Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

Coco Movie Miguel and Dante Puzzle Video for Kids

For more infomation >> Coco Movie Miguel and Dante Puzzle Video for Kids - Duration: 2:03.


How to watch 360° videos | Tips for a better 360 video experience - Duration: 3:06.

Hi Guys, it's Gaba VR here again!

You know, I very-very like 360 world,

creating and watching 360 contents.

I think it's a very unique format which a lot of people don't really understand,

maybe just because they watch it in the wrong way.

The most usual arguments I hear in this topic,

that people say „I don't want to find out what that scene is about",

„I don't want to search for the point of interest in the video",

„I want the filmmaker to lead me through the whole story", just like before.

Okay, it may be true when you find a bad 360 content.

As a content creator I think these videos must be built up differently, than "traditional" movies,

and I believe storytelling is possible this way, too.

But we have to choose the right story, the right camera placement

and cut the whole video well.

But now I'd like to talk about the viewer's side.

So, I think the most enjoyable way to watch a great 360 content

is not waiting and searching for the key scenes in the video,

because all the video has several key scenes all around you.

I think rotating screen is not only an option,

but this is the most powerful way to watch a 360 video from the beginning to the end.

Let me show you!

Of course, watching me while I'm watching the video might be weird,

but when you can control these things yourself, it's very enjoyable.

It's like driving a car or sitting on a passenger's seat…

Or even driving a small plain, or just sitting on a plane: it's a huge difference.

So my basic theory in watching 360 videos

is that you must look around all the time,

and when you find something which is the most interesting for you in the scene,

keep on watching it for a while.

I'm not searching for the key point in the scene.

I just look around all the time, waiting for something that grabs my attention.

Of course, there will be things you will miss,

but you also miss details in the real life, too.

It's impossible to see everything.

But overall it's not a problem, because it's all about impressions.

It's the creators' responsibility, that the whole movie must have its own atmosphere.

And when it's okay, I just want to be the part of it.

So just like in normal movies, this is also about the total impact.

As a viewer, don't be lost in details just because you could see more details.

So whether you watch a 360 video on smartphone or on desktop,

please give it a try and watch videos this way.

I suggest approaching these videos in a different way,

and I think you will like them.

If you like this advice, go and watch 360 contents,

and if you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

And if you are interested about littleplanet photography,

feel free to follow me on Instagram too.

See you soon guys!

For more infomation >> How to watch 360° videos | Tips for a better 360 video experience - Duration: 3:06.


Learn Colors With BALL PIT SHOW for Children - Giant HULK Feet for Kids - Duration: 3:51.

Thanks for watching video !

Please SUBSCRIBE to BeeKids Learning TV!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With BALL PIT SHOW for Children - Giant HULK Feet for Kids - Duration: 3:51.


RBtec IRONCLAD Training and Demonstration - Perimeter Protection Cable for Fences - Duration: 7:47.

hello my name is Dori from RBtec and I'm here today to demonstrate the

IRONCLAD a fence alarm system that is designed to detect cutting climbing and

jumping on fences now we call the IRONCLAD easy reliable and affordable for a reason

the reason for the easy is that the IRONCLAD does not need any training

certification prior knowledge or special tools because system is a completely

standalone so you do not need any computer or software to operate it all

connections and adjustments are done straight on board of the system itself

the reason we call it a reliable is because with the system itself has three

layers of false alarm filtration the three levels of false alarm filtration are

algorithm of detection 22 levels of sensitivity and an independent

standalone weather compensation unit.

now the algorithm detection is designed to

detect only sharp frequencies on the fence line that are associated with an

intrusion someone that is trying to cross the fence line like cutting


or lifting of the fence

one alarm occurs based on the algorithm of detection and the sensitivity level

the system will trigger an alarm that alarm means the board latches a

relay per zone because the board can monitor two zones so they'll be an

Associated a relay per zone that can be wired to any alarm system, camera

system or access control system to triggering an alarm the wiring is

simple contact closure relay normally open or normally closed

the system here is coming in pre-cut sizes of 250ft which is 75m 500ft which is a 150m

or a 1000ft which is 300m lengths so from the

factory we sell spools of pre-cut sizes that come from the factory with an

end-of-line unit pre-installed which means there's no field installation for

the end-of-line and the board in a waterproof enclosure

each board can monitor up to two zones which means that it can do

left and right for up to two zones that each of them can be up to a 1000ft

so that means that the maximum length per processor is 2,000ft or

600m of protection from one box now if you want more zones or you have

a larger site you just multiply the boxes or the process also along the

perimeter you'll install as many boxes as needed to connect and connect back to

your alarm system to cover any length or size of fence line

the ironclad is installed in the middle of defense about 4ft high for an 8ft fence

