Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 1 2018

Well I had—I don't have it anymore, but long story, I don't have it— I had a Turkish

Delight AK, which I had for probably three years, and I have another skin, which maybe

I shouldn't say.

It's a knife, but—or it's a Glock, my Glock name right now.

I'm not going to say what the name is, but if you go look and you translate it from Turkish

to English, you can find out what it is.

I won't say it on camera.

Maybe the top teams might not be in their best form, because we just came off a break,

and these other teams might have been practicing while we were on break.

The top teams obviously travel so much that they don't have time to take off, while these

other teams may have been practicing the entire time leading up to the tournament.

So maybe they weren't in form and they weren't playing their best, and I think that has to

do with the reason there were so many upsets.

I think probably karrigan.

I think FaZe and us are somewhat of a similar roster.

We have a lot of talent, and it just comes down to putting it all together and playing

as one unit.

And I think if he took my spot, maybe he could fill in if everyone liked him.

I think it's all mentality.

I think Counter Strike is a lot about how you think and how you feel in the moment,

and we knew backs were to the wall, but we stayed positive and level headed, and it comes

down to just taking it game by game.

You can't think about oh, we're 0-2, we lose one more we're out.

You have to think about it as let's win this game, look forward to our next.

I didn't want to dwell on our negativity too much and just try to stay focused on what

we had coming up.

Like I said, we took it good game by game.

After our first game, we started to prepare for our second.

We knew who our opponent was after the draw, and we just went into the room, Soham pulled

out his laptop, and we started reviewing, talking about what we should do, and we were

confident at that point.

After we got one win under our belt, the momentum started to roll, and I think everyone was

feeling it more.

So once we get that confidence, that motivation going, that's when things start to turn around

for us.

I think my experience going through each team and learning a lot about how not only to play

the game, but about my teammates, and personalities, and how to deal with problecms, and how to

go about improving, and how to practice the right way.

I've been with so many different players that everyone has something to offer in their own

way, and if you take it as a learning experience, you can bring only that much to your next

team, right?

So from every team I've brought stuff onto this one, and I try to take everything with

me because it's all valuable stuff.

I think Valve has to you know put their... say what they want to happen.

I think they have to have more control over our scene.

I think they should set a schedule and say at this time of the year, there's going to

be a major.

At this time of the year, ESL can run their events.

And if they controlled it more, it would be much more organized for the players, and also

be better for the growth of the scene.

My greatest moment of 2017 is probably joining Cloud9, right?

I think joining Cloud9, we've had a lot of success here, and I think it's been a good

run we've had, and hopefully there's a lot more

to come.

For more infomation >> C9 Tarik: "it's all mentality. I think CS is about how you think and feel in the moment" - Duration: 3:12.


What Is A Stock? | Insider Secrets to Making Money Investing in the Stock Market [2018] - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> What Is A Stock? | Insider Secrets to Making Money Investing in the Stock Market [2018] - Duration: 6:14.


FBI Hits Back At Devin Nunes: Your Memo Is Filled With Lies - Duration: 3:21.

On Wednesday of this week, the FBI decided they had had enough of Devin Nunes's little

side show about his memo.

They hit back at Nunes releasing a statement saying basically that, "Devin Nunes, you're

memo is filled with lies."

Here is what they specifically had to say about Nunez's memo.

"As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions

of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."

Now, in case you're not familiar with it, that is a very fancy and very well worded

way of saying, "You're a damn liar, Devin Nunes, and we don't believe a damn thing in

your memo, because you left out very important things."

Nonetheless, that did not stop Nunes from editing the memo, without members of Congress

knowing it, and then taking it to the White House for them to finally review it and decide

whether or not to release it to the public.

That's the state of the #releasethememo movement.

Yet, there are still plenty of conservatives online who actually believe that this memo

is somehow going to lead to the arrest of people like Borak Obama, Hillary Clinton,

members of the FBI.

It's just going to tear down that whole deep state apparatus that conservatives seem to

think exists here in the United States.

