Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 2 2018

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For more infomation >> Amazing hairstyles transformation- Easy hairstyles tutorial compilation for bride 👰 in 2018 - Duration: 7:28.


Before You Buy: How to Pick the Best Sneakers for Men - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Before You Buy: How to Pick the Best Sneakers for Men - Duration: 2:34.


February 2nd Morning Rush: Vigil planned for 13-year-old found dead near Nambe - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> February 2nd Morning Rush: Vigil planned for 13-year-old found dead near Nambe - Duration: 7:07.


Tucker Carlson Targets MSNBC's Joy Reid For Downplaying MS-13 Threat(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 8:31.

Tucker Carlson Targets MSNBC's Joy Reid For Downplaying MS-13 Threat

well good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight President Trump gave his

first State of the Union address the first official one anyway last night you

probably saw it the striking thing about this speech was how normal it seemed how

ordinary it was president stuck to the script pretty much to the letter the

result was squarely in the center of American public opinion

you heard broad appeals to national unity calls for strong borders a robust

military you heard warm words for the country's bedrock institutions from the

family to our democratic process outside the faculty lounge most Americans liked

these things they agree with them Donald Trump remains controversial as a person

but the bulk of his positions are not controversial not very check the polling

on that and that may be the key thing to know about our current politics it's

mostly personal if you read a Trump speech and a British accent pretty much

everybody would applaud not everybody but most

people well maybe unfortunately for all of us last night State of the Union was

not delivered in a British British accent Democrats did not applaud in the

modern democratic party everything Donald Trump says is hate speech even

the things the left once agreed with yes Trump has changed the Republican Party a

lot has been written about that but not nearly as much as his administration has

changed Democrats if you just returned from a year abroad prepare yourself you

will not recognize the new democratic party last night Democratic members

refused to stand or clap when Trump raised the national anthem when he

praised military veterans when he pointed out new low black unemployment

numbers some refused to stand for Steve Scalise Louisiana congressman who was

nearly murdered last year by a Bernie Sanders supporter so what is going on

here well obviously they're giving Trump the finger bad manners are now a form of

resistance but what if it's more than that what if Democrats actually don't

like those things anymore what if praising our veterans or a flag

really does enrage the modern left want to tweet during the speech MSNBC host

Joey Reid put it this way quote church family police military the national

anthem Trump trying to call on all the of 1950s era nationalism the goal of

this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of

the bygone era now think about that for a minute

church family police military and love of country are now merely quote tropes

from a bygone era most Americans consider those things the pillars of our

civilization and if you don't agree with that imagine a society without those

things what would it look like how long could it last would you want to live

there joy Reid would so would many of her co-anchors over at MSNBC and our

Harvard classmates and apparently most of the Democratic caucus on Capitol Hill

Church family police military those words disgust them this isn't a

political resistance it's not about Donald Trump

it's nihilism the mindless impulse to tear down which he did not build its

rage at your father translated into political terms a politics that elevates

all that is ugly and decadent and seeks to undermine the decent and the

beautiful and all that came before this isn't a philosophy it's a sickness and

once you catch it you're apt to say things like this it gives a speech

tonight in which he makes it sound like the biggest issue in the United States

the biggest threat is ms-13 a gang no buddy that doesn't watch Fox News has

ever heard of for this president to conflate the dreamers with gang members

he was demonizing our immigrants here and I was offended

so ms-13 is merely something that Fox News created to demonize immigrants

presumably those would be the very same immigrants that gang routinely kills

because they only kill immigrants we don't want to think the left really

believes any of this we're starting to suspect they really do joke entre writes

about media for the hill and he joins us tonight so Joe over on another cable

channel one of the contributors said that she was in effect triggered by the

word family in the speech that was offensive maybe it was a dog whistle or

a code word for something else what did you that that to me kind of crystallized

the response what was your view of it the view overall was who you gonna

believe are you gonna believe polls that were taken by people from people from

across the country by CBS and CNN I get their flash polls you can only hold them

and so much weight and maybe a couple more Republicans watched last night that

answer to this poll that I don't think it's skewed that much so you either

believe then or you believe pundits that primarily do their pontificating from

studios in New York and Washington and almost never venture out and all I could

think of was 2016 in the election and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in Michigan

