The Greeks, Romans and other world-ruling empires throughout history made no secret
of their tremendous power, flaunting and displaying it for all to see.
But the greatest empire in the world today prefers to remain hidden.
Learn the identity of this empire, and the impact it will soon have on all people-next,
on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Greetings, everyone.
The world's greatest empire is HIDDEN, and I want to discuss WHY today.
But think about that.
The world's greatest empire, according to your Bible, is actually HIDDEN from this world
in many ways.
Other empires, when they have power or they're growing greatly in power, want to boast about
that and let the world know about that publicly.
But this power doesn't want to do that until it reaches, well, the ZENITH of that power.
THEN it will, and that's going to happen in one or two years.
But why is it that this empire, this great empire of this world, wants to, let's say,
'fly under the radar'?
Why does it want to hide much of its power?
And there is a reason for that and I'll tell you, it's one of the most dramatic and deadly
prophecies in all your Bible.
So I want to really continue from the program I had last week, in many ways, to make all
of this as clear as I possibly can.
Notice what Otto von Habsburg said just before he died recently, and he was a member of the
European Union's parliament.
He had this to say: "The European Community is living largely by the heritage of the Holy
Roman Empire, though the great MAJORITY of the people who live by it don't know by what
heritage they live.
We possess a European symbol which belongs to ALL nations of Europe equally."
But that's only if you're willing to follow Germany.
"This is the crown of the Holy Roman Empire," he said, "which embodies the tradition of
And yet most people don't know they're living by that tradition of Charlemagne, or the Holy
Roman Empire.
Charlemagne began ruling in the eighth century-that's a long time ago-and his empire was called
the First Reich.
But then what we don't often know about Charlemagne is, he waded through rivers of blood converting
people to his religion, and just being a TYRANT over Europe, and the blood was running throughout
Europe BECAUSE of his power and because of his tyranny.
Now, Adolf Hitler started World War II, and he called HIS empire the Third Reich.
Charlemagne called HIS the First; Hitler said HIS was the Third Reich or the third empire.
Now, Adolf Hitler started World War II and that led to the death of 60 million people,
60 million people in World War II.
That's recent history.
So Charlemagne and Hitler are really the SAME in many ways, although Hitler had a modern
technology and a lot more powerful warfare than what Charlemagne had.
But it's all still the same tradition.
It's the very same, and that has a lot to do with WHY that empire is hidden, because,
well, many people can remember about Adolf Hitler in World War II and the 60 million
people that he led to their deaths in World War II.
And we could also look at Napoleon, who was the leader of the Fifth Holy Roman Empire,
and he was a bloody tyrant like few others in the world ever were.
So why don't they call it the tradition of Napoleon?
Well, people know too much about Napoleon and all of the bloodshed he caused in Europe
and around the world, the world at that time, anyhow.
So any time you see a head or leader of that Holy Roman Empire, it's always just a cauldron
of EVIL!
And that's what people don't understand!
They don't REMEMBER the bloodshed of Charlemagne.
That was WAY back in the eighth century.
They don't know anything about that, and maybe they don't even know who Charlemagne was.
Or if they do, they don't know what he did, usually.
So the EU leaders, by design, have not WANTED to boast about the great empire that they
have, but Germany is exporting arms like no other nation, except maybe one or two, and
they're a small country by comparison, and they have the world's strongest economy.
Now, that's power.
All you have to do is add a little military might to that, and you've got a great empire,
and they HAVE that military might, but they just don't PUBLICLY talk about it that much.
In fact they do the OPPOSITE; they try to keep it sort of covered.
But there has been, every time you hear about the Holy Roman Empire, I'm telling you it
talks about unparalleled bloodshed.
Notice this quote from a historian.
I'll just read a short quote to you.
Conrad Heiden, a political opponent of Hitler, said that "When Hitler would begin to speak
he would fill the room with his voice, suppressing interruptions or contradictions by his domineering
manner, spreading cold shivers among those present by the savagery of his declaration.
A new phenomenon has entered the room.
That thundering demon was not there before."
Now, you see, again, historians read something like that, and they, well, they're usually
not very religious people-by and large anyhow-and they don't really know anything about the
Bible, usually, or very little, and they don't understand that there is a devil who can certainly
empower his leader like, well, with a kind of power that is truly frightening.
So nobody seems to understand Bible prophecy or what the devil does in this world and what
he's capable of doing.
So when historians come to something like that, well, they usually like to skip over
it or just briefly mention it because they don't-well, it's all sort of fanatical religion
to them.
But they don't understand that these are prophecies in the Bible, as well as history that we know
They are prophecies in your Bible, and some of the mightiest prophecies in ALL the Bible.
But again, you see, most of the history of the seven heads of the Holy Roman Empire are
hidden, and they're hidden from this world for a reason because if the world understands
it, they're going to do everything they can to stop it, but they don't even understand
what's going on.
