone tell the trainer to take it easy

What second light just went out we gotta get the liquid light flow into the mouse pit core before the rest go out

But how can we get the rubber duckies out of our way?

We have the blow-dryer a handy fishing pole and

Thanks micro minute the Sun ride

We gotta unlock it and then the liquid light will start flowing to the mouseka

Corks gee by yourself. What route here needs a boat

These are my pals well hello dear Mickey Mouse

When the lake solar glow

By liquid sunshine

While floating her

You know about a bow scoop

It looks like the liquid light should flow from here through that pipe

into the canal and the canal would then carry the liquid light like

Everybody knows it's not nice to throw trash in a tank

hook get it out with a little thing we call a


Looky, loo. We have a handy fishing pole with a football helmet and the mystery mouska-tool early

Well, how about the fishing pole with the football helmet? Let's see what we catch?


Poor little Finn

So your dolly was the problem well not on purpose

And little PD is very similar

Uh-hum pixelated Pete you're welcome and fellas

Golly gee I bet the mouse key corner gonna light up like a sparkly Christmas

Oh, hey everybody we've got one last thing to do the sunroom

Flip all the switches and fast

We flipped all the switches

No, he didn't there's still one more to go

We've still I hope we have time everybody say Oh Tootles

It looks like a jack-in-the-box with a handy helper inside

And maybe if we turn the crank on the Pope, but while it's going out goofy start freaking I

Don't know the last White's got out. It sounds like something's happening

You heroes helped to say

We got the mouse T Tauri : again

Boy, how do you like that the kids have did it? It's time to bring our heroes home where they ought to be?

The mousekedoer is now fit as new escort as a fiddle and well something like

Thanks for stopping by

Hi everybody, it's me Mickey Mouse

forget to say the magic words


mooska mickey mouse

Say it with me meeska mooska. It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse



Glad you can make it for show your special talent. Eh that's when our fans gather and Mickey Park to show off their talents. Oh

Boy Mickey it's your gonna be a fun day. Well. I can't wait to show off my new magic tricks Donald Jr

Hello Dolly junior

You're doing something special for show your special talent day

Thank you

Slurp slurp plea duckie

Gee I think Donald Jr. Might need a little more practice





Gosh fellas learning takes time and lots of practice well howdy hi oh

Yeah, I see the resemblance plus you look alike

So what talent are you?

What we call abou speckled feathers, I must be losing my touch

All ducks and no speckled belly goose


Why don't we invite him to join us for show your special talent day?

Hmm. We just need a place to keep them all till we're ready tops empty

We need to fill it up with water. Maybe a mouseketool can help us everybody say Oh


Mouseketool, which mouseketool can we use to fill up the tub with water

How about the rescue truck

Come on let's all help Donald jr.. Do the dance steps stand up dance with us

Raise the curtain please okie dokie


Hold on. Oh my

Goodness, we need to get them down. Maybe there's a mouseketool that can help us is the mystery mouseketool

everybody say



Help me Oh


Benny goose

Okay everybody let's all stand up and get ready to dance and this time we're gonna sing

Let's give them a big

Tarry for everybody who joined us and showed their special talents today

Thanks for stopping by

For more infomation >> Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 618 - Santa Media - Duration: 20:14.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 49 - Elliot Finch - Duration: 17:33.

Wow I can walk to school go have fun

Now you just have to see it for yourself, that sounds wonderful

But class started 20 minutes ago. Oh, sorry

I had to walk all the way through some Canyon and then back do bizarre things to make money for teacher

No snips we're going to have a bazaar. It's like a market and raise money

Everyone will pair off into teams of two to create a booth and sell something and the partners who raise the most

We'll both be named students of the month well Lucky's still learning our rules

Okay take a few moments to find your partners

Oh wear wigs like that traveling after who did all the roles in his play and then robbed a bank the next day dresses Queen

Elizabeth we're gonna be rich for the last time since mr.. Carrot

I mean who doesn't have a partner. We'll find you someone snips

Lucky do you have a partner?

