Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 27 2017

What's the matter?

Come to mummy.

Let's go.

Take on your diaper.

Let's go.

Quickly baby.

Where are you?

He is scared of it.

Are you scared of it?

Coco, you have eaten all the carrot?

Do you want to get down?

I shake it for you.


Let's see what's in it?

It's a grasshopper.

Can you give it some food?


Feed it some food.

Do you wanna see it?

The aloe is dead, because watered more.

Let's buy another one later, OK?

Do you want to water flowers? But, you are smaller than the watering can.

Coco, look.

For more infomation >> Pocket monkey Coco wants to water the flowers, but he is smaller than the watering can - Duration: 4:01.


"The biggest ploy the evil one has this time of year is distraction" (Tim Harlow) - Duration: 2:51.

And Herod called together all the peoples chief priests and the teachers

of the law and he asked them where Christ was to be born. And they said

Bethlehem in Judea. This is what the prophet has written. Micah the Prophet 700

years before this had prophesied that Bethlehem was going to be the place of

the birthplace of the Messiah. Don't you think if you knew the savior of the

world was going to be born in a certain town that that certain town would become

significant? Don't you think they put up a bit welcome Messiah billboard

somewhere? Don't you think somebody would have had a holy Messiah giftshop for

crying out loud? Somebody would be marketing this. There would be a ferris

wheel. There would be something there to go hey the Messiah is coming! We don't

know when. But no, nobody cared. The religious leaders didn't care, they were

busy. There was a census. Everybody was traveling. Everybody was trying to figure

out what was going on. They were shopping to be done right? There were parties to

go to. Everybody was busy, just like Home Alone. And nobody that was supposed to be

at the birth of Jesus was there. The Bible tells us that the wise men left, they

left the religious leaders, and they went to Bethlehem and and no religious

leaders went with him. And you're like well how maybe it was a

long way away. That's what's so ironic when you get to be there and see it.

Because you can be standing in Jerusalem and see Bethlehem right over there. It's

five miles away. Literally every town is built on a hill so

you've got you got this town here and a gully in between and

Bethlehem is five miles away. If they were in Herod's palace they were looking

three miles away. They didn't bother going three or five miles to check on

this thing, even though these crazy dudes with the funny hats come bearing gold

and frankincense and myrrh for the baby. And they want to know where the new king

is. Herod gets so upset about it that he starts killing all the babies, but

nobody nobody cared. They didn't even bother to go.We all know that the

biggest ploy that the Evil One has this time of year is distraction.

I think the enemy figured out a long time ago

that hitting this faith thing head-on is a bad idea. I think we should worry a

lot less about the people out there that are trying to take Christ out of

Christmas and worry more about our own distractions about Christ at Christmas,

and about our priorities at Christmas. Let me say that again. I think we should

worry less about the people out there that are trying to take Christ out of

Christmas and say Happy Holidays. I think we should worry more about what we're

doing what's going on inside of our own hearts and our own distractions when it

comes to Christmas.

For more infomation >> "The biggest ploy the evil one has this time of year is distraction" (Tim Harlow) - Duration: 2:51.


Omg Meghan Markle Is Officially Engaged To Prince Harry - Duration: 0:26.

Please do like and subscribe thank you.

For more infomation >> Omg Meghan Markle Is Officially Engaged To Prince Harry - Duration: 0:26.


Excerpt Water is Wide - Duration: 3:40.

