Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

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You are checkup sir Oh done

Babies need lots of love, and it looks like you need a cuddle your mommy knows just what to do

You need any help getting ready helping

And these funny, baby hats

Diaper yeah dragon diaper was trying to make a rush delivery and well I

Twisted my leg

Where exactly is Stewart he's at babies all headquarters

The place where cute of a cute baby toys are made

You must be doc McStuffins. Oh yeah, we're here to see Stuart welcome. I'm Delilah head of baby doll headquarters

I have lots of help

Lay it on me doc will I be able to make deliveries today?

I'm afraid you have the case of sticky stuck store clay Titus to fix it well Emmy that takes a load off of me

I know you won't let me down oh

There they are oh what a darling group we've got today

Will we be ready to go soon very soon as soon as it's all receives a dose of love

They're ready to get delivered to the nursery so they can get their baby toy checkers

You are seeing totally smiles

We've all turned into baby toys, I wish dog will heal

Wait the magic or what they've turned into baby toys

We're stranded in the woods with a fail

Any news well

Close your eyes for my lullaby quiet time has come


Here are the dolls he ordered look at these other ones. I guess Gary must have ordered extras

Don't let it go in the goodie bag. Please not the goodie bag. I saw them disappear with the baby dolls, baby

Dolls are pre-programmed in the storks tracking device to go to their families

Help, I'm gonna melt if someone doesn't get me out of this box

You got my baby can windows I need a checkup

Elevator allowed now is show fun show it again

It's okay the baby they belong


You guys are pretty adorable you know maybe I should

Just kidding

They're so good taken care of baby toys friends

The emergency plan morning officer Pete morning doc well

Brandon it's the dole family Edie. Yeah, and a little dirty birdie whoo. I am happy to help

Oh hold that if you can have a ride if it's okay with your mom's

Pretty please how can we say no to that okay? Okay?

Holly I can take her now whoa wait I feel like I've been under a baby spell now we'd better hurry like a

Hovercraft don't hyper drive belay you guys

Time for Gertie's nap say goodbye to your friend

This is four years

I think I did my cummerbund

Randon stop

Knocking that down. There's a younger job, Sorry mate Supper is jammed


Dragon-bot stop jumping in the name of the law stop jumping my cameras jumps. I need my job

Take apart into two snowballs, I got two words for you. Oh

I don't know, but but we'll find her

For the wreck, I don't always love it Oh

Finally my jumper is on Jam. Oh, No look at what I've done

it's family let's

Yeah, where are you? I hope she's okay? Oh, No I will help

Ya there you are find them, it's just gonna be a little harder has anyone checked the hospital

Yeah, is the first place I would go in the last

probably the middle place I'd go to

Hello can anyone help me I'm looking for my family two dolls both cutest. Let's go with them



Oh, man you cannot go in there. It's not true thing. I don't either

this Lamia spa landless

It's important to have a kit that has everything you need in case you have to leave your house

Quickly and you want to have a good place

You can never be too prepared

You can say that again now

We're ready for anything except bedtime later to have you spend the night at the castle being

royally pampered hmm delight it seems like a strong word but

Yes a cold we stayed up all night and your home awaits

Our home is perfect. Thank you. You're welcome

There you go now you can deposit coins again

Thank You cousin dragon stuffy, honey is back in the honey jar what honey bellows

There penny you and your babies are honey free in your patches and loose

I was gonna go to the hospital

But then I saw a duck toy nine cracks in fixing up a whole bunch of toes in the tails fire

I was rushing like you suppose that ducks the reason we got so many unusual cases at the hospital today

Sounds like it might be I'd sure like to talk to that duck to see how she makes her duckie diagnose eats

Sure, I have the toys king is proud and all of McStuffins in you know it is

Or my name's not quacks and a toy fixing duck

And if I do say so myself, I'm quite contest to get it you a toy doctor oh

No, they've got a doctor and the toys fixing doc. What needs a doc when you've got it all you good toys

What a pleasure plastic step right up my killers a crack can pick?

The best fix around is what shemitah

Quaxton we're glad you like fixing toys, but we're not sure about some of your

Excuse me ma'am have you seen a duck toy?

Hmm this looks like the footprints of a duck with a backwards foot maybe questions in there too, oh

Right that's Klaxons footprint. Isn't it?

No you're hurt it looks bad

Let's get you to the hospital Steffie call rescue Ronda. We need a rescue at the snow globe

Doctor they are but the important thing to remember is that doctors are here to help


Don't worry quack soon. We're gonna take good care of it. I

Have a diagnosis you have a case of backward twisty ducky flipsies. Let me go going over to the Big Sugar

Well if I had my Quackers about me, I would have but the truth is I'm scared of doctors

I always have been so I just started fixing myself doesn't really matter come with us klaxon. I want to show you something

Do you see Ben and Anna over there their tails are all knotted together and officer Pete needs to answer that we know?

Klaxon, but do you see now why it's better to let a doctor help you when you're really sick or hurt

Oh, I do doc. I can see clearly now, and if you're still willing to have me a care of you

Okay, I'm ready

That was fast do you want to walk on it to see how it meows to the wet?

Like I knew that you would

Help toys not hurt them we know the feeling on our first day in the hospital

We wanted to help - and we just made things worse because we didn't have the right great idea

You can learn to fix toys the right way

Would you like that you take me as a med student even though? I mean all those toy

Boo-boos worse sugar we love toys who love it

You have duck my extra tall extra King crowd is throwing me off waves like a common toy

to be happy

Come on King let's take you to the yard

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 130 - Blue Deer - Duration: 18:12.


Dragons Defenders of Berk Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 63- Erin Gregor - Duration: 17:34.

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For more infomation >> Dragons Defenders of Berk Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 63- Erin Gregor - Duration: 17:34.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 488 - Duration: 14:36.

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The littlest princess

Look at all those toys

Baileywick are these all the gifting Day party is one of the castles best traditions

And I really want it to be a success Queen, Miranda may

I present the special gifting Day cake for the party choking off the wheelie shoes and organizing all these toys

Sure mom James organized. I better help - I can take flowers for the party. That would be wonderful Sofia

Thank you. Now. Wow you're so tiny. Yep. Where we sprites

We spray little folks who roam the land looking for big adventures, but not please hurry before we temple

Thank you for saving Wow how did everything get so big

How did you get so small I've never seen anyone shrink like that but listen was a magic spell it wasn't a spell but it

was magic

It's getting late. I better go inside. Oh, but I can't go like this. I need to be big again


Was having a good time - then let's keep the good times rolling. Oh, hey, maybe we could stay at your place tonight

Oh, yes, please we don't want to invite ourselves over, but can why not well

I knew a candle maker who once let some wee sprites into his cottage and they caused all sorts of mischief

These wee sprites seem really nice to me. I'm sorry the answer's no

I don't know my mom said not to but it'll be so much fun

Princess Sofia you may not know this, but we sprites throw the best slumber parties. Let's

Party now. That's what I'm talking about

Hey, no way we got flame to do come on Sofia what are you waiting for get small and play with us

Okay, I wish to be small hmm. I guess you can hide

Where you are you

Did you guys do to my old house what it's safe

Sofia down here even though my mom said not to you're the best price in the castle is that bad yes bad

I've had run-ins with those guys before all they do is go around making trouble wait

Sofia's supposed to help - where is she we haven't seen her all morning

Well, I'm sure she'll show up soon. Oh

Look how you arranged the toy?