Not saying necessarily that there aren't shadowy things happening with these intelligence agencies,

we know that there are.

This just doesn't happen to be one of them.

Devin Nunes is a liar.

The things that he has in that memo are untrue.

That's coming from the people who gave him the information to be able to even write the

memo in the first place.

Here's the kicker on all this, it's not just that the FBI had to come out and say, "Devin

Nunes, you're lying your ass off," it's that even Fox News and conservative outlets, like

the Wall Street Journal, which is also owned by Rupert Murdoch just like Fox News, have

now had to come out and admit, one, that, yeah, Nunes changed the memo before he gave

it to the White House, and two, that Carter Page, the subject of the memo, the guy that

the FBI was surveilling, has actually been on the FBI's radar and a person of interest

since 2013, long before that Steele dossier and Fusion GPS ever came into the picture.

Nunes's story, the Republican story, is falling apart at the seams right now.

Every time they think they've got a gotcha piece of information, a news outlet, a news

organization, comes forward with information that completely discredits them before they're

even able to get their information out.

Now that we even have conservative media outlets willing to say that, "Yeah, this probably

isn't an accurate memo," I think at this point Nunes should go ahead and release it, but

there should be a big disclaimer that says, "Nothing in this memo is true, because I'm

a complete moron."

For more infomation >> FBI Hits Back At Devin Nunes: Your Memo Is Filled With Lies - Duration: 3:21.


Why Losing Weight Is Good - Lose Weight Fast - Live Balanced - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Why Losing Weight Is Good - Lose Weight Fast - Live Balanced - Duration: 3:32.


This Is Why It's Not About You - Duration: 9:16.

It's not about you or maybe it is. Which is it? We got to find out so stick around

and we got a really cool bonus for you at the end of this on how to exactly

create clarity on your next step moving forward.

So you've come up against another roadblock, you've come up against another

barrier, you're here looking for answers and I want to share something with you

that totally revolutionized how I think and how I feel especially when it comes

to responsibility. There's three different kinds of business and I'm not

talking about, you know, financial business or, you know, health businesses

or wealth businesses or offices or anything like that, I'm just talking

about what's my business and what's not my business. You know, this idea when you

can say, oh, that's none of your business, that's the kind of business I'm talking

about. There's three different kinds, the first kind I want to talk about is, what

is your business? What's relevant to you? What's relevant to your goals? What's

relevant to your dreams what's relevant to what you're trying to create? What is

within your control? I'm asking myself, what can I control in

this situation? Especially when I get yucky awful circumstances show up in my

world that I didn't necessarily create that was something that someone else

brought to me but I'm asking, okay, now it's my world so now that makes it my

business. If it's something that I can control, that I can change, that I can

shift, I totally take responsibility for it. Let's just say for example that you

have a relationship in your life that's really not working for you, a

relationship that's maybe yucky or worse, you know, maybe there's some heavy

language as I so did with these relationship like neglect or abuse or

harm, maybe there's yucky things in your world

that you're dealing with and, yeah, yucky is a sugarcoat but you know what I'm

talking about. If it's in your world, it's your business. That means you have a

responsibility to take a stand what's important to you so that's the first

kind of business, it's your business. The second kind of business is you got it,

their business. So there's your business and there's their

business, anything that's not relevant to you. A lot of the times, we will cross the

boundary on this because we think we know what's best for another person, we

think for that our version the best is also their version of best and I got to

tell you guys, that is so not the case, there's so many different circumstances

and different moral standards and different ideas and concepts that we

cannot possibly know what's best for another person. We can't possibly know

what they should do in a certain situation. You know they could totally

ask us for support and they can ask us for our ideas but to pretend that we

know what's best for another person is absolutely ludicrous, to pretend that I

know what someone should or should not do. In another video, we talked about the

heaviness of the yucky word of should. How could I possibly impose what someone

should do, I can't. I don't know their circumstances even if I think I do, even

if they're my child or my spouse, I can't know what's best for them. If I have

stewardship over them, if I have, you know, a responsibility as a parent, I'm totally

