Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 27 2017

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House and basically one of the top representatives for the Republican

party in the United States is absolutely pissed off that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin

is not lying enough to both the American public and to Congress to be able to sell Paul Ryan's

disastrous tax cut package.

Paul Ryan is a guy who has put all of his eggs into this tax reform basket.

He has been tweeting nonstop every single day about this tax cut legislation, lying

to the public, saying that it's going to help the middle class, it's going to help the working


It's going to help small businesses.

In fact, it's not going to do any of those things but that's what Paul Ryan keeps telling

us because that's the only way he can sell it to the American public.

And he thought that he had an ally in Steve Mnuchin but unfortunately Mnuchin has on occasion

allowed the truth to slip out.

Mnuchin, during interviews, has admitted that this tax cut package is going to cut taxes

on the wealthy and in the end probably won't do very much for the middle class whatsoever.

And Paul Ryan is pissed off because he knows what Mnuchin has to tell everyone in order

to sell the package and that is, it's not a tax cut for millionaires, it's for the working

class, it's for the average people.

Unfortunately for Paul Ryan, everyone of us in this country knows the truth even if we

don't listen to what Steve Mnuchin says.

We know because Republicans have said this out loud, like idiots, that they are trying

to push this tax reform package through Congress, through the Senate this week, because it's

what their wealthy donors want.

And they've admitted that their donors have told them that if they don't pass it, they're

not going to get any more campaign checks.

This is what this bill is all about.

That's why there's screwing over the working class.

That's why there are massive tax cuts for things like using private jets while we take

away tax cuts and write offs for teachers who have purchase their own equipment.

They've also turned this tax cut package into a half hearted attempt to repeal parts of

the affordable care act.

Specifically the individual mandate and the subsidies that go to people who cannot afford

to buy private insurance and on top of all that, they're cutting Medicaid, they're cutting

Medicare, they're cutting social security disability benefits, all so that they can

give the wealthy elite a tax break.

Paul Ryan doesn't want you to know that and he wants Steve Mnuchin to go out there and

lie to you about it.

Reports are showing that Paul Ryan within his members of Congress, is fuming about the

fact that Mnuchin isn't going out there and lying about it.

And he's also pissed off about the fact that Steve Mnuchin and his wife Louse Linton posed

with that sheet of money looking like James Bond villains.

That's not really a good look when you have couple of millionaires sitting there holding

sheets of money when your trying to pass a tax cut package under the guise of cutting

taxes for the working class but in reality it's a giveaway to the same kind of people

who are holding up that sheet of money.

Paul Ryan is likely to get his way with this tax cut bill and that is unfortunate.

However, it's not something that is going to be permanent, the next President, or Congress

even, could come through, repeal this thing, put taxes back in a system that's more fair,

that helps the working class, that allows people who make a little bit more to pay a

little bit more to repay the system that made them wealthy to begin with.

But, Paul Ryan can't sell this thing to the public without lying about it.

In order for that to be successful, he needs everybody, including Steve Mnuchin, to get

on the same page and tell the same lies to everyone so that they can get this passed

for their wealthy donors.

For more infomation >> Paul Ryan Is Furious That The Treasury Secretary Isn't Lying Well Enough To Sell Tax Bill - Duration: 4:14.


Why Heroin Addict Says She Left Treatment Early – Is She Sober? - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Why Heroin Addict Says She Left Treatment Early – Is She Sober? - Duration: 3:05.


What is Pelagianism? | Definition of Pelagianism | Pelagianism Explained - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> What is Pelagianism? | Definition of Pelagianism | Pelagianism Explained - Duration: 15:00.


Blame game! Be grateful in life! Time is the real Enemy! - Duration: 18:49.