There it goes we thought it would be fun to climb this cake so we tried it and we were right

Roadies right in fact you should climb the cake with us. No you're ruining it

please just come down right now on top of the cake I hear big people oh I

Can't let my mom see me

Like how could this have happened

I do not know Mike wait

What is going on here today? Don't worry your majesty. I'll straighten this up in a jiffy


Ready for operation sprites out

We have the throne room I wish to be big again

Huh, why didn't it work hi I got you guys out of the castle oh you think you did but

Never mind well

We're here to stay. So there is a way to get you to leave you have to tell me no why would we do that?

Having such a great guy

How clover this is terrible I'm going to be little forever

Has anyone seen Sofia wait

She's on to us. Let's go hold it Sofia mom it can't really be you who can it

What happened to you I

Remember, I told you how the candle maker let wee sprites in his cottage and they caused a lot of mischief

Uh-huh well it took some time

But he finally figured out the secret to getting rid of them way to get them out of your home for good

No oh you want fun, why didn't you ask how about a ride and a brand new coach?

You didn't listen to me yesterday and look what happened this time you have to listen okay mom

Hey, what did you do that for how are we supposed to get out you can't you're trapped let it out here

We walk out of this castle let us out. No, please let me get pic again. Please look you get big again

Please let me get big again

Well it was fun I lasted where to now let the gifting Day party begin

Mmm-hmm guess we gotta find ourselves a new place to live

Miss having a home of our own

Hmm we sure do hmm. I think I have an idea, but let me check with my mom first and

Whenever you want to meet up for an outside playdate, I'll be right up there

Well why wait let's play right now, okay?

Let's be small again

Kingdom picnic

I now present the royal family from the kingdom of Khaldoun

Just so you know the tri-kingdom picnic is no ordinary picnic I'm starting this Eva

Hi Sophia, are you ready for the picnic games, I don't know I've never played them before you'll love them princess mine

I always have so much fun here catch

Every year, it's a tradition that our children play picnic games with neighborly spirit

They take the field Oh probably just tell them okay look at this wow it is amazing

It's the golden chalice all the kids at the picnic play a bunch of games and the kingdom that wins the most games

Guess we were thinking Sofia since you're like flowing Derby so much. Maybe you'd like the picnic games, too

They sound really fun so

teammates oh

I guess you'll need some drilling lessons to

Learn and I'm colleague. Thanks meet you young Majesties

Here are your horseshoes for the flying horseshoe toss why is it called the flying horseshoe toss?

Good try Jim

Could someone tell my horse shoots not time for lunch

Well because the horseshoe will fly up on its own

Look at it go nice toss Sofia and Chauncey is gonna win the chalice this year?

All right we heard you come on Sofia. Let's go in the next game

What's with Jade is there going to be a prize for our games Roland?

No, Queen Anya. It's just for fun. So what are we playing first musical Thrones?

Are you all right Emperor Quon yes first we glue on the jewels okay dab dab dab jewel jewel jewel

hmm damn jewel damn jewel damn job glue

On your mark get set

This is a race. There's no time to talk okay

But it's cloudy and my shoelaces were untied well, you should have tied them before the race then James well

I didn't it's not fair. We should do the race now. It's time to add the glitter

I'm sure it is Queen Anya

But I'd rather watch maybe Emperor Quon doesn't want to play because he thinks he's too clumsy to have a good time well

It doesn't matter how well you play?

Cuz I'm a little rusty

Roley what are you doing? I think Emperor Quon should see that we can still have a good time oh?

whoops oh

We're not very good, but it sure is a fun game. You should give it a try in for a quant good

If it lands on your side the other team scores ready

Another point for enchancia

First your brother was a sore winner then a sore loser now. He's a sore winner again

You've got just us two if you want the chalice so badly James you can have it we quit

Sorry, Sophia Jin. Oh Sophia come back

Your paints light soft strokes like so hmm now you try. What are you doing here?

If the game's over already I remember them taking forever

Everyone quit because James was being a poor sport

Hmm, it's hard to believe we're twins with and now she's fabulous. Thank you

That's a good idea, but how can I show him we're not playing the games anymore, huh?

I'm such a good sister


Sophia what are you doing here? I want to show you something what just come with me, okay?

All right dad didn't knock over any pigs, but look at him

Better luck next time. I hope Emperor Quon. You're up next see that's having fun

Rollie Kwan's having a good time now. You don't have to keep playing badly on purpose. I'm not playing badly on purpose

Oh, I'm really sorry

You should be James. I was really looking forward to the games

So was I and we didn't even get to play in chanted discus. That's my favorite thinking

There's still plenty of time to play the rest of the games if we wanted to we can pick up where we left off with

enchanted discus I

Don't know James I've never catches the discus wins but if the discus touches you and you don't catch it

Then you're out

Wei Ling wins great play guys way to go

Good job Kaali, thanks a lot

That's our final game. Now. It's time to announce the winner of the golden chalice

I want to thank all the royalty y'all excuse me your highness

I believe the children would like to hear who won the golden chalice. Oh, yes of course now

I've added up all the scores in the winner of this year's golden ship

Thanks James yeah, thanks a lot two four six eight who do we appreciate?

Who knows maybe next year we'll win the golden chalice teammates teammates

The farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 488 - Duration: 14:36.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 301 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 16:10.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel


You wanna join my

The last time we saw Peter Pan he couldn't fly cuz he lost in shadow

What's he looking for Kenton anything showing a

Change of plans you swabs

Me and the boys need a wee bit of a West

We lose that jumping croc you don't have to rush twice captain better, we lose him they lose the seat

Thanks excuse me, but has anybody seen Captain Hook past this way

Yes, book took the high path tick tock croc took the low path

Me timbers that was close

Real close huh, no longer my shadows let's all swing across the canyon

Everyone reach up grab a vine and hang on tight ready

Laughs it says meddling swabs


By shadow then I bet we can find where he's hiding

Ahoy, mateys will you help us look for Captain Hook's shadow?

Thanks if you suck

Say is that hook shadow everybody shout Captain Hook Captain Hook

that sneaky way I

Want my shadow?

Peter Pan is lost without his shadow

We'll never make it

Don't worry Peter izzy is here

With a little pixie dust I'll make the sack. That's holding your shadow

But captain we call fly

Daniels your face


Need to pay attention to where you're throwing the pixie dust yeah

I guess I wasn't looking because I was kind of showing off for you. You know crew that's what we've been doing wrong


It is nice to be back

To catch me

We've got to think this sack to the bottom of the neversea once Peter Pan slavery boys

For sales end of Peter Pan

This is gone wrong here Captain Hook is sailing this way around school rock out to sea, but if we go that day

Wonderful boys soon that blasted Peter Pan will no longer be a barnacle in mine

Come on crew

Enough and this is the end of the line for you

Away where we do Jake gotta get to that chest so we can save Peter and now's our chance

Yoho, let's go we've got to come or drink. It just make sure to pay attention like Peter said

Looking for something

Hey, there's the shadow it's back on leave that to me, I know how to deal with that old codfish

Such as what

I got my shadow back, and I feel great it was our pleasure Peter

We do anything for you you

Come on count with us

One two

Three four pirates and helping Peter Pan we got 15 gold doubloons Jake

With you and your friends on duty, I know hey and I might be back sooner than you think

Goodbye for now friends I must fly away

We're going to forget I think old tic-tock invited a few friends

Oh, hi mateys do you want to join my pirate crew?

What is it?

My sad chiming. I don't know hundred years

And that's today the never bloom must be awesome picture

That's why Peter Pan gave us this compass, so we wouldn't miss the blooming of and it's pointing to Neverland

Hey mateys do you want to come along with us and see that never bloom bloom

Fairies gave it to me so that we can use it to fly but only in emergencies Yoho

We been searching and searching and searching, and we haven't found any treasure yet

Captain sir it's Jake and his crew

Let's see what they're up to

quick hide

Getting time see the never bloom bloom yeah, or we'll have to wait another hundred years

Did you hear that boys a flower the blooms only want sandy?