Here's another quote I want to read to you.
I think I read this to you last week, but I'll just sort of paraphrase it here.
But John Lukacs wrote about Churchill: Visionary, Statesman and Historian, and he had this to
say, he talked about Churchill said that "The crystallization of Hitler's view of the world
occurred not before the first World War, but in 1919 and not in Vienna, but in Munich."
Now, he goes on to say that other historians have followed in Churchill's view of history
about Hitler and what happened to him in Vienna, and they don't understand it, and they just
sort of skip over it and say he was really misstating that, but he was not.
He was not!
Now, he didn't misstate the sequence of the evolution of his ideas.
What we have to realize is Satan DOES empower a man in special ways, and especially a man
leading the Holy Roman Empire.
If you just read the HISTORY of that empire you'll know that, but historians sort of HIDE
that because they don't understand the Bible, they don't understand Bible prophecy, usually,
they don't understand Satan, the devil.
They don't understand God; they don't know God.
Now, that's a lot of ignorance and often I think they're sincere, probably, but just
frankly not knowledgeable about the Bible.
But most of that history, all of that bloodshed in this Holy Roman Empire, is covered in this
They don't want the world to know about it, or they do everything to keep that from happening.
At least most of the world would.
But the seventh head is ready to burst on the world scene, probably in another year
or two, and it is going to be TEN TIMES more destructive than Adolf Hitler was, just because
of the advancement in military warfare and all of the technology that's used today.
And yet, see, people are still asleep about that, and this Holy Roman Empire uses blitzkrieg
warfare-you've heard about that, the Germans are famous for that-just lightning-fast warfare
that kind of shocks the world and leaves everybody stunned by what is going on.
But let me give you a little bit more of the background here so you'll understand why this
history or, well, the history and the prophecy of the Holy Roman Empire is hidden by design
by many of the European leaders.
Now let me give you one more short quote here, another short quote that I want to read to
This is by Robert G.L. Waite, and the title of his book is The Psychopathic God-Adolf
And he says this: "Hitler insisted that his early years in Vienna were absolutely crucial
to his career because, 'At that time I formed an image of the world and a view of life which
became the foundation for my actions.
I have had to change nothing.'"
Now, this is what Hitler says about his early days, and the historians say, 'No, he didn't
really form his ideas then.
He did that in Munich, Germany in 1919.'
But that's not true.
Why do they overlook this beginning?
Well, because it sounds like fanatical religion to them.
And it really is NOT fanatical, well, it IS fanatical I think you'd certainly say that,
fanatical, but it is NOT of God, it's diabolical.
So it has to do with religion and they just usually want to get past that as quickly as
they can.
Another quote.
"Albert Speer, who knew Hitler best during World War II, was convinced that the Fuhrer's
intellectual development stopped with the world as he had known it in Vienna in 1910."
Not 1919, in 1910, and what this is all about is he became very familiar with the crown
jewels of the Holy Roman Empire in Vienna, the very crown of Charlemagne, and he really
was FASCINATED by that.
Now generally Satan will start preparing a man at an early age when he wants to use him.
Oftentimes God will do the same.
And I suppose Satan counterfeits God-in just about a multitude of ways, anyhow.
But we have a booklet on Daniels Unlocks the Book of Revelation, and it will explain this
to you.
But Satan DOES prepare a man to rule.
He started preparing Adolf Hitler in his teens in Vienna, and he was working with him in
amazing ways, and I'll show you that.
But notice.
We're going to have another man come on the scene in this end time who's going to lead
the Holy Roman Empire.
That's what this prophecy is all about in Daniel 8 and verse 23.
Daniel is ONLY for this end time today.
It tells you that in Daniel 12, verse 4 and verse 9.
Notice what it says in verse 23: "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors
are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand
Well, now, who could that man be?
Well, is Satan already preparing him?
We believe that is absolutely true, and we believe you can understand probably who he
Now, our literature will discuss that.
But notice verse 24: "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he
shall destroy wonderfully," or mightily, "and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy
the mighty and the holy people."
In other words, he's going to destroy God's lukewarm people that have turned away from
much of what God taught them, and they're going to be destroyed by this great power
if they don't repent and do something very quickly.
But I'll tell you, you know when Satan is going to use a man like this that is so significant
in Bible prophecy and going to be in history, that the god of this world is already preparing
him, Satan the devil is.
That's the way it works.
So we'll have literature that tells you all about this at the end of the program.
But also verse 25, we'll just pick up the good news here: "And through his policy also
he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart,
and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;
but he shall be broken without hand."
He's going to stand up against Jesus Christ, Himself, and Christ is going to BREAK him
and that'll be the last head of the Holy Roman Empire EVER.
Now, you see, this whole Holy Roman Empire we're talking about, and other armies, are
going to lead directly into the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
That's how close His coming is!
