have you ever wished you could go back in time
and maybe change something about your past
maybe you wish you would have married your first love
or maybe wish you didn't
or you could go back in time
and actually see how the pyramids were built
today we're gonna be exploring one of my favorite topics, time travel
welcome to edge of wonder
I'm your host Ben Chasteen and joining me today
is my friend Rob counts
who is also a time travel enthusiast
hey guys
basically my views on time travel
or any of this kind of things is we should be open to things
it's not that I want to like readily believe any information
that's right put in front of me
but I think people a lot of times
just like totally don't pay attention
to all kinds of things that could actually be happening
I tend to keep a little bit more open about those things but at the
same time like I'm cautious about accepting anything you know
I mean you can't just like believe something someone tells you
right! you know I'm growing up one of my favorite movies was
well aside from Star Wars back to the future
I just really love that movie, because of time travel?
because of time travel
I was pretty much Groundhog Day guy
Groundhog day was pretty good too thugh
I really liked that and
actually most recently I really like interstellar
I thought that was a really great movie
and what about Edge of tomorrow?
they kind of stole of our name there...
you were telling me about a story that I didn't know about previously
I found this really interesting article about this guy who disappeared
in like I think it was like the 1800s sometimes right and he reappears
in Time Square like 50 years later and he as soon as he arrives in Time Square
he gets hit by a car police find him he's dressed like he
belongs like a hundred years earlier fifty years earlier
and they do some research and they find out that this guy actually existed back then and
he was going for a walk one night disappears and he ends up in Times Square
randomly and everyone's just totally like no one can figure any of that stuff out
like there's the hipster time traveler you've seen that photo?
yeah that's a weird one right?
right so the photo is a legit photo
it hasn't been photoshopped or edited in any way shape or form
but the guy's camera is actually a codec 6 that is actually from that time period
same thing with his glasses, if you saw him walking down the street today even with that camera
you wouldn't even think anything of it
yeah it was how he was dressed
but if you look at every single other person in that photo
everyone's like dressed really nice like how they use to back then
with a suit and tie and hat and then not only him
he's got like a graphic tee I mean anything's possible
anything is possible who knows
but I want to kind of talk about something
more interesting that I found lately which is a guy by the name of Andrew Basiago
supposedly a time traveler who's photographed during the Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address
oh really yeah have you heard about this? no no
okay because I, because with you being like really in the time-travel I was like wow
Rob's gonna really freak out about this one, and by into time-travel he means
I've watched a Time Cop a lot
so okay going back to this photo
this guy's name Andrew Basagio supposedly he was part of a US government experiment called
project Pegasus, where he was involved in time travel I mean his father
was part of this program traveling back in time and whatnot so his father goes back in time
to the Abraham Lincoln days he sees his son there, so he knew that his son
was going to be part of the program so he comes back to the present
invites his son Andrew I think at the time he was like ten years old or something right?
interesting! now this kind of goes along with what happened at the Montauk Project
they were also doing experiments as well supposedly on kids
well you know "stranger things" right? yeah! yeah of course
everyone knows "stranger things!" well did you know the original title was going to
be called Montauk Project? No! Yeah that was the original title of the show
but then they basically decided to change it, but that would have changed things drastically
but that's actually supposedly what stranger things is based out of
the stuff that happened at Montauk Project
getting back to Andrews story his father starts taking him and they start traveling in time
then he goes back to the Gettysburg Address with Abraham Lincoln and he says
that after Lincoln gave his speech that he starts walking forward
and that's who you see in the photo in the very front of the photo
so you actually see Abraham in the back
in the back! yeah, you can actually see Abraham in the back and
then in the center of the photo you see a little boy
yeah I think the most interesting thing about that photo is
that his shoes really actually do look bigger
yeah they actually do because he said
when he jumped back and passed his shoes for some reason didn't come with him
and so he had to borrow someone's shoes
wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute
you talked about the Montauk Project couple minutes ago right?
wasn't Tesla and like Einstein connected to this? yes, so supposedly
Tesla actually created time machine this is the actual thing so it gets even crazier
JP Morgan was originally funding Tesla and he was doing stuff with Edison as well
so Tesla wanted to give this away for free he didn't want to make money off of it
he felt like this is given to mankind and that he wanted to give it out
JP Morgan and Edison had total opposite views they're like we
want it for the money right? so JP Morgan stopped funding Tesla
and then he just went strictly with Edison and unfortunately Edison took a lot of
Tesla's ideas, Tesla needed money and needed help and guess who he goes to?