There's a whole river full of never bloom flowers. I don't think so cubby

This is just sunflower Street, and the camus gold doubloons. Let's grab them and go find the never bloom

Where to next Drake the compass says go this way

Bumbles it blocking our way

Nothing gets in the way of Captain Hook and his treasure get ready to run straight ahead make it a run around them


I get it


Crackers here comes hook the sneaky

Fast pal you buffoons

Wait here make a magnificent treasure, but the never bloom should be enjoyed by everyone

Oh, I'll certainly be enjoying it all by myself

No ocean


You made Jake could never bloom is something happening

This way to see me bloom

So it's time to back it now

Whoa check it out mates. The never bloom is going back to sleep

So nice to sing and dance with you

Sweet dreams

Come on count with us

1 2 3


What a waste

I wanted that never bloom for me own, but I didn't even get to see it bloom

Oh cheer up captain I found another way nap dragon Sarah. Oh

Here maybe I should have picked the petunia

Matey's do you want to join my pirate crew?

It's a pirate picnic

Butterflied bluff hey I know a fun way for us to remember. What come on crew let's do it together

Set sail for Pirate Island

Got all our food got the blanket and I got

today know this treasure to be found

Once I get the butterflies love. They will be there more picnicking by anyone. Oh

together they'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Is everybody ready I got my sword got my map?

Well, how does this blasted map work? It was Rolly Rolly?

Twisty turny and flappity flap

Captain sake oh

Jesus when you see a cannonball coming shout cannonball and then jump over it ready

Jump in starfish mr.. Smee

Sure the map he took from us. Isn't a treasure map. It's a map to our favorite picnic spot

Oh, my this certainly is a problem well one toy


Smee what in blazes is he

He's joined up with Jake

turnabout tunnel


How are we going to get through?

Hmm. I have an idea. Let's walk quick awesome. We got to turnabout tunnel

And we got three more gold doubloons

Let's grab them, and where do we go next flap flap till we know where we're at EDD butterfly Bluff

Now we go to butterfly Bluff for the giant butterflies fly

The big butterflies

I'm not the least bit interested in Potter bugs. I'm interested in details. They're a treasure man

That's a map to this place. Which is our favorite picnic spot

It's to captain the sea pups never lie never leave my best

Oh, I see

See it's good to have you back now. You can help me treasure

Again so now let's have a pirate picnic crackers bring out the crackers. I'll have some pineapple, please

Now that we've had our pirate picnic let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest

On count with us

Matey's thanks for helping us save butterfly Bluff and keeping it shipshape

Now where in blazes are we

Hmm, what were those directions again always Joplin whiskey bloody planet?

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 301 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 16:10.


Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 53 -Lucy Kemp - Duration: 16:55.

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This dragon fight Oh mr.. Riker sir always a pleasure to have you join us

Fights are over before they start. No one will pay for a fight that ends in five minutes

This is the easiest mission ever we fly in blast the hunters, and then be home in time for lunch boom well

I appreciate the enthusiasm

There's no one here. It's completely abandoned this place was crawling with dragon hunters this morning something's wrong

Did you see anything else any dragons well?

You know I think we've seen way too much of this place already, maybe it's time to head back. What do you think huh?

So he goes question, how are we going to free these vicious and wild dragons without being I don't know either

They are they're a little

Snotlout i'm sure stoic will forgive you for losing his one and only son not helping

Hey focus we have to find them

But why bother knocking them out the Dragons were already captured to keep the Dragons pacified to make them easier to transport

My brother, and I are experts in the delicate and fine arts of detection

interrogation and infiltration

Nope nothing here except

I'm detecting now to find where hiccup addict and toothless Night Fury have been taken we need

Don't you worry my friend. Oh let you watch and don't touch that muzzle victorious

It's got a back off, but they can't help

Where is the night theory very well

I'm looking for a one-legged Viking in a Night Fury. Tell me where they are

All right dragon hunter. We can do this the easy way or the hard way

My turn to be bad Viking

You're always bad Viking I'm always good Viking someone else should have a chance to be bad Viking

Hey, you take over my interrogations and ruin them

Have you two gotten any information out of this guy yet where have you taken?

Oh come on another hunter. Just gave up where hiccup and toothless are being held come on. Let's go

The twins didn't get any information out of that guy. What do you think of course?

They didn't well we would have if somebody whose name rhymes with nice job

In the sleuthing business we call this tailing in the idiot business we call this the twins

It's a start

You keep them feisty side of change

Yes, that's it but the solution to both our problems

He fought for you made you a nice fortune now you need to let us out of here

Why would I do that when word gets out that I have a Night Fury?

Why are we even discussing this hiccup and toothless meet us ergo we go uh no offense

But your sleuthing skills have not gotten us very far. Don't worry Fishlegs remember. We're masters of infiltration

Through anything

For the triple strike almost

What kind of Dragon

Gentlemen we are Thurston Thurston. Oh yeah, mad bricks the gold my Viking

You and I need to have a discussion about our numbering system boy

Jeez and gentlemen this is the main event the reigning champion I'm not stopping anything

Where's the boy

There's only one way to survive

You're okay, I'm fine, but as toothless I'm worried about we got a hurry

He doesn't know how to be free I

Was really worried

Well, I wasn't worried for a second sure you weren't Astrid would have killed you if we hadn't found a guy shut up Luthor

Hiccup I think he wants to come back with us

Yes, you can't blame it the last humans that dealt with forced it to fight other dragons to the dam

Maybe we should make room for them

Look we've dealt with where they weren't full and there are multiple storm fronts

Heading right for us when you walk down the edge before they start to hit. Okay. We're not done here

I'm not leaving the ice hanging out in the way. It's not loud fine

And according to them well, let's just say it's crap close. What do you want us to do?


Did you drop off the food and water at the stables? Yep troughs are all full?

I mean I guess it is possible, but I would never but then again

There's a first time for everything yeah, I'll go check Astrid wait

Speaking of wayward dragons nobody happened to see one barf and belch guys

They got spooked by the storm and took off, but hiccup. You're okay. You're okay. I'm right here where I?

Don't see you

Why is it so dark in here?

Hiccup. I can't see any of you

somebody say something


What is happening to me, whatever it is, I'm sure it's only temporary you

Remember when bucket lost his sight you got it back, and I appreciate it


Look when there's a break in the storm will fly to Berk and see Goethe II she'll be able to help you

Hiccup are you still there? Yes? Yes, I'm here Astrid. Will you and toothless stay with me a little while?

Okay, do you got it? She's fine everybody. Oh, thank Thor Q. That's the close one guys

We can't worry about me right now toothless, and I will find stormfly. Don't you worry well and leave me here

I don't think so. I'm going with you. Sorry not an option so no Astrid

There is no way you're flying in your condition. All right. I am sorry as leader. I am putting my foot down

Me love me look at you don't move daddy's on his way up. Oh, it's you

Why am I doing this again

We are now living with a blind person tuffnut, and I think we owe it to her to offer our services as seeing a Viking

Good okay a little faster well put some muscle into it

Hey you get over here now

Do that hiccup, that's the way you handle you dragon business

Okay, I'm thinking that as jitter up

She's more worried about me than she is about herself, which means she would be trying to find her way back to the edge

Upstream we should probably get going yeah, yeah, that's exactly what I was gonna get going

There's a rock formation ten paces to play

You need me admit. It don't come for fun. It's okay. She's


What is brought with her remember Fishlegs said that she eats when she's under stress

You won't come to me. You know what I believe you some twins

Okay, let's burn up and get back to the edge before that thing comes back

That's pretty cool if you think about it

I'm having a hard time finding anything cool in all of this


not anymore

What if this is it hiccup what if the rest of my life is like this what then then we'll deal with it

Master do you have me no matter what okay? Whatever that means whatever you want it to mean I am with you behind you

This guy's distress call


Huh SPECT of a dragon writer are we clear?

