hi YouTube hi Internet good morning good evening good afternoon good night okay
we're making a gray heart and I'm using ice yarn and it's appropriate for
monetization for YouTube monetization because they had some announcements that
they're making it harder to get views now because they just want people who
are appropriate and so I'm trying to be appropriate for monetization because I
don't know it's like they I guess there's some advertisers who I have
issues in the monetization monetization program so I'm using this size crochet
hook this is the yarn I'm using so let's get started I'm going to this is
appropriate for monetization on YouTube so I'm working a magic loop here like
this and I'm going to work okay I think I want to make I'm working a chain one
and I'm going to work one two three double crochet I got three double
crochet and then a chain one and then I'm gonna do one two three double
crochet and then a chain one please remember to subscribe and smash and hit
the thumbs up button share this video with your friends guys thank you so much
okay I'm gonna do three more double crochet we're looping our hook through
and I'm looping and working and this is appropriate for monetization on YouTube
guys so okay so I've got one more set of three double crochet that I'm working
here one two three and then I'm gonna do a and if you like children's books I'm
gonna recommend my sister Tamara we'll listen sure she does gone camping
and what's the other one gone fishing she has some books so so okay but I
wanted to give her a shout out for books okay so here we're working a grey
heart so if you guys please subscribe and so who who else do we want to say hi
to we want to say hi to Oprah Oprah Winfrey and the YouTube creators Tom oh
my gosh Todd from the YouTube creators he is so funny I think his name is Tom I
hope I got that right but I'm working I'm going to work a single crochet right
in here like this but I still like vlogging I have my other vlogging
channel okay so you see we got a square here we got a little square right there
do you see that okay I'm going to work a chain one and then a single crochet and
then I want to work in the center chain I'm going to work
let's see look let's do triple crochet let's do triple crochet let's do one two
and a triple crochet is where you loop the yarn over your hook two times like
that loop your hook through the single crochet pull it through loop over pull
through two loops over pull through two just like that so I've got three triple
crochet four this is number five this is number six okay that's probably good
let's do seven let's do seven like that so this is gonna be a huge oversized
heart hey guys hello what is the name of the other channel it's well it's called
Teresa Richardson you guys it's gonna look like me it's Teresa Richardson and
I have all kind of a polka dot Eli sort of blouse and then I have indigo seven
seven seven two as well but the other channel it's just true type Teresa
Richardson into the channel search and that it's going to be a picture of me
that comes up now I'm working a slip stitch and that's where I blog
doing vlogging on it and when I'm done with the heart you see we've already got
one side done it looks like a giant ear there now let me do the other one I'm
gonna do seven and I'm working right in the center here I working seven double
crochet one it looks like a big Mouse sort of two three triple crochet four
five this is a quick and easy six and seven okay and now I'm going to skip
this stitch and work a slip stitch in here just like that now you can end here
if you want to guys check that out look how easy and quick that was oh let's do
this side oh look at that look how quick and easy this little heart is oh I got a
heart on my face I got a heart on my face you see that look at that isn't
that fun how quick and easy maybe I should do another one tomorrow -
wouldn't that be fun - make another heart a different color this one is gray
yeah this one is gray and and so now if you want to should we add some little
fun looky-loos to it some chains and loop-d-loop
let's add some chains and loop de luz on it how long have we been going here five
six minutes and so yes this is an appropriate this is appropriate for
advertisers so I'm going to work a chain of three and then a slip stitch in the
next stitch that's what I'm going to do the whole way around I want to make it
kind of frilly looking I didn't like where it went in right there so I'm
going to work it in here and work a chain of three and then a slip stitch a
chain of three and then a slip stitch I'm working one two three and then a
slip stitch like this you guys you guys will love this this is
quick and easy one and it's appropriate for monetization too for the YouTube
Partner Program okay let's look at okay oh yes that's oh gosh I like that yeah
so this one's a little frilly you could leave it plain if you want to I just
wanted to add a little edging on it make it a little edgy a little edgy edging so
that's what I'm adding on here a little edgy edging we're working chains of
three one two three and so yes we've got a little edging going on here oh my
goodness this is just like oh look at that you see that yeah it's sort of like
it gave the heart a beard it's like a beard heart okay so one two three and
then a slip stitch one two three and then a slip stitch one two three and
then a slip stitch one two three and then a slip stitch 1 2 3 and a slip
stitch 1 2 3 and a slip stitch 1 2 3 and a slip stitch and then ok see oh my gosh
oh I like that it's freely nice and freely okay and so
I'm gonna work a chain 1 oh my coffee pot is quietiy that is toning down there
so okay I worked a chain one and I'm working a slip stitch in the center
there and then a chain one and then a slip stitch up here so I want to keep my
little Valley right here you see my little Valley right there like that okay
now I'm going to work one two three and then a slip stitch here like this and
then one two three a slip stitch let right here one two three and then a slip
stitch right here like this one two three and please remember to
subscribe and smash and hit the thumbs up one two three and then a slip stitch
okay like that and so I think I'm oh my gosh look at that oh we made the part
bigger look at that isn't that cool and so if you wanted to get some cupcakes or
something and do a little note you could write a little note in the middle of the
of the heart and you could sew or I do a little hole punch or something and
attach the whole punch paper with a little note to your little special
friend did you can make quick and easy look how fast I did that less than ten
minutes this is a less than ten minutes actually it was done in six less than
six minutes initially wasn't it you guys see that that's pretty cool isn't it
okay quick and easy quick and easy you can sew it onto a shirt right there like
that well wait a minute let me set it there if you wanted to make it put it on
your shirt if you wanted to put it in one of those
hair things you could have a heart in your hair you guys know what I'm talking
about those little hair clip II dealies okay so let's recap this is the heart we
made the gray heart I made at the beginning of this livestream this turned
out like a little bit nicer than I thought it was going to it would be sort
of cool I think it would be cool to take and put in a ribbon like a pink ribbon
or a pink chain crochet and wrap it through the heart I think that would be
sort of cool to that little guy there on my lamp he still looks like it looks
like a little troll or something or I don't know an Indian troll ish creature
of some sort but okay I think that's it for right now so I want to thank you
guys so much please leave your questions comments ideas suggestions in the
comment section below smash and hit the thumbs up button share this video with
your friends subscribe leave comment suggestions ideas hopefully it'll warm
up soon we'll be back outside again but it's forbidden this has been a
incredibly cold winter but thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see
you soon peace love and avocado spud has this memorized his ears are perked up so
I love you guys and I'll see you soon
maybe we'll do another one too that would be kind of fun to do another live
stream today
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