14 days of love that's what I'm trying to do today is day 1 today we're going
to talk about what a my favorite oils I don't know why I love this oil so much
but I do it is ylang ylang, so exciting I love love love this oil
I know I say that about all of them but I really do love this one I used it
every single day. Kananga odorata is the latin name for this oil which should not
be confused with Kananga oil which has a little bit different of a chemical
profile so make sure you get the right Latin name it's grown off of the island
nosy be just off of Madagascar's it's actually quite an intensive distillation
product to get this the trees have to grow for three to four years before they
can ever be harvested and once they go in to pick the flowers and the flowers
are perfect the Pickers have 24 hours to get them distilled
otherwise all of the chemical constituents are messed up within the
flowers so pretty time specific situation the flowers are steam
distilled just like a lot of other oils ling-ling is an antidepressant it's anti
spasmattic and it has really great positive effects on the brain. In the
beginning of the 20th century to chemists Garnier and Rechler
found that it was an effective treatment for malaria and intestinal infections
and then in 2006 there was a study a link below the study that found that it
relieves depression stress and decreases blood pressures so lots of great things
happening medicinally with this oil one of the best things about this oil is its
effect on emotions which I did a video on essential oils and emotions I'll link
it up there put a card up there if you want to check that out
but this particular oil is aligned with the astrology signs of
answer liebe Pisces and Scorpio it's linked with the planets Jupiter Neptune
the moon and Venus right like it all reeks of love I'm telling you this is
great love so why is it good for loved one it boosts your mood and energy like
who doesn't love that and who doesn't love when their partner is feeling that
it helps balance your hormones which if your hormones are crazy or else I'm
gonna love you so much more if you get that balanced out it may lessen feelings
of frustration and anger that's always good in a marriage or any kind of
partnership right like let's get those emotions under control
it encourages self confidence which this is something that I didn't know about
actually just write about it this morning but one of the things that I do
with this oil is I put a drop in my moisturizer every single day because
it's not only good for the surface of your skin and I love the way it smells
but it also has all of these emotional kind of uplifting side effects so yeah
every day when I put on my most moisturizer I'm getting a little
self-confidence boost which is great right it is a natural aphrodisiac
increase in the libido in both men and women hello like that gonna help love
around your house the last thing that it does is it encourages spiritual service
to the people around you so when you apply this oil to yourself you're more
interested in servicing or being a service spiritual service to people
around you it that's really gonna help out too
here's what I recommend using this oil for in this 14 days of love make a
little romantic massage blend so put 10 drops of ylang ylang two drops of rose
eight drops of lemon and two drops of standard what mix all of those oils
together add a teaspoon of a carrier oil sweet almond oil fractionated coconut
oil any of that and you can give a little massage and then here's a little
pointer if you put a little bit on a cleanup and stick it in your partner's
pocket or with their keys that they're gonna be wearing the next
when they go to Grandpa their keys they'll get a little reminder of the
massage they've got before so this massage fun it's great good for
not only the one getting the massage but also really great for the person giving
the massage I hope you're enjoying this series 14 days of love today is day 1
it's gonna be 14 days all about love if you thought this video was helpful don't
forget to subscribe make sure to give me a thumbs up below share it with your
friends share it on Facebook let the whole world know we have more love in
the world the world would be a much much better place thanks for watching the
video I'll see you next time
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