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Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 501 - Duration: 14:38.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Let the good times roll oh
No at least it's not in the water
It's okay, so the trolls never come out during the day. I'll go get your kite. That's alright. I'll go
You forgot your kite
It's you don't know about the trolls
Surely, you've heard the story of King Gideon and the castle trolls no no can I tell it dad sure go right ahead James
Guards come quick
protect the castle
The guards bravely charged the trolls can chase them all the way back to their king, and no one's seen a troll outside the cave
That troll I saw must have brought it back
You saw a troll and he fixed it - maybe the trolls aren't so bad after all I'm gonna go think
Hello is anyone he here is sterile
Careful princess some of those planks are really loose
So is this where the castle trolls live right through here come on. I'll show you
They remind us of the stars well hello there, what's your name teenie nice to meet you teenie?
The Sun is too bright for our eyes our great. Grand cross went up to look at the stars
Such a beautiful sight all those twinkling lights shining in the night sky
Souls were so happy. I never seen real stars only bees
I heard the story kinky and thought the trolls were attacking the castle
Attacking the castle James. I need your help with what I met the trolls
And they're really nice you went down to their cave and they didn't bonk you with their clubs
No Dave, but first you have to help me show everyone that they don't need to be afraid of the trolls
Hey Bailey would we have to it's almost dinnertime brilliant?
We're not supposed to go anywhere near the castle
How will we even get inside without anyone seeing us well make them like us. I do teeny. I really do
hmm dinner was delicious
But I'm stuffed me too. Can I be excused you don't want dessert? Well yeah, but like we're full
Hi, we are all very excited to see your performance, I'm sure you'll find
Come on where should they hide there oh
Hi, do you really want to see those acrobats huh we can't wait
Your Majesties may I present tonight's entertainment
Magnificent Bravo
There is not on my schedule some very special musicians who are also our closest neighbors
Hmm, I wonder who that could be
Howdy trolls get into the castle
I brought them even if Sophia let them in the trolls broke the rule they stay below
We stay above yes your majesty tomorrow morning. I'll place a guard outside their caves and this never happens again
You always want to see the good in everyone we can talk more about it in the morning
but for now you need to get some sleep I
Love you. Good night. I'm sorry
What are you doing tomorrow they're pink
Hey flicks
Yo, I need a favor buddy by airplane lantern great idea clover back later. Not with you. It is spooky in here
Need to get help
Sophia are you all right? I?
think so
Sophia you knew about the rule. I neither did you tonight and now we'll never see the stars
What the stars they love to look at the stars dad if only you had listened
All these years we thought the worst of the trolls and yet tonight
You risked your lives to save ours you showed as much courage as my bravest Knights. I'm going to make a Royal Proclamation
And who do we have here?
You sir are well teaming the trolls are and always have been our
Friends from this day forward. They shall be treated as such. What is the king mean?
I will become here to look at stars look at
I'm so glad it worked out well, but promise me you'll never go let's make some noise
You the Royal dragon
You want me to open it okay, I'll open it
You are invited to this year's dragon roasts and toasts that sounds fun
How could it I do I really do Sofia then why don't you just go?
Because everyone is supposed to come with their very best dragon, buddy, and I don't have a dragon, buddy, so I can't go
I'll go with you, but only dragons are allowed then. I'll be your dragon buddy. I wish to be a dragon
Man I'll just tell my parents where we're headed great
We can fly over together, and I'll teach you some dragon songs and fire tricks on the way. See you tomorrow
Your fight your seats are really great. Thanks. Hey. Do you think that'll impress the other dragons and help me get some friends
Oh, I'm not sure that's how you make friends. Oh, yeah. Yeah your I just showed you how not to do it
What is this thing anyway? I think it's decoration for the roasting toast look down below
We're here Sofia. You're supposed to be dragging Sofia who they've never met before
won't leave tonight light over there enter I
Can't believe you have more dragon friends than I do - whoo
What a star wait all my friends I've got more to show you watch this
Is that you wow I haven't seen you in forever hi sizzle, I was just telling my friends
You're still the best
Only at some things okay?
up first showing off your fire-breathing skills
Come on gang. Hit me with your best spark
Fink's hey, we knows this is our chance to get back at them
Flavor shalt single-handedly ruined it mistakes a bunch I've been practicing is that right well
so have I
My name is hey guys. Don't you just love the Duchess who a sewer?
She's knowing the most important dragon ever exactly, which is why I'm so excited. She asked me leader of the dragons that
Sounds incredible
She's teaching me all sorts of fabulous had dragon type stuff and dragon ever in the history of
It's getting her even more dragon friends
That's nothing sizzle fuck him off
enchancia oh that's fancy
Yuck she even has a castle no wait. She has Ted. You don't know everything sizzle
Now excuse me my best buddy's looking for me, and I don't want to keep royalty waiting
It looks like you're making sure
We always have room for new friends there's smoke wings and fire
And the Dragons I've never met before but I always go first then maybe it's crackles turn
Yeah, maybe it is after all back in enchancia. I was the star of the leaf song festival well
I've been this'll just be yourself and it'll happen
You know what? I'm just gonna start singing, but laughs before I start singing
Why don't you think as another dune, I'd be happy to
I'm sorry crackle. Yeah, it's okay Sofia. I should just get used to not having I
Want to see your best flips and spins show your fellow dragons or what do you got?
This is my
See Sophia, so what's watching?
Thank you
Crack oh those dragons think I'm the Royal dragon oven cheese. Yeah, okay, that is weird we should ignore them and keep fuck
I'm sorry crackle. I only turn into a dragon so you could come here
I don't feel right lying about Who I am on top of that fine. I'll just find another way to impress everyone
And why did crackle say that you were the Royal dragon of enchancia
You don't look like a dragon at least not any more oh
My brain hurts. I don't have any dragon friends at all
By using my no blaze dragon proof net no I have to warn the others
It just doesn't make any sense yeah, dragons are friends with the nights here in Brazendale. There's no reason
They'd attack but I'm telling the truth you all have to leave or that night. We'll get you and he does not like dragons
This is what you get at night
The Duchess is training you to lead the dragons. She taught you how to create a wall of fire. That's great. Oh
Right and how to flap your wings so hard. They megan's because I?
Didn't have any friends of my own to come with but you're always surrounded by other dragons
Sure, they'd like to watch me do stuff
I'm up for that. If sizzle is I was about to say the same thing good because I have an idea
Sure you did quite a few times
Now drop that on sir Oliver wait
This is one picnic and we will never forget
I'd like to thank all three of you for saving our scaly hides to be honest auntie
It was mostly only if my friend crackle comes with me friend. Are you reading Fievel?
I sure do in fact next roasts and toasts. I want to be a dragon
I know the derry-o the farmer in the Dell
Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 121 - Blue Pig - Duration: 19:35.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Get ready, let's go the birthday balloons Amadeus Mozart
To come to my birthday party
My brother and my friends are helping get ready
My cake
I love birthdays. What do you want to know what my favorite thing about birthdays is?
To Annie I think she likes my present
Real sure we can
My birthday balloons
There they are
How are we going to find that we need to use a collision scope
Not the space builds away
My baton like this take a deep breath and blow at the balloons ready
They're going into the jungle
They went this way
Hey this vine sounds like my violin
We need to help Quincy bow away the vine move your arm like this play
What was that noise I think
It's the snake it's almost here, just one more find a bow come on
Think we lost the snake
Have you seen them
What are we gonna do
Love balloons, I love my love balloons I
Love I love balloons
That gives me an idea rock it try it again slide like the Penguins
That is very cool wait we're still missing one
Come on
Swing your eyes with me
with batter bunts
If real, it's the bunks. You'll slip and fall
We have to help Leo stop swinging the doctor yeah, he needs to go staccato and jump over
Thanks for your help
Now that we have all your balloons, let's have your birthday party right here an aunt article
Look the Penguins are already in Iceland but
Most are just walking to the pie we're going to a lot of
The moment you've all been waiting for
He's saying hello the Greeks think Senate
The sphinx says he has something to show us
Magic when you put all the pieces together
The great thing is so sad he really wanted to put together the magic puzzle
Friends the merge of puzzle pieces and the Sphinx can put together his magic puzzle
Look the Sphinx is starting to smile the puzzle won't do its magic
Don't worry Great Sphinx rocket will find the puzzle pieces
We've got a mission
We're going to find the puzzle pieces and put together the magic puzzle let the mission
Hands on your lap
It sounds like something else's in the Nile River I
Have a plan I can do a rolling arm dance to help Rock attorneys paddle wheels
Rocket saying thank you for helping him paddle so fast
For your magic puzzle
Look the Sphinx is starting to smile he's getting happier
He can't wait to see what the magic puzzle picture is going to be we have to find
It's coming from the temple of Ramses inner rocket land down there
Look rocket found music signs
One of the music signs can tell us the way to the let's look at the first sign
Can't the notes with me 1 2 3
4 5 6
Is that the right number of notes
Let's see if this sign has 14 notes
Count the notes with me 1 2 3 4
This sign has 14 notes just like the puzzle piece song this way to the magic puzzle
pieces hiding
Much time left
Needless to find that recipe let's listen to see if we can hear the puzzle piece song
You hear the puzzle
Pyramid we have to help rocket jump really high to following I have an idea
Singing when I put my hand down
Keep singing until I put my hand down
Whoa a
Puzzle piece jumped over the third pyramid and it's the biggest pyramid
Now the Great Sphinx can finish his magic puzzle the Great Sphinx
Do its magic, but we're so far away
What do we do Leo there's only one thing we can do?
We're on it time is almost up this makes needs you to put the last puzzle piece in place
Can see the whole puzzle picture
But the magic puzzle made it snow
Soon Matt the Great Sphinx is thinking rocket for helping put together his magic puzzle
Mission completion
It's a hot air balloon
Long Island Lawmakers Warn GOP Tax Plan Would Be 'Disaster' For Local Homeowners - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 154 - Blue Butterfly - Duration: 16:14.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
Belt up best buddy convention for the hot dog hills and merging competition. Yeah, we made it
Did you all done with my smarty am I gonna need it for the invention, maybe what you makin Lance, please
Masterpiece for the invention competition a goofy man is the perfect subject for putting on my smarty hat
What was that squishy sound again? I am experiencing an unusual sensation in my ear I
Found the peanut on the floor that is correct, and I give an extra bonus points for a peanut do
The timely observation Nicky ah
you sound a little different and
Mr.. Smarty goof the smarty hat stays here agreed
Well me
I think it's making goof tastic, but the vehicle needs a better name the automatic daily conveyance
That means it works better
but we don't breathe by all make the rest of the improvements at the
competition for my hot dog hills invention competition
Mayor Vic beagle Clara clock and I will be judging and the syrup tanks are
Demonstrate Devon like smart effect whoever wears this
hmm put this here and this here and
colleague primate an automatic scratchy arm
Oh could I uh maybe borrow the smarty hat by suddenly
I just think being a little smarter might help me in Mickey with our invention today
Next up the happy helpers with the groundbreaking bold copters, thank you
Correction it's called the automatic daily conveyance. Oh pal I still think our other version was just fine
But it's not ours anymore
We built they get her up or together
This thing just isn't the same Bob Pal you're smarter. Whether you wear the hat or not
You've always been a goof a smarty goof hennya
Don't have time for breakfast just press the whirly twirling pancake II make her lips
And I present to you
Adventures sitting
It's always good to have a spare set all right the clown shoes day, and what about this old unicycle Oh?
