Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

What is Artificial Intelligence | Advanced Technology

What is Artificial Intelligence | Advanced Technology

What is Artificial Intelligence | Advanced Technology

What is Artificial Intelligence | Advanced Technology

For more infomation >> What is Artificial Intelligence | Advanced Technology - Duration: 2:23.


Mom Whose Son Is Stuck In A Chinese Jail Has A Message For Trump Different Than LaVar Balls(VIDEO)! - Duration: 5:37.

Mom Whose Son Is Stuck In A Chinese Jail Has A Message For Trump Different Than LaVar Balls

president Trump intervened when three UCLA basketball players were detained in

China for shoplifting helping them return home safely but the father of one

of those players Lavar ball downplayed the president's

help listen it wasn't like he was in the US and said okay there's three kids in

China I need to go over there and get him I would say thank you if he would

have put him on his plane and took him on then I would have said thank you mr.

Trump for taking my boys out of China and bringing them back to the US now the

mother of another sports star stuck in China is pleading for president Trump's

help to release her son from a Chinese jail where he's been held for over a

year and she says she'd never stopped thanking president Trump for his help

mother a former Ball State linebacker Wendell Brown Antoinette Brown joins us

now Antoinette thank you for being here thanks for sharing this story and my

heart just goes out to you I cannot imagine what it's like to have a son

trapped overseas in a prison where you can't see him and and can't get word of

how he's doing if you could just share with us a little bit of the story about

how he ended up going to China and ended up in this situation

going to China to help a friend coach the doctors football team and he

was also teaching English to the teammates that did not did no English he

had been there for a year and ended up going to a friend's birthday party at a

bar and he was attacked by a group of locals throwing bottles at him and

unfortunately he was the only one arrested after the attack on his life

internet you know it's Alan when reading the story he was approached by a few

locals to have drinks he does he declined and and that it was a sort of a

sign of disrespect in that culture and they started attacking him and all these

things he didn't start a fight didn't want to be in a fight yet he finds

himself in a Chinese prison right now what is he being charged

and what do you know about the process right now look what they're trying to

charge him with is intentional injury and the private I understand their

process is lengthy their legal system and we are waiting he had two lawyers

that did an amazing job with proving his innocence during the trial but still

four months later we're still waiting for the judge to give a verdict or

sentencing and we pray for fair justice for innocent man Internet let me just

give you the floor here what would you like to say to President Trump right now

I would humbly ask for him to help my son that's an unfortunate situation and

I would be truly grateful and most definitely would thank him with no

problem you know one of the things I was reading in this article is that you've

hired a lawyer of course and you haven't been allowed to actually speak with your

son it's very difficult to communicate him but you were told that if you came

up with $100,000 in US restitution that potentially your son could be released

do you think that's actually the case are you is it as a matter of a hundred

thousand dollars which of course is a significant sum but with that alone send

him home no that was at the beginning when at the beginning when they give you

the first thirty something days to negotiate with the accuser and to try to

resolve it before it even gets to the stage level wait goes to trial but they

were not fair with negotiating because of course we can't afford a hundred

thousand we can't afford eighty thousand and so we had no choice but to allow the

situation to go to trial praying that he would receive fair justice Internet you

just spent Thanksgiving without your son how are you doing and how's he doing

have you had contact recent contact to find out how his conditions are once

a month the US consulate goes to meet with he'll take letters and pictures

from the family in France and he returned letters to us at messages they

said he's holding up fine he stamped rare for he meditates and

reads his Bible daily and it was it's just really heartbreaking and a sad for

the family that he's not with us to celebrate like usual internet your son's

name is Wendell Brown he's 30 years old he's a former three year linebacker at

Ball State went over to China to teach English and coach in a in a league over

there found himself in an unfortunate situation like so many Americans only

hopes that his government will do whatever they can to bring him back

that's why we brought you on this morning thank you for sharing your story

I hope you had the best Thanksgiving possible and may your next Thanksgiving

be even better and


For more infomation >> Mom Whose Son Is Stuck In A Chinese Jail Has A Message For Trump Different Than LaVar Balls(VIDEO)! - Duration: 5:37.