Nope snotlout yes sir drag him back

What am I supposed to do

You guys you can't hit us all at once


Hiccough I'm dealing with

She's using the clicks to distract it

That's I would get close enough to train this amazing

How did she do that

She can't see a thing she doesn't need to she's using her other senses hearing touch welcome to my world Fish Face

Thank You gummy

We can do snotlout we can't this thing train the possibilities are endless yeah

I don't think that's what hiccup and Astrid had in mind when they asked us to start its training

You sure you're feeling okay. I'm fine hiccup. You can stop worrying about me now. Well. I never stopped worrying about you. I'm

Back in the forest when we were well. You know yeah, were you about to

Always, thought that if it ever happened

And yes, I've thought about it a lot

It had to be just perfect

Yeah, I guess it does

For more infomation >> Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 53 -Lucy Kemp - Duration: 16:55.


Vampirina Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 26 - Mora Rai - Duration: 18:16.

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I think the room is ready no way

I've always wanted to run a scare B&B here be a parent breakfast

Like a little hotel right here in our house

And now it would seem that my dream is in sight when we open outdoors. I'm a shriek


Now that our first guest room is ready. Let's post that it's open on the world wide cobweb

Your dad said we could stay while our house is being painted. Oh, thanks for the invite again Boris him


darling in the arms


Will you excuse us for just one?

Teensy moment Boris the people sins can't stay here overnight

How do you say with me in my room and Edna and Edgar can stay in the twin beds in a new guest room?

Okay, you're right. They're used to being around humans by now oh

We signed up on the worldwide cobwebs stay in your guest room right who are surprised

And the Liberty Bell we don't want to have to stay with any pesky humans oh

Oh, well, I'm terribly sorry, but of course it is if you book a room you have a room right

Humans vampires, but I think your mother is right

This is a disaster, but all vampires get along with humans as well as we do and nothing personal

That's it since vampires sleep during the day and humans sleep at night. They won't need to use the room at the same time, right


Please help yourselves to some snacks ladies. We'd rather just head up to our room right now. Oh?

Empty empty why wouldn't it be empty?

You ain't human famed without actual humans oh

How deliciously fun I'm almost done applying the frog slime face mask there all done

nasty dreams sister oh

It's too early to wake oh, oh I must be hungry better go get a quick bite

Weird right

Sorry about that. I get a little excited about baking do you need anything yeah?

I just came down for something to sink my fangs into

Edgar did you brush your teeth yes mom

Did you hear something


I can't believe we kept everyone separated all day

I mean what would my mom have done if he saw them turn into bats. He would've him

Luckily we make it

Oh, I love that you know your mom is in there with Kozma and Narcissa Anna is extra green today

It makes her look like a monster

That's cause Mina and Narcissa think your mom is another monster

Cooking actually helps me sleep

Why don't I make us all some of my famous blood sausages? I'm sure Oksana what?

- what are you doing up?

Kneeling it's called back pose really gets the blood rushing to your head as soon as I get food

Oh, I don't want to give those charming sisters my recipe for blood sausage

We had to catch. They're

Late home ah another time. We've got the hang of things now mama Papa. I checked online

Narcisa and Cosme no put up a review of our scare BnB for everyone in Transylvania to read

Looks like your mom and our vampire guests turned out to have a lot in common. Just like us

Bon Appetit

It's not true it's not spooktacular at all What's Wrong mama. Haha I told mr.. Huffington

I'd cook him dinner, and it's dreadfully true

I don't know what humans like to eat, and he says he's a foodie and I love to cook with her

So what are you going to try now?

I don't know, but it has to be good my scare BnB is still new a bad review

Well, it's not my prettiest souffle over the best-smelling. It's not how it looks or smells

Mmm. I can taste hints of

Now that's saying something Oh

Admit it

I'm not a

Fantastic cook at all cooking up a storm

Can I get a little taste of the house of course you can let me show you around

I must say I make a mean stone soup

It's an acquired taste I can't cook under this much pressure or ever good thing. You won't have to

The pleasure is all yours

I am the best skeleton chef in all of the catacombs a Pepe Bobby can taste it to make sure it's delicious very human foodie

Anything I can do to help. Thank you my lovelies and

Thank You chef

First we clean chef Lambie bones needs a clean workspace. I feel it in my bears

In your bones good one seekers

You're here in the presence of the monster who hunts the spookiest

Kitchens of the best salons and Sylvania had seen who was good for Bigfoot insists on be king and queen your cities

CN flambe spider souffle blended pasted something vicious now such delicious so watch as its

Cavities impeccably sliced some scans ants and cobwebs and it's time to eat the tasty Tate that makes a meal complete

I think this has too many bones for a human

Definitely too many bones for Bridget

So what's your make an L chef bones mm-hmm eyeball the pizza? I can't yep. That's probably a good idea


I must admit I failed this challenge

And though I shall go it's just that humans like different things

Hubby maybe you could cook something humans would like think of all the humans you can add to your huge fan

club if you learn what they like

That is a good point. Let's make something magnifique


Then going to be dinner time soon and Mama's counting on us chef won't you please try Papi's others?

Not so much, but I had to at least try it to know yeah

So why don't you at least try each other's food so we can make our guests the best meal we can

Papi's mac and cheese and for you papi chef runny buns

Centuries old most definitely delicious Wow these eggs may be centuries old

But they t we yes chef Remy and chef poppy. I like the sound of that


macaroni and cheese baked with centuries-old egg

It's served in a skeletons hand this meal is a foodies dream

Just the right mix of ingredients made in just the right way

You really deserve a hand I do deserve a hand don't die, but I must say

Vamping trip

Can't wait to show them how we do camping or should I say van thing remember our family vamping trips back in

Sorry Grigory, huh, sorry they mean you two just need to make sure you stay hidden from the P persons

Really looking forward to getting out there in the great outdoors

There aren't a lot of bugs that where we're going over there. I don't like the creepy crawlies you count

Elusive Bigfoot, Bigfoot, he's kind of like a big ape who lives in the forest

I'm good. I'd rather sleep right side up like I normally do plus. I'm gonna get my gear ready for Bigfoot

Why did you bring a garden gnome statue with you? No well you know you want your campsite to feel just like home, right?

All right now that we're all set up who wants to tell stories around the campfire

Now that's what I call a scary story. Can you imagine?

It was a great story start it is ghoulishly dad isn't it who wants to go stargazing? Yeah?

This is big for gazing I'm out. I'll stay here with him ger I

Was hoping we could all stargaze together. It's a vamping tradition cheer up v. Let's shall poppy some

Transylvanian constellations wow I didn't know there were vampire constellations, too

Yep, and they're all part of the vamping experience

When a knife is as dark as tonight

All the stars shine and sparkle like you

and an ominous wind howling

So what do you think about vamping?

It's even better than I thought it would be I've never seen so many stars before

They're so glad to have you join us we're going for a quick walk around the campground

Mom said we could finally go look for Bigfoot

I have my camera already this huh you were saying oh um well

I just think Edgar will sleep better if I give him a chance to look around a bit

Jamie Gregoria, it's okay, and none Egger aren't here oh

That's this pose is not good for my back. What is it? This is moon? Dust if it gets on Buffy?