going to take that because that becomes then my business because I'm the parent,

I'm the one that has responsibility in that situation but if I'm looking at

someone else and I'm passing all these judgements on them, that is so not my

place because that's not my business. So if it's not your business, wash your

hands off it. Allow yourself to maintain a space of neutrality and say, that is

their business, that is their choices, those are choices that they're making in

their life, it's not about me. What they're doing is not about me, the

choices they're making, they're not about me, those are choices that they're making

based on their decisions, based on their experiences, based on their patterns, that

doesn't make it my fault or my responsibility if it's their business so

there's my business, there's their business. The third one, it's his business.

You know, you can call it God, you can call it the universe, you can call it

your highest power, you can call whatever you want but there are things that are

just not my business and not their business and that is the business of the

higher power, that's his business. His business looks like maybe there's a

natural disaster that happens. You know, it's really funny to me how in all of

these contracts we're like, car insurance or health insurance or life insurance

and anything like that, they always have the clause for acts of God and I thought,

wow, you know there's some that are not my business or anybody

else's business but it's all part of the master plan.

You know, you have this thought that it's not about me or it's not about someone

else, what is going on, could this possibly be part of a master plan. If

that's true, then we get to insert an element of trust. Trust in what we want,

trust that the best will come no matter what happens to us, whether it's our

business or someone else's or his business. Part of that for me is trusting

that the best will come whether or not I know how, it doesn't matter, a lot of the

time the how, it's his business. I have an idea of how I'm going to get from point

A to point B maybe in my goals or maybe in my success but I'm willing to let go

of that in exchange for something better should that present itself. Here's a

little bonus piece I want you to be really really familiar with. It's not

about you and at the same time, it is. Now wait a minute, that almost makes no sense , right?

How could both of those things be true?

Think about this, you cannot give what you don't have, you can only give what

you have. You know, driving around around your neighborhood or going to the

grocery store or doing who knows whatever errands that you could possibly

be thinking of, you've probably seen the people on the side of the road with

their cardboard signs asking for help and maybe you don't have cash in your

pocket so you can't give the cash that's not in

your pocket but maybe you do have a granola bar,

the front cedar, maybe you've got an orange that you just bought at the

grocery store that you could give, you could give it because you have it but

before you could even have it, you need to acquire it for yourself. When I talk

about that, I'm talking not about things, I'm talking about your feelings, your

emotions. If I am so bitter inside or if I feel any hatred or any spite or any

negative emotion, if that negative emotion is overpowering me and it's

going on on the inside, I can only give what I have so if I'm in a situation

where I'm needing to interact with another person and maybe it's a person

with a close relationship with me and I only have bitterness and anger and spite

with me, no matter how that person interacts with me, I can only give what I

have so I'm only going to be able to give bitterness and anger and spite.

That's all about me, that's all about me and I need to take an extra look inside and

say, what do I want to be sharing? What do I want to be giving? Am I willing to get

rid of the bitterness? Am I willing to get rid of the anger or the spite or the

negativity and nourish me first? When I nourish me first, all the bitterness,

all the anger, all the spite goes away and gets replaced with compassion, it

gets replaced with love, it gets replaced with caring and then I can forget

about me and go to work because I know I'm taken care of so it's not about you

but it is about you. Make sure that you take care of yourself, nourish your mind,

nourish your body, nourish your soul with words of life, with positivity so that

when the time comes that it doesn't have to be about you, it can be about the

person who needs you most. So now you've got this amazing clarity on what's yours,

what's not yours and you know how to give your gift to the world so I would

love to hear from you, leave me a comment below, hit the subscribe button, maybe

give the little bell a little jingle so you can get some updates from us on a

regular basis. I'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> This Is Why It's Not About You - Duration: 9:16.


What is a SLAP Tear? - Hamilton Bone & Joint Clinic - Duration: 1:03.