Is Melania Trump Pregnant In 2017? Pregnancy Questions Surge As People Say Coat Draping Fashion - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Is Melania Trump Pregnant In 2017? Pregnancy Questions Surge As People Say Coat Draping Fashion - Duration: 2:54.


When Your Self-Worth Is In The Hands of Another Person | Serious Sundays - Duration: 6:38.

hey guys I wanna talk to you today about putting our value in other people

specifically one person I'm not talking about the value we find from you know

family and friends that that's the thing sometimes that keeps us going and keeps us

alive and enjoying life I'm talking about putting our entire self value in

one person let me tell you about me I was very independent as a young girl

unfortunately around the time of pre pre university and the end of high school

hormones finally kicked in and I found myself putting my value in what boys

thought of me and these are not many boys as you know I have not dated or

anything but I would find myself latching on to friends who were boys and

then putting all my value into what they thought of me and how our friendship

would go and I didn't realize that I was doing something wrong here because in my

eyes it was just friendship and I was being a normal girl but I was actually making

their opinion of me so important that supposing and it happened if they left I

found my entire self-worth going with them just a few months ago I sat down with

myself recognized what was happening and made a sort of vow to myself that I

would not put myself in such a situation where I'm depending on any other person

for value God in the Bible whenever he's telling his people to do a certain thing

for him or to be a certain person like say the king of Israel he's not telling

them look your people are gonna love you and you're gonna meet all the right

friends and all the right advisors who are going to support you right to the

end God says most of the time do not be

afraid for I am with you and I will take care of you and I am your God

he's not talking any other individual here we see that

Jesus he appoints disciples two by two into the mission field that's why I'm saying it

is important to have relationships and we do need help we do need society but

this was not for the purpose of value itself such a deep intricate part of our

being that place I believe is for God to give to us it is not for us to find in a

particular individual especially if it's one person if say it's a whole family

that is loving on you and a whole group of friends with whom you are family it's a

different scenario this kind of value is love mainly it's a different thing from

you completely depending on another person for your existence that's where it

gets really scary and like I said most of the time this is unconscious

it happens step by step day by day with the more you share and the more you are depending on

so-and-so to reciprocrate


where was I


see you also say reciprocrate

whatever it is we're Indians so po


Indians speak English very well thank you very much

I just disproved my point but okay

so the

point of my video today is to tell you beware if you are finding yourself in a

position that if a particular person goes out of your life you will not be

able to survive and don't allow yourself to completely wrap your value around one

particular person whoever that may be even if you are married to him or her it

is not right for us to give that much of our value away in what a human being

thinks of us and this is for obvious reasons because we all have errors but

also we are not going to be living in this earth for

an infinite period of time or at any time our lives can change completely

unpredictably so if you're in this situation the only thing I can suggest to

you is get your value from the right person and that is God Himself who made

you and his entire Bible is like a love letter to each of us I can just open

this book at random that's what I did my finger was not here to trick you okay I

just opened this Bible and I went to Zephaniah 3 in the verse 16 it says

cheer up Zion don't be afraid for the Lord your God is living among you he is a

mighty Savior he will take delight in you with gladness with his love he will

calm all your fears he will rejoice over you with joyful songs and it goes on to

say a lot of amazing things a lot of promises that by the way does not fail

nothing of what God has promised to me has ever failed why I read this to you

is because it is showing a lot of the things that we look for in other people

we want people to be happy at the sight of us and we want people to tell us that

we are beautiful or to just proclaim their love for us we really need that

but we keep looking for that in people when there is a God who is giving that

to us 24/7 and we are not some of us not at all aware and many of us aware but

not accepting his love for us and it's very sad to me that God is giving all

this love to us but we are going and finding it in the wrong people and the

wrong places it may make us happy for that time when we are with those people

but it is not a flawless love unfortunately and no matter what happens

in your life when you have this God and this love you will find yourself still

standing still going on still moving still breathing you'll not be devastated

because his love can withstand any storm that

comes into your life so hope that helped you I'm Vihan Damaris on serious Sundays