Now, you can prove all this from your Bible, and we really need to understand this.
Verse 11 of Habakkuk 1 says: "Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend,
imputing this his power unto his god."
Now, this is a prophecy of the last ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, and Satan gets to
him and has such a heavy influence that he changes his MIND.
The same thing happened to Adolf Hitler!
The very same process happened to Hitler, and he became a fanatical anti-Semite very
quickly, and he tells you that.
Notice another quote, this time from John Toland writing a book entitled Adolf Hitler:
"In 1938 at a rally in Nuremberg, Hitler had brought from Vienna after 140 years the insignia
of the First Reich, the Imperial Crown, the orb of empire."
The crown of Charlemagne and the orb of empire, orb or globe or the entire Earth.
In other words, this Holy Roman Empire is out to rule the world!
Now, that's not unusual for these Gentile powers to be that way.
Iran wants to rule the world very, very badly.
So does Russia.
So does China.
They all have that as their goal and God is bringing them all together to really perform
what we would call a perfect nuclear storm!
It's that bad!
And Christ is going to have to intervene to stop it, or it says in Matthew 24 and verses
21 and 22, that there would be no flesh saved alive if He didn't!
Now, that's how important this is!
In my booklet on Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, which we'll offer you at the end of
this program, I talked about how much of this Holy Roman Empire today has been, well, sort
of taken underground because of all of their violence in the past, all of the bloodshed
they have caused this world, more than any other military might in this world.
They've had seven heads, beginning in 554 A.D. with Justinian, and it's about to end
with this next Holy Roman Empire.
So Hitler said this in Mein Kampf: "This was the time in which," talking about Vienna,
"This was the time in which the greatest change I was ever to experience took place in me.
From a feeble cosmopolite, I had turned into a fanatic anti-Semite."
He had turned INTO that!
But he doesn't know WHY!
But the Bible tells you, well, that's Satan doing that in a man!
And so, they've taken that underground because after all, that's rather shocking history
and prophecy.
But it's in your Bible and you can prove every single word of it.
And it's here facing us right now, and it's going to be reaching the peak of its power
in a year or two because it'll have that strong man.
It already has the strongest economy in the world, and certainly one of the greatest nuclear
powers in the world already.
But we wrote about: "Hitler knew that the world looked upon the Jews as being God's
chosen people.
But he believed God gave that right to the Germans through the Holy Roman Empire....Hitler
gave his most inspired speeches at the frenzied, torch-lit meetings in Nuremburg.
That is where the crown jewels were," we wrote in this booklet of mine, "and where you find
the crown jewels, Satan, the king, is near."
Yes, it is, and you know how you can tell that?
Well, it tells you all about that in Revelation 12 and verse 3.
And we quoted here about The Young Hitler I Knew by August Kubizek, and he reveals a
teenage Hitler talking about personally solving all these huge problems in the world, and
he's a teenager!
And he had all of these ideas in his mind and he grew to fulfill every one of them.
That's an amazing history, and that's quite an accomplishment for a young man who became
a corporal and didn't have much success beyond that.
Then he said he would command hundreds of thousands by his plans, and he did all of
And he attributed all of this to his providence, his god.
That's what Habakkuk was talking about, his god changed his mind.
That's the power of Satan, the devil.
You can read about that in Revelation 12 and verse 3.
Let me just read that to you quickly: "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and
behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads."
Seven crowns, seven heads of the Holy Roman Empire, and the king of all of that?
It says here in these verses is Satan the devil.
A great red dragon with crowns, seven crowns.
In other words, he's the king of every Holy Roman Empire, and that is something that we
need to understand.
Just one final scripture here.
Revelation 17 and verse 10, let me read that to you quickly: "And there are seven kings:
five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must
continue a short space."
A very short space or a very short time.
He's not going to have much time to do very much at all.
And we wrote an article in by Josue Michels, that's November 13, 2017,
and he says: "The German military strategists prepare for the European Union and the United
States of America to fall."
They don't have confidence in America, and they know that the European Union's going
to fall apart.
They now have 27 nations, and God says there will be only ten kings in that Holy Roman
It's going to be pared down greatly.
Ten kings!
Now, you can count to ten, we can all count to ten and just watch it all happen.
It's going to happen before your eyes!
And God says they are going to cause the greatest bloodshed ever on this Earth!
And with all that nuclear power?
Well, I don't think it takes too much of an imagination to understand that.
But you see, it's all leading directly into the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
If He didn't stop it there would be no FLESH SAVED ALIVE!
This is REALLY great news, even though it's going to be preceded by some terrible, terrible
news that we all, well, find very frightening, I'm sure.
But with God's help, it isn't frightening.
It's great news!
Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.
Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to prove that Hitler was merely
the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history.
You will also receive Gerald Flurry's free book Daniel Unlocks Revelation and our free
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