Competing against each other Hugh spending time with Maris Ella's what's weird at least? She's been student of the month of ton

Maybe it'll rub off on me

Sorry, but it's my time to be student of the month braid each other's hair in celebration no cuz we're gonna trample you fat chance

Lucky we really ought to start working on our booth now. We'll have class time for that

We're going to need more than class time if we want our names on that plaque li-huei

Sorry boy, we'll go in an extra long ride tomorrow I

Have fun, yes, enjoy your animal time

Sheriff patches should have been mine instead. I got deputy buttons, then she took my part in the school play and

Every time I get close meeting lucky. Oh

maricella knows all the angles

These are delicious

Oh cooks are real find, but don't tell her we don't want to give her a big head

They remind me of this French cafe

My dad used to take me to for a special treat the little tables and that red striped awning Brendan

Let me have a cappuccino, and I didn't sleep for three days oh

I just knew things would be different when you arrived. This is so fun. I know I never thought I'd have fun with you I

Mean I've always been so good at school, but here a mirrored arrow. I keep messing up

But once you have the month want to trade partners Mary Pat can work with Tarot and we can work together

Whoa leave me out of this teacher made me be partners

Lucky you're late again. I thought we discussed this yesterday. I know what more could one want

Time I suppose own money

And with that said

Spying on the competition hey you caught me. What are you doing?

Wait you missed a great ride yesterday, but prove we didn't I


Yes, it was great. No maricella lucky. What are you doing Prue and Abigail are making candles for the bazaar? Oh?

How sweet

I'm sure their mother

Where should we write you today, we're not going on a ride are we are you kidding if they're working we're working

Do you want a debate a ward last year, oh look at all these tennis ribbons and science award

Lucky you were the me of your old school

Except tomorrow at our booths. Oh yes, except for then what are you making sure Oh a surprise for snips, I hope


Hey you

Want to taste what everyone will be lined up for tomorrow? Oh, yes, please we don't have time for a snack break

We have to make we're gonna beat you fair and square then may the best booth win

Which will be ours the student of the month trophy is going to look perfect on my shelf next to sheriff patches

You'll just have to love it

It's not funny what I just thought it was cute that you named a candle after your horse


nice work lucky

Lucky true. What are you doing?

Prue was hogging the stove well you can both work together to clean up this mess


Suppose so since you asked well. It's good to see you applying yourself now

I know it hasn't been easy to adjust to your new school

All I've been doing is trying to the time you ran a relay race with a twisted ankle or when you tried to learn German

Overnight or when you thought you could house train a squirrel or just now when you swallow

I get it now. I really have to go oh, I'm just trying to help you

Do you want to win or not

Suit yourself I'm already a winner

Not bad if I do say so myself which I do because I'm the only one here



Miss Flores, what are you doing in my dupe - this was an accident? I don't interrupt me when I'm you're not listening to me

You know what I'd like you to leave now

What please go?

Sorry boy, I guess I'm not very good company

Or very good. Sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please don't hate me

We don't hate you

We know you'd never do anything like that on purpose

And I'm sorry things got so out of hand I can be a teensy. We talked to miss Flores for you

Good because I never want to talk to her again

She said you can come back for the bazaar wait till you see what Turo made

No, thanks to you

Now oh I wish we could dunk maricella, but I'll settle for snips not if I knock him in first

I cannot believe snips one student of the month. Did you see the look on Maris Ella's face? It was almost worth losing for that

But it wasn't


Then I guess me and spirit will be famous too because if there's a race we're gonna win it I

Bet you would lucky


Well hello girls. Hey mr.. Granger what you doing as the town's largest purveyor of horses

I've been entrusted by the Racing Commission to design the course

Besides that crazy fleabag yours would be a waste of the entry fee

I know you all can ride, and I sure am proud of you, but the thing is I don't make the rules

The tail Racing Commission does and Mara Darrow want to their business you know Speer?

And I are as good as anyone else, so why can't we prove it?

Maybe instead of complaining about what you can't do you should be grateful for what you can

One day you'll understand you can fight and fight, but the only one you'll hurt is yourself

Hurt just one girl and for the first time

With a really nice lunch afterward

No, this is definitely gonna work

What do you think?