and the fact that no one got anything close to getting those states right in

terms of that blue wall coming down because no one can gauged through pulse

of the country so we see the analysis today Tucker and last night and then we

compare it to polls that have just astounding numbers as CNN saw its

respondents say the speech was very or somewhat positive it goes higher in CBS

it goes to 75% but here are two key stats 8 and 10 in the CBS poll who

watched felt that the president was trying to unite the country rather than

divide it yet all we heard from pundits was that this was a gloomy and divisive

speech and finally out of the CBS poll put the partisans aside those who

identify as independence 73% saw this speech as positive but if you never

heard about these polls and you watched the coverage today you would think that

this was one of the worst most divisive most darkest speeches most darkest as a

double- darkest speeches that we have ever seen from a president it's almost

as if there's a disconnect between the public and the people are supposed to be

gathering its news and presenting reality to them well yes I mean look at

joy Reid and her saying that ms-13 is a Fox story I think she got her ethnic

stump it's an FBI story as in there on the FBI list it's not like this is just

a gang that you could put together a football team with there are 70,000

members in ms-13 in Long Island not too far from me here in Jersey they

committed twenty five murders according to local authorities since 2016 that's a

big deal when you wonder I mean if you dig down a little bit how many of those

murders were people in your neighborhood or mine let's see zero how many were of

fellow Salvadoran Guatemala and Honduras immigrants a hundred percent of them so

how was it anti-immigrant to oppose a gang that kills immigrants well it kind

of contradicts what the president said the week before which was he extended

is docket proposal to 1.8 million people I mean that that is far more than the

800,000 that we have been hearing so how can he propose something like that and

be anti-immigrant at the same time it's a walking contradiction Tucker so you've

got a wonder I mean is there anyone who's in the at these networks who's

thinking through what life after Trump might look like I mean if you a lien ate

half the country or devalue your credibility with all the country because

they have what happens when he's gone oh boy it's going to be a complete disaster

I would say I mean the only reason why ratings are a little bit higher and

being propelled is because of Donald Trump and obviously the vitriol towards

him and I think what's happening now and I honestly believe this that you have a

lot of pundits particularly Republican pundits that are anti Trump that are

telling their audiences on those networks what they want to hear in

essence comfort food because on their phones afterwards they're checking

Twitter and if they are even remotely contradictory in terms of not being anti

Trump and we still saw this last year with Van Jones after the president's

address to the joint session of Congress he had praised the president said he

looked presidential and he got bullied and destroyed on social media to the

point where he had to go back on the air and say wait a minute let me clarify

what I really said so I think now at this point you have anchors and pundits

that are very very afraid that their audiences will turn on them unless they

say exactly what they want to hear and it's Trump derangement syndrome as well

which you know obviously if you suffer for that for more than four hours go to

a safe space immediately yeah it's an airless room and Twitter makes it worse

so thank you for that thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Targets MSNBC's Joy Reid For Downplaying MS-13 Threat(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 8:31.


Did Michigan State Become A Hotbed For Pedophilia? - Duration: 7:56.

Larry Nassar was sentenced to 175 years in prison for sexually abusing underage girls

for decades, but now the parents of those victims are joining civil lawsuits against

the organizations that kept Larry employed throughout that entire period.

Joining me to talk about this is attorney Matt Schultz.

Matt, start by telling us, exactly who is Larry Nassar and what are the charges against


Then we want to talk about how did it get so crazy.


Well, to know Larry Nassar, you have to understand the USA Gymnastics Association, which is a

private organization that essentially selects, looks for, and trains up talent in the gymnastics

world for the US Olympic team.

Mr. Nassar, Dr. Nassar eventually, came to the US Gymnastics Association in the mid '80's

as a trainer, and eventually went to medical school and became a team doctor, if you will.

As it turns out, over the past 20, 25 years, there have been a series of sexual assaults

on young girls, and thankfully it's all come to light here recently.

He has been charged criminally.

He was charged by the federal government with child pornography in a separate issue, and

then eventually charged with destroying child pornography off of his computer, but he was

charged in state court with initially three sexual assaults on these young girls, and

then additional charges were filed.

And as you mentioned, Mike, he was recently sentenced to 175 years in prison for that.

We're now seeing a movement toward the civil lawsuits beyond the criminal charges.

Matt, you've tried cases all over the country.

You've been involved in some of the most complex cases in America.

And every time you go to trial, every time you engage in discovery, you usually see a

trend where we start early on in the case, you start hearing things.