Take good care of your little darlings
So if the play center is closed, then who's gonna watch all those other kid is that a unicycle?
Maybe if we ignore them, they'll go away. Oh, don't be silly of course. We'll watch your children
Have you got room for one more?
Take good care of buddy and helmet make lots of friends here that sport
This is buddy. He's new in town. Hi, buddy buddy. This is Elway. Oh
Yes the charity items
Bobo no no Bobo no go go
It's where we live, and it's not for playing oh
Well, you'll have to bring him back right away. Don't worry. I'm not letting him get away
Don't be scared we're all friends here nobody
Poor kid he's right back to hiding, but hiding is his favorite thing one two
Excuse me. I don't know where to hide I
Bet buddy could help
Me sure do have good hiding spots
Want to play ping pong oh yeah, I love ping-pong
Perfect for tonight's race around
But I bet my hot dogging hot rod is master he'll prove it once I freedom
Honey here's the road roadster engines and when he does
Pumpkin treats
I'm gonna scare begin them racers right off of this mountain for sure
I thought you weren't scared of any old one
Let's give the little lady the bow
Now watch this
See the finish line Nikki
I gotcha ghostly, huh?
Ghost is going down
I can almost taste those Halloween treats right now
Forget this crazy
All righty, let me get this straight all you bailed out, but Micky still look down
That dose wasn't a ghost that was paid in a ghostie costume
That was the guy who raced past me at the starting line that must be the real Holden ha ha
Well next year oh, I believe eat that
It's Halloween check out the full effect
There's no job. We can't
Be disappointed
Oh, it's weird I tell you I'm hearing strange noises. I'm seeing shadowy figures
Goose-bumpy this place just screams ghost in the Attic
Trying through a
Vacuum cleaner
Cookie boy we had another yeah, well, we're not going nowhere
You know fellas we really should let him out
Oh Joe we were bringing a big surprise jack-o'-lantern for the party
Piece poltergeist wouldn't mind if I had a haunted house party here tonight, would you you could be the ghost of honor?
Not like a haunted house party did
Sheriff Callie's Wild West Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 53 - Yellow Apple - Duration: 18:11.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Dragons Riders Of Berk Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 16 - BEN WARD - Duration: 16:53.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Milo Murphy's Law Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 66 - Lola John - Duration: 18:34.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Love the scholastic decathlon it's the only event where knowing the blood types, but then math
Mind blown man, let's ask mr.. Drake out mr.. Drake. Who is uh?
MP. Dad he's not a vampire no children
John was right here's all his mirrors covered. He's not a vampire
Mr.. Drake oh
Why do you have all your mirrors covered so now we have to combine your?
Scholastic and athletic the gaff Laden's into one event which shouldn't be a problem
If you're great at all sports and all academics no fair who's good at academics and sports
Abraham Lincoln little you know they put in those reinforced steel beams because of me and these unbreakable windows hey
I wonder if they still got my old trophy around here
When it's Rafi I don't like to brag
There was a rock band on the field it was the eighties
Vince just makes it harder on everyone. Oh, don't worry
I'm sure the other team is just as unprepared as you are it's the middle men from Middletown middle school
They're totally prepared how is that possible well the blond was announced three months ago?
You've known about this for three months, and you didn't tell us. I didn't want you to be freaking out like you obviously are Oh?
negative William Henry Harrison and James Garfield boom
But they're gonna yes I
Don't see your name anywhere. Okay, it's behind these big ones
No best ceramics tenth your haircut. Oh, yeah
For the physical portion of your challenge throw this round thing really far
You can't possibly expect us to continue no I can live with this
All right everyone in favor of giving up give me $5 then walk off the field
What's the which makes it figuratively even for us because I've spent my entire life
Learning to deal with things that are not even
Physically none of these guys have had a deal with Murphy's Law
I have which means that we have this 100-yard field and answer questions on these
400 tablet computers who was the first Prime Minister of Canada whoever crosses the finish line first wins the game for their team?
Wait a minute you had enough money for all that
And coming to apply
Guys I lost my shoe your insta going without me you're definitely not getting your five dollars back
And that's gonna be expensive
And mercy runs down the field and nothing can stop it for the President James Garfield
Omean Milo always be my hero
The winner ran on Milo's parade
You a tough guy oh, I don't think anyone's ever called me tough. I'm Milo. I'm Zack
So what exactly is this reputation so Milo how was your weekend eventful yeah vet?
I got a new scar want to see sure okay. Oh
Cool it's one of those heavy-duty bungees they used to tie stuff down in construction sites. Hey did you?
Find it doesn't help just hurts the larynx hand me that bungee and you better hang on to my backpack
You might want to slide over this way a little
So, Melissa, what's up with your boy? I can almost taste that snickerdoodle now
Oh, yeah, you want to make it more a night. Let me get my note. Oh
Man I'm gonna miss my first day at a new school my parents are gonna flip out don't worry
My dad always says what doesn't kill you only must have gotten wet when we fell in the mud
But fear not I've got a backup right here paper map old school
Don't worry, I remember the way this has happened before
Us hi collages I didn't I've got an extra pair and their hazmat rated for a level 4 biohazard well
Here's the certificate from the EPA. What are you a nine nine and a half lets notarized so I suppose a few
Look they're Saints they're cutting through coyote ones coyote woods, what exactly is your definition of sink oh?
So do you even know where we are oh yeah director Peter Coyote really yeah?
He donated all this land to the city as a wolf Preserve
You get how that's not better right
You know wolves barely ever attack humans is that true? Oh? Yeah bees are responsible for many more fatalities than wolves every year
Blam dumb boys and beat together well we would be the first
Here you go these will help us navigate in the dark, dude. What do you mean?
I mean you want to live like those other kids
They took a bus to school today a bus does that seem like more fun to you
Hmm all right and also a section of that concrete drainage pipe
Is that a new scar yeah, thanks for noticing
Okay, Chelsea's in for a pack of chips Sid's up and get two beers to school
Anyone want to up the ante we've got a way to steer this thing to shore
Excellent do G good boy here you go, but I do need you to go home, okay?
Go home, but I'm starting to feel like we can handle anything that comes our way
Done three jawbreakers and some vitamin C tablets what it's cold and flu season
Well Melissa start passing out the loot made it all in one piece
Guys I think you know and I know that it's time we went on the scariest ride
Okay, it just seems like you're losing it big time. Yeah. I don't want you to to think any less of me
You can tell us Melissa
Okay, that's actually a pretty normal thing, but how could you be afraid of roller coasters?
I've seen you walk a tightrope over stampeding llamas powdered sugar
It was the first day crush your dreams
Why were you with something a science project on the first day of snow they say you
Understand that the chances of that happening again are like even less than it happening the first time lightning never strikes twice
Milo's been struck
Son you shouldn't get out of the boat never get out of the booth absolutely right?
Here you go one bag of pistachios
We'll have to shell them yourself
Which makes it a perfect theme-park stack especially for the guy who has to scoop up around here and incidentally, that's also
Or can it withstand an attack by a barnyard animal Pig for instance or both what if a flaming Pig attacked yes
Could this cart withstand the onslaught of flaming Pig hmm face your fear we could help
we'll be right there with you every wild turn and plummeting drop and
Gut-wrenching Lu yo for describing his helping uncle rope if you do it Melissa. I'll face my fear
That's not what you pest Epiphany. Well that was weird to be fair from above my head does look like mahogany oh
Great now it's clogged
You know you're right there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of I want to beat this
An inspiration to everyone your intestinal fortitude is truly impressive
Mine was right we're both tired of unison. You're like the Joan of Arc of the safety railing came loose
Just like last time Zac. We're on a roller coaster with Milo huh I said we're on a roller coaster with
See this this is what free height and the speed and Murphy blah, I'll stop talking now
Now I think this time it'll be a little different
Joy grease thunder you can pick up your lard cam photos it
It looks like we've done a bang-up job
Well sale the final, thanks guys after that no roller coaster that we're gonna stare this girl again. Yep, nothing's gonna scare us anymore
That closing in timing to something
No uses for no man except for me
And I'm
Concise, I know it's a lot of information to assimilate
But it's worth it and fair data stickers for today's show I'll just hold onto these little brother to prevent them from getting you know
Irradiated into particulate matter no no no no no no no no no no
No, that was just the latest incarnation
Doctors own files the next regeneration first there was the song then doctors own. Yes
Okay with all those people wearing. I'm just saying that if you can't actually speak the trash can't droids binary language
Then you have no place in this line. Oh, don't be such an elitist Josh today
Well I haven't been Milo's sister since he was born
Oh, right?
Which is why we're going in prep name the alien monsters who eat your brain and absorb your knowledge pass
Pass three broads come on. Give me a tough one
These are never leaving my hand can't come in with us, but I did get you a ticket for the pet theater next door
They're playing the dog door bonfire
It's just been really quiet around Milo today, well that's the thing about Murphy's Law, it's unpredictable
I've got the immediate area cordoned off now if you can just try not to do anything
I'll go get my hazard old B's time ape isn't a clock or innate
He's a trans chronological being you see while traveling through the space-time continuum
Dr. Zone was sucked into a rift of space-time we met easier for us to comprehend is an ape with a clock for a head
Would you want your head to explode? Would you he's right? I'd rather look at an ape with the clock for its head
Or I could get us some snacks
You guys save her place of course, that's just a theory, but if you direct your attention to this authoritative gasps
I wasn't speaking to customers
I was speaking to you you were speaking to customers well one of us has to speak to customers, but it should we be human?
Looks like something got Jam you guys
Weird they just disappeared or did they
So the other baby has caught me
Implosion and sucked into a time vortex that turned him into a trans
Chronological being whose appearance will make our heads explode so when he turned into the time ape its brothers
I would have figured it out by now
What does he do. I don't know real-time
Pointing that zone monkey fighting stance these posers define the parameters of what it means to be a fan
We're not just fans of fantasy. It's more than that it's about what fantasy means to each of us fantasy means
What someone he loved
Oh, sorry Bertram, I didn't see you there nice trashcan droid costume Thanks regional speech
It was all my fault I was so worried about Murphy's Law messing things up you know
Also clearly very dangerous
Just in case nope
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 201 - Duration: 18:07.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Go taco
I Spy something colorful thirsty is it that Vince is it Bob Bernard its?