Julian's jacket is a little big

But I'm a big ol boy

Stop right there the way you're walking boys

don't walk like that and when you talk you still sound like lucky not like you're the best of all of us at being a


Thanks, just get lucky some tips



Boys around other boys you know like spitting

and scratching


swaggering all around

Look just stay on spirit don't talk to anyone and wear this

Ready to win the race spirit Oh


Spirit everyone will recognize. I'm taking bets until the starting gun goes off

I'll put 50 on the boat five to one the chestnuts the winner huh I

Have predicted the outcome of more than one race I

Don't believe I've ever seen Cora so

Invigorated thanks, Abigail hey lucky yes, ma'am. I'm so proud of you

Business is business not between us


First Terrell Overland both three

Center your horse there spirit, what are you doing Korra? Are you all right? Oh?

Just a moment

True Abigail where's lucky?

We can do it

Thank you

You've never seen a girl ride a horse before


That ain't no rock. I'm afraid he's right. I'm sorry lucky you're disqualified I

Declare the winner of the race to be Harlan is the fastest horse in the world

So I hope the officials change the rules so next year spirit, and I can beat you again

Excuse me miss that was some fine ridin you did not even for


Not for a million spirit is a wild horse, but with you by my side, there's nothing I can't do

See you tomorrow

What have they done to you oh

They're whoa whoa whoa there get away from my horse was that he's a wild horse and a knight

Even runs with a wild herd, so by law that makes him fair game

Don't you're a horse nice ugly one such little angels a little eyes

All right, Grayson, I'll give you a fair price, and you'll have had it and as I see it right now. You're on my property

Uninvited trespassing, so I would like you to leave

Where are you going? I'm going back, and I'm going to bus spirit out just like we did frigate up arrow

But lucky then you really lucky wait don't try to stop me we're not trying to stop you we're coming with you

Well I thought I'd be seeing you again

Where's spirit

Spirits on the train

For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 49 - Elliot Finch - Duration: 17:33.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 78 - Riley Iqbal - Duration: 16:49.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 78 - Riley Iqbal - Duration: 16:49.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Children Episode 64 - Jake Brooks - Duration: 16:31.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!


Day to remember

Oh, let me help you with that your highness pumpkin

Honey the job done

So how's everything coming? I don't want to be late that the other los Muertos celebration

What's the rush my favorite day?

We think of treats of tasty to fill us with good cheer

We are there los Muertos means more to me this year since mami and papi

Hey, where's your costume?

It ripped when I was putting it on oh I'll have a seamstress mend it right away is it up in your room? That's alright

Oh, wait a second. Where's the pound or say I gave it to Francisco. Hope you like your altar boy

Here overall the singing

So good hi, but you're a spirit Fox, and I'm just an ordinary person

well you did spend a bunch of years in that amulet just white just today cuz this is the one day you're

gonna party with the living oh


Sorry, Princesa when you saw me at the cemetery. I knew you were the only one who could help me help you

You must stop them from selling it so you want me to convince two complete

Strangers to not sell their restaurant because their grandmother's ghost told me too sweet to order your family

Mine is not building an altar today


It's just down the street. Tell your driver. We don't have much time

You were saying

Hi there table for two I can't see me I mean one

Save yourself what why trust me you don't want me

Yeah, um I had a big breakfast, so I'm not very hungry

You see got a min. This is why we're selling the restaurant sometimes it does taste like paint

The truth is Carmen you're just not a good cook. Yes. I am heard. It was pretty popular I would

But she never gave us her recipes our grandmother had a secret cookbook. They won't have to sell the restaurant is she talking to

The Chordata, there's only one for all of them. I am talking to your grandmother are

You feeling all right perhaps the princess's tired ghost


Amazing not the word. I was going to use no

She's over there if there's any chance you know where the cookbook eze by all means lead the way wait I remember

It's in my old basement of the restaurant in the basement

It's in that box in the corner well princess it looks like your ghost was wrong well

Maybe I would if I hid her cookbook in another box. She was always a little forgetful no

I wasn't to run around the restaurant pretending. He was the bravest knight in the kingdom

trying to get the customers to joust with him remember that Julio I


I'm starving me too. I will eat that would feed us

they'd be too happy eating to stay angry at each other I

Was talking to your grandmother I think

Down there now I can cook all of our leaders famous recipes and I can't wait to try them