Somebody says this about a product.

Somebody says this, a scientist or a doctor, and all of a sudden you keep hearing it again

and again, and typically what we see is corporations ignore the things that they think might interfere

with their profit margin.

Tell me what your take is on this in that regard.

Were there no signs that for more than 20 years he sexually abused women through his

work at Michigan State University and the USA Gymnastics?

These organizations had to have some warning signs, didn't they?

I think clearly they did.

We know there were complaints going back at least to the year 2000 with Michigan State.

There was a retrospective investigation done where they actually found cause.

In other words, found that he had molested one of these young girls back in that time


You know Mike, I looked up the budget of the USA Gymnastics organization.

We're talking about an organization that has somewhere around 28 million dollars in assets

on an annual basis.

This is not a small mom-and-pop operation.

They have a vested interest.

The university had a vested interest in seeing that this didn't come to light.

Now, I have not seen the evidence.

We will certainly have a lot more come to light between the attorney general special

prosecutor investigation, and of course, civil lawsuits, which are the greatest engine ever

invented for discovering corporate malfeasance like this.

So I predict that by the time we get into discovery on these cases, you will see that

there was a lot of knowledge from the top down.

Matt, we've seen this same scenario play itself out with the Catholic Church where, gee it's

like the three monkeys.

See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.

We don't know what's going on.

I'm sorry.

We saw it with Penn State.

We see it again and again, this same scenario where somebody intentionally makes the decision

that profits are more important than the lives of those children that are being affected.

Now, is this civil suit, as you point out, civil suits are being filed against both the

USA Gymnastics and the university.

What do you think are the chances of these suits being successful?

What do you anticipate in understanding how a lawsuit evolves?

How do you typically see these things evolving to where we get one little bit of information

and that leads to the next, and then somebody blows a whistle.

What is your take on how you think this thing will evolve, based on the facts that you've

seen so far?

Well, we have seen that, Mike, you and I both in our work, whether it's tobacco companies,

pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto, who you were just speaking of.

You get in early into the investigation.

You have bits and pieces of information.

Once you can actually put somebody in the hot seat, get documents, start asking hard

questions of people when they're under oath and have nowhere to run.

Then you eventually get to the truth.

You mentioned the Sandusky affair at Penn State.

I think that's a good example.

You know, Louis Freeh, the former FBI head, did an investigation and revealed that Paterno

had knowledge, the university president, university vice president, the athletic director all

were implicated in that affair.

And you're going to see a similar investigation here, both from the attorney general and through

the civil lawsuits.

And I do believe we will, just given our experience in years of doing this, that we're going to

see you can't have this level of, frankly, depravity.

This consistent course of malfeasance, misconduct, without anyone knowing about it.

And we already know there are complaints lodged that the university and USA Gymnastics apparently

swept under the rug.

And of course, this story seems to fit into the same pattern of schools and other sports

organizations that are making money.

Understand, the university made a lot of money.

They look at the, what is the totality of the money coming in to the university.

That is going to trump every time.

It's going to trump the best interests of athletes, if they're affected, or students,

if they're at risk.

Always the pattern has been, we're always gonna opt for the side of our bottom line.

This really is a bottom line analysis, isn't it?

Don't you think by the time this is over, we're gonna see that this is all about dollars

and cents again?

It's not about children's welfare.

It's about dollars and cents.

What's your take?

I think that's right.

I think that's where this will end up, and that's why we have punitive damages under

our laws.

At least, most states do.

Punitive damages are to punish specifically corporations, whether it's universities or

again, pharmaceutical companies, tobacco companies or what have you, that put profits over safety

or, in this instance, over the emotional and physical welfare of the people in whose care

these organizations were vested.

And so I predict that by the time discovery is over and the full truth has come out, if

the universities and USA Gymnastics don't successfully settle these cases, that we will

see punitive damages on the table because I predict there will be that level of misconduct.

I agree.

One other prediction I have is that the NCAA as this goes forward will not do much to really


NCAA is such a money machine.

They are an absolute cash cow, and they're gonna do everything they can do to make sure

that this is minimized as far as the impact.

Matt Schultz, thank you for joining me.

I want to stay with you as these cases develop.

Thank you for being here.


Great to be here, Mike.

For more infomation >> Did Michigan State Become A Hotbed For Pedophilia? - Duration: 7:56.


