Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

Good morning guys. This is Himi. How's everybody doing?

I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well, and I like to see your smiling faces

Well, I made a little bit of a different video today. I feel like I'm saying the same thing

every video but it's truly different. It's different.

Today I wanna share American culture because we just had Thanksgiving which is my favorite.

Well I want to share American culture we just had Thanksgiving, so I just want to share with you guys

Thanksgiving is very very you know

Very important traditional event in u.s.

Just like Christmas that's very important basically you know family

people whom you love and whom you care, get together

And having a great time together and then also

most importantly


Thanking that we are together. Thanking that - we get to spend time together

So that's a very important traditional event here in the US so this is my family Thanksgiving

So I just want to share that with you guys. Hopefully you're gonna enjoy it

Let's get started

What is thanksgiving day mean to me?私にとって感謝祭とは?

Well I would say that the cornerstone ofそうね、いいライフの基礎は

a good life is thankfulness 感謝からなりたってるってことね。

Thanksgiving is time to give thanks to show appreciation for those you love 感謝祭は愛してる人たちに感謝と愛

and all blessings you have in your life.そして祝福を与えることよ。

Thanksgiving to me means that 私にとって感謝祭とは、

I don't have school for 5 days 5日間学校が休みでしょ、

and I get to relax and eat and see family.リラックスして食べて、家族と過ごすこと。

We're thankful for......感謝してることは

And our health. Thankful for the family finally after 健康。やっと家族にあえた

9 years 9年ぶりに

I was able to meet my sister and her family 妹と彼女の家族に会えたわ。

I was happy to meet her sister first as well. That's right そう、僕もはじめて彼女の妹にあえて感謝だよ。

because it's first timeそうねはじめてよね。

so that was thankful to have that. 本当それには感謝だよ。

And I wish to have this get together more often もっとこういう機会をもうけたいな。

Yes sounds good.

It's all about having fun with family,家族が楽しく過ごすこと

good food to eat 美味しいご飯を頂く、

and a lot of love. そしてたくさんの愛ね。

Thanksgiving day is family getting together, food 感謝祭は家族が一緒に食事して


Everybody taking pictures with me and nice to each other.私とたくさんの写真をとって仲良くすること。

Thanksgiving to me means everything 感謝祭は私にとって全てよ。

Thanksgiving is really family感謝祭は家族を意味するわ。

all our love ones coming together 愛する人たちが一緒に

interface and interact with each other means everything because あって、時間をすごして

We get a chance to bond with each other. We get a chance to love each other and we get a chance to 絆、愛をきずくことができるわ

reflect on past things 過去のことを話したり

future things and it's just a loving time for me.未来のことを話したり、本当、愛を示す時間ね。

And I just like to have more of them.そんな時間をもっとほしいは。

Thanksgiving to me is a 僕にとって感謝祭は

a bonding moment. I stole that from you Auntie,絆をつくることだ。おばさん、フレ-ズぬすんだけど。。。

honestly it gives us all opportunities 正直に、感謝祭は僕たちに一緒になる機会を与えるよな。

and get together. Just talk, laugh and have thanks.ただ話したり、わらったり、そして感謝しあうのさ

Thanksgiving to me is uhh 僕にとって感謝祭は、

time to hang out with family and eat. 家族と一緒に過ごして食べること

And watch football games.そしてアメフトをみること。

Thanksgiving day to me 感謝祭とは

Thanksgiving day to me is about family. Having fun 感謝祭とは、家族だね。楽しく

Enjoying ourselves as people 人として時間を過ごす、

Learn about people, see what future they want to have 将来何がしたいのかとかをきいたりさ、

Learn what future you want to have.君が将来、何をしたいのかも。。。。ね。

We're all great people.人は素晴らしいからね。

Thanksgiving day to me is family and coming together, enjoy one another and love.私にとって感謝祭とは、家族が一緒に楽しく時間を過ごしそして愛することよ。

Hi guys, I 'm back.

Hope you guys enjoyed my video of thanksgiving.

Well if you liked this video , you know what to do.

yes you've gotta hit the like button

and if you haven't subscribed yet, please subscribe it.

Thank you for watching.

See you next time . Bye

For more infomation >> アメリカの感謝祭ってこんな感じ!#18 This is how we spend our Thanksgiving in U.S. - Duration: 11:24.


Pastor Shawn Pinto - Who is God to you? - 2 - Duration: 1:50:48.

For more infomation >> Pastor Shawn Pinto - Who is God to you? - 2 - Duration: 1:50:48.


What Is Order In Consciousness? | J. Krishnamurti - Duration: 13:40.

Hello everyone my name is Andrew and welcome to the video.

So today I'd like to talk about order.

Now what is order in Consciousness?

And how can we bring this order about?

Now the older generations talk about order and teach us order in the sense of self-control

and self-discipline.

Now we see that this brings about conflict because inwardly we are one thing.


We are angry and then we are trying to discipline ourselves, control ourselves to not be angry,

to be the opposite, which is an idea, a fascination to be not angry, when really we are angry.

So doesn't this cause a psychological friction between "angry" and "not angry?"

Between the opposites?

So therefore, friction is struggle and problems.

Now our reaction to this is what the new generation is doing right?

Which is, "It's okay, you don't have to discipline yourself.

You don't have to control yourself.

