yo yo yo CPA strength here back again with another video for the morning this
is gonna be your your idea ain't nothin unless you actually do something about
it now yeah you got to act on your idea I feel like Shia LaBeouf right just do
mood yeah cuz he was an actor and stuff so he just did it you know so many
people are just going around floating through life I did it for so many years
never you know having an idea how many times have you heard oh I had that idea
yeah we didn't do anything you got it you gotta have action you
gotta have action with your idea okay you gotta have actually look soju say
now you gotta have action on your idea
so I'm gonna tell you my ideas that I act on okay I wanted to be I wanted to
be a professional sports player never really went all the way in on that never
Amit made it to college athlete was it a total waste no because I can see how and
I used to practice really hard like on the tee and stuff I got better so I
could see how hard work overtime pays off so I don't think I was a waste you
know did I fail yeah I failed but okay so at least I tried I didn't really
fully commit but you know what I'm saying at least I got on the field a
little bit the next thing was a I was being a rapper I told everybody I knew I
wanted to be a rapper and you know I was just a colossal filler I was not good
I could not ride the beat at all but I had a lot of fun you know I'm asked a
lot of I'm asked equipment saved up so I can't I don't have money for equipment
yeah was gonna save up you know took me I think a year or a couple years
to get everything I didn't get everything I want all the equipment at
once but yeah it was not a good rapper and I never made a dollar off and all I
did was spend money spend money I wasn't even smart enough back then to
make it as a hobby I'm a tax return but I wasn't really making anything more
taxes who cares anyways yeah I failed at that too but like I get an idea in my
head and I want to do it was it a total failure I don't know because look I
never really stopped doing anything I think I'm gonna come around I'm gonna
drop a ha ha drop a hot Jim but it taught me that you know I kind of have a
knack for getting the equipment together I guess being a sound engineer or a
producer I really I think I have an ear for like who's good and stuff so but in
my in my future I definitely wanna have like a recording studio maybe be an
engineer and and sell recording time or just do a recording time with my friends
again and so I jumped on an idea I went for it I mean it was a total failure I'm
sure I'm sure there's a ton of people well no I mean I'm sure there's some
people going head dumb ass you know it's not I could be a rapper he he showed him
he sucked you know but it's like yeah ok they can say all that
I mean I I hope there's some people that how I feel about it was at least I tried
at least I didn't just watch from the bleachers you know like I thought hey I
love rapping I loved the art for I want to do that and so I tried and it wasn't
for me I mean I but I learned some other stuff that is for me and what I'm saying
is to failures professional professional athlete and rapper both failures
both ideas I had that I wanted to be I don't care it doesn't bother me and
shouldn't bother you to fail because then you've got someone else you know I
would think if I knew somebody said they want to be a rapper and they actually
tried for a little bit and then moved on to something else I wouldn't laugh at
them for trying I think oh that's cool I would maybe get inspired to try my own
thing well after after the rapping I never really said I would you know stop
that but anyways I wanted to be a certified public accountant with my own
business and that's what I wanted and that was a dream I had that was an idea
I had I went for it I didn't let the other maybe our failures maybe help me
because I've went for other stuff before didn't get it
life goes on but at least I tried the difference here is between the other two
times I really believed in myself I started believing myself the other two I
don't know why I would even announce I really wouldn't announce to everyone
in the world that I was a rapper but I don't know why weird announce it to
anybody if I never believed in it myself I don't know if I announced that I would
be a professional sports player that's maybe the problem is I didn't announce
tutor because I didn't believe in myself but I believe that could be a CPA and I
announced it to everybody and that was a big idea a big dream and I went for it I
got it because I'm not afraid to fail and you shouldn't be either another
another and so I got my CPA and then another step was you know opening my own
business now I've been opened that was another idea crazy idea but I did it now
I've been open for two and a half years and I'm turning away clients
this YouTube thing of course this YouTube thing even after all those
failures but then I had a couple wins but I said hey I don't care I want to do
the e time i watch the each of them I wanted to youtube so I tried the YouTube
and now so I've given you two things I've been failures at and I guess two
things three things I've been successful at I am happy that I tried all five
things you know it's a learning experience I'm I'm upset that I didn't
try more stuff or really give it my all but you know it feels so good so
liberating to have an idea and just go for it just go for your dreams you know
just try it just try it one time just try it one time you know there's five
different things that you know people told me oh you can't do that thing no
one was like oh that's a great idea except being a CPA of course that was it
that was the one thing out of the five that was a good idea although when I
said I wanted to quit to do YouTube so I could YouTube and lift more and then
make a and and make a little bit of money yeah everyone thought that was
crazy but that's what I that's what I that's the idea that I had in my head
right and I want to act on my ideas because you asked you definitely you
asked an older person you know they're more they're not sad about what they
tried you make it or you don't and and you can change your ideas and and not
like it but when you look back it's it's what you haven't done
you know knowing and and and there are going to be some people say you say you
start something up but I think it's the fear of failing most other people don't
really want to see you do better so they'll tell you oh yeah it's hard don't
do that you know a lot of people are like oh no he'll leave us or something
contentment life anyways yes sir there gonna be some people that talk mess but
you don't need to worry about those people it's I don't know why I see I
have this analogy in my head that only only one set of exercise will work good
for you yes there's gonna be certain like did there's gonna be certain people
say no um only only the exercise that I do is good and so they'd make fun of
somebody for doing a different exercise you know I wouldn't make fun of anybody
for exercising just the same just the same way as I wouldn't make fun of fun
of anybody for going with their idea you know trying to get a pad and trying to
get their idea selling a couple ideas so um and whatever your idea is just make
it happen just try it so much it's so much fun
just think of mmm think of all the people that watch football on Sundays
like but versus the amount I've actually played it's almost like life like um
most of people that I know that played football in high school or whatever
played football don't really watch it all day long some do but me because
that's they're bitter or something or they have other things to do but you you
you could look at the amount of people that play football versus like
professionals what a thousand maybe versus a
millions and millions and billions of people who watch I probably wouldn't
extrapolate it that much to other life but you know how many people actually
participate in in life and with the internet anybody you know you can do
anything these days you can learn anything do anything there's no excuses
you know there's no excuses in this day and age you know you you can go to the
library and get on the Wi-Fi and make things happen you can do that for free
you can go to a library anywhere in the US so I don't I don't know what anyways
excuses but you you know get off get off the get off the bleachers and go play
that's what I'm saying it's so much more fun you know cuz yeah like I gave you a
a couple big fails in my life and then I've given you some successes and I
don't know I just this fails I just who cares
but the successes are awesome so it's like shooting shooting a three-pointer a
basketball I love shooting three-pointers in basketball and you
know when I'm on a runway and I'm hitting feels good and when I'm missing
I gotta have amnesia but the thing is you're not you're not gonna it doesn't
feel the best when you miss but hey it's it feels so good when you win so step
out of the bleachers and get on the field what's your idea what's your
what's your thing that you think you can't do what's your thing that your
family's gonna say it I don't do you then I don't do that all your friends
yeah don't do that you know I'm just you know you got to live for yourself but
anyways run with your idea cuz your idea is nothing without some action this is
it for today until tomorrow CPA strength I'm out
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