Wanup tutorial: check-in for indirect bookings – tips to explain the club - Duration: 0:51.

if your guests haven't signed up to one up yet explain the benefits try like

this not signed up to one up yet why not book through a third party you

still receive point seven five percent of your booking back in travel cash and

a 10 euro welcome voucher and there's more one up is the loyalty Club that

brings together independent hotels and quality chains

it's a loyalty Club for a new generation of travelers with immediate benefits at

hundreds of diverse properties join for free and get up to six percent back in

travel cash with each booking and unique benefits like room upgrades free

breakfast and much more just fill in the short form and the rewards will start

from your next trip so your guests happiness becomes your happiness we'll

see you at the pool save us a towel

For more infomation >> Wanup tutorial: check-in for indirect bookings – tips to explain the club - Duration: 0:51.


Wireless PA System for Schools - Duration: 3:13.

I hope it is safe to say that since you're watching this video about a

wireless PA speaker system for schools you have a communication problem at your

school? Well if that's the case you're at the right place because if you cannot

make an announcement to an individual classroom or make a live broadcast to

the whole school or you don't have a reliable bell schedule to start

classes and end classes. Our wireless speaker system solves those types of

problems for schools and it operates on the school's Wi-Fi large cost savings

because you're using an existing asset at the school. The Wi-Fi network. The

Wi-Fi speakers are equipped with a Wi-Fi network card that enables them to

connect to your Wi-Fi. Just like any other device or computer. We are

frequently asked can we place the speakers anywhere in our facility. The

answer is yes and frankly this is the strongest advantage for wireless

speakers in a school setting. Where you have a strong Wi-Fi signal strength you

can place the speaker. If your Wi-Fi network provides excellent coverage you

will find that placing your speakers in optimal places is quite easy. You will

need to provide standard 110 volt power to the speaker but that's your only

consideration. Place them where it makes sense.

The speakers come with a mounting bracket. The mounting bracket allows you

to mount the speaker at different angles and you also can mount them horizontal

or vertical. The process to purchase and install Wi-Fi speaker system is quite

simple. The first step is to determine how many speakers you need. You can

consider one standard speaker for the standard classroom and high-powered

speakers can be used in hallways or larger rooms once you determine how many

speakers you need. How many classrooms and how many large areas you want to

cover. Just click on the quick quote button to receive our school pricing use

the quote for an upcoming budget or to resolve

your problem today. The software's web-based and a complete guide is

provided to you so you can walk through each step of the setup. We also produce

an instructional video which mirrors the guide and of course we're there to help

you with technical support. However, the first step is to provide you with a

quote so you can see how affordable advance technology is.

For more infomation >> Wireless PA System for Schools - Duration: 3:13.


Benefits Of Jeera Powder With Milk For Mens 👌❤✅ - Duration: 5:12.

Benefits Of Jeera Powder With Milk For Mens 👌❤✅

For more infomation >> Benefits Of Jeera Powder With Milk For Mens 👌❤✅ - Duration: 5:12.


What is the Wanup Happiness Generator programme for partner hotels? - Duration: 1:15.

Members aren't the only ones to get rewards through Wanup.

Happiness Generator is an incentive programme,

that gives front desk staff and directors travel cash on each member they sign up.

Which adds up to free hotel stays across the world.

As a receptionist, you get 0.50€ travel cash for each new member you sign up,

once their email is validated.

Plus, you earn an extra 0.50€ when they book direct for the first time.

So, signing up just two guests a day, earns you an extra 30€ a month.

And who knows how many guests you'll recruit?

Directors, you get an additional 20% of the total travel cash your team generates.

And you can sign up guests yourself.

Some directors have earned 500€ in just three months.

More members signed up means more direct bookings for your hotel,

increased revenue

and reduced third-party costs.

Also, you all earn bonus travel cash when you hit certain milestones.

On average, our receptionists and directors earn a combined total

of more than 25,000€ a month in travel cash.

Just imagine how much you could earn. And where it could take you.

For more infomation >> What is the Wanup Happiness Generator programme for partner hotels? - Duration: 1:15.


Customers Frustrated As Bankrupt Zoots Opens For Clothing Pickup - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Customers Frustrated As Bankrupt Zoots Opens For Clothing Pickup - Duration: 1:11.