A SLAP tear stands for Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior. What that means is

the soft tissue attachment at the top of the socket of the shoulder - there are

structures that insert in that area and we as surgeons cannot really agree upon

what function that structure actually serves. We do know that it causes a

significant amount of pain. This is common particularly in overhead athletes

and in patients with more degenerative complex tears throughout the remainder

of the shoulder. In isolation, SLAP tears are not generally something that

requires surgery though they can be quite painful. The primary treatment for

SLAP tears is physical therapy. In rare instances where the pain is particularly

pronounced, recalcitrant, and affecting the patient's ability to perform desired

activities surgical options can be considered.

For more infomation >> What is a SLAP Tear? - Hamilton Bone & Joint Clinic - Duration: 1:03.


The Future is for Everyone - Epic Science Fiction Movie Soundtracks - Duration: 23:40.

The future is for everyone...

But not everyone will get the future they want …

… or deserve …

… or even need.

As radical new technologies continue to transform our lives,

it's more urgent than ever that we learn how to develop and use

them wisely and responsibly,

so that we all benefit from them, and that we don't

cause irreparable harm on the way.

These twelve movies are part of a course

at Arizona State University that looks at the

incredible new technological capabilities we're

developing, and also the profound societal challenges

these new abilities come with.

Using the movies as inspiration, we explore how the technology they touch on

might make our lives better. And where they could

cause more problems than they provide solutions

if they aren't handled with care.

Many of these challenges get to the heart of basic

human values and rights, and the

ethics of how we develop new technologies;

especially who gains from them, and who

pays the price.

And so we explore the challenges of social inequity, and

technologies that potentially use the masses to benefit the few.

and we look at morality of treating some people badly

to benefit society more generally.

We also dive into what it means to be human, and how technology might change this.

And of course, how we treat people who we conveniently

classify as not quite human, because of how technology is

a part of their lives.

And this opens up complex conversations around

artificial intelligence, and the dangers, opportunities,

and responsibilities of developing machines and computers that

are smarter than us in some ways.

And of course, what happens when we begin to merge

with the machines we create.

These movies touch on a vast array of new and emerging

technologies, from gene editing and de-extinction,

to cloning, smart drugs, body augmentation,

artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and the singularity.

They even address the impacts of technology innovation

on climate, and the nature of science and belief.

Together, they weave a rich tapestry around the complex relationship between people

and technology, and pose important questions about

how we develop and use technologies in ways that won't lead

us into dark places that we can't get out of

without paying a terrible price, but instead

develop and use science and technology in ways

that benefit as many people as possible, and help us all

pull together to build the future we want.

For more infomation >> The Future is for Everyone - Epic Science Fiction Movie Soundtracks - Duration: 23:40.


WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY ??? - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY ??? - Duration: 5:32.


This is me - Keala Settle | The Greatest Showman (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:38.

I'm not a stranger to the dark Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts

I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars Run away, they say No one will love you as you are

But I won't let them break me down to dust I know that there's a place for us For we are glorious

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out I am brave, I am proof I am who I'm meant to be, this is me

Look out 'cause here I come And I'm marching on to the beat I drum I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me

Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh

Another round of bullets hits my skin Well, fire away 'cause today, I won't let the shame sink in

We are bursting through the barricades And reach above the sun (we are warriors) Yeah, that's what we'll become

Won't let them break me down to dust I know that there's a place for us For we are glorious

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down Gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out I am brave, I am proof I am who I'm meant to be, this is me

Look out 'cause here I come And I'm marching on to the beat I drum I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me

Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh


Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out

This is brave, this is proof This is who I'm meant to be, this is me

Look out 'cause here I come And I'm marching on to the beat I drum

I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me


For more infomation >> This is me - Keala Settle | The Greatest Showman (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:38.