Just do whatever you want, just enjoy life, seize the day."

And so we try this, we do this and yet, it's fun and it feels great, but there are dire

consequences involved right?

That we don't really take into consideration and we're just kind of like, "Oh, I didn't

really think this through."

So both of these bring about problems and struggle and suffering.

So when we asked the question what is order in Consciousness?

Are we looking for an answer?

Are we waiting for an answer or expecting something totally new, totally different to

radically change our lives?

If we are looking for that then this is not it.

This is the completely wrong place.

I don't have an answer.

No one has an answer, because answers are essentially what we've been living on our

whole lives and nothing has changed, we are still suffering, we are still in conflict.

So there has to be something totally different in order to live in order, which is to live

happily, peacefully, without any conflict or psychological friction.

So haven't we been living based off of ideas, off of beliefs, off of plans, off of strategies,

off of methods.

So in one sense, we have to live with this.

There is order of the law, order of authority, that is of the military.

If we don't do certain things like if we don't abide by the rules of society, don't steal,

don't kill.

If we don't abide by those then we're going to jail, there's automatic suffering and struggle


So we see that fact, so there's no problem right?

We understand that, "Hey, don't kill, it's a fact that it's going to cause even more

problems and more suffering for ourselves, not only inwardly, but outwardly as well."

So we're not accepting or denying authority, discipline or self-control.

We're not trying to take sides here, we're just looking at what is actually going on.

What's actually going on is that there is authority, conformity to a certain societal

pattern that we have established and in one sense, yes we have to abide by that, but in

another sense there are also beliefs and ideas that are thought up of by our elders by religious

and scholarly teachers, by military high classmen and all of them are teaching us these or helping

us with ideological methods, strategies, tips on living rightly, holistically, and these

are what we need to observe and question.

Now if we don't want to, if we're not interested in questioning all this, because you know

we're so used to living off of these kinds of authorities, beliefs, projections of what

they think is right living and all that.

So if we strongly believe in that and we are in this habit and we're not that interested

in looking at it, observing it and basically putting it aside for a moment to free up ourselves

and be free to learn something different.

If we're not willing to do that then I don't see actually, factually how there can be a


So we must be able to really question every single thing that we've been taught that we've

been told which is tremendously difficult because this is all we know this is all that

we've been used to, which is living off of other people's ideas, strategies, plans on

living, living off of beliefs, traditions, cultures.

And to question all this, to doubt all this, there is tremendous fear, there is tremendous

punishment that goes along with that right?

So are we willing to listen and put that aside.

So we talked a little bit about order being imposed or being not imposed and both ending

up with suffering and conflict.

So therefore, all we know is disorder.

So when we put the question, "What is order?"

We don't know, because everything we come to is disorder.

So can we remain with, "I don't know" can we live like that, with uncertainty.

However, this doesn't mean to still do whatever we want to do because we don't know what order


We're not saying, "Hey there's no answers at all, it's hopeless."

No we're not saying that at all.

Let's talk a little bit about the physical body.

It's a fact that there must be physical order with the body.

Is the body eating good, healthy food?

Is the body exercising daily, regularly in order to be strong and flexible?

Because if we look at a flower, if we don't water it correctly, if we don't treat the

flower with love and care and affection, then it's going to wilt it's going to die and

therefore, it's not going to live properly, live rightly, right?

Now the body and the mind are not two separate things they are actually one and connected.

So if the physical body is not strong then that's

going to have an effect on the mind correct?

So seeing this fact being aware of this fact that to live in order, to live happily and

peacefully, there must be a physical change, the body must be well taken care of.

So that's a fact.

Now we also need to go into mentally, psychologically, what is it that we are, that we are doing?

Through our habits, through our frequent living based off of other people's ideas, based off

of our own ideas and ideas in general, we have built this habit of reacting against

what is actually going on, with what is factually going on.

Something happens, someone cuts in front of me on the road, I react to that.

I say, "Hey that should not happen."

So we always react and look for the opposite of what is actually going on.

We never stay and remain with what is actually going on.

There is fear.

I'm afraid, I'm terrified, but I must be brave, I should be brave.

So we go through all the pain and struggle and effort of being brave and that bravery

is born from fear.

So we are still afraid, we are trying to become "not afraid" through bravery.

So this implies contradiction of the opposites.

We are trying to resist or do away with one thing, the fact that we are afraid or the

fact that we are angry.

We're trying to do away with that and we're trying to become the opposite, the "non

afraid," the "non angry," but this is why we need to go into the nature of ourselves,


Can we see that we are both of those, that thought is bravery, is fear, is "non fear,"

is both.

And can we also see that there is separation involved when we are reacting against because

there is one who is reacting to an object.

So there's a separation between the one reacting and the object of that reaction.

So out of that separation, whenever there is separation, then there must be conflict,


So by going into this by seeing this as a fact that by jumping to or trying to become

what we already are, is one of the reasons why we are struggling, we are suffering.

So order is not something separate from disorder order is understanding being aware of our

own disorder the fact that we are disordered, inwardly and outwardly and out of this fact,

living in this fact, with this fact, comes the possibility of seeing order, totally,

holy, completely.

So that's all I want to talk about in this video, thank you for listening and watching

and have a great day, as always, stay awesome, see ya in the next video, bye bye.

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