Wanup tutorial: check-in for direct bookings – explaining the benefits - Duration: 0:49.

if your guests haven't signed up to one up yet explain the benefits

try like this not sign up to one up yet don't miss out just for booking with us

directly you can get perks from the moment you set foot in the hotel one up

is the loyalty Club that brings together independent hotels and quality chains

it's a loyalty Club for a new generation of travelers with immediate benefits at

hundreds of diverse properties join for free and get up to six percent back in

travel cash with each booking a welcome voucher and unique benefits like free

late check-out and discounts on food and beverages just fill in the short form

and your rewards start straight away it all helps transform your guests

happiness into your happiness we'll see you on the beach save us a sunbed

For more infomation >> Wanup tutorial: check-in for direct bookings – explaining the benefits - Duration: 0:49.


Extra police patrols planned for Super Bowl Sunday - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Extra police patrols planned for Super Bowl Sunday - Duration: 1:00.


Electronic Patient Record (EPR) – Brief information for the general public - Duration: 1:28.

The electronic patient record

EPR for short,

is about to be introduced in Switzerland.

This record will contain the most important documents relating to your health.

For example,

an X-ray,

your vaccination card,

a prescription for the pharmacy

or the hospital discharge report.

With the EPR,

you will have your health information to hand

at all times

on all devices:

whether you are at home,


or abroad.

You alone decide who may read your documents.

Your GP.

Your physiotherapist.

Or you can also allow a trusted third party to manage your EPR.

The security of your documents is paramount.

The Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record

prescribes how the EPR

must be organised and technically secured.

Every access is automatically recorded

and can be retraced.

In simple terms:

With the EPR,

you have your health information

in the right place

at the right time.

The EPR will be available in every region of Switzerland

by spring 2020.

Keep your finger on the pulse

You can find more information at

For more infomation >> Electronic Patient Record (EPR) – Brief information for the general public - Duration: 1:28.


Music for Robin Storys - Duration: 1:14.

To all musicians and composers:

while Toby and Kevin are finishing our feature film "Robin"

i am editing the "behind the scene - Storys" which is a lot

soon we'll start publishing clips every week

but without music there's something missing.

so here's the idea:

If you have a band, create your own electro beats oder are a composer anyway

sent us some tracks so we can put them under our Robin-Storys

and everytime your music is played, we show your name and contact information if you want to

perhabs people take notice, enjoy and follow your music or even ask for help with their own projects.

Just sent an email with the track and your information

so you become part of our project and we have some nice music

like a win win situation

and if you know people who could be interested just link them in the comments

see you!

it's just a fridge...

For more infomation >> Music for Robin Storys - Duration: 1:14.


Daniel Biss, Illinois Democratic candidate for governor | - Duration: 1:43.

with my wife Karen our two children Eliot and Theodore before that I was in

the House. I worked as a community organizer trying to help elect

progressive candidates and to fight against the Iraq war and before that I

taught math at the University of Chicago for six years. We have a state government

right now that is not working for most people and we have a society where the

very wealthy and the connected pretty much got whatever they want and the rest

of us have a harder and harder time to get by so the question is are we going

to put state government on the side of ordinary people again. We need to fix our

tax system. Our tax system in Illinois is punishingly unfair to middle-class

families like mine and to the working poor. It allows the wealthiest

residents to get off without paying their share and therefore we can't fund

our schools properly. It's time for us to build a fair tax system by enacting a

progressive income tax, taxing financial transactions at the Board of

Trade, using the funds to bring down property taxes and fund our schools

properly and provide universal access to health care. If we do these things our

state government will actually be creating a situation where ordinary

working families have a shot again. We need in Illinois to repeal the unfair

flat tax provision of the Constitution which has made it impossible for

ordinary families to both have an education that's excellent and a tax

bill they can afford. That's a system that got designed in Illinois by

self-interested people by people who knew that a state that worked for just

them would be a state where their children would have a great education

and the rest of ours wouldn't. It's time to repeal that and build a state that

works for the rest of us

For more infomation >> Daniel Biss, Illinois Democratic candidate for governor | - Duration: 1:43.


SAILOR MOON - Search for your love - COVER (JAPANESE) - NAGARABOSHI HE - Duration: 7:06.

Hello! Welcome back.

If you all have read the title

then you understand that I will deliver another cover for you.

All of you who grew up with the Sailor Moon series when you were kid

You will probably recognize this track.