but it's important to remember that no matter where they cut the fence or climb the

fence we'll get a detection there's no need to cut the cable and there's no

need to tamper with the sensor cable in order to get a detection

I can hit the fence low and I'll still get in a detection and it's the same in

full installations the cable is designed to pick up any vibration from the full

height of the fence up to 10 feet (3m) of fences

now I showed you how the system detects the intrusions

but I'll show you now how it does not detect the long-wave

vibration which is the pulling and pushing of the fence that usually caused

by wind so I can push the fence I can pull the fence I can push the fence

I can pull the fence the fence can move and we don't get an alarm but

if i hit the fence it still does so that shows to some of the concerns that people have

that any vibration will trigger an alarm any touch will trigger an alarm

this is the basic algorithm of detection on top of that we have 22 levels

of sensitivities easily adjusted with dip switches directly on board so now

I'll move the sensitivity to an extremely high sensitivity

just like that with a flick of a switch and now I can barely touch the fence and it will trigger an alarm

now the reason we have wide range of sensitivities is because the sensor

itself is designed to be mounted on your infrastructure and every fence is a

little bit different and any site is a little bit different and the weather in

different parts of the country is a little bit different so that's why we

have a wide range of flexibility with sensitivities for stiffer fence or for

more flexible fence for new fence or for older even rusty fences

I changed the sensitivity again to a very low sensitivity but if i will smack it

it does trigger an alarm

now what I'm gonna demonstrate is how the system even while

in windy conditions triggers an alarm so I'll shake the fence and tap you on

it at the same time and you'll see that while I'm shaking it it does not trigger

an alarm but once I tap it it does

okay so that means that weather conditions and that kind of movement

and shaking and the pulling and the pushing of the fence and all that kind

of movement of the fence line does not kill the system it doesn't mean that

it's not working it's still working the whole time

as I said earlier this system

does not need calibration because it's self calibrated what it does is that

once will power up the system the system goes into 30 seconds self calibration

process and from there on you just calibrate it with the dip switches to

your fence line because again we rely on your infrastructure

the IRONCLAD sensor cable is a copper wire with two conductors in a construction of coax

like cable a center conductor and the shield the outer layer which is the

braid that you can see on the outside of the wire is just for physical protection

protection for grounding the wire to the fence against surges and against

weather and animals the outer braid is not connected to the electronics

the connection to the board is done by screw terminals that you can pull out

for easy connection and then push back on the board itself

the system is powered by 12 to 24 volt DC 500 milliamps per processor

which means that even if we have multiple processors down the fence line the system can work on 12

13 14 15 16 20 volt as well so we allow the droppage of the voltage

along the line if we need to power it from a central location in the field so

in this case you'll power it as 24 volt in the control or in the building or in

the shed and run that voltage out and even if it drops to from 24 to 20 we're

still ok and there's no problem what so ever

For more infomation >> RBtec IRONCLAD Training and Demonstration - Perimeter Protection Cable for Fences - Duration: 7:47.


Apostolate to the Handicapped for Nov. 26 - Duration: 28:49.

For more infomation >> Apostolate to the Handicapped for Nov. 26 - Duration: 28:49.


Drawing and Coloring Cute Green Dinosaur Cartoon - Super Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 5:39.

Drawing and Coloring Cute Green Dinosaur Cartoon - Super Coloring Pages for Children

For more infomation >> Drawing and Coloring Cute Green Dinosaur Cartoon - Super Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 5:39.


Apostolate to the Handicapped for Nov. 26 - Duration: 28:47.

For more infomation >> Apostolate to the Handicapped for Nov. 26 - Duration: 28:47.


Could you avoid Google products COMPLETELY? - Alternatives for Google Services - Duration: 6:04.

Google is great.

They make all sorts of cool and useful products and most people use them every day.

But what if you decided not to?

Could you?

Let's check it out.

Yep, you heard me.

It might sound like a pretty dumb question at first: yes, of course you can.

You just have to decide to do it.

But it might not be as easy as you think it is.

So let's go ahead and see what a normal day would look like if you were to put on

a protest and completely avoid any sort of google product.

So, here goes nothing.