hey guys today I'm not so sure which topic I want to talk about my first

video as you can see on my channel it was a sarcastic funny video on technical

sagar I tried to offer him a job and yeah it's, it's kind of controversial ok

I didn't want to do it again and I'm not even gonna talk about that topic anymore

alright and I started to speak in English because I think by this way at least

half the people won't get their feelings hurt because they won't understand it so

again no insult to anyone all right I respect Hindi and English both both the

languages i have respect. i have a huge respect for my own culture and everyone

else's culture everyone else's beliefs everyone else's opinions it's just that

I still cannot find the right gig for me I'm not so sure which videos I want to

make I can make technology videos I can make science videos I can make

entertainment videos but the entertainment part is kind of difficult

you know to impress people to do something new every time and believe me

I have zero skills on video editing even in this video if I'm not getting it

right I'm gonna record it all over so it's it's kind of a difficult job if you

think about it it's easy to judge people

believe you me I respect you youtubers now I kind of envy you too because at

least those of you who have reached such a level level of success

I should say it's a difficult job so bravo! so I think it was kind of I'm

still finding what I'm trying to make okay and if it ends up being the tech

channel so be it because I am I I'm an electrical engineer and i have completed it

from BVM Engineering College which is the most reputed College the most

reputed government College actually the oldest government College in Gujarat so

and it's not that impressive but kind of felt like discussing my accomplishment

and here because even even the non-technical people I mean the those

who do not belong in the engineering community with the technical environment

right those people are also making youtube videos and why not I mean it's a

fascinating subject it's a interesting topic technology so everyone has their

own right of teaching or educating other people and sharing their knowledge to

their entire thing their fan base right so that's what everybody's entitled to

do and I have no issues in that sometimes I think a lot about Albert Einstein the

famous brilliant scientist who gave us everything we have today Albert Einstein

had his laboratory destroyed once upon a time and the person who destroyed it, there

are so many conspiracy surrounding that incident and some people even believe

that he slept with somebody's wife and that's why the husband got jealous and

angry and he did all that and some people believe that it was a rival

scientists whatever the main point here I want to address is that no matter what

happened Einstein never gave up in his life Einstein never thought of revenge

Einstein I never thought about revenge he

may have but he didn't do anything

at least it's not recorded in histories he was a very famous person

at the time so if he did something it should have been recorded right so you

have to agree that he didn't do anything and the thing that fascinates me is that

those people who have a certain kind of experience they tend to

lean more towards what I say sort of a letting go at it let go attitude if

that makes any sense a let go attitude it's not a very good attitude sometimes

sometimes I even disagree with Gandhigiri philosophy it's not always the right

option Gandhiji even though he freed our nation and did so many incredible things

and he is a Mahatma and he truly earned that no doubt about it but sometimes

life gets even more Messier and actually I read about a study actually saw a

video about a neurological study and which said that in in this world right

now the population is growing at such a higher rate that the tribal system the

kind of Messier environment where nobody is getting the rewards based on their

hard work and success it's getting more and more complicated each day so wo

bolte hai na nalayak log zyada le jate hai today that's something that's happening

in this world right now the unworthy are getting more reward

sometimes there they are dusro ka mar ke lete hai

they're just thieves or they are just jealous or they just don't want to

see the big picture right and that's why and there's no there's no proper scale

on deciding who is worthy and who is not so everybody is getting successful and

the system is allowing everyone to reach the stares of success if that makes any

sense you have in your own hands the opportunity to show the world what

you're made of what you want to become to fulfill your dreams it's all in your

hand right now right here so I'm not trying to this is by the way not a

foreshadowing to any other events okay just and this is a totally different

different topic different argument don't even try to compare it with whatever's

happening right now on YouTube and other places as well just I I felt like I saw

this in my life and it changed me a lot especially for the past one or two years

it changed me a lot and now when I think about I had I had

made so many enemies or so many enemies made me their enemy I don't know you know

some of my friends I didn't like them but then I started to understand it the

more I tried to think about the revenge it only it only destroyed my own soul

inside and the time the time man Einstein's theory of relativity the time

time kills everything the more I dwell on the past the more I kept getting hurt

no matter how how badly I wanted revenge It just didn't make any sense to go on

like that I didn't I was never gonna get any power I can't even I do and I even if I

tried i can't even get a gun license and believe me

I want to shoot people I even wanna shoot some girls if you can imagine that kind

of pathetic right? that's but if i tell you what those girls did to me

you might agree with me you might think the same I have a huge respect for women

but sometimes you know it just feels like man boy oh boy

how can the person get to such level such a low level man it's unbelievable

it's so pathetic but then I came to

realize that if I had such a bad experience it's possible other people

might have even worse experiences because I never

thought that I was gonna get even this much bad experiences in my life I never

thought about it I always thought that I always thought that I was gonna be the most