As in most animated series, the music is originally written in the Japanese language

I had my thoughts on first recording this song in English


I like to challenge myself

and I therefore choosed to record this track in Japanese.

If possible, someone with extensive experience in the Japanese language

would listen to this cover.

I want you to be aware of this I will say.

And I may mention that I do not speak fluent Japanese.

I am fully aware that my statement is not correct

The only basic knowledge of Japanese that I have

Is through a basic course from high school

I also watch a lot on animated series

Anyway, I went the second year of high school when I read Japanese instead of...

Basic French or more extra lessons in English.

I have always been fascinated by Japanese as a language

It is a very powerful language

And a very nice language!

I would love to learn to speak fluent Japanese!

My God what an unnecessarily long explanation

But anyways

I just wanted to explain that my pronunciation in the Japanese language is not quite correct.

Note that

I'm not an expert in the Japanese language

and I do not speak Japanese in my everyday life.

I just felt that it is probably good if I tell you this information.

If somone would come and point out about my enunciation.

Well, now there is no need for that!

But, after listening to the result on my cover

and compared it with the original.

It sounds...

It sounds really great!

Note that I'm self-taught and listened to the original to get an idea of ​​how the pronunciation sounds.

Also, Japanese as a language is beyond my natural way of speaking

But it's probably just a matter of pure habit.

The more I practice the better I will be.

I will link the original song in the description

For those who want to listen to the original track and yeah...

What do I know.

Perhaps you want to compare the original with my cover?

I find it entertaining to compare your own covers

with the original track from whatever band who made it.

But maybe that's only me

By doing this, I develop and also get better in my singing.


I'll leave you here now

I hope you will enjoy my cover of Nagaraboshi He (Search for your love).

For more infomation >> SAILOR MOON - Search for your love - COVER (JAPANESE) - NAGARABOSHI HE - Duration: 7:06.






Inside KSC! for Feb. 2, 2018 - Duration: 1:41.

Hi, I'm NASA Kennedy's Jeremy Parr and I'm taking you Inside KSC!

NASA's Recovery Team based at Kennedy just wrapped up a week at sea.

During Underway Recovery Test 6, NASA and the U.S. Navy worked aboard the USS Anchorage

in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast.

The goal: to test and refine the procedures and equipment crews will need to recover the

Orion spacecraft and astronauts onboard when they splash down at the end of future missions.

The combined team spent several days working in a variety of sea and daylight conditions.

The Orion spacecraft will launch on NASA's Space Launch System rocket on its first uncrewed

integrated flight, Exploration Mission-1.

The Space Race began with the liftoff of a Jupiter C rocket carrying America's first

satellite - Explorer 1.

The year was 1958, and the U.S. was locked in a Cold War competition with the Soviet


This week, NASA and other officials gathered at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Launch

Complex 26 to mark the 60th anniversary of the flight, which not only set our nation

on a path to the stars - but also returned valuable science with the discovery of radiation

belts encircling the Earth.

The belts were later named for Dr. James Van Allen of the University of Iowa, who served

as principal investigator.

And remembe, SpacePort Magazine digs deeper Inside KSC!

For more infomation >> Inside KSC! for Feb. 2, 2018 - Duration: 1:41.


Best Cell PHONE HOLDER Mount for Car Dashboard Air Vent - Duration: 3:28.

Phone mount for car.

In this video I will be unboxing and testing this universal cell phone holder for car.

It can be used with all kinds of mobile devices including smartphones like iPhone, Samsung, etc. and also gps receivers.

The surface of this car phone mount is covered with foam in order to protect the mobile device from damaging.

The phone bracket can be opened by pressing a button on the side of the smartphone holder.

You can close it by sqeezing the sides of the bracket.

It holds the cell phone in firm grip so that it doesn't fall out.

These clips are used to attach the phone holder to the air vent of your car's dashboard.

It has also a supporting stand which holds the car mount stable to the dash.

If you enjoyed this video please like and share it, and also subscribe for the channel for more.

For more infomation >> Best Cell PHONE HOLDER Mount for Car Dashboard Air Vent - Duration: 3:28.


How to Reduce Stress - Healthy Habits for a Simpler Life you can do Everyday - Duration: 5:56.

Reducing stress does not have to be hard and everything I want to share today are

practices that are really easy to incorporate into everyday life!