Who Is Duke Blue Devils Zion Williamson? - Duration: 11:01.

welcome to another exciting episode of the skill I'm your host King Coopa J and

today we're going to be talking about who is Duke Blue Devils Zion Williamson

if you knew just trying to go ahead and hit that subscribe button and

hit that notification bell so you do not miss a video but that being said all my

day ones go ahead spam that like button and

let's get this banger started who is Zion Williamson now let's start from the

beginning you already know how we do it here

his father name is the Leteef Williamson and he was a defensive lineman yes a defensive lineman

who earned all-america honors for Mayo high school he ended up committing to NC

state then transferring to livingston college where he met Zion Williamson mother

mother Sharonda Sampson now his mother was a sprinter who ended up becoming an

educational teacher okay so his father as a defensive lineman who earned

all-america honors and his mother is a sprinter

oh they created a monster because by the age five Zion Williamson already knew he

wanted to play basketball his mother and father ended up getting a divorce she

ended up moving and she remarried a guy named Lee Anderson who will dramatically

impact Zion Williamson life now this guy is a former point guard who played for

Clemson Clemson and he was heavily involved in AAU and kid

after-school activities you know what you got now

you got a guy who is right now Zion Williamson 6-7 270 pounds he should be a

defensive lineman like his dad but now he's a freak athlete

oh mama got them genes at age five he was getting trained to become a point guard

why was he getting trained to become a point guard Ima tell you why all right so that guy

you seen those highlights those Ball Is Life those Elite Mixtapes those Hoop

mixtapes right that guy Zion Williamson was trained by

his mother all right so here's the story he was undersized right he was

undersized he ain't grown to his height between until between middle school and

high school and I'm gonna get into that later but he was undersized so they

didn't really think he was gonna have the height that his father had because

his biological father was 6-5 250 pounds and like I said was an all-american

defensive lineman you would expect this guy to be tight end or something of the

nature not happy the new dad basketball dad all right so he was the one who trained

him and enhanced his skills so that's why you see the 6-7 guy running around

dribbling up to court all fast and sprinting like and slamming on

everybody with crazy handles well not crazy handles but really nice handles

for a guy his size in that way so when he played he played against older

kids he didn't play his kids his he he was playing against nine years you know

nine year olds and ten you know and it was a you so this didn't do nothing but

prepare him for what was to come because when he got to high school I messed up

when he got to middle school 20 points per game and he was getting coached by

mom dukes still so not only did she coach him and AAU and and other you

leagues she stayed by his side all the way through middle school that high

school prospect are you seeing now was trained and coached by his mother and

middle school in AAU I can't get this out of my head I just can't

high school high school high school oh it's about to get lit alright so let

me tell you the story about Zion Williamson okay so when he did play AAU they went

to the um no not went to they won the title and this is what happened Smuter was a

guy who was in involved in Zion's career in basketball life and all that

good stuff he ended up giving the trope presented the trophy to the coach which

is coach Anderson Zion's step-father okay so this is what happened Anderson

took the trophy and gave it to Zion because this is something he did when he

felt like you know well not just with Zion but with any player that who he

feels like deserved the trophy it's kind of like a MVP thing right so he hands it

to Zion Zion takes it it hands it to another teammate right so Smuter looks

at him and say hey he told Anderson he was like yo why did he get a trophy

to the other kid and do nothing so Anderson say look he did do something because he

score two points that was his first two points of his AAU career in the

tournament right first two points way to look out for the little guy it ain't all

about yourself and then all about yourself man take notes man my man gave

it to my man he only dropped two points but anyway that summer Zion Williamson

didn't do nothing but train and you would think what did he train for King Coopa J

did he train the shoot did he did he train on his defense did he did he

train to dribble no of that my man trained to dunk that was it the whole

summer all Zion did was practice dunking dunking dunking dunking 5-9 to 6-3

all he wanted to do was dunk he knew he basically this kid dunked his way

out of South Carolina real talk he dunked this way to college to Duke he dunked his way there

but let me get back to the story all right so he enters this freshman

year of high school which is Spartanburg day school located in South Carolina

alright so he goes there he ends up coming out his freshman year earning all

region and all-state honors he averaged 24 points 24 points a game nine

rebounds three steals of three blocks and a saying he ain't got defense when watching