Production this is from book three of my five book trilogy, which was kind of an accident

blame it on my writers crew and

Sean is in inadvertent time traveler he's been an obnoxious arrogant

Womanizing musician, which those people say is redundant from the 21st century, and he is caught in the medieval Scotland

He latest I'm sorry barely seen his life

He leaned against the stove old macdonald wouldn't approve would he yes the pony the animals

Slurped from its trough ignoring him come on. He padded. It's wrong

Give me a navy here or navy there anything to let me know you're not really ignore me

Cuz it looks to me like you are the animal shook. It's me. You know. I'm Sean kleiner nobody ignored me

Despite the chill in the air. He was hot

He ain't his vest off standing in his Bell sleeved shirt, or should I say nobody will ignore me in seven hundred years

The animal chanted say work those boys hard shine

Imitated McDonald if you're soft on the now it will go harder on them in battle

His stomach rumbled the smells of venison and pigeon pie in bread warm from the ovens floated from Great Hall

Neil's place would be empty I could head table waiting for Sean's gullet

He didn't want to be Neil he wanted issues for a few minutes to be himself

even if it was only with a pony who adored him at least nobody was calling him Sir Neil for once a

Russell at the door drew his attention

In the dim light christina, led a black mirror to its stall singing softly to it Sean stepped from the shadows hey

She's fun and seeing him moved quickly to the door

Read will see to the haze. She said Sean laughed at her blank look he explained. Hey. He spelled it

It's what we say in my um my country for hello not what horses eat

She smiled and he liked her all the more

You don't have to run away because I'm here you remember it he'd been working all day

He lifted his arm and gave an exaggerated sniff yeah, I've run too if you can just wait 700 years. I'll put on some deodorant

Her mouth burned up. What is that?

Keeping me it keeps you from smelling like you've been working all day when you've been working hard all day

She smiled but stepped further away wait. He moved forward

They stood face to face in the doorway the gloom and rich smell of horses inside

Fresh hair and the star spangled evening sky outside can I take you to a movie a movie?

What's dad does it also keep warm from smelling Sean laughed a movie is like old Rabbie's stories?

but with people acting them out he checked the

Non-existent watch not on his wrist next showing 10 minutes 700 years

We could hang out till it starts to talk or something she shook her head. We're alone she replied. It is not proper

Yeah ok he stepped back confused at his disappointment when all he wanted to do was get back to Amy

He watched Christina's blue

Cloak swish away across the Bailey he had teased a me for being

Victorian and now he wanted to talk to someone centuries away from being even that up-to-date

It was that she knew his real name

He decided she was attractive and had a melodious voice

And he could be himself with her crack jokes about movies and deodorant. He grinned deodorant not the smoothest line

He'd ever come up with

For more infomation >> Excerpt Water is Wide - Duration: 3:40.


Every Patient is Unique - Duration: 2:05.

I was born in India.

I've seen poverty.

I've seen what it's like to not have medical care.

And I think as a physician, you have

to know why you're going into this.

My parents are physicians, so from a very early age

I saw the difference that they made in their patients' lives.

My mom is an OBGYN.

She used to take care of women in India

who actually don't get medical care.

The difference that she made is very, very inspiring, and did

enrich my desire to pursue medicine.

I always knew I was very interested in cardiology.

It's something that makes sense.

There's no gray area.

It's also something that has this instant gratification.

I really like that, that you directly make

an impact on a patient's care.

Medicine has taught me to really truly engage

your patient in patient care.

And I think that's a part of being

a compassionate physician.

What's really important is understanding

who your patient is, and one patient does not fit all.

Everyone's very individual.

Understanding what are their goal sets for their health?

What are their aspirations in life?

If I have somebody who's coming with heart failure,

does he want to run a marathon at some point?

Or does he want to travel at some point?

I think the patient needs to feel comfortable that they

can communicate with you.

When your patient understands a little bit more

about what's going on with their health,

they become a player in their health care,

and it's not just me giving them some options.

They're actually involved.

Touro's mission definitely sparked the desire

that I had to begin with to take care of these

under served populations.

Touro gave me tools.

It showed me what hard work looks like.

It showed me what courage looks like.

It showed me what perseverance looks like.

It also showed me what community looks like.

I think for the most part, we all

go into this because we want to make a difference

in a patient's life.

I love taking care of people.

This is why I became a doctor, and I

want to continue doing that for as long as I can.

For more infomation >> Every Patient is Unique - Duration: 2:05.


How Difficult is it to Keep Kosher? - Duration: 7:19.