John G Trump!
wait like president Trump?
President Donald Trump!
So it's his uncle
they might have been a great uncle but anyways so then
after Tesla dies which was at the New Yorker right? right! near here actually
So right after he died uncle Trump, let's call him Uncle Trump! that's good
they go in with the FBI
the FBI confiscates everything so then people are like wait a minute
what happened? blah blah blah
So supposedly they said they released all the papers
according to Andrew Basagio he says that the FBI kept a lot of the top secrets
about like time travel there's stuff about teleportation
other things about John Claude Van Dam
so didn't Tesla talked about like cell phones video chat Internet? yeah!
actually believe it or not he actually has a quote! okay so he said when wireless is
perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain
which in fact is all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole
we shall be able to communicate with one another instantly irrespective of distance
not only this but through television and telephony we shall see and hear
one another as perfectly as though we were face to face despite intervening
distances of thousands of miles and the instruments
through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple
compared with our present telephone a man will be able to carry one in his vest-pocket
dude just talked about iPhones! isn't that crazy?
so he talks about iPhones he talks about
FaceTime and he talked about the internet so there's a theory out there
that actually Tesla used this time machine actually go into the future
and actually saw the future
oh he saw that?
so supposedly he saw it
people are not gonna want you to release this
the government is not gonna want this out
no why when you can make money off of it
exactly. This gets pretty even more crazier...
Hitler supposedly had a time machine come on why is Hitler attached to everything?
he's already in like almost every movie
I know! supposedly he had a time machine
called the "die glocke" oh yeah? meaning the bell
right before World War two, when things were escalating
but there was a crash which they thought there was the Allied forces
supposedly they found the UFO.
Oh so basically all this technology came from this UFO
that is the theory and that's supposedly that's how they were
able to develop more technology than the West, it's like you know they developed
first the u-boats and then they had faster planes and there's actual photos
of UFOs with Nazi symbols on them
of course they would put a Nazi symbol on it, I don't know if it's real you know, who knows?
So let's say you went back in time, Ben
and you were like I don't like Rob
I want to wipe Rob off the face of the earth and you kill my grandfather
what's gonna happen to me?
I can answer this! it's a very common thing the "grandfather paradox"
so I think I kind of figured this out
let's say that this is our timeline right, we were living on this timeline right here
and... 2018
let's use the analogy like you know you wish you would have married this girl back in 2006
so let's say you go back in time, 2006, so now you have your old 2018 self
and then you have your younger self here, kind of skinny
obviously you can't marry this girl from 2018 it's not gonna work
so the only way you can do it is you have to convince yourself to marry this girl
so you end up getting married, finally
you go back to 2018 present time
the thing is nothing's gonna change
because it never happened on this timeline originally
so everything you do it can't affect this timeline
if it didn't already happen on that timeline
so you mean you can't derail yourself off of the timeline?
right! so even if they got married
what would end up happening is an alternate universe or alternate dimension
would come in and then they would be happily married, hopefully
on this alternate timeline where she would have no connection with at all
that sounds really underwhelming...
so I think there's small things that could be changed
but like for example let's go back to kill John Claude Van Damme
so he doesn't have to make the movie "Time Cop"
okay please do! So we go back in time
but it's the same thing, even if you're dumb and you decide to kill his grandfather
it's just gonna create an alternate dimension, you're gonna be in jail
and in this dimension you just go back here and JCVD is still you know... drop kicking people
man there's like so much information out there about time-travel
this is crazy! yes there's a whole lot!
I think like my next step is I'm gonna go home
and watch terminator 1 & 2 but none of the others because they're horrible!
I agree with you
so what do you guys think of today's episode on time travel
do you believe Andrew Basagio's story?
what about project Pegasus or Tesla's theory
or how about Hitler's "Die Glocke?"
comment below! also do you have any stories or experiences
you would like to share?
or maybe there's a specific topic
that you would like me to cover?
don't forget to hit like and subscribe
for more awesome videos on unexplained mysteries, life and our wondrous universe
until then we'll see you out on the edge! the edge of wonder... wonder
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