But right now

I'd better pick up the pan dulce and get back to the cemetery, but if he would have owned it as a recipes

I just don't think you're a good enough cook however

I do think if we sell the restaurant and just give me a chance. I have given you a chance for five years

You know I have gotten our stomachaches and bills we can't both of you put the cookbooks down

Thank you, please say so for trying to help all I wanted to do was save my restaurant

What I whenever they argued Dona and halika would cook for them. That's it

Danya and haley Kuwait

I know how to fix things between Julio and Carmen and

Save the restaurant you do him you are a good cook

Then he won't have to sell the restaurant how he burned her cookbook yes, but your abuela is right here

Okay now whisper sofrito into the stock

She wants us to add the sofy me too, but I am always with you in your memory

She says she's always with you. Go away. What are we doing Huli was so stubborn here? I have an idea

It's how a leap that's by area, but the cookbooks gone she told me how to make it and her moly ample, sorry

I missed you you I was wrong. Let's eat. Oh

Senor Estrada, yes good evening. Yes. Yes because we have the best chef cooking the best food in town

I'm sorry, but this restaurant is no longer for sale

It and then go tell everyone you know kefir silica is open

Please Your Majesty come back and visit us soon. I will I made fondue see for your parents altar

Don't worry here. Let me serve you a plate

Where is she's happy she hasn't come yet?

What are you doing here sketching hey guess so

Hmm it's almost as good as mommy's almost

Would come in and play wild wild seas

Remember and and and and you jump on the bed so the mattress rocked like a ship in a stormy sea


This is a great drawing of mami and papi

The cost he was fine

What's going on? I don't want to go to the graveyard why not

Like reading stories and and jumping on the bed and because if we keep those memories all up if we hurry

There you go mami papi I know they are

The geckos tail

Welcome to aphelion island guardian just the bare necessities

After we set up camp do you girls want to come hiking with us?

You should know that besides being a royal guard, I'm also a certified lifeguard so you have nothing to fear

Gabe is here

See what how you nearly mowed down is about to escape a tiny little lizard for the record. I'm not afraid of anything

except lizards

After years of searching at last I have found the Hidden Temple

Inside could be the greatest treasure. I've ever discovered the golden gecko

He was never heard from again until now

Keep reading the legend says those who try to take the statue will be curse oh

And Tony Oh a gamma is here

He must have thrown the bottle into the ocean

But the tides brought it back if he tried sending a message in a bottle he must be in trouble

But it's always good to be prepared

This book is all about vidiian island

Ok so let's get going

Look at these paw prints they're huge


They lead outside

It doesn't make sense this can't be a gecko then what made these tracks. I don't know, but it wasn't the boat

Maybe it took Senora Gama Elena wait

Huh guess it was nothing

Stop that's Antonio agama. He was turned into a giant gecko

How do you know that I tomorrow I will descend into the temple and find the statue, so you're saying you're a gamma

Is there any way to undo the curse, how are we supposed to get down there it's a sheer drop

Perfect well the WHA results in the best, let's break this curse

Majesty of the gecko


Warblers don't worry ISA Senora Gama made it through before I'm just stepping where he stepped so it'll be fine

Elena I told you to slow down how am I supposed to know where every booby trap it?

Can you solve the puzzle I think so

Why didn't use a bell just grab the key when she had the chance

There has to be another way out of here the ophidians built secret tunnels so they could get around without triggering their own trap

Watch out the floor gaping what do we do now of course you can make it?

Here we'll jump together fine, but

We're fine, Lisa why didn't you just jump the first time I told you I wanted to make sure I could clear it

Sometimes you just gotta trust yourself and go for it. Hey guys

What's he trying to tell us there must be something in there? I'll check it out

Great everything is crumbling around here except this wall

I told you there could be booby traps if you had just taken your time you would and it's the reason we're stuck in here

Us arguing isn't gonna solve anything

You're right I'm sorry too

Good if my calculations are correct

All we have to do is push against each other with enough force that we can walk away up the wall

Thank You Senora gamma, no thank you

That was the second-worst animal a cursed treasure never turn me into. What was the first?