People who do not keep kosher often say how difficult it is.

But actually, keeping kosher is not really difficult in and of itself; what makes it

difficult to keep kosher is the fact that the rest of the world does not.

As we will see, the basic underlying rules are fairly simple.

If you buy your meat at a kosher butcher and buy only kosher certified products at the

market, the only thing you really need to think about is the separation of meat and


Keeping kosher only becomes difficult when you try to eat in a non-kosher restaurant,

or at the home of a person who does not keep kosher.

In those situations, lack of knowledge about the host's ingredients and food preparation

techniques make it very difficult to keep kosher.

Some commentators, both Jewish and Christian have pointed out, that this may well have

been part of what God had in mind: as it make it more difficult for practicing Jews to socialize

with those who do not share the same religion.

General Rules Although the details of kashrut are extensive,

the laws all derive from a few fairly simple, straightforward rules:


Certain animals may not be eaten at all.

This restriction includes the flesh, organs, eggs and milk of the forbidden animals.


Of the animals that may be eaten, the birds and mammals must be killed in accordance with

Jewish law.


All blood must be drained from meat and poultry or broiled out of it before it is eaten.


Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten.


Fruits and vegetables are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs.


Meat cannot be eaten with dairy.

Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy.

(According to some views, fish may not be eaten with meat).


Utensils and cooking surfaces that have come into contact with meat may not be used with

dairy, and vice versa.

Utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food may not be used with kosher



Grape products made by non-Jews may not be eaten.

There are a few other rules that are not universal.

The Details Animals that may not be eaten

Of the "beasts of the earth" you may eat any animal that has cloven hooves and chews its


Lev. 11:3; Deut.


Any land mammal that does not have both of these qualities is forbidden.

Cattle, sheep, goats, deer and bison are kosher.

Of the things that are in the waters, you may eat anything that has fins and scales.

Lev. 11:9; Deut.


Thus, shellfish such as lobsters, oysters, shrimp, clams and crabs are all forbidden.

Fish like tuna, carp, salmon and herring are all permitted.

For birds, the criteria is less clear.

The Torah provides a list of forbidden birds (Lev. 11:13-19; Deut.

14:11-18), but does not specify why these particular birds are forbidden.

Although all of the birds on the list are birds of prey or scavengers.

(However, some people avoid turkey, because it is was unknown at the time of the giving

of the Torah, leaving room for doubt.)

Of the "winged swarming things" (winged insects), a few are specifically permitted (Lev. 11:22),

but scollars are no longer certain which ones they are, so all have been forbidden.

Rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and insects are all forbidden.

Lev. 11:29-30, 42-43.

Any product derived from these forbidden animals, such as their milk, eggs, fat, or organs,

also cannot be eaten.

Rennet, an enzyme used to harden cheese, is often obtained from non-kosher animals, thus

kosher hard cheese can be difficult to find.

Kosher slaughtering The mammals and birds that may be eaten must

be slaughtered in accordance with Jewish law.



they may not eat animals that died of natural causes (Deut.

14:21) or that were killed by other animals.

In addition, the animal must have no disease or flaws in the organs at the time of slaughter.

These restrictions do not apply to fish.

Draining of Blood The Torah prohibits consumption of blood.

Lev. 7:26-27; Lev. 17:10-14.

This is the only dietary law that has a reason specified in Torah: they do not eat blood

because the life of the animal (literally, the soul of the animal) is contained in the


This applies only to the blood of birds and mammals, not to fish.

Thus, it is necessary to remove all blood from the flesh of kosher animals.

Fruits and Vegetables All fruits and vegetables are kosher.

However, bugs and worms that may be found in some fruits and vegetables are not kosher.

Fruits and vegetables that are prone to this sort of thing should be inspected to ensure

that they contain no bugs.

Separation of Meat and Dairy On three separate occasions, the Torah tells

us not to "boil a kid in its mother's milk."