I've programmed ARF to take you anywhere you want to go, so let's see if he works
Take my little puppy passengers all the way around the yard and to their doghouse
So our needs to stay drive
Ever where else would bingo and Roley like ARF to take them today
Because our flux to goes zoom zoom really fast
Puppy dogs can't enjoy the view
Bot make art to take us anyone wanna go and we can see you
Yeah, I see that
What do you think we should have him take his neck ARF has never been to a beach?
But our would love to go think how great it would for you to put your paws in that one. Okay the
Beach for sure dude, that's how do its talk at the beach?
No, oh how much bob was here to enjoy this with us
I've never before
Get back to Bob's house
It's because of the water our foot his paws him it really did make Arthur and now ARF does not remember
Hello, see. Go I am are, which stands for Auto doggy robotic friend Wow I'm Jonathan which stands for
Jonathan home sweet home
Jonathan we wanted you to take us back to our home. Not yours. Oh well in that case
I don't know where that is
That's a great idea
If you can't remember all the things you I spied on the way getting here Javan think of fly around and see them and show
Us the way back, so let's go
Let's say whiny OH
Do you remember spying anything else wooly I
Present to you
something windy
Jonathan this is not what I spied either
The only thing that I saw was a different kind of whitening worst earth can take you down the mountain
Then on your bark, it said
There we go
Do you remember I spying a guy stationed at the bottom of the mountain? Oh?
Thanks ARF, but we still have to get home, and we still don't know how to get there
Maybe if you remember anything else you spied I can fly around until I see it which means pretty
Trucks it means earth needs to follow that truck so here art goes
I have arrived
Come on are we know the way from here, so you can follow us arf is ready and set to follow you so let's go
But you got back because really remember what he spied yeah, but all that remembering is worn this puppy out
But I'm glad you're right here because I'd really miss you if he ever weren't ARF spies Bob and his best friends
It's not my paw that's your paw oh
Hey, where'd the doggy go oh my computer oh darn, it's broken
But at least I can look forward to seeing you two when I get home from work
Enjoy your nap hissy
Roly did you hear what he said?
Bob needs a pot of gold to fix his computer if we can find one at the end of the rainbow
That's just a legend. What is that at the end of every rainbow? There's a pot of gold?
Let's go find the pot of gold at the end of that thing
It looks like the rain borings behind that factory, but we know someone who does oh?
Sure I know that Factory I collect stuff other people throw away
And when this friend of mine found plans for that place in the trash?
See that ditch right there you want to crawl through that to the front door
Then when you're inside the factory you're gonna ride this conveyer belt through the Assembly Room
Stay out of trouble and that pot of gold will be yours don't worry, Bulworth. Nothing's gonna trip us up
Hello these are waters getting deep are my levee being shorter stay down. I'm gonna take a peek and see with that guard audience
Yeah, and there's the front door so come on then next whoops here we come
We're said this next one was called the Rapanui
These bubbles are wrapped around us so tight we can't walk and we're in these bubbles on the doggy
We did it Rollie we did it yeah
I just wish there was more bubble around for us to pop cuz I could play with that stuff all day
Well then we're just gonna have to pop all of it
Down the hallway without blowing pop pop pop pop we'll have to walk between the bubbles
Okay Willie your turn
And now the way in the back we should be able to see
The rainbow in the pot of gold well you bet you
Dogs other than me aren't allowed back
Mine to your friend a bullish I am I love how that guy collects stuff
That's being thrown away so when I found the plans for this Factory in the trash. I gave them to
That gold home for Bob take whatever you want. It's all gonna be throwed out anyway
I should give something pulled worth who saw me into the rainbow and the pot of gold even though there wasn't a pot
But there was nothing but gold
Wait a minute you mean there actually was something there must have fallen out of my computer this morning, but I didn't see it
Haha, it works, but you know what there aren't any dogs. Who are more special than you
Would you like to build your own stuffed animal dress it up and take it home to play I would love that you
Two look like you're having a good time
Tons of fun with the toys in this box, but it's time someone else got to have fun with them
Ribbit look what you
Did oh, did you guys just ruin?
La crosse we would who's what Bob in his room with ruff ruff Bob at the beach with ruff ruff Babita
Just about everywhere he went with ruff ruff
Designer died today
This place is amazing
They're one perfectly poufy Poots
Come on Roli let's take ruff ruff in there and make him perfectly poufy -
That's a lot of
So this puppy up
But we're gonna need some kid power to do it Chloe
wow, that looks so
Good, and there's just one more thing to do with this doggie so follow me
When I go down you go up and when you go up, I'll go down I
Think we use too much Bing gone early power sometimes bingo the only powers gonna be a dangerous thing
And now it's time to get our doggie looking shot tacular
First to get clean
Then we give them some style
We might as well get ourselves looking good zoom
Here comes the cleaning
Imagine my eyes
We did it Rolly pops toy looks as good as it ever day
For the party everybody choose a stuffed doggy Oh
Rollie they think with joy yeah, but they dressed us up so nice for their party we should stick around just to be flight
Pretend food let me tell you something that's no party. He'd pretend to eat
Looks like the party's over. Yep, oh no what if what if we take it first?
Yep Bob won't even know we took it out of the box
Hey guys. I give me a mat before I say hello, okay. I just need to put this stuff outside
You're just giving this stuff away to
Anybody who wants it?
I'm glad I found someone to give ruff ruff to because I don't need to pretend doggy anymore. I have two of the best
How I wish I could be with you so I invented this to do the kinds of things I do if I was here
hi bingo, hi Roley I
Call him Earth, which stands for Auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all
I even programmed them to clean up any mess that you make before I get home from work
No more mess
Hmm he looks friendly
Wanna meet arf maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means
Make a bet yeah, take your hat, so I'm gonna have fun
Cleaning it up. Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up
The floor
Okay Wow if Bob came home from work and saw a mess like this
Bob also programmed our to beg, I don't think we have another listeners. Yeah, I either need a longer leg
Because Bob only program ARF to clean up after bingo and Roley not to clean up after his II and I've
So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves
puppy dogs die
It's not gonna be fun Roley it's going to be work
Just gotta wash these towels and our job is done. What are we gonna do all their washing?
Quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine?
Like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine, I guess my new invention really worked, huh?
Doc McStuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 53 - Pink Elephant - Duration: 16:59.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Puppy Dog Pals LoveLy Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 49 - Red Shark - Duration: 18:34.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
except i won't be able to see it
well that calls for
I need, to come up with a, new, invent i'm gonna, miss it
Well i'll see you guys after i invent something is it's too bad you can't just see the parade from the house holy
That's a great idea?
Yes you're, gonna have to tell, me what that great idea is so let's go?
Wanna come with us you see we're gonna go find, some noise and music and marching bob no thanks, my calendar is pretty full
We need, to find something that marches and bring it to bop something that marches something that, washes all right children, line up
Could all of you, maybe follow us back to our house
Come on children, back in line so we'll have to find something else that, bob likes about a parade you take
Bad to him instead something that makes neither music or noise and i know, where to find both
It could, be that one that one drums are super noisy except i don't know. I get noise to come out of one?
Doesn't think it makes, me noise at all what's this thing dude
Sure but come, back tomorrow i'm closing early to see the parade
Okay, what's something, we can, bring bob that marches and makes noise because that's, what he likes about a parade
All that quack quack quacking makes it hard to do, any, think think thinking
These ducks could be your, what for a bull
Bob's house watch, me, my wine you can see a plate today, who aren't, we able punch that'd be perfect
Feed and best of all you have to go riding on a, bob's house to get there, which, means he can, see you much ah
You got yourselves a deal you show, us the park and we'll be your parade you and i know how, to make music
Yes let's make, some right now
doug's gone operate
It's still in the crosswalk i need to make sure the cop
Gets to the pet store, asked, kg the guinea pig which way to the park
Sugar played right store exactly the same as your collar
looks, like you're here and the whole thing has the same colors as you and me
We can, see everything from up here that park you're looking for is straight down there there's a goes the one way?
Well this boy can go the other
This, looks like a nice place to watch the parade sure is we'll get to see the whole thing from here starting with the shiny
red firetruck
Which, means, they'll be going right past bob's house into the direction of the parade yeah
On your bar it's sad it's debris we know, we brought in here so you can see it
Put your pills in turbo and let's go
In just in time for us to use it
This, is kitty?
Sorry, but i'm right in the middle of an important map right now our bingo and roli playing with hissing we're trying but
His he doesn't want to play
I'm not a baby kitten anymore i still like to play at all i just don't play as much as i used to no
So the kitten is gonna stay right here until we can find where she lives wait, what now and you can
Play, with, my kitty will i'm gone
Is he talking about, me she's probably too young to know how to talk
Whiskers micucci tail or dino rocket blast, that's perfect, she loves me and she loves you
Okay, snowflake and then her old it must be said that she's lost
and she's too young to tell us where she lives but, baby, kittens like to run, and jump and play and i
Want to do one of those things, we'll be back
let's go
You, have a plan for how, we're gonna find snowflakes holmes sure
Do, yes he says she played a lot as a kid and i think i know, where to look first
Heroes love playing with, yarn maybe snowflake, lives here let's see if we can find any cat. Stuff around
Oops i'll get those
That's a little, big for you, like, darrin, that much
We tried looking for something of kitten would play with, but, this place clearly, isn't her home let's look
For someone she played with, maybe her home would be with them
Snowflake made hits each umph hi
Don't scare me like that, why, don't you go play with our for something yes oh yes our love to play
Why and if i fall asleep now i can, still activate it
Turn the lights, off arf-arf, wants to but our button is stuck
Alright, so, we haven't gotten any closer to finding your home maybe
We should find the lost cat on that poster yes if she knows with snowflake lives she, did seem sad just like, bob said
When bob reads that poster who know, where snowflake, lives so he can take
Oh, time for a nap
Wait don't go up there's no place
You're, okay kiddo it's not like i mind being, high up but this is really, high up
also i'm not sure how, to get us both down i
Can't hear, me over his cleaning music i can't wait so hissy, that, we found snowflakes hold, you did
We can, help you i'm gonna. Jump in
mad if we use my puppy parachute
It's just water hey it's water
Thank you i looked everywhere
for you
My, sweet snowflake i knew your name was no flake
Try, not to get tangled up in yarn or make a, mess tracing lights or get trapped in a tree
but if you, do
Sorry, is she we know? You don't want to play with us actually
Tossing around, some yarn sounds like a pretty good time
Can't tell you how, excited i am for our vacation to florida tomorrow
I wish that bob was a bug look, at that it's the parrot i made friends with
When i first got to florida i was feeling homesick and he helped, me feel better i'm hopeful of getting bleep eating dancing shing
You know parrots can, live a long long time hmm, i wonder if i'll ever see him, again
Did you hear that roley, bob's right florida, is hard to rhyme with i can't wait to play the weakest bob
Sorry, guys the beach is gonna have to wait i'm not feeling that, well so i'm gonna rest here until i feel better
that totally, makes sense i get it i
Do, miss my, stick collection back home and a backyard i smell a mission let's go
Bob said that the pyrrhic knocked down coconuts and made grapes bob, did say, he first met some hair
While on a walk in a garden then, we should go on a walk i love walks
Sorry, nellie, oh you garbage, board, we came here on vacation to please bob on the beach except
Bob doesn't want to play cuz. He's homesick now we're looking for bob's bodhi friend to help him feel better
The bird i heard singing, was right over there just like that
Seagull save and pops in all of florida
Know what rhymes with florida right it's unreliable
Except jonathan isn't the right kind of singing bird he's a seagull
flops, bird as a pair, and bob's bird knocks coconuts out of trees i know i know
We go, there's our bird knocking coconuts on that tree it looks exactly, like, bob's
the word come on roli let's get, bob's bird, back to the hotel then, when bob wakes up from his, nap he'll be
Down me too except the sand is so hard to walk on royal
We can, use them to bring him, back to bob so it's up over
Here bob's bird look, grapes yummy
Roley there can, only be one bob's bird bingo i think these, pair gentlemen repeating things they, won't even want to say
baby things
we're, also sagan, dance
whichever one sings and dances
Must. Be bob's bird, any one of you guys, like, to sing and dance
Think, bob's burn, my need, a little inspiration, we need, to sing and dance and maybe bob's board will decide to join us
Best one that's supposed to be bob's brood
That was a mouthful, bob could, wake up at
Any, time he said the same thing bob tears when he's frustrated suffering
Side orders of seaweed salad right when it's ours but the only, way he'd know, to say that is if you're, bob say?