signing off and I'll see you tomorrow on miraculous Monday's feel free to comment below and

tell me your thoughts on these topics share some stories with me and tell me

I'm not the only one experiencing these things and you can even email me in

I've written that in the description below so okay bye

For more infomation >> When Your Self-Worth Is In The Hands of Another Person | Serious Sundays - Duration: 6:38.


[포토IS] "세븐틴 Right Here"…'2017 MAMA' 달군 팬사랑 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> [포토IS] "세븐틴 Right Here"…'2017 MAMA' 달군 팬사랑 - Duration: 2:40.


Man Utd ace Chris Smalling is on par with Man City star John Stones - Tony Cascarino - Duration: 1:34.

Man Utd ace Chris Smalling is on par with Man City star John Stones - Tony Cascarino

That's according to former player turned pundit Tony Cascarino who reckons the former Fulham man gets a raw deal. He was dropped from the England squad due to question marks over his ball-playing ability.

But Cascarino says the criticism in unfounded - especially considering Stones' catalogue of high-profile blunders.

He told The Times: "Gareth Southgate said that he left Chris Smalling out of the England squad because he was not good enough at bringing the ball out of defence, but I just dont get it.

"He is certainly clever enough on the ball and rarely puts a foot wrong. "Smalling has made clear his disappointment at Southgates decision this week and I can understand why hed be upset.

"Man Utd ace Chris Smalling was dropped from the England squad" "He has made nowhere near as many big mistakes as Manchester Citys John Stones has over his career, and yet Stones is considered Englands star defender.

"OK, Smalling is no Franz Beckenbauer but his passes are rarely intercepted, he doesnt make rash decisions and he chips in with the odd goal. "Smalling will always give you a seven-out-of-ten performance.

"I feel he has been a bit underestimated, and that is perhaps because he started his career in non-League football at Maidstone United." Manchester United face Brighton in the Premier League tomorrow.

The Red Devils are eight points behind pace setters City with 12 games played.

For more infomation >> Man Utd ace Chris Smalling is on par with Man City star John Stones - Tony Cascarino - Duration: 1:34.


WWE News - Is Finn Balor ready to face Brock Lesnar in a title match - Duration: 3:26.

WWE News - Is Finn Balor ready to face Brock Lesnar in a title match

Following successful defences of the Universal Championship so far, many WWE fans are wondering who could be Brock Lesnars next opponent in the title bout when hes next scheduled to defend the championship at Royal Rumble in 2018.

The Beast has already faced many superstars of the Monday Night Raw main event scene, including the likes of Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, and Roman Reigns, in his title defenses.

Many fans believe Finn Balor could be the next guy to get an opportunity.

However, according to reports, Balor wont be facing Lesnar at the Royal Rumble because Vince McMahon does not think The Demon King is over enough with the WWE Universe to warrant a spot in the main event.

This goes against what many members of the WWE Universe think of Balor, as they see him as a fan favourite and one of the most over superstars on the entire roster.

Via NoDQ, Sports Illustrated has recently released a report which helps to explain why Vince believes Balor isnt over with the WWE Universe.

They said the reason why McMahon doesnt think Balor is over is because he thinks his character is bland when he is not portraying The Demon character.

Its odd for Vince to think this because this clearly isnt the case. Balor is a great talker on the microphone and is a fantastic worker inside the ring, which is why he isnt bland at all.

Fans absolutely love him because he is so talented in all areas of wrestling.

WWE did tease a potential meeting between Balor and Lesnar back in May when Paul Heyman praised The Demon King prior to the fatal 5-way number one contender match at Extreme Rules to determine who would face The Beast at Great Balls of Fire.