(Ex. 23:19; Ex. 34:26; Deut.


The Oral Torah explains that this passage prohibits eating meat and dairy together.

The rabbis extended this prohibition to include not eating milk and poultry together.

This separation includes not only the foods themselves, but the utensils, pots and pans

with which they are cooked, the plates which they are eaten from, the dishwashers or dishpans

in which they are cleaned, the sponges with which they are cleaned and the towels with

which they are dried.

A kosher household will have at least two sets of pots, pans and dishes: one for meat

and one for dairy.

One must wait a significant amount of time between eating meat and dairy.

Opinions differ, and vary from three to six hours after meat.

Utensils This is possibly the most complicated section

of the kosher laws.

And was briefly mentioned in the last section.

Utensils (pots, pans, plates, flatware, etc.) must also be kosher.

A utensil picks up the kosher or "status" of the food that is cooked in it or eaten

off of it, and transmits that status back to the next food that is cooked in it or eaten

off of it.

Thus, if you cook chicken soup in a saucepan, the pan becomes meat.

If you thereafter use the same saucepan to heat up some warm milk, the status of the

pan is transmitted to the milk, and status of the milk is transmitted to the pan, making

both the pan and the milk a forbidden mixture.

This generally only applies to hot foods, and the rules are quite complicated so if

you are interested you will have to look it up yourself!

Grape Products The restrictions on grape products derive

from the laws against using products of idolatry.

Wine was commonly used in the rituals of all ancient religions, and wine was routinely

sanctified for pagan purposes while it was being processed.

For this reason, use of wines and other grape products made by non-Jews was prohibited.


If like me you are not a Jew you can be thankful that you don't have to follow these laws

as kosher is definitely hard to keep unless you live in a major city with a Jewish community.

(although many Jews today don't practice kashrut)

Clearly the laws were partly intended to keep people of Jewish heritage separate from other

cultures and it is likely one of the reasons Jewish culture has survived the diaspora and

maintained a clear identity.

For more infomation >> How Difficult is it to Keep Kosher? - Duration: 7:19.


Prince Harry Is Engaged to Meghan Markle - Duration: 5:52.

Prince Harry Is Engaged to Meghan Markle


A royal wedding is on its way again.  Prince Harry is engaged to Meghan Markle, Clarence House announced Monday. The 33-year-old royal asked the 36-year-old American actress to marry him a year and a half after they started secretly dating.

They became engaged in London earlier this month. Prince Harry has informed Queen Elizabeth II and other close members of the royal family, and he asked Meghans parents permission before he proposed.

The couples wedding will take place in spring 2018.; further details will be announced in due course. The couple will appear for a photo call at Kensington Palace Monday afternoon.

They will also take part in a broadcast interview to air that evening. After their wedding, the couple will live in Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace.

While sparks between the Prince of Wales and the Suits star initially flew under the radar, it wasnt long before their secret romance made headlines in early November 2016.  However, Prince Harry didnt take kindly to the international press sudden and incessant harassment of his girlfriend and came to her defense by way of an official statement from Kensington Palace.

Prince Harry is worried about Ms. Markles safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her, the palace said. It is not right that a few months into a relationship with him that Ms.

Markle should be subjected to such a storm. He knows commentators will say this is the price she has to pay and that this is all part of the game. He strongly disagrees, the statement continued.

This is not a game—it is her life and his. As a source predicted early on in November, a speedy engagement was not out of character for the prince.

It wouldnt surprise me if hes already thinking about engagement just because thats where his head goes, the source told E! News early on in the relationship. This is totally Harry. The problem with Harry is when he falls, he falls hard.

He goes in big time. While the American star and the British royal seemed like an unlikely pair on paper, their shared passions for foreign relations, activism and public service offered common ground for their romance to stand on.

As the world learned about the couple, they had already become serious. Meghan would say its serious too, both of them do think that way, a source said.  According to another insider, Harry is the happiest hes been in a while.