Keep going

Way to calculate that jump I didn't calculate anything sometimes you just gotta go for it

Rescued Antonio a gamma the greatest adventurer and all of that Lord

What a nun I

Heard you've been missing for years, and I might have stayed missing if it wasn't for these three young heroes

Let me look at that

You'll, thank me later. Well what if someone else is in trouble?

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Children Episode 64 - Jake Brooks - Duration: 16:31.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 8 - Kai Nort - Duration: 18:08.

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special delivery boy am i late let him go one way and then go the other oh I

almost forgot tomorrow's Mother's Day and if I don't

mail this car today my mom won't get it in time Oh mom's

gonna be so happy when she sees this envelope in her mailbox pink oh don't

have my keys have fun doing whatever you do when I'm not here it's the card in

the envelope for bob's orange loving mom no Bob must have dropped it on his way

out the door whose room so fast Oh ping ping ping

ping ping no no one is going to be sad because really not going to deliver that

called ourselves ARF would be happy if you did that also

our space would be drier

you think you can keep an eye on this car while we do our mission lives but we

do know where she lives Pop's took a flag stamp on here Roley

look there's a play just like the one Bob put on the envelope bingo and this

is Roley we're looking for Bob's mom sorry there's no one named Bob's mom


fire truck time hook hurry up gotta tell everybody in town

five run time gotta make your siren sound okay we're still looking for a

place with a flat you see one no but I do see cupcakes Rufus oh man why are

they practically everywhere we don't we're taking you somewhere with a big

flag in front so she can have a happy Mother's Day and way do you think you're

gonna find someplace with a big flag in front around here oh how come Bob's mom

has school Destin schoolbooks from school art projects all over the walls

because I don't think this is Bob's mom's house

maybe it's not the flag on the envelope that says where it goes

maybe it's the whitening so if we have the envelope wicked we will it goes what

do you mean if we had

I don't know where we're going I know I'm just figuring out what I should ask

for for my birthday great job Rolly now we just need to wait for the truck to

stop so we can so here's what we're gonna do well crawl on our bellies to

that bush then climb up the fence like it's a treat my way would have worked

too hello oh hi mom you got the Mother's Day card oh that's

great aren't they funny they just go ruff ruff

ice ice buggy

I finished mowing the backyard free to play in now I just want to pour myself a

big glass of iced tea before I leave I

can't stop thinking about delicious iced tea it's more than cool

it's cold doesn't matter where it is how are we supposed to get to Antarctica

place our showed us on the wall I don't know

what if this ice do you think will be best for Bob's ice tea

I don't know maybe we should ask those penguins are sliding my tortoise

Barnabas you looking for ice oh well you're talking to the right penguin I

can go find you the best ice there is you do that how do you do that slipping

and sliding all over the ice you sniffily the weather is wintry you get

to where you're going

we get stoves here they blow everything around and turn everything why or not

forever at all would it mr. penguin go well I wish me warm toasty lovin let's

see what else is in this box yes so we can't let it get away and we

can see if he found Bob's ice but wait what if he follows our traps and comes

through this cave think you'll hear so it's a good thing Bob put this ice

drawing thing in my collar in case you ever need you drawing a nice I think I

smiley face too hard

that's what mr. penguin said penguins do so they don't fall back nothing one

man's ever gone a clack like that it wasn't you found the eyes you would look

at ball do you have my egg oh you boys did a great job on to my egg and taking

care of my little girl well I went out looking for your eyes Thanks

go ahead take oh you are we'd love to see you and play with you my brother and

I have to get home as fast as we can how are things on the bottom of the earth