It'll turn him back into his normal little pop self, but we haven't seen Bigfoot yet. He's gotta be around here somewhere


It's your mom and ignorance lie ahead and get wolfies attention

Bigfoot, then he was gone well, that's quite the story

I wish everyone could have been there to see Bigfoot though. It would have been cool if we all saw him together

I got so caught up in trying to catch Bigfoot thought. I didn't do too much camping stuff. That's okay. Oh

Do you want me to charge your phone in the car for you? Huh? No I'm good

The monster snore Demi says

Danny says

Fashionable bow ties

Snuck up on me

What's in the jar mrs. Hanley

Did you say under the bed of course but snuggle ah?

Don't sleep there unless they see the bed crumb trail that means they're invited only when they're invited oh

Okay, good, but if they're real they just that mean other nighttime monsters are cute

That's a different dance. It's okay frigid

Everybody's a little jumpy sometimes even I still jump it too much pink and I used to be scared of ghosts hello. He right

Like you see you later. Thanks me. See you tomorrow


This totally asking a lot under my bed, so was there no

I don't think so so I figured I was just imagining things

Like this doing don't worry Bridget. The only monsters around here are at my house I

99% sure it's always that 1% that gets ya can I go over and see I hope sweet

I'm out horror Edgar's gonna be disappointed yet again

Dummy mummy cupcakes want to join count me in

Frigid come over after Edgar sees there's nothing under your bed sounds good

But I am getting worried I've under very she could be she's almost a day late now

It's not like she could have gone to sleep onto the wrong bed at the wrong house

Unless the trail somehow led her somewhere else

But if the trail leads where I think it does we'll bring her home look the footprints are going the wrong way

He must be Bridget

Bridget you'll never believe it believe what?

Remember when I said there was no way that a monster was under your bed. Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Hey, that's my shoe he must have stepped in the bed crumb trail he must have thought you invited her. I'll show you wakey-wakey


What happened you don't want to lose the monsters under my bed

There's no need to be afraid of me

To snuggle you

Welcome to my room

your room I

Sure, am sorry. I never sleep under a bed. I'm not invited to

Let's find that monster glad you're here. I think I just heard her I mean


Dust bunny

We'll just leave this to the professionals. See you guys later

Yep, and if you feel the same way about your blankie as I do about mine

You're gonna need some time to snuggle so I'm out. I'm

Matilda you are I sure know

That was really brave of you. I know I can be brave when I have friends and monster friends like you

For more infomation >> Vampirina Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 26 - Mora Rai - Duration: 18:16.


Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 143 - Red Butterfly - Duration: 17:36.

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For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 143 - Red Butterfly - Duration: 17:36.


Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments For Kids Episodes 100 - Red Crab - Duration: 16:03.

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For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments For Kids Episodes 100 - Red Crab - Duration: 16:03.


Marsh Snowmen - slideshow for New Year's children's song - Duration: 1:49.

Marsh Snowmen - slideshow for New Year's children's song

from the cartoon "The Thiefs of the Fir-trees"

For more infomation >> Marsh Snowmen - slideshow for New Year's children's song - Duration: 1:49.


Billy Dilley's Super Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 107 - Elise Hunter - Duration: 16:34.

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Making well, thanks anyway see, but I'm having branch with Gorka girls

The touching of secret cork knickknacks is strictly forbidden, sorry oh

It looks like my brunch has some fight in it yet

Secret relic has been swipes. It's clear from your wound that you fought bravely

But did you get it was?

Thousands of years ago when we corks were still Lucas which came to be known as the dwarf down from on


Testify but today marks the end of Dori hunk

No you're not yeah here perched on a rickety pedestal mm-hmm above a bottomless storm drain


Think I just dropped oh one crosses the corpse and lives to tell the tale kinda hard to tell tales with no


There is one right here

And there's one over the head and picked up the Goblet and swallowed the glory Paul

And what manner of flying creature is?

responsible for this treachery

Yeah, how do you know all right boys when I say the word we destroy that miserable creature is the word?

Cranberry sauce oh, it's please

Everyone should know that


He's got both arms there's arms. This is like his hands

Genius billion, I guess we can go back to the compound

Yeah, not you wait what you promised to find the culprit, which you did

At last a moment away from Bugsy where I can do my most favorite

We finally got our super glorp with something as foul as sludge

You said what I just said it was your sludge

Well, then we'll just work something a few essentials and get in the wagon nonsense. I've been waiting for this day


Everybody listen it was me you lost your glory

Mad I'm absolutely ecstatic

Now we get to the part where we dispense justice on this dastardly culprit could

It be is this indeed sacred

My calculations are correct. We are somewhere near the orange sprinkle is it

Fascinating just think of all the species that might seek very distinctive way of greeting their friends

It went something like

And then they baby kick it up a notch

Molly wasn't doing it

You know familiarizing myself with these dark problem the surface correctamundo

Well at least they gave us a room with a view

You've really made a mess of things this time Billy Billy

I'm stuck

Bring it in the professional entertainer. Yes you requested



Hi, my name is belly-belly Kili frickin water of course


Tickles your fancy prepared for the excitement highway

Oh, you're the entertainer who's this guy?

They're the old for earworm asaurus rex these could be the last ones left on earth

Dan to double-check that you're not surface dwellers

You take a whole semester to build it the first time so my guess is about three months, sorry

You didn't make it to your slumber party dad partner actually

I oh it's like that is it little did you know you're dealing with the undisputed pillow fighting chance of a three years

No break for and you got there in something called the cheese orator that was invented by a guy in science class named Billie dilly

speaking of

Will the goon just done the other side of that thicket actually wait, that's your swimsuit, no these are my regular clothes

Why okay well are these small Cox got me in the mood for another

Right I'm afraid you're right beat the first-class seats are in the back near the tail six

How's the cheese grater gonna help us for starters dating emergency survival pack on board and we're home free

Easier said than done seek oh, no you got us into this mess you're getting us out

What that's it to learning face cable access TV show host in the entire metropolitan region

Billy it's a doll think it's like a good luck charm. I used to have this cute little lucky egg that I would

Why didn't I think of that because eek you're not mr.. Watson

Flowers Billy they're a magnified view of the chickenpox I contracted in the fourth grade


Don't worry mister what it can help us

We're never gonna find our way back to the cheese Raider the man has a pocket compass isn't it beautiful

Hand-carved from the finest oh no it's not a working compass, but you have to admire the craftsmanship

What a remarkable coincidence

I would end up his what?


the emergency survival pet

Billy is that what I think it is that's right

I'm talking about barbecue frosted pickle bursters blammo bars cherry

cola the other emergency survival pack

Summer anyway you do bad, mr.. Wet it is the cutest doesn't break


Speed Marcia

Grow up fast. Oh you're next this is

My grandma Tony used to own a pizza castle in the valley and guess who saved it from going out of business with his calzone


that's right this guy I

Guess I'll have to improvise

Lunch is served. Why is it Zeke? What does it look like?