Hes happier than hes been for many years, a source close to the Prince shared with the Sunday Express. Hes in a very relaxed period of his life and Meghan has come along at the right time.

They are taking each week as it comes and just enjoying each others company but its fair to say that they love seeing each other and theres a definite chemistry between them. While they were separated by an ocean and time zone, the royal redhead and American star made it a point to visit each other as frequently as their packed schedules allowed.

Before Thanksgiving 2016, Markle reportedly headed to Kensington Palaces Nottingham Cottage to stay with her beau and, after the holiday, the prince wrapped up a tour of the Caribbean with a quick trip to Toronto to see his girlfriend.  .

Harry has been traveling and wanted to make time to see Meghan, a source told E! News at the time. They wanted their time together to be private. A week later, the two were spotted buying their first Christmas tree together back in London.  It was during that trip that photographers finally captured the first photo of the couple together taking a stroll in London after seeing a play.

As a source told The Sun, which first published the images, They were clearly not afraid to be seen in public together. .

Though they spent Christmas 2016 apart, they rang in 2017 together in London before heading to Norway for a vacation, complete with whale-watching and attempts to see the Northern Lights.

Little did the world know, we would be seeing a lot more of Prince Harry and Markle in the new year.

By February, they were a touch more public about their romance as they let themselves be photographed while leaving a dinner at Soho House hand in hand.  Soon, it was time to meet the friends.

The royal brought Markle to Jamaica the next month as his plus one for his best friend Tom Inskips wedding. It was around that time that E! News learned the actress was ready to step away from the Hollywood spotlight.

Even before Harry, she was starting to think about transitioning out of acting, an insider said. She wants to focus on other worldly endeavors she is passionate about, like her philanthropy. A month later, she shut down her lifestyle website, The Tig.  .

Meghan is going through big changes in her life, a source told E! News of the closure.

The Tig was always just a fun vanity project, but it wasnt her future. Meanwhile, another insider alluded to the fact that Markle was preparing to take on royal life. She knows that a future with Harry will mean refocusing some of the interests and goals she had before they met, but she is ready for that, the source said.  As spring was in bloom, Prince Harry tried to secretly visit his girlfriend in April ahead of Easter, but he was caught by photographers carrying a duffel bag by her Toronto home. .

Six months after confirming their romance, they attended their first official public event together—the Audi Polo Challenge in Ascot, England. While the royal competed, Markle watched from the stands and cheered her man on.

It was at the event that the two tried to covertly sneak a kiss in the parking lot.

However, the peck was captured on camera by photographers, marking their first documented lip-lock.  The romance seemed to get Pippa Middletons stamp of approval when the bride-to-be invited the actress to her wedding despite an alleged no-ring-no-bring policy.

It seems the Duchess of Cambridges sister knew a thing or two about an upcoming engagement.

In September, Meghan gave fans a treat when she publicly spoke about their quiet relationship to Vanity Fair and professed her love for the royal. Were in love, she shared with the publication.

Im sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time.

This is for us. Meghan added, Its part of what makes it so special, that its just ours. Personally, I love a great love story. So do we! A few weeks later the duo made their first official public appearance together.

The royal and Suits star stepped out holding hands as they made their way to the wheelchair tennis game between New Zealand and Australia at the annual Paralympic-style Invictus Games in Toronto. The lovebirds werent hiding their affection during the event.

The actress was photographed kissing Harry during the games closing ceremony.

Shortly thereafter, it was widely reported that Prince Harry took his leading lady to Buckingham Palace to meet Queen Elizabeth II in a decidedly informal setting. According to the Daily Mail, Prince Harry desperately wanted his grandmother to meet his girlfriend.

Prior to his relationship with Markle, Prince Harry dated Zimbabwean jewelry designer Chelsy Davy on and off for seven years before a two year relationship with British actress and model Cressida Bonas.

Markle was previously married to film producer Trevor Engelson for two years before their divorce in 2013. Congratulations to the happy couple and let the royal wedding countdown begin!.

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