It's early in the morning and you wake up.

You stop your alarm and reach for your phone, but wait.

Is it an android phone?

In that case, it's off limits.

Android is developed by google, so you'll have to settle for an iPhone or a Windows


But let's say you have an iPhone, so it's all good.

Do you want to use your computer?


Google chrome is a no-go zone, but that's ok, you'll just install Mozilla Firefox.

It's a great browser and it's pretty similar to its google counterpart.

You'll need a search engine that is not

At first, you might think "Oh no, not bing."... and you'd be right.

Not bing.

Instead, go for DuckDuckGo.

You might not have heard of it, but it comes up with results that are similar in quality

to the ones provided by everyone's favourite tech giant and, in addition to that, the interface

is pretty familiar looking as well, with a modern layout and all the functions that you

are used to.

So far you've been pretty successful, but what are you going to do now that you're

on the web?

YouTube is owned by google, so that isn't an option.

You'll have to go to some other site.

Maybe it's vimeo, maybe it's Twitch, maybe it's Facebook.

Who knows?

But you might want to install adblock, because Google also owns services like AdWords, AdSense

and Doubleclick, which are responisble for a huge percentage of the ads that you consume,

and that also applies to a lot of the ads that you see on your phone, even if it isn't

an android device.

Also, if you have to create an account or log in somewhere and the site requires you

to complete a CAPTCHA, bad luck.

Google owns reCAPTCHA.

But that's enough time wasted surfing the internet for now.

What do you have to do today?

Normally, you might check your google calendar, but that is definitely off limits.

So you have to reach for something else.

Let's say outlook; that's a pretty widespread option.

While you're dealing with outlook, you might as well create an email address over there

or on yahoo mail, if that's what floats your boat, because gmail, the most popular

email provider, is owned by Google.


Now you know where you have to get to, but how do you get over there?

Don't go to google maps, that's "no bueno".

Maybe Waze can help, only wait, it can't.

Google owns them as well.

An alternative is Here WeGo.

You probably haven't heard of them, because Google Maps is so unanimously accepted, but

they have great reviews and should be able to get you to your destination.

Do you need a file while you're away from home?

Google Drive is not an option, so try Dropbox or Microsoft's OneDrive instead.

They're pretty good and give you plenty of storage.

Pictures, however, are a bit of a different story.

Google Photos gives you free unlimited cloud storage for your photos so you can conveniently

access, sort and share them from anywhere.

But we're trying to avoid google, so Amazon Prime Photos is your best shot but only IF

you are already an amazon prime customer, which costs money.

Otherwise, you might want to try Flickr.

It's not unlimited, but the 1TB of cloud storage that they give you is quite a few

photos worth.

iCloud and iCloud Photos are also other options worth considering if you are a loyal Apple

customer and prefer those instead.

Some other random things that you can't use are, in no particular order:

Google Home (you'll have to go for Amazon Echo instead)

Google Keep (you'll have to use something like Evernote or Microsoft OneNote for your

random cross-platform note taking).

Google Images (try using the DuckDuckGo image search instead, or, dare i say it, bing)

Google Translate (again, try bing translate.

It's not quite as good, but it will do for simple things)

Google Hangouts, used by quite a few small companies.

If your workplace requires you to use this, bad luck.

Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.

For project colaborations you might have to look to Office Online or something similar.

Google Chromecast.

Google Firebase.

If you develop mobile applications, you might know what it is.

If you don't, then don't worry about it.

Chromebooks, the laptop of choice for a lot of students on a tight budget who just need

something that they can take to class.

They aren't produced by google, but they run ChromeOS, which obviously is.

Gboard, the google keyboard.

If you use it on your iOS device, you'll have to find something else.

I'd recommend SwiftKey as an alternative.

And the list just goes on and on

So, it's conclusion time.

Could you avoid Google?


Would you find it easy?

Probably not.

Would it affect your daily tech experience in a negative way?

Probably yes.

Would I advise you to do it?

No, no way, no!

Like it or not, google products have pushed out competition in so many fields due to their

clean interface, user-friendly behaviour and widespread availability that avoiding them

completely would just add an unnecessary hassle to your otherwise probably already pretty

stressful life.

So, until something better shows up, just stick with the jolly tech giant.

So, I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you want to see more you can click

on the right to watch my latest video or on the left to watch a random video or just click

the round channel icon in the middle to subscribe.

And as always, this has been vlad from goodsauce tech, and i'll catch you in the next one.

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