cold icy helps if you are old ah did you get the ice Bob needs for his iced tea

you sure did the best there is here good idea

Missy this is gonna taste so good

does this mean we finished our mission yep

would you like to build your own stuffed animal dress it up and take it home to

play I would love that you two look like you're having a good time tons of fun

with the toys in this box but it's time someone else got to have fun with them

ribbit look what you did oh did you guys just ruin ruff ruff ruin who's what Bob

in his room with ruff ruff Bob at the beach with ruff ruff

Babita just about everywhere he went with ruff ruff

a designer died today

this place is amazing they're one perfectly poufy Poots come on Roli let's

take ruff ruff in there make him perfectly poufy to rossini just enough

time just so this puppy up but we're gonna need some kid power to do it Chloe

Wow that looks so good and there's just one more thing to do with this doggy so

follow me when I go down you go up and when you go up go down I think we used

too much bingo an early power sometimes bingo the only power is gonna be a

dangerous thing and now it's time to get our doggie looking job tacular first to

get clean then we give them some style we might as

well get ourselves looking good zoo here comes the cleaning in my eyes we did it

Rollie perhaps toy looks as good as it ever did for the party everybody choose

enough doggie Oh Rollie

they think we're toys yeah but they dressed us up so nice for their party we

should stick around just to be polite pretend food let me tell you something

that's no party hey daddy

looks like the party's over yep oh no what if she takes pops what if

we take it first

yep Bob won't even know we took it out of the box hey guys

I give me a minute before I say hello okay I just need to put this stuff

outside you're just giving this stuff away to anybody who wants it mommy I'm

glad I found someone to give ruff ruff to because I don't need a pretend dog

anymore what are you singing about those floaters I put in your collars were

great next time we're at the beach can't wait to tell you all about it when I get

back well it's a little more quiet what am I supposed to be listening to some

are singing back to me and then things got really peaceful which I liked the

singer Sherman kind of sad so we go find out what their shirts and about so we

can help them go on that's not so full of dog singing I'm a robot a robot song

what did you hear that singing coming from it was hard to tell I guess for me

to look around Tori figure it out

well it was a chance to see in front of an audience I'm never gonna pass that up

okay Roley where should we look next I don't know I haven't heard that singer

singing for a pretty long time out here looking out bingo and Roley

leave us alone cupcake want a mission to find whoever it is my brother heard

singing have you been singing to me yeah I was the one singing whales right after

I swam and swam and looked around for my family but I couldn't find that so we're

gonna have to figure out how to get you from here to there and if we're gonna

help you won't get anywhere we should probably swim like a while while we're

doing it

what did you learn it what what are you two doggies doing

going splashy splashy splashy like a whale

Roly and bingo you to be the motors and I'll be the captain

let's try to make this voyage a little less spinny

oh wow I didn't come in this way and I don't know how I'm gonna get out this

way either because I haven't learned how to jump out of the water yet that was

something my mom was gonna teach me on this trip okay let's make this happen I

know it's a little scary trying something I can get you up there quick

like you flew but without any wings look at you well to the Wow how didn't you

wear the big ocean is pink okay you had met her dad for sure I liked seeing

those two being so happy yeah watching whales fun and here's a

picture I took them two whales jumping out of the water you know next time I go

whale watching I should take you guys with me

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 8 - Kai Nort - Duration: 18:08.


Vampirina Little Terror Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Niamh Lambe - Duration: 16:55.

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you wouldn't mind looking after little nosey tonight would you

