Violence has been a part of the Gender Equality Index since beginning
because gender equality and violence against women are closely related
Unsing data from the European agency for fundamental rights,
the domain of Violence has produced a composite measure of violence
It means that we synthesized the very complex phenomenon into one single measure
Using a scale from 1 to 100
the higher the score the more serious the phenomenon of violence in the country
This composite measure includes three dimensions
First prevalence of sexual and physical violence,
second severity which measures the impact of violence on women's lives
and third disclosure which is the readiness of women to disclose violence,
to talk about their experience of violence
In terms of prevalence, we know that one woman in three in the EU
has experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15
In terms of severity, we see that violence comes with health consequences
for 70% of victims
In terms of disclosure, we have found that almost one victim in two
doesn't disclose their experience to anyone
It means not to the police not to a doctor not to a friend to no one
this is particularly alarming because it shows us that
women may not receive the support that they need
including protection from further violence
It also means that perpetrators
are not held accountable for what they have done
and for the harm that they have inflicted
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