By, buying the carrots that are not bothered
What are you two so excited about
wait they, say who i think it is
why i'd recognize that voice anywhere, oh i can't believe it
Good job guys, we did it roley you
Know what pups i feel so good i'd feel? Like, going to the beach
wait for it
Arf even sang me a lullaby go to sleep
I've sang many verses it did not work maybe i should have true, i wish mr.
Brady, bob some sheep so he can count them and fall asleep tonight counting sheep, is just an expression
Guys, he means you imagine sheep and count them, and they're the sheep real sheep, so we're gonna find some for bob
Neither how can, we get him to follow us from we can't, ask him
I'm a dog too, oh?
She's pretending hi bingo and rolling i'm strider
What brings you pups to the farm our owner bob needs to count sheep so we can follow
his you got to keep the sheep together, don't let, anybody wander off no wonder you look we've got it right roley i
I wander off look you know it's even more fun than herding sheep, what
Nothing herding sheep, is the most fun thing in the whole world wow she is really into this so the puppies can try
Saturn wow those sheep got out of line fast now let's get them, back in line even faster
We do it keep practicing they just have to get used to you then they'll go wherever
You, want them to go then let's keep at it till i get used to us but there's one super important thing left to do
Close the gate always. Oh yeah got it and walk the line and turn and bark and stare like this
Just promise to look, after all the sheep, ok everything
Yeah, we did it rolling now, when bob is ready to go to sleep
It's nice up here though kind of like a, worm cloud let's make sure
every single, oh
Well that's not good on the upside you might learn to read or write roley
do not belong in a bar
We need, to get the sheep to turn, before he runs into the story time, what animal is on this page
Where did you go us let's get the sheep, back, to bob's house, we can, counter the koalas linked to them
Come from i think maybe that farm where i buy, my vape truck let, me see how, many there are
1 2 3
We, did mom's counting sheep now we'll fall asleep for sure, oh?
You kept track of every single sheet i knew you could do it i just hope, bob is able to go to sleep too
Please get this last sheep to the rest of the herd will you stryder little sheep dogs in your, own
Thanks for teaching us come on strider let's go home
Mission accomplished roli lap count a, sheep just like you wanted annie phelps sweet dreams roley sweet dreams bingo
Sweet dreams, baa sweet dreams bom oh? Yeah sweet dreams hissy, did you just
Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Bets Cartoon For Kids Episode 94 - Summer Field - Duration: 27:46.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps Summer Field channel!
101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 52 - Red Apply - Duration: 17:32.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 137 - Blue Deer - Duration: 17:11.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
The flimsy grumpy bat
Look out everybody it's capillaries fly a kite anyone want to come fly with me
I better stay here
Yeah another successful launch for Team Donny and dad oh
And old friends
Careful Bronte clearance is made of cardboard, so he could get smashed. I am count Clarence the Magnificent
I am count Clarence the Magnificent watch me as I spread my wings
I understand if you can't fly
It's kind of windy out you should be careful
count Clarence fears no wind
Are you alright Clarence no I am NOT all right first, I learned that I cannot fly it now I am soaking wet I
Know Hallie, and we have a patient the wind blew count clearance into the water
Oh sugar your wetter than a waterlogged werewolf I am
I know you're upset about getting wet, but we just want to help you
I don't know him Docs check up to the best
Beautiful wings would you bells no that would not be magnificent very well
I will allow you to give me a checkup after all yes fine lovely song now
What is wrong with me?
Well, we know you fell in the water, but I need to run some tests to see how much damage the water did
Clarence your heart sounds magnificent
Your eyes and ears
Deep very well, that's good Clarence
According to the charge you're a little heavier than you should be all that water and his cardboard makes him heavier
Let me help. Let me help. What are you doing your height is normal?
Thanks Bronte. You can let him go now
The only cure is to get you dried out as soon as I can I just have to figure out how great job Donny
That's it. I know it wasn't any fun getting blown into the water
But doc is doing everything she can to help you and she can't help you have you're so graphic. You are right
I have been very grumpy. I I'm sorry everyone. I will try to have a good attitude from now on
Yes, that's it I'll have you better it's the wind blew him into the pool
Oh, No is he okay?
He got all soggy, but I think I know how to dry him out if we pin him to the kite inflaming tights away
You're welcome great job team McStuffins, but now it's time for us to head on home
You can't be magnificent if you're too busy being a grump
You're welcome you did so well in your math test you deserve a wrapped in present
I'm gonna take Rockstar Ruby out to the clinic. Okay, okay, Rockstar Ruby welcome to the clinic Ruby
Actually we were all in a band once I'm dying to get back on stage you guys wanna get the band back together
Boy oh wow I love the bed we're gonna rock the house
Hello Clinic count us off dino-drummer
Cancel the rest of the tour sorry
Why did you leave the show what's wrong nothing then why are you crying who's crying?
there's no crying in rock and roll I
Wanted to put on a great show
But my voice changer won't work, and now my sounds got no edge
And that is not rocking it my mics broken doc this show's over forever
If you let me help, no, there's nothing you can do doc
Rockstar Ruby has
What hi doc Ruby please come to the clinic, but you don't want me to check your mic
I'm sure but do you have any jobs available?
I'm not a rock star anymore. I have to find something else to do. She's made to be a rock star
Let's take it from I
Have no feet it's called artistic license
To be brave
Good I can help you now, will you let me give you a checkup okay?
Thanks Lambie
Okay, lay it on me the button on your rock-and-roll voice changer is stuck. It's miss
Looks like whoever used to own you kept you nice and clean
But they missed the dirt and sticky stuff around your button we have to remember to clean the in-between places, okay
Wow that's how it was
Thanks doc, and thanks for helping me figure things out guys
frack and raw
We could have a concert again
My still has rockin edge, thanks
Chili's snow globe shake up, and then did you check in on Marvin the duck in exam room three?
We just did you mean there's more snow toys in McStuffins real
oh I can't wait to meet them robot ray sent me a map that shows where all the snow toys live come on guys
Let's go. Where are they I don't see you. I've got a hippo hunch
We might want to try looking in that super giant size snow dome
Don't see any one-armed snowmen oh
There's two nope I've still got two
Thanks for coming doc I said robot raid that distress call cuz my little snow peep friends arm popped off
I never knew you spoke another language
Okay, he says his name is Coco and his arm came off when he went outside and tried to pick
But the snow doesn't fall him as someone shakes it up Coco was trying to give the snow globe a shake
But the globe is so heavy. It made his arm pop off when he tried to lift it. He choked Coco
It's time for his checkup. I got this one jack squeaking Snow Peak sounds easy
You have a diagnosis, this is one to stick in the big book of omens chili
Please tell Coco he has a case of snowman stick arm unstick syndrome tell Coco that snowman's stick on unstick syndrome
Probably takes longer to say who then it takes to fix Guba Guba Guba
Honey, you can do it. Yeah go for it snow, bro
Duck Coco and the other snow peeps want to know if we can stay and help them try to make it snow inside the snow
To lift, but I have got an awesome idea
This tree will look you want me to use my awesome strength to shake the snow globe
But that was just a little shit, I bet a big shake would be even bigger fun oh
Yes, I have not yet begun to shake
If it's an awesome shake you want then it's an awesome shake you shall have
Coco says thanks doc. You're welcome Coco. It's a good thing these snow peeps say he's in a pack together
Told awesome guy to keep shaking harder and harder. Why would you do that sugar?
It was fun when he gave us a little shake. I thought
Now that they're all pumped back together the snow peeps want to know if they can keep playing they sure can
Oh some guy knows how to
I think ooey gablooey will picked you for sure oh, I hope so ever since I was a little hippo
I have dreamed of singing at a bow
Thanks everyone. I'll get back to you later today and let you know who I choose to sing of the game
Tweezers please oh
This is a duck hi, I'm as jumpy as a problem. Please well answer it
Hallie hippo here
Congratulations church. It's probably just all of the excitement about tomorrow. What's tomorrow? I've been chosen
Otto remember that part of the song halli, or you won't be able to sing at the game at all
Sorry carry on
I'm sorry professor hootsburgh, but I'm not supposed to the same right now that is disappointing
I've heard you're just superb
Meta Flores what's how he doing? She's not supposed to be singing. Maybe it was just one time
It's like it's getting worse
from now on no more singing
Bronte I'm sorry I can't sing no, but we're going live
No easy on your voice like I told you to
I can't promise that but there is one thing we can try you need to stop talking you have a choice
If you open your mouth, and it's a cheese
It's best to rest your voice
To rest the toys can help you out right guys oh yes
If someone asks you a question hunc once for yes and twice for now got it
Excellent wait this
Can you come in today for a checkup
Maybe one of the choices Wow hugs me
Tomorrow will be I
Know it's tough
You're doing the right thing
Resting your voice is the right thing to do so you can get better and the end of the day will be here before you
Know it
You stuffy Hali say
Try again a little louder
I couldn't have done it without you all bring it in here
Are you ready to sing at the game, here's a hat
Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 158 - Red Elephant - Duration: 15:55.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
The enchanted feast
Mr.. Cedric was I saying it wrong before Oh
What do you want can't you see I'm busy preparing for the enchanted feast feast there's a feast tonight
I am going to conjure a royal feast that will dazzle the eyes and the taste buds
Then I shall turn the entire room into a hall
Yes, now look at your reflection
It's like I'm a totally different person is it the amulet is it it is all right?