While Samoa Joe went on to win the match and face Lesnar, there was a strong positive reaction to this meeting between Balor and Heyman, and a lot of fans thought there would eventually be a meeting between Balor and Lesnar at a later date.

If reports are to be believe though, this isnt going to be the case.

Theres still plenty of time between now and the Royal Rumble, which means theres loads of time for Vince to change his mind about The Demon King and book him in a match against the Universal Champion.

For more infomation >> WWE News - Is Finn Balor ready to face Brock Lesnar in a title match - Duration: 3:26.


How is this frustating - Duration: 6:11:31.

For more infomation >> How is this frustating - Duration: 6:11:31.


What is Undue Hesitation | DTCUK | Failed Driving Test UK - Duration: 6:18.

Hello there my name is Shak. In this video I'm going be talking about undue

hesitation. A lot of learner drivers get confused as to what exactly is undue

hesitation. Some learners, they try to be extra safe in their driving test

stopping at each and every single Junction. They believe that this will

help them pass their driving test, whilst other learner drivers they try to avoid

being hesitant and they pull out unnecessarily too early into the main

road. They usually get failed on their observations. Essentially, undue hesitation

is failure to proceed when it is clearly safe to do so, usually happening

junctions. The question in many learner drivers Minds, Is, Can I fail my driving

test for being hesitant. Now, this will depend on two factors. The first thing

that the driving examiner will take into consideration, is, how frequently the

fault occurs? So you've started your driving test and you come to the first

Junction. If it's clearly safe to go but you stopped, you being hesitant. The

examiner will probably give you a minor fault. If then you continue to drive for

15-20 minutes without any problems and then you came to a roundabout and once

again you were hesitant.

Again the examiner would give you a minor fault. Now, if you hesitant on four

or five different junctions, that would then become a serious fault. So that's

the first thing, the number of times you are hesitant. The second thing that the

driving exam that will take into consideration, is, how the fault affects

other road users. So for example, if you're at a roundabout, it's clearly safe

to go and you're not going. So you're being hesitant and the driver behind you

horns at you or goes around you. That would be a serious mistake. Now, please

don't assume that just because somebody else another road user has horned, at you

or has gone aggressively around you that you would fail the driving test. If it is

unsafe to proceed, the driving examiner will be able to see that and the driver

Horning at you will not affect the result of your driving test. So the big

question is, How do you avoid being hesitant? How do you avoid undue

hesitation. Now, earlier on I mentioned that undue hesitation usually occurs at

junctions. So the very first thing is on approach to a junction we need to assess

whether it's an open or a closed junction. On approach to this mini

roundabout we can clearly see that it is safe to proceed. If we stopped at this

roundabout that will be marked as undue hesitation. On approach this roundabout

we have assessed that the junction is open. We must plan to stop slow,

right down but assess the situation and hope to proceed. If it is clear and we

stop unnecessarily that we marked as hesitation. On approached this Junction

we cannot see anything in the main road. We must come to a stop.

Once you've stopped, edge out, creep out just a few inches at a time until you

get a good view. Only proceed if it is safe to do so.

On a busy junction rather than looking at the traffic, look for gaps between the

traffic. When you go for your driving test, you need to convince the examiner

that you are no longer a learner driver. In order to pass your driving test you

need to drive in a positive but a safe manner.

Undo hesitation has nothing to do with amount of time spent waiting at a

junction. If you are 99 percent sure that it's safe to proceed, do not go because

it means that you still have that 1% doubt. Only proceed if you are 100

percent sure that it's safe to proceed. Remember you cannot get marked down on

undo hesitation unless you have missed a chance to proceed when it was clearly

safe to do so. I hope you found this video beneficial. If so, please give it a

thumbs up as it helps us to make more videos. Good luck with your driving test.

Drive safely but without hesitation.

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