all these crazy highlights with a blocking everybody shot and he also did

his Black Mamba thing and got two assists all right that was his freshman

year all right so headed into a sophomore

year they won state title and he dropped 32 points in that game

alright so he's starting to get some national attention heading into his junior year heading

into his Junior year is when we are discovered him know what the majority of us anyways

when we discovered him right so he ends up averaging 36 points a game

it's almost hard to get that out man you talking about a guy who ever 36 points a

game you see the a or be either the competition is wack or that dude is a God

real talk man for real 36 but anyway they ended up winning the

state title again two years in a row back to back and he dropped 51 points

in a game so the attention is high he's a YouTube sensation at this point

right he hoop mixtapes elite mixtapes BallIsLife the overtime search Zion Williamson

in YouTube millions of views self said millions of views and you know what I

don't want to get sidetracked but I'm gonna offer you guys some advice some of

you guys who's putting together these mixtapes I don't know if you guys got

contracts or what or what's going on but take Kevin Durant's advice start a

YouTube channel Richard Sherman started YouTube channel

some of you guys and I'm sorry to say this and I aint trying to hate but some of

you guys are gonna be bust you know so why would you let BallIsLife elite

mixtape and Hoop mixtapes all these other people get mixtapes on you make

money off but you when you can start your own personal channel vlog about to

the basketball career and how you coming up or has somebody do it for you and

bank and cashing or whatever you doing why do you why are you going pro before

you do all that you know I'm saying instead of having some myself Bank on

you because what if you get all there and you know what's my man name

Porter Jr that just got injured or back injury or something like that whatever

and and let everything just be gone like all these people don't make money off

for you now you're nobody and we have nothing star a YouTube channel or do something man get

your own exposer you're out there make your own bread man don't let them make money off you but

anyway leave it all that right so Zion was offered all kind of scholarships

right and he ended up signing with the Duke Blue Devils June 20 right

join the brother so this is the first time in NCAA history that this is

happened you had the number one recruit the number two recruit the number three

recruit and the number ten recuit all commit in the same year to one school that's

crazy man let me know what you think in the comment section do you think Zion

Williamson will be a top ten NBA pick or do you think he will be a bust see you

in a next video

For more infomation >> Who Is Duke Blue Devils Zion Williamson? - Duration: 11:01.


What is the Rotator Cuff? - Hamilton Bone & Joint Clinic - Duration: 1:28.

The rotator cuff is a difficult structure to comprehend. This is a

dynamic structure that keeps the shoulder stable. So the shoulder is made

up of a shallow socket and a large ball. That large ball can move around allowing

for a tremendous amount of motion because that socket is so shallow. The

hip by comparison is this ball and socket but it's a very deep socket so

it's stable but it can't move very much as the shoulders moving around it can

slide around because that shallow socket allows that to happen. In order to keep

that ball centered, which is important to protect the joint so that it doesn't hit

the rim and become damaged, we have a rotator cuff. There is muscle on the

front, top, and the back of the shoulder blade that comes out turns into tendon

wraps around the front, top, and the back of the ball. The shoulder holds it in

place as the arm lifts up the tendon gets tight as the arm comes down the

tendon gets loose. This maintains a balance pole around that ball to keep

that ball centered in the middle of the socket. Unfortunately we have a tendency

as people to develop tears where that tendon pulls away from that bone on the

ball of the shoulder. When that happens, that couple of the forces that keeps

that ball centered can no longer keep it centered and it can slide as the arm is

moving. This creates significant pain.

For more infomation >> What is the Rotator Cuff? - Hamilton Bone & Joint Clinic - Duration: 1:28.


What is Shoulder Arthritis? - Hamilton Bone & Joint Clinic - Duration: 0:56.