The Amulet of avalor, I thought it looked familiar the last time I saw the princess
Fear not dear Rosie for I have a plan tonight is the enchanted feast and the castle is going to have a surprise guest
Table you're brilliant now. Let's go make some royal friends
And they recalled such a noble ruler deserves to find a sister
Oh, that's very kind of you your sorceress niss. Oh, please call me Sasha your magic
I would have remembered meeting such a charming young princess with such a
beautiful amulet of course I have gifts for all the children to
Me to introduce myself how
To introduce myself as beautiful
Dad does something seem not right about this sorceress she seems perfectly charming to me
My dad gave it to me and I promise to never take it off
Look your new necklace is so much spa could it. Yeah, if you don't want it. I'll take it. Okay. Oh
How about plan Z Pacific so I could think hmm
I need to get Sofia alone so I can force her to hand over the amulet, but how
Princess Sofia and trap
Super-g a few sprinkles of my crazy crystal should do the trick super genius
If there was evil lurking in the castle I would most certainly be the first to know
Well you think he's okay. She is more royal family
It's the least I could do after all the jewelry you've made me miss Sasha. Oh why you think Sofia?
They're really nice and Rick welcome you to the enchanted feast. Oh, but where is the feast you may ask?
To do that just a little joke before the main course of magic all right bring it on
Mira milk it's amazing, please step forward and behold your reflection in my Morpho mirrors
It's a real Turkey everyone dance. I'm afraid Amber's right Sofia
Mr.. Cedric
Mr.. Cedric where'd you go yo you ok so free mr.. Cedric messed up all his smells of the feast what else is new
Are you sure about that once an old woman came to my door offering an apple
But she turned out to be my wicked stepmother in disguise and the Apple was poised
It's up to you to do something about it before it's too late
You're right
The doors are all stuck Sasha. I am not amused
You've come just in time
She's miss meadow who an evil fairy she's after my amulet
What no one can have that amulet for me in you princess
He started it. Just try to get along okay
So you are the sorcerer after all
Oh hop aside so I got this
Drool I should have left him tied up follow me
She blocked those exits under stairs to
Have to get those vines off the doors guards use your swords
It's tasty if one carries you up to the window you can chew through the vines and the two of you
I need you two to get along for one night. Just one night
All right one night if I must
Look no vines excellent
Sorry, grandpa walk, which one. You got the blinds my wallet mm-hmm
Great job guys. Oh that fairy will be no match for me now wait. What do you have in mind? I?
Know you can do your more fill mirrors right, but how will that come again gladly?
Yes again you think you can outwit me with a party trick flora, Venetia
Right this way, but she's not you think she
Was just an illusion
Like everything else about her now I believe we have an enchanted feast to finish
Mermaid and die MacLeod. Yes James lino
The amulet me antha
It looks like every kid in the kingdom
Of the blazing Palisades
Thank you the host of the Harvest Festival no he's the Mormon will be chosen to sing the enchancian anthem
This year as a singer will be
Wave to the crowd
Hold this year's lucky winner
Who receive and of course you must rehearse the song, but first the very best part you get to meet
Sophia you are going to have the best time
Look the painter Otzi are already lining up to paint your portrait really they want to paint me
Authority post and enchancia today all want to write stories about you
Me see and you stop being a princess was a big deal, so
That's not all they're going to send hundreds of gallons to the castle and I get to pick which one to wear for the big
Show that sounds like fun doesn't it princess Sofia over here
My new anthem singer posed for answer. It could you two step aside? You're in the frame?
You'll see me on stage
Princesa Sofia welcome to your first rehearsal this let me try that again
Are you okay princess Sofia actually mr.
Congratulations princess. Ha ha I heard the big news
Thanks, but something's what only princess turned into frogs
although I did hear about a swan who turned into a princess once no no no no it was a princess who turned into a
Hi amber, what are you doing here?
I got your back princess hmm. You'll see
Time to water the begonias once these bubbling oceans mix a pouring rain
It's sad
You go to got yourself first
So I am cursed how by hell well
By your precious amulet no doubt curse
You my dear must have done a very bad deed, but I haven't done anything bad
Well, then your amulet wouldn't have cursed you. I can't take it off. I promised dad
I wouldn't oh you've already done one bad thing today. What's what oh?
Isn't there anything else you can do suit yourself, but I'm only looking out for you my dear princess
I mean I wouldn't want you to walk out on stage at the Harvest Festival in front of all those people
But I won't be fixing it for her
I will use it myself to take over this whole
Oh soon, I don't believe it. I must have or I wouldn't be
Croaking huh? Well we got to figure out what you did wrong if we can figure it out. Oh clover
What am I going to do? I don't know?
Mmm-hmm, but it's getting late, and you should get some sleep. We can figure it out in the morning
We have to whenever I lose a carrot back. I retrace my steps
Go back exactly the way. I came until I find it
That's what we got to do to figure out why you were cursed go all right clover
I came here in the morning with Ruby and Jade okay, then what happened then mr. Luciano announced. I was going to be the
Anthem singer and brought me on stage. Thanked all of them
Well, we can rule out bad manners, then I remembered that Jaden will be were waiting for me
And I ran back to find them then I told Ruby and Jade about everything for everyone wanted to interview me and give me
Gifts oh, and did I tell you about the standing ovation I got
Listen to her
How could all her friends stand to hear her ball bragging to Ruby and Jade?
I was going on and on about all the great things that were happening to me, and they wanted to sing the anthem too
Ruby Jade can I talk to you are you sure you have time
It wasn't very nice of me, and I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings
You did but it's okay. We forgive you you do oh
Just the princess I was looking for mr.. Ceedric. I figured out why he was cursed, and I think I fixed it
I'll be right over there by the stage if you change your mind, but time is running out tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock
What are you doing here princess Sofia your amulet brought me here to help the amulet put a curse on
Who fell deep under a spell?
That he couldn't undo
Though he tried to say that yes. He'll fix your mess do more than come
Use all your mind
To make it right
By doing something great you just might do that
You could delight your friends tonight outer than work
Well I see you've discovered this only one way out of your predicament have a frog in my throat
But it's okay, because I don't deserve to sing me anthem
You really want us to sing a really really good
Do Thank You Sophia this is the ever?
golden glaze
to the dragons on the
Tops of the lazy your friends sound oh, how do you say Anna transia?
Awesome, we really do they're singing it better than I would have Hey
Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 80 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:27.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
The shine princess
Alright my Mane needs a trim. I've been hitting the oat bag pretty hard lately
What's so funny oh nothing
Now let's move on to our next art project
building your very own Dream Castle
Think about what you would want because working with others makes everything more fun
Now our partners will be
Princess Vivian who's that? Oh?
She's in the back probably hiding behind her easel Sofia
So do you wanna come over to my castle to work on the project um? Well no I don't think so
Sorry you got stuck with Vivian Sophia. She is strange. It's true, and no one has ever been to her castle
Good luck Sofia. Oh
Sophia there you are Here. I am I have been looking everywhere for you the coach is waiting to take you to Vivian's I know
Right, I think James so is there a reason you don't want to go to Vivian's how did you know because mom's know everything?
Everyone at school says Vivian is strange when you even bring to a castle
That's full of bats and gnomes an escape plan what you need is some backup princess. I'll go with you
Just don't let the Backson no scratch clover behind the ears
Wow this is definitely not a cave
Vivianne why don't you show Sofia your room okay mom follow me Sofia?
What's that? Oh? It's just my pet rabbit. I hope it's okay that I brought him sure I have a pet, too
Well afraid to come over here. No not at all
Maybe a little the girls at school told me some stories
Yes, the gnomes and the bats and the caves and the strange I guess I'm a little
Shy yeah, that's okay. I understand so should we get to work on our dream castle yes great idea?
I'm cool, and I'm really excited to meet you
Sparky what's with the flame-throwing? Oh, sorry? I'm running the grass and have a picnic and chase
Wait did you say picnic pheasant with food uh-huh, I'm in
If I could put anything in the world in our castle I'd choose a sorcerers workshop for sure and the butterfly garden a
Huge table for flying horses. It's my favorite spot in the castle. Well really it's my favorite spot in the world
Can you play all of these
May be simpler than it seems if you feel a little shy
Here's something we can try. I'll just sing a little
Vivian you're really fun to work with oh
Thanks have never ever heard anyone say that before that's just because they don't know you you should try talking at school more
I don't know, but I'm glad I came over today, and I'm really glad we're partners me, too
See you at school tomorrow ready clover oh
Yeah, but it's not really gonna work out
Why not Wow she's a nice dragon at all?
But we're just too different because you're a rabbit and she's Egypt no more maids no hippos. No I made it both
Yes, I can
Come on I bet crackle will be really happy to see you again when she's happy she breathes fire clover
You're her friend. She breathes fire. You're her friend
You're the only one who's ever come back. I can see why?
Come in
Communing it since the minute you left
Hmm nice smoky flavor. I like it you do you really do
It makes me so happy. I got a girl
What happened to you today, I wanted to talk to the other girl Sofia, and I thought I could do it
But then I just ran away like always well. You'll have another chance tomorrow
You're going to have to start talking to people sooner or later. I choose later
I'll be right next to you and we can take turns speaking you make it sound so easy
Clover it's time to go no wait wait wait only look at what crackle can do
It might be the greatest talent in the world
Clover that's it Vivian's greatest talent
So play for them instead you can play the mandolin and we'll both sing oh
I don't know when I first came over you were shy until you played your mandolin
That's the castle which is just for our gowns and this one is for shoes
Thank you, thank you so much look
No, one will even try to attack this castle because of the cannon boom. That's it
You're gonna be great. I hope you're right Sofia because there are a lot of people watching
In our castle we would float
With the dolphins in the moat. We'd paint all the towers blue
And that's our dream castle
You are set right away ah we should have made the cannon bigger you okay. I am I really am
Thanks Sofia sure
Great-aunt venture
This one that
Sophia are you ready get out of my way. I want to be first in line you can be first after me
I've never been at the carnival. I've been no fair a circus a festival, but never a carnival. Oh Rollie
I wish she could have been at the wedding. I can't wait to meet her isn't it exciting Sofia?