Reducing stress while keeping it simple Let's dive in!

The past seven years I've dealt with the after-effects of severe stress and

exhaustion and it's not always fun but it's given me years of experience in

dealing with stress, pressure and priorities so I hope you find some of this helpful

The first thing we're going to do is to schedule our week with a bit

of flexibility. I usually sit down on Sundays and i roughly plan out my week

and I usually plot in times for a breaks so I know that I have time to

breathe mentally

One thing I don't particularly like is that I get tired in my head faster than

regular people so I usually schedule one hour of doing

nothing everyday before I pick up Max from daycare and this is just to make

sure that I have time to regain my energy before I go get him. As a family

we make sure not to over schedule our free time and weekends we want time to

just do whatever and be spontaneous

Number two is to go for walks! Get out and get some fresh air and move that

body around. I actually find that when I walk I talk out loud to myself but if

I'm stuck mentally or practically in some kind of problem then it actually

helps me to just walk around and talk it out with myself

I find that when I walk around and talk like this it gives me a new perspective and when I get back I

feel a lot better and I might even have solved the problem completely

So it might seem weird, but try it! Talk to yourself when you go on walks

Number three is to get things out on paper if your head is cluttered it helps a lot to

just get it out of here and down on paper. If your head is filled with

practical things then make a to-do list get it out of there and make space

mentally and then just get the things done if it's more emotional thoughts

that's cluttering up your mind, then journal! I'm a big journaler...

I'm not even sure that's a word... I think it's a word? But I write down all my emotions my

frustrations I just get it all out of there and I feel so much better

afterwards this is something that has really worked for me and it might work

for you too. There's something therapeutic about getting things out of your head

down on paper

Shift your focus - what you focus on grows and I usually do this by practicing gratitude

A few years back I used the five-minute journal it's a book that

gives you directions to just like write down three things I think every day that

you're grateful for and a few action points in there so I'll leave the link

to that book down below but the past few years I've personally just gotten in the

habit of saying out loud three things I'm grateful for usually right before we

go to bed we'll usually do this together Morten and I when we're going to bed so

randomly I'll just call out: "give me three things", and then he knows that it's

three things that he's grateful for or three things that have been good during

the day and we really love doing this together because it kind of puts us in a

positive mindset right before we go to bed so we find that that works out

really well. We don't do it every night but at least a few times a week another

way of shifting your focus can be to choose to experiment when you're doing

your things I've mentioned this before in a previous video and I find that when

I apply the mindset of experimenting it frees up a lot of the pressure because

experiments they can have different outcomes it can be A or B, but they

don't fail so I can't fail and that just relieves a lot of pressure and it makes

it easier for me to try something new so consider applying this mentality of

experimenting and see if it works out for you

Number five is meditate. Now I'm no pro at meditating but I've been practicing

mindfulness on and off for the past years and there's no doubt in my mind

that it works I prefer the meditations that helps me let go of thoughts and

feelings and just refocusing back on the breath

And the body scan meditation switch helps me relax my body and just turn my

head off for a bit I found a few short ones that I like and I'll leave the link

to them in the description down below if you're interested. Another way that can

really help reduce stress is to limit your input streams. The more information

I fill my head with, the more I have to process. I tend to stay off the news and

social media as much as possible and try to limit my use of social media to

mainly Instagram and then I have the facebook Messenger app primarily just

because it's super practical that people can reach me and I can reach other

people whose phone number I don't have other than that I really try to stay off

social media completely I'm not saying be uninformed I'm just

saying be conscious of how much you ask your head to process of new information

every day primetime news and random social media is just more data for my

brain to process and it makes my stress level go up

find a good in-depth news program that you can watch or a documentary or maybe

listen to an audiobook these are all things that will inform you on things but it's a

lot more conscious choice and you get to weed out all the clutter

Number seven is so simple and probably the practice that I use the most it's deep breaths

Deep breaths calms my body and refocuses my mind

When I take just a few seconds to reconnect it releases a lot of the

stress in my body and in my mind and it's so simple I hope you found some of

these practices helpful if you have more to add then please leave them down in

the comments so we can all benefit from them I also just want to say that if you

watch my videos on a regular basis and haven't said hi yet please do so down

in the comments I love getting to know you guys and hearing your stories as

well so please do that if you feel like it and I'll see you guys next week have

a great weekend! Bye!

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