happiest most successful person or at least I'm gonna get whatever I want in

my life and that didn't happen which surprised me and that surprise kind of made me

even more angrier and vengeful so when I when I came to think of it I I

thought about it I thought about the time element because time was in the middle

of everything time you see if you have ever been in a relationship you will

understand what I'm talking about when certain amount of time passes

you kind of stop trusting that person naturally no matter how close you were

since childhood since childhood yes you stop trusting them and that my friend

is not a very healthy thing so time is ruining you you have to ruin time time

is your real enemy no one is your enemy even if you think that God is

trying to punish you okay you can think of it as time is God we still don't

understand God and we still do not understand time it so who knows anything

is possible it's a fourth dimension thing which is beyond us you can blame if you can blame God

you can blame time you don't have to blame the people those people are just a

medium of God or time to punish you or whatever to to strengthen you to make

you stronger to make you weaker to make you sad to do whatever that's happening in your life

one last thing I wanna say if you studied Mahabharata or if you even know

Bhagavad Gita Krishna said karma is everywhere karma means you need to do

what goes around comes around but karma is also implied that implied in sort of

a success story success philosophy that if you do something don't do it for a

reward right that is also the law of karma and these literatures are

included in the Bhagavad Gita if you wanna check it out I'm a Hindu I don't

actually believe it any religion but by birth I'm hindu so I know these things

and I'm not doing a favor to anything any religion or anything so don't just

start any religious debate please I'm just giving an example that and karma is a

universal phenomena now even internet has so many lots and lots of memes

of karma right so we can actually take karma as a general philosophical idea

you you don't have to attach the religion thing with it right this video

is getting longer and longer but okay I'm gonna finish my point here karma

when you understand it while you are starting out your career and your life

or your say

your karma your deed you you are being told that you should not be expecting any

rewards but when the story is over and the entire

Mahabharata is over you realize that it was being told to you intentionally

because your dreams were never gonna come true the way you wanted no matter

what you tried if you remember the Murphy's Law whatever can happen will

happen and there's also a negative version of it whatever can go wrong will

go and as a programmer if you are a programmer I believe some of you are

watching from my whatsapp group and you are developers so you know that right there

aren't many people watching my videos so that's first place I share so that's how

I know you know the possibilities of the loops and the programmings and the

conditions you apply right I studied a bit of programming back in the day

but I was doing very i wasn't a very bright student okay so but I know this and if that

possibility is true well we're truly fucked man we have to accept

it and you can only learn this version of Karma's law after you've gained experience

you see what I'm saying if you want to understand the true nature of life and

everything that's going wrong with your life why it's happening the answer of

"why" that's why people say don't ask "why" ask "why not" because it's true experience

has taught them that they they overcame their depressions and believe me it wasn't easy

it was that same shitty feeling everyone gets that those people have wronged us maybe some

someone had wronged them too who knows then if they're being being a

bigger person then you have no right to shit all over them and if they are not

behaving that's fine if they're still after you that's fine if they are still

jealous if they are still doing wrong things in your life if they are still

undermining you they are still that's a different story but then again time is

also a healer and you have to understand that not everyone bad stays bad and not

everyone good stays good forever so I'll just end it with one last sentence

that if you can find gratitude in your life that is the biggest thing you can find

there is no bigger thing in life than gratitude and you have to practice

gratitude man every morning you wake up you have to say thank you and not just

say it, you have to understand it that every thing that you have is not meant to make you

end up getting depressed it's meant to make you happy

and even time you how to understand time not not philosophically but

scientifically you are gonna die in a hundred years yes you are not gonna live

forever right so if you if you say Oh everyone dies that's a philosophical

statement dude don't think of it like that

think of it scientifically apply scientifical apply science everywhere

and that's my advice because without science

this video cannot be published without science you cannot science is its own

power it's it's the ultimate truth it doesn't need soldiers to fight for it

science is the truth and science will fuck you in the ass. it doesn't need any people

agree to disagree if you follow science you'll be happy in your life and

everything will be all right and just even if you don't want to change your

beliefs at least make sure okay whatever just make sure that none of the people

around you are getting hurt while you're doing your thing you're living your life

going about it just make sure everything stays natural and as much as and as much

as healthy and wealthy and prosper as much as possible

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