Dad we have to leave for the carnival now, I think you can stay and say hello to your aunt
Sorry about all that dust it was a long trip
Roland my dear
Tilly she was a funny-looking baby, so I'm a little shocked. I hope I'm not showing it on life. I'm amber
Oh of course you are dear would have known you
anyway great
Carnival can wait a little bit longer
Tilly makes the best apple pie in the kingdom I'll need apples of course cinnamon nutmeg and what else hmm oh yes
Subtly Wow I hope all of you do you'll just have to decide what's more important Tilly
Would you like to join us in the parlor after you're done baking I would but I'm afraid baking will take us oh
I'm happy to help you whiz-bang
We'll be going then see you after the carnival
Let's get out of here
Hmm Sofia dear not really dressed for this are you Bailey? I'm sure I have something
What and here we are oh?
We're too late the Arabella orchard has moved again the orchard moved
That's a blank piece of paper
Oh, but things aren't always as they seem
Sofia asked nicely and the map will show you the way now
Then we'll have to go through melodious meadow across gargantuan Gorge and there it is the orchard of the Arabella Apple
What's that plate of a breeze? I never knew this was here. It's beautiful its
melodious the world's full of wonders waiting to be seen Oh
Quite sure through the meadow, it said, but it didn't say exactly how to get through the meadow
It's like a big maze if only we could see over the flowers have we know how to find our way out
Look here's the bridge
Doesn't seem too sturdy does it sure don't make rickety rope bridges. Okay. They used to
The only way to find out is to
But if you let me take a look I think I can help
How can I
So high up first time hitching a ride on a giant visit. You've done this before who hasn't no choice
There they are the Arabella apples
Go on now be a good wombeast shoo you shoo
It's not suing
You better get you why the same thing you've been doing all day long you figured out a way to get through the flower maze
Bravely faced a giant and convinced him to help us across that gorge what?
Looks like the wombeast cave is up
It's really steep. It sure is not even your jumping Pierce can help us get up there
They sure could and we just need to pin the tail on the kite and there we go
Now all we need is a breath of a breeze
That's the wombeast cave right there whoo, I'll never get there
Oh mr. Wombeast, where are you?
It is kind of funny
Hey, wait a minute you speak wombeast I can speak to any animal because of my amulet well. You're wrong about me being funny
It's just not nice to take things from people higgledy-piggledy
You're right, but I'm really hungry and those apples of salt
Don't tell me you've never had a family dinner. I don't have a
Family you don't know it's just me up here. Don't maybe they're
Sophia I knew you could do it Oh
Silly the play looks great, thanks for helping me bake it Sophia. You're welcome may I present
You've outdone yourself this time Tilly
Hmm, and they had this big corn maze I thought we'd never get out
Sorry, you missed it was it fun helping aunt Tilly. It was funner than fun
It was whiz-bang all that baking must've made me hungry
Oh dear. Where are my manners excuse me a toast to my dear sister and her outstanding apple
Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Part 13 - Yellow Banana - Duration: 17:39.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
The race should never peak
Check this out cubby, what is it soccer ball away?
Good try Scully hi scat. Why is it? We don't have any fun around here mr. Smith?
Because you're no fun cap movies oh
Yeah, that is it's so high bring me my cabinet of hooks
right way sir
Here you go captain how about this one set sail for Pirate Island
Why they call it right we're gonna stick together and find a way to get our soccer ball back
Hey, matey's will you go with us to Neverland and help us get our soccer ball?
Me I think this round bouncy thing is broken on Pirate Island
It was rolling and bouncing around la dee da da, but now it doesn't even move Oh
Captain Hook and mr.. Smee are on their way to never Peak Mountain
We've got to catch up to them cubby. What's the fastest way to never peak?
Let's check around the red path and that's the one that will get us to never beat Mountain the fastest
Yay-hey, we found the fastest way to never Peak Mountain mr.. Smee. You're wasting time
But this is big, bug Valley
What if he went into a big bug just be careful and what's wrong ice pirates seems?
They're following us, but I've got a tricky idea up my sleeve mr.. Smee
Wake up the big pond over here
Our soccer ball is look alive me hearties down there. Oh
Watch your smelly foot mister, and I've got a great idea
This is like a great big water slut. How about we slide down?
Good idea dink. Let's all sit down
Yoho way to go
We did it we got down the slide and passed Captain Hook and we got ours our soccer ball
Come on crew let's go get the soccer ball out of the cave
Hey, I've got an idea
If we could fly now that we've got the ball. We could fly out of the hole in the roof
What can help make us fly then you'll need to come to Pirate Island?
Yo-ho weddings come on count with us
1 2 3 punch our soccer game
Around bouncy thing to play with
Wow that's a cannonball oh
Dear oh
Mateys do you want to join my pirate crew?
The golden Twilight treasure
Crackers I see seashells here you go mister. Let's find out
Yoho follow that glow uh
You gotta go without me. I'm a Never Land Firefly. He's the rightful
Where is that golden Twilight treasure or read our map white you say?
We found just what we need to find our way to a golden Twilight treasure
Land oh
Come along little Firefly darker around here. Will you help us rescue brightly?
Thanks remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we can use it
Hurry as long as we see brightly's glow we know where to find him mr.. Smee
As Captain I command you to give me more light at once
Snapdragons, and we got three gold doubloons
Let's grab them and go
Look there's brettly's glow
Seem to stumbled onto the road these rolling hills move like waves in the never sea, how are we gonna get across?
Balance like this come on put your arm faintly
Blast I can't see a thing
This lends --lens light is as dim as the murky deep
Only that's where we'll find the cave of the golden Twilight treasure
Whoa, it's fading fast
And if he stops glowing we won't know where to find him looks like this is an emergency
We've got to catch up Doug now. Be careful captain. I'm a tad worried. We'll bump into big bugs
this mean big bug Valley and all
Firefly flying
Yoho Firefly glow
It's working wait a glow we helped make Riley. Happy again, and we got five more gold doubloons
Let's grab them and go back to Pirate Island
The cave of the golden Twilight treasure
Barnacles where's the treasure?
You might wanna hold back on this swim
Thanks for helping us rescue brightly mateys now, let's put come on count with us 1
Thanks again for helping us rescue brightly he's really happy now, and he wants to be my Never Land nightlight whoa
I think at last we've lost those buggy bugs me, but just in case Rafa
Boiling barnacles, this is the hottest day ever
Gets any hotter it's hot on Pirate Island Beach and pirates plunge is the place to reach oh boy?
pirates plunge
What's pirates Boston you know how I hate to be hot
And I'm standing as fast as I can captain, but my arm is getting tired
And just people me pirates, I hear I can't wait to get to pirates plunge and go water sliding. It's a good thing
And splashing down this is
Taking a nap
How are we gonna get the map back? Let me make a crocodile sneeze with Scully's feather
We can use it to tickle the Crocs nose. Let's all blow the feather over the Crocs nose. It's a blues
Let's grab them and watch the crocodile sneeze
Also make a crocodile sneeze
Cubby that's it
Maybe we can make the clock it. I don't worry about the map
But he'll well fizzy pop
If anybody wants one follow me
And we got four more gold doubloons, let's grab them and watch the crocodile
Funny joke for you. What do you get when you cross a crocodile with the chicken I?
Don't know cubby. What do you get when you?
Stop Captain Hook we all want the map to pirates plunge but trapping the croc in and that isn't the right thing to do
Come on count with us
Thanks for helping us on today's cool adventure
Mateys do you want to join my pirate crew?
Save the Coral Cove
This certainly is a lovely City place and are the equally legendary
Captain Hook intend to find it now let us see
Last no luck yet, I'll find that treasure if I have to be
We weren't expecting to see you today, it's an emergency sandy, and I need your help oh
Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons
Whenever we solve a pirate problem together
They'll appear then
We'll curse that old sea stunk Captain Hook is dead ahead
And he's using his machine to pick up the bottom of the sea we need to get a look under water. Hey, I'm busy
You'll destroy sandy the starfish's home and all the other sea creatures homes too. Oh
Not those puny pirates again. Oh
Coconuts, how are we gonna get around the dolphin dolphins like to play? Maybe we can get them to move
Well done when it must be the treasure with
Three four five six seven eight arms this must be the treasure with eight arms
It's an octopus get us out of here wrong round, but how can we get the octopus to give up the chase?
We could distract him hmm the octopus has lots arms. Here's mr.
Octopus and slow down
Further we get from that beast the better head for the Jolly Roger and this time go
What dragon the digging machine so I?
Hope you it's like it has a mind of its own
We have to stop that machine Yoho, let's go
Crackers Izzie, we've got to stop hooks machine. This is an emergency then it's pixie
And Sandy's home
You pirates are the best sandy, and I can't thank you enough come on count with us
Tinker with the rippin diggin machine and it will never ever run again Smee, are you sure it's safe now
Vampirina Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 55 - Rose Braine - Duration: 18:40.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
Feet up made of stone your feet are made of stone
I realized that but they don't usually feel that way that was a late and a loud night
Hold on to your bat wings cuz I have two words for you scream
Wait for it here, it comes
Scream girls are my favorite
We play their videos on TMT transylvanian monster television
Okay, thanks. We're psyched to be here
I didn't know you
Could do that later
We are thrilled to host you at out humbles Wow
Your guitar. I can't believe I'm holding it
Do you play any more of the spookily girl myself?
But Bridget place the guitar I always wanted to be in a band so
Do it
You play the spook alele you play the drums. You're the lead guitar. That's all you need Rock
This is sure do I have a feeling you're gonna be great you guys remind me of us when we started out really?
You're so good. We're nothing like you
We'll throw a concert and you guys can be our opening band inside a crowd so we can really rock this place wait what?
Is everyone ready
Oh, I was too late wasn't I uh-huh here you go one two
Sorry happens to the best of us when I get nervous my own
Okay look that boy's own personal cool
I mean cool rock will teach you what to do
First things first okay forget ghosts I got it Demi's darlings dummy in the Jets
Don't think so you're bit everyone has an inner ghoul
Find the strength inside yourself and show it to the world while you're on stage
But I like it
Girls it is nice. You girls are totally ready to rock and roll which is good timing because the audience is here
It's okay to be nervous just find your inner group and get a rose
Can't jam a song to keep the audience happy, and then you guys can come out. We'll be the warm-up band for you
You'll find your inner goo girl. I believe in you mom makes one of us. They are pretty incredible
I can't wait to see that big ending oh no their big ending everyone will see and get scared
I knew you could do it all girl everyone ready
Let your inner
They're pretty amazing I don't know about yours, but mine sure is a
1 2 3 4
What kind of things did you do oh the usual stuff
We learned Frankensteinian limb stitching did monster community service
And this is my monster cookie badge for selling the most cookies well poppy and I are what took quitsies
And we sell cookies to gold guides in wood chuck wood see some pretty much the same to me
Except for the spooky and launched three parts I miss being a ghoul guide
And I was scary glad maybe I'll get some matches
What's in the backpack my ghoul guide pick it has everything a ghoul Dainese?
