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You are checkup sir Oh done
Babies need lots of love, and it looks like you need a cuddle your mommy knows just what to do
You need any help getting ready helping
And these funny, baby hats
Diaper yeah dragon diaper was trying to make a rush delivery and well I
Twisted my leg
Where exactly is Stewart he's at babies all headquarters
The place where cute of a cute baby toys are made
You must be doc McStuffins. Oh yeah, we're here to see Stuart welcome. I'm Delilah head of baby doll headquarters
I have lots of help
Lay it on me doc will I be able to make deliveries today?
I'm afraid you have the case of sticky stuck store clay Titus to fix it well Emmy that takes a load off of me
I know you won't let me down oh
There they are oh what a darling group we've got today
Will we be ready to go soon very soon as soon as it's all receives a dose of love
They're ready to get delivered to the nursery so they can get their baby toy checkers
You are seeing totally smiles
We've all turned into baby toys, I wish dog will heal
Wait the magic or what they've turned into baby toys
We're stranded in the woods with a fail
Any news well
Close your eyes for my lullaby quiet time has come
Here are the dolls he ordered look at these other ones. I guess Gary must have ordered extras
Don't let it go in the goodie bag. Please not the goodie bag. I saw them disappear with the baby dolls, baby
Dolls are pre-programmed in the storks tracking device to go to their families
Help, I'm gonna melt if someone doesn't get me out of this box
You got my baby can windows I need a checkup
Elevator allowed now is show fun show it again
It's okay the baby they belong
You guys are pretty adorable you know maybe I should
Just kidding
They're so good taken care of baby toys friends
The emergency plan morning officer Pete morning doc well
Brandon it's the dole family Edie. Yeah, and a little dirty birdie whoo. I am happy to help
Oh hold that if you can have a ride if it's okay with your mom's
Pretty please how can we say no to that okay? Okay?
Holly I can take her now whoa wait I feel like I've been under a baby spell now we'd better hurry like a
Hovercraft don't hyper drive belay you guys
Time for Gertie's nap say goodbye to your friend
This is four years
I think I did my cummerbund
Randon stop
Knocking that down. There's a younger job, Sorry mate Supper is jammed
Dragon-bot stop jumping in the name of the law stop jumping my cameras jumps. I need my job
Take apart into two snowballs, I got two words for you. Oh
I don't know, but but we'll find her
For the wreck, I don't always love it Oh
Finally my jumper is on Jam. Oh, No look at what I've done
it's family let's
Yeah, where are you? I hope she's okay? Oh, No I will help
Ya there you are find them, it's just gonna be a little harder has anyone checked the hospital
Yeah, is the first place I would go in the last
probably the middle place I'd go to
Hello can anyone help me I'm looking for my family two dolls both cutest. Let's go with them
Oh, man you cannot go in there. It's not true thing. I don't either
this Lamia spa landless
It's important to have a kit that has everything you need in case you have to leave your house
Quickly and you want to have a good place
You can never be too prepared
You can say that again now
We're ready for anything except bedtime later to have you spend the night at the castle being
royally pampered hmm delight it seems like a strong word but
Yes a cold we stayed up all night and your home awaits
Our home is perfect. Thank you. You're welcome
There you go now you can deposit coins again
Thank You cousin dragon stuffy, honey is back in the honey jar what honey bellows
There penny you and your babies are honey free in your patches and loose
I was gonna go to the hospital
But then I saw a duck toy nine cracks in fixing up a whole bunch of toes in the tails fire
I was rushing like you suppose that ducks the reason we got so many unusual cases at the hospital today
Sounds like it might be I'd sure like to talk to that duck to see how she makes her duckie diagnose eats
Sure, I have the toys king is proud and all of McStuffins in you know it is
Or my name's not quacks and a toy fixing duck
And if I do say so myself, I'm quite contest to get it you a toy doctor oh
No, they've got a doctor and the toys fixing doc. What needs a doc when you've got it all you good toys
What a pleasure plastic step right up my killers a crack can pick?
The best fix around is what shemitah
Quaxton we're glad you like fixing toys, but we're not sure about some of your
Excuse me ma'am have you seen a duck toy?
Hmm this looks like the footprints of a duck with a backwards foot maybe questions in there too, oh
Right that's Klaxons footprint. Isn't it?
No you're hurt it looks bad
Let's get you to the hospital Steffie call rescue Ronda. We need a rescue at the snow globe
Doctor they are but the important thing to remember is that doctors are here to help
Don't worry quack soon. We're gonna take good care of it. I
Have a diagnosis you have a case of backward twisty ducky flipsies. Let me go going over to the Big Sugar
Well if I had my Quackers about me, I would have but the truth is I'm scared of doctors
I always have been so I just started fixing myself doesn't really matter come with us klaxon. I want to show you something
Do you see Ben and Anna over there their tails are all knotted together and officer Pete needs to answer that we know?
Klaxon, but do you see now why it's better to let a doctor help you when you're really sick or hurt
Oh, I do doc. I can see clearly now, and if you're still willing to have me a care of you
Okay, I'm ready
That was fast do you want to walk on it to see how it meows to the wet?
Like I knew that you would
Help toys not hurt them we know the feeling on our first day in the hospital
We wanted to help - and we just made things worse because we didn't have the right great idea
You can learn to fix toys the right way
Would you like that you take me as a med student even though? I mean all those toy
Boo-boos worse sugar we love toys who love it
You have duck my extra tall extra King crowd is throwing me off waves like a common toy
to be happy
Come on King let's take you to the yard
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