It's a calzone

There better be fortune cookies after this just eat it. What are they the best things you've ever eaten or something

Thanks, it's so cool. How he takes it all in stride

Big view

I think so a very here you go more award-winning calzones for your consumption

Actually, see we already ate all right

That sounds good wait what mmm are they where is he well then water jump by eating a cave castle and it's like

riding a mythical beast through a mariner

I think mine are the best unless they're not only one way to find out

I'm not here for the cave calzone

Now we'll see you the real king of calzones is yes is a cave calzone

Stupid cave calzones

We're asked to pick up another batch of those cave calzones wanna come with us another batch of

This you know what if you guys think you're I guess I'm not the king of calzones after all nonsense

It's a meat. You'll grab my Tony now. What's all this about to somebody make a better captain you right grandma Tony

It's trophy time the child's own king is back. You might don't want to get the dress the first

Slightly used second hand Oh Sophie. Oh, we love shiny prizes hold it

Yeah, I do

What you do to prove it calzone cook-off

Oh here goes nothing

No turn

My mind I could taste the love and

Everybody's, okay

Calzones are so lest we seek hmm. You gotta get in on these tacos tacos. Yeah, who knew leather here

For more infomation >> Billy Dilley's Super Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 107 - Elise Hunter - Duration: 16:34.


Vampirina Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 51 - Rose Braine - Duration: 18:46.

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For more infomation >> Vampirina Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 51 - Rose Braine - Duration: 18:46.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Part 6 - Yellow Banana - Duration: 15:23.

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Never Say Never

Mr.. Smith, what is this a rock I?

Know captain. It's you breakfast bagel. I can't eat this. It's too. You've broken the Jolly Roger steering wheel


Abandon ship

Last now where am I going to find another weed right away? You've done enough already

I've got someone else in mind who can help me get best treasure

Oh never bird cut and don't disappoint me

Oh, you're not the front of Captain Hook. Oh, that's treasure hand it over never bird

Food right Jake say will you help us get Izzy's hipster twister hoop back

Great memory I

Do you see the never bird

Hi there she is

The trail to never ever Peak Mountain go straight through the haha hedges I

wonder why they call them the haha hedges


Three gold doubloons, let's grab them and go find that never birth and my hoop

bump past the


And jump over the plan good idea gold doubloons. Let's grab them and go

Steve Fox once ago I did

Well how about we treat you something else for it

We need something to hook the hope and pull it up fast

I think we got my hoop back and we got four more gold doubloons

Let's grab them and go

Our you're not going anywhere young you're right Jake

Do you know what can help make me fly

And I'm sure glad to have my hipster twister hoop back again now, let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest

Come on count with us

One two three four oh

Why without the steering wheel we're still going in circles right captain

Never no never to a neverland pirates oh

You puny pirate

You can't say that about Bucky. Oh mark my words lad you'll never beat the Jolly Roger

And I know the best place to put on a show it's near Neverland, and it's called pirate rock

Awesome it even looks like a guitar

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Yoho, let's go fireman. Hey check this out

Crackers that's loud

Just right for singing and rock it out. Whoa. I mean. It's awfully loud

I must say it's awful. It's loud, and I never want to hear it again. Look at mr.. Smooth

And I'm going to start by getting rid of that loud singing


Soon the sinking shall be mine, and I'll never hear the puny pirates music again

I don't hear any loud singing door yo o

Coconut, and they will Yoho let's go get the microphone back

Let's make the stinkbug shake off the microphone by getting it to dance

Together we can weather any weather, throw

Yoho way to go we got the microphone back


Incoming coconut

Shiver me timbers he saved my drums and we got four more gold doubloons. Let's grab them

I'll do all the rockin and rollin around here

Enough of these musical Sunday aim again. Oh

Take it away

You want me to take the singing thing take it away that means sing it sing it Captain Hook?

We saved the show

Let's grab them and go back to Pirate Island

You're leaving. I'll be back in yep

All the way sir rock'n roll forever says I am white why thank you Thank You Jake fellow

pirate rock, huh

Now let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest


One two three four five six seven

Now let's pirate rock


You wanna join my pack

The last time we saw Peter Pan he couldn't fly cuz he lost in shadow

What you looking for captain anything showing a

Change of plans you swabs

Me and the boys neither we medieval West

We lose that jumping frog you don't have to order us twice captain better, we lose him they lose the seat

Peter Thanks excuse me, but has anybody seen Captain Hook past this way

Yes, book took the high path tick tock croc took the low path

Me timbers that was close

Real close huh, no longer my shadows let's all swing across the canyon

Everyone reach up grab a vine and hang on tight ready

Mobsters meddling swamps creek

Shadow then I bet we can find where he's hiding ahoy mateys. Will you help us look for Captain Hook's shadow?

Thanks if you suck

Say is that hook shadow everybody shout Captain Hook Captain Hook

that sneak Bay I

Want my shadow?

Ha ha Peter Pan is lost without his shadow

We'll never make it

Don't worry Peter dizzy is here

With a little pixie dust I'll make the sack. That's holding your shadow

But cotton we call fly

Need to pay attention to where you're throwing the pixie dust yeah

I guess I wasn't looking because I was kind of showing off for you. You know crew that's what we've been doing wrong


It is nice to be back

To catch me

We've got to think this sack to the bottom of the neversea once Peter Pan slavery boys

For sales end of Peter Pan

This is go rock here Captain Hook is sailing this way around school rock out to sea, but if we go that day

Multiple boys soon that blasted Peter Pan will no longer be a barnacle in mine

Come on crew

That's far enough 10, this is the end of the line for you

Away where we do Jake gotta get to that chest so we can save Peter and now's our chance

Yoho, let's go we've got to come or drink. It just make sure to pay attention like Peter said and

Looking for something

Hey, there's the shadow it's back on leave that to me, I know how to deal with that old codfish

Such as what

I got my shadow back, and I feel great it was our pleasure Peter

We do anything for you you

come on count with us 1

2 3 4 tyrunt problems and helping Peter Pan we got 15. Gold doubloons Jake

With you and your friends on duty, I know hey and I might be back sooner than you think

Goodbye for now friends I must fly away

We're going to forget I think old tic-tock invited a few friends

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Part 6 - Yellow Banana - Duration: 15:23.


Vampirina Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 72 - Zara Warner - Duration: 17:58.

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For more infomation >> Vampirina Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 72 - Zara Warner - Duration: 17:58.


Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 147 - Blue Butterfly - Duration: 17:23.

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For more infomation >> Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 147 - Blue Butterfly - Duration: 17:23.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 149 - Red Elephant - Duration: 20:47.


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You were right Elena it was worth the hike even if there was no path well there used to be one

But I haven't been up here in 41 years

What is that?

This wand belonged to Cherie key the sorceress who invaded avalor

The one who put you in that amulet I would still be trapped in that amulet today if it wasn't for a brave young

princess named


You okay, so that was weird it was like I just had a dream, but I was wide awake

It's called daydreaming. I do it all the time

Children come on Sofia. Yeah. We'd better get home, and I better get to the secret library

The kids will be here any minute, Miranda. We have to figure out where we're taking

I wish to be small

The lost princess of avalor like the Amulet of avalor

Was made by powerful

Wizard of avalor well I was a Royal wizard before I turned myself into him there once lived a young princess


Elena on her 15th birthday

Her mother faded Avalon, she attacked the king and queen then set her sights upon the palace

Princess Elena bravely chose to face shrieky on her own

And that is how the princess will not be sad your amulet

There's a princess inside my amulets and she's been there for 41 years

But these I searched the globe for years until I grew too old to continue

And use the last of my magic to transform myself into this book

So that someday you must travel to my home in a velour and summon my channel wait

I have to do what go to my home in a velour and some on my channel

Elena tested many processes before you she granted them powers and curses

But you are the only one she chose and she has been preparing you

Avalor sounds great what an adventure it could be and good for the kingdom just as long as we get to go shopping

We'll take the Royal Dahlia

As the trade winds begin to blow there's so much better

We're here, yeah Bert wake up what's going on?

Quite aside is it not the kingdom of our Lord

It's the Royal custom to greet the king or queen when visiting the new kingdom Sophia. We have to meet her. Yes, isn't it exciting?