And hopefully everything a woodchuck would eat we take great pride in being the woodchuck woodsies of pennsylvania
We are honest kind and helpful and woodsies never give up
Bonanza as you know earning badges is not easy
Calling blue t spotty at 12 o'clock
Pretty great at this as a cool guy. Oh
I guess bird calling and bat calling are totally different. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they certainly did. Oh, don't worry
I'm sure you'll do better at the next activity
Right oh woodsey
Well God would cease congratulations, I'm excited for this one
That's top-notch packaging Mozilla poppy, maybe too good. How did I do um?
I've never seen a woodsy rap so ensue does that mean I didn't earn a vanishing batch
Not this time dear, but I know you'll maybe one in unbending oops. Sorry Bridget
You've got this V you garden with your mom all done the twigs really bring out his teeth
that is the most, but we have one more activity I
believe in you vamper inna Huntley
gardening badges go to Bridget poppy Bernabe Roxanna Tiffany's
It was scary good as a go back, but remember. We're raising money for our camping trip
Ready to sell cookies
B-but I didn't earn any maybe I should just go home
You can't quit what's these don't let each other give up and neither do Frank everybody thinks of quitting now and then
But remember that old woodchuck woodsy theory
when the goings getting
What's always
Right by yourself what Chuck was he way
You really think I'd make a good woodchuck woodsy. You're the best friend's a vampire could ask for
Creamy sprinkles and mummy bears though some kind of scary
And yell me at the same time since nothing
I've done today is worked be that's it decorating the cookies is an amazing idea
But how are we going to decorate them one box jumping right up? I mean coming right up
It's every last crumb in all my years leading the woodchuck woodsies, we've never sold out of cookies ever
It was all because of these Oh, what just was easy it finanza Day has been a huge success
Her confidence and creativity helped us sell a record number of woodsy cookies
I am prayin can't believe it my first batch
We're so proud of you Vee. I'm proud to call myself a
Pennsylvanian woodchuck woodsy
Nice kitty nothing to get his he about just
Survived monstrous attack yes, I did just barely, but I did oh it was Oh
Fort legs yes. It was what you should have seen it was
She loved them so much back in Transylvania
Hey Bridget, did you get your invitation to vamp reading a surprise party tonight, uh-huh it'll be home before getting surprised
Otherwise what are you guys talking about that was weird no weird
Clothes fun we almost let the bat out of the bag stop doing that
Doing what?
Gosh do I have Sami breath or something?
That's why I can't wait for my surprise party tonight, you know about the surprise party
They're all about the house
Surprising the guests. I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself
Prepare to be salute me is totally tonight and yoseef
Creepy booth music is all cued up. Wow you really go out, huh?
Fill up your closet with big black spooky bat you shut the door and then
The classic pinata trick
Maybe take down the spooky lights or replace the eyeballs with cookies surprise cookies
I sure hope so
Not me I never fall for the behind it
Scream when it comes to throwing a party
Another successful spook, okay kids that's it you forgot
But forgot that vampires and humans don't always do things the same way
Yeah, not everyone loves being scared like you and me
No use letting the blood orange cake goat the ways the need that you and poppy want this one looks pretty scared before
I looked at the video the Camerons. I was never really that scared
The camera never lies alright even though I'd made new friends like you and Bridget, it's
Still tough to be the new kid
Give the other kids some time to get used to the new stuff
I have a feeling they'll come around and love you for all the reasons I do you'll be
Edgar frigid everyone she always shares for lunch which is so poor different and cool
She's so brave and funny and a great dancer her house. She's probably haunted
You really like me of course we do the camera doesn't lie
Did you see what they did for me? Well not the part where I was screaming, but anyway
They saw that the surprises were just costumes and pretend
You do like to be happy in Transylvania
Don't you of course we do and thanks everybody and clean room Joe's a little scared
Well, why don't you show me how you throw parties in Pennsylvania?
Going to be if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise
Vamping trip
Can't wait to show them how we do camping or should I say van thing remember our family vamping trips back in
Sorry Grigory, huh, sorry they mean you two just need to make sure you stay hidden from the P persons
Really looking forward to getting out there in the great outdoors
There aren't a lot of bugs out where we're going are there. I don't like the creepy crawlies you gallon
Elusive Bigfoot, Bigfoot, he's kind of like a big ape who lives in the forest
I'm good. I'd rather sleep right side up like I normally do plus. I'm gonna get my gear ready for Bigfoot
Why did you bring a garden gnome statue with you know well? You know you want your campsite to feel just like home great
All right now that we're all set up who wants to tell stories around the campfire
Now that's what I call a scary story. Can you imagine?
It was a great story start it is ghoulishly dark isn't it who wants to go stargazing? Oh?
This is big for gazing I'm out. I'll stay here with him grrrrrr. I
Was hoping we could all stargaze together. It's a vamping tradition cheer up v. Let's shall puppy some
Transylvanian constellations wow I didn't know there were vampire constellations, too
Yep, and they're all part of the vamping experience
When a knife is as dark as tonight
All the stars shine and sparkle like you
And an ominous wind howling too
So what do you think about vamping?
It's even better than I thought it would be I've never seen so many stars before they're so glad to have you join us
We're going for a quick walk around the campground mom said we could finally go look for Bigfoot
I have my camera already this huh you were saying oh um well
I just think Edgar will sleep better if I give him a chance to look around a bit I
Jamie Gregoria, it's okay, and none Egger aren't here oh
That's the pose is good for my back. What is it? This is moon?
Dust if it gets on Wolfie it'll turn him back into his normal little pop self
We haven't seen Bigfoot yet. He's gotta be around here somewhere
If your mom and ignorance werewolf any fly ahead and get wolfies attention
Then he was gone. Well. That's quite the story. I wish everyone could have been there to see Bigfoot though
It would have been cool if we all saw him together
I got so caught up in trying to catch Bigfoot, but I didn't do too much camping stuff. That's okay. Oh
Do you want me to charge your phone in the car for you? Huh? No I'm good
Vampirina Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 79 - Zara Warner - Duration: 19:45.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
The little winch oh
Do you think this corner is cozy enough hmm
Which is in history Desmond and?
So Desmond anonymous top of their group
Desmond and Alice fearlessly flew how do I look scary mmm good?
Have you seen them Gregorio
Boris old chap, thank you for having us
Hi CP I'm Dan Farina
Encanta to meet you oh
She's good. What about you love?
I'm not sleepy at all
Can I stay and play with Sam parina of course Desmond Palace wanna play with my screen girl girls Wow?
You have frankenz DC. I have lychee willow but I left her at home
Maybe we can go flying later and not
Kat oh right sure here, I go ready Phoebe. Are you okay?
Terrible which I don't know
I'm not a very good flyer and have never transformed into a cat ever
Which I want to be
You know I wasn't great at doing vampire things at first really
It took me a long time to be able to transform into a bat take a deep breath and jump into the air try it
Closing my eyes. Well, maybe it's because you're thinking too much like a witch instead of like a cat
Watch and learn stand up
It's time for a gargoyle idea translation a good idea
I'm not a cat am I
No bells. Hey
Witches are great. It smells. Maybe that's what you're good at
No, see oh you should turn Victoria into a glitter fairy keep looking
Okay, yeah, what are those two? I'll try okay
Here we go
But not a bunny and naru gorya, which is really too bad
All you have to do is a reverse spell, but what if I do that wrong - you won't you can't I mean
Is everything all right in here Wolfie only hides under the bed when he sees my kittens
Magical mishap the best of us Oh our poor guests. I haven't done one work in years who's going to turn them back
Ella Kazak turn these scrubs back to mom and dad oh
I did was make a big mess
Darling you are great little witch one who's been practicing hard every day
Thank you for the enchanting visit go bug food
Thanks for helping me be a better witch I'll never forget you vamp Rena. We won't forget you either Phoebe
Critters, how are we going to go to the concert with a giant werewolf on the loose?
Did someone say where we'll fetch here will be?
Wolfie accidentally knocked into the cabinet, and now he's oh, it's keeping like this please not on my watch
He could get lost to hurt if he stays this small
Got my paws here as fast as I could thanks for coming on such short notice dr. Paquette
Canadians are always happy to help me hi dr. Paquette. I'm Dan Farina, and this is we'll see
Would you like to help me with wolfies checkup me
Are you sure yep? I got a fuzzy feeling you're great with critters
Let's hear the howl whoopee
Come on boy he'll look at the full mount thanks dr. P and what about dr. Demi?
We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for dr.
Demi true, but I really do look haltingly radiant, and what now all we need is that potion and we'll be good
great goblins
What is it looks like I'm up
You know there's probably not enough in here
Looks like I'll have to go back to Transylvania. It's the only place you can get it
No, why don't we watch the egg for dr. Baquette while he goes back to Transylvania. I promise I'll do a good job
Please dr. P. Well. I just know I'm gonna be a great senior Canarian
You'll be help in Transylvania we all head Crenn we have found our loyal and toes
To go
Okay, what was that? Please tell me that was just gregarious back again
I wish that was the yay, maybe we should call about the pretend wait. I promised dr. B. I could take care of a bandage
See good as new now time for the blanket
Um dr. B the bandage fell off
Are you two seeing the same critter
I'm saying the cutest cuddliest critter ever no I'm seeing a real live dragon that looks like Shrek
It's only a little harmless smoke. I'm sure it's nothing
Or not. I hate to say I told you so but hello. I told you
Can we call dr. Birkhead now, please call dr. P
Okay, maybe it is
You have to be careful because you're so small wait is this Oh dr
Briquettes bag and he must have looked behind
dragon food
Dr.. P. I'm so glad you're here egg is she hatched and then she started flying and was really hungry. I'd say you're a
Natural crit anarion. I am of course. Oh, just remember
it's always okay to ask for help when you need it exercised anymore I
Guess he is pretty cute are we 150 percent sure we can't
Shuttle monster
Let me monster like this tonight
Cuteness are you my name's buttons, and I just booked a Lumiere ear scare BnB
You can absolutely play with us, it's called hair tag if you're eight you have to catch the others and give them
That was the
Ever be scary, but I wanna be I know I'm small fluffy and cute as a button
But I've always kinda being big and scary like over it Demi a good warrior. They taught me everything I know
Maybe they can help you too. Is that true mr. Demion miss, Bogoria
Can you bring me bones how to make googly eyes?