Shoulder arthritis can mean a lot of different things, but generally when

someone says shoulder arthritis are referring to loss of cartilage within

the joint. As that cartilage wears away, it no longer moves smoothly, the bones

can catch on each other, create lots of contact forces, and significant pain. This

can be very debilitating. Thankfully this is quite uncommon relative to other

sources of arthritis that require surgery like hip and knee arthritis. The

primary goal is to maintain a shoulder which is functional and has adequate

amount of pain with non-operative treatment. However, in certain cases when

that's not successful and the pain is too severe, surgical options can be


For more infomation >> What is Shoulder Arthritis? - Hamilton Bone & Joint Clinic - Duration: 0:56.


What is The Best Niche? (How to Know...) - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> What is The Best Niche? (How to Know...) - Duration: 2:41.


An American is singing a Punjabi Song from Arif Lohar - Jugny A V Jugny - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> An American is singing a Punjabi Song from Arif Lohar - Jugny A V Jugny - Duration: 1:40.


This Pasta Is Healthy and Affordable Fast Food || Eat Seeker - Duration: 5:34.

- I've been thinking about it for a while

and trying to figure out a way to

make al dente pasta fast enough

to translate to this sort of fast-food environment.

I had always wanted to do more affordable,

more accessible food in my career.

It's almost an accident that I ended up in fine dining.

Before opening Pasta Flyer,

I was the executive chef at a restaurant called Del Posto,

which was a fine dining restaurant.

There's no reason why the rest of the population

shouldn't also have access

to good, affordable, healthy food.

After working in fine dining for a number of decades,

it just became more evident to me

that my future should involve trying to serve more people.

Similar to many of the fast-casual restaurants,

we're buying whole, real food

and preparing it on premises

with slow food ideology,

and it's really only our service line that is fast.

Everything that we serve here

was very deliberately chosen.

We spent time trying to marry a certain shape

with a sauce that we felt intrinsically went well together.

Part of the secret is that we have forged relationships

with really high quality artisanal pasta producers in Italy.

We buy containers from them and have them sent to us frozen,

so all of our pasta is cooked in only 15 seconds

and able to retain a really high level of al dente texture.

The sauces are hot held,

so the first thing the person on the cooking side does

is place the chosen pasta into a pan

onto an induction burner

and starts to bring it up to temperature,

and then the two are tossed for a moment

and then plated into a bowl.

When it's done well,

the process should only take about 30 or 40 seconds.

I'm really into this whole grain rigatoni

made with nonna's meat ragu,

which is sort of like a Bolognese sauce

but more influenced by the region of Tuscany, maybe,

than Emilia-Romagna,

because it has red wine, and rosemary,

and porcini mushrooms.

So it's a little, sort of, like, richer

and more fully flavored than a traditional Bolognese sauce.

We have a pesto sauce that's made from basil.

It's very traditional from Genoa,

utilizing only five ingredients:

so it's basil, pine nuts, garlic,

olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.

There's really no mystery there,

but we do make it every day;

it's really fresh, it's really bright.

We have a fettuccine Alfredo,

which is a traditional dish from Rome

that was created at a restaurant called Alfredo's of Rome.

It's sort of like macaroni & cheese.

We have spaghetti and meatballs.

It's a marinara sauce made from plum tomatoes from Campania.

Because we have such a small and really focused menu,

it's only about 10 items,

we've had the luxury of going really deep down

the rabbit hole on some of these preparations,

which has been really rewarding.

When I was a young, impressionable adolescent,

I found myself working in Italian,

sort of mom-and-pop restaurants.

I don't have any Italian heritage,

and I feel like when you're young

and your filters are open,

those first influences really resonate deeply with you,

so although I went and cooked

other types of cuisine throughout my career,

I was always drawn back to Italian food.

It's where I belong.

Everyone's sort of like looking for the next thing,

and there's a lot of problems

with the restaurant industry right now.

The system is flawed, and in many cases broken,

and everybody's trying to figure out

what the next access point to the general public

is gonna ultimately be,

and this is certainly one path.

Fast food, historically,

has sort of this negative connotation,

but there's no reason why affordable food

can't be also healthy food.

For more infomation >> This Pasta Is Healthy and Affordable Fast Food || Eat Seeker - Duration: 5:34.


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