Don't sneak up on me like that. It's Damon can't you see I'm putting on my best face for our visitors. Oh?

Should I come back when you are finished orderly Kingdom in the world nothing is out of place?

Everyone does what they're told

no unruliness

Esteban we sent the Royal Guards ahead to offer encouragement perfect


They liked her even more keep my distance amber. Yes

You honor us with such a warm reception Queen shiriki that is the a valoran way king Roland?

After you princess


This is my throne room

I spend most of my time here

So what do you think that's quite a throne?

Thank you, so I I mean the Queen had the chef's prepare a small taste of the local cuisine oh

It's such a lovely view from up here Queen shriek oh

Those are Jack winds magical creatures of legend majestic symbols of avalor

But you can't boss us around mess with the Jadwin you get the claws, that's it enough is enough

Let's finish our meal inside shall we hmm

Food tastes better when we take it from sharika dad's bar looking good this mango is supply

excuse me oh


didn't he split after shiriki took over who can blame him she probably would have zapped him like the king and queen and

princess Elena oh

Now what do we look like flying horses? Do you see a saddle on his back relax you two?

What's your name Sofia?


This is gonna take some getting used to

Hold on

And sounded better, too

What do you mean?

She outlawed music

Why because she wanted everyone to forget the old avalor you could always hear Mew?

in the streets of the city

Although now it is quiet

Hello can I help you hi uh?

Was this Alok Azhar's house? Well that could have gone better? How do you know what a channel is oh? No?

That was my mom you were just talking to I'm Matteo wait. You're all the kazars grandson

You know my grandfather my mother told me the story so many times. I memorized it follow me. Where are we going to my workshop?

So there are no wizards and avalor not anymore my grandma hit all my grandpa's things down here, but my mother

Never wanted anything to do with it, so what's sadly is a channeler exactly a spirit animal

It's like a guide to all the magical stuff in the world that we can't see like princess Elena

It was my grandpa's journal who figured out she was in the amulet maybe 10

Appear to us animal spirit of Allah cos our Luminara

Greetings from the spirit world how you doing today? Oh?

Mighty channel you honor us with your presence

Hey, I know you're excited. You're the princess. It's kind of free Elena. I guess so

Alright then now here's what you gotta do wait - just once

you've got the wand you just wrap the

Amulet around it and put him on the crown of oz' Luna the crown of hair as a Luna

He was a great healer who could undo our


Now I've got some spirit animal wisdom for you hmm

Just because you're the one doesn't mean you're the only one how great was that I summoned my first channel


Hey nice move and when the farmer followed her into the jungle she turned

Into a Jaguar

But really here. You are princess you were out there awhile Sofia

Hey, Jacqueline sing me a song yes. They can't seem to stop doing that

Well Armando is no you won't amando

Morty your grace why not is there some kind of law against dancing

Sofia no one would pass a law against dance if we must let me fix the guitar great

This is how you dance the samba Rosa

Queen shrieky will you dance with me oh?

So sorry your grace. I'm so clumsy not dancing we can dispose of that now a steamer

Sophia I don't want to play hide and seek it'll be fun amber

What are you up to Sophia?

I'll explain later, but I need you both to hide as long as you can it's important you got it

So why won't you tell us it's for your own good. I got it why non Sophia?

I don't know how you pulled that off

Shiriki never lets anyone get close to her look at her girl look sweet as sugar

But she's got some skill the statue is inside oh

Man they really let the place go

Where's the statue well legend has it you need to swim across the enchanted waters for the magic to work

Being a mermaid would really come in handy right about now

Whoa, did you see that I wish up that must be it right?

I have to put the annular wand on the crown of Gaza Luna

Princess Elena

You forget how to walk

Thank You

Elena I can't believe you're really back either can I I was in the amulet so long?

I thought I might never get out, but here I am with

My own eyes I can once again see

My dream has come true. I

Okay, I'll see you back in the city. Where are you going to give shiriki a taste of her own magic let's go

You want me to go with you thanks, but I've got this

The time has come to pay for your crimes crimes

What crimes then I'm here to take mine back?

But Avalara has been so much better without you why ruin a good thing?

It takes more than a wand to make you a sorceress

Your spell has echoed in my mind for 40 years to rekey. I know it by heart

But decima what is this?

I've never seen this painting before oh, that's no ordinary painting Elena. That's how Alec azure protect Esteban


This cannot be a step on you were stuck in that a mule is a long time you see her

Found ya

George stop album my mother captured by nightfall her a mental princess leave Sophia out of this

And lock them up while you're at it. Yeah, but I couldn't get the spell right and shiriki. How's your family now?

She has my family. I'm so sorry. This is hajeck lock your arrow

The prisoners were secure Chancellor Esteban those prisoners are royalty and you will treat them as such

Yes, Chancellor


And her grandparents raised me like a son, and I think about what happens with him every day

So I do not need you to remind me. I remand Oh

Elena what happened back there

She was filthy and our parents were on their way home for dinner

So I asked her to change and she comes back wearing a clean dress

but her hands she still had a smudge on her cheek I

Guess I missed a spot

We have the spell that can get them out you're down there in the basement

Practicing magic day and night you think I don't know this but Elena

I must warn you to bring them out with shigeaki still in power

Rafa did you hear they're saying that princess Elena has returned Oh?

Hurry hurry come inside. I have to be careful

I will take on Cherie key, my safe

Thank you, all of you, but this is my fight. Not yours. I'm the one who must face her

You know all this time. I was stuck in the amulet. I thought I was alone, but you're right Sofia

It doesn't have to be that way. I have all of you yeah

Not that I ever snuck out when I wasn't supposed to

Princess Elena

Hey there. You look like a nice guy who just wants to do the right thing

I do I mean I do ya know, but she has to see the both of you one of us has to watch the prisoners

Armando I need you to distract the guard excuse me

Dad this is princess Alina gift. It was you who made the amulet glow yes

I needed someone young enough to get close to Cherie key without making her suspicious

But brave and clever enough to get me out son

Where is princess Elena Queen shiriki?

When I helped you invade avalor you promised me that no one in my family would be hurt. I also prolonged

Put up with you buzzards outside, but not in - but it's so comfy in here

Whoa Clark? We've lollies. Oh boy. That's a tongue twister the tail oh

Oh, it's you

Isabella, I never should have let Alec I sell photos in that painting. Uh can we talk about this later? We have to go?

Everyone hurry don't get used to it

I'm not running away from Sarika again Elena. We're not running away, I Willa

You'll see but the children should return to the ship where it's safe. We'll be okay dad. We won't be alone everyone's coming

What do you mean everyone?

What what is that sound?

They're coming your majesty who's coming all of avalor

Ha stop right there. I'll take care of them yourself

Stop em they're just too many tree, I'm just gonna go be good enough

What are you doing in a catch?

The crown goes to you

You will be a great ruler Belinda. You'll have your grandfather a night to help for everything Elena I

Guess this belongs to you Sofia. I want you to have it for all you've done for avalor

Beside was always on our side

but I could not let you Ricky find a way to destroy that painting our family was in there and so I

pretended to follow

Any time you need a ride princess, I'm your ja Qin let every Bell in a velour ring

We are


Thus began the reign of Princess Elena and with it a new age of joy and prosperity for all of avalor

wonderful I would

Thank you for all you have done Sofia and this is for the journey

Which brings me to this I need to figure out what to do with the pieces of her wand

Well, you couldn't just toss them off the cliff. Thanks, Naomi

What are friends and grand counselors for?

So should we head back down? Are you sure you don't need more rest, then we better go the kingdoms, not gonna rule itself, right?