Boris my biggest game of the Year tonight Olga and I are going new bathing

- hmm as long as Demyan gonna go to your help

I think you can handle and let me tell your baby vampires may be cute but

they're a big handful don't worry I will have hopefully marina

I brought some baby toys for your cousin - food

she doesn't she she has my eyes Alvey head out for some moon bathing okay

looks like this darkness finally set killing I mean baby face she doesn't

bite does she know she's a perfectly harmless

Oh baby wavy lip okay really cute pika

maybe one of these baby toys I brought will distract her handful of stuff

I know invisible ma'am and you are not invisible we just didn't listen to you

Hey expect her to be so lumen previously strong a typical vampire baby I guess

not but I promised everyone I'd take care of her so I want to be the best

babysitter okay not that but what about this bouncy ball I see your point

how about some dinner

get myself into do

good it's time for her what sounds like goofy but that's not possible because

me or there's new mummy moms Oksana planted howling that's not the flowers

and we found nosey up there me and Olga will be home soon I really am the worst

baby and body sitter ever don't worry I have one more idea but it's another

theme a town your head it's time to sleep in your vampire bed

Wow maybe vampire and human babies aren't that different after all

just like vampire and human Fred

now she'll be nice and cozy but I couldn't have done it without papi she

knew what to do she got nosy to sleep with the lullaby

and the shockingly pink baby bear babies love teddy so fucked up but cute

and you booked a room here this Cherubini excuse me one moment

just deep idea oh I will beside along with the food dance

that's a new family record all right everyone now that we've prepared for

human Gilbert no we no spooky see we see a lot of it in our line of work

whoa yours is by farthest we travel the country trying to get pictures of ghosts

not yet but we know they exist and we are pretty sure if there is a ghost

living here we're gonna find it it is okay for us to look around a little Demi

a little he wanna live

you've been my family through hundreds of here take me away

relax we'll just have to keep getting him it can't be that hard for all we're

used to keeping him hidden from humans

are you sure about this here no wonder you always find it hide and shriek guess

I'll have to find a new hiding spot for the game I got something it's coming

from under this floorboard vacuumed this week

camera is bad that we can see you I really should be better at not being

seen are you okay to me everyone's been working so hard to keep me hidden but it

seems I'm really bad it 'full we don't want another go Sammy

want you we don't want to at least see what's out there

hello Gregorio it can't have gone too far

this house isn't haunted bro it's just decorated to look that way

what a rockin spooky theme we're not gonna find anything actually haunted

here come on you weren't talking about me were you ghost wearing a bowtie the

service here is spooktacular mister but I sure am glad that I do


the screen girls play the bone drills I can't do that okay anybody tell me

there was a dance party in here nothing like the blushing bride of Funkenstein

what's the move nobody does it anymore something bad like real bad I think but

when your fortune is 73 years old way but sis you begged me is everyone all

right this until it goes like this it's a

really old dance from Transylvania hey maybe you can make a video of it a dance

video video camera that was good really good

no could have used the dancing ghost in there well maybe next time do the dance

it's the spine chiller Papa's yes I know

come here the tail

or stole the story say he's a creature of the night life forged dance the night


Drago sounds pretty amazing and challenge is one of them if you lose

what you love what there's no way our hundred people could be talking the

spine chiller right in the house even grandmas doing it we don't you know

which is like 99 more times than anything else I've ever posted Edgar

okay okay impossible the best vampire dancer in

the world is definitely not gonna show up and demand a crazy intense

supernatural dance the dancer and you must be the lucky ghouls we've brought

back my favorite dance

therefore I challenge you the dancer to a goose the dancer why does everyone

forget that part papi and I have got some moves ever

owned maybe we can win okay now do the move loses the dance battle and we'll

never dance again

a really good one we've got one move left if you can do it we just might win

what mu you can do it fee I know you can I can okay here I go

it's called the chicken to Transylvania Drago's Drago's the dancer you may have

defeated me this time perfect you'll never guess what happened

your dance video is a sensation it's gone viral

survived a monstrous attack yes I did just barely but I did oh it was oh it

had four legs just going to scream at her surprise party she loved them so

much back in Transylvania Marina

hey Bridget did you get your invitation to vamper in a surprise party tonight

uh-huh it'll be hard to keep the secret from her all day

oh we weren't talking about you that's for sure

but do I have Sami breath or something

cause if it's your surprise party you are the one who's supposed to get

surprised WoW is that how humans surprise parties work that's funny

some of our friends are kind of easily

creepy pop music is so cute up Wow you really go out huh

see about this party you know I love all this spooky stuff but maybe you wanna

start out a little less sure help surprised us not me I'd never fall for

the behind the door trick but just in case there's anything we go all-out when

it comes to telling a party

the party's not over yet you forgot your forgot that vampires and

humans don't always do things the same way yeah not everyone loves being scared

like you and me I'll never understand you people ponies I don't want that to

go to waste how the doctor is upset

like a spider without a web not so great even though I've made new friends like

you and Bridget it's still tough to be the new kid now can we go have some cake

okay someone has to eat it before Wolsey does who are your dad what's your

favorite thing about Varina I love and funny and a great dancer

which makes it way more interesting than everywhere else in town she's quirky you

really surprised me twice well it was all Poppy's idea we showed everyone and

we can deal with the few spits and surprises if it means making you happy

you do like to be happy in Transylvania don't you Joe's a little scared why

don't you show me how you throw parties in Pennsylvania

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