Fake but effective, and we even talked wolfy the element of surprise
What the gup-e a master of the hair-raising shriek
We're gonna sharpen your skills and spine tingling - and then we'll tweet kisses like this
You'll learn the way to screech Hammond roar
And when you earn your degree in shock and awe ology you'll be
Welcome to scare school if you want to scare like the best you need to know about the best sorry
The greatest scares use what is find your special talent, and you'll take your scare to monstrous Heights
More teeth that's it even more teeth
Clapping for Demi won't get you better grades
That's what makes it spook east of all to find it you need to take a close look for that
Scariest scare that lives deep inside of you
- and I see us you are without a doubt the cutest whatever it is that you are that I've ever seen
Bridget let's let them finish now where were we ah yes the fuck
Then without further ado, please welcome all the way from our bedroom upstairs
That was truly oh
God don't worry. We'll feel scared of everything. He was your special talent
No now we've got a sad, cuddle. No, thank you, but it's safe darling come on Bridget
You have to come out sometime
What are we gonna? Do we're great?
If you're here to cheer me up Thanks, I don't think it's gonna work
We're actually here because we need your help someone who's big and scary
Actually, no. We have a problem that only you can fix, but only because you're cute I
Heard you got kind of scared yeah, you're not scary
See Bridget, do you want to see my special talent is it scary? It's so scary
I thought it was but it most definitely
Soft as you was around
Bridget hi just listen to my two great teachers
Just as good as scary the most important part is that you're 100% yours
Sure know how to make cuddle monster feel
Vampire tag sorry I always forget you can't fly through walls. Oh, you're not the great uncle detour over
I haven't seen vampire inna this excited since their first full moon flyby of course
I'm excited screaming screaming sometimes humans get just a little
teensy bit terrified of the things they haven't seen before
We prefer the old block in any way papa cute and fuzzy isn't early our style
Hello neighbors
Hello, thank you
I like your sweater meet you. I am Boris in this is Oksana, and I mean Verena. Yeah, marina
oatmeal raisin oh
Come in come in welcome to our home screen
These lovely
It moved wish I hadn't done that gregoria you try sitting in the same position for
400 turns out Penelope likes oatmeal raisin ah
Right they are jumpy
Don't Verde all vampires get the batteries vendor nervous para los what's wrong little V
What if I don't make any friends in Pennsylvania?
I know it's sunny, but why don't you go outside and play?
What is a girl looking for I do not know
next door
That's not a troll a
Hairless cat I told you there's nothing weird going on in the house next door. That's not what mom says
What do you mean?
I'm papi and I'm Bridget and this is Edgar
Hey, I'm Ben Farina
I just moved in and I've been dying to find someone to play with Edgar sure thinks your house looks haunted
Put this house
It doesn't look Conan does it let's see
All I need is one good shot of something creepy in there my web show Wiggly weirdness will hit the big time
You have a web show that's cool
How many viewers do you have how would you know really you just moved in
This house has always belonged to my family my dad first came here a couple hundred years ago
Come on over to my totally normal. Not scary definitely not haunted house
We can play with my Transylvanian scream girl. Doll. I have to go brush miss cut okay there
Hello new friends welcome whoa where'd you come from?
helicopter parents are always lurking poppy Edgar
These are my parents were to get them at FAO shrieks back in Transylvania
That's Frankenstein her arms and legs are detachable. This is gasoline Gail one of my favorite. Just promise me
You'll tell me if anything weird happens. I'm out later Gator
Creepy Caroline comes with two hairstyle. I mean it is what you think foot
Sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you oh
and I thought we could be friends of that I
Know what you're talking about I didn't see anything wait what?
Okay need you
Amazing thing I do
Well, I'm dancing to that song me too, and I wanted to be your friend before you turned into a bat
So why wouldn't I want to be your friend afterwards, too?
Shuji I think the room is ready
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 37 - Mollie Mann - Duration: 18:36.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps Mollie Mann channel!
What are you singing about
Those floaters I'm putting that collars were great next time we're at the beach
Can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back where it's a little more quiet
What am I supposed to be listening to some are singing back to me
And then thing is that really peaceful, which I liked the singer Sherman kind of sad
So we go find out what the shorts and about so we can help them go on that's not so full of dog singing
I'm a robot a
robot song
What did you hear that singing coming from it was hard to tell I guess for me to look around to live it out
Well it was a chance in front of an audience, I'm never gonna pass that up
Okay, Roley, where should we look next I don't know
I haven't heard that singer singing for a pretty long time out here looking out bingo and Roley leave us alone
Cupcake on a mission to find whoever it is my brother heard singing
Have you been singing to me, yeah, I was the one singing
Whales right
After I swam and swam, and you looked around for my family, but I
Couldn't find that so we're gonna have to figure out how to get you from here to there, and we're gonna help
You won't get anywhere. We should probably swim. Like a while while we're doing it
What you're learning what what are you two doggies doing going splashy splashy splashy like a whale?
Romy and bingo you to be the motors, and I'll be the captain
Let's try to make this voyage little less spinny
Wow I
Didn't come in this way
And I don't know how I'm gonna get out this way either
Because I haven't learned how to jump out of the water yet. That was something my mom was gonna teach me on this trip
Okay, let's make this happen. I know it's a little scary trying something
Can get you up there quick
Like you flew but without any wings let get you a little Wow
How did you where the big ocean is?
Tinkled if you haven't heard that for sure I
Like seeing those two being so happy yeah watching whales is fun, and here's a picture
I took of two whales jumping out of the water
You know next time I go whale watching I should take you guys with me
Oh, there's the sign I've been looking for
Now that is one fine-looking broccoli
Hi there puppies hey little piggy we're waiting for Bob he's buying vegetables
Well you want to come see the most awesomest place here
Playing - food, but don't really wear a puppy out
That's why after we pigs get all muddy well it sure looks like you had fun exploring the farm
You little monsters I can hardly tell which one of you is which I?
Know hiss see these two are a mess
And then you go oh I
Guess I should go first. I really can keep pretending to be a pig
Yeah, you might want to leave them in there after long since he was extra piggy when he went in
I never said I was my name snapped
No Bob must have brought that piglet home by mistake. I found this one sleeping near a tree
Yeah, I'm sure he's as hungry is all of you yummy. Yummy yummy. I get to fill my tummy
We're gonna curl up like we always do and go back to sleep wait where's bingo
I can't go to sleep without my brother a dog who's starting to wonder?
Where his brother the dog is that's so silly how you play pretend?
Where are you you and I are going on a mission
Nothing looks familiar
Thanks for lunch piggies, but it's time for me to go
That was a nice place to visit
But I don't want to live there without bingo what you're doing out of the Pigpen little piggy. Oh
You're not a little piggy at all
You're a puppy you must love your brother a lot. I do and now I need to figure out where to find him
The farm has got to be close by which means my brother is too Rolly
I knew you'd come find me. I just knew it when we were
Let's make sure we're never separated yeah, then we have to figure out whether for you LaVon is it's right there
Wait art did not make you dry doggies
Thanks for checking my eyes doc
I'll make sure to keep these sunglasses on for the rest of the day. We've been having a little fun with them
So they look cute, well here are your puppies leashes, so you can walk them home. Oh, we're
And away we go
That's not sure it's a cool rack. I don't think Bob knows because of his blurry eyes
Bob's house is
this way
Well my puppies and I are headed home, so maybe we'll see what we get there
But he's probably gonna do some shopping before he goes home
Oh lovely day for a walk isn't it oh, I'm terribly sorry come on boys we meet again
That was close one we gotta be more careful
The most important part of reading away right now is to make sure we get Bob home sick, so let's make sure
Where we started though
This mission is harder than we thought
I think I'll buy some flowers to take home so I can look at him after my vision clears out
Well this must be the flower store right here
Hi, you looking for anything in particular
Nope, but I'll know it when I smell it
It's a music store Bob thinks he's buying flowers
Do you like that one now those look perfect, I'll take a dozen of those please oh
Look great in a vase
Thank you
This way guys we'll be home in no time. I just love this store
They sell fresh fruit Sporting Goods and wind chimes
It looks like Bob still can hardly see at all yeah, we better help him out
Huh, maybe the fruits down here oh no I have an idea I
Don't know what kind of fruit this is but it's way too hard to eat
Whoops excuse me oh
That Way's blocked
Hey, this feels just right
My eyes are still a bit blurry. Uh could you point me towards the checkout sure?
No no it's gonna rain today, I would have brought a hat to keep my head dry
Maybe they sell hats and ear
Dorgan Bob, they don't sell flowers or hats in there
Huh, I wish I knew the fastest way to walk home from here
That bus will be a fast way
Good Bob. Said he wants to walk
Boy the sidewalk got driving. Well. I guess I'm not the only one trying to walk home
Then I can just barely say it, but I'm pretty sure that's my house right there I?
Like your silly hat you know what my two favorite neighbors could have two of these too I
Guess they do go with the hat
Good morning my I
Cannot fall asleep last night. I just didn't feel tired
Tried everything I can think of to help me get sleepy
I've sang many verses it did not work. Maybe I should have tried counting sheep
Where's my messenger bag I'm actually asking Oh
Oh, yeah
Our mission is to bring Bob some sheep so he can count them and fall asleep tonight counting sheep is just an expression guys
- thank you three
See I'm already sleepy, but you know what's even better than imaginary sheep
Excuse me do we have your attention please?
Forgot all together now that's right get those hooves and gear
One sheep two sheep three sheep
Hey, they're not a sheep hi bingo and Roly I'm Strider
What brings you pups to the farm our owner Bob needs to count sheep so he can fall asleep
But we don't have any sheep in our house come on George. No nonsense
The trick to hurting is you got to keep the sheep together. Don't let anybody wander off. Let's do this for buck
Let's get the sheet to walk in a straight line and then turn run beside them and bark like this
Keep it moving
You know it's even more fun than herding sheep
Then you make a serious hurting face and stare at them like this
Let's get them back in line even faster
You can do it keep trying
Let's keep at it, so he used to us
When you can't get your best shot, but this is not working now, there's only one
Yes now you're learning like champs yeah bingo and Roli
But there's one super important thing left to do they could get lost so close the gate close the gate
Got it and walk in line answer and park
Here we go hey Rolly hey sheep love all these sheets at their best you pudding dogs ever
I'm like a worm cloud
Let's make sure all the sheep are here yeah
This is making me tired
23:24 where's sheep 25? Oh, No?
Close the gates of time right right. Thanks
Well that's not good on the upside you might learn to read or write Roley
Keep going almost there we got the chute to walk in a line hi
She she she that's right
Let's get the Sheep back to Bob's house we can counting the clouds late tonight
Come from are you missing any sheep?
You are well. I found them yeah, three. We did mom's counting sheep now. We'll fall asleep for sure
Thanks for calling about my sheep. They were harder to round up than I expected
That's why I have a sheep herding dog. Please get this last sheep to the rest of their herd. Will you strider?
Go for it. Thanks for teaching us come on strider. Let's go home
Tommy he'd made Bob sleepy and herding sheep made me sleepy meat soon
Sweet dreams dizzy. Did you just wake me up to say good night?
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