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 149 - Red Elephant - Duration: 20:47.


Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 144 - Blue Crab - Duration: 17:09.

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You totally did oh

Ma. I'm pretty good at fixing toys. Why don't I take a look at been in the clinic? Thanks doc?

Doc you'd better fix Ben

Can you help doc I mean hugging is what we live for we're world famous for our hugging skills

Was dangerous chilly hugging's not dangerous

You have huggy patch Otis, let's record this in the big book of boo-boos

great idea I

Don't know it'll do if I can hook

Your patches bad guy. I can't wrap it up

And then I think we should check you into the clinic for the night. Oh

Great you did. We're scared a little at first but

They took really good care of me

I was home before I knew it you wear a wrist band when you're staying overnight in the hospital

It has all your information on it see been ranking oh

That won't do this bed is a lot bigger than a llama being a pop manic

Just keep your arm up. It'll heal better. Oh

That feels much better great you're all set, but I don't want to leave my brother alone

He won't be alone Hallie will stay with him all night

Time for you to to say good night, then I have to go now

Isis ready for that story now, honey


We've never before time for my wrath mine, too

It's almost bedtime doc

He's doing great who wouldn't be with the best doctor in the whole wide world

Sounds great mom I just have to check on my patient in the clinic

Can I pick Ben some flowers of course let's take a look

That hub patches - I'd better get you back to Alma she'll be so glad to see you hugging again

Just a second doc. You took such good care of us

Does he do any tricks

not really

buddy chase of stuff

No, I don't think he really understands. What no needs yet, not a dog toy

Emmie time to bring the puppy home be right there mom

Rudy come on boy

Neither are you?

Looking for something there he is

Rudy I'll help you look for her me later, okay, okay?

Did I ever mention that I do not like

Sandy than a sea snake in a sand trap even my breeches have itches. Don't cry sugar

We'll find it right we never leave a man behind

or a crack

Well, I know that clicking a cat anywhere its hermie come on

Radishes no no before that are you ok hermie? We were so worried about you

I'm good. I got a tough shell. I'm glad you're okay

Don't worry hermie doc can fix it she can fix anything

She'll be a superstar in my book if she dies


That sounds really bad. That's good

Thanks Allie

Now let's do a little checkup and make sure everything else is working ok here are should be good as new

Here's a little reward for being such a brave patient

Can you hold this cotton ball?

Hallie I need my charts and I'll be right back

Hi mom are you busy yeah, but it sounds like your patient needs some physical therapy

You got it. Thanks mom ok, but I think I'd rather have the ice cream hermès physical therapy is like

Exercises to get his cloths strong and feeling good again. Yeah sounds perfect doc

For a week or so you got it doc doc. Yeah me I'm in here

There you are hi cutie Rudy

Blame it on the rain adventuregirl

Where could the bad fairy be hiding it stopped raining


Guess someone left me out in the rain

It was me I forgot her, but she's all wet

I'll get her dry, but she'll have to come with me to the clinic for wine ok the doc is in

Why MooMoo you're as wet as a weasel in a waterfall

What happened if anyone left me out in the rain

I'd be nothing but a puddle chilly if you're not made out of snow so you keep

The most important thing now is to get you dry Hallie, please clear my schedule for the days you have squishy itis

Now that's your a fancy-pants soundin problem

Are you sure don't worry in my tickle, but it won't hurt a bit?

Stuffy you take her legs we twist and squeeze

one two


Are you all right oh

Oh you look

Then to really get the water out we need to press

There's one more part of your treatment to get you extra SuperDuper dry

Was when Alma took me to school

Of course that was before she left me out in the rain

And now that you're done with your treatment. I just need to give you a final checkup to make sure you're all better

Hallie I need my doctor's bag muumuu you've made an amazing recovery

You're dry and fluffy again and ready to be discharged

Aren't you excited to go home?

Oh no truth

Is you don't want to go?

But Alma will be so sad without you nope I'm putting my hoof down

Oopsie sorry stuffy my mistake

Who did that? I did I was helping mom on laundry day and forgot to check the sheets for toys

Well it got really cold and he throws

He was a fish, cube. All right

No one likes to get lifted

That sounds like Alma

Why those were good times almost always been a true friend and

My home is with Alma. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes you know

even best friends

Excuse me is anyone missing a stuffed cow

Busted boomer the buffer a little squishy when I kicked it really let me try

Hello the next kick is for the World

Championship the World

Championship is on the line

How can we win the championship with a flat ball? Well you know?

one of your best friends is

Is in

Exercise get you feeling all pumped up. I just wish I could say the same for our patient

Is that what a belt is supposed to sound like?

Wow it's like if I couldn't draw or I couldn't fuck I think you might be a little


So why don't we give you a checkup no way, I don't get stared never been scared in my life

totally not scared

Your throat looks fine too. Oh

You don't need that

Boomer your pressures way way way down

You have a severe case of deflator Llosa's

Would you want to cure your deflator Llosa's just hold still for a second boomer

Have you ever been filled with air before

It does but it's the only way to fill you back up

You're gonna stay all flat and squishy

That bouncing boy with Baba well he can't have bounced far

Thinking of moving out of heavies toy box earth so I decided to check out this dollhouse

Either you don't when I need to get a shot with a needle from my doctor

We could all give you a hug that should help you be brave

Weird you're right guys. I love bouncing and I can't do that unless I'm filled up with air

From your friends you definitely regret ease

But let me check you first

Thanks for the cuddles Oh

Oh, it's great to be back at bouncing shape. It's great to have you back in bouncing shape boomer championship

By the time we finish


Okay, let's rebuild them out


ready for the scooping Riggo

Doc there's something wrong with wills truck doc McStuffins

Doctor to stuffed animals and toys at your service

I already tried begging it, please take real good care of it. Don't worry well

I'll take great care of him come on. Let's go on the slide

Dr. Bells when she's done

And this is my best friend Riggo we make a great building team

Yeah, yeah, that's great, but we don't have handy yakety-yak

We got us a mountain to listen to this guy, would you I'm gonna tell you something, buddy

You're the best pal a truck like me could ever have

You know it let's do a checkup and try to figure out what's wrong um?

Do you need a volunteer to show where we go doc? I just give a little tap to see if her leg is working right?

You know if that little lamb there

It's like

I mean it really hurts when I try to move my scope

This is a tough case, but I'm not gonna give up to like crack it

It was an accident, okay, let me see

Wow it feels better already, thanks mom my pleasure

See and yes, that's it

How about you to take a few more slides down the slide? I think I know how to fix rig Oh?

Oh that is great nose didn't that great nose. Yeah, what is it doc?


Yo that must have happened at the Avalanche

Buddy is right doc. I was up to my scoop in sand. That's what's making your arm stick

I'm gonna be really careful from now on but listen back. What about my sandy scoop syndrome, can you fix me?


Here's what I need you to do

Don't let anyone see us, buddy

Hey, you know II remember squeakers give it full power now that's what I call teamwork

Okay rego, here's the big moment let's see if your scoop moves

Thanks a lot doc and you want to know something else you are the greatest building stuff

Why don't you give him a try?

Good job, thanks Lambie sometimes. I really really really really love my job

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 144 - Blue Crab - Duration: 17:09.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 72 - Green Elephant - Duration: 17:15.

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For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 72 - Green Elephant - Duration: 17:15.


Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 114 - Blue Pig - Duration: 20:19.

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For more infomation >> Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 114 - Blue Pig - Duration: 20:19.


Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 23 - Yellow Mango - Duration: 17:48.

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For more infomation >> Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 23 - Yellow Mango - Duration: 